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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trying to relax - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2013, 00:58

Listening to Esmerelda talk about males made Chiara doubt her first feelings of Azul. True, he had shown her kindness when she had received so little in her life, but was that a viable reason to like him? Behind that veil of his warm smile a dark figure could be lurking, waiting to strike. The same could go with any male here, they weren't to be trusted. The fae's words sunk deeper into Chiara, digging their way in and holding on tight, males were not to be trusted. Nodding her head accordingly to what Esmerelda said Chiara's tail swept across her feet again as she changed her position slightly. There was something about the grey female that Chiara trusted and valued, perhaps she saw a flicker of herself in Esmerelder, a Chiara she wished she could be.

Rolling her eyes at Esmerelda's joke Chiara shrugged her dark shoulders. "I don't know, maybe I'm not meant to find anyone. Stay alone you know? Nothing wrong with that." She said before bristling at the sudden contact the fae gave her. Chiara was unprepared for the nudge, but didn't show her surprise. Instead the dark female turned up her own smile and nodded at the female. "Besides what male would want me? I'm not half as pretty as some of the faes around here and that seems to drive males appetite." She said knowing her scars didn't make her as attractive as most females. The deep one across her left eyes especially made her looks sour, as it dug into her eye lid and gave her face a miss matched look.

Esmerelda's smile captivated her, for it was beyond beautiful, yet strange at the same time. It looked so foreign on the female yet so natural at the same time. The next moment it faded and Chiara doubted even seeing it before she spoke again. Beaming with pride and happiness at the warriors words Chiara felt a warm flush flow over her cheeks and her eyes sank with embarrassment. "Thank you, I don't know what to say." Was all she could muster as her eyes drilled into the stone floor below. Chiara then vowed to prove herself to the fae, to remain loyal to her new friend at all costs. Returning her gaze to the caves entrance Chiara grew more impatient to exit the hiding spot. "Do you want to stay here or perhaps is there another area you wish to go?" She asked, curious if the female had other plans or was content staying here.
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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2013, 01:07

Esmeralda did not speak of the emotions, only nodding as if she was only half accepting she had witnessed them. When Chiara spoke of how she felt she wasn't as beautiful as the other faes, Esmeralda audibly scoffed with discontent. "Despite how I see you, I will tell you Chiara; find only a male that will accept you even if you're the ugliest creature to cross their path, only your mind she be important to them. If they cannot accept that, they aren't worth your time of day." Until he comes along, you're welcome to stay with me, Chiara. The tyrant felt like speaking, her eyes avoiding contact in fear the message would be delivered despite her urge to stop the words leaking from her muzzle. Stop this... she tried to warn herself, it was too soon to start gaining loyalties, ...is it?

You don't have to say anything," Esmeralda shifted her muscles and bones, letting their softened cracks be enough satisfaction to release the stress, "just...don't make me regret..." Her tail thrashed, her words slimming to a stop. Chiara's question was a good distraction and she nodded, "We can go elsewhere if you wish, this cave is starting to become..suffocating..."
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2013, 01:26

Chiara smiled as she soaked in Esmerelda's words. "Very true, though finding one that will accept me will be the feat won't it? Until then you're stuck with me friend." She said with a small chuckle in her voice. Growing more comfortable Chiara let some walls down and genuinely smiled at the fae. To show such faith in her Chiara knew she had the makings of a good friend, and that was something she wasn't willing to lose. Still a bit unsure of how to react in this situation Chiara only straightened up further and grinned with her next words. "I don't plan on letting you down, far from that." She said with truth and strength in her voice. Never before had she felt so much desire to please another before, it was strange.

"Sure we could go elsewhere, would you like to hunt?" She questioned feeling the faint pains of hunger grow in her stomach. She never had gotten her meal that morning, but instead a trip to the caretaker den. "I haven't been to the meadow yet, have you?" She then asked curious about the different areas of the pack that she had yet to visit.
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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2013, 15:45

Esmeralda said nothing only listening to Chiara's word, she did not crack a smile at her jokes as it wasn't in her nature. Though her aura remained weaker, to let Chiara be comfortable, it was still fierce and poised. "We can. No I have not." She gave simple answers, eyes scanning the cave. "Chiara, there is something else I have to tell you, before we leave from this seclusion to shift back into our normal selves." Her next words held a sharper snap, eyes turning venomous, "You will not speak of this to anyone, Chiara, not even a slim mention. Do not assume anyone worth recruiting, I will determine their worth, and do not confine anything in them. Around others, remain your usual self and don't show any signs of loyalty to me. We will be acquaintances to those ignorant eyes. But do not fear, I will be around, protecting you in silence. You are not alone." In those moments, Esmeralda resembled the Alphess she felt she was to the core. Similar words were given to another follower, Warrior Ember, but they were not completely matched nor did they loose their importance. In the future, near future, Esmeralda would be Chiara's Alphess. Not her playmate but her leader. She would remain loyal to Chiara but Chiara had to understand the importance of secrecy and following orders.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trying to relax - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2013, 19:37

Chiara only nodded her maw at Esmerelda's answers. Feeling the female was growing bored the warrior stood to make an exit when she spoke up again. Her next words made her freeze and listen intently before her gaze rose to meet Esmerelda's. Facing her now the light hit her so the scar across her eye was in complete view, and she didn't care. Something was growing inside Chiara, something she had never felt before. It felt as if a small flame was leaping at her pelt, biting her to stand a bit taller and hold her head higher. "I understand this, don't fret about me speaking for that has never been a strong suit of mine. You have my unyielding loyalty Esmerelda I don't want to be the sniveling female who hides with this scar anymore." She said and folded her front legs into a small bow before her new leader.

Unsure of how she felt about being "protected" Chiara didn't mention that part of the conversation. In time she would prove herself and grow to not be so afraid all the time. She would make Esmerelda see, she would make everyone see.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2013, 12:42

Coming to a stop at the sight of the falls it gave her an exciting feeling and made her eyes grow brighter. Taking in the smell of the fall's flowing water, she looked to Ember for which was standing beside her. Juno smiled before turning her attention back to the miraculous view of the Rapid Falls. Silently making her way out of the forest with Ember at her side, she walked along the water's edge, grazing the the clear liquid with the sides of her black paws. "This place is beautiful, have you been here before? I could get used to this, going here everyday if I had free time." She averted her emerald gaze to Ember. "I never had a place in my previous pack so pleasant and peaceful like this. It also doesn't help that I never had free time on my paws either." Her paws stepped into the water and soaked her black fur. Juno didn't care because it felt nice, cold but nice.

Juno slacked off a bit behind Ember as she walked along the side. The sun had came out of it's hiding spot and shown its shining rays upon them. Her black coat and eyes glistened elegantly in the light. The dark fae bent her head towards the water and her tongue rolled out of her maw, slowly touching the sensation of fresh water. Lapping up the liquid she pierced her ears against her head. A few seconds after she was done she lifted her head back up to Ember and waited. Her pitch black ears flicked up at the sound of other wolves echoing words that sounded familiar. Her peppered snout pointed in the direction to a small cave behind a waterfall, not far from where they stood and Juno's eyes glanced into Ember's. The dark fae talked into a hushed tone. "Did you hear that?" She shook her head in the direction to follow her and started towards the cave silently.

Avoiding from making any sound she pawed her way to the opening of the small cove and ducked her black skull inside. She couldn't see much but just two blurry figures that seemed to be other wolves from the pack for which had the pack's rich scent drenched in their coats. Juno could hear Ember come up side her but ignored it since she was to invested in the wolves inside. Her vision became more clear and she saw Chiara, a fae she met on the day she was accepted as a warrior in the clearing. She was nodding to a unfamiliar silver-colored she-wolf words like as if it was a secret meeting being held. Juno turned her eyes to Ember, smiling and gave her a look that she was going to say something. "Hi Chiara, nice to see you here." Her voice echoed through the cave, but then grew silent. Woops..
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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2013, 16:20

At Chiara's proclamation, Esmeralda stopped midway at the cave's entrance. Ears fluttered backwards to catch the words before her eyes turned to make contact with Chiara's once more, the serpent let a serious nod be given in approval, "You shouldn't hide form it, for it is your sign of power." The tone's serious aura was only heightened by the sudden chill throughout the cave, as if the nature was quivering in fear from both of them. The bow caught Esmeralda off guard but she accepted it with ease, giving another short nod of respect before turning her direction back to the outside world.

There had been only a moment of silence, hardly a minute, before a new voice struck the ashen ears. She already knew the source for she was nose to nose with the intruder, a midnight fae which reminded her of the tyrant Beta. "Hi Chiara, nice to see you here." A deep rumbling erupted from Esmeralda's throat as she bared her canines slightly in warning. Whoever this intruder was, Esmeralda did not approve of them. However she did not pay head to the greeting to Chiara, acting as if it held no value to her; which is partially didn't. Shoving forward, Esmeralda pushed with the intention of removing the female from her path. Whether the fae's nose remained contacted with her own, until Esmeralda had enough room to step aside, or this wolf got the message to move, was really of little importance to the serpent. In the end, all she wanted was for the nuisance to remove hers presence completely.

Out of the cave, not sparing a glance to see if Chiara followed or remained inside, Esmeralda's demeanor went back to her usual self. Eying the wolf accompanying the sudden intruder, Esmeralda's continued to hold any emotion even if it was Ember, one of her recent recruits. In that moment Esmeralda was, still no emotion plagued her features however, wondering if these two new faes could keep to the oaths they had just given to their new leader. Were they able to keep silent and pretend no important conversation had ever occurred, they they had not signed loyalty to Esmeralda and that loyalty was never returned? Even before one wolf, the test was of dire importance yet Esmeralda's aura portrayed she was supposedly bored and bothered by their presence.
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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2013, 18:05

Ember kept her pace at a graceful walk, not having a single step out of order. Turning her small head, the fae looked to Juno just in time to see her smile. A small grin lit Ember's face for a moment then it was gone. The fae was partially spaced out, her mind wondering so many things at once. Ember's eyes had a haze over them as she thought, telling anyone who spoke to her that she wasn't 'all there'. Even though she was moving an slightly aware, it was like she was sleepwalking. The fae noticed when Juno left her side to walk along moist banks, but Ember moved farther away from them and kept her distance. New thoughts bubbled up in her mind. What would happen if the water just swept everyone away? Widening her hazed eyes, Ember stayed closed to the tree line.

The fae barely noticed when her companion spoke, asking her if she heard the noise. Indeed she had, but a smell of the air told her it wasn't anything dangerous to her. When Juno went towards the small cave behind the waterfall, Ember followed behind. As the sunlight hit her, Ember cringed slightly. The sun gave her pelt an ethereal glow, and it usually got her unwanted attention. Ember's mind snapped to attention when she heard a rumbling come from the cave. It was surely threatening, yet Juno still stood at its entrance. In a few quick bounds, she was at Juno's side in an instant. Her white eyes peered into the cave, for she felt as if she new the tone of that growl. With one quick look, Ember's suspicions were confirmed. Esmeralda, the fae she had pledged loyalty to, stood threatening in front of Juno. Ember's loyalty told her to support Esmeralda, but that would be giving away what Esme told her not to. Tilting her head, Ember's floppy ears tried once again to cover her eyes. Looking at Esme in horror, Ember kept her innocent composure. Stepping away from Esmeralda in disgust, she looked at the other wolf in the cave.

Hearing Juno's words, Ember's white eyes moved to her companion. So she knew her? A small smile lit the fae's face, maybe she could make another friend today. As Juno said the wolf's name, her white eyes went back to the wolf. Chiara, the name seemed to suit her. Shaking her head, Ember's floppy ears shook around her face before trying to once again cover her eyes. Looking at Esmeralda, Ember gave a slight tone of anger. "Nice to see you once again, Esmeralda." Turning her attention back the wolf she didn't know, Ember smiled comfortingly. "Chiara, is it? Hello, I'm Ember."
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trying to relax - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2013, 19:58

Pride swelled inside Chiara as Esmerelda gave a new light to her scar. She had never thought about using it as a symbol of her strength, because up until now she didn't see much in her. Now looking in on herself she remembered that the scar was received because she stood up to the father, perhaps that was the strength she was referring to? Bowing her head to Esmerelda she was just about to say something when noise from outside stirred her senses. Confused her ears perked and she took a step towards the entrance when a head popped in. Startled the female stepped back quickly and almost ran into her new leader. As her eyes adjusted she could see it was Juno ad her mood lightened. The fae had been one of her few true friends of the pack and she hadn't seen her for two days since their meeting. Glancing over to Esmerelda she saw the warm feeling she held wasn't mutual.

As Esmerelda pushed past Juno a conflicting urge to follow her or stay in the cave rose inside he. Thinking pack to her pledge of secrecy Chiara walked out calmly and sat down in the snow. "Hello yourself Juno I see you're exploring, how do you like it?" She questioned now ignoring Esmerelda and focusing on her friend. Then another female approached, one she didn't know and greeted herself. Stiffening a bit CHara dipped her head to the new fae and smiled. "Pleasure to meet you Ember and yes you are correct." She said to the fae. She smelled of the pack for almost as lng as she had been here, why hadn't they met before? Noticing that she knew Esmerelda Chiara watched how they interacted to decide if the Ember was someone she would want to befriend. Certainly if her new leader approved of her she would pursue her friendship.
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Trying to relax - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2013, 20:41

Her enlightened mood to Chiara was immediately interrupted by the rude fae with a snarl to her face. When the fae swiftly moved around her she rolled her eyes. Well I guess she isn't a friendly one... She frowned and stayed composed trying hard not to turn around just to antagonize another for their obnoxious way of saying hello. Juno's gaze then went back up to Chiara's to change back her excitement to the site of her friend to avoid further conflict. "Yes, I was stalking a deer in the Grazing Plains when Ember-" she shook her head in Ember's direction. "flew past my vision and took it down herself. That's how we started to talk and decided to stop by the Rapid Falls." Still ignoring the silver fae's reaction she kept her attention on Chiara.

"I like the Rapid Falls, I haven't been able to come across it since I haven't had free time lately. Thankfully today Ember accompanied me to drop by and get a drink. It's beautiful." She turned her head towards the water and noticed the fae with a bored expression on her face. Her lip started to curl but remained calmed. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be off hunting as well." she asked curiously turned her head back to face both Ember and Chiara. She listened to Ember introduce herself and Chiara returned in response a warm welcome. From the looks of it, it was obvious that the dark female hadn't met her. Her tailed slowly wagged at the site of Ember finally meeting her friend. If Ember thought she was such a nice fae then she'd definitely enjoy Chiara's presence as well. She smiled at the two and waited in silence.
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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2013, 21:09

((Sorry. Writer's block.))

Ember's ivory eyes gazed at the place they were in. It was certainly beautiful, and being hidden behind a waterfall gave it a mystical appearance. When Juno mentioned her name, Ember's mind snapped to attention. Oh, so that was what caused her to be near her. Ember had taken Juno's hunt? A small amount guilt built up inside her but was diminished. The prey was plentiful around here, so it wasn't like she couldn't catch another one. Sitting in silence, she listened as they conversed.

Pretty soon, Ember's mind had wandered again. Like before, she was aware of the others but not completely 'all there'. Her ivory eyes grew hazy and she got lost in her own thought. Memory after memory passed quicker than a bullet. Moving away from the water, Ember looked at it with fear. it could sweep her away from everything good to her. Quickly the fae's mind turned to other thoughts, only half listening to their conversation.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Trying to relax - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2013, 09:40

Glancing over to Esmerelda who was being quiet her eyes flicked to the new fae Ember who was silent as well. Interested her gaze fell back on her friend Juno and a smile grew on her face. "I'm doing well, just sight seeing a bit. I found this cave behind the falls and met Esmerelda there. Have you explored any more of the territory?" She questioned, curious if her friend had met any other wolves in the process. Aside from the few wolves she had met there were still many others Chiara had yet to meet. Everyday it seemed more wolves were joining everyday and each held potential to be more than a stranger.

Ember seemed nice, perhaps Chiara would get to know her better if given the chance. Having allies was never a bad thing and Chiara was willing to push past her being hesitant to make new friends. Esmerelda made her feel empowered, though she couldn't let that show in these wolves presence. For now she would remain silent and continue to play her little scared fae routine.
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Trying to relax - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2013, 20:12

[[With a surprisingly respectful aura, Esmeralda gave an immediate nod to the trio, who were now engaged in light conversation, and departed from the river. With her two followers acting as ordered, the fae was pleased and went on her own way~]]
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2013, 20:41

She watched the shady ashen wolf as she listened to her friends questioning words. Juno had a sudden desire to follow and find out what was behind those devious eyes of hers. If it weren't for Chiara's words from stopping her, she'd already be out of this cove and creeping after the fae. When the fae had officially left earshot, a sigh of relief escaped her maw. She was now alone with two trustworthy individuals she'd managed to be-friend. "I've done very little with the exploring lately. The only territories I've been to so far is the Eden's Hollow. Today is my first visit to the Falls, I'm glad to have time to see such a beautiful scenery such as this place. Spring seems to be doing a miraculous job with making the lands inviting to more newcomers." She looked to Ember and winked before turning back to her friend."I've met a friend along the way too as you can see." Now that spring was in session, there was no turning back till summer would eventually arrive. For now, the season brought true beauty and luck to the packlands and packmates along with it. Faes will be fawned and fought over for their acceptance to be mates by determined brutes and great game will frolic across the Grazing Plains like the deer she had spotted in the Hollow.

Her tail wagged and her emerald hues scanned the small cove that surrounded them. It was a tight fit but it gave enough room for the trio to socialize. Ember would like Chiara very much after this, she knew it for sure. Now that she had managed to earn most of her trust, she hoped that Ember would rely on her ability to get her to be more socially balanced with others. When she turned her attention to Ember to see if she was listening, Juno saw her pale eyes look glassy and thought that maybe this wasn't such a great idea. She grinned and leaned against Ember, bumping her shoulder lightly to bring her back to the conversation.
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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2013, 20:02

Ember's thoughts traveled to the silver fae who had just left. When would she get her first task? What would her manipulative mind be put up to do? The fae couldn't wait to start deceiving others further than she already was. Blood was sure to be spilt by the end of it, and Ember couldn't wait. When Juno began to speak, Ember's head turned in the black fae's general direction. In Ember's mind, Juno was like a little saint that could do no wrong. She could be wronged, but Juno was certainly to peaceful to do any great harm upon anything. Turning her white eyes on the one called Chiara, Ember looked closely at her. There seemed to be an air of mystery around the fae. What had she been doing alone with Esmeralda? There could only be one thing.....

Shaking out her pelt, Ember felt Juno nudge her. Snapping back to reality, Ember looked at her friend. Was there something Juno wanted her to say? Instead of speaking, the gray fae just nodded with a small smile on her face. Her focus was still on the one called Chiara, searching her face for signs of her alliance to Esmeralda. Thinking back, Ember knew Esmeralda wasn't one for chit-chat, so either she was recruiting or yelling at this fae in front of her. Ember believed it was the former and not the latter.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Trying to relax Trying to relax - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2013, 20:17

Listening to Juno's words Chiara couldn't help but send a careful eye to follow Esmerelda's departure. The ashen female had done more then win her respect and trust. Beneath Chiara's scared face and black coat a small flame was growing, one of confidence and purpose. Never before had she felt more alive and strong then when Esmerelda had spoken to her and given her hope. Having someone believe in you was an odd feeling, but nice just the same. As her new leader left Chiara made a miniscule motion of a declined maw as a silent sign of respect to the fae. Chiara would follow her anywhere now.

Turning back to Juno and Ember her persona changed and a smile grew on her face. "That's good you've explored some and made friends. I too have made a few Juno." She said simply before glancing at Ember. Chiara had caught the look she gave her new leader at her departure and the idea rose in her mind that they may share more in common than she originally thought. "So Ember I haven't seen you round the pack much have you been here long? I myself have been here since before winter started." She said as she eyed the fae before her.
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