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Rapid Falls - Main Story

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Elder Azul
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2012, 06:32

Posting for Main Story line here.

Last edited by Alpha Azul on January 1st 2013, 22:05; edited 1 time in total
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2012, 22:12

[[Sorry this isn't it too good, named Rapid Falls so I assumed it's rapid waters but the picture looks calm...so made a mix of the two xD]]

Esmeralda was not overly fond of water; she could drink it or stand about mid-leg into it but she was never good at swimming. Fish were just typical too, she didn't hate nor adore them. But the need to quench her thirst was undeniable so she let her nose take her there anyway. The falls weren't overly loud though still roared in her ears and despite their loud cries to scare off a wolf, Esmeralda couldn't deny she loved the blue-green tint of the water and how it appeared so ravishingly clear. It wasn't overly deep, which pleased her immensely, and was hardly that high - just high enough to be called a falls. She did not know the name of the area but guessed it to be "_Insert Here_ Falls" so for now she would just mention it as "The Falls" in her mind.

The water lacked depth, except for a few places, but maintained a quick pace. If one was not careful with their footing by the falls section, they would be swept beneath easily. Esmeralda jumped up upon the fall's top and navigated until she found a dry stone amongst the fast cuts where the water rushed through and fell to the below. From the high place she could make out her surroundings and could even see many, many fish below. The clear water now captivated her entire attention and she lay upon the cool rock, her belly tingling at the unexpected feeling, to watch the fish in their underwater life and other little creatures below. That and the way the light reflected the falls and danced, as if creating a never-ending picture; a picture which made absolutely no sense. Had someone approached, Esmeralda did not hear for her ears were concentrating on the trills of the birds above her, making beautiful music and her nose was filled with the river smell.
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Kenai of Helidos
Kenai of Helidos

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeDecember 30th 2012, 00:17

The average sized male was lazying about the pack, when he decided to get a refreshing drink from the rapids. During this time of the year, they would become covered in snow and the rapids would be slowing down. It would be a perfect time to see them and all their glory. He walked slow, starting to feel the winter's chilling breeze. But luckily for him, his winter coat had already begun to come in. It was thick and beautiful. His tail wagged from side to side as he walked. Finally he made it to the falls. They really were breath taking.

Then he saw a fae. She must be new. He looked at her and tilted his head slightly, "hello miss." He waited for her to reply, looking to her stature. He examined her charcoal coat with all the whites and blacks mixed together. It was more on the darker side, but still intriguing. He hadn't seen a fae in the pack, but figured Azul had accepted her. He hoped she had yet to meet the hasty Steele, but for now he would greet her pleasantly.
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 17:49

Emerald orbs glazed with boredom and disinterest flickered over to the newcomer's direction. Now who was he? His scent told the fae he was a higher rank than she but so far she had yet to meet another Warrior so the feeling wasn't new. Immediately, her mind tried to decide if he would act more like the Alpha or the Beta; she greatly wished her wasn't similar to the latter. The stranger's coat was generally gray but was splattered with every shade, from light to dark. His eyes made her feel a tad bit more at ease as they held hardly any intimidating nature and were overall welcoming and kind.

"Hello," she responded simply then let her eyes been drawn back to the waters below. The fish had mostly dispersed and a feeling of appointment washed over her, only the stupidest and smaller fish remained. With this realization, Esmeralda turned her attention back to the male. "You are under the leadership of Alpha Azul as well, yes? What rank do you hold, superior?" From her spot, the ash fae stood, her stomach quivering at the sudden loss of heat she'd made beneath her, and she turned to face him.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 18:12

So much had happened that day that the dark female's mind was still swimming. She had journied to this new land this morning and had met with the Alpha Azul, a task she met well. Now she was a warrior and feeling very confident in this new land. Her dark paws had followed Azul's directions to the pack's home and soon she could smell others ahead of her. Her muscles stiffened slightly at the thought of more males inhabiting the pack, but when she smelled a female her hopes lifted. Tentatively she crossed into the clearing and saw a female and a male conversing. Not wanting to interrupt she held back and sat down near a hollow log.

The pair didn't smell of very high rank, but the male did have a different stance than the female. Chiara wondered what rank he held in the pack and if he was as kind as the Alpha had been to her. Thinking of Azul made a smile grow on her scarred face, in a reflex she ducked her head to hide her embarrassment. He was the first male she had ever met that hadn't beaten her on sight or done worse, it intrigued her. She had grown up thinking how the males in her pack lived was a norm, was she wrong?
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Kenai of Helidos
Kenai of Helidos

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 19:45

Kenai smiled to the fae. "Yes, I am a member of Alpha Azul's pack. He has granted me the position of Elite male. It is my job to watch over the Warriors and teach them the tactics they lack. Dear, where are my manners? I am Kenai. What is your name? What brings you out to the falls at such a late time int he year?" He looked to her legs, noticing her standing in the chilled waters. He shook his head, "you will probably want to get out of the water. In the next few moons, the ice will consume it, making it hard and slick." As he spoke to her, a gentle scent reached his nostrils, his eyes slowly peeled over to the origin and he gave her a smile. Now there were two dark colored faes in the region. He began to wonder if Azul was only allowing dark faes among the border. What a strange thought. Kenai always admired the light furs, or kinds that looked nothing like his. In his mind, his coat was boring. Sometimes he wished he had a dark and threatening coat like Steele, or a pure white one of purity and justice like Azul. But the brute knew he should be happy no matter what an some day a fae would love him more than the other brutes of the pack, hoping not for just his looks, but his attitude and charm. "And who are you?" he asked as he looked to the new fae.
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 20:10

So he was part of the pack? Well what did she expect, for him to be a loner prancing around? Ah, she was just so out of it right now. A grin of malevolence crossed her face as she was amused at his kindness and concern; the time of year eh? "First, I am not in the water." Sharply with keen precision and the utmost speed, Esmeralda hopped the cracks and breaks in the stones which erupted downwards to the bottom of the falls until she was back at shore, where Kenai stood. "I was leisurely relaxing on the stones, the water never contacted me but I won't overly correct your foolish mistake, I will simply point it out." Esmeralda eyed him up and down, taking in his own calm demeanor as it struck her uncomfortably. The males of her last pack, other than Daedalus, were overall terrorizing. Well, they were never truly terrorizing, they were actually pups in an adult's body, always trying to be intimidating, and would turn their tails if some wolf came along much fiercer than themselves. That wolf would be Esmeralda and she could still hear their dying howls, pleading for forgiveness for the sins they tried to commit on her and dear Genevieve. Their size wasn't enough for them then and she easily over powered them, the remembrance kept the grin on her face.

But Kenai was a shock to her,just as Azul was. She feared a male which gave her a different view of them. Genevieve had faith in their gender but Esmeralda had no such thing and saw them foolish and tricky. Kenai seemed true though, his concern was not faked nor was his smile. Unsettling, Esmeralda thought. "My name is Esmeralda." She said her own name with disdain as she was never approving of it. The name was given to her by Daedalus for her mesmerizing emerald eyes, he had assumed she would grow up to match their beauty but the orbs only glaceed over with hate and malevolence. The worst part was Genevieve believed it a perfect name and loved it as well, it deeply confused Esmeralda as she didn't see herself nor wished to be beautiful in anyway.

The new fae's arrival made Esmeralda curious; so she and Genevieve were no longer the only ones? Thank God, maybe Steele will patronize her instead. Esmeralda thought with a gleam of hope. She awaited the female's reply patiently, her interested slowly disappearing.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 20:22

A few moments of silence graced Chiara before her presence was felt by the pair she watched. The male was first to acknowledge her, unfortunately, though he seemed decent like Alpha Azul. Catching his name as he addressed the large female she dipped her head to him in respect, "Greeting Elite Kenai, I am Chiara a newly appointed warrior of this pack." Her voice was strong yet soft, much like how she spoke to Azul. Raising her head slightly her gaze flitted to the female.

Her brash mannerisms shocked Chiara to the core. Why wasn't Kenai retaliating against her rudeness? In her old pack if he had spoken like that she would have been knocked down in a second, this truly was a different pack. Chiara had had thoughts of brash words ring through her mind before, yet she would never let them slip through her mouth. Her body and mind would surely reject the idea of such disrespect didn't set well in her gut. Thinking more about this she continued to listen to Esmeralda's words, her rashness and a smirk suddenly grew on her maw. Chiara was almost envious over her self confidence and sureness of herself, but why? Was it because the dark female secretly longed for such a feeling herself? Deep down Chiara wanted to escape her shivering shell and stand up for herself, but old habits die hard.

Being polite she dipped her maw to the female and smiled at her before sitting down before the pair. She already felt more relaxed now that she knew she belonged here, it was a nice feeling.
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Kenai of Helidos
Kenai of Helidos

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 21:43

Kenai listened to the fae speak. She seemed rude for now reason at all, but he cared not. Kenai was not the one to be all formal and proper. He knew his rank was important, but he would leave the professionalism to Azul and Steele. They were more of the "submit to me" and all that. The mixed coated male stared at her, taking in all of her words. "So I see you have some fire to your tongue. Interesting. We have a brute that shares your same... whichever you want to call it." He continued to look to her, "well, still if you are on rocks, you should be careful. A slip could cause severe damage, but I suppose you already knew that." But he would ignore her attitude, and instead pull his attention to the fae who seemed respectful.

His silver eyes traced over the water until he fell upon her body. "Nice to meet you Warrior Chiara. Have you been here long?" he asked with his kind and loving voice. He smiled to her, waiting to hear her words. he walked more into the clearing, letting more of himself to be seen to the others completely.
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 22:12

Esmeralda was taken aback by the way Kenai did not respond to her harsh tone. Partially she cared and the other half did not, she was really not used to such a collected wolf - especially a male. Ha, fire to her tongue? That wasn't fire, that was pure and utter disdain, hatred for the world and lack of belief in the wolves she shared the world with. His next comment though caught her off guard and her nerves arose rather quickly. The hatred burned inside of her at the mention of Steele and again she wished to crush his windpipe...or at least cower in her presence, though the former was much more delightful. Genevieve would be so ashamed of Esmeralda right now, could she hear her thoughts, but her malevolence was a second nature and killing those she hated brought great satisfaction. To Genevieve's wishes, were the fae there, Esmeralda lightened up on her company and showed a brief glance of security, relaxing around them. Kenai was kind, an absolutely foolish trait, and appeared a little bit weak - which made her wonder how he even became Elite - so she would give him a chance, just like the fae. This was her new family after all, she could remain evil but she needed to make at least an acquittance level with her pack mates to survive.

"Yes, thank you for your concern. I will head that warning." Her voice was generally lighter, hardly but still noticeable to the trained ear, and neutral. Her eyes glanced over to Chiara, the newcomer to them, and she ran her eyes up and down. Upon meeting any wolf for the first time Esmeralda took note of how they fared in her presence. Did the infamous venom stare, spread rumor from her band of misfits, affect them? How did they take to her usual tone of voice? Her overall confident manner and joy in the darker side of life? All were kept within in a personal, mental notebook. "Hello," was all she said to the fae, her eyes baring down on her challengingly.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 22:23

Chiara listened as the two exchanged words, neither gaining much ground with each other. It was comical to watch the pair and brightened her mood a bit. The air had shifted slightly and a blash of mist hit the female as she started to pad closer to the group. The breeze had made her fur fly back and expose the scar across her eye. It was the vain of her existence and she hated being reminded of it on all occasions. Without even thinking about it her mind traveled back to that night when her father ripped into her face after she defied him. Chiara shivered and fought the memory to go into hiding again as she settled for a spot close to the pair.

Kenai then spoke to her, so she turned her dark head to him and smiled. "Yes I just arrived this morning. I was greeted by our Alpha, have you always been with him?" She questioned wondering if she was the most recent member here. Her yellow eyes drifted over his dark body and marveled at his calm manner around Esmeralda. Even under insult he remained collected and in control, a good trail to have. Swiveling her dark ears to the female she smiled at her as she greeted her. Her gaze soon turned to confusion as she caught the competitive look in her eyes. Had Chiara done something wrong? Out of reflex her ears fell back slightly and she turned back to the male before her.
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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 23:23

The darkened male had full intentions of bringing the new fae to the camp, but when he smelled some recent additions to the pack residing at the falls. He quickly turned his body and started heading towards that direction. He chuckled as he thought how the fae confused him for her Alpha. His black paws attacked the ground as he padded towards them. Finally after moments of walking, he made it. He walked out from the shadows and smiled to see Kenai and the new faes. "Well hello my friends," he said as he looked around at them. First his eyes attacked the brute, Elite Kenai. They had not been able to fight since he joined the pack. Azul was protective of the mixed coat male. He was now alone, being the only two high ranking pack members in this small group. None of them would be able to stop him from taking down the Elite.

Steele walked until he displayed the other fae to the rest of them. "Nice to see you again, Esmeralda." His smile was toothy and filled with evil. He liked to see her angry, even if it was just caused by him being an arrogant brute. He looked to the other fae. He admired her dark coat, but then looked back to Esme.
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2013, 23:31

Creek forced herself to try and keep pace with the male she thought was an Alpha. His contraindiction about not keeping up with him rang in her mind, so she made a point of slowing her pace now a then just to be a smart alak about his comment. The pair moved quickly in one direction until the male took a sharp turn without any warning. Creek wanted to ask whether she should follow him, but remembered the silence order. This was getting a bit annoying to her, all of these rules when half of them cancelled each other out.

Creek turned with Steele and tried to keep up as the dark male neared a area with water in it. The female could taste the moisture in the air and it made her pant slightly. This was such a beautiful place to live, how lucky the pack was to be here. Now other wolves came into view and Creek nearly ran into Steele as he stopped abrouptly. Before the pair lay a male and two dark females. Still not saying a word until the male allowed her to she smiled warmly at them and waited for someone to adress her.
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Kenai of Helidos
Kenai of Helidos

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 00:09

As much as she was a spit-fire, he was glad she had a little respect for his concern. "That's good." He looked to the other fae and smiled to her. "I have not always been with Azul, but I have been with him for months. It seems like it has been much longer, but he's become one of my best friends. He's a great leader from what I can tell and he does his best to do the best for everyone. If you ever need anything, he will always be there." He was going to continue more to the fae, but then he heard a voice which sent a chill down his spine. He turned quickly towards the brash male. "Friends? Since when?" he asked as he stared down at Steele. He looked behind him and saw the new fae. "And who is this you have with you?" The question sounded like it was directed to Steele, but it was to her.
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2013, 18:13

Esmeralda met Chiara with a smirk of sorts, mixed in with a smile. The fae intrigued her only because she showed confusion instead of hostility or submission, but after watching Chiara longer the darker fae's ears lay flat against her head. Esmeralda began to loose interest. Her eyes flickered over to Kenai then back to Chiara as they interchanged brief conversation. She was interested in the answers and waited for his reply.

While listening and waiting, a scent brought upon the chilled wind made Esmeralda's hair spike more than it already was. Why is Steele here? Her immediate thought disrupted her from the peace was she was trying to create with her new pack mates. Her eyes led her to the spot he emerged from, as if he had arose from the Underworld to taunt her more. Behind him was a lighter creature, almost as white as the Alpha but not as cream as her sister. The female was submissive to Steele and followed him with the utmost loyalty and precision, her eyes enhancing on his every movement. This fae did not smell like part of the land so Esmeralda assumed she was new, like them, but why was she following him so? It was foolish to put any trust in Steele at all; in Esmeralda's opinion. Steele spoke but it became murmurs and hums as Esmeralda focused on his companion. The companion emerged fully into view as her slim head poked around the ebony beast and Esmeralda was faced with a dainty smile. The action was so sudden that Esmeralda returned one to her, smaller and with less emotion, then let it fade quickly into confusion. Perhaps she is his? Esmeralda dismissed the idea but the possibility hung by a thin thread. Why else would a female follow Steele so willingly and keenly? Esmeralda could believe that, even if the she-wolf was new, if Steele took a liking to her he'd quickly try and receive what he wanted. Again, though, she highly doubted it and let that idea phase over her like the water from the river did over the rocks within. She's just weak, submissive and naive. Anyone who follows Steele like a dog that way is a fool... And with that Esmeralda took her imaginary stamper and placed "Fool" on the stranger's head.

The ash fae had remained relatively emotionless throughout the entire arrival and stayed as an ice cold stone, not letting anyone in to her mind. Now Steele was talking to her and it made her canine blood boil; what exactly did he want? He was only here to patronize her, Esmeralda knew, so she would not show him the anger he wished to see. As she gave him an entirely fake smile, which unknowingly was almost beautiful in its own way, Esmeralda could feel tension rising between the males. This tension was realized from the demon amongst them and redirected at the Elite. Was there something going on between them? Oh what devilishly interesting information. Esmeralda pounced on the chance when her instincts told her a battle may arise, a battle Steele obviously felt he could get away with. The ash beauty closed the space between herself and Kenai and Chiara. Sending a challenging gaze to Steele, she stood protectively beside them as if to say - 'Don't think of anything.'. "I suppose this isn't the first time he's, even silently, threatened you?"" Her voice was so dangerously hushed only the one she spoke to get make out the words, her eyes darting between Kenai and Steele. "As my Elite you are the highest warrior, therefor my direct superior. Don't take it for granted but I will protect you, "" especially before him. What trouble she may be causing but it was most definitely true. Should Steele try to attack she would protect Kenai and the others, not just so she could have a valuable reason to slice Steele's coat but because Kenai was the Elite - the head warrior - therefore, in her eyes, her second most important superior, next to the Alpha.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2013, 03:19

While waiting for Kenai's answer Chiara heard a new wolf emerge behind her and enter the small group. Turning her dark head the sight of a black male came into view with a small cream colored female behind him. She looked him over and noted his mannerisms towards the group, how Esmeralda grew tense and how Kenai stiffened; was this wolf an enemy? Even as he spoke and mentioned the pair before her as friends Chiara had her doubts. Kenai was speaking now, so Chiara turned towards him once more and smiled as he spoke of Azul. "He seems like a wonderful leader, I'm lucky to be in a pack run by him." She said softly, "You're an Elite here I presume?" She then questioned, trying to put faces to ranks of this new pack.

Esme then answered the question for her as she stood and addressed Kenai. Why would he need protecting? Searching for answers she turned back to the black male and his cream counter part who seemed to be following him like a puppy. There was no way they were the Alpha pair seeing as she had met Azul, did he hold rank. "Who are you?" She asked cautiously to him before flitting her eyes to the small female at his side. The way she acted was almost childlike, following him where ever he went, were they mates? Just then Chiara saw the black male glance over her and a shier rose along her spine. The way his eyes floated over her body and seemed to caress her with his gaze made her sick, it was just like how her father looked at her. Not thinking for a moment she stood and glared at the male, not caring about the repercussions of her actions.
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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2013, 18:59

Steele chuckled at the group that seemed to side with the Elite. "You all are fools. How dare you stand against me! Do you know who I am?" he asked as he glared at them. But then his eyes fell upon the fae with the snappy mouth. "Standing up for him? Good he will need the help." he said as he chuckled. His eyes stuck to her like brown on trees. His grin was evil and twisted as he took steps closer to her. His large size approaching her smaller stature. He turned to his follower, "you may speak now, freely if you so choose." He turned his head back to the angry fae and the weak male. "She's new Kenai. You might like this one. She acts just like you, you must have a ton of things to discuss."

Steele growled to the fae, staring at her. "Back down Esmeralda. This does not concern you!" He walked closer to the smaller brute, pressing his onyx nose against the Elite's nose. "Let's do this now. Why wait until later? Azul is nowhere around. This is the best time. You have always been trying to confront me. You know you want my position. Elite sucks and you hate it. Admit it!"
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2013, 21:33

Standing behind Steele let the cream fae listen in on the conversation as it unfolded before her. To her right was a harsh female with fire in her eyes as she snapped at Steele. Creek was going to stand up for her new Alpha and tell her off but she was reminded of her non permission to speak, lucky fae. Further away was a kind looking male who Creek smiled at sweetly and a quiet female who she glanced over. Words were now being exchanged, so the pale female sat down and watched as Steele threatened the wolves and they stood up to him. Outraged at their disrespect Creek almost lunged into fury before Steele gave her permission to speak.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves speaking to your Alpha like that." She fumed glancing at Steele, "Its his job to instil order in this pack and by defying him you disgrace yourselves as pack members." Creek raged on and quiet annoyed sounds escaped her maw as she sat once more and fumed. After a moment she began to take a few deep breaths and calm herself from her mini rage. "My name is Creek by the way, I'm the new Caretaker of this pack, its a pleasure to meet all of you." She said with a sweet grin and a flick of her tail. Her mood had changed almost instantly, but the thought of the others disrespecting Steele still made her annoyed. Sure, he seemed arrogant and egotistical, but he was the leader after all; to follow him came with the job description.
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Kenai of Helidos
Kenai of Helidos

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 4th 2013, 06:35

"Esmeralda, it's alright. I can handle this, but I appreciate your concern. I have no reason to fight you. I do not wish to have your position, only wish it to be stripped from you. Perhaps we do not need a Beta like yourself or maybe just find a better suited wolf," he said with a loud snarl. His attention had been centered on the onyx male, but soon found himself completely shocked at the fae that trailed behind him. "What did you say?" he asked her. "Did you say that Steele is the Alpha male of this pack?" A loud and obnoxious laugh poured from the Elite's lips. There was no way this brute would ever be Alpha of this pack. He was too rash, too quick to judge and especially too fast to bite. He enjoyed seeing others in pain or suffering. "Well, Caretaker Creek, this here is Beta Steele," his voice emphasized on the rank. "The Alpha of the pack you are referring to is a very large white brute who's name is Azul! This dark brute which has lead you here is considered second behind Azul, not first." This was the first time he had been angry since joining the pack. Steele had pushed him before but to make a new member believe him to be Alpha? That was a whole new low. Kenai turned back to the brute, growling and snarling, raising his tail high above his back. "You want that fight Steele? come and get it!"
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 4th 2013, 12:09

"Oh, we know who you are Steele and that's why we stand with him and not your coyote skin! You hold your tongue, you animal! This does concern me!" Esmeralda roared with the utmost authority, her body taking a step to near him. When the fae amongst Steele spoke, Esmeralda broke into a laughing fit along with the Elite. After Kenai spoke she did as well, having to get her own words in, "Him? Alpha Male? How disgraceful Steele you must trick the newcomers that you are the Alpha when you are so far from the title it's sickening! Kenai would be a much more suitable Alpha than you!"

Steele was nose to nose with her Elite and it angered her. As a warrior it was her job to protect her pack and most certainly her direct superior, the Elite. She was ignorant to pack ways but this she knew, therefore she wouldn't stand for it in the least. "You take down me before you get to him," Esmeralda declared, breaking their nose contact and replacing Kenai's with her own. A dark growl rumbled from beneath and erupted loudly to confront the Beta, her eyes glaceed over with hate, malevolence and pure joy. Esmeralda silently hoped Kenai would forgive her for her actions but she wouldn't let Steele harm him nor anyone else here for that matter, that and now she could get a swing at him properly. Her jaws nipped at the end of his nose playfully, making a small fleck of blood release, and she let out another laugh followed by grin. Her tail was raised high and curled to her back while her fur stood more on end that it usually did, "Come on Steele, what's wrong? Afraid to hit a fae? I don't care about your ranking you coyote, I'm going to wipe that look right off your face and use your pelt as a rug in my new den!"
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 4th 2013, 19:06

Watching the events unfold before her Chiara was growing nervous. True, Steele was being a jerk right now and over abusing his rank, but he was entitled to it. Being a Beta meant to keep others in line and defend his position if need be. If Kenai wanted his position they should have spoken with Azul first, at least that's how it was done in her old pack. As Esmeralda stepped forward to join in the fight the female's fur bristled. She had no doubt Steele could defend himself, but this was slowly growing more unfair.

The cream fae's words now rang out and Chiara bit back a giggle. For the Beta to con the new comer was just low, yet funny at the same time. She wondered if he would have pulled the same move near the real Alpha. Turning back to the others she stood straighter and tried to address the group. "I know not of the ways of your pack here, but I do know that this sort of fighting is wrong. In my old pack if we had an problem with other members we took it up with the Alpha instead of fighting like this. I will defend the pack from any threat, but I won't be involved in this silly skirmish of egos." She finished, glancing at the brutes and faes before her. If a fight were to break out she'd be the first to run to get Azul, she didn't mind being called a tattle-tale if it meant saving her new family. For nose all she could do was watch quietly to see when she would make her move.
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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2013, 00:34

"I care not what the small group of you think of me. Nor do I understand why you would side with the weak." He stared at the wolves, baring down on them with his gaze. His silver eyes looked to the fae, trying to ignore her words. "Maybe you should mate this one Kenai. She has a fire you could learn from." But when he looked to the male he was blocked by the fae. "Move out of my way fae. Back down and understand your place in this pack. You are a warrior, which is a rank given out for the hell of it by Azul. It means nothing," he growled at her. He pushed past her, making his way to Kenai. "Stop playing these games with your pawns and fight me, damn it!" He snarled and flashed his morbid teeth once more. He took a dominant stance, raising his head high, ears perked and his tail higher over his back than Kenai's. He glared at the male, not taking his gaze away. "Let's do this now! I command you to fight me! Show me your are fit to hold the Elite rank!" He snarled louder than before, saliva flinging with each word.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2013, 16:59

Now completely mortified at the turn of events that had unfolded before her, Creek swelled up in rage. Her teeth clenched in a silent rage as her eyes grew wide at the wolves' words about her "Alpha" being only a Beta. Creek hated being made fun of and tricked, this was not a good start to her day. Watching the wolves before her prepare for a fight made her blood boil even more, clouding her mind. Suddenly she was shouldering her way between Kenai and Steele and staring directly at the Beta, her nose millimeters from his. She ignored his dominant stance and blood lust gaze, no she ignored it all.

"I trusted you Steele," she spat out at him "you led me here under false identity that you failed to correct on purpose. That is beyond low for a wolf of rank in such a noble pack. Whats further more you prey upon your own pack members as if you hold no more rank than a loner. You sir, are..." her voice quivered for a moment in rage and frustration, "an....ass!!" She yelled out at him, staring directly in his gaze. Her size didn't reach over half of his, but she didn't care. Creek had to get her point across.

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Kenai of Helidos
Kenai of Helidos

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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2013, 18:28

Kenai watched as one by one, the faes began to side with him. It made him somewhat happy, but he knew that if any word of this got to Azul, he would be very displeased. Azul did not believe in fighting each other within the borders of the pack. It was a sacred place for wolves to live and be free, safe from all dangers foreign and domestic. But yet, Steele, who knew the rules just as much as he, was pushing and pushing for a confrontation. Kenai would not give him such satisfaction. The brute slowly took a dominant stance, spreading his legs, planting his pads firmly into the moist ground, and raising his head. "Enough!" he barked to the others. "This is not right. This is not the way of the pack. I insist you leave Beta Steele, with your lies and habit for breaking the laws which were set before yourself and I. The same rules you swore your life to protect before Alpha Azul himself. If you do not push any farther, no word of this shall be spoken to him. Do I make myself clear?" His words were sharp and targeted the brute before him. His calmer voice came out when he directed it towards the faes. "I appreciate your willingness to aid in these aggravated times, but if I could please get you all to leave the area, explore the terrain of our lands, meet other members of the pack, and just relax. Continuing to argue with Steele will be just giving him what he pleases." As he finished his words, he sent a spiteful look at Steele, lowered his head, and walked out of the falls clearing.
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Rapid Falls - Main Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapid Falls - Main Story Rapid Falls - Main Story Icon_minitimeJanuary 11th 2013, 22:44

Genevieve's paws raked at the unknown land, head whipping in every direction to take in the sights around her. This territory was beautiful, simply, undeniable breath taking. She was more than thrilled to be under the authority of Alpha Azul and have her darling sister with her. Esmeralda so blinded by hate, enjoying chaos and havoc, Genevieve prayed this pack would help cure her ways and let kindness and love into her heart. Genevieve would die for this if need be. Now the small cream fae was on her way to the river to collect the more than needed stones for her new Caretaker den. The thought of glorious children with round eyes peering up at her, looking for wisdom and guidance, was more than thrilling and she couldn't wait for the time her den would be filled.

This dream, created by a wolf young and naive, came to a tumble as she flipped out of the forest and into the fall's shore. Her eyes widened with shock, jaws trembling with fear, and body unable to move at the scene before her. Commanding her body to leave its frozen state, Genevieve strutted up to the group of wolves, three she did not know, her pack mates, and stepped in between every single damn one. "What the hell is going on here?" The angel was furious now, both with her sister and the others. Separating Esmeralda from Steele, Genevieve returned to scold the rest, "This is down right outrageous! Disgraceful! You stop this madness now, all of you!" An angry Genevieve had never been a beautiful sight in her anger, Genevieve always forgot how miniscule she was to the average wolf, her overall lack of physical strength. Did she care, when she was in this state? Absolutely not.

Catching the one male's words, Genevieve nodded. A brief breath escaped her and Genevieve addressed them all, "We should all separate. To think, I came here for supplies to this mess...! Esmeralda," The cream beauty directed to her sister, "you still need to prepare your den, right?" Genevieve did not wish to embarrass Esmeralda or make her appear weak, instead she gave an excuse for her departure. Turning back to the unknown male, and two females, Genevieve ignored Steele's presence. She feared him but despite this his attitude was still not acceptable, it didn't take a genius to figure out he started all the fuss. "Forgive me, I am Genevieve, Caretaker Genevieve. May I have your names?"

Last edited by Caretaker Genevieve on January 15th 2013, 01:17; edited 1 time in total
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