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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves]

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Alpha Teren
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 18:00

He had won thus far. Any obstacle which got in his way, was thwarted. Teren had proven his elite fighting skills over the alleged "alpha" of these lands. His size and techniques definitely gave him the upper paw in this circumstance. As he stood over the heavily breathing body of the midnight male, Teren looked to the pack lands. "Come, let us share the news of your defeat with your pack!" he snarled angrily as he reached down, grabbed hold of Steele and tossed him over his back with a jerk of his head. He lowered his shoulders down, trying to get a good place to catch the falling body. He maintained his grip on the body of the other. When Steele was centered on his back, he moved slow as to keep the body from falling off. He headed straight for the pack clearing. He was careful not to hit any low hanging tree branches or fallen trees. Any awkward movements would force him to fall off of Teren. Finally making his way to the center, he spotted a completely flat area, no trees or shrubs around. It seemed to be the very center of the pack clearing. Teren knew the other wolves would be coming out of their dens soon, once they heard and smelled the strange noises of the new wolf in their territory. An evil grin traced the muzzle of his lips, curling them into a sadistic stare. He reached and grabbed Steele by the back of his neck, and forced his body to the center with a thud. Steele's body slid a few inches from the contact point, but soon came to a stop. Teren stared at the body and walked to stand over it once more. He placed a single paw on the rib cage of the other, forcing him to stay down, while also giving him a sense of pain throughout his body. Teren wanted the "alpha's" last moments to be of sheer pain and anguish. He wanted the devastation and destruction of what he was doing to weigh heavily on his fading mind. A few wolves stirred from their homes, but stared at the guest. Such a strange thing. Teren lifted his elder muzzle into the air and released a blood-curdling howl. It rippled against the tree trunks, rang through the tree tops, and forced everything from its place. He held his head high until the voice from his own throat cracked and came to an end. He lowered his chin slightly from the air, and looked for the dens, waiting for the wolves to come out. Being the impatient old wolf he was, he shouted out with an angered tone, "wolves, come and see your 'leader' at the worst of his life. Come see his lifeless eyes for one last time before I force them to be shut forever!" He held his paw down on the one below him, lowering his muzzle close to Steele's head, whispering beside him, "so Steele, ready to see your loved ones for the last time?"
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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 19:05

Steele had been defeated. In his own lands, at his own border, he came to an end for his reign. The Alpha laid on the ground, his breathing was labored as he could feel broken ribs stabbing him and blood had been shed on the ground. His wounds stung with a great force, one which caused him to whimper in pain. He closed his eyes and felt himself being lifted off the ground. He could feel every step the other male took. He tried to move, but from the loss of blood, and his tired muscles, he could not move. He laid there, saving his strength for the final act to save his life. When they reached deep into the territory, he looked around the scenery, remembering how he had claimed this place for his own. His silver orbs glanced around the world as they moved so slowly. He sighed, trying to keep a positive outlook on things. He needed his pack, and he knew they would be there to help him. Suddenly, they came to a stop and Steele was flung from Teren's back. As he hit the ground, he felt the wind being knocked out of himself. He took a deep breath and tried his hardest to get to his feet. But the blood loss was too great and he was too tired. He fell to the ground, hitting his head on the dirt as he watched his attacker come closer to him once more. The weight of the rogue wolf was enough to shift the already broken ribs to cause him more pain. He winced and held his eyes closed. The loud noise which came from the rogue's lips was loud and deadly. It reached over the land and forced him to keep his eyes closed. If only it would stop and all of this would go away. If he had been smarter about it, Steele would have had the help of a Guardian with him, someone to keep him safe, to sacrifice their own life for his. But it was too late now. Steele could not even stand on his own, with or without the weight on him. He was in too much pain to even snarl. as the howl moved about the land, it rang in his own ears, causing them to pin to his head. The ghastly creature atop him sounded almost like it would be his last call like that. This wolf was older than him, but he was unsure just how old. Steele laid perfectly still and then he heard the snarled call from Teren, calling to the members of his pack. What a monster. All this time, Steele had thought of himself as immortal, the greatest monster which had ever roamed the lands. Yet, he was bested by this brute. This massive poor excuse for a wolf. Then the beast whispered to him. Steele wanted so badly to get up and thrash his word apart, to show him this Alpha was not done yet, but the pain was too great and the blood was slowly leaving his body. "You won't get away with this!" he snarled back.
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Exile Samael
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 19:12

The young Warrior was the first to see the display before him. One large wolf was carrying his father. Immediately Samael had assumed that this stranger was assisting Steele, after a hunting accident of some kind. But how could that be? It was winter and the large predators had gone away for the season. They hid in their dwellings and stayed under the protection from the snow. Samael watched as his father was flung to the ground. An immediate snarl escaped from his lips. His two-toned eyes watched as Steele did not stand. He moved from the safety of his den, standing as the white clumps of snow fell onto his coat. The white flakes covered his spine, and his muscles tensed. This wolf before him, now standing on his father, was seasoned and obviously skilled. In his mind, Steele was invincible. After having his own family and mate leave him, the two bonded together. Samael looked up to his father, proud of the wolf he was. His tail curled over his spine as he snarled to him, "you there! Get off my father! Who do you think you are!" Samael tensed his body, waiting for the wolf to do anything. Instead, he lifted his chin and let out a loud howl to the pack, as if he were the Alpha and called them. He did not like this action. Who was this rogue? Who the hell did he think he was? He would do anything to keep his father from harm.
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Lead Healer Cliché
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 19:15

It was one of those days. Where nothing ever seemed to shine and the lands were at their darkest hour, not a scent but her own to fill her very nostrils. It could not be understood as to what reason made it seem so ghostly, or frankly a tad scarey, but it also could not be changed no matter how hard she wished for the sky to appear a bit bluer. Her eyes flickered gracefully towards the grey clouds and carefully sniffed the ground before raising her head in high alarm. A rabid howl - drenched in both destruction and great ignorance filled the air, filling her insides and stabbing the fleshed walls like as if she were laying upon a bed of knives and needles. Lips parted, she drew in a long, aching breath, her lungs becoming shriveled by the foreign scent that which alerted her instincts to flee. There was no wild-fire, but she could not change the image in her head of wolves scattering the area for the last moments of their lives, leaving their loved ones in the flames. Flames filled the amber shade of her orbs and she took in a soft gasp before putting her snout back down to calm her jumbled thoughts. She gulped hard to push back down whatever had lodged the voice she possessed from speaking, her paws unintentionally padding on towards the call she so wished not to follow under.

Her golden tawny pelt glistened naturally beneath the sun's glorious rays of shine. Somberly, but gladly feeling the relief with each step falling from her needed grasp of reality, Cliche brought herself to the end, where the finish-line of the clearing met the boundaries made by the own paws of the Alpha. Her eyes smelled blood, which forced her tail to rise and eyes to shoot up to where it traveled. It splattered a trail, which she followed until the puddle got bigger to where their leader rest in agony under a paw the size of her large ears. Her hind legs stiffened as to what they came upon as she sized the claws all the way up the massive beast's form and then his sinister-like face. This monstrous brute - this beast, to whatever his name may be, was divine in several, indescribable ways that came to mind, but held an demonic glow of death and pain to the icey smoke that flared from his nostrils. His raw stench proved his age to be almost at it's prime of an Elder, and judging by his display of putting their leader in pure misery, he was not the type to be fooled with, nor question as to what his intentions would lead to. The healer felt every ounce of rage leak from her body as she looked to the dying body of her Alpha, and the color diminish to a cold, milky white beneath her luscious pelt. She stood at a safe distance, and felt no sympathy for what she assumed what would happen to Steele. Her claws pinched at the frozen ground to keep still from biting at him herself for suggesting such ideas to females that only wished to have love, but instead were forced for his seed. Now it was her time to feel happy for this sacrifice.

"Slaughter him."

Like the sinners of the great, holy lands that refused to be loyal to their born leader of divinity, she too, took no remorse in wanting to wash her's be taken away. She hadn't realized what she had said until she said it, and didn't care at all to whom heard it. This wise healer, to what many supposed was so gentle and caring, drug all of that information away to be replaced with this new soul as her eyes devoured the body at the edge of this brute's paw. Her lips formed a cruel smile as she looked to the one pinning him so easily, his blood both mixed and staining each other's fur as it seemed to be a fight to death before such a decision was made. Cliche's eyes pierced through to the ones which the foreign killer owned, swimming in his hypnotizing emeralds as if she were really being painted with the green shade until it covered her entirely. How could she be this way to such an individual with no pain or regret? She stepped forwards once, not to help save the Alpha, but to lean back on her hind legs and incline her body to the floor to their new leader. This was to be made by all wolves to those whom fought the leader to claim their position, and she made no mistake in performing it. So she bowed, and everything was left in respects for this new male.
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Lucas Of Erenyx
Lucas Of Erenyx

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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 19:24

The seasons had changed and the weather was drastically different. The snow now covered the lands, even in Erenyx, where he had always thought it was too hot or rigid for the snow to find its way there. Lucas had been welcomed by not only the Alpha, but his demonic son, Samael. The black wolf with two-colored eyes was unkind to the boy. Lucas had tried everything for them to be friends, but Samael did not care about it. He created his den far from the path of the others, not wanting to be bothered by his lines to his father. Some wolves would do anything to get secrets from his mind. Lucas knew it, and although he was in a new pack, if harm did come to Azul, he might feel bad about it. If harm came to his mother, then all hell would break loose. Lucas had been laying at the mouth of his den when it happened. He heard a howl, but it did not sound like the Alpha he was used to. It was strange and carried a bizarre scent among it. He lifted himself from the ground and walked in the dropping flakes of snow and ice. His golden hues stared into the center of the clearing. Three black wolves were already there. One he knew as the Alpha laid on the floor, while Samael seemed to be challenging the large male standing on his father. He looked between the largest wolf, and Samael. If he really was challenging this newcomer, then there would be significant injuries or worse, casualties. Lucas approached and kept his distance from the black wolves. He blended in with the snow, laying low under some branches and watched cautiously. He did not know what all of this would create, but he would keep out of it. But his eyes had not caught the attention of a multi-colored female standing near them. It was not until she spoke, did he even know she was there. She wanted the Alpha to be killed. Lucas began to wonder how many other wolves would wish the same fate for their Alpha. Would anyone really want to save his life?
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 19:40

Katyusha laid idly in the alpha's den, tail swishing gently behind her with head rested on her paws, waiting eagerly for her beloved mate to come home. Every day she would do her rounds on the inner pack lands, ensuring the members were working and safe, then return to the alpha's den to wait for Steele. They had been trying very hard to ensure she would carry his litter, to start the family Katyusha had always longed for, with a mate she could have only dreamed of being with just a few short moons ago.

However all of this was snapped away from her when she heard the howl, but she didn't fear it, there was honestly nothing in this world that could scare the fae now. Quickly she would take to her paws, darting out of the den in a nearly full sprint towards the commotion. After what felt like a lifetime of training, and the last never ending bout of idle restraint, Katyusha could finally sink her fangs into something. As the fae drew near the clearing she would see the small group of wolves already starting to form, and the massive brute in the middle. Instantly Katyusha felt her gaze narrow, slowing to a rough trot as she drew near.

Why weren't they attacking him? Why did her pack sit idle to this intruder? Although once the fae got close enough, she would get her answer. Pinned below this monster was the large black mass she could identify anywhere, and the sight made her nearly stop dead in her tracks. But she pushed on, feeling her body tense and her heart race, for the first time she felt adrenaline begin to fill her as she pushed her way through any between them. As the Elite passed she would hear the healers words, turning to face her with a ferocious snarl "You're next." were her only words, having ever intent to come back to kill the fae for such words against her alpha, who she swore her loyalty to.

Pushing through the crowd Katyusha finally came face to face with the monster, growling loudly "Get the hell away from him!" she snarled, showing no fear, or hesitation, only rage that one would dare touch her mate.
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Alphess Chiara
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 19:55

The day had finally come. Chiara had always been blessed with a late heat cycle, probably due to her unfortunate first cycle ending in a miscarried first litter. Either way she had always been a week or so late with coming into season, something she didn't regret now. She had "talked" to her Alpha on the matter and knew what was accepted of her, whether she liked it or not. She would report to him early that day mainly to get the deed over with. How she longed for her first real mating to be with Magnus, someone she loved and didn't fear. No, instead it was with her Alpha, a wolf she forced herself to be loyal to out of loyalty to his old mate. That was even a lie in her mind. Esmerelda had lite a fire in the black fae, one that showed her loyalty for a leader required the leader to be worthy of respect. A leader must earn a place in her mind, Steele had lost that after today. In her evil little mind she imagined herself slaughtering the male as her slept beside her tonight, or training a son of his to slit his throat.

Sighing at her daydream a howl echoed loud throughout the land. A new howl, but one that held power. Perking her ears Chiara bolted from her den and into the clearing where most of the pack stood in a circle around the voice of the howl. A huge black male stood in the center, grey muzzle hairs showing his age and scars showing his experience. Below him, under his paw lay her broken "leader" for all to see. Some of the pack barked for him to leave while a voice or two applauded the new male. Looking around she saw Katyusha surge forward, her eyes full of hate at the male. She knew her and Steele had mated and she wondered if she held his blood line yet. Looking back to Steele she knew as his Guardian she should throw her life at the male, but for what? One look at his injuries and Chiara knew he would soon die, why kill herself for that? Besides with him gone who would say that she and Magnus couldn't be together? So, the black fae straightened up her shoulders and walked to Cliche to sit. Hearing Katyusha's comment she would protect the healer if she charged her, those of like mind should stick together.
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 20:58

The Beta sat idle in the dark of the dead shrubbery, observing the scattered emotions towards the fall of their once so powerful Alpha. The impossibility to identify her among the flakes to match every single hair that grew from the follicles she called her own. How’d she’d gotten there, not defending Steele, was all but a mystery to the far more than it probably was to the others alone. A sacrifice really. When she had gotten here it wasn’t because of the howl, but to clean her crimson-slick fur from her previously messy meal. The howl annoyed her enough to rouse her from her own mind and observe what was to happen. A death of someone she had chosen to care for and yet, she did not feel as complete as she should. This drove her mad, but she could not be more so than she already was. Possibly she had lost all caring for the, well, almost previous Alpha. Albeit she could have stood amongst those who cared, she found herself giggling in manic enjoyment. Let the blood spill and pool for all she cared, she’d lap it from the ground as if it were the fountain of life. Without hesitation she could walk away and she liked it. There was pain at first, but wasn’t there always? A pity her own mentor hadn’t been worthy. Sticks and stones she supposed.

A desperation for something missing though now it was dismissed. If only everyone could use their pain to survive, to thrive without a single concern for their wellbeing. Though as she watched from afar she could not seem to formulate a possible reasoning as to exactly why certain wolves chose to stand against a clear victor. This was, after all, how the pack was to go. Even if Steele were to live he was defeated, and rightly so. The male atop him was obviously the victor and using her old Alpha as nothing more than a throne dripping with the scarlet pride.  Nyx couldn’t say that she blamed the new brute for claiming Steele’s death. His blood was, perhaps, the most delectable.

She wasn’t happy, make no mistake. Oh, how far she was from that emotion couldn’t be measured in any specific amount. It would be a pity to see him go, truly it would. Nyx found herself wishing to laugh at those who chose to try to be a hero in this situation. Dead was dead; Steele was as close to dead one could probably become. She wouldn’t enjoy watching him die either, but she wasn’t so foolish as to be so prideful. Leaning onto her side she rested and watched the scene with her normal state of boredom. Of course she assumed to be accused of doing nothing though it was untrue. She was doing multiple things, helping just wasn’t one. “Goodbye Steele,” she said. Unmoving she decided it was better not to bow than it was to do so in the first place. There was no respect for this stranger wolf taking the pack by a simple tidal wave. This was not a flock and she was not a sheep. The pack was at a new birth with this new era, hopefully as thirsty for the essence of life as she.
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Alpha Magnus
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 21:23

Magnus slumbered in his own den, enjoying the scents of home rather than the bitter smells of plants from the healers den. But a great howl forced him to wake. The howl was that of a strong Alpha, but not one he knew. The Copper male rolled over and pulled himself up and crawled from the den. Dipping his chest into the ground to stretch his weary limbs, he heard the commotion more than saw it. Trotting easily, he wondered what this was all about and who the stranger was. Muscles rippled under his thick winder coat as the snow churned beneath his paws. Soon the centre of the clearing was in sight and an interesting scene was unfolding before him. A large male sat on top of his Alpha, effectively claiming the pack for his own. The Elite Katyusha, now mate to the Alpha, seemed to be attempting a stand against the old male alongside the first son of her mate.

Off to his right the Beta Nyx sat watching on. That was a shock in itself, he had seen her being so close with the almost Former-Alpha, he had assumed she would be one of the first to stand up for the brute. Just a little ways apart from the Beta was Tye's own beloved, Cliché, with his dearest Chiara. He made his way to his beautiful, dark fae, sitting on her other side and pressing his nose into her neck briefly in greeting before turning his fiery gaze on the male who had ruined his mating. "Burn in Hell," he grumbled towards Erenyx's old leader.
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2014, 21:28

The sound of cracking bones made the hunter pause. He was making his way down from the tiny out-cropping of grass and rock elevated above the ground, fresh blood spattering his white, grey-stripped muzzle. He turned his head in the general direction, keen eyes dancing across the clearing. That sound could have only meant one thing and one thing only. A fight was brewing. A howl ripped through the air. Elias jumped down onto the ground, his long, toned legs sweeping through the air just as an impatient, furious shout rang through the air. What to do when he was asked to come to see his leader? He set off, easing into a swift lope. Closer and closer he came, coming across a trail of blood and upon approaching, saw what could only be a hostile takeover. His Alpha, pinned underneath a great wolf. Two others visibly ready to defend while the other five were less passionate about the idea. The only one he recognized was Cliché, the healer he had met in the Moors who was inclining her body to the larger male. Elias moved stealthily around the group, positioning himself on the other side of the other male that was attacking their Alpha. The wolf’s expression was as emotionless as always, his dull faded amber eyes revealing none of his thoughts about the situation unfolding before him. His stance, as it were, was neutral with his tail level to his torso and head lowered slightly. The odds were, as it stood, five against two without his involvement. Elias was admittedly no almighty gladiator, though he had the build of a capable fighter with his tall, leanly muscled frame. He was also not foolish enough to attack a wolf that was larger and seemingly more skilled and experienced than he. But he had no personal vendetta against the Alpha so he did not care for Steele’s death enough to be a passive observer. Then again, neither did he care for Steele’s life at the expense of his own. The numbers were not in Steele’s favour so to Elias, leaping into the fray would do more harm than good for everyone involved. Then one of the faes, who he presumed to be Steele’s mate, from her blind rage, charged for the larger black male snarling. Elias straightened, watching. His smooth, handsome features, set into a face of cloud white-greyish fur tinted and with black at both the sides, didn’t change with his blank expression. Would he try to protect her? No. There was no reason to interfere in what was apparently a family affair. And one whose chances of survival weren’t in his favour. The fae loved him so it seemed. But what use was love when it affected the mind in such a way that common sense eluded her? Love was of no use. Especially when instead of charging on in a head-on confrontation, she could have used a distraction then attack if she wanted to save his life. But he would not say anything for he did not care. It was far better to watch the spectacle unfold than intervene.
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2014, 10:35

Nashoba was relaxing in a den he had made for himself when he heard a howl. His ears pricked up, pulling himself onto his feet he walked forward into a crowd. Pushing his way through he wondered what was going on. When he got to the front of the crowd he saw his alpha pinned to the ground by another wolf. He had not been in the pack long enough to know and like his alpha but this was crazy. Never has he saw this before, a wolf who comes to the border challenges and wins against the alpha so he can take the pack as his own. Looking around the crowd, nobody was doing anything. Well almost nobody,  the alpha's mate was confronting the large brute, a low growl crawled up his throat, nobody knew this wolf and nobody knew if he was a better alpha then Steele but they all still just sat back and waited, they mine as well wait for their lives to be ruined this wolf looked like all he was bringing is trouble. In a low voice he spoke, "How do we know you will be any better then Steele? For all we know you could just be coming to ruin all of our lives." He didn't care what the others thought he was just going to speak his mind.
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2014, 13:35

The brute was not far off from the matter that was going on in the pack clearing, from his own den he could hear some commotion as the sound of his own Alpha, Steele was dying. Omen knew something was wrong when he heard the words of a young male draw attention to the fact about a father. It dawned on Omen that Steele must have had a previous litter, knowing nothing still of this pack, and only a paw full of members. Gathering his thoughts quickly, Omen raced to the scene only to find Steele lying on the ground, the essence of life slowly slipping from him. Then, as if time stood still, one by one everyone began to voice themselves. A female, whom had beauty and grace, called forth that the dark knight who stood over Steele should have the means to finished what Omen presumed started the fight. Following her, Omen noticed the female Elite, Katyusha and his heart dropped as she charged the new male whom Omen knew in a matter of moments would become their new Alpha. Omen had seen this all before, but now he was worried for the Elite as she slung words to the other female whom he didn't know of, but noticed Chiara standing beside her. As to defend her from the Elite's harsh words.

Omen knew that the Elite had only slung her vicious words to the other female because she was trying to protect her love. If anything, Omen knew what that was like to charge forth and protect something you would give your own life for, but still Omen was far too worried that she would get hurt and possibly lose the litter she had only just begun to create. Without a second thought, he stood by Chiara, the only other female who would be blessed to have a litter and called out to the Elite, "Katyusha! Think of what you're doing!" The words came booming from his lips as he heavily weighed his options of charging after her, but it was not his place, and he was only mindful of her unborn pups that had not even begun to grow. As a caretaker, Omen always knew when a female was ready, and as he looked to Chiara he hung his head low. Other began to speak up and he could only listen to the scene. Omen had only heard things about Steele, never one meeting him for himself, but the horrors he had the pleasuring of hearing meant that even this death that was to come was far too brutal than what he deserved. As he lifted his head, Omen made eye contact with the new male or so he thought, and he bowed his head. Anyone brave enough to take on Steele deserved credit in his opinion, but only time would tell if the new male was worthy of respect from the caretaker. Still, as a lower ranking member, Omen would have to be kind because this new male could bless the pack with litters on whomever he chose and it was his job to protect Katyusha and Chiara, and the future of the pack. Looking at Steele once more, Omen lowered his head as he sat down and he whined softly, knowing but hoping that things wouldn't get worse.
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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 9th 2014, 10:39

The meek omega was awoken from his slumber by a howl. The call drew him, pulling at his blooded instincts to follow. His thin frame carried him, bringing him closer to the epicenter of the roar that was controlling him. His light steps left little of a trail, only the leaves swayed in his presence. All else was silent.

When the wolf finally reached the crowd, reached his destination, he found the pack looking at something, all staring, with wide disbelieving eyes. He searched each wolf's face, scanning their reaction to what ever was before them. He was too short to see what ever had the pack's utter attention. His brow furrowed, as the small wolf began to rudely push through the crowd,
"What are these damned wolves looking at?"
He barked with a snarl, until he reached the front of the group.

There, lay Steele, pitifully pinned by a stranger wolf. Saki nearly laughed, not believing what was before his eyes. If Steele was defeated... this wolf was their new Alpha. But Saki was not stupid, he would not follow a wolf so blindly based on a fight alone. Sure, the wolf was tough battle wise, but that was not all to a leader. For now, he would listen, he would watch to see the others reactions.
Steele was overpowered. Saki did not care about who ran the pack, as long as it was not hurled into chaos. This new leader would probably be like any other, so Saki gave no thought to it. He would not defend Steele any longer. Steele would die anyway, he was dying as it was. For his failures, maybe he should be left here to die.
Saki was not sure where these dark thoughts came from, only that he felt them true. This pack was having a strong influence on him. Saki knew some would aid Steele, some already had. How weak. Not that he was one to talk, he was weak physically, but mentally, he was powerful. They should have loyalties to the pack, not the leader. They were not sheep, they did not follow a wolf blindly. But if that leader failed them, if he was beaten by a simple outsider, he was not worthy to lead anyway.

Saki gave a curt nod to the new coming Alpha. Not that his loyalties were placed in him, but he had high hopes that this wolf would lead them well. He shot a glare at the defenders of Steele. They needed to move on, and if they could not, they should be killed along with him.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2014, 19:27

He had been a fair distance from the pack’s camp when the howl of another, a stranger among all things, had summoned him and his many peers to the vile situation he knew not to be bestowed upon his Alpha. He followed out of curiousity, as opposed to a genuine loyalty. It was not required of him to respond in any way to a summoning made by an unfamiliar wolf, and yet his paws trekked the common path back to his camp regardless. Erenyx, it seemed, had many surprises tucked carefully inside of its sleeve. He had missed the majority of the commotion, meaning he knew not what various statements had been made in the favour of Steele, as well as against him. When he arrived upon the scene before him, it was only natural that he would have widened his eyes in a semblance of some kind of shock - but he was perhaps one of the farthest from natural. Instead, his eyes continued to ponder and to calculate, watching as the blood trickled from his Alpha’s various wounds. He took a moment of his time to examine the regal wolf’s attacker, the male undoubtedly lustful for the power once caged inside of one of the greatest monstrosities he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. It was peculiar to witness the form of his ultimate superior, now weak and bloody, forced to cower beneath the weight of this unidentified elder. Irrationality stood away from those that feasted upon the scene with hungry, wild eyes, craving the moment that his heart stopped beating and his cold eyes drained of any remaining life source. He also avoided those that jumped to his defense, lashing with powerful jaws and hateful words.

It was rather hard not to notice how the majority refused to defend their leader. It could have almost been humorous - what an Alpha he must have been, had it been so easy for his own pack members to turn against him without giving it a second thought. Cliche, an old friend, one whom he had considered nothing more than kind, smiled cruelly at the display before her; she had already taken it upon herself to offer her respects to whom he could only assume would take Steele’s place. Once again, he found himself drawn to examine this unexpected addition to their ranks. He was likely an expert of combat, had he been able to overpower a wolf of Steele’s brawn and younger age.

Although he was - perhaps considerably more so than the rest - loyal to Steele, he didn’t feel the need to race to his side and protect him from the death mere moments away. It seemed pitiful to try and restore his life; even if he survived, surely a wolf such as himself could never recover from such a stab into his pride. He was being defeated, killed before the eyes of his followers. He had done a number of things to deserve such a fate through the eyes of those like Chiara and Cliche, though that didn’t make it any less pitiful to watch as his newly chosen mate, Katyusha, and son, Samael, tried to put an end to this new tyranny’s reign. He had been a . . . powerful Alpha where he should have been more caring, and a selfish Alpha where he should have been more pack-oriented. He had done so little to make his pack actually want to jump at the chance to save his life. Perhaps only now would regret ever register upon his notorious face.

Perhaps, if he had even been just a little bit different, there would have been more than two wolves screaming for a stop to this madness.
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2014, 19:56

His smile, this time, was one of wickedness. It was a smile of every traitorous thought he’d ever had. Of every moment in time when he’d wanted to feed a patient deathberries, or had wanted to actually feel the sensation of their body ripping and bleeding because of every cruel, every beautifully wicked thing he was capable of doing. This. This pack! He belonged here; it was the kind of acknowledgement he never thought one quite like himself would be able to make. Never before had he bear witness to such open violence, to such hatred and hostility. It was a symphony that twirled through the leaves in the trees, creating this harmonious and painful melody that was sheer music to his ears. Steele had had enough cruelty wrapped inside of his body to satisfy the conniving Healer. He took as much pleasure as he could from serving someone so absolutely horrid; he’d never say it aloud, but he rather enjoyed the way he forced his seed upon females that sought other mates. It was but a semblance of an Alpha’s power: he could use it in such horrendous ways, and he took every chance he could to do just that. Sometimes, Cheshire considered the great potential that would come from striving to hold such a position. He’d make for an Alpha no better, and yet so much greater, than Steele - though that was most likely his egotistical mind feeding him what he wanted to hear. Maybe he wouldn’t be as awful under some circumstances, but there was surely a handful of other circumstances where he’d love to be so much worse. But he always reminded himself that he was content being a Healer. He didn’t need much more than what it was he already had. He didn’t need an Alpha’s power and influence to actually have power and influence, even if it was a manipulated variety.

His handsome eyes twinkled patiently from the outskirts of the campgrounds, feasting upon the bloodbath before him. His charm was unwavering, even in these precious moments where he was free to be some form of the deceptive little monster he was beneath. So few understood that he wasn’t simply unique. Cheshire spoke words with a fluency and a peculiarity that was foreign to most ears that were graced with his speech. His constant smiles warmed hearts where it was meant to paralyze them. Of course, he wasn’t complaining. He enjoyed being the handsome, charming male that so happened to have a way with herbs. The more everyone thought they understood, the farther from the truth they traveled. That passion in his eyes was more lethal than it was credited for. A certain element of lunacy draped itself from the deepest regions of his brain, blackening his thoughts and opinions, making him into this crazed being that could look upon something as awful as what was happening to his almighty leader and smile. Smile and genuinely mean every single upward tilt of his lips. Cheshire didn’t actually hold anything against Steele. In his mind, the Alpha deserved this about as much as every other stranger in this pack he had yet to truly meet and interact with. He didn’t wish this, in particular, upon him - but someone had to be trapped beneath this newcomer’s paws, and he didn’t entirely care who. (As long as it wasn’t him.)
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2014, 23:27

An enormous, misshapen, elongated shadow began to loom over one of the nearby dens near the five. It was Tye, back from some activity in the nearby woods. He would have retreated to his den for the time being or perhaps sought out Cliché’s company. The large black male was drawn to the noise of chaos and cacophony, of yells and shouts and snarls. Hopping down from a group of tightly clustered rocks to another one below, his rugged gaze swept over the area with ice blue eyes calmly. It lingered momentarily on some, a sheen of affection softening those blue hues when they landed on Cliché. And of strength and brother-hood when they spotted Magnus. And of respect when they landed on Chiara. Then they returned back to neutrality when they strayed, turning cool and glacial once more. There were quite a few new wolves here, half at least that he had never seen before but the most prominent was the one that was standing atop a dying Steele. He was significantly massive with a looming stature that was built on muscle mass and raw, brute strength. Tye leapt down from the top of the den he was on, landing on steady, strong paws a little ways near Cliché who was inclining her body in deference to the older wolf. He glanced at her, then at the newcomer who was crushing Steele. His tail subconsciously raised and his hackles quivering, spiked fur shooting up slightly as if he had been electrocuted. This wolf was large, with his size being an advantage and probable skill, but he was outnumbered. But there were so few who wanted to protect Steele and clearly too many that did not. Tye had a duty to protect them everyone else as well. He would lose too many of his pack-mates but he would not let them get hurt. As for their leader, he was already dying. And Tye did not care to save him when he was possibly going to do to Cliché what he had made Chiara do. One of the warriors, Nashoba, was speaking up along with two others, one Katyusha and the other Tye supposed was Steele’s son. Tye stared at him as he spoke up to the other male. From he had seen, the warrior was too inexperienced and now, he was being too rash in his actions. That was not a good combination.      
“Nice day to be out,” Tye muttered to her.  He nudged her with his head, keeping the contact close for a moment and angled his head to lick the side of her muzzle growling low in his throat to show his happiness at her being here and to show to the others that she was his. To show that if anyone dared lay a claw on her, he would hurt them no matter who they were. Hearing one of the wolves bark out and snarl, he lifted his gaze searching for the voice. Another one he hadn’t seen before with immense confidence. Strangely enough, the only other wolf he thought would have come to Steele’s aid was sitting idle and letting it happen. Nyx’s loyalties towards Steele weren’t as secure as expected it seemed. And their Delta, who Tye was sure had managed to extract the odds of survival, was doing nothing as well but Tye could guess why. Placing all emotions aside, Steele’s predicament was already beyond recovery and more than half of the pack would have done nothing to chase their invader out as they wanted Steele dead or didn’t care enough for his life. And Tye was in the former camp. Tye stepped closer to the trio until he was adjacent to the newcomer, in between Nashoba and Katyusha to put himself in a better position to help or defend if things escalated. He bent his head slightly, tail rising and ears beginning to fold back over his skull. He had to look out for the rest of the pack. This new wolf could still be hostile, could still attack and lash out at the ones that rallied against him openly. There were three that were doing that and one of them, he was sure would not have any chance of survival. And Katyusha was too close, far too close. Tye was realistic enough to believe that one on one, none of them would win probably. Tye himself had immense strength and skill but the newcomer appeared to have those and more experience which didn't look good for the Lead Warrior. Granted, if a fight were to start between the three he wouldn’t be joining but dragging them away to prevent injuries. He would fight but there was no incentive unless their lives were in danger. He stood at a height that was massive, towering and had a broad, robust frame that was wrapped with vast, hard muscle underneath a cloak of deathly black. Time and exercise had been kind to his body, making it formidable and tough and powerful. But there was also quiet strength in his stance, confidence that was born from resilience and self-belief. This new wolf could still hurt some of them. He growled, alerting the wolf’s attention to him, “Are you here to kill or lead?”
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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 13:57

As the wolves entered the clearing, many shared a common thought about the body beneath his massive paws. A smile tried to place itself upon his muzzle, but the adrenaline within his bones was forcing him to scowl. These wolves had a different idea than what Steele had thought of them to have. He believed that his pack would stand by him, to try their hardest to get the newcomer off their dying Alpha. It was only a matter of time before the old would die and the new would take his place over the others. Teren looked with his green orbs to the male before him, the first of the pack. The wolf was of a good size, still young and able to be molded to his wishing. This wolf was all black, like the wolf beneath him. But his eyes were bizarre. One reflected a color much similar to his own, while the other was of the Alpha's. This young male barked orders to him, like Teren would actually take part in listening to his words. If this pup wanted his father alive, someone, anyone, would have to fight him off. But Teren knew none in this pack were brave enough to defend the lives they were used to living. Teren did not know how Steele ran his pack, but it was a careless way. They did not care nor respect him enough to even attempt to save his life. "Run along boy, before you watch as I rip out your father's dear heart and devour it before the pack, claiming my name to these lands. If any shall oppose this take over, then I fear they too shall suffer the same fate as your beloved Alpha." His eyes glared to the boy, and then he heard the voice of a fae. She was a bizarre blend of colors upon her coat. Her eyes were remarkably similar to a pair he had come to hate. Quinn. But her words intrigued him greatly. She did not like her Alpha. She wanted him to be dead.

Another wolf entered the area, but kept to the back of the clearing. He was much different than the wolves he had already seen. His coat was completely white and his eyes golden in color. It was almost hard for him to see the young wolf, with the snow around him. But before he could focus on this one, another female entered. She had made quite the entrance, snarling to the one who spoke out against the Alpha. She was loyal. This was intriguing and something Teren found entirely too interesting. She then approached him closely, standing not too far from Steele's face. He pressed his weight harder, forcing some blood to spill out faster than before. He glared at her, giving her a demonic chuckle. "Fae, do not be stupid. Can't you see the loss of blood your 'great' Alpha has suffered. In a moment's time the life will slip from his breath and his eyes will glaze over. As I promised the young male, I will devour his heart and any other part which tantalizes my fancy. I am much larger and more experienced than you dear fae. So stand aside and let the ways of the world take their path as Steele takes his final breaths." His face returned to the stoic expression he held before.

More wolves approached the scene. Some offered their sympathy for the fallen leader, while others had decided to get their licks in secretly, almost a quiet whisper. Some sat in silence as they joined their pack mates. Teren did not expect a lone warrior to speak out to him so rashly. "Look here brute, it doesn't appear that you have much of a choice in this matter. Your soul protector has lost in a glorious battle we held on the outside of your lands. None came to his rescue, and none can do anything about his pathetic excuse for a life now. With each passing moment that you sit there, curious as to what I am, or who I am, his life essence is leaving his rigid form. Soon the snow will be enough to force his body to tremble and freeze. With the lack of blood, he will die and there is nothing any of you could do to stop me. Look around you, wolf. Your pack, for the majority, does not care to see him live. Surely there are those who may care besides the son and the fae who is obviously, not the brightest in this dim pack. With me as your leader, you will find great changes within this place. You will live by a code in which you will respect and honor. With time you will come to understand my wishes for this pack. If this pack is even worthy of my time to mold and bend to make it into something anew and vastly more dangerous than was prior conceived. I have heard tales of another land, not far from here, one which is owned by your rival pack. Don't you wish to see their blood shed and their bodies ripped apart as we celebrate in our glory. Then we will find other packs, and give them the same fate. Erenyx is said to pride itself upon glory and devious acts, yet all I see are mere pups looking to a great and powerful leader." The final question was directed to Teren. His emerald gaze moved to look upon a wolf who was smaller than he, not by much, but definitely smaller. He did not seem to care one way or the other of his Alpha, only caring for his pack as it was now. "I have come to take what I should rightfully own. In this time, I will not kill more than needed. But if any try to stop me from my take over, then I cannot promise more blood will not be shed on this day."
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Steele of Erenyx
Steele of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 14:21

Steele laid beneath the other, his body buried in the snow almost. His blood has stained the very frost around him. His limbs could not feel anything, they were numb to it all. He could feel the weight of the other on him, his bones being crushed with each press against him. His breathing was labored as he tried to hold onto his life. He closed his eyes and opened them, looking as he heard the shuffling of paws. Samael had come to his rescue, but Steele knew this foe would be able to kill his last son. "Sam..." he spoke softly. "No!" His eyes looked to his son and he tried to speak more, but he could not. His body was losing blood. It slowly left his wounds now. He saw red in the corner of his eye, looking to the drops which rested on the floor. There was almost a clear path from where they had come. But before he could look back to his son, Katyusha was standing very close to them. How much time had passed since he had spoken to Samael, he was unsure. His silver hues looked to her form, and he wished he could comfort her during this time. It was apparent that Steele was going to die now, whether they were to try and save him or not. "Katyusha, no.. Stay away.." he spoke as he looked to her. He hoped she would heed his warning, that she would birth their young in the spring and she would teach them as he taught her. With time they would be able to combat this foe and take back the land, if even Samael could get it back for himself. More of his pack came and it was apparent he was a dead wolf lying in the snow. Steele breathed slowly as the other pressed onto his ribs again. The pain coursed through his body, forcing his bones to shift and poke his insides. He held his eyes closed, no longer able to keep them open. The speech of the other was long, seemed like a lifetime to Steele. His labored breathing was apparent and his blood was draining. In no time at all, he would be dead, whether someone could stop the other or even begin to treat his wounds.
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 14:37

The small multicolored fae gave another loud snarl to the brute standing over her mate, ears pinning back as her silver-tan eyes formed daggers. The fae showed no fear to him, no respect, only hatred. Deep down she knew Steele would die, she knew any happiness she ever ad was stripped from her, and the hope she could ever have a happy life was gone with her mate. But she would never admit it. Steele was all she had, all she had ever hoped for and wanted, and she wouldn't let him go until he was pulled from her vicious grasp "Like HELL you will.." she snarled to the other, broadening her stance for a fight. Katyusha didn't care how many were against her, what the odds were, or what it would cost her, even if it was only to keep his body from being defiled, or for revenge, she would kill this brute, and there wasn't the slightest doubt in her mind she could.

However one thing was capable of piercing the iron curtain she had forced around herself, the armor of hatred she was forced to bare now. With her mate's weakened voice Katyusha felt herself slip, her eyes going wide slightly as her heart sank, realizing this would be the last time they spoke, the last words he ever said to her, and the last chance she had with him. Slowly she would lower herself, nuzzling gently into his neck and letting out a light whimper "I'm sorry Steele....I love you...and I'm so sorry...but I can't, I won't, I love you." she spoke softly to him, licking his chin gently, trying to show just how much she loved him in their final moments together "I will always be yours...and I will serve you as happily in the next life as I did in this..." she said in a soft tone, trying to act strong for him, trying to pretend she wasn't already dead on the inside, and trying to pretend she didn't hope to be the same on the outside soon enough.
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Exile Samael
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 14:38

The truth of this scene was unveiling itself right before his very eyes. This new wolf was a monster, a menace to their home. He was invading their lands and planned on killing his father. Samael could not sit back and watch this, he just could not. He snarled as he listened to the other, and the female who appeared first. How could any wolf wish a member of their own pack to be slain? It was a hideous thing, even for an Erenyx member to say. Samael snarled as he listened to his father. He knew it would be the end for him, but he could not just let it happen. Katyusha soon came to the rescue, wishing to save Steele from his untimely fate. But Steele would both tell them off. His father did not want either of them to get hurt or worse, killed. Samael did not wish to stand back, but with his pack not holding together to stop this brute, he could do nothing. Not Katyusha or himself could save Steele's life without one of them dying or both. Steele would not wish for them to sacrifice themselves for him. He stepped back, snarling as he held his position. He would not completely stand down, not until his father had taken his very last breath. "I am sorry father. I will obey your wishes." He looked to his father, then turned his head away. He looked to the stain-free snow beneath his paws.
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Naomi Of Erenyx
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 15:18

All the wolves had assembled to the center of the pack clearing. She had been off, seeking food or adventure when she returned to find them all there. she moved to the back of the circle, watching through the cracks between the wolves. Steele, their Alpha, was dying. She had not gotten the chance to yet meet him, only the Beta. All these wolves shared a vast difference in opinions. But the majority wanted him gone. It was a sad event, one a pack should never endure, not from a stranger. She stayed to the rear, watching the scene play out before them. The smell of fresh blood lingered in the clearing, and still she stayed to the back. She was not going to try and change anything, not even if the pack was doing the same. she did not care for his life, or hardly the others around her. She had not given herself the time to get to know any of them. Naomi curled her tail around her paws as she watched them. He would die soon and this new wolf would make his changes as he spoke of. She was curious as to what this all could mean.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 19:24

Their great Alpha, it seemed, had accepted his fate - accepted it far easier than his dearest beloved. She fretted with all of the pain, with all of the internal suffering, that could be expected from someone that was in love. It was a poor thing to witness; he would have pitied her, hadn’t he known that she’d hate it so. As for Steele . . . it was rather curious, peculiar even, to see him no longer clinging to what remained of his life. Giving up. The monstrosity that pinned him to the ground, putting pressure on his many injuries if only for the satisfaction of burdening his son and lover further, was heartless without a doubt, but it wasn’t exactly a quality amongst these wolves to be considered a rarity. He’d meet the standards of this pack’s lustful reputation swell, perhaps even better than Steele ever could. A part of the Delta, a small part, too small to bother with acknowledging, knew that he was neglecting his responsibility to protect the Alpha that had seen something worthy of more power within him. He was a Delta, if not solely because Steele had wanted to make it so.

Maybe he was being selfish. It seemed that any wolf who sought to salvage what was left of their dieing Alpha had a death wish, because this new tyranny made it clear through nothing more simple than his words alone that anyone that dared to defy him, dared to try and protect their Alpha, would die all the same. Was he even to refer to Steele by such a term anymore? It mattered little to him who claimed the title as their own. Whether Steele was his Alpha, or this newcomer to their lands, he’d serve them just the same. He’d serve them with the same indifference in his expression; the same lacking of emotion; the same ability to shrug off every vile thing his superior sought to do. He had no way of knowing for sure that this newcomer could have far worse plans - all he knew was that he had never been against, not wholly, Steele’s intentions of making every female in love carry his seed. Needless to say that he had supported something so horrendous. He had simply chosen to let the cards fall as they may. He didn’t have to worry about love, not really - not like the others. They were all capable of making their own choices, fully aware of what it could mean for both themselves and their potential mates. But now it was different. If Steele was dead, then they were no longer under his command. They no longer had to perform such a deed. Unless, of course, the new Alpha - was it time, yet, to call him by such a name? - ruled by similar terms, causing similar anarchy.

Irrationality didn’t so much as flinch. Not a single muscle shifted underneath his heavy fur. He continued to watch, examining and scrutinizing, the way that Steele met his fate. The way that it was delivered to him. It was cruel of him to stand by and allow things to continue as they were, but he didn’t feel any sympathy. That was the way of an Erenyx wolf, was it not? Rarely would there be somebody there to risk their life for your own. The wolves of this powerful, violent kingdom built themselves upon terms of self-reliance and indestructibility. Once you were proven destructible . . . you were destroyed, plainly and simply. Steele had wanted a pack of ruthless wolves: killers and murderers and criminals. In a way, he had gotten what he wanted. He was dieing, and so many of them stood idly by to watch. They had always been prepared, under his reign, for this idea that they would one day slaughter those of Helidos - their one true nemesis. He wanted them to be as cold as him, as malevolent as him, so that they’d live up to this beautiful thing called indestructibility. He wished for all of them to know their enemy and seek their death without showing mercy, and that proved how many of his own he’d managed to make an enemy out of. They were doing what they were supposed to do - in a way, following a misguided Alpha’s orders - and that was never meant to be a bad thing; it had merely managed to turn against him in the end.
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Alphess Chiara
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2014, 22:13

Chiara cept quiet as she stood in between Katyusha and Cliche. She hadn't known the female healer for long or even that well, but their common mind set bonded the faes together. After this moment Chiara would look to the healer with new eyes for she had been one of the few to speak the words she was too blinded by false loyalty to say outright. Every drop of blood that oozed for Steele's broken body made her jealous, mostly because she wished that it was coming from her wounds. The hatred she felt for him had been felt previously, for that of her father as he slayed her past love. In a way Steele had almost done something similar to her and Magnus. If she had met Steele that day something would have been taken from her that her new mate would never have gotten. Neither she nor he would have been the same, in a way a part of both of them would have been killed. The fae felt no remorse for Steele as she glared at his form. Feeling confidence she let her tail raise and she smirked at his bleeding body, "You finally get what should have come to you long ago. I hope you rot in hell like the dirty dog you are." She spat at him before looking to the large male above him.

He ooze power to her, something stronger than Steele ever had. He started to speak and Chiara could sense how desperately he wanted to shape this pack into something better then a tryancy that it had only know. Teren started to address Steele's son then Katyusha before speaking to the pack. The fae could see Katyusha wouldn't back down, her blind loyalty to Steele would get her killed at this rate. Samael at least was young and smart enough to back down when given the chance, but Kat would die at this rate. Not that Chiara would mind too much for she had felt for a while that power had gone to her head when rank was given and she got to snuggle with Steele at night. If the rumors were true and she had been given Alphess it wouldn't have been good for Chiara. Respect was earned in her eyes, something Katyusha had yet to get from her.

Steele continued to bleed in the snow, proving to her that his hold on the pack would soon be over. With that his promise to her of infecting her with his seed. perhaps now her and Magnus could be together, if she proved to Teren she was worthy that is.
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PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2014, 18:10

It was ironic. Erenyx was supposed to be chaotic, fearless. But even the monsters were bound by convention and law it seemed. There were more of them and one of their intruder. Common sense should have told them that together, they could slaughter him as they had numbers and combined might that outweighed the male by far. Intimidation and fear were tricks Tye was all too familiar with and ones he could have used himself. And the newcomer with no name at the moment was using it well by employing his size and skill as his choice of weapons. But the situation was nowhere near hopeless as it seemed. One tackle from him from the side that would catch him off and then a lunge to claw his eyes out. And if he was struck down, another wolf could easily come in while he was being attacked and clamp his jaws around his legs, bringing him down and crippling him. It would effectively be a free-for-all brawl where there were no rules. No ethics, no honour. But Tye had always done what he had needed to survive and he usually picked his fights wisely with a level head. Steele was already as good as dead. And no one seemed to want to band together to fight. Tye listened to the other male’s response, ears straightening as well his head. His slightly bristled fur settled into their only slightly less naturally unkempt state. His tail lowered.

Glancing at Katyusha as she growled, Tye kept his expression as neutral as possible. He had brought her into Erenyx but she cared nothing for her own life. Perhaps it was one of those times when he shouldn’t care either in the end. He was not responsible for her safety if she was so adamant to end her life. Too much effort for too little benefit. Turning his attention back to the male, he said, “Very well. What code of honour and respect can you offer a band of miscreants and demons? Those two things are hard to come by for us. We’re devious after all. Honour and respect are poison to us. We might die.” His last words were said deadpan, sarcasm wound in them. Tye didn’t trust the male though he said he would not kill any more than needed. There were many, many other things he could do. Many twisted, sick things. He had thrown his gambit out to them, his plans. Strong words. Tye had been at the mercy of wolves like this before. Wolves that spoke weasel words, not words of sincerity. Wolves that said one thing and did the other at the expense of others. He was a warrior but he was not so trusting and naïve enough to blindly follow another on the basis of killing their dying Alpha. He would respect him but it would be empty respect at best and entirely based on necessity, not on any kind of true earnestness. It was too early to see if this wolf would be good for them but they were safe, for now it seemed. All that was left was a name.
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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

Posts : 340
Join date : 2014-05-04
Age : 33

Wolf Information
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Years Old

A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] A New Era [Mandatory For All Erenyx Wolves] Icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2014, 19:32

Some of the wolves did not seem to like what Teren was displaying to them. Shame. But when the Alpha spoke to his "mate" and pup, they both seemed to calm down enough to the point of annoyance form the bitch. The son backed away from the new male and his father, but his eyes burned with a hatred Teren was more than pleased to see in his expressions. The fae however, grew increasingly annoying as the time passed. Steele was quickly fading, but Teren did not remove himself from the brute. He watched their small little embrace, watching how she tended to his coat around his face. Such a heart felt moment, which took away from the point of why this male had come here. There was no such thing as love or "the one". It was nonsense old caretakers used to spin stories to the pups they cared for. That was how such things came about. Teren released a small snarl from his lips. It appeared that Steele was about to say something, but the elder had heard enough of this jibberish. Without hesitation, he moved his head to be dangerously close to the Alpha's neck. "Say goodnight." Opening his maw, he laced his dagger-like fangs around his neck, until he found the jugular. With this portion tight in his jaws, he jerked back his head, ripping the part from his body. Blood spewed from his open wound, splashing onto the face of the fae, and covered Teren's muzzle more as well. With the mass in his jaws, he jerked his head to the side and then back front, releasing the mass and launching it to land between the paws of the son. Perfect shot, he thought to himself. He ran his tongue over his maw, licking the fresh blood off and lowered his eyes to his prize. Teren applied all of his weight on the ribcage of his fallen adversary. He heard the bones crack and break in even more places than before. Again with his jaws, he pried over the muscles and flesh which guarded his bones. He used his paws to dig at the cracked marrow and finally sunk his maw deeply into his chest cavern. Grabbing the heart in his mouth, he pulled it out for the pack to see. He placed it on the corpse's side, protecting it between his massive paws.

"This that I have just pulled from your previous alpha, is his heart. This is a symbol for you all to see. I am Alpha Teren and from this moment on, these are my lands. If you have a problem with that, I will gladly show you where you can find your own heart. This is for the birth of a new era, the changes in the stars have shined bright upon you, luck is on your side. In the next coming months, things will change. You will not complain or you will feel my wrath. You will not go against my word, or I will shatter a bone within your body. If I could do this to your Alpha, think of what I could do to you." His eyes scanned to all the wolves within the pack, lingering on Katyusha before he leaned his maw down, grabbed hold of the heart and began to eat it in front of the wolves. The blood squirted from the organ, spilling down his chest and onto the floor. When he had consumed the whole organ, he lifted his chin to the sky and released a blood-curdling howl for all wolves in the surrounding area to hear of his conquest. His tail hung high over his spine, displaying his dominance over the others.

- Steele is dead and the pack now belongs to Teren -
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