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Forward is the Only Direction (Open)

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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 18th 2014, 19:19

Icy eyes stared out of the entrance of a den as morning dawned. Fel had woken up a few hours earlier and been unable to return to her slumber, haunted by nightmares. Unlike many wolves, the only nightmares she faced were twisted flashbacks. In some, she was covered in blood and exiled by her father, in others she stared at the empty caretakers’ den in Helidos. She had seen the disappointment in her mother’s eyes and the hatred burning in her father’s orbs a hundred times over, feeling the wounds that once weakened her and carrying the burden for the death of her pack mates. She had felt the cold earth, once warm from Alanoth resting there with their pups, as it bit and tore her heart to shreds. And yet, upon awakening, she was grateful for the way her life had tumbled repeatedly. Every time she was tossed down, she rose back up stronger. Her first failure hardened her body, her mate’s and pups’ betrayal petrified her heart into stone, and her final exile from Helidos cemented her determination. Fel finally rose to her paws, walking into the sunlight.

As she ambled around the pack clearing, her long, clean raven fur swayed against her large form in rhythm with her stride. Fel carried herself with the dignity of a beta but avoided obnoxious pride. Her tail, which was slightly longer than the average, was raised instead of hanging limply behind her, yet she was calm and composed in a façade of indifference. The façade, however, was more than just a mask. Fel learned from her earlier days that it was best to remain calm, avoiding bursts of emotion which would likely lead to mistakes. This took many more years to actually accomplish, but with the shattering of her heart, she believed the transformation to become complete. If it was beneficial to display aggression and dominance to suit her purposes, she would do so. If it was in her best interests to make an ally, she would attempt a more amicable approach. But in any case, Fel always strove to maintain a level head with clear thoughts.

The beta made her way around the edge of the clearing, examining passing wolves in the soft light of the morning with cold, emotionless eyes. She figured it was time to meet those with ranks beneath hers, as well as perhaps her equal. To best fulfill her duties, it would help to know the pack a little better.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

Posts : 141
Join date : 2013-10-03
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years Old.

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 18th 2014, 19:52

Morning light encroached, peeking over the horizon like a curious caterpillar having just transformed into a butterfly, prepared to use its wings for the first time to explore the lands in a body anew. Normally, he did not waste away hours inside of his den, dominated by the resilient need for sleep that plagued so many others. He retreated to his den with the setting of the sun, and reappeared in the clearing with the rising of the sun. His life was on a continuous loop; few things changed. And that, perhaps, was exactly the way he liked it to be.

Activity was dull this morning. A few wolves passed him by, to whom he offered a low sweep of his head in greeting. Everybody knew that he did not talk without purpose. In the hours of first light, conversation was unnecessary - an inconvenience, at best - and so they had all learned, at their own individualistic paces, that, to him, they needn’t offer more than a dip of their head when they saw him approaching from afar. It was arguable that intimidation played a factor, for, truthfully, there was something off putting, uncanny, about the stillness of his being, even when in movement. His behaviour was unnatural, even for that of an Erenyx wolf; some were nice enough, simple enough, to label him unique, but others were rebellious enough to shy away, turning their heads as though the Beta would not hear, whispering into the wind and the ear of any listener about how his isolation was a mere act.

He did not let it bother him, however. The opinions of other weighed upon him little. It did not matter what others thought, or what they were driven to speak aloud, for as long as he knew that something was so, then nothing else was significant. He did not need to prove himself to anybody; unlike those whisperers, he was not influenced by the need to impress. He did not need to rely upon feeling that golden satisfaction running through his veins when, as a result of none other than himself, eyes would brighten in awe, in envy, up until they put the northern lights to shame. Besides, even if he wanted to feel that sort of thing, he was practical enough, intelligent enough, to understand that he would not. Such a gift was reserved for those still blessed with the mortal’s ability to feel; for those that, sometimes, still did not have a steady heart beat, succumbing to their childish whims.

A figure, haunting, cloaked in foreboding black, sat along the edges of the camp, his eyes having pleaded to wander fleetingly, but with such little influence over his brain, had been unable to put a stop to the slight alteration in the direction of his steps. He approached the female - the scent of Helidos still clung to her body, fading as the days passed, but still visible to his senses - his instincts labelling her an intruder, a prisoner, but remaining outwardly nonchalant, even as he settled into a poised sit a polite distance away from her flank. The dawn was stretching farther across the sky, shades of purples and pinks dappling with the brilliant gold as it fought to be triumphant, dancing across his handsome features, brightening the bronze shades that had long since had him easily decipherable amongst a crowd as the one, the only …


Such a handsome face. Too bad he never chanced a smile.

Which was, perhaps, partially behind what would have this being viewed as somewhat awkward, somewhat odd, through the eyes of the female he had chosen to sit beside. He did not look towards her, not even from the corners of his eye, nor had he acknowledged her since having settled into said seat a few minutes ago. She would learn, just like the rest of them had, that his greetings could not even be correctly called peculiar. He did not need to dip his head, or to part his lips, in order to say his part. His presence, alone, was his words.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 19th 2014, 17:10

Reaching a patch of shade at the edge of the clearing, Fel lowered her haunches to the ground, sitting tall but silent. Her seated form was, as always, statuesque. Not a muscle nor the tip of her tail moved; only her eyes flickered with the quiet activity. She watched the wolves indifferently as they filed past to catch breakfast or otherwise carry on with their duties. The members of Erenyx were diverse. Some were tall, some were short, some wolves were lean, others powerfully stocky; some were pregnant, and some were just now old enough to feel heat. But yet, one thing was unanimous in all of them. Everything was relatively quiet. The dark fae welcomed the silence, having dealt with the bustle of Helidos’s daily interactions for the past seasons. Any time a jovial greeting or a bubbly well-wishing flew her way, she had tossed it aside with a simple nod, if anything at all. Many times, she would trot past in silence. Perhaps that was why she did not truly miss anyone from Helidos. She had never befriended anyone for there was no reason to. Her rank’s description was to protect the alpha and their family; nothing else. Now, however, it was so much more.

As she watched the clearing, her head not moving as her eyes slowly scanned the perimeter, a brute with a pelt of bronze slowly walked over. The brilliant coat shone in the edges of her peripheral vision as he approached. Her deficit of interest in him was mirrored in his own silence and lack of acknowledgment of her presence. But in his case, he had acknowledged her by sitting beside her. The raven beta remained indifferent next to the younger male, not intending to speak first. She was a wolf of few words, and the few that were said were often blunt. Fel knew very well that traces of Helidos lingered on her, understanding that it would only make proving herself here harder. Yet, she sat with wordless dignity in her spot. Fel was not at all daunted by her situation, whether referring to sitting beside the equally silent brute or sitting amongst a pack as a high-ranking wolf while still bearing slivers of the scent of their rivals.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Age : 26

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Age: 5 Years Old.

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2014, 08:50

He was unused to being met, in turn, with a silence equal to his own. Just as he did not acknowledge her, she did not go out of her way to acknowledge him; they were a pair of strangers, bound by their silence, and by this unspoken bond that followed in hot pursuit, based on nothing more complex than the fact that they stood, that they fought, for the same side. Even if, of course, at one point in time she had not. He looked to her, then, finally inclined to examine the features of a she-wolf that smelt of the enemy - if the Alpha had accepted her, then surely she had done something extraordinary to prove her worth. He wondered, momentarily, if their pack’s Elite female would know anything about this she-wolf’s background in Helidos. He understood that Katyusha, too, had come forth from the borders of Helidos to make her allegiance with Erenyx, but that did not necessarily mean that, during her time in Helidos, she had ever conversed with this newcomer. Perhaps he would ask her one day. But probably not.

“You smell of Helidos.” His words were matter-of-fact, pointing out the obvious for the simple sake of starting a conversation, having taken it upon himself to speak first when it was made apparent that she would be doing no such thing. His dark gold eyes were fixed upon her body, meeting her eyes with an uncanny nonchalance - would she be surprised to see that this, the smell of his enemy, did not bother him? He would not wrongfully judge the she-wolf, disclude her, because of where it was that she had come from. He, personally, cared little for the petty rivalry that existed between the two packs. She was free to make a choice when it came down to where she wanted to serve. If Alpha Teren had been able to be convinced of her loyalties, of her potential in this pack, then he saw no reason to question her. Besides, he did not believe his Alpha male the type to be easily won over - particularly when it was a female. Whatever she had done … surely it had made her a prize in Alpha Teren’s eyes; he looked forward to seeing what she would amount to in the future. “I will not inquire as to why an alteration in allegiance was made. Your acceptance into these lands is proof enough that what you bring here is most …” He dipped his head, polite, poised. “... admirable.” His word choice was interesting, to say the least. Although there was no awe in his expression, he had not been dishonest.

He did not ask for the female’s name, nor the ranking that she had gotten upon crossing into the lands of Erenyx. He knew not, as of now, that he stood by the flank of his counterpart. Rumours had spread that someone had risen to the title, claiming themselves the Beta female, but he had not gotten a chance to speak with Alpha Teren about it. Truthfully, he did not desire to meet with her. It would happen when it happened, and when it did happen, he would welcome her kindly into the ranking and treat her with the same level of respect that he did the others of his pack. He waited for her response, should she choose to speak further on the matter that he had chosen to open up for discussion. If her silence prolonged, then he would likely move on from this pointless exchange in a matter of minutes, to perhaps check the borders, or to amount to something otherwise productive. He would, surely, get another chance to speak with who he knew not to be his fellow Beta.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Location : Alabama

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2014, 15:08

The fae of seven years noticed the head of her silent companion eventually turn to look over her, and she allowed him to do so without interference. She was confident in her physical form, and knew her own body’s capabilities. Maybe he wouldn’t see this through her thick mass of long fur, and maybe he would. It did not matter. She would likely pass his examination anyway. After a long moment, Fel turned her large head towards him, meeting his gaze before beginning her own inspection. Handsome bronze fur covered the decently built body of an otherwise average-looking brute. She could see that he was younger than her, though the exact difference in number was not certain. It didn’t matter either. Their silent exchange of examinations and otherwise their shared indifference was the most interesting.

At last he spoke. The silence was broken with a simple phrase that they were both well-aware of. Fel looked to him, holding his golden gaze equally. In a voice deeper than any regular fae’s, the words smoothly slid out of her mouth, “Of course.” It was a blunt statement, holding no purpose other than to respond in an equal manner. But the next thing he said caught her by surprise. She would not, of course, show this, but she was almost shocked by this display of what seemed to be acceptance into the pack by the nameless brute. His reaction to her had been very different from that of Samael, who seemed to think she was at first an intruder. This male, on the other hand, did not question her actual entrance into the pack, nor her reasons for switching loyalties. It was not a relief, for Fel was not worried about the matter, but it was pleasant nonetheless. “Thank you, bronze brute of Erenyx… Tell me, is there another ranking name I am to call you? I see many wolves, but know the names of few.” It was true that she knew a handful of Erenyx wolves. Tye, Chiara, Katyusha, Samael, and Teren were the only ones that came off the top of her head. But there were many wolves she did not recognize, and he was one of them. Fel did not turn her body to him at any point; only her head remained facing him. Her nearly colorless eyes did not stray from the male, attentively waiting for him to respond if he chose to. One raven ear, however, monitored the quiet exchanges of morning commerce in the pack clearing.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Join date : 2013-10-03
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years Old.

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2014, 17:13

What was strangest of all about a wolf of authority was the lack thereof authority inscribed within their body language. When he looked to who he knew not to be his equal, his partner in sovereignty, he did not attempt to assert himself as the superior whom she was entitled to revere. Since having climbed the ranks, he had, frankly, not draped his tail across his spine even once. He was blessed with an understanding that others overlooked; an extra sense that, at times, had him thinking lowly of wolf-like customs, degrading its significance. Power, in his eyes, was not best expressed through the snapping of teeth or the dominant placement of a mere body part. That was nothing more complex than intimidation. It was a fight for power, not a true possession of it. Even an Omega could snap its teeth and call itself a leader.

What made Teren a leader, perhaps, was that he did not cower in the face of challenge, but instead embraced it with welcoming arms. He knew what he wanted, and he worked tirelessly to get it for himself - there was no reliance placed upon the shoulders of another. He had confronted an Alpha, and then had beat that very Alpha at his own game, in his own land. Although his motivation was questionable, his temperament foreboding, he demanded a respect that he deserved. Such was why he, Irrationality, served him blindly. Because he deserved it. Some would disagree, but an opinion was worth so little. It worth about as much as a title, for what was a title - a position in this thing called a hierarchy - if an individual could not defend what was supposedly theirs to keep? He was not a Beta male because the Alpha had said the word and suddenly altered his standing. That was a part of the process, yes, but it was only the beginning. He was a Beta male, he believed, because unlike others before, he did not cower. He would defend what was his, and he would so without mercy - such was the way of an Erenyx wolf.

It was why it had taxed him so little, dark gold eyes finding a home inside of his counterpart’s ghostly blue, exploring every cranny of her exterior with open scrutinization and a slacked jaw that uttered a respected name with the same ease as though they had been discussing the weather. “I am Irrationality, a Beta of this pack.” And then it was finished. He was through. He did not wait to watch those words sink in, to see how her expression perhaps morphed to fit the absorption of this news. He invited the she-wolf to offer her own, in turn, should it please her to do so with a slight inclination of his bronze chin, ears rotating towards her in preparation to catch the words if they were spoken. What he was least looking forward to, among a number of things, was the moments in which a wolf situated themselves into that of a submissive bow, apologizing profusely for the lack of recognition spared for his authority. He did not demand submission from his peers; in fact, he discouraged it. There was a difference between being challenged and being curtly respected, something of which was in the best interest of wolves to remain mindful of, and unless the former so happened to become a reality, then he would never be driven to arch his tail over his back, or to pull on his lips until they were deemed a threatening snarl.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2014, 18:10

Fel watched him calmly, studying the golden flecks of color in his eyes. It was always interested her what she could find in the orbs of wolves. Color was one thing, a marvelous work of nature. There were the dark brown eyes of her devil of a father which looked very much like his personality. Fel remembered them clearly to this day, even though the last time she saw them was nearly five years ago. They shone like the petrified surface of wood, and from a short distance, seemed to blend into the charcoal pits of his pupils. Her son’s eyes were a reflection of her own, resembling more of a glacier with their chilling blue expanses crowned with gentle slivers of silver. And the golden ones she was examining now were warm in their hue with both softer and darker specks here and there. Yet it was not only the actual appearance of the eyes that interested Fel, but also what they could tell her about the wolf. It was a synecdoche of sorts, using part to represent the whole, in this case, wolf. In the eyes of the weak, she could often see fear and panic flickering like frantic birds in a cage. In the eyes of the accomplished and self-absorbed, confidence and pride shone with the brilliance of precious gems. In anger, a wolf’s eyes seemed to almost radiate, not in color but rather intensity, with blind rage. And in the eyes of those who accepted their death, as Fel had seen in Athena and so many before her, was simply peace. It was as if it were a complete resolution to all of the world’s and the particular wolf’s problems. They accepted the end, and were simply ready to be taken away.

In Fel’s own eyes, however, there was little that could be deciphered. Her emotions were nearly extinct and otherwise suppressed. Her eyes revealed nothing more than a hard shell, a wall, a deflective mirror if you will. Her thoughts and experiences were destined to be private unless she consciously allowed them to be shared. One might argue that things like grief and fear and love would be exceptions, and they would be… If only Fel had any left. Her loved ones were gone, which essentially killed all three birds with one stone. If she had no one to love, she had no one to grieve, and therefore had nothing to fear. Death would come for all wolves eventually, and pain was something to be endured, not feared. Her grief over the loss of both of her families had also exterminated her ability to love. There was nothing left of it, and Fel was thankful for this.

She was still holding his gaze, scrutinizing every little fleck of gold, when he spoke his name. Irrationality. So this male, was the Beta – her partner from now on. Honestly, Fel was thankful it was him and not some clueless idiot. Upon his wordless invitation to respond with her own name, she flicked the previously busy ear towards him, giving him her full acknowledgement at last. It was only fair to return an introduction with an introduction. Besides, it might behoove the both of them to know each other. “Fel, your partner and female Beta of this pack I am now to call home.” For a moment, Fel thought back to how she earned her rank. She had proven herself useful to Teren from the very start and offered her allegiance and service. His accomplishments alone had been enough to make her respect him, and perhaps it was her accomplishments upon arrival that he was as remarkable enough to give her this standing in the pack. Or maybe it was her sinister, hardened yet surprisingly calm demeanor. Maybe, after all, it was both. It was intriguing to see the difference in how her ranks had been earned throughout her lifetime. She was born into a sort of acting-beta position as she prepared for two years to take her father’s place as leader, and later had trained for several months to become specialized in the area of defensive fighting that the rank of Guardian demanded. This time she had been thrown into the position, though she was quite certain she was qualified for it. It would take time for the rest of the pack to see this, but Fel was determined to prove herself to her subordinates. Eventually, they would know she was where she belonged.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Join date : 2013-10-03
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years Old.

Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2014, 20:24

He would have very well thought his leader to have lost his mind, had he not possessed a limitless faith in Teren’s decisions. It was not to say that he did not believe her capable of fulfilling the duties that the position called for. From inspection alone, she appeared powerful and self-confident; just cold-blooded enough that she was perhaps better suited to the ways of this pack. Perhaps had always been better suited to this pack, right from the start when she had first aligned herself with Helidos. He wondered, briefly, what had taken place upon their borders between Alpha Teren and herself. What had she possibly done to earn his trust in a matter of minutes? A matter of a single conversation? Others undoubtedly looked to her from the corners of their eyes with suspicion, skeptical of whether or not to place their trust in her, cautious of the probability that she remained in loyal service to Helidos and had been sent here to spy on them from the inside. He could not imagine what it must have been like to switch allegiance - especially when the two involved packs were so heavily rivalled against one another. He remained true to his word, in that he would not pry inside of her mind to uncover the answers that he sought, for surely, Alpha Teren would bring it up with him upon a later date if it was important enough for him to know.

Regardless of his immediate thoughts, she had done something to become akin to a prize, of sorts, in his Alpha’s eyes. To cross the border as a Beta, instead of as that of a mere Warrior, Hunter, Healer, or Caretaker, was an extreme accomplishment - borderline unheard of. He would not doubt her, nor would he disrespect her, for as his new counterpart, it was his job to look upon her as his equal and to rightfully treat her as so. “I wish to officially welcome you into the pack, Beta Fel. It will be a pleasure to work alongside you in the coming days.” He hoped he would come to know her on a level that allowed him to see the same worth in her that his superior did. He believed that, with time, he would see the qualities of a true leader inside of her, and would thus come to appreciate her companionship in the ranking. It was no secret that Teren thought lesser of the female gender, but he wished to see her as a fellow Beta, not as just a female. Although he dutifully supported his Alpha’s beliefs, they were not his beliefs, and so he would never dare act as though she was any lesser than him because of their difference in gender. She could prove herself to this pack just as well as he could. He did not question that about any of the females.

“Do you believe that you will be of better service here in the rank that you now hold?” He was simply attempting to gain an understanding for his companion in rank. He wanted to know her personality inside-and-out so that he may better work alongside her. He knew nothing of the life that she had previously led in Helidos, and it was entirely up to Fel whether or not she shared, but for the time being, there was nothing holding him back from asking simple questions such as this. She was new to the pack, new to the faces that passed her by, the territories that she roamed. It would be interesting to hear, from none other than the Beta female herself, whether or not she felt up to the challenge of both being a superior in Erenyx, while getting to know Erenyx at the same time. He would, of course, be willing to help her along the way, should ever she find use of his services. Perhaps they were a pack of demons, of monsters, but that did not mean they were incapable of all humane things … Irrationality, for one, was not oblivious to the ways of extending a gentle paw.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Age: 5
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Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2014, 07:09

ooc-This takes place after Chia had her pups fyi

bic-Time had past since the birth of her first living litter. Now they were nearing the time of being allowed out on there own and soon they would start training for their futures. Chiara and Magnus had been blessed with four wonderful pups, all different and unique in their own ways. She had two faes and two males, all a handful, but none so much as her oldest fae Piper. She seemed to question everything her or Magnus asked of her, as if she needed a reason to be obedient for anything. It annoyed the guardian and she hoped she would grow out of the behavior before she questioned the wrong person. As much as the young fae gave her a headache she loved her and her sister Willow. With a coat of ivory like her late mother and sister she doted on the runt of the litter. Almost coddling her nervousness in a sense Willow fed of Chiara's protectiveness over her. Subconsciously the guardian knew she thought of her as having a bit of her grandmother and aunt in her, whether that was healthy for her or not. Twice she caught herself calling out her name in the morning, thinking she was actually her sister instead of her daughter. She tried hard not to favor the two girls over the boys, but it was hard not to. Her sons on the other hand grew towards Magnus heavily. Aspen, being the oldest and most mature, was already trying to escape the den without permission. He had gone out with Magnus a few times and she felt that in a day or so he could journey out alone first. Ciro the other male, though he resembled Chiara in pelt, acted more like Magnus. Built like him he seemed to be the perfect mindset and attitude of a future hunter. He knew the code of the hunter by heart and had made it clear to most everyone who he wanted to train with. Chiara sighed, her mind filled now with thoughts of her pup's futures. Finding suitable trainers for them wouldn't be hard. If not taught by herself and Magnus the remaining two could be taught by a number of wolves in the pack.

In her thoughts Chiara had made her way into the main clearing. Her body was still recovering from the birth and recent weaning of the pups, and her body showed this. Muscle would need to be brought back in places and her stamina would need some polishing. Eager to get back to her training she relished the day the pups didn't need constant watching. As much as she loved being a mother she loved being a providing member to the pack too. Wolves past her by and she met them with her typical greeting of a dip of her maw. She didn't speak to them, as few she felt especially friendly to. Only a few earned her rare words of kindness other than small talk to end useless conversations quickly. Dedicated to her job more than socializing she viewed her pack mates more like allies instead of close friends. Today was no exception as in the clearing she saw both of the Beta's speaking together. Irrationality was well known in the pack and he had earned a great deal of respect from the guardian. His strong and serious exterior meshed well with her and she felt he did his job quite well. His counterpart, Fel, Chiara knew from her time in Helidos. Though they hadn't spoken much, from what she remembered of her she knew she was strong and powerful. Still unsure of what caused her to switch packs Chiara wouldn't pry, for it wasn't her business. For now Fel was Erenyx and if Teren trusted her enough to grant her Beta, Chiara would give her as much respect that earned. Coming closer to the pair the guardian held back and dipped her head in respect to them both. She wouldn't bother them, but would speak if they included her in their conversation.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Location : Alabama

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2014, 19:16

Fel greeted the somewhat generous welcome into her rank by none other than her own partner with a courteous nod. Not once did a smile cross her face, no… She would never allow that. But a wordless show of gratitude, she figured, was the civil thing to do. The ear that had been previously vigilant flicked back to its post, multitasking once more. She filtered through the noises and paw steps with a fair amount of ease, finding nothing important or approaching at the moment. When the question was asked, Fel answered without hesitation. “Indeed. Though the rank of Guardian was fulfilling, it restrained my potential. I believe this position would put my first three years of endless training as well as my cumulative experience into good use.” She purposely clarified that it was the first three years because her training had never fully ended. As a pup, she was put under the teaching of the mentors her father picked out for her, each one being killed as she surpassed them. Their pack was large and could withstand the losses, but the alpha did not allow her progress to suffer for something so futile, to him, as compassion. If she was to replace him, she had to be exactly like him. Fel never completed this course, having failed her last mission. That was five years ago. In the present day, she would never make the same mistake that ruined her original career. Throughout her two-year travel, she had fought alongside and against numerous packs and individuals, but none of them trusted her enough to allow her to assimilate. When she stumbled upon Helidos and expressed her initiative, Elite Kenai trained her in the defensive arts of Guardianship. But even with the achievement of the rank, she never rested her training, picking it up more personally. Self-scheduled exercises of strength, stamina, and agility were frequent and mandatory despite weather or other conditions that could be overlooked. She knew, therefore, exactly what she was capable of. Her mind was accustomed to the position of Beta from her earlier years. Her body, on the other hand, was maintained through persistent dedication.

As the one ear listened on its post, a set of paws seemed to approach. Fel disregarded it at first, wanting to inquire Irrationality. It was in her best interests to know those in the pack and perhaps a little bit of information about them. She hoped to get around to every wolf and see for herself who was actually useful and could be trusted, and also who couldn’t. But for now, this would have to suffice. “Could you give me a brief summary of the wolves you know of here? Name, rank, and anything else that I should know about them would be enough until I get around to them myself.” After waiting for his reply, Fel turned her gaze to the significantly smaller female seated near them. She instantly recognized her as Chiara, though she looked quite different from when they first met. Fel was only a warrior of Helidos then. The fae now seemed to have had a litter; this realization sparked a few bitter memories in the back of the Beta’s mind. None of these emotions surfaced on her expressions though. A small dip of her onyx maw was made in greeting. “Chiara… It has certainly been a while."

Last edited by Beta Fel on September 27th 2014, 08:45; edited 1 time in total
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2014, 20:36

He listened to his counterpart state her belief with respectable concentration, nodding when such was reasonable, politely attuning himself to the silence that followed until she asked him a question that, to much of his nonexistent surprise, had been asked of him only days earlier when Alpha Teren wished to receive a summary of some of his pack members. It seemed that many were of the belief that he was best fitted to the role of outlining the important details of each of the pack’s more commonly known faces. He accepted the challenge with a low sweep of his bronze head, mulling over the names and the ranks of those that it would be most beneficial for the Beta female to familiarize herself with. “There is our Elite female, Katyusha, who too has come to Erenyx from Helidos. She was the mate to former Alpha Steele and, thus,who would have in time rose to situate herself as our pack’s Alphess had it not been for Alpha Teren’s takeover.” He allowed for a brief pause before continuing. “We, too, have a variety of recognized pairs: Healer Cliche and Lead Warrior Tye are newly parents - both respectable members of our pack - and, just the same, Lead Hunter Magnus has assumed the role of a father alongside his beloved -”

He had never been one to waste his time dwelling in the credence of coincidence, but if ever he was to want to formulate such a faith, he would do so in the coming moments when the face of the she-wolf he had just been about to name appeared in the corner of his vision. “ - Chiara …” It served as both a greeting to the revered Guardian female, and as a completion of the thought that he had left on a cliffhanger when describing the couple to Beta Fel for the sake of heightening her knowledge of Erenyx’s pack members. He regarded their exchange with polished silence, a well-mannered averting of his eyes, coming to understand that the two knew each other from a time long before when Guardian Chiara, too, had been a member of Helidos. He knew not, as of now, whether or not the relationship that existed between the pair was one of exceptional pleasantries, but he found it safe to assume such as being true, given the lack of hostility that inscribed itself within their greeting. Detecting a break in the duo’s fleeting salutation, his dark gold eyes fixed upon the body of the Guardian female, inviting her closer with an elegant motioning of his head if it would so please her to do so. “I have had yet to officially congratulate Magnus and yourself for introducing new life to Erenyx. I anticipate watching how the young ones mature into their future roles.” His words were nothing more than kind, spoken for the sheer sake of enlightening Guardian Chiara as to how amiable it was that Magnus and herself had found happiness with one another - that they had established a connection so great as to wish to start a family with each other. He looked to Beta Fel, then, in the moments that followed, wondering what sort of connections and sentimentalities she may have left behind when she switched her allegiance - there was nothing even remotely emotional seen inside of her expressionless face, but it took more than what could be gathered upon first observation for him to decide whether or not such a lack thereof expression was true of the individual, or a mere form of camouflage that disguised the stories that lurked underneath like monsters to a child’s bed.
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Alpha Magnus
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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2014, 19:32

The Lead Hunter had been out early once again. He'd never imagined himself as a father and by the standards of some it was obvious why. He'd never played as a pup, only fought and killed. He wasn't good with pups, he snapped at them constantly when they made mistakes. Aspen, the eldest, was quite mature. He followed orders and did as he was told - most of the time. He reminded Magnus of himself as a pup. He just wanted to be out of the den on his own, training and doing his own thing. Piper consistently challenged him on everything, questioning his motives and reasoning for even the tiniest thing. He found himself snapping at her quite often and telling her to learn to follow orders or be put down. It was harsh, but it was how he learned, the only way he knew. Willow was the weakest, the runt. He knew Chiara held a soft spot for her but she needed to toughen up if she wanted to survive. She shied away from all others, even when her brothers tried to help her toughen up she never fought back. He yelled at her the most. Ciro followed his father around everywhere. He had the colouring of his mother and the build of his father. He was very clear on wanting to be a Hunter and Magnus could not be more proud. But the pup had a habit of following him out on hunts each morning, forcing Magnus to waste time returning him to the den.

This morning had been no different. Little Ciro had followed Magnus out before dawn. Trying to do the right thing of course, Magnus had to pick the pup up by his scruff and drag him back to his mother and siblings. Ciro had the natural talent, he would make a good hunter, if only he could learn to follow orders like his brother. By then the early glow of the sun had sprung up, which meant the animals were more awake, more alert now. But he made do, he wasn't Lead Hunter for nothing. An hour later he came strolling into camp with three fat hares dangling from his maw. He tossed them on the designated kill pile then wandered back to his den to check on his pups and their dear mother. Sticking his head inside he found all four asleep - or at least pretending to be. But Chiara was nowhere in sight. He pulled his head out, looking around the area and spotting her over by the Beta and another new female. He wanted to spend some time with his beloved, away from the pups, he might as well welcome the new kid while he was at it.

He trotted over, catching his name on the wind as it came from the Beta's mouth. He smirked as he joined the little circle, taking a seat beside his mate. "My ears are burning, who's talking about me?" He butted his head against her shoulder. "Chiara..." He murmured, inhaling her scent. After his momentary lapse in strict form, he sat himself upright, nodding respectfully to his Beta. "Irrationality." Then his attention turned to the new female. "Greetings, miss. I am Magnus. Lead Hunter and mate to our Guardian here." He gave a polite nod, but none too deep as he was unaware of her rank so far.
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Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 27th 2014, 09:04

There were times when Tye thought he was drifting, suspended in a vortex of utter surrealism and constant erosion of reality as he knew it. Fragments of it would crack, splitting into pieces until they were ghostly wisps of ephemeral things. Things of what had passed, what was the present and the stirrings of what would become of the future. And then they would all combine again to form a coherent whole and his life would make sense. The Lead Warrior had taken leave of his den early in the morning to grace the surrounding areas of Erenyx with his oh so lovely appearance of demonic propensity and charming face. He had watched his mate’s sleeping face with a tenderness that a wolf of his massive, towering size and demeanor would not have usually been expected of. At his sons who were quite big now but not big enough to leave the dens to forge a life outside of their dens. Icarus, who was as restless in his sleep as he was awake and as lethal as he growled and fought invisible enemies in his sleep. The oldest son, tasked to protect his siblings and he had taken to it without complaint (or he had but he had been smart enough to keep it out of Tye and Cliché’s ears) but the boy would have to learn some discipline. Sometimes, he was as bad as his brother in that trouble was attracted to him like moths to a flame. The middle child, Striker, who was as rebellious as his older brother and almost as much of a handful. Renier, who was the youngest and quietest son but the most serious. The calmest. And he had been reminded of why his heart beat once more.

Returning from his sojourn, he had headed towards the den at his usual steady, unfaltering gait to check on his family. Then he had smelt a new scent on the wind. It was vaguely familiar. It reminded him of hard earth but there was something missing. And after a moment, he realized what it was. Snow and ice. Winter’s touch. Could it be? The Guardian he had met on the mountains. There were other scents, all three which he recognized as his own. There was no scents of blood or rancid stenches that pointed towards foul play or harm coming from the dens so assured that his family was fine and safe, he broke out into a loping stride towards the source of the new scent. The situation didn’t seem to be hostile. He could discern as much from the lack of blood. As he approached them, coming closer and closer he spied four figures. Magnus, his good friend and the only other in the pack who he considered a brother in flesh and blood even if they weren’t really. Now they were both fathers. He’d have to make sure that Icarus went with him on his next hunt. Perhaps it would teach the boy how to be more patient and precise. Chiara, who was a respectable fae in her own right with admirable skills, a strong will and heart wrapped in an exterior of hardness and perseverance. Being a Guardian was a suitable rank for her and she wore it well. Irrationality, who had ascended to the rank of Beta Male. Tye held no ill will towards him at the current period and as with Chiara, thought him capable. Coming to a smooth halt near them, he nodded towards them as a sign of acknowledgement of their new ranks. Unfortunately he hadn’t had the opportunity to do it before.

Wolf of few words he was. When a nod or a gesture would suffice he opted for that instead of the former. But this was a situation where civil discourse was needed. He was silent, his gaze skirting over the quartet gathered coolly. His face would remain as it was, of stone carved from obsidian rock with emotion a fleeting thought. Then his piercing eyes locked onto the Guardian, ice blues matching with her own. He hadn’t thought the fae would come seek refuge here. Though his short conversation with her on the mountains had revealed some of her true, innermost thoughts and beliefs he hadn’t expected her to defect as it were. In a way, Tye had almost wished she hadn’t come. Not that he would ever say that out aloud. It was common knowledge what type of wolves their pack held and well, their Alpha was almost a carbon copy of his former dictator. A dictator did not exactly have the ideal qualities for a leader. It was why they were dictators, not leaders. Why she would want to join a pack with a creature like that at the throne was a mystery to him. He could only think that it was because of power that she hadn’t managed to grasp back in Helidos. A Beta was far greater than a Guardian after all. So maybe Teren wasn’t completely useless if he’d managed see promise in Fel. That made two out of three Helidos wolves he’d encountered on his travels in the neutral lands turn to Erenyx. And he had been correct in his observations. Juno had enjoyed Helidos so she would have stayed. The other two, Katyusha and Fel, he would have guessed that their inclinations were geared towards the nature of Erenyx upon their first meeting. And they’d ended up joining. Funny that. Maybe he was magic. He said wryly, lowering his muzzle towards her in a gesture of respect,“Welcome to Erenyx, the land of the noble and brave, former Guardian.” He was joking of course as those who knew him well could tell. Half-joking. There were some who he thought possessed those two qualities but Erenyx was completely opposite of what he’d said. The black male cared neither way of who his Beta was and would wait to see whether Fel would live up to her rank. Though he supposed she would, based on how and what she had spoken of at the mountains. He supposed he was happy on the inside.“So why?”He uttered two words in his deep, rumbling voice. It was a question whose meaning could be derived. Of course, why did you change sides was the question he could have asked but he knew she would understand.
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Alphess Chiara
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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 27th 2014, 13:12

Chiara overheard the Beta's conversation and listened quietly. They were speaking of things that the fae herself wished to know, but would never ask, why Fel had come here. Gazing her eyes over the large fae's form she saw no injuries, so a battle between another members wasn't the reason. Curious why the fae had left after seasons of service puzzled her, but perhaps that answer would reveal itself in more conversation. Suddenly their talk shifted to land on herself and they fae grew self conscious for a brief moment. Fel was the first to acknowledge her, with her brief and simple words. She remembered the previous guardian briefly, as they never sought each other out in Helidos. As a mere Warrior she remembered the fae brought to the pack by their Beta and her she trained with him and Kenai before being promoted. After her rise in the ranks she saw even less of her, as she stuck to watching Azul and Lucy. Her last memory of the fae was that day when her father happened upon her and Damon, exchanging their vows of true love. Chiara had killed her father after he had slain her beloved, thus drenching herself in his blood. She went to leave Helidos after that, knowing her future lay with following Esmerelda into the wastelands towards a promise of a new pack and more chances. While making her exit she had run into a small group of Helidos members running about. Fel was one of them as was Aurora and Kane. Covered in blood and still pissed she recalled how Fel took the defensive position over her pack mates, seeing her as the enemy. Chiara wondered in that same mindset was in her mind now, or would it change in time to see her as an ally?

Dipping her maw to Fel she walked closer to the pair as Irrationality beckoned her closer. Not having spoken with the male much she dipped her head to him out of respect as she sat down near the pair. His congratulations made her realize she had never extended the same courtesies to him at his promotion. "Greetings Fel, Irrationality. I congratulate both of you on your promotions. You both are excellent choices as our Beta's" She said, truth holding in her words. Trusting Teren's judgment she would follow his decision and respect the pair as her superiors without question. Flicking her ears to Fel she smiled "It's nice to see you again Fel, are you enjoying yourself here among the rugged without the soft ground beneath your feet?" She asked hinting at their old pack and how it differed from Erenyx in both landscape and leadership. Irrationality then spoke to her and offered his own kind words of her new family growing. Turning her smile to him her maw dipped again in thanks. "Thank you Beta. They are a joy to both of us, but they do cause trouble now and then. I greet the day they can go out on their own and start training with mentors." Just then the pair was greeted by her own mate and Tye as if on cue. Smirking as Magnus nudged her shoulder she moved over a bit for him to sit by her. He spoke to the group, offering his own congratulations and Chiara grew silent again. Tye started to speak and finally the question was out in the air. Why had Fel come to the dark side?
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Beta Fel
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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 27th 2014, 22:31

Fel listened through Irrationality’s response with perked, attentive ears. She had already met three of the five wolves he mentioned, but of those three the least she thought of was of Katyusha. The last she heard of her, she had been captured by Erenyx wolves. That she had apparently rose through the ranks by waving her rear end in front the former alpha’s nose was nothing honorable in Fel’s eyes. An Elite? From the pathetic huntress who couldn’t seem to find hares in the winter? Fel wouldn’t believe it, and until she saw her progress with her own two eyes, wouldn’t accept it. Tye, on the other hand, was an interesting wolf. Their brief conversation in the mountains had been all but ordinary. Fel knew of his rank already, and hoped that with time, he would accept hers above him. At the very least, she hoped she had an ally in him.

As she looked to Chiara, who was now seated closer to them, more wolves came into the conversation. Two males filed into the circle, one she recognized as Tye, and the other introduced himself as Lead Healer Magnus. Only Cliché then, was still missing from the short list Irrationality had given her. Perhaps she would meet her another time. The two males seemed more talkative than Irrationality had been at first, but Fel preferred their mutual bluntness and conscious, consented silences. Regardless, she was here to speak and to meet wolves, so conversation was inevitable. A slight dip of the maw acknowledged each of the wolves’ welcomes before she introduced herself to Magnus. “I am Fel, the new female Beta of Erenyx.” Her deep voice rumbled smoothly in a neutral tone, though her face did not bear the smiles she could see on some of the wolves around her. There was no need to in her case. What use would it serve? To express happiness would be to tell a lie. There was no elated joy from their jests and welcomes. Only a calm indifference. She glanced to Chiara, answering her flatly, “Even this ground is too soft for my mountain paws, but it shall suffice.” It seemed to almost take the light-heartedness out of the question. But it was absolutely true. She had been born and raised in a pack worse than this. Just because she had spent a while in Helidos did not mean she had softened.

And then finally the question she was anticipating was uttered. She allowed a short moment of silence between Tye’s two words and her response. The pause was not too long, but it allowed the others to focus, for she did not wish to repeat this again. “I have been exiled from Helidos on the account of murder of Healer Athena. I would not have willingly left my position as Guardian, but as they have betrayed my judgment, and therefore betrayed me, I came here. No, I do not hold any remaining loyalties to Helidos.” She knew that the question would have come up at some point. It was absolutely inevitable. The curiosity of these wolves would have eventually collapsed their polite resolve to avoid asking her. It might as well be now rather than later. After a brief, natural pause, Fel continued with something else she believed necessary to say. “If you wish to know what occurred at the border, you may ask Teren for the details. But he has accepted me here as beta of this pack. Some wolves, perhaps, will not immediately trust my capability. That is understandable. They do not know me. But if they do not trust their alpha’s judgment, then with time I hope to instill their trust in at least my own. I cannot be sure what any of you four wolves with rank think of my quick ascension, but I will not pry. Your thoughts are your own. Just know that I have been asked by Teren to bear this rank in his pack and I intend to live up to it fully. I only ask that you accept that. The rest is up to your own mind.” Her eyes would trail across the circle, raking through the variety of gazes that aligned as she spoke. When she was finished, her onyx maw shut as she allowed either silence to take over the circle or the wolves to begin speaking. Fel watched them, trying to read any reaction they may show. Would any wolf dare challenge her statements? She thought not, from them at least. There surely would be those who did not accept her rank at first within the pack. But perhaps from these four, she would see a unanimous acceptance. Fel knew she already had that from her partner in rank. The other three were a gamble. The raven beta sat silently, her statuesque form tall and calm amongst their flickering opinions.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2014, 19:35

It was unusual, to say the least, when so many of the wolves had suddenly materialized so shortly after being mentioned. He returned the Lead Hunter’s nod with one of his own, doing the same for the Lead Warrior as he, too, arrived and offered silent acknowledgement. He had been content to remain unspoken as those around him continued to converse; he had never been vastly recognized for his liking of communication, and so it would surely come as a surprise to nobody when he, instead of partaking in their pleasantries, listened with politely attentive ears and a preferably closed jaw. He had heard the Guardian female’s voice rising to meet his comment with one in return, and so he had taken it upon himself to focus on her, preparing to answer - for although he preferred to remain quiet, he was not so rude as to completely avoid a conversation when it was directed at him - before the Lead Warrior’s question, presumably one that haunted the thoughts of many, was voiced aloud without a trace of caution. Irrationality had never found himself feeling particularly curious of the subject, but he would not deny those around him the satisfaction of having their limitless curiosities put to rest. Although he had not been so inclined as to request the information himself, he would not pretend that it would not be somewhat useful to him - perhaps in the future - to be informed of what was behind the Beta female’s switching of allegiance.

He looked to her, then, waiting to see what she would do with the spotlight. She was free to share as much as she pleased, to even share nothing if she preferred to keep her reasons for leaving Helidos to herself, only informing those that were on a need-to-know basis. It seemed, however, that she had no quarrels with sharing the precious insight. The bronze male listened quietly, never daring to interrupt, paying more attention to the manner with which she presented the words instead of the actual words themselves. He was searching for an indication as to what sort of an impact these events had on her well-being. Was she angry with Helidos for failing to understand why she had done what she had done? He had no intention of seeking out his Alpha male to get the rest of the details, as she had stated that they very well could. Murder was, generally, a rather understandable reason to propose exile - especially from the likes of their friendly neighbours who did not condone violent behaviour. He supposed that, the only thing that truly mattered, or that held any relevance to the pack of Erenyx, was the fact that she no longer felt tied to Helidos. It would be difficult for some wolves to merely accept her word. Some would not be as willing to believe her when she said that, should the opportunity present itself, she would not return to Helidos. It would take time for everyone to respect her as their Beta female, and to truly have faith in her loyalties.

Everyone else.

“I have no doubts that the ranking is most fitted to you.” He trusted the opinion of his Alpha male without question. If he had seen worth inside of Fel, then he would see that worth, too. Besides, with the following silence that loomed over the crowd like an angry storm cloud, giving everyone time to come to terms with this new information, he had felt the need to speak up - despite his known preference for silence - to ensure that the Beta female knew she had an ally in her equal. Even if those around them did not immediately accept her, he would do the accepting for them until they could all manage to come around. “You will excel in Erenyx, of this I am certain.”
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Alpha Magnus
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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2014, 22:56

"Well met, Beta. I'm sure you must've impressed the Alpha to gain such an instant promotion at our borders." The wolves around were all curt and courteous. Magnus could clearly see on their faces that they wanted to know the answer to a question. The same question. Magnus had to admit he was a little curious, just as he had been with Katyusha, but he did not feel it necessary to ask. If the new Beta wished to share her experiences with him, she would in good time. To him it did not matter who you were before Erenyx, so long as you served the pack and its Alpha faithfully he would leave you be. But Tye, who had recently approached following Magnus, seemed to know the Beta. Most likely, he assumed, from a chance meeting in the neutral grounds. And it was Tye who so blatantly asked the question. Magnus sat in silence, wondering if she would chew him out for asking such a question. But she didn't, instead she answered honestly with almost as much bluntness as Tye's initial question. The story was an interesting one to be sure, her reasoning not a loss of faith on her part, but a loss of faith on theirs. It seemed peculiar. He'd heard tales that Helidos were loathe to turn away members. But she felt the need to assure them that her intentions were solid and that she would do her job. Her Beta counterpart offered encouragement, but Magnus said nothing. He had no words to offer that had not already been said.
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Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2014, 09:01

Tye was never one for small talk. It was trivial to him. The important things would usually find a way to crawl into the harsh light of the day to open eyes, whatever they may be. Whether it be through rumours flying around the pack lands like wild-fire or references or allusions hidden in ordinary conversations. Loyalties were loyalties and power was power. Two things that in the right circumstances could be entirely separate from one another. Tye’s instincts had always served him well and they were telling him that Teren was not to be trusted. Power was power. Some were corrupted by it. Some were born into it or granted it. Others used it as a means to do things that they otherwise would not have been able to do and punished if they didn’t have that power. And some craved it above all else just because they simply enjoyed the feeling of being in power and the status it gave them. Tye did not know if any of those applied to Teren. There was only one thing he was sure of. It was the calm before the storm. He had been in ugly situations before and this was the feeling. For Fel, the question here was her loyalty. Loyalty was a tricky thing. It was far more emotionally driven than anything else in this world. Some swore loyalty born from feelings that were derived from platonic bonds, others simply out of fear and others because it was beneficial to them or suited their own individual aspirations and goals. Not out of respect. No. For their own means. And then there were those that pledged loyalty purely out of obligation because sometimes having a sense of duty was stronger than your own beliefs so you followed the leader even if you didn’t agree with the leader. And of course, there were times when your own beliefs were the driving force behind loyalty so you changed allegiance when the pack you were didn’t believe in your beliefs.  And he guessed that maybe this was one of those cases. Perhaps she had thought the murder of the healer had been justified for whatever reason. Tye had never seen a Helidos wolf switch of her or his own free will before so it was the first thing he would have asked her especially when he remembered her words on the mountain. Those hadn’t been light-hearted words that she had spoken.    

Again, Tye had supposed that she would live up to her rank. It was not a big issue as long as she didn’t harm anyone. Tye accepted her rank without care. And when she spoke plaintively and honestly about her reason he couldn’t even find it in himself to be surprised anymore. No, he didn’t care about the details. It was irrelevant at this point in time. The onyx male’s heart had grown hard and ruthless over the years. He couldn’t even feign sympathy or any kind of reprieve or reaction to the former Guardian’s confession. He did not judge her for he was no better. He had killed before. Out of necessity. Out of preservation. Once almost out of revenge. And he had felt sick inside each time until he had learned that it was inescapable. Blood tainted his soul and it would never leave him. He was a warrior, not a saint. So he fought and that was it. The only mercy he could give was ending his opponent’s life as quickly as possible because he was not entirely heartless as much as he pretended to be. He gave her an emotionless, blank smile that was devoid of happiness or sadness. His ice blue eyes just gazed at her, trained onto hers. They were empty as his smile because he felt nothing. Fel had chosen her path and she would have to take anything that fell her way whether it was bad or good. He supposed the only solace that she could indulge in was that she was pup-less so Teren wouldn’t be able to use them as pawns or chess-pieces.“Well then I guess you do belong here. Welcome home, Beta Fel.”
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2014, 20:18

ooc-Please skip Chiara as she has nothing to say. I wish not for my lack of muse to hold up the thread.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2014, 22:36

((Sorry for the wait and the terrible quality of writing. It's been a long final week of the quarter.))

Through their silence, Fel remained statuesque in her seat. Not even discomfort at the silence of judgment was to be found upon her expressions. Only her cold eyes flickered from wolf to wolf, meeting each new shade with a calm but firm stare. Long seconds floated by unnoticed like dust in the wind. Then finally, Irrationality spoke. Her attention turned to him, hearing his words of acceptance. The raven fae dipped her maw to him in a silent display of gratitude. There was no need to give thanks verbally. Even with her small gesture, she knew the brute would understand her. He seemed to excel in wordless communication. And so, it proved, did Fel.

When Tye’s rough voice sounded, the Beta’s ears and gaze fell upon him. His blank smile was not necessary, as she saw little use in social etiquette. But she would not condone it either. What was more like him, from what she knew of him, were his words. Welcome home. A phrase of acceptance and, to her it seemed, slight humor. This pack was more like her home than any other she had visited. Location aside, their structure and the wolves’ stoical demeanors resembled those of her father’s pack. Of course, her father ruled a much larger pack. They were perhaps even crueler and definitely more organized than this bunch, but Erenyx seemed like a return to her mother’s den. The irony… Her final destination ended up mirroring her place of origin. If Fel still had a functioning soul, she would laugh. Instead, she allowed an empty smirk to curl the black membranes of her lips, mimicking that of Tye’s. “Thank you. I do believe Erenyx seems like home. Not in the earth, but rather in the lethal spirit and potential of the pack itself.” It was true. There was great potential in this pack. She could see it; perhaps it was buried beneath laziness and apathy of the many wolves who seemed to hold little purpose here, but it was there.

Finally, Fel let that issue dissipate. It was out, their curiosities were satisfied, and there was no need for it any longer. She glanced over the significantly smaller fae, Chiara. Her body had not yet recovered from her pregnancy, but Fel hoped to see her in her top form soon. A long while ago, she had seen her fur plastered against her muscles, soaked in blood. It was a shame how carrying and birthing young had such effects on the female body. The taller fae remembered that experience herself. It was awful and she never intended to repeat it. But there was one point of interest that Chiara’s current shape ignited. Her pups. In fact, all of their pups who would soon enough grow into the next generation of the pack. And while getting to know everyone here, Fel decided it would not hurt to know a bit about the youngest members of the community either. “Chiara, how fares your litter? I have not heard anything of this season’s pups.” She glanced over Magnus momentarily, wondering what their offspring looked like. Would any be as small as their mother? Only time would tell. Regardless, it was their personalities that truly interested her the most. A tiny wolf with a fiery determination to succeed was much more deadly than a large, strong wolf who was too weak at heart to fight. Fel looked to Tye once more, extending the question to him. “And Tye… How is yours?” A pause was given for them all to reply. But the bright bronze pelt beside her inevitably caught her attention. And suddenly, she wondered: did Irrationality have a mate and pups? He did not seem to be the type to succumb to such petty emotions such as love. “Now what of you, Irrationality? Is any wolf in these lands that claims you as their sire?” The only interest in all of these queries was, of course, objective. Fel wished to know what, or rather who, to expect running around the clearing soon. Or perhaps even whose offspring she would be punishing for disobedience.

Last edited by Beta Fel on October 20th 2014, 19:51; edited 1 time in total
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 19th 2014, 19:26

He distanced himself from the conversation as it began to exclude him. There was little to be taken from the pleasantries of his fellow wolves, and though he would politely pay mind to any questions that attached itself to his name, until then, he was content to remain utterly and irrevocably uninterested. Inquiries were made about the litters of Erenyx’s two well recognized couples, and considering he already knew a great deal about which young pups called which pair of mated wolves mother and father, he was once again able to attune himself to other matters of nature that did not involve the interactions of those nearby. However, upon detecting the sound of his own name, he stayed true to his prior thought and averted his dark amber eyes to that of his fellow Beta. He stayed silent a heartbeat longer than necessary, as if to further an understanding upon whether or not she was serious. She was new to these lands, which gave her reason to no little thus far about the unsociable habits of Teren’s right-hand wolf. He would never concern himself with a female. He would never father a litter of puppies. They would be horribly deprived of a father’s adoration; he was not so cruel as to assist in bringing life to this world, if those introduced to life would grow up beside a father that did not love them.

“No,” he stated matter-of-factually, “I have no intention of settling down with a female, or being the father of pups of my own in any coming springs.” As to not disrespect the happy parents around him, he met each pair of eyes that settled within his own, offering a solemn nod. He did not return Fel’s question, knowing that she had not found a mate so quickly in her time in Erenyx. There was a chance, of course, that she had found love when she had belonged to Helidos, but he was not of the type to request such insight. It was not his place to dig into the depths of a topic that could very well end up bringing painful memories to the forefront of her mind. Fel did not seem like the kind that would succumb to any agony that existed in her past, but that did not mean that she could not feel said agony on the inside without revealing any of it to his own seeking eyes. Sometimes, it almost seemed like he could bring himself to feel bad for those around him that experienced emotion to some degree or extent. If any of the pairs around him lost their counterpart, be it to illness or combat or some other misfortune, he could not even begin to imagine how it would affect them so. He did not have to concern himself with such things as that. If ever should they feel sorry for the likes of him, a male with power, but nobody to truly love and to hold dear, they worry themselves naught. He never had to wake up, fearful for the lives of so many that meant something to him. He watched his own back, and the backs of his pack-mates if and when he felt obligated to do so. Looking around him now, he would not be terribly burdened if to wake up tomorrow with one of them no longer amongst the living and the breathing. It was heartless of him, but at least he did not lie.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2014, 04:26

It was all banal conversation. To him it was polite and pointless. Magnus had paid enough attention to the goings on in the pack to know that Irrationality was an informer. He played the silent game, listening and observing. Then he reported to those he worked with. The Lead Hunter assumed that the Beta male reported to the Alpha - it would make sense, especially with the promotion from Delta to Beta so soon after Terens assumption to power. But of course there was every chance the copper male was wrong. Irrationality could very well be just a quiet individual. But he was certain the other male had some form of cunning that made him worthy of the Erenyx branding. He could see it in his eyes. There was a calculating look to them. Much unlike Fel's eyes, which were cold and hard, the eyes of a killer. They were similar to Tye's, but not quite the same. As his eyes of fire met her eyes of ice in her passing glance, he studied her. She wanted to know of his pups, but the question was directed at his mate. So he maintained his silence, preferring to listen at the Beta Male so often did. It would not be unwise for him to try to undermine his mate by speaking on her behalf. Not because of what those present might think, but because of what Chiara would so to him later. He winced mentally at the thought. She could be brutal when she wanted and tough as he was he could never hurt her. But she could certainly do her worst to him. So he waited and listened, enjoying the flood of information.
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PostSubject: Re: Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Forward is the Only Direction (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2014, 06:39

Lethal spirit and potential of the pack itself. Fine words. Apt words. None that could be any truer. And of course, it was the only plausible reason the black fae would have wanted to join them instead of remaining in her former pack. To her Erenyx may have seemed more exciting and dangerous, a welcome turnaround from the more peaceful, serene nature that her former pack-mates seemed to cultivate and nurture if rumours were true. Of course, Tye had been sarcastic. A welcome wasn’t atypical of the average wolf but then again, what was typical of the average wolf in Erenyx was becoming less of a caricature of outright evil with shades of black and more of a more realistic canvas of shades of black and grey. As it stood, Fel was home in the realest sense of the word. Still, a generous welcome for those that came wasn’t usually in the cards but Tye wasn’t a complete scoundrel that he wouldn’t greet a fae he had known and been accepted into the pack with rudeness. Although with a little morsel of sarcasm. He continued to listen, though his gaze never did leave Fel’s. It did not puzzle him as to why she was a Beta for he could understand why or at the very least, he could discern the reasons. But he did wonder just[ how much of Erenyx ran through her blood. And how much she could take. If it was lethality she wanted, then she would have to pay the price. With her pain and her blood. But then again, she probably already had. Or perhaps Helidos had tamed her far too much. Lethal to Tye was not as simple as sheer brutality. If it were, then even a squirrel pummelling at a tree trunk could be lethal. Lethal could also be measured and patient. An act of revenge for example that involved a carefully concocted scheme of murder that no one else would see coming until it was too late. Or feigning friendliness for a period of time and then attacking in one second to slit the throat. Or drowning someone or pushing them into a pit of snakes. Really, there were many ways to be lethal. The only requirement was to have the intention and cunning to grievously harm or maim someone to the point where it was life-threatening. The question that remained was, what method suited you?    

Tye’s ears twitched as Fel mentioned his friends’ pups. It had escaped his mind to ask them but it did not mean he didn’t care about them any less. So he listened for Chiara’s answer and finding none, looked towards Magnus but found nothing in the way of words or gestures as well. He waited until the Beta had finished with his response. None of it surprised Tye or garnered any kind of emotion really. And it was nothing that Tye concerned himself with or cared about. The private love lives of his pack mates were just that, private. Tye did not care. He felt no sympathy for the Beta, though perhaps he should have. Irrationality may have thought he had nothing to lose as he did not have anyone who he held close to his heart but he made an error in thinking that they woke up every morning in fear of their counter-parts dying in combat or illness. That would be giving none of their mates any confidence or credit where their strength was concerned. Those here knew the happenings in Erenyx. Some here had come from even worse conditions where no one, not even the females or pups or the Alpha was safe. Coups happened. Dictatorships fell. And in his pack one wolf had to fight one bear and it mattered not what gender you were. Some died. Others managed to make it alive with a blind eye or a missing leg. Yet the world still turned. Wolves got up every morning and went on their daily lives. Those that were of no use to the pack were brave enough to finish themselves off. It was dying with honour. And surprisingly, society hadn’t descended into chaos and turmoil due to death. Of course, of those gathered here Tye would have given them respect in the event they passed away. But then he would have moved on. Because he couldn’t reverse death. And he sincerely would not reverse it even if he could. He had faith that Cliché was not so fragile and that Chiara was not as well. And neither was Magnus or Fel. When the Beta had finished, Tye started to speak in his deep, low voice,“They are doing well. Very well indeed. Forgive me but that is all I can tell you in your current situations. I can’t have the Alpha knowing everything about me.” He looked at the Beta Male, his eyes cold and piercing but there was something far darker shimmering in their icy depths. Something dangerous and manic. He continued,“But you can tell Teren that there are three. One is as black as me with volatile rage and lunacy. Another is as cunning as a fox and the last is a weakling. Make of that what you will. I will be off then. I hope to see you in action soon Fel.”He started to turn, large muscles rippling as his obsidian form swivelled and moved. He let his gaze linger on Chiara and Magnus, allowing a shred of emotion touch his rough, handsome features. Somehow, he had a feeling that their pups had already met. It would’ve been interesting to see what became of it. With a brief, curt nod to all of them he padded away, his onyx form disappearing smoothly into the darkness of the trees without a sound.        

Occ: I’m sorry guys there’s not much more for Tye to do here so I’m going to have him leave. Have fun guys and thanks for letting me join Fel ^^
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