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Let's fly away {Open}

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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

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Join date : 2014-12-09
Age : 24

Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2014, 21:57

Noble's paws carried him far and wide that day. His ebony pelt burning with the summer sun. His blue eyes ached from the brightness but he kept his head low and made his way through a forest of trees. The sun disappeared slowly, leaves covering him in shade as he ventured deeper into a forest. The shade felt nice from the burning sun, as if it were saving him from dehydration. His dry tongue licked his ebony nose gently, his eyes dropping to the ground as he grew weary from walking. He perked his ears forward as he heard a small stream of water rushing nearby. He padded quickly past a few trees and then dropped his head to the small trickle of water and let his tongue pull the water into his mouth. He smiled weakly as he felt his thirst quench. He straightened up and that was when a strong smell struck him. It was the border to a pack and he wasn't too far away from it. He slowly walked towards the smell, thoughts racing in his mind as he considered joining it. He knew nothing about the pack and therefore that left him on a blank slate. They could be vicious or harmful, perhaps friendly and gentle. What if I don't fit in? Perhaps they don't need my skills and instead they will send me away... what can I do that will be proof of my loneliness and hope for a home? He shook his head gently and slowed his steps even more as he pondered what to say and do in order to prove himself worthy. He breathed in and out slowly, the scent getting stronger as he moved in closer. His blue eyes scanned the area and then he grew silent, he was there. The border's scents were strong and he nearly chickened out and left quickly. But instead, he stood there very awkwardly as if someone would come to him by chance. His tail swung between his legs and his ears went back ever so slightly as he thought about what he should do. He tilted his head back, looking to the leaves in the trees and the sky. He opened his maw and at first, nothing came from his throat. But after a few more moments, he howled long and strong. After he finished his call, he sat down and curled his tail around his body. His ears went flat against his head and his blue eyes stayed on the ground as he waited. Here is where I shall wait. He licked his nose gently and shifted from paw to paw slightly. His heart was racing and he was slightly scared of what may come and greet him. He was a weary traveler and he hoped they wouldn't be too harsh towards him.
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Quinn Of Helidos
Quinn Of Helidos

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Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2014, 18:47

With the fresh air of the morning entering into her den, she stretched her paws before her face. Her eyes were closed as she nuzzled her cheek against that of her mate's. Waking up beside Fenirs was the best thing she had ever done in the morning. He was so gentle and caring with her, that she could never imagine her life with anyone else. Kraven never came to the front of her mind. No longer did he haunt her mind. His hold on her was finished. Quinn opened her eyes and looked to the form of the male beside her. He was so stunning and perfect in her eyes. There was nothing he could do to change her mind about him. She leaned in close to him, giving three gentle licks to his ear. She got herself up on her paws, walking to the entrance of the den and heading out. She shook out her coat and began cleaning herself, placing everything as it should be. She ran her tongue over her coat, pushing it to lay down perfectly flat. Once she heard the call from outside her lands, she lifted her head. Her harvest hues looked over the lands and started to move for the borders. As she made her way to the guest, she held a smile on her face. "Hello dear, how may I help you? I am Alphess Quinn, leader of Helidos and the lands behind me."
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

Posts : 75
Join date : 2014-12-09
Age : 24

Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2014, 20:13

His ears were firmly pressed against his skull as he heard a gentle and soothing voice speak to him. He tilted his head and let his blue eyes search the figure in front of him. He pondered his words carefully, trying to figure out if she was acting or not. "Well, M'lady Alphess Quinn... I am a simple loner by the name of 'Noble'. I hope thou don't mind but I seek acceptance into your great pack called Helidos." He knew nothing about Helidos, but he wanted a home and family. He wanted to find peace within himself and work hard to protect those he loved. He looked down at his tail, not wanting to disrespect the alphess. He was surprised that he had been greeted by the alphess, usually it was the elites and betas who came to answer the call of the loners. It was quite dangerous for the alphess, but not today since he was really no harm to her. He glanced up slightly, unsure of what to say and he was really used to only speaking when spoken too. Well, except for Callek. With the younger wolf he had raised, he had always rambled on and on about little things that never seemed to matter. He had trained him and loved him like a father and yet he was here alone at a border of wolves he didn't know. He wasn't going to be a loner for long if he could just say the right things and get the she-wolf to believe his words. He was no demon but he was also no angel. He could only hope that the she-wolf would understand that. Otherwise, he would never be a caretaker. He wanted to make right what he had done wrong and he could only hope that she wouldn't ask his reasoning's to join or be the rank he hoped for. But then again, in these lands perhaps the ranks were named differently and he would end up confusing her. He had his past and he was sure that she had hers. He smiled weakly and just sat as still as he could be. He didn't want to seem like a threat, that and he just couldn't relax.
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Quinn Of Helidos
Quinn Of Helidos

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Join date : 2014-04-26

Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2014, 20:58

As she looked to the wolf before her, she continued to smile. Her ears were perked atop her head and her tail hung neutrally behind her back. If the wolf had done anything to force her to be dominant she would, but such submission was a great sign. She looked to him, watching as he spoke and replied to her words. He did not seem like that bad of a wolf. "Well, mister Noble, I can see you are very respectful and for that, I thank you. It is not too common to see wolves acting in such a way at the borders. It is refreshing." she smiled wider to him than before. If he was looking for a home, his look would not be much longer. There was no reason for him not to be accepted at this rate. He was a very calm and level-headed wolf from first meeting. "What skills do you have to offer my pack? That is, if you were to be accepted into it? What can you tell me of your past?"
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

Posts : 75
Join date : 2014-12-09
Age : 24

Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2014, 22:07

Noble kept his icy blue gaze on the ground with respect. He listened to her words and licked his ebony nose gently. "I will always have respect m'lady." He mumbled the words out very quietly and then nodded his head gently. He waited for her to speak again and he flinched as she asked what he knew he couldn't really tell her. So he looked back down at his tail and flicked it as he pondered what to say. He let his icy blue gaze lock with her eyes for a moment before dropping them and speaking the truth as he had no other tale to tell. "I am from much different lands then these, traveled far and wide to find a place I could call my home once more. I must be honest m'lady, the last pack I was in, my home pack... I killed the beta for raping my sister. I was banished from their lands and so I ran for my life. I didn't look back because I was sure they were in pursuit of me. A year or so after my banishment, I met a young he-wolf whom never spoke. He was a quiet pup about the age of 6 months, and so I raised him. He lived to be two years old and then whilst we climbed a mountain, he went ahead while I searched for a few herbs to help with any scratches we may receive in the climb. When I caught up with him, a puma attacked and we fought side by side. He died to the large cat, and there was nothing I could do." He took a deep breath and still looked at the ground in silence. He could fend for himself, hunt and fight, but he was best as one who cared for pups. "I learned much about taking care of young pups and even helped a loner give birth to her pups after I lost my friend and adopted son. So I would say my skills are best in working with pups, they learn much from me and I from them. But because of my past, I would understand if you ranked me elsewhere." He was finished speaking and he hunkered his head lower, not daring to look up at the she-wolf.
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Quinn Of Helidos
Quinn Of Helidos

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Join date : 2014-04-26

Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2014, 11:09

"Noble, look into my eyes as I tell you this. Everything is going to be alright. Everything will be fine. I know the adjustment to living within this pack will not be easy, but I also know that life can and will get better. Before my days as an Alphess, I was a Caretaker. I was posed with the task of caring for the Alpha's pups. Everything was fine the first couple of months, but as they grew to be more adventurous and wild, the leading pup of the litter was the most independent. He found himself right smack in the way of a bear's den. When I tried to save him, the bear came from hiding and attacked. I was forced from him, slung to hit the trunk of a tree. I commanded the others to run back to the pack, to get help. They did, and as I tried to save him, the bear killed the young pup. The rest of the pack came to me and forced the bear to run off. My parents were the Betas of the pack, nothing too special, but they saw a real potential in me and when they heard about the pup, they were ashamed. Before the Alphas could say anything, I apologized and fled from the pack. I never looked back and I never went back to them. I ran and ran until I collapsed on the ground before a pack border. They took me in, and the Elite saw me as weak. He knew I needed help and he vowed to make me better. Kraven, was his name. He was rough on me. He forced me to push myself, he beat me, and did anything he could to make me a better fighter. And it worked. He forced my whole life to change, and for the better. The Alphess granted me Elite to stand beside him. But then he disappeared. I did not see him for months at a time, then one cold and dark night, he returned to me. But it was only to tell me he had something he needed to do, and he would never be able to complete it with me. He left and that was the last I saw of Kraven." She looked to him and smiled. "I thought my life was over, for the second time. And when it was confirmed that an Alpha to a neighboring pack killed my beloved Kraven, I knew my life was over. But I was very wrong. I left my pack yet again, to start a new chapter in my life. I became Alphess of a small pack, much smaller than Helidos and everything seemed to be moving along. I met Fenris,and he changed my life once again. Everything in this life happens for a reason. You are brave for what you did, and I was brave as well. I have not been Alphess of this pack for very long, but I appreciate all those who support me in this decision. Noble, I want you to live here, to grow and learn. You shall care for the young of the pack, and hopefully, when next spring arrives, you will care for my own pups. I am heading back tot he pack lands now, you may accompany me or explore the lands as you wish. I must get to my duties of the day. It was a pleasure meeting you Noble, and I can only hope you will love your time here."

[Change your name to Caretaker Noble and you don't have to reply to this if you do not want it.]
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Noble Of Erenyx
Noble Of Erenyx

Posts : 75
Join date : 2014-12-09
Age : 24

Let's fly away {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2014, 19:26

He slowly rolled his ears forward and licked his nose gently as the she-wolf spoke. So I'm not the only one with such a rough past? He nodded gently, her words entering his soul and mind and he felt such comfort from them. He smiled weakly, saddened by her tale but also happy that she would share it with him. He listened, taking every word into his mind and circling around to make sure he understood everything that she said. He listened and looked her in the eyes as she had told him. His icy blue gaze held hers and he didn't flinch as she spoke of her past. He was understanding, he knew what it was like to have a rough past and while he hadn't gone into much details, he had shared it with the Alphess. When she came to and end to speaking, she gave him a rank and a home. He wagged his tail, overjoyed with the news as it entered his mind and he pondered it. "Thank you M'lady, I won't let you down. And, it was a pleasure meeting you as well." He watched her and then gently bowed his head, icy eyes staying on the ground and then he slowly and very cautiously took a step across the border and into his newly found home. A wide smile crossed his maw and pleasure ripped through his muscles and body. He was home at long last.

(OOC- Thank you so much Alphess Quinn <3)
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PostSubject: Re: Let's fly away {Open} Let's fly away {Open} Icon_minitime

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