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Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)

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Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2014, 17:25

This was a divine sanctuary of uttermost sacredness and holiness. Where the cherubs breathed and frolicked. And only the most delicate and fragile of souls tread and traipsed. To be sure, this was a place that was not to be destroyed, touched or tarnished in any way. No doubt at all. Nope. None at all. The way the flowers moved and danced as one was a truly spectacular feat. Oh yes, he was completely enthralled. It was paradise. Really.If you were into that kind of stuff. Icarus was not. Nope. Not him. He was the harbinger of doom. Of chaos and disorder. The pup had a free reign on life with freedom that he had taken advantage of with gusto and fervour. He had initially sought out companions in the form of his brothers but they had been nowhere to be seen. And his travels had taken him here, searching for food. It was a slightly surreal sight but somewhat fitting. One lone black blur moving through swathes of pink and green, his bulky form partially obscured by the field and plumes of rose-coloured flowers. Ugh. He couldn’t even eat them. They were of no use to him except to destroy. They had even made it harder to see the deer he’d been stalking. Until the wind had finally billowed through the air, sending the scent of the deer running to his nose. And he’d blasted through the air at full speed, giving chase until he veered to the left and tackled the deer down. And then he’d torn some of the flowers to pieces for getting in his way. Which was the reason for the shredded pink petals lying around his paws and spattering his pelt. It was the result of boredom.

This was a strange place to be. But there was a certain atmosphere to it that even Icarus could not elude. It was one that invited a certain sense of serenity and peace. Of tranquility. Pity. Icarus was never one for the quiet. Beneath one of the chains of hanging pink blossoms the onyx wolf sat, blood spattering his coat. At his paws, a dead deer with a severed neck that was as young as he was. The blood gushed out in an unwieldy line, staining the green fields in a grotesque line. Picture-perfect. What a beautiful day it was. Idyllic and tranquil. Absolutely amazing. Of course, he was being sarcastic. Out of all the places he had ended up being in, it was here. In a place where lavender reigned supreme and the only things available for the pup was a haven of pink coronations. And in the middle of it all, rested the happy, devilish deviant with eyes of deep, wild gold and a heart that could not be tamed.
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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Age: 2.5 years

Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeSeptember 27th 2014, 05:36

Twelve had found himself at this destination more then once and today had not been unlike any other day as he had left the territory of Helidos just as the sun was beginning to peek above the horizon to let bright rays creep across the dark lands. The daytime star was now fully revealed as it began to make it's climb into the crisp blue sky, only disturbed here and there by a faint wisp of white. Deep amber eyes would drift across the unique lands and a sigh would leave his slightly opened maw. To be honest he had doubted that there could be anywhere left in the world like this, from what he'd seen all the world was, was a large container to keep the beasts that were destined to destroy each other from disturbing any other pure planets that still had hope within them. Yet still the world battled on- creating lands like this in hope that one would not be stupid enough to destroy it and hopefully realize that this was what living was really about. Not the destruction on the enemy and what stood in your way- but everyone was so narrow minded and idiotic these days and even Twelve had been finding it hard to not just give up and accept the world for what it was destined to be. A land of war and chaos. Another planet's hell.

The male would sigh and flop down into a lying position- disturbing some fallen petals and causing them to flutter up in the breeze. Twelve would watch them miserably- his injuries that had still yet to heal hurting and giving him a constant reminder of the fact that the world was a cruel, cold, hellish place and that he had to keep alert for any predators that might find him an easy target. And the worst thing was- his main focus was other wolves that did not belong to Helidos but Erenyx- because let's face it, an Erenyx wolf would probably kill him without even thinking about what they were doing. Wolves would destroy themselves just as every other living creature on this goddamn planet would. Resting his head on his creamy paws- a sense of recklessness and carelessness overcame him and he snorted to himself with a flick of his tail. Who cared? Maybe death would be better then remaining on this earth to see it destroy itself slowly, bit by bit. But he feared death even if he tried to deny it. Nearly everyone did and denying it was stupid. Not fearing death didn't make you cool or brave, it made you foolish and blind to reality.

When the breeze would carry both the scent of another and a metallic tang of blood- Twelve would lift his head and twitch his black leathery nose before gritting his teeth with frustration and throwing back his head- fighting the urge to let out a howl of frustration. Could they not even leave this part of the earth alone? Feeling a strong urge to protect the planet's desperate attempt to give a home to those who did wish to be a part of the destruction and war that raged through the world- Twelve would stand slowly trying not to wince at the pain that shot through him. He was not supposed to be so far from the Healer's den as he was still healing but he hadn't been able to stand it and had needed to get away. But get away from what? And was getting away even a possible task anymore? Moving slowly, Twelve would come across a young brute- stinking of Erenyx and blood. Without a word Twelve would merely sit- cold intelligent eyes fixed on the brute and the slain deer. Yes- the world was definitely another planet's hell.
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeSeptember 27th 2014, 18:22

It was for a the first days of the week the young fae's parents had relented to her daily pleas of freedom. Her and her siblings had finally been allowed outside the den and permitted to drift from the main camp unattended. At first most of her litter stuck to camp, confused to this new sense of vastness that was the outside world. Aspen was the first to drift away, going to the woods and boasting freely of his travels. Ciro followed after father as always, though he was scolded just the same and went after Aspen that morning. Her sister Willow stuck to Piper like glue, much to her annoyance. True, she loved her sister, but she was a bit of a worry wart when it came to exploring. It was always "Piper would mom like us going there?" or "Piper don't go that way it looks scary" Piper rolled her eyes and bolted from her sister, leaving her to hang around the cave. She was so careful and timid Piper wondered how she would ever defend pups, as was her life long dream. As for Piper she wanted to be just like her mom, powerful, strong and formidable.

Trotting forward with a spring in her step Piper journeyed further than the previous day, leaving more familiarity behind her with each bounce. Her face bright with the new day she came to an open field dotted with wild flowers. Grinning at the new place Piper lept out into the open, jumping from flower to flower, stamping them beneath her paws. Her defenseless prey became vast armies of enemy wolves in her mind, falling beneath her strength and brawn. Throwing her maw back in a hearty laugh she snapped her teeth at the blossoms, sending a shower of colorful petals falling around her. Getting a large mouthful of some bitter tasting flower in her maw Piper spat and sputtered, growling at the plant. Spinning around her hind leg struck out, kicking what remained of the flower and snapping its stem. Pleased with her work on the enemy she curled her tail high over her back and stuck her nose up in the air. Triumphantly she high stepped trotted through the field, her eyes closed in satisfaction. After a fair distance the wind shifted and the young fae caught the scent of blood and another wolf, Erenyx. Perking up she bounded forward to a ridge which concealed the form of another young wolf and a deer carcass. Curious she approached, clearing her throat to alert the male. "Hi there. Did you really catch that?" She asked obviously impressed in his feat if he did. Never having caught any form of prey such a task seemed very difficult, though her brother Ciro boasted freely on her it was just the opposite. "I've never been out here before, have you? I'm Piper by the way, daughter of Magnus and Chiara. What's your name?" She asked, her voice friendly and curious. She hadn't caught scent of the other wolf yet, as the wind was against him. For now she was naive to the fact that enemies were out here, for life was just a game to Piper.
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Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2014, 05:30

His blood-stained teeth ripped through the flesh of the deer, swallowing the chunks of meat happily. They weren’t incredibly sharp as he wasn’t a full grown wolf yet. One day they would be. He gulped down some last few morsels and pawed through the carcass, feeling for any tender parts that he might have dropped by accident. He hadn’t realized some of the blossoms had fallen onto his pelt, clashing with the colour. Some had slid into the blood that marked his coat, pink bleeding into bright red. Some of them had landed on the carcass, as well as around it onto the blood spatters in a scattered mess. Finding nothing Icarus placed a paw at the neck of the deer, grasping the neck with his jaws and pulled at an angle. It was a kind of senseless cruelty that a pup his age did without thinking of how it would look. Icarus was not the type to question what was wrong or right. To question violence or the way the world intrinsically worked. But he hadn’t seen much of the world. He wanted to but this wasn’t even a fun place. No one to play with or hang out with. Nothing exciting out here. Except for the deer chase if that could count. All he knew was that he had wanted to test his strength so he did with what available. He cared nothing for how gruesome or violent it was. But even he wasn’t interested in destroying everything in sight. This place was lucid, somehow managing to ease his boundless energy into something slightly less destructive and chaotic. And besides, the flowers broke too easily. And the trees stretched on for miles. There was probably nothing but more trees. And more trees. Boring. He wanted something exciting and fun before he had to go back and check on his brothers or his dad would do that thing where he stared at him like he was going to kill him. Icarus snorted, crushing the deer’s windpipe with his jaws, annoyed. Was he his brother’s keeper? He had to teach Renier some moves. His baby brother was too soft. Icarus dropped the deer as he heard something. The flowers rustling. Then he saw another wolf approaching him slowly. He who was bigger than Icarus, older and he kind of looked like his brother but with amber eyes instead of blue.

He didn’t recognize the wolf at all. Was he one of those wolves from that other pack his parents had talked about? Helidos? That meant he was the enemy. He even smelt different. Icarus immediately moved so that he was covering the deer from the other wolf. He looked at him suspiciously with brilliant gold eyes, filled with suspicion and hostility. Blood dripped down his jaws onto the ground, covering his muzzle and splattered his face. Somehow, his expression remained entirely innocent, blank despite looking like he had just stepped inside a butchery. It was a combination of the wideness of his eyes and his still developing features, not quite an adult but not a helpless child anymore. The thing that puzzled him was that the wolf wasn’t attacking him. That wasn’t something he was used to. Why was he just sitting there? Was he injured? He must have been. He hadn’t seen anyone walk so slowly before. But the wolf was just watching him with cold eyes. Kind of like his father’s. He bent his head, fur raising like he’d been electrocuted. His ears flattened, eyes narrowing and he growled showing dangerous teeth, “Who’re you and what you want?” As his tail lifted he heard a boisterous laugh, making him stop and distracting him for a brief moment. Ignoring it he re-focused on the Helidos wolf in front of him, he started growling again. Icarus didn’t trust him. Then he heard something. It was a female wolf, coming towards them. She was grey with black markings and white undersides. Icarus straightened, looking at her curiously. His fur smoothed down, his interest piqued. He had never met a female his own age before. He squared his shoulders, head held high and said proudly,“Of course! I chased it down. It had no chance against me.”He left out the part where he’d taken longer than he should’ve and he had almost tripped in his haste. He nudged the deer towards her, mumbling,“Here you can have some.”His face lit up as he heard who she was. Finally. He had wanted to meet pups his own age and it was even better that she was his parents’ friends’.“I’m Icarus, son of Lead Warrior Tye and Healer Cliché.”He paused, sneaking a furtive glance at the Helidos wolf. He should be careful here, not to reveal too much. He whispered to her,"This is my first time out here too."

occ: Testing out colours
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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Age: 2.5 years

Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeSeptember 29th 2014, 14:41

Some of the sudden burst of courage that had flooded through Twelve only moments ago dwindled. He was larger then this male yes, but he was also injured and from the looks of it- this one wouldn't mind putting an end to his life if needed even if Twelve was uncertain if he could ever do such a thing. The youngster managed with the deer quite alright by the looks of it anyway. Yet there was still that puppy innocence and them big wide eyes the made Twelve instinctively feel as if the brute before him could not be a threat though common sense told him this was a lie- a trick played by time to make the young look  innocent giving them the power to actually do the worst of all. Keeping his cold amber gaze fixed on the blood covered Erenyx youngster before him- Twelve made sure to keep his posture nerve free and confident, it would make him seem more of a threat and make the male less likely to just go ahead and attack then if he were crouching down fearfully like a lamb about to be slaughtered. Twelve's own upper lip curled upwards in warning as it revealed a set of sharp pearly white fangs much larger then the brute's in front of him as the young male crouched down aggressively with narrowed eyes, spiked fur and bared fangs as it let out a growl thick with hostility. A deeper growl crept up from deep inside the multicolored brute's throat and escaped between his bared fangs in a sound of warning. He may not particularly like fighting, but years of endless training had made him a worthy opponent, even though his still healing injuries would definitely make things a bit more difficult.

"I am a being who does not wish for you to scar parts of the earth where it has only truly healed" He growled, deep amber eyes slitted and tail lashing. Months of guilt and self-anger built up in his chest and for one selfish moment he just wanted to release it all on this young wolf before him and just slash and bite, tear and rip until there was nothing left to attack. However a loud feminine laugh dragged him from the deep, scary, wild side to the healer of Helidos and Twelve perked his two rounded ears- blinking as if he'd just awakened from a really long sleep. Nerves at how close he'd come to losing it and just lashing out at the small wolf before him for not much of a reason washed over him and a small shiver raced down the brute's spine. He had to have more control then that! As the  young dark pelted male refocused on Twelve, the multicolored healer did the same thing back- fangs still bared slightly in hopes of keeping the other at a safe distance. His injuries were hurting worse then ever and he just wanted to lie down but not without peace in this serene land given as a rare gift by the earth. Almost like a test to see how we'd treat it. The results seemed quite negative at the current moment.

However both Twelve's and the Erenyx wolf's attention left each other instantly as yet another canid arrived at the scene. Twelve wrinkled his nose before feeling a small shoot of panic. Shit he was outnumbered...and injured. This was insane. Feeling his stance falter slightly, the male would give his head a sharp shake before straightening up again- showing fear was not the way to go. Fortunately the new arrival was young too and currently seemed unaware of Twelve's presence. She was also proving to be a distraction for the male and Twelve hesitated. He could just creep away and they wouldn't even notice....Yet he would catch the Erenyx male shooting him a glance and Twelve abandoned the plan- keeping his stiff, cold position. He hadn't been forgotten yet. Plus even if he had, would he have really left? It just seemed too cowardly a thing to do even if he was outnumbered. Instead he listened to their conversation with slight curiosity- eager to hear if any information could be gained. Not much expect that Erenyx had gained a few litters this year as the two seemed to come from different couples and he doubted they were the only ones born to the two pairs. Sighing he would risk glancing away up at the sky for less then a second, letting the deep, serene blue sky comfort him. He supposed only time would tell what was to happen.

[OOC; Colour testing as well~]
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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Join date : 2014-09-19

Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2014, 08:12

Piper grinned and her brown tail wagged softly behind her. She had learned early on that her sweet and innocent face got her what she wanted. It worked most day with her father when she wanted to stay up later or run to the kill pile herself for her dinner. He would rolls his eyes at her pleading at first then oblige her with a sigh. It always worked for her and today was no different. Grinning sweetly at Icarus she nodded and tore into the deer, covering her pristine face with blood and chunks of meat. Smiling her approval of the meal she licked off her face and sat down by the pup. "Great minds think alike I guess then." She said relating the fact both of them had journeyed out here today. "Both of my brother stuck to the pack lands, following my dad out while he hunted. I on the other hand wanted to go as far away from the den as possible." She said, straightening herself up some more.

It was then that she saw the other wolf in the distance and heard him speak. He didn't smell of Erenyx, but instead another pack; could he be from Helidos? From the tales she heard in the pack he wasn't rainbow colored or sparkling in the sun light. Peering at him closely she also saw that butterflies didn't come out his hind end either, adults were so weird. Rolling her eyes at the tales she thought were true her lip curled at the male. She was naïve to the fact that he was an adult and could easily kill her without much effort. Refusing to roll belly up in submission to him, though she growled and thrashed her tail as it puffed out behind her. Looking to her new friend to see what he would do she remained silent to the healer, ready to lunge at him if needed.
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Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2014, 01:33

Icarus stared at the wolf, straightening as he growled at him. He didn’t trust him. He was Helidos. And what he said made no sense. The earth was his play-ground. It wasn’t alive. It couldn’t scream or shout. It was a dead thing to him. He could do whatever he wanted here because it was the neutral grounds. The Helidos wolf fancied himself a watch-dog of this land it seemed or some kind of patron of peace or serenity. To preserve the beauty of this land and stuff like that from monsters like him. What a fool. He couldn’t protect the land any more than a wolf could protect himself from lightning. It would strike and it would strike without mercy and cared nothing for the natural beauty of things. Icarus snorted, baring his teeth at the Helidos wolf as the other growled back. He wasn’t scared. He may be bigger than him but Icarus would spare no mercy if he tried to attack him. And he would go for the throat. Icarus paused as the other wolf blinked suddenly. For a moment he was tempted to ask what was wrong. Not that he cared. No. It was out of morbid curiosity. He had never seen anyone like that before. And by the looks of things, he wasn’t at full strength anyway. Icarus looked back at the female, pleased that she’d taken the meal. She was part of his pack so he had given her part of the kill to eat. He didn’t really like her. That way. Not really. He was just happy to have a friend even if it was a female. He reached behind his ear to scratch with a hind leg as she grinned at him and said,“Yeah. It’s more fun exploring especially with the outside lands.”      

His golden eyes flashed and he raised his head. She seemed interested in fighting. Adventure. Stuff like that. Maybe they’d be friends. And he could fight with her brothers. Or fight with her. He didn’t really know any females who could fight. Not really. He had guessed there was probably some. Her mother and the warriors in the pack but he hadn’t seen any of them around. Hadn’t seen any of them fight. And he hadn’t seen any males at the moment. When she finally noticed the other male Icarus laughed as she curled her lip at him. She had the same response as he did initially and he liked that she wasn’t going to submit. Icarus bit into the deer, swallowing the remaining scraps while Piper growled at the Helidos wolf and thrashed her tail at him. Icarus guessed that she thought of Helidos wolves in the same way he did. That they were peace-loving, weak wolves. As she looked at him Icarus stepped forwards so that he was a little in front of her, studying the wolf in front of them warily. She may have forgotten that even he was Helidos he was an adult but then again, he was outnumbered and possibly hurt. The more Icarus watched him the more he was sure that he was injured or something which meant he couldn’t hurt them but he couldn’t be sure. He growled,“Why are you so slow? You’re hurt aren’t you?”
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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Age: 2.5 years

Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2014, 14:26

Still the little female continued to blabber on, completely unaware that she was in the presence of an adult male from the pack that they would have long since learnt was their enemy. However as soon as the thought entered his mind, the young fae trailed off and turned to face him with a look that held none of the sweet innocence she had gazed at the Erenyx male with only moments ago. He almost smiled at her bravery- if he wasn't injured and had a heart colder then the one he had, then her bravery could just result in her death but that wasn't the situation and even Twelve knew that the two before him- though young, would have a better chance if it came to a fight. A fight... he had not really thought properly about the fact that confronting two Erenyx wolves would probably come to a fight and slight nerves crawled up his spine, how idiotic of him thinking they'd listen to him and just leave. He was in for it now.

However, still refusing to give in as he was uncertain if they would just attack him anyway which would be even worse with his back turned- he curled his upper lip, ears pinned against his cranium and tail flicking back and forth. Hearing the Erenyx brute laugh at the female's reaction to him, Twelve felt further nerves creep up his spine. The apprentice obviously wasn't that bothered by him which was bad as the fact that Twelve was an adult should've been at least a bit intimidating. Frustrated he let a low growl slip between his bared fangs and his deep amber orbs flashed menacingly- if he had to fight he would. Even if he did not like it much, he was still good enough at it though his injuries were not going to help much. He was relieved to see slight wariness enter the male's eyes as it stepped slightly in front of its pack mate. Well at least it seemed to have realized that Twelve was larger, stronger and more experienced due to his age however it had also seemed to have noticed his weakness- his injuries.

He was disgusted at the youngster's boldness as it voiced his injuries aloud in a question. Growling lowly he would reply stiffly "Why would I bother telling you if I was injured or not. I don't see why you would have any reason to have to know such a thing." His gaze was mainly fixed on the male however he kept a watch on the small female slightly behind him too. Shit, things weren't going too well right now, what the hell had he just gotten himself into.

[OOC- Yea I know this post lacks both Quality and Quantity and I apologize, just didn't have much time or muse to type it up.]
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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Join date : 2014-09-19

Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 13th 2014, 14:38

Piper cept her eyes on the Helidos male. He did seem to be injured, but didn't want to speak of how or why that was so. His show of aggression did little to hide the fact that he was outnumbered, and against two Erenyx wolves at that. Even though some tales of the wimpy pack to the east made her doubtful, she had a strong feeling that the one myth about the pack's lack in fighting abilities was more plausible. Standing her ground Piper whispered in Icarus's ear, "What shall we do with him? Maybe we could bring him back as a hostage. Alpha Teren might be so impressed he grants us mentors early or promotes us on the spot!" She exclaimed, her mouth drooling with anticipation of her future.

Even though she was born to a sexist pack she looked for greatness from her abilities despite her gender. She wanted to be a high rank some day, full of power and someone other wolves respected and feared. Her mother had respect but she felt she didn't throw it at others as much as she should. Hoping to be taller than her mother someday she looked to Fel for her leadership. The large Beta attracted her attention a week ago when she saw her walking by her den. She oozed power and respect, something Piper yearned for above anything else. Someday she would beg the Beta to train her, so that she too could be great and powerful.
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Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 19th 2014, 00:43

Icarus bent his head, tail rising high to meet the other wolf’s challenge and growled back showing his blood-stained teeth, continuing to look at the wolf suspiciously. This was the first Helidos wolf he’d met. So far all he’d heard about them were from rumours and talk around the pack. He’d never met one before and he’d never heard his parents talking about them. The closest he heard of was his father mentioning something about a Guardian he’d met on the mountains. One who he had been wary of. It’d been mutual it seemed. Then he had said that she’d defected to Erenyx. Probably because Helidos was too boring. Or something. But Icarus thought being a Guardian had sounded cool. This wolf didn’t seem like one though. Icarus paused, pulling his head back, angling it slightly and made a face at the wolf. “You don’t even have to tell us. It’s obvious and I wanna know because you’re our enemy,”He snorted. He moved closer, his paws stepping into the spatters of blood that had formed with a squelch. Pink blossoms littered the ground around the two in a scattered ring, dripping with blood. For a brief moment he appeared almost harmless, due to the petals that had ended up threaded into his fur here and there. Icarus wiped his nose with a paw, shaking his head to make the petals fly off. He looked stupid with flowers on him. Returning his gaze back to the Helidos wolf, his eyes narrowed again fierce gold spheres igniting furiously. His muzzle wrinkled as he started to growl again, warning the other male to beware of him. He may be younger and have less experience but he was a cunning pup and could fight dirty when he had to. He didn’t think that a Helidos wolf would do the same.

He heard Piper whisper in his ear and paused, his mind whirling with thoughts. Bringing back a hostage would be fun. Having a mentor would be fun too. Then maybe he’d be strong enough to beat his dad. Then he’d start paying attention to him and he’d know what a strong wolf he was. He’d become a great warrior just like him. He started to circle the wolf, coming around to the side to see if he could find out where he’d been injured. He believed the Helidos wolf was bluffing. Or even if he wasn’t, Icarus didn’t think he could win that easily despite him being bigger than him. The black wolf was violent, rough. He didn’t hold back. Perhaps he was a little insane. Or he loved the thrill of fighting too much. It gave him an adrenaline rush he couldn’t find doing anything else. He prodded the male’s side with a blood-soaked paw curiously, head bent to sniff him to see if he could smell any traces of blood. He wasn’t interested in dragging back a body even if he had help. Not now. It would probably have impressed everyone, the both of them being able to take down a Helidos wolf and take it back to the pack. Icarus glanced at Piper and growled,“I don’t think he’s worth it. He’s probably not even a warrior and he’s hurt. He’ll probably die somehow on the way back before we reach the borders.”

Occ: Twelve, things can get very intense here. So my question is, would you like to make this interesting by making a scuffle happen?
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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Location : Éire

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Gender: Male
Age: 2.5 years

Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2014, 13:24

Continuing to stand his ground with bared fangs- Twelve would try to ignore the wave of despair crashing down on him. His last fight had lost him his father and left him critically injured, another fight was the last thing he wanted. He'd thought joining a pack like Helidos would mean not having to be in situations like this. However he could hardly blame his new pack when it was obviously no one's fault but his own- he should've stayed in the den like he'd been told to and anyway, he'd been aware that entering the Neutral territories could mean bumping into the enemy and he had. And it had been him who'd approached the apprentice first. Then again, he hadn't known its buddy would arrive. The thought made him glance around with a desperate hope- maybe another Helidos wolf had decided to pay the beautiful area a visit? Yet it quickly became evident that the place was deserted apart from him and the two Erenyx wolves before him. Shit.

Returning his deep amber orbs to the two- Twelve would narrow his gaze and lash his long tail as the female leaned over and whispered something into her pack mate's ear. It was spoken quietly but with a bit of straining, Twelve could just make out the words. He was a large male, much larger then the two, an experienced adult, had been taught great fighting skill....but was injured, outnumbered and didn't exactly like using these skills. Her words caused a shiver to run up his spine at the thought of being taken to their alpha yet it also made him let out a small growl of defiance. Not liking how certain they sounded that they would win. Even though he knew his chances of beating the two were slim, it was still there wasn't it? Well...not really, however he tried not to focus on this. As the small male spoke- Twelve's gaze switched to him, a low growl forming deep within his throat however not quite escaping his bared fangs yet. After its words- the apprentice stepped forward boldly, no wariness in his eyes. Twelve now let the growl escape and it was met with one from the other wolf.

Uneasiness crept along the healer's spine as the apprentice circled him almost like a wolf would circle a piece of prey- except the apprentice was the wolf and he was they prey. Shaking his head sharply he would snap at the male as it drew closer and stand taller despite the protestant aches that racked his battered body. Bloddy bear, I could teach these cocky brats a lesson if you hadn't battered me up.... Letting out a frustrated growl his tail would lash once again- ears pinned back flat against his cranium. Twelve stiffened as the young brute stretched out a paw to prod him curiously- not the slightest bit of fear in his gaze. Anger threatened to overwhelm the multicolored brute however he forced himself to go still- fighting back the urge to grab the wolf's small paw in his jaws and bite down until he heard the sickening cracking sound that showed his quest had been fulfilled. It was funny how he didn't particularly like fighting yet every now and again he would have this strongest urge to use the skills thought to him to hurt and punish as he'd been seen done many times before in his life.

At the male's final words to his friend- Twelve's control snapped. Surprise and strength should be his advantage here, the apprentice obviously was not expecting the healer to lash out and was standing confidently very near to him and just like that Twelve sprang. Powerful hind legs pushed him from the ground and he aimed right for the male- hoping to crash into him and have him trapped beneath him pressed into the ground. His heavier weight hopefully hurting the brute and knocking the air from him- claws would curve in his land hoping to sink into fur and flesh. There was a beast inside Twelve even though it was nearly always contained and lay sleeping in the shadows waiting for some stupid idiot to come awaken it and even though Twelve was injured, that didn't make him a bad fighter for one minute.

[Haha yes, my favorite. Don't really mind Twelve getting battered up to be honest as I don't really have any plans for him and I'll probably end up killing him off at some point further on if nothing interesting pops up.]

Attack: Aiming to crash right into Icarus using weight to injure and push him into the ground- claws hoping to come in contact with the male some time during the scuffle.
Defense: None at the moment unless you count using surprise as an advantage.
Injuries: None siding old previous ones still in the process of fully healing.
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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2014, 01:16

[Bump for Piper's turn. Or you can skip if you're having trouble]
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Alphess Chiara
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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2014, 01:40

(ooc-Piper will skip)
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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2014, 14:16

Icarus laughed again as he growled and started to turn to walk away, tail sweeping the ground roughly and swiping at the blood-spattered flowers carelessly. He wanted to go play and have fun with Piper. Maybe he’d find something interesting in this place. Something that wasn’t all disgusting flowers and pink coronations. He could just leave the Helidos wolf by himself. He wasn’t any fun to him. Icarus could smell fear coming from him and he was going on about protecting the earth. Like it needed to be protected. Like it could feel. It was ridiculous. Icarus wondered if all Helidos wolves were as foolish as this one. And just as he entertained that notion he felt the wolf crash into him. He had the advantage of surprise there so Icarus stumbled, caught off guard when the other wolf made contact sending him to the ground on his back among the blood-soaked ground and plants. He rolled away immediately, springing to his paws but not fast enough to avoid the other wolf’s claws. They cut the side of his face slightly but it was slight, not worth focusing on to him. Anger fuelled him. Icarus rolled, jumping to his paws instantly and vaulted at the other wolf. Snarling, Icarus rushed the other wolf, snarling. He slammed into him front-first and head-butted him in the face viciously, ruthlessly intending to snap the bones in his jaw and fracture his skull. It was an attack he made out of rage. He wanted to hurt the wolf, to break his bones and tear his throat out for attacking him. The wolf was bigger than him but his head weighed less so Icarus could cause massive damage to it. At the same time he began to clamp his jaws around the other’s neck to puncture skin and muscle to rip out the precious muscles and windpipe inside, twisting his hips and hooked a foreleg over the back of his neck and punched his claws into the other’s right shoulder and left side to get a grip. He applied pressure to the other wolf’s side, the place where he thought was weak to throw him. If it worked, he would have sent the other wolf toppling to the ground on his stomach with Icarus, his jaws closing like a vice grip around the other’s throat and severing it as they made impact. His claws would drag through flesh and tissue, the ligaments connecting bone to bone. Icarus was using his upper body strength, most of his body to hit the male’s side upon the initial impact in order to cause him a moment of pain where Icarus could take advantage to make a hit. He didn’t see what Piper was doing but he'd protect her if she attacked too.

Attack: Attack to the neck and throw-down, aiming for the injured side and punching claws into body
Injuries: None
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2014, 03:07

Anger pumped through the male as he snarled viciously- feeling the smaller wolf tumble away from his grasp. Landing amongst the fallen petals, he would glance down at his claws. Small specks of blood scattered across them but there was not much of the crimson liquid which meant he'd only made a shallow mark. Amber eyes would flash as he would turn his amber gaze towards the apprentice. In a matter of seconds the male had managed to regain his footing and was charging head on towards the Helidos healer. There was an evident rage in the young wolf's gaze and Twelve knew that this would make the male a more ferocious fighter yet it would also most likely make him reckless and less likely to try anything sneaky but keep to head on rage-filled assaults. The wolf slammed right into him and Twelve gasped as he felt the air leave his body. Despite his body's need to recover he did not give it the time and tried to keep focus on the Erenyx male despite his gasps for air and agony suddenly flaring from his chest. He must've cracked a bone or something but soon the adrenaline pumping through him washed away most of the pain, replacing it with a dull numbing sensation. Snarling with sudden rage he felt a longing to tear apart the male, make him suffer, regret injuring him and awaking the inner beast. He would not deny that the male was a good fighter for his age though and would prove to be a very worthy fighter when he was of age.

Yet he would have to work on controlling his rage and as he went to headbutt Twelve presumably in the jaw area- he would drop down into a crouch despite the protestant pains shooting through his chest. In seconds he would lurch forward- crashing right into the wolf's legs, intending to send him crashing to the ground. If successful he would then dart behind the fallen wolf and grab one of the hind legs in his jaws and jerk it viciously before tightening an iron grip around it and applying pressure. Letting his jaws sink into the flesh and dig deeper and deeper until he could hopefully tear a tendon or something. Maybe even reach the bone.

Attack: Slamming into Icarus' legs and hoping to unbalance him. If successful, going for the right hind leg and viciously biting at- trying to rip through flesh and wanting to reach the bone as well as jerking it viciously hoping to possibly dislocate it.
Defense: Body angled away from the front of Icarus and ears pinned, tail tucked.
Injuries: Cracked bones in chest area, previous injuries.
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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeDecember 8th 2014, 20:33

Icarus’ head throbbed slightly. He’d missed the other wolf’s face. He lashed out with his tail in one furious strike, striking the blossoms and sending the petals flying off the stems into the air. Blood-curdling snarls ripped loose from his throat, growing deeper and deeper until they filled the air. His muzzle wrinkled as his lips pulled back, showing dagger-like teeth and fangs. Rage clouded his mind, making his gold eyes seem brighter, mercurial and wild. But he had to get his balance back and in that time, the other male went for his forelegs sending him toppling. He hit the ground on his side as the other male made contact, unbalancing him into the blood-spattered petals. His weight crushed the petals without mercy. And the other wolf was going for one of his hind legs. Icarus rolled over, swiping a chunk of dirt at his face as he rolled with his right fore-paw which he slammed into the earth to scoop out to distract the Helidos wolf. He couldn’t escape the Helidos wolf’s jaws entirely though as he felt the other wolf’s teeth rake his right hind leg, going through the flesh and fur to spill crimson blood into the bright pink petals. Pain seared through his leg. Icarus didn’t care. He noticed that the other wolf had angled his body away from Icarus, in an opposite direction to him. He’d fix that. Still crouched on the ground as he completed the roll and once he was on his stomach, Icarus twisted around so that he was facing him and kicked off with his left hind leg, launching himself underneath the wolf aiming to snap his jaws around the other’s right fore-leg. At the same time, he attempted to knock into the wolf’s right hind-leg with his entire weight as he twisted his body so that he had better balance, attempting to throw him flat onto his back. Hopefully he would be distracted enough so that Icarus could clamp his jaws around the fore-leg. He was side by side to the male, his head positioned behind his shoulder so that his head was relatively free from harm. He was aiming to drag the other male down by his right fore-leg, to break his leg in half. He hoped that whatever he’d broken in his body was going to cause enough pain for him to go down. There was nothing he wanted to do more than to tear and rip. To destroy. But the pup’s sole reason was his rage and once that was dwindling down as it would after he had vented, he would stop.

AttackThrowing a chunk of earth into his face to distract him. Launching himself underneath the wolf while knocking into the Twelve’s right hind leg, twisting his body for balance and throwing him onto his back then attempting to bite his fore-leg and break it in half
Defence Body is almost side by side making it harder for Twelve to turn to attack, ears are folded
Injuries Torn right hind leg, cut to face
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2014, 07:58

As soon as the satisfying metallic tasting liquid had bathed his tongue, it was ripped away from him and jaws snapped fully shut on open air. Anger burned through him like a raging forest fire as an angered snarl was torn from his chest. Before he had time to turn and lash out again- large chunks of mud and dirt was hitting him in the face and in the moments it took to blink the substance from his now stinging eyes, the young brute had rolled away from his reach. Cursing with frustration- Twelve would turn to face the dark male, spitting out a chunk of dirt as he did so. However he didn't turn quite as quick as he should've and the wolf had slid right beneath his crouched self and attempted to clasp jaws around his foreleg. Contact was made yet in the milliseconds he'd had, Twelve had managed to shift his leg enough to make Icarus' aim slightly off. He still managed to bring Twelve crashing down once he'd kicked out at his right hind leg which gave way and caused him to fall.  Pain still shot through him like a bolt of lightening and he knew some damage had been made to the bone yet it had not broken completely in half as the apprentice had presumably been hoping for due to only managing to catch onto part of Twelve's foreleg before he'd fallen and painfully tore the leg from his grasp feeling flesh tear with the action. A sound of anger, almost resembling a hiss would slip from his clenched fangs as he rolled rather than away from the apprentice, right into him. Due to his larger size, even though he was on the ground- he managed to strain his body upwards enough to let most of the pressure hit the young male's chest. Hoping to have him winded for a matter of seconds he would roll and push himself to all fours despite the pain shooting from the foreleg the apprentice had targeted. If it were not for the adrenaline pumping through him at a steady rate it was possible the pain alone could have stopped him and he knew he was in for a great deal of pain later. Especially considering his older injuries were still in the process of healing and many wounds had probably reopened from his movement alone. Once on his paws, he charged the young brute, slamming into him for the second time however this time from the side and attempting sink his jaws into the brute's shoulder area and ripping recklessly through flesh as he stepped backwards- trying to painfully yank the brute backwards with him. His attacks had become more frenzied than tactful and there was a sickening satisfaction about his actions- it felt almost as if he were getting revenge despite this wolf not being the cause of his actual problems. If he wanted true revenge he would have to get it from somewhere else.

Attack: Slamming into Icarus' chest hoping to distract him long enough to regain footing and charge into his side- frenzied attack at his shoulder area and trying to drag him backwards by his shoulder/flesh around it.
Defense: Ears folded. Positioned at an awkward angle for Icarus to reach.
Injuries: Cracked bones in chest and foreleg.
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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2015, 18:32

Elation rushed through him as he saw the dirt hit its mark. He had a chance. Icarus wasn’t a very calm wolf, even for a pup his age but he was a devious devil who had cunning streak in him. He knew that he was smaller than the other male and that he had a longer reach than him. So he played dirty. Though he hadn’t been aiming for the other male’s eyes he counted that as fortunate for him. Icarus managed to get his jaws around the other male’s leg as he had hoped but he felt the leg shift making him have to shake his head with a growl and re-adjust. He shifted his body to the side slightly, trying to break it as he wanted to but the Helidos wolf had reacted well by moving his leg just a little to make the black pup’s jaws loosen for a couple of seconds. He lost his grip on the wolf as the other kicked out his hind leg, making him fall but he felt his teeth scissor through flesh. Blood dripped down his fangs and teeth. Icarus pounced at him, aiming for the back of his neck with a snarl. But he was stopped as the healer slammed into chest as he rolled away from him. Icarus stumbled, gasping as pain exploded in his chest making him stop for a moment. He landed back on the ground awkwardly, legs almost folding out beneath him. The pain clouded his mind. Luckily, nothing had been broken but he knew that there would be bruises later. The anger that had been slowly subsiding returned and he let out an explosive roar that split the air. His muzzle wrinkled completely, fur on the back of his neck and spine rising like spikes, tail curling over his back and ears pinning down against his skull.

He showed his teeth and fangs, gold eyes wide with fury. He forgot about the pain, his injured leg and anything else. Icarus barrelled towards the other male head-on, this time wanting to tear through his neck and crush his windpipe. To feel the wolf thrash underneath him as his blood was gushing out of his body. Icarus crashed into him, his fore-paws going up around the other male’s neck to grip him. At the same time, he twisted his head so that he was aiming to bite his neck. But he wasn’t balanced properly on his hind legs and slipped, destroying the flowers with his paws. His jaws snapped shut with a thunderous snap, blood spraying through the air from his face and blood-stained teeth. As he pulled back, opening his jaws once more he felt the other male’s jaws start to go around his shoulder and yelped in pain. Icarus twisted his head so that it was above the muzzle, aiming to clamp his jaws around the other male’s muzzle in a vicious grip. He ignored the pain but as the other male began to yank him backwards with him, Icarus immediately jerked back, putting a forepaw on the other male’s face in an attempt to claw his face to make him let go while he backed away quickly until the was a few paces away. It was a sheer instinctive reaction he made without thinking. He yelped as there was a sharp popping noise and Icarus knew that he had reacted too fast. When he moved back, pain seared his shoulder and he had to squeeze his eyes shut for a few seconds. He knew he’d dislocated it then. Icarus realized he was breathing hard, his chest rising up and down catching his breath back. He was now at a disadvantage with a dislocated shoulder and he didn’t know if the other wolf was going to attack again but he was taking him down if he did. But Icarus’ tail was at a neutral level, ears straight as he did not want to attack again, his anger spent. He looked at the other wolf, growling warningly at him, “Touch me again and I’ll kill you, even if you kill me. I won’t miss your neck the next time.”

Attack:Trying to bite the neck but misses and instead tries to clamp his jaws around Twelve’s muzzle to bite him
Defense:At a farther distance away from him
Injuries:Bruises on chest, cut on face, torn right hind leg, scratched and dislocated shoulder that’s bleeding from the bite
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Twelve of Helidos
Twelve of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Manic Insanity Sanity (Open) Manic Insanity Sanity (Open)  Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2015, 17:56

Siding his opponent- the world was only splashes of crimson blood and pink petals as they fluttered frantically in the air in the amber gaze of Twelve. Adrenaline pumped through his veins like fuel- keeping him running and keeping the pain at bay for the time being. His muzzle was wrinkled- upper lip curled back and stained fangs buried in the flesh of the young brute's shoulder. The yelp torn from the apprentice sounded like music in Twelve's ears and he relished the metallic tang at the back of his throat. What a fool to think him being a healer and Helidos would make him weak. He would make the brute pay for his mistake, make him suffer....However the brute had managed to go against the pain he was surely currently feeling and Twelve felt fangs and claws pierce his face as the dark pelted male pushed him away causing him to lose his grip on the shoulder. However Twelve did not merely let go but rather gave one last vicious yank backwards away from the claws and teeth before letting go and with the help of the apprentice pulling in the opposite direction to free himself the dislocation was successful. The two stood with a mere meter or too between them- both chests heaving as the pair breathed heavily. It was over. Already Twelve could feel the adrenaline subsiding, the pain beginning to hit in powerful waves. Suddenly all he wanted was to lie down and close his eyes. However he did not allow his weaknesses to show and remained standing stiff and tall- the tips of his bloodstained fangs still visible. The apprentice would grow to be an amazing fighter that was for sure. If he could train himself to control his anger it could be a handy weapon. The brute was going to be some danger to his enemies.

His pinned ears had lifted and he himself proceeded to let his tail fall into a neutral level similar to that of the young brute before him. Moments of silence proceeded to tick by as the two observed eachother coolly. The young wolf had finished with a crazed aim to Twelve's throat. It was strange to think that if he had not reacted quickly enough there was a possibility that he could be lying lifeless amongst the petals. It was hard to know now if he would have done the same to the dark pelted male if the chance had been there. Probably. Twelve appeared placid most of the time but he was well aware that a beast lingered in the depths of his heart and when it was unleashed it did terrible things. A low warning growl from the Erenyx wolf broke the silence and Twelve met his gaze coldly- tail lashing once and causing a cloud of pink petals to rise into the air behind him, some stained with the crimson liquid that both males had lost in their spar. The threat was clear and Twelve let a soft growl slip from his maw. "I don't plan on for the time being. Believe me little male, if there's a next time you'll be fortunate to return to your dear Erenyx.. Get back there and stay where you belong." Eyes glittering he watched the male for a few more moments before turning and striding off through the fallen petals. Leaving the blood covered clearing for Nature to deal with. The sun had began to sink and complete silence claimed the lands- all other critters having fled at the sounds of battle. Once there was a good distance between the two and he was certain the Erenyx brute had not followed- Twelve dropped the act and staggered in the direction of Helidos. Despite the agony searing through his body his gaze was clear and steady. He knew what he was to do. He was to visit their alphas straight away. He was going to stop pretending. It was time to be the real him. He was a warrior.

-Twelve Exits-
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