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Love is fictional [Samael]

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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2014, 17:03

The wind tugged teasingly at the tips of the fae's pale fur. She was settled near the edge of a large shimmering expanse of water, unmoving siding her fur as it got pulled at by the winds- increasing as the night wore on however still warm due to the time of year. Dark hazel orbs would be fixed on the shining lake, reflecting a large circular moon. Eyes would leave the reflection and instead fix themselves on the thing itself. Stars glittered mockingly high above as they stretched across the dark sky as far as one could see. Never ending. With a sigh Tundra would push herself to all four paws and give herself a sharp shake. Leaving the territory that belonged to the Alpha, Teren, had become a much more common thing for Tundra to do recently. The Lake was one of her personal favorites for reasons she had yet to fully figure out for herself. Flicking her long tail- she would move towards the lake, a slight limp evident due to the spar Teren had commanded her to perform. She had thought it had just been a dislocation but there was something else wrong with the foreleg as well it seemed and she favored it now as she moved towards the pebbly shore. She would stop only when the cool waters would tug gently at her toes. Trying to tempt her deeper into the dark liquid. She would stretch out a paw and let it skim over the surface, causing it to move and ripple no matter how lightly she performed the act. Drawing her paw back she would sigh, lifting her head and sniffing the fresh night air.

It was always so remote here at this time. It was where Tundra usually rested for the night as well. She much preferred it here out in the open, completely alone compared to the cramped stuffy conditions of her den, your head filled with the scents and sounds of others nearby. Withdrawing from the lake's edge- she would turn and move quietly back to the treeline, only stopping as she reached the first trunks and turning back to face the lake. It was evident that she had rested here before and as she settled into her makeshift nest of flattened long lush grass she felt as close to content as one such as her could get. Her guard was down- an extremely rare feature for her however she had gotten used to the area and its inhabitants and knew none were a threat to her. As for the wolves, this was neutral territory and not many would bother themselves to leave the security of their own territories just to see a lake. Especially at the current time. Tundra herself did not sleep much and usually took frequent naps whenever suitable rather then one long sleep. It was a bad habit but also one extremely hard to break.

As she rested her head on her paws- she could already feel her eyelids beginning to grow heavy. Things had been more eventful recently then she would have liked. Especially with the spars. She had been against Ariste, a strong fighter and most definitely a challenging opponent. However despite the differences in their appearance, the two had been both skilled fighters and hard opponents for each other. She was curious at the least to hear what Teren would speak of it the coming day. Emotions had been becoming more frequent within the fae recently too and it unnerved her. Since Fell she had always been good at keeping her emotions, not caring for anything or one yet not hating either. Yet she did not forget the small bursts of emotion she had been feeling recently, like the sudden desire to beat Ariste that had pumped through her during the fight. Emotion was a weakness. She could not waste the months of torture it had taken her to learn not to feel towards any events or beings. Sighing she would try to quiet the chaotic mess of her thoughts and focused her tired gaze on the lake- not letting her eyes close just yet.

[Introduction posts really aren't my thing haha]

Last edited by Warrior Tundra on December 9th 2014, 16:23; edited 2 times in total
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Exile Samael
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Exile Samael

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2014, 14:46

The world was emerged into darkness. Only the single glow of light could be seen. Before it, a dark silhouette. Samael... it whispered as Samael made his way towards the figure. Tall dark trees forced the wolf to go on a single path, unable to leave or go a different way. As he was funneled towards the being, he could finally begin to tell who it was. Steele stood in the way of the light. And soon the whole area became illuminated in a white light. As the two males joined together, Steele and Samael wrapped their necks around one another, showing their affections lovingly after so much time away from one another. Father, I have missed you.. Before he could continue to speak, Steele cut off his words, Samael, you need to run... Get out of here! With the last of his words, the sky turned to darkness once more. The light was gone and an ominous chuckle could be heard echoing through the trees. It sounded as if it was getting closer and closer, and suddenly it stopped. Samael looked to Steele in a flash and found him in the jaws of a monster. The large beast was black, but his eyes were green and deadly, like poison. The only other thing Samael could see, was the red blood of his father. Father! The monster revealed himself to be Alpha Teren, and Samael thought about attacking him. But his father's cold dead eyes scared him stiff. He could not move, even if he wanted. The beast consumed all of Steele, only leaving the beating heart pounding on the floor, where the light had returned.

Jumping from his resting position in his den, Samael panted. His tongue lolled from his maw as he stared around his den. Nobody was there. He was alone. It was dark. His breathing was quick and loud. His heart was beating a mile a minute. It was all just a nightmare, a horrid and terrible nightmare. But it was not the first, and it would not be the last. Samael knew that the death of his father was going to be haunting him the rest of his life. He stood from the ground and walked out of his den. His tail was tucked and he was ready for an attack. But none came. Nothing was coming for him now. But it could easily change. Perhaps the dream was a hint for him not to be here? Samael took the words of his father and he ran. He ran so fast his heart felt it was going to explode. His feet pounded the ground, moving quickly. He kicked up dirt and rocks behind him, hitting his rear as he sprinted through the night. When he finally slowed, he came to a large body of water. It was then he realized he wasn't in Erenyx anymore. His bicolored eyes stared to the reflection of the moon on the water. He walked towards the edge and lapped at the chilled waters, replenishing his thirst. But as he sniffed the world around him, he discovered a very familiar scent. His eyes scanned the darkness, looking until he found the white figure of a female wolf he knew. Her coat seemed to stick out in the world and shimmer with such beauty and grace. She was a beautiful thing to see in a world filled with darkness. Slowly he made his way to her side, looking down at her peaceful and still body. Unsure how to approach a female in this sort of situation, he cleared his throat gently and spoke in a soft tone, "Tundra, what brings you out here on this night?"
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 9th 2014, 16:54

Sleep failed to claim the fae and for many moments she just lay there completely still, focusing only on her breath as it entered and then departed from her maw. Hazel orbs would remain hidden behind a pair of creamy eyelids and the only sign of movement from the pale figure would be the constant twitch of two rounded ears. She was not completely unaware of her surroundings. Moments of silence continued to pass and slight unease trickled through the warrior. It almost felt too quiet. As if the earth was holding its breath waiting for something to happen. She would crack open an eye absentmindedly. Everything appeared to be the same except for the fact that large clouds had obscured the moon, eliminating the night's only source of light and leaving the world cloaked in a suffocating darkness. Frowning she would proceed to open both eyes fully, tail twitching slightly, but remained in the same position. The dark blades of grass tickled at her cheek and one managed to somehow find its way up her nose. Pulling away slightly, it took a battle of will not to let out a sneeze. Breaking the thickening silence seemed like a bad thing to do and she shivered despite the heat of the air surrounding her.

No more then seconds had passed since the thought of breaking the silence being bad had entered her mind when the sudden sound of one approaching in what appeared to be a crazed dash rang in her ears causing them to fall flat against her head and her tensed muscles twitched abruptly causing her to jump. For a few moments silence returned and all she could hear was her own breaths and the thump of her heart, going at a quicker speed than usual. She was unnerved all in all. However it only took a few more moments for Tundra to calm herself, giving a mental scolding to herself for allowing her body to react so negatively to the sound. It had only surprised her because it was such a difference to the silence that had been mentally suffocating her moments before. The normal night sounds had returned and it was like she could suddenly hear properly again- the lap of the gentle ripples of the lake brushing off the shore, the slight breeze rusting the thickly leaved trees, the scuffling of small mammals and critters about her. Sighing she would allow her head to fall back down onto her forepaws, eyes drooping with exhaustion. She would get some sleep and be back in the pack grounds before dawn.

However just as she relaxed again- another sound reached her mixed with a scent of wolf and the Erenyx warrior was instantly on her paws spinning around with a snarl as the dark pelted male spoke. She froze with recognition, having only been seconds away from launching herself at him. She only had to look at them unique bicolored eyes once to know that it was Samael, the young wolf she had met on her first night in the pack. Letting her hackles down, and stepping back from him, Tundra would flick her ears and gaze at him for a few moments with those cold hazel eyes. She did not mind the dark pelted male as much as she did with most others, still not completely sure why but she did not completely trust him either. "Samael." She would reply with coolly "I could ask you the same thing." Leaning back on her haunches she would observe him cautiously- gaze flicking about to the nearby vegetation, alert for any sings of movement in case it was an ambush or something like it. However she then calmed herself and once again met Samael's bicolored gaze with her own. She was oddly jumpy today, she felt almost like a coiled spring. She had to calm herself. One could never be too careful though and her gaze remained alert as she awaited words from the warrior, vaguely aware of the sudden agony pulsing through her injured leg after jumping so abruptly from her sleeping position.
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Exile Samael
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Exile Samael

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2014, 08:56

Samael had noticed how jumpy she was. This was not the calm fae he had met on her first night within the pack, instead she was rather on edge. It was strange to see her in such a way, but maybe this was how she always was? It could not be certain, all he knew was she seemed to calm down soon after discovering it was him. "I did not mean to startle you, I was just shocked to see you out here so late, all alone. I have my reasons for being out here, but I do not think you wish to hear the tale of a wolf's woes." Samael had been close beside her, but after trying to get the nightmare from his mind, he decided to jump into the waters. As he launched himself, he doggie paddled around the lake, forcing himself not to touch the bottom. He held his head above the water and looked back to Tundra. "It's a great night for a swim. You should come out and join me. Plus, I wish to know of your spar. How did it turn out. Rumors have been spreading over the pack like a wild fire, but you know as rumors go. You are never sure what to believe and what to be a lie. Who did you face and how did you do? Do you have a new rank?" Samael would speak of anything to get his mind from the nightmares he had been having, but if she pushed the issue, he would tell her everything which had been haunting him.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 14th 2014, 18:07

Tundra felt herself begin to calm as she stayed seated beside the dark pelted male. Memories from her first encounter with Samael burned brighter in the depths of her mind and she knew the wolf was not planning anything along the lines of an ambush. Well at least not for her she reflected, remembering his hatred towards their current alpha. Teren. His father's murderer. As Samael seemed to take in her words, Tundra would let her gaze drift from his for a few moments. The thick clouds that had obscured the moon only moments ago had proceeded to drift away and the circular disk of light hung magnificently in the dark sky- reflecting in the now shimmering lake waters. As Samael began to speak in reply to her words, she would twitch her rounded ears and turn her empty hazel gaze to rest on his bicolored gaze feeling a spark of something deep within her yet unsure on what it was and it disappeared in seconds. Deciding not to give it much thought she merely focused on Samael and listened to his excuse for being out at such a time.

She was surprised at the dissatisfaction that flickered through her at his words. Had she been curious as to what he might have had to say? She frowned to herself and was considering stating that she did not mind if he wished to speak of it but the night pelted warrior had already began to move away. Tundra watched on as he approached the waters edge, deciding to leave the reason for him being out so late alone for the time being and instead focusing on his apology for startling her. Had it been that evident that his presence had given her a fright of sorts? She was not pleased to know this and flicked her creamy tail from side to side. After a moment she would speak, keeping her tone even and cool "No need to apologise. I admit I was a bit on edge myself. I am merely out here for I prefer to keep out in the open beneath the stars and moon rather than in a cramped and stuffy den. I don't know why, maybe it just feels more natural or something. Out here it's just you, the water and small late night critters. There's no restless fidgeting, hushed whispers or deep breathing to keep you from finding sleep.." She would trail off, once again surprised at the words she had just spoken. After a few brief seconds of silence she would add in "Not that I seem to get much sleep anyway with these late night visits"  Trying to end her words on a slightly lighter note. She would tilt her head to the side and feel slight amusement- a pleasant feeling, she would would not deny- as Samael proceeded to leap into the sheet of shimmering water and paddle through the liquid.

She would approach the lake's edge curiously as he glanced back, meeting her gaze with his interesting bicolored one. The first thing that had made him stand out to her. Then there had been his personality. Not arrogant and desperate to prove themselves the best fighter like most others, in seek of revenge yet not insanely so. Small things like that had made her speak to him that first night of hers and even now it was remembering that encounter with him that made her actually place a forepaw hesitantly in the cool waters as he suggested joining him.

She had felt surprise at first when he had stated it was a good night for a swim and that she should join him but had then brushed it off. Was there actually anything that odd about it really? Her first instinct of course had been to state that she was quite alright where she was and the fae had been close to doing so, mouth open and all however she had after a moment snapped it shut once again and approached the lake's edge hesitantly. You see the thing was, Tundra didn't actually know how to swim. She guessed it would come natural to her once she was in the water and that her body would instantly know what to do to keep her afloat yet since she had never actually been in waters that reached any higher than her stomach it caused slight nerves to stir in her stomach. Water was not like another wolf or anything, you could not fight it. If it chose you then you were just a goner she supposed. Yet what was life without a little risk? And for some reason she almost wanted to get into the waters and swim alongside the warrior and go through her spar with Ariste. Flicking her tail uncertainly, she would wade uncertainly into the waters- feeling it tug teasingly at her thick stomach fur. After a few moments she would take a deep breath and kick out with all her strength. It was definitely not her most graceful move and there was a lot of splashing and slight panic grabbed at her chest as she could not find her footing and she was just falling through endless water but then her body burst into action- paws working to reach the surface and she did with a great deal of spluttering and coughing. For a few moments she went completely silent, paws now working instinctively to keep her above water. It was tiring enough but there was something nice about it. She would work her paws to help move herself through the waters- feeling her muscles burn slightly but it was refreshing and she relished it.

Eventually reaching Samael she would glance a little sheepishly at him. That must have been some sight to see, especially when she appeared unmoved and did everything else almost mechanically. It was weird actually how she felt almost natural with sudden emotions churning through her. Finally regaining her breath as she got more used to keeping herself above the water she would speak. "Okay I admit. That was actually my first time swimming, being in any deeper than when the water just reached my stomach actually. You see as a yearling I never had time for something like learning to swim and then when I grew older I stopped caring and would never have thought to bother anything like it." She would admit, gaze flicking away briefly. After a few moments she would turn her attention back to the brute, remembering his earlier words about the spars. So word had got out about them after all. Flicking her wet ears and watching as droplets lightly sprinkled across Samael's dark muzzle, a ghost of a smile would grace her features for a matter of moments before it was gone again. She allowed herself to speak after a few minutes thinking "I am not sure who else was against who as I do not really socialise all that much in the pack however I can tell you a bit about my own spar I suppose. I was against Ariste, a fellow warrior of this pack. I don't know if you know her but I'll tell you she fought amazingly. As for the rank thing, well as far as I know no one had been given one just yet but I doubt I'll get one to be honest as I am afraid I lost the spar against Ariste. I was surprised by the disappointment I felt when hearing it to be honest, I am usually good at not caring much. I kept thinking that if I'd been put against someone easier to spar with then maybe I might've won but then I felt guilty for such thoughts. It was good to have a worthy opponent, you were not earning anything if you were against someone weaker than yourself. It's just I guess in my past failing a spar like the ones Teren set up could have meant death and as you can tell I am quite alive as I had never once failed one so it was a new experience for me I guess..." Trailing off she would once again feel slightly unnerved at how much she had just spilled out to him without hesitation. She did not even know the warrior all that well. There was just something about him that made him seem trustworthy and easy to talk to. She just had to hope he didn't repeat anything she said to anyone else. He'd trusted her with the fact that he hoped to overthrow Teren, surely she could trust him with her unusal emotions?

Suddenly remembering him speaking of having his own reasons for being out here yet not wanting to bother her with his woes., she asked cautiously. "You know the way you said you had reasons for being out here yet you did not want to trouble me with tales of woe...well it's a long night and I can't imagine sleep now. If you don't want to talk about it it's fine I mean but yea if you do, go ahead...I've been told I'm a good listener." She had begun to paddle in slow circles as she spoke, focusing on her forepaws as they pulled at the dark waters and refusing to meet Samael's gaze. Slight curiosity flicked within her at what he might have to say.

[Probably not my best as I'm on an iPad and it's almost 1am but I didn't want to keep you waiting too long.]
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Exile Samael
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Exile Samael

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 15th 2014, 12:39

As he stood in the water, his paws continued to tread the water gently. His eyes stared to Tundra as he waited for his beckoning to her to work. Samael was unsure what she was doing and why it was taking her so long to get into the water. When she finally did, he was really really confused. Why was she having such a difficult time? He watched her struggle and a part of him even wished to go help her. But in his life, nobody had helped him. So why should he start now? He knew that if a wolf was going to get good at anything, they would have to do it alone. In a way, he was actually helping her by not doing anything. Samael knew she would come out alright and eventually she did. She worked so hard and soon was able to keep her head above the water. As she began to explain herself to him, he held back a laugh. She never learned how to swim or even tried to teach herself? What kind of life was that? In his early years of life, when times were good, he was taught by both his mother and his father. His siblings also learned how to swim and do all the things they should. What if they ever crossed a river, would they be able to cross it? Or would they just die? Samael moved to the female's side and soon she was swimming all around him like a professional. "It's hard to believe you are just learning to swim. But even better, I taught you how. Well, not directly, but I will take full credit for this should it ever come up in conversation again. But I will keep this a secret between us. After all, you know my secret so what harm would it be to keep yours one as well. But I am glad to see you doing so well, right now with the swimming and tackling a fear you once had. I'm proud of you. And look, now you are a natural." He smiled to her and let out a small chuckle. He could barely hold it in any longer, and the small laugh grew and grew. Soon it was a hearty laugh and for the first time in a long time, Samael felt joy. As he swam in the water, he finally came to a stop with the laughing. or that moment, it was finally good to be able to let it all out, and see the old parts of him which he missed so much.

"Yeah word of the spars spread around the pack. Who do you think will be the new high ranking wolves of the pack. If anything, I would not concern yourself with the abilities of the other wolves. I have not met Ariste, but she sounds to be a very interesting opponent. I think if I were to have to spar against anyone in the pack, I would choose the Elite. To me, it seems he is too spun up on himself and that Healer mate of his. Nothing shows weakness more than choosing a weak link to mate with. But then again, the Guardian male is a rather interesting catch as well. He knows a lot, but I can see his cocky nature getting in the way. Of course, there is also the King of the idiots, those who choose to follow him blindly. Teren would be an impressive foe to face and I think I would rather enjoy it. Though I may come out with a few broken bones or what have you, but it would be worth it in the end to give him a couple of pains." He smiled to her as she continued to swim around with pride in herself. For once, Samael actually caught himself taking a better glance to her. She was intriguing, and captivating in her own ways. But never before had Samael noticed this, and soon it was wiped from his mind. She was just a fae, a fae within the pack he hated. Someday things would be different. Someday things would be better.

But then everything changed and she wanted to know what had been bothering him. Sure, she had done it in a sly way, telling him he could share his thoughts if he needed, and even encouraging it by saying she was a good listener. And for a moment he thought about it. He truly did. He thought about spilling it all out, and letting his heart just roll out until it stopped beating. Samael looked to her and slowly moved for the bank, wanting to stay from the water. As he walked out, all the water seemed to drip off his body in small waterfalls. His form lurched for a soft patch of grass. He closed his eyes and shook his body out wide. His head all the way to his tail shook crazily, forcing the water to leave his coat. He was not dry, not anywhere close, but he surely wasn't drenched any longer. He laid down beneath a large tree, though it wasn't really necessary. The night did not require the shade, for it was dark all around. Samael laid his body down and rolled to his back, leaving his legs up in the air. He stretched them out and rested them half bent. "I keep having a ton of nightmares about my dad, my mother, and the rest of my family. But more prevalent, are the ones of my father. It's never like a direct action of what happened that day, but it's like my imagination showing me things I need to see. I do not believe in those that can see into the future, but what I do know is my mind is trying to tell me something. My father was killed by a monster, and there's nothing I can do to try and save him. Again and again it plays over and there's nothing I can do. I feel useless and I just want it to stop. But each night, a new way to send chills down my spine occurs. I can't handle it right now. I can't handle any of this..."
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Love is fictional [Samael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 22nd 2014, 16:59

Tundra lifted her gaze as Samael moved to her side in the deep waters- offering him a small smile. She could see the amusement his gaze held at the words she spoke of never learning to swim and she smirked as she continued to pull herself through the waters in slow circles around him. Now that she got more used to it- the fae actually found herself enjoying the activity more and more. Getting her pelt to dry was going to be some fun though. As he spoke- Tundra continued to push herself, forcing her body to keep up the gentle strokes through the water however her gaze was fixed on the dark male along with her main attention. A brow would raise, smirk still present and probably the longest she had kept such an expression on her face in a long time, as Samael spoke of how he had taught her. She chuckled softly, eyes glittering as she spoke. "Hmm, teaching me must be an extremely easy job then." And as Samael proceeded to speak of how he would take full credit, keep her swimming secrets and state how she was a natural and he was proud- Tundra felt a lightness in her heart she had not felt in years. An instant liking of sorts for the male had blossomed deep within her and she was surprised how she had come to even cooperate with one of the beings of the pack she only remained part of for her survival. However it was Summer now and she had not left...she could, Summer was an easier time for a wolf. Yet why bother going through all the effort of finding another pack when Winter proceeded to catch the lands in icy claws once again when she was fine here? Flicking her ears she would push the thoughts away and focus on Samael as the male's chuckle turned into full on hearty laugh. And soon without even noticing Tundra was joining him. Her own laughter joining his in the night air.

Her laugh. It was such a foreign sound to her that even her own ears seemed to be twitching with confusion at what the sound was. As if even they couldn't believe that she, Tundra, was the source of the sound. Like her voice it was a soft and gentle sound- like her howl it was melodic and tinkling. Yet Tundra never gave off the impression of being soft and gentle, it usually led one to feel distrust around her and even her laugh had a....sly sort of tone to it. Yet laugh she did and pleasant feelings grew within her and Tundra let herself get lost in then moment.

However soon Samael's own laugh ceased and Tundra felt herself shutting her mouth gently- eyes shining. The feeling still sat contentedly at the bottom of her stomach and Tundra didn't try and push it away- no she left it there. As Samael seemed to take a moment to take in the words of the spar, Tundra found her gaze assessing the young brute carefully. All his feature's were rather handsome to be honest but his eyes were the prize. Such unique colours and having two different ones was so rare yet such an amazing thing to see. Tundra's own eyes were rather plain however she never resented this. In fact she was quite content with it, though she loved the colours of Samael's eyes- she could not see them suiting her. The simplicity of hazel did her fine. Soon Samael spoke again- speaking of the spars just as Tundra had guessed he was thinking about. She would listen curiously at his words- especially when he spoke of who he would choose to spar with. The elite male, interesting....When he spoke of his mate, disagreeing with their courtship due to weak links. A small mischievous smile became present on her maw and in seconds she had moved to attempt to place her paws on Samael's shoulders and push him downwards into the cool waters. Leaning down she would whisper into his ear "Yes, we don't like our weak links now do we." Before releasing him and pulling herself away- taking a few moments to regain her balance and resume threading the water gently. She laughed softly- eyes gleaming. However after a few moments she would speak again yet this time her voice had a more serious note to it. "However, I have heard love has no boundaries. I have no experience with such a feeling and don't know if it's true however don't be so quick to judge her for her rank mister Samael. I was once told I would make a good healer yet not for one moment did that make me a weaker opponent, in fact I dare say it made me braver as I knew I had the ability to help heal as well as injure. I could have chosen healer just as easily as warrior. If a healer has only trained to be a healer and has little fighting experience than I understand yet I have met a fair amount of healer's that would slit my throat in seconds if they had the option." She would offer a small smile afterwards and give him a mock bow before chuckling and resuming her slow circles. Feeling her muscles begin to full on burn.

She had not ignored his last words and thought about them now- a thoughtful frown now present. "If you were ever fighting one like Teren you would have to work hard on not getting blinded by rage. It sounds easy but is definitely a lot harder than one would think. When you're in the middle of a battle and controlled by bloodlust you can do a lot of things..." She trailed off- memories trying to puncture the weak bubble of content surrounding her that would without a doubt not hold much longer against reality. Flicking her ears she would attempt to push them away and continue "And when it's one you have a strong hatred towards you can too easily get lost in rage and bloodlust and your attacks may become more frenzied, savage, dangerous even yet it also leads to mistakes and one as sly and clever as Teren would use it to his advantage." She would chuckle hollowly, gaze finding Samael's and holding it "Believe me it's a mistake I'll admit I've made more than once..." Sighing she would turn away and push her body harder, muscles burning with protest however she ignored them and continued on- her gentle strokes becoming sharper and her sense of direction faltering as she broke her perfect little circle. A troubled darkness had returned to her hazel gaze and she kept it trained on the waters beneath her.

However she would soon lift it as Samael turned in the direction of the bank and proceeded to approach it and after a few moments she followed. Her paws would soon hit firm ground and she would stumble in the shallows- legs weak and unsupportive after being forced to push her body through the dark waters for such a length of time when they weren't used to it. After regaining her balance she would pretty much drag herself from the water and flop right down on the pebbly shore- forepaws shaking slightly. After a moment- she would push herself slowly into a standing position- feeling some strength return to her legs and gave herself a rough shake trying to rid her thick fur of the majority of the lake water that clung to it. It was going to take forever for it to completely dry and when it did it was going to be a fuzzy mess. Sighing she would shake her head and pad over to Samael- lying near him yet not right beside him. Letting her tail flick from side to side, she would rest her head drowsily on her forepaws and watch him as he spoke. She would remain silent through his whole speech, her gaze not leaving his form once as he lay on his back in the shadows. When he finished she would let a few moments of silence flick past before hesitantly picking herself up and moving to his side where she would lean back on her haunches- gazing at something in the distance before speaking. "Despite being a good listener I was never a very good comforter to be honest, I mean like, words were never my strong point...But I used to have terrible nightmares when I was younger, around after my parents died. I found it easier if I fell asleep listening to the voice of one I cared about- fell asleep gazing at them...." She trailed away as if uncertain as to wether she wanted to say anymore about herself however after a few moments she carried on. "It soothed me and helped me sleep sounder, it was as if my body knew one I cared about was near and I fell asleep thinking of them. However after I lost my brother and everyone I cared about was dead...I used my nightmares as an advantage...something I don't want to go into." She finished, shaking her head and turning away. She would fall silent then- just staring out at the placid lake without a word- letting Samael be the first to break the silence if he wished.
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Exile Samael
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PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2014, 10:20

"Weak links break the chain. One pack is only as strong as its weakest member. I know of no wolf able to heal and fight. Sure, I have seen the Lead Healer male, but we all had to fight the bear for our very lives. Any wolf can fight, it's just a matter of how well you can do it. My father told me a story once, when I was young, of a wolf Alpha from another land. He mated himself to a Healer and because of that, their pups were weak. I don't know if you ever met him, but one was named Lucas. Sure, he was a big pup for his age, almost as big as me, but he wasn't all there. The other male of the litter died somehow and only left one female. My father was a Beta, and my mother was a Beta. Both proved how strong and wise they were and because of it, I am strong and wise. I was made to lead, especially after my father was the Alpha. It's because of these things I have heard from my father, I know Healers are good for only healing. They make weak young and really have no purpose other than that. If a Healer dies, however, we all could die. Say a huge virus rolls over the land and gets everyone ill. With no Healer, who would know the herbs to use? I'm not saying they are weaklings exactly. They may be weak, but what they lack in fighting abilities, they gain in knowledge." He looked to her, curious to what her opinions would be on the matter. Samael was very forward and direct with Tundra. He could trust her, as he had already told her so much. As she continued to speak on about the Alpha, he felt the rage already burning bright. "I know what I have to do to beat him, and someday I will. Someday I will show him that mindlessly killing other wolves is not the way to do things. If I owned Erenyx, this place would be so much better. We would all have spars for ranks and you can challenge anyone for their rank. We would do group training's where everyone could help each other learn. Erenyx would be a much better place. Everyone would be so much happier. No harems, no pointless efforts to fight large predators.." He was a little ticked off at the idea, especially when a life was lost and the Alpha didn't even care. He didn't even try to help them at all. And his pawn stood by his side and watched it all as well. When she started to speak of ways to soothe him, there was nothing for him. "I don't have anyone left, Tundra. All my family is gone. I wish there were a way I could get a full night's rest, but there just is not. It's a crazy thing to think about honestly. I live in a pack with around twenty other wolves and yet I feel completely alone. Most days I don't even know what to do with myself, or if it is even worth it to keep myself in top shape. I am haunted by my past that I feel will never go away. It will forever hang over my back like a shadow. How does one recover from so much loss?" His eyes held the solemn feelings he held deep within him. He moved them to meet with her two matching orbs. Samael was longing for a family, for someone to actually care about him. Tundra was closer to him than anyone else he had met, and yet they were still not anywhere close to a point of comforting one another. He had never loved anyone, outside of being family. He had never really had a strong bond with another wolf. It was now that Samael realized he was very alone.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2014, 16:59

"Not all warriors are proud to admit that they can heal.  It's idiotic but they sometimes find it ruins their reputation. Idiots...But with training it is easy you could say to have the ability to do both. My parents did not exactly have ranks not that I care much as my memories of them are slowly fading to nothing and I would not count them as family. Call me cruel, I do not do it out of any negativity they were fine parents as far as I can remember but they are dead so I may as well push them out of my life and be glad they passed away when I was younger so I have had time to recover." 'unlike Fell..' They were unspoken but they were there. Them two unwelcome words. Taking a deep breath she pushed them away and got back to the topic before she could ramble on again. "But anyway, back to the subject. My mother was fond of healing I believe even though she was a fair fighter, however healing was her main focus. I always knew I wanted to be a warrior, a fighter, a guardian and trained with my brothers and father constantly. However my mother always wanted me to be a healer. It was never going to happen but I let her show me some of her world as I was the only daughter and my brother's had no respect for such a thing. If she had lived I would probably have enough skills to become a healer in training however my heart lies with being a warrior. I'm just saying. Both are skills one just has to teach itself to do. I do not believe in complete naturals. You can be good at something yes. But you need to be trained for everything and if one chose they could easily train for healing and fighting. It's not a crime to do so. Neither of my parents were of royal blood. They weren't even that brave. Yet I do not believe for one moment that this changes anything for me. I am my own wolf and I chose my future based on my actions, not theirs." She stated firmly as if she was trying to convince herself just as much as she was to the brute before her.

She was a stubborn little character and every now and again it did shine through. Cooperative she tried to be yet she just couldn't help but disagree strongly with Samael's words and maybe it was because she had tried so long to make sure she never ended up like her parents that to think that one would judge her for who they were after her hard work was frustrating. "But yes to some extent I can see what you are saying but I am afraid I can not find myself agreeing all that much. However opinions are opinions and one shouldn't be judged for having one. And I do get that you respect healer's for their skills within the pack, I am not dismissing that fact  I assure you." She would offer a small smile in his direction- feeling the warm winds tug gently at the tips of her damp fur and despite the heat a small shiver ran through her body most likely due to the cold and wet coat of thick fur clinging to her body.

Her tail would wrap neatly over her forepaws as her deep hazel gaze stared directly into Samael's bicolored one. Fearlessly and unwaveringly almost as if she was challenging him. However she doing no such thing but merely allowing him to have her full, complete attention. Not a word would leave her maw until he was completely finished with everything he had to say. She was interested in his plans for Erenyx and asked in a careful yet undeniably slightly curious voice "Erenyx has always held a reputation for being cruel and heartless. I know you obvious do not plan on making it soft and careless like our neighbors and most, like myself would see your plans as clever and sensible yet there is some who look up to Teren and are quite twisted and may go against your plans. Some mightn't like your order. You'd have to be prepared for rebellious actions. And I believe Teren has more enemies than just yourself, some mightn't like you taking the whole prize. You might want to get yourself a little group because I do not believe that this task can be possible to do on your own." She would fall silent surprised at the words she had just spoken. She had just given tips as to how Samael should plan out his little rebellion. So much for vowing to stay completely out of it. But did she really want to just sit back and let what was to happen, happen? Could there still be a bit in her that had survived being quenched and longed for a bit of action?

At Samael's last words- Tundra would let a small smile creep onto her maw, void of all emotion unless you counted a slight bitterness to it. However it passed and was gone in moments and she was speaking before she had even thought of what it was she was going to exactly say. "Well that makes two of us then." A sigh. "Apologies for my curtness. But yes, my whole family is gone. There is not a single being left on this planet that cares for me or I care for, sometimes I wonder why I stay. Why I continue pushing myself through this torture day by day. Yet I don't know if it's a fear of death trying to be disguised but I feel if I go and end my pitiful life that I was giving up. And it was one thing I vowed to my brother I would never do...and it's my fault he's dead now and the least I can do is try and keep his darn promise. I used to push myself. It almost killed me. I would push my body past the limits- sleep as little as possible and soon my body was just too exhausted to have the actual ability to produce any sort of dream. It made me sick- killed me inside and I was getting as little sleep as I did when I had the nightmares- probably less. But I just couldn't bear them. I preferred to actuality torture myself physically then face them. I was such a coward....and then soon- it all payed off. I stopped caring  anymore, nothing mattered and soon I did not care about anything enough to dream of it...." She trailed away and looked in the opposite direction of the young brute. That had been the first time she had ever gone so deep, ever spoken of such things to anyone. Swallowing, she would lick her dry lips before continuing hollowly "I don't advise you do it. Emotions have been returning to me slowly and its killing me. Maybe I should have just dealt with my life and maybe I could have recovered by now and have an ordinary life, a mate and pups even, a comfortable pack. Yet that can never happen now, I've pushed myself too far...."
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Exile Samael
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PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2014, 15:21

”Tundra, from what my father told me… Those who cannot do, heal. We may have an opposite set of opinions on this subject, but I can be honest with you when I say, my mindset will not change. The last two years, all this knowledge was forced into my head and it will probably never leave. You can’t always teach a stubborn wolf new tricks. I know I do not like you any less for your mind. If anything, I might even say I am more interested in you than before. A female who thinks for herself, that’s something you won’t find very often.” He smiled gently to her, enjoying their conversation. Maybe someday their antics would lead to more physical quarrels. Either way, he would not mind. When she spoke of his take over, he turned his head to her. His brow raised on one side and he studied her. Would she side with him? "So, who would you side with? If say, there were to be a scuffle about who was to be the new king. Would you side with Teren or would you join me in the rebellion?” She was right about finding people to go alongside him. But how could he pull their attention to himself? Many of the wolves hated him for being the blood of Steele. Many did not like him for he was young. When he was a pup, he tried to be a little pushy to everyone. He was not the nicest of the pups. In fact, he had probably been the most hated. Many wolves had fallen for Ammolite’s cute tricks and Achiles’ gentle nature. But Samael was a spitting image of his father, the only difference was the one eye. His single green eye, which was the only detail his mother had given to him through genetics. Samael moved to roll to his stomach and looked to her. Samael moved his body to lay beside hers. He pressed his side to hers completely and licked her muzzle one time. He stared into her eyes, trying to figure out what the heck he was doing. But his body had these impulses to be compassionate to her. Maybe it was because when he lost everyone, nobody was compassionate to him. No matter how hard you try, you cannot always force the anger and sadness from your mind. The loss of a loved one is enough to make the nightmares haunt your every dream, and time your eyes close. ”I know losing your family is hard. I’ve lost all of mine now. But I do not think you are right. It is never too late to find love. My father was over the age of five before he found my mother, and they really loved each other. You’re never too old for that, at least.” His tone was low and he could not pull his stare away from her. Instead he just accepted it. Looking at Tundra wasn’t so bad either.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2015, 15:09

Tundra tilted her head slightly to the left, hazel gaze watching keenly as Samael spoke. Despite disagreeing with his thoughts towards healers, she found it interesting to hear someone else's views. A small smile graced her features as she spoke in her soft, silky voice in reply "Your opinion interests me I will admit however I agree that it is the opposite of mine and will most likely stay that way. Some see being stubborn a negative trait, I find it positive. A stubborn wolf stands for its own word- something that should be respected" She was quiet for a few moments, the warm wind pulling teasingly at the tips of her thick creamy fur. "You would find, Samael, that outside this dratted pack there are many female's who think very much for themselves. It is just that here it seems that many have learned to hold their tongues for their own good." She would sigh then, slight sadness tainting the words she had just spoken however she brushed it off and turned back to Samael- hazel orbs brighter then they had ever been in a long, long time and appearing more like the hazel they were supposed to be rather than two dark, empty pits. She would turn her head slightly to meet his studying gaze with her own unwavering one- the small smile still managing to remain on her black lips. It was doing well. He seemed to be going over the words she had spoken of the rebellion of sorts she knew that was to break out someday. The words he spoke left her silent for a moment, eyes uncertain and the small smile replaced by a subtle frown. Would she take part in the scuffle? Would she choose a side? Did remaining in this pack when she could've left mean she somehow belonged to it and it was required of her to pick a side when members turned against eachother? As the silence dragged on she started when realizing that Samael was still awaiting a reply. With a slightly uncertain twitch of her long tail the fae proceeded to speak quietly and hesitantly "I...I am not entirely certain as to what my actions would be if it were to happen." A few more moments of silence ticked by "I would not side by Teren." It was simple and curt but she knew already that them few words held much more than was spoke aloud. And she had the feeling Samael was aware too. The young brute had fallen into silence and seemed deep in thought and Tundra let herself think of just what this night was turning out to be. It was almost sad to realize that it was the most eventful night of hers in a long time. What had become of her life? Movement from Samael dragged her from her thoughts and she turned to face him as he rolled back onto his stomach. Small shivers still ran up and down her body from the dampness that seemed to be seeping into her bones however they ceased abruptly as there was a sudden warmth by her side and Tundra felt a jolt of surprise shoot through her at the realization that Samael was lying beside her- his body pressed completely to hers.The action was accompanied with a single lick to her muzzle. Her first instinct was to jerk away from the contact and her muscles tensed however after a few moments she let them relax and found herself suddenly enjoying his presence. She let her body relax fully against his and that one action alone had just been her handing the dark pelted male a fraction of her trust. As he spoke Tundra blinked slowly "I hope so..." was all she whispered before even realizing what she had just said. When realization did hit her, she went quiet for a few moments. Had she really said that? And had she meant it? After a few moments she would turn her head slightly so her gaze was meeting Samael's unique bicolored one- mere centimeters between them and she felt his breath tickle the fur on her muzzle. She opened her maw and spoke a few words that meant more than she even noticed herself. "You, Samael. I would side with you."
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Exile Samael
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PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2015, 16:29

The connection of their bodies together was enough for Samael to begin thinking of other things. The summer had been nothing special, a lot of loneliness with only this meeting to be thankful for. He looked over the ivory fae, still being drawn back to her eyes every time they strayed. He did not speak for a moment, only keeping his millions of thoughts rushing in his mind. He was the younger wolf here, and perhaps this was influencing his ideas to fluctuate to such ideas. Was she feeling the same things as he? Would it be possible for him to love Tundra? He pushed the idea to the back of his mind as she spoke and knew he would have to reply to her. Staring absently at the female would make him seem idiotic. "I like that you speak your mind. Never hold anything back from me. I want you to be forward and direct with me always. Even if the words you will speak might hurt others." When she spoke of the rebellion, he held his face still. She did not wish to side with Teren, which was good. But that didn't really mean she was wishing to side with Samael directly. It could just mean that she was wanting to be neutral, so that she could stay out of the huge mess. In the silence of their joining, Samael spoke not a word. But the funny thing was, it was not awkward. He liked it, actually. He looked to her and then to the scenery. Everything was still around them, as if the world was on pause. Nothing mattered other than the two of them currently. The only thing which could pull him back to her eyes, was three simple words. "I hope so.." Samael turned to her and looked into her eyes deeply. She had not seemed to dislike his affections and he thought of doing it more. Just once more, only when she spoke of siding with him. Was it because he was overjoyed he had a wolf on his side? Or was it for so much more? Samael was unsure and the young lad was slightly scared. What if she rejected him? He licked her muzzle once more, and whispered gently to her. "Thank you." He looked into her eyes and it had seemed he felt a spark in his body. Immediately he shot up on his four paws and created a short distance between them. He looked away from her and then to her, making note of any movements she took. "I'm sorry, Tundra... I just... I should be going." He walked from the neutral lands and headed back for his den. He had many things on his mind and honestly, he was very confused.

[If you want to do another thread, I'm down. And you can reply to this one if you want.]
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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PostSubject: Re: Love is fictional [Samael] Love is fictional [Samael] Icon_minitimeJanuary 11th 2015, 05:55

The two remained connected-the warmth of Samael's body pressed against hers made Tundra feel a weird sense of comfort and safety. Was this what trust felt like? Or was there a possibility this was more then trust? A small shake of her head- nonsense of course not. However she did not move from the male's side and found her hazel gaze drawn to his unique bi one- often making eye contact and glancing away quickly before repeating the whole process again. It was a unique feeling. Her thoughts towards it were currently on the uncertain side. As he spoke she blinked slowly and this time allowed herself to hold his unique gaze. A few moments of silence passed before she replied in a soft tone, breaking eye contact and fixing her gaze on the large expanse of water reflecting the large moon. "That is quite a demand sir Samael" She would murmur with a soft chuckle however her gaze would return serious as she nodded slowly and continued "But no I doubt I shall keep anything from you unless it's absolutely needed." The words were honest and she blinked slowly, gaze returning to the dark pelted brute once finished. His seemed to gaze right into her- in some ways it was unnerving, in others almost pleasant. Her gaze held his and she frowned trying to figure out what he was thinking, what he was feeling? Was the same confusing emotions that ran through her running through Samael right now? It was impossible to tell. Maybe someone who had more experience with the emotion would be able to tell but not Tundra. But what emotion exactly did she mean? The word was there, maybe deep down she knew exactly what it was. Yet admit it to herself she did not.

Silence proceeded to fall between the two. However there did not seem to be the nuisance of awkwardness. No, for Tundra anyway it was nice actually. Just the sounds of each others breaths and the gentile lapping of the lake hitting the shore and the rustle of the wind whispering between the trees. Eyes would lift to focus on the millions of stars above them and a sigh would escape her. She would turn her focus to Samael to find him gazing directly back at her. She did not move away but rather pushed her nose into his cheek as he once again gave her muzzle a small lick with a whispered 'Thank you'. Tundra merely nodded before pulling back as he did. Emotions surged through her powerfully mixed with longings she never expected to have. Pushing them away she shook her head with utter confusion- pushing herself to her paws abruptly at the same time as Samael. Samael backed away, a small distance suddenly between the two. Part of Tundra was relieved and she let out a breath she had been unaware of holding. It had gotten a bit too much for the creamy fae there and she felt it was the same for the male. Her gaze remained fixed on him as he glanced away and then back to her before speaking. She merely nodded slowly "No it's fine..I think I need to get some sleep anyway." She mumbled quietly, tripping over her words and finally ending with a small nod. As the warrior departed Tundra returned to her nest of sorts and flopped down, sleep took a while to reach her but when it did it did not hold her usual nightmares but instead confusing dreams of a young dark pelted brute with a bicolored gaze.

-Yes, another thread sounds good!-
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