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Mixed Madness {Open}

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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2015, 09:18

The newly appointed Delta trotted though the crowding maple trees with his head held high. he had just moved up in ranks. Not much higher, but higher than he had been before. He was surprised that Quinn allowed his rank to be updated by the words he had spoken. Words that he thought would give her a reason to consider him. And she did. He was proud to serve alongside the other higher ranks that were announced at the meeting. Warrior Locke and Faith as Lead Warriors. Warrior Drogo and Delta Rose moved up to Guardian. While Elsbeth and Crystal were in between the choosing for Lead Caretaker. All the hill, Hunter Shadow was denied the rank of Lead Hunter female of Helidos at the time. He then realized that the pups to Alphess Quinn and Alpha Fenris were present at the meeting. He tried to remember their names as he moved throughout the lands of orange and yellow. Paige, Julian, Achak, and Chase. He slowly named off each pup within his mind and was slightly proud that he had remembered them all, as everyone should know the names of the pups of the Alphas. And as Delta, he was sure that he would have to encounter the young wolves more than once though his rankings. He hadn't personally met any of the offspring of his Alphas, but intended to at some point or another. He had become ever so grateful to miss Quinn as she granted him a higher rank, skipping what would be next for him, which would have been Lead hunter. Two little sentences she spoke to him during that meeting stuck in his mind. "i have a good feeling about you. Don't let me down." Those few words were branded into his mind with a hot iron. He did not intend to let miss Quinn and sir Fenris down with his rank. He couldn't afford it. He had finally moved up and was ready to take on the world to keep it until the next promotional ceremony, which he didn't think would be soon. Although he was lucky enough to have Quinn hear him out and take his word for his actions, he knew she would expect him and all the other wolves who moved up in rank to keep their word. Drogo was one who stood out to Sitka. He and his mate were pregnant with their first litter together. Elite Nnyla, was it? He was looking forward to getting to know the pair and watching their young grow and serve alongside their parents when they receive their official ranks after apprenticeship. He hoped that one day, he would have the same pride and joy they will feel when they give birth to their little ones and watch them grow into magnificent wolves of Helidos.

Moving easily though the trees, the russet-colored male found a soft patch of grass within the hundreds of trees. He placed himself in the grass and simply watched the nature around him. He was completely and utterly relaxed. His mind began to wander while everything fell silent. He was curious to whom may show up and visit him in this beautifully tranquil place that Helidos owned over the lands. He remembered the name of this area specifically. Brimstone Grove. It sounded like a hard, yet sweet candy that nobody could resist. The spring sun shone tough the orange and yellow leaves that clung to the branches of the tall trees that looked down upon the young Delta. He found the lands to be absolutely stunning, especially in the spring. he fought that he may remain here until sunset to see how much more magnificent the lands could be with natures ways. The sky was blue, but soon would be changing into shades of purple, red, and pink that will signify the end of the day for the packs of the lands they lived on.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2015, 12:39

The meeting had adjourned and Marrok found himself wanting to meet some of the newer ranked members he had failed to meet yet. As more wolves filed out from the gathering place the large male saw the young new Delta exit the crowd and head off on his own. Seeing this as a perfect chance to meet the young male he bounded after Sitka, quickly catching up to him as he entered the grove. Panting slightly Marrok approached the golden male, smiling warmly. "Hello there, Sitka is it? I am Beta Marrok and wanted to extend my congratulations to your promotion personally." He said, coming to a sit before the male.

Marrok had been around the pack for many seasons. He had seen to life and death of countless pack members and trained quite a few during their time here. Though he hadn't trained her one of the greatest wolves who held promise in the pack was a black fae named Fel. She had come many seasons prior and Kenai held the promise of training her. Unfortunately she had been banished from the back due to circumstances he didn't understand. Thinking of Fel left a bitter taste in his mouth, though he still questioned the whole story behind her exile after slaying Azul's daughter.  Since that day the male had wanted to start training again, even in a small scale. He knew days were numbered for all and wanted his legacy passed down to others. Eying the young brute he seemed strong and eager to learn, would he desire training though?

Last edited by Beta Marrok on July 7th 2015, 11:03; edited 1 time in total
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2015, 14:28

Sitka turned his head to see the one known as Marrok trotting after him. The brown male spoke as he came up and sat before the russet brute. He had come to meet and congratulate Sitka on his rank promotion. "Greeting Marrok. It's an honor to finally meet you. And thank you. It's a real honor to be put as Delta." The brute smiled to the other male, his icy blue eyes friendly and warm.  He had seen the brute around Helidos every so often, but never had the chance to speak to the male. ”Well sir Marrok, I must ask how you have been recently. All is well with you and Juno?” He had heard of the male’s mate, Beta Juno through the pack but never had the chance to meet her either. From what he had heard about the Beta female, she was quite intimidating at times. He intended to meet more of his fellow pack mates as there were so many unfamiliar faces, and he did not enjoy not knowing his pack mates. They were his family, and he intended to meet every single one of them by the time his time on earth is expired.

Sitka's coat slightly blended in with the fiery orange background of the maple trees and dark wood. He couldn't verbally express how beautiful this place was in that moment. It way being gorgeous. There were birds and squirrels fluttering and romping around through the branches as the new spring warmth cam into their lives. Soon, there would be another litter of puppies running around the pack lands, exploring and experience in everything Helidos has to offer them. He really did think that Helidos was the best of the three packs. As Teren was too harsh and Desmond had no idea what to do as an alpha from a rogue. A rogue as an alpha? He found the thought laughable. He was sure any rogue who would become an alpha was sure to make a mockery of themselves. They didn't belong to a pack for a reason, and it should stay that was in Sitka's opinion. He was sure that Desmond would tuck his tail and run back for the exile lands after so long. He smirked at the thought, and how the Agavos pack would be terrible shamed to have their alpha bail on them. Teren was just ruthless, to Sitka. He lived and breathed on nothing but blood and suffering of others. He didn't know how anyone could possibly stand to live under such a brute. Quinn and Fenris, now they were alphas. Strong yet sweet. They listened to the members of their pack rather than automatically assuming anything of a situation. He knew Quinn and Fenris were going to mean a great deal to him in the long run. They were his alphas and intended to always be until their lifespan time was up. He pondered about the previous alpha, Azul, whom he had yet to meet. He was known as a great alpha among those of Helidos who lived there long enough to be under his rule. The old brute seemed absolutely fascinating and full of stories of Helidos before and others of the pack of Erenyx before Sitka came along.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2015, 15:21

Marrok swept his tail around his large paws. Signs of greying hairs could be seen around his muzzle, but his dark amber eyes still held the youth in his heart. Smiling at Sitka he soaked in the younger male's excitement of gaining rank and thought back to when he was named Delta. "It is indeed an honor to be named Delta. I can recall I gained that rank many seasons ago. Myself and my mate were called Delta's on the same day and not too long after tat we were mated and had our litter." he said as his voice grew softer. "Unfortunately none of my brood stayed for very long, my youngest son ran off as a rogue at an early age as did my eldest. There are tales that he and my daughter were killed, by I still hold out that Ryland and Apollo are alive." He sighed, "Well enough of that, tell me more about yourself. You seemed surprised at the ceremony, did you not think you would gain rank? Now that you have it what are your goals with it?" he questioned. From his own perspective Marrok strove to learn as much as possible during his time as Delta. He did countless patrols, training with Kenai and tried to meet as many wolves as possible.

"Juno? Oh she's just as feisty and stubborn as ever, but that's what I love about her.
"If I wanted to be with a simplistic and routine fae I would have mated a creek for they travel on the same path day after day. As you know we have recently adopted Aleu from the Erenyx pack and both of us have taken a liking to her. It gives Juno someone to fuss over for she missed that after our young grew up. What of you, any special fae caught your eye? You can tell this old Beta, I know all and tell no one." He chuckled.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2015, 17:11

The brute listened as the older Helidos wolf spoke about his pups, Juno, and the day he got his rank as Delta. Needless to say, Sitka was fascinated with this brute's story. He had always wondered about the past of some of his pack mates. He wondered endlessly. he was curious to see where this old Beta's pups ended up. He didn't bother to ask more about his family as he didn't seem too keen on talking about his missing litter. His ears slightly perked as the brute asked him to speak more of himself. "Aye, I surely was surprised as although I have known of Quinn and Fenris for a while, I did not expect myself to be promoted so quickly as there are others who could most definitely pull off this rank better than I could, but now that I received it graciously from miss Quinn, I intend on uphold to it and doing what I can to make them proud." Sitka smiled and looked at the other male. "I see Fenris and Quinn as parental figures to myself. Fenris has told me that he sees much of himself within me, and it's a real honor to hear that from your alpha." He chucked and smiled as he remembered the day he met Fenris at the Helidos borders. He truly did acre the couple as they saw something in him that no other pack had before. They had faith in him, and he couldn't have asked for nothing more from them as his leaders.

As the old brute continued to speak, he heard a question fall from his jaw that nobody had asked him before. A fae? He knew exactly which one he used to be interested in, but she disappeared from Helidos season ago. "I had my eyes on one by the name of Clare, but she disappeared from Helidos a while ago. As of now, I haven't met very many other females of Helidos other than the one we call Elsbeth. She seems like a sweet little female but not really an interest. And there way Silvia whom I met in the pack clearing. A sweet one, she is. Very kind. Just not exactly what I think I'm looking for. Don't have my eye on anyone just yet, Marrok. Not yet, that is." He chuckled and looked back at the brute. He really only met three females of Helidos and frankly did intend to meet one whom would make him feel like a little pup chasing the butterflies in the spring. But, that time comes at random, and when it hits him, he knows he'll be completely and utterly unprepared for whatever this unknown female does to him.
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Elite Nnlya
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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2015, 22:03

Nnlya had been desperate for an escape. She felt overlarge and lazy. She was a Warrior, A Soldier, the packs Elite, she needed to train and be active. Pregnancy was unforgiving on the constant and the easily bored. She was so very grateful to Drogo for everything he did. He brought her food and kept her company, even escorting her on short walks through the pack clearing. But she needed out. She was bored of staring at the same den, the same trees, the same rocks, day in and day out. She needed change and variety within her strict routine. She knew of Quinns discover of new territories and their addition under the Helidos name with the expansion of their borders. She'd been to a few places in their borders, the Glade, the Plains, the Falls and the Hollow - all places belonging to Helidos under Azuls rule. They were beautiful and they held beautiful memories, but she needed to explore somewhere new. In her current state the neutral lands were not an option, she'd be exhausted before she got there and the dangers were too many to consider. She wouldn't risk harming her unborn pups.

Just to the new Helidos lands it would be. Drogo, now Guardian, had duties of his own, A King and Queen to protect with his life. She had no doubt he was up to the job, he had been Head of the Kingsguard after all. But she worried all the same. She thought she'd lost him once, she couldn't loose him again. As Guardian he was needed to protect the Alphas and their litter, not to mention the borders. She knew she was his first priority, but he was a good wolf who did his duty. He'd gone off on one such outing, saying he'd not be gone for long and to call if she needed him. She knew a number of wolves and there were caretakers on hand. She thought he feared missing the birth of his brood. It made her smile to think of him so soft and tender towards their children after all his fears.  These happy thoughts made her feel light as air as she traversed the forest, moving slowly through the trees. The leaves changed from the green of spring to the red of autumn as she entered the grove of maples, Brimstone Grove she'd heard it called. Sunlight filtered through in shafts, warming spots on her back where they fell.

There were voices, one deep and familiar, the other less so. She peered around each tree she passed, searching for a face. her tired gait turned to a slow waddle, her well-rounded belly making anything faster than a slow trot to be uncomfortable. She couldn't run, she couldn't train. This was the best she could get. The lighter brown pelt of a stranger was the first she saw, first a tail then a rump then a legs, followed by the rest of his body. She knew him not before this day, though his face was familiar from their recent gathering. The new Delta, though his name escaped her. She thought to introduce herself when she saw the other. An old friend, her salvation, one who brought her home. Marrow had aged over the years though he still seemed kind and caring. She'd often thought of seeking him out, though they;d both been so busy. She picked up her gait and her tail, attempting to look stronger than she was. "Greetings Marrok! Long time no see." She called out with a grin, circling around them to create the third corner of a triangle. She turned to the male, panting slightly before speaking. "You are our new Delta are you not? My apologies, but I seem to have forgotten your name." She smiled bashfully, slightly embarrassed in herself.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 18:59

Their nice conversation was soon inturuptted by the sounds of an approaching wolf. From the sounds of it it could either be a rather large male or a fat, pregnant fae who had wandered too far from the pack clearing. Marrok guessed the latter and almost started laughing as Nnlya entered their meeting. She waddled towards them and greeting him then acknowledged Sitka. It warmed Marrok's heart to see her again, for it had been sometime for both of them what with their duties and all. He remembered the first day they met, way back at the border. The fae had been stubborn and arrogant in her ways then, and now she stood as an elite of the pack. Though she should be at the den resting Marrok wondered if Drogo let her wander off or she had snuck away. "Nnlya, you should be back resting, what would Drogo say if he knew you were this far away? He'd bite my head off for letting you journey this far in your fragile condition. Come we shall walk you back, I can carry you if you like." He offered, attempting to herd the round fae back home.

Turning his attention back to Sitka he smiled at his comment about fae's. "Don't let it worry you lad, when the right girl comes you'll know her by first sight. That's how me and Juno fell for each other and the same shall happen with you." He offered, still trying to nose the beach ball of a Elite back to camp.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2015, 09:28

(Sorry for the shortness! Had a little wifi for a few minutes and put this together. My next post will be better!)

Sitka couldn't help but smile and laugh a little while he noticed Elite Nnyla waddling along with her swollen belly behind them. He assumed that the old Beta and pregnant Elite were old friends by the way she had greeted him. She then acknowledged Sitka himself."No worries, miss Nnyla. For I am the new Delta, yes. My name is Sitka. It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled and looked at the female with a smile. He laughed a little when Marrok suggested that they bring her back to camp as her mate, Drogo, had not known where she had wandered off to. "Marrok's right, miss Nnyla. I'm sure Drogo won't be too pleased that you wandered off, but may as well push his buttons a little." He chuckled as he walked over to the female. "Don't want to cause a fuss. Let's get you back, little duck." He chuckled a little bit, slightly teasing due to her large belly. He was truly excited for the litter of Drogo and Nnyla. He was sure to see that they grew up into fine young wolves. He turned his head back to Marrok who had offered to carry the fae on his back. He thought it was peculiar, but didn't give it a second thought as he took his place beside Nnyla to walk her back to camp where she could rest a little more before the big day of the litter's arrival. He heard Marrok speak again over the topic of a special someone. He chuckled and looked back at the old brute. "And I'm sure just like Juni and yourself, it will be just as satisfying to find that one." He smiled and looked at the other two high ranking wolves with a skip in his step. He felt good. As good as he's felt in a long time now.
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Elite Nnlya
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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2015, 00:32

Nnlya lowered herself to sit heavily on her rump, tail wagging along the forest floor behind her. Marrow attempted to turn her, herd her back to camp. "Oh come on Marrok. I've been staring at the same den for weeks, taking short walks through the same trees. I needed out. Sitting still for so long isn't my thing and I can't train. Please, just let me stay here a little longer." She turned her attention on Sitka. She panted a little before starting to speak with him. "Sitka, it's a pleasure indeed. So did I just hear that you're looking for a beautiful young lady? Marrok's right, you shouldn't let it bother you too much, but I know it can be hard to ignore such urges." She thought for a moment, searching for just the right words. "Your heart will bleed, your eyes will refuse to close, your stomach will turn over itself a thousand times. That's when you'll know you've found the one." But he too was stubborn that they would return her to the clearing. "Drogo will... Drogo will understand... won't he?" She looked up at first at Sitka, unsure, then her head turned to Marrok, a pleading look in her eyes. She loved Drogo and she would forever. But she needed her space and her own exploration. Just one last time before the pups came. She was expecting to be feeding them with her milk for some time, then a little longer on regurgitated meat. They'd be with her almost all the time for many months to come, learning, playing and exploring. Of course she would love them, but part of her was still so used to being alone that the thought of never being alone again spooked her. She could see the smile on Sitkas face and was glad something had made him happy. She wanted to see more smiles like that, she just wanted to make people happy.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2015, 20:31

While trying to lead the round fae back to camp it became abundantly clear that she was going to be stubborn. Rolling his eyes Marrok accepted the fact that she had a right to be out here and as a gentleman he had no right to force her. "Oh ok we can sit out here for a bit, but if anything should happen to make you winded its straight home. Drogo will have my tail if anything happens to you." He warned playfully, veering course to lead the pair into the trees. He remembered how Juno had had itchy feet when pregnant and how she had made boarder trips up until a week of giving birth. Luckily for the wolves she found when pregnant they were respectful for she had been quite hormonal back then. Just then the Beta heard a rustle in the bushes. Lunging forward he dove at the sound and unleashed a flurry of fur as a hare dove past him. Narrowing his gaze he bounded after the prey, cutting off its escape with a fake left bound. A swift jump and a bite to its back left the panting male with a nice meal.

Lifting the carcass he trotted back to the group and placed it before the fae, "If you're going to remain out here you must keep your strength up miss Nnlya." He said nudging it towards her. She then started telling Sitka of the "pleasures" of finding a mate. It had to make him laugh. "My dear are you describing love or a stomach illness with mortal injuries?" He chuckled. "We don't want to scare young Sitka here away from faes."
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2015, 14:38

Sitka looked at Nnyla and the pleading look in her eyes broke his heart. He didn't understand what it was like to be cooped up in a den all the time with a swollen belly and hormonal changes, but he didn't want to force her to do anything she didn't want to. "We won't make you go, miss Nnyla. On one condition," The younger male chuckled before speaking. "Don't you ever use those eyes again." He smiled as he knew that anyone using the puppy eyes on him would automatically make him cave. He smiled and took his place where he previously sat. He couldn't help but laugh as he watched the old brute bound around the forest floor after a hare before catching it. "Marrok's right Little Duck, you need to eat a little before those munchkins of yours arrive." Sitka smiled and nodded as Marrok placed the kill in front of the pregnant she-wolf. He suddenly became very excited to have Nnyla give birth to her litter, as they would brighten the atmosphere along with Quinn and Fenris' litter that were now training and growing up within the pack. They were most interesting little ones. Surely known through the pack, and most disciplined by their mother and father. He was sure that once Quinn and Fenris have long passed, at some point, one of their sons or daughter would reign over the pack of Helidos. It would bring the mated duo great pride to hear that one of their pups took their place. Sitka knew he would feel the same pride once he has his own children to love and care for. "Doesn't scare me at all, sir." The russet brute chuckled and looked at the old brute who questioned Nnyla's way of explaining what love feels like. "I've alway thought that when you find the right one, that nothing else matters when you're with them. That it's like a type of euphoria where even just having them near you makes your heart jump to your throat." Sitka chuckled as he explained what he always thought it was like to be in love. He cleared his throat and spoke again. "Well, Nnyla. Looking forward to having these little one's of yours? I'm sure you'll have your paws full." He smiled, looking at the female's swollen belly again. "How many are you wishing to bear?" He was genuinely curious about how many young ones the female and her mate wished for. He didn't know his many pups he would personally want when it came to that time in his life for his mate to bear young.

Sitka's mind began to wander on the topic of a mate. He was never sure what he wanted in a female, but there was only one thing he knew. All he wanted in a mate, was trust. Without trust, the relationship would fall to pieces. He pushed the topic of a mate to the back of his mind and looked up to the blue spring sky above him. Majority of the sky was covered by the thick, crossing branches of the trees with orange leaves clinging on by their stems. Colors of the leaves were reflective over the brown forest floors, creating a beautiful image of odd colors. He took a big breath and exhaled slowly, intaking the air around him. He was oddly enough, very happy. "I really love life. Whole damn lot." He smiled and looked at the two who sat with him. "Excuse my language, miss Nnyla." He nodded and turned his head back up to the sky and let out a deep, happy howl that rang through the trees like a wondrous melody. He was happy, with friends, and relaxed. Nothing could have made him happier in that moment than just having himself surrounded by friends who cared for him as he did them, despite just meeting them for the first time.

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Elite Nnlya
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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2015, 20:44

Nnlya nodded in agreement with Marrok. If anything were to happen, it wasn't just her own life she would risk, but the lives of her unborn pups. And her attention turned immediately to their Delta with a grinning chuckle. "If you say so." Marrok took off suddenly, pouncing into the bushes and emerging victorious with a little carcass dangling from his teeth. She smiled at him. "Thank you, I was just starting to get a little peckish." She lowered her her head to tear at the little beasts body. It was beautifully fresh, the blood staining the white fur of her muzzle and chin. Her ears remained erect, keeping tabs on their conversation. Mid-bite, she stopped and looked up. Carefully she swallowed, licking her jowls clean. "Love is a scary thing. The fear of loss and the fear of success juxtapose one another so sweetly that when your body reacts it seems like a disease has overcome you. But it's all worth it for just that single moment of happiness together." She fell silent, her head dipping to reassess the carcass thoughtfully as she considered Sitkas discussion of the topic of love. "Indeed you are right, Sitka. Love, once your breach that initial stage, is a type of Euphoria. I suppose there are different ways to feel for the different types of love. I will love my children, for certain, but my love for them will differ to my love for my siblings or for Drogo." She smiled thinking of her little ones growing in her belly. "Well, I was one of four and I thought that was the perfect number. You could explore alone or find a sibling to play with. But any number is a blessing." She could see his mind wandering a little, whether on the topic of pups or mates she wasn't sure, though she guessed it was the latter. His apologies her sweet and endearing, though his language didn't bother her in the slightest. "No need to apologise, you have every right to express your emotions however you see fit." The Elite inhaled, the sharp spring air, full of sweet scents worth knowing. She was glad to be with good friends she could trust. She thought of her pups, they would surely be born soon and once they were weaned and away from the den, they would need training. She and Drogo would of course take primary responsibility for their education in correct behaviour and ensure they had basic combat skills. But their children may wish to seek out apprenticeships of their own, dedicating themselves to a craft of their own choosing. She tore another morsel off the body, swallowing it whole in her hunger. "You know, my children, however many there are, will need tutors. I cannot choose their futures for them and should they wish to explore the arts of combat or develop their skills at hunting, I suppose I should know of a few options to give them should they ask. Marrok, would you have any suggestions as an experienced parent? Or Sitka, if you might know anything please do share it."
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Mixed Madness {Open} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2015, 08:15

Marrok sat and watched over Nnlya as she ate. Liking to think Drogo would show his own mate if she were to ever bare another little the Beta sat diligently with his ears on a pivot while the trio spoke. The old male thought back to when he first met Juno as the conversation sat on love. Her smiled to himself at his flirty ways back then and the flower he presented her with that he knew sealed the deal for them. Soon the talk took a turn to the pup's future mentor's and it set Marrok to thinking. "Well you know I'd be honored to mentor one if they so wished, but other than that I'd recommend Faith for a young warrior, Shadow for a hunter and Crystal for a young caretaker. We need more healers. so I can't help you there." He said hoping his input would help. There were so many new wolves to the pack, many he hadn't met yet.

"Have any of you heard of the newer pack up north? Seems to be called Agaga or something like that, led by a rogue the loners tell me." He asked, curious to the new packs in the area and if they should be on higher alert. There had been little word on Erenyx or it's inhabitants since Aleu came to the pack. He hadn't pressed her for information, but he knew Steele was dead and replaced by a new leader even worse than Steele, if that was possible. Liking to stay current on the gossip he sat back and listened to any and all information.
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2015, 10:48

Sitka listened as Nnyla answered his questions and curiosities. He smiled as he could clearly tell that Elite was overjoyed for what she would be soon bringing into Helidos as productive young pack members. By this point, the russet brute was excited for it being him waiting for his mate to bring his young into the pack. He smiled at the thought. How could it not make your heart melt at the thought of actually bringing life into the world with someone you love and adore? He loved it. He really did. Although he had yet to find a mate or a love interest, he could already see the happiness she would bring him. Seeing her with is children. Raising them to be strong members of Helidos. He knew Nnyla and Drogo's pups would be some of the best young wolves the pack has, along with Quinn and Fenris' litter that were now wander the lands as Apprentices. Hw was cruois to what the new pups would train in. Combat? Hunting? The arts of healing? Or perhaps taking care of others as a Caretaker? It was al a mystery to them, and he was excited too see what they would want to do with their lives. Listening to Nnyla, she brought up the pups needing tutors as apprentices. He spoke with a smile on his face. "Well, although you would most likely prefer to have your children be trained by more experienced members than myself, as a hunter, I would be honored to mentor one of your young if it came to it. But, as I haven't had much experience with pups, I would only suggest that you don't restrict their dreams. Although keeping them in line is a different deal, let their imagination run as wild and free as the intend. If they dream that they will become the Elite, that means with that dream, they have the drive to get where they want to be when the time comes. But, that's just if I was a parent." He smiled, suggesting his own opinion on what the pups may want to do with their lives.

As their conversation continued, Marrok mentioned the new pack up north. He had heard about them and wondered how large it was. "I heard the alpha is a previous rogue by the name of Desmond..? I'm positive that's what his name is, but I may be wrong. I don't know their numbers nor their pack name precisely." He knew very little about this new pack, but was not too worried about them. A rogue running a pack? Ridiculous. No wolf that that doesn't belong in a pack deserves to run one. He was sure that this pack was going to hell. No order. He was sure that it would soon crash and their members would soon be running to Helidos or Erenyx.
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Elite Nnlya
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 7th 2015, 03:43

Nnlya lowered her head once more to strip the remainder of the meat from the bones of her little meal. She considered what she would want in her children. Physically, she hoped they looked both like her and like Drogo, a perfect blend of mother and father. She was partial to having all boys, she'd always enjoyed growing up with her brothers and never felt as though she were missing out by not having a sister. She thought Drogo would also like to have a litter of brutes, his own little army to train. She almost giggled at the thought of her brave guardian flanked by four little balls of fluff, desperate for his approval and affection. Emotionally she wanted to ensure her children were happy and stable. She wanted to be sure they were well mannered and respected pack law and social customs. She wanted them to take pride in themselves and ensure they presented themselves at their best for any occasion. She wanted to raise a litter of upstanding young wolves. But what if she had a daughter? She wanted her daughter to be strong and respect herself. She wanted her daughter to be able to take care of herself. She never wanted any daughters she might have to experience the same trauma she'd experienced. While she ate she considered their words as they drifted into her furry ears. Marrow named some excellent wolves as potential educators for her young. She didn't know Faith personally but as Lead Warrior, she must be experienced. Shadow she knew was an excellent huntress from when they met outside Auroras old den. As for Crystal, she did know the fae, even going so far as to call her friend, and would have recommended no other. She smiled at Sitkas humble words. "If any of my pups wish to be Hunters, I'm sure they'd be honoured by the attention of a Delta. Of course, I understand that being a Delta is a very demanding position and if you were pressed for time I wouldn't force you to take on their training as well." She smiled angelically at him. "And I don't believe I could think of anyone better to take on the training of a little warrior than you Marrok, our fearless Beta." She mulled a little longer on the potential for the dreams of her children. If would be beautiful to see them rise to positions of power and influence in the pack, to become great leaders and masters at their chosen craft. She just wanted them to be happy. She chewed on the final piece of meat as they discussed the new pack rising in the north. "Mm, I believe that's where all our healers and caretakers have gone to. I recall accepting a few at the borders, but now they're nowhere to be seen in the main clearing. And in my condition, I've seen everyone who comes and goes through that clearing."
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Marrok of Helidos
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2015, 19:27

Marrok listened and a worried expression grew on his mind. This new pack seemed to be recruiting from their own and Erenyx, for what purpose though? Unsure of their intentions he made a mental note to gather more information about them. "I wouldn't fret too much about a rogue driven pack. Such leadership can't possible amount to much. It will probably break apart by fall and then we shall get more members gain. Knowing Erenyx I doubt they'd accept any rogue lead wolves anyway, so their loss is our gain." He said proudly. Always believing strongly in Helidos's customs of acceptance and friendship he saw no problem in allowing the band to join them. Unlike Erenyx they took in all wolves so long as they proved nice and respectful.

"I'd be happy to train one of your young miss, it would be an honor" he said, finally addressing Nnlya as she finished her meal. "If you'd like more I could get some, or a drink perhaps?" He questioned, remembered the frequent hunting trips he did for Juno while she carried their pups. He wondered sometimes if her frame grew rounded from the pups or his ample hunting rewards.
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Alpha Sitka
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 15th 2015, 09:45

Sitka listened to the pregnant female as she spoke of her young. He would be more than proud to train and teach one of her pups if they so wished to be a hunter. Nothing would make him more proud than for him to have a young protégée looking up to him for guidance. He smiled and looked back at the old Beta. He spoke more of the new pack to which was controlled by a rogue. He agreed with the other's statements of it soon falling to pieces, leaving wolves with no home, having to run back to Helidos or Erenyx. "A rogue is never meant to be a pack wolf anyway. Why should they run one with no professional training? All they have is street smarts, but that isn't enough to rule over an entire pack." He looked at the other two with a slight concern for the wolves the were under Desmond's reign. They would either perish under his rule, or their pack would crumble and they would all have to scatter and run back to the other two packs. Helidos was the ultimate option in Sitka's opinion. They were strong in numbers and in strength alike. They just had a litter born of the Alphas and soon another of the Elite and Guardian. They were most likely the strongest pack throughout the lands. He knew Erenyx was nothing but a bunch of blood thirst demons who lived off the pain and suffering of everyone else. Especially Teren. He heard of the infamous brute, how much of a tyrant ruler he was to his pack. Not allowing anyone to mate unless proved worthy of it. Not mating himself, but rather claiming those female whom had not been impregnated that winter. He was a horrible brute, and how anyone could live under one such as that confused the Delta. He could've wrap his brain around the thought that there were some to worshipped the beast. He could never understand how they could. Nothing but a tyrant in Sitka's mind. He thought to himself about how life really was within Erenyx, but he never wanted to find out for himself.

As he sat and listened to the trio converse, they returned back to the subject of Nnyla's litter briefly. "As would I, Little Duck. Nothing would pride me more." He smiled and looked up at the sky once more, just to find the skies covered in the orange leaves the still remained in the trees above. He was very happy with life. nothing really could change how he was feeling in that moment. He had just made two new friends, gained a new rank, and have new responsibilities to guide him in his joinery through life with Helidos. He smiled an looked at how much the organ leaves matched his russet pelt. He did have an odd coat compared to the other wolves within the lands. Most didn't appear with such a color. He was proud of the coat though, it made him as unique as a snowflake. Nobody was just like him. He though for a second. If he had young someday, would one of them end up with a pelt such as their father's? If so, they would be like a little Sitka, a mini me, he thought. He smiled about having a son or daughter following him around, looking almost identical.
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Elite Nnlya
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 03:21

Their words were wise and well considered. This new pack that had taken refuge in the north couldn't last long. A rogue was a rogue for a reason. A rogue was vicious, violent, unsuitable for pack life. They were no wanderer, travelling alone, wandering between packs, conversing with others and experiencing new encounters with all kinds of wolves. There was a difference, though some would forget. Marrow was right, there was no point worrying about this new pack for now. The situation had to play itself out, the pack would dissolve into disarray and disperse. The old Helidos would come crawling back begging forgiveness and they would be welcomed with smiles and wagging tails. Erenyx wolves would be forced to either join the ranks of the Helidos the had so vehemently cursed previously, or wander off to new lands in search of acceptance. She had nothing more to add to that matter, nothing of particular use anyway, so she held her silence. The rounded fae smiled. She rather liked that name, Little Duck. She supposed she had been waddling rather comically when she'd arrived on the scene. The pregnancy distended her belly greatly, forcing her legs apart awkwardly to the point her gait could barely be called a walk. She nodded incredibly fast, grinning, so happy that they would be willing to mentor her children. "Thank you," she said, looking between the two, "Both of you, thank you. It would ease my mind to know my pups are in good paws with wise mentors such as to two of you." She paused in though. "I understand my pups are not the little princes and princesses brought into the world by our Alphas, so of course they would take precedence. But, if you should have the time, my family and I would be most appreciative of your help." Noting the decrease of her heart rate, the Elite felt a little better about returning to the clearing. The sun was slowly setting and Spring nights could still be cool. Breathing deeply the fresh scent of the air, the pregnant wolf rose, stepping over there bones of her meal. "I believe I've had enough rebellion for the day. You brutes are right, Drogo will be furious to discover my adventuring and I shouldn't be endangering these little lives. If you'd be willing, accompaniment would not be unwelcome. But, we might make a stop on the way, a drink sounds just what I need."
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Marrok of Helidos
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 20:38

Listening to the pair speak his thoughts drifted back to his younger days when he was a yearling and just starting out training. His father had taken the majority of the burden of it, but the lead Warrior also found time to train Marrok as well. Excelling in sparring the sable brute learn much in the first year of his training, frequently picking play fights with others his age and older. Some of the spars he lost, but most he won and grew stronger from. It was the same determination he felt as a yearling that he had hoped his two sons would have had when they were young. Griffen never showed the commitment to training, but Apollo had showed real promise. Still pained to think about his two lost sons the Beta grew quiet and didn't speak as the conversation grew. So much had happened in the last two years and so little remained the same. It seemed his whole family was slowly slipping away from him now. Juno spent more of her time out than with him and Aleu trained with Rose whenever she could. Feeling more like a loner these days he had grown used to coming home to an empty cave at night. What had happened?

At Nnlya's words of returning Marrok snapped out of his depression. "Good idea miss, won't want to worry Drogo now do we." He said, pointing himself to walk back home. "You up to walking or shall I sling you over Sitka's back to ride home?" He joked, chuckling at the thought in his mind. Glancing to Sitka his smile widened, "If you worry about him being too rowdy I could jump on first, wear the bucking out of him for you" he said with a devilish grin as he playfully stepped at the male with his tail wagging.
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PostSubject: Re: Mixed Madness {Open} Mixed Madness {Open} Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 09:29

Sitka chuckled as Nnyla decided that hough rebellion was done for the day and insisted in returning back to the pack. "I suppose so. Best not to worry Drogo." He smiled and stood up, stretching his legs from where he sat. They had discussed the subject of the rogue-led pack and he agreed with Nnyla that they had nothing to worry about. Either way, Helidos would grow stronger. He was proud of his pack and how they all got along. They were kind to newcomers, but always knew that they took caution into who they trusted within their pack. They had open arms to those who needed their help, but knew it would be risky to have such hospitality to those who literally just wandered across their lands. Most wolves they allowed ingot heir lands became fairly trustworthy and reliable members of Helidos, but every once in a while, they do receive a "bag egg." One wolf that pledges loyalty to Helidos, but doesn't remain loyal for long after their arrival. Sometimes they get the power-hungry wolf that wants to take down Quinn and Fenris, but ultimately failing and sulking off in shame for their actions. He knew these wolves existed. There were basic varieties of wolves. The brutes who think they're all that and a pile of prey, the one female who asks every male to mate with her, and just about every other stereotype you could think of. He chuckled at the thought of this, thinking this was all this new pack consisted of. It wouldn't surprise him if they had a large variety of different and odd wolves within their pack. It just made sense that they would in his mind for some reason.

The russet brute chuckled as he looked to the Beta, joking about with him. He bowed himself into a play stance. His ears perked and tail wagging. "Try and take a shot to tame this fluffy monstrosity, old boy." He growled playfully at the male, just to look back at the waddling pregnant fae. He couldn't help but chuckle at how much of a little duck the Elite looked like. "This is why I call you Little Duck, Miss Nnyla." He smiled, looking at her. "Don't worry, I'll stop calling you such once the pups come and you no longer have to waddle around all the time." He smiled, willing to stop calling her such a nickname if she so wished. He thought it was a cute little name, and would keep it in the back of his mind. Turning back to the older male, Sitka bounced from side to side like a young pup ready to play. He began to see Nnyla dan Marrok at role models for him such as Fenris and Quinn were much like parental figures to him. He smiled, thinking about how well his life was going. He had begun to make friends more and more. He couldn't wait to wait see what Helidos life had in store for him next.
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