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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open)

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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2015, 19:15

The demonic creature lurked though the snow covered moor lands. It was vast and deer were scattered over the white wonderland. Completely hidden by the snow, the canine crept up on a small doe that had given up on standing. Keeping himself low, Malachai inched his way forward. The doe hadn't sounded for him. She was less than eight feet away. In a quick movement, the beast rushed forward, catching the female deer off guard. She struggled to rise as her body was cold from laying in the snows, but for the canine was too fast for her. Lunging for her legs, the white brute caught her heel. She went tumbling to the ground and before she could rise, Malachai there himself over her. Quickly giving the ending blow to her neck, she screeched in pain, but it was too late. Her herd had already abandoned her to save themselves. Selfish bastards.. He thought to himself. Who would abandon one of their own to be slaughtered when only some effort could save their life? But he knew he had no right to speak on such a thing. He had done exactly what he had been shaming. Shaking his head, he ripped into his kill with no hesitation. He expected another member of his pack to wander along eventually. He was slightly excited to meet some that he hadn't encountered. he knew he was still mad, but he wanted to change his ways. No matter the struggle. He knew he would succeed eventually, even at the cost of his life. He did not want to live in the dreaded ways he had been for so long. The ways that dragged him down with the demons in the pits of hell. Satan had captured him, and he was desperately trying to escape from his grasp.

Malachai soon became full from his meal. He yawned and sat next to his kill. Surely, he would offer some of the doe to whomever came wandering along. He slightly hoped it would be a female rather than male, as he would like to become more in touch with the feminine point of view. He also wished to see whom could possibly be fitting for his mate in the future. He knew it was strange, but it wouldn't hurt to find whom he was similar to. The afternoon's winter sun was beating down on the snow with colds interfering with the rays of light that made the snow sparkle. Beauty was more than a pretty face. It was everything around him. The mountains that seemed never-ending with their snow-capped peaks and twisting rivers. The trees that changed themselves to match the season in which came round every year. The other creatures that roamed the lands as individuals. They all were part of the great circle of life. They all depended on one another. The wolves on the deer and elk, the els and deer on the grass, the rasa on the sun and rains. They all needed one another for survival. It seemed completely logical to Malachai at the moment. He knew he was correct. it made sense. He didn't care what others thought. As he awaited for some sort of disturbance in the peace of the moor, he sat in silence and thought about the beauty of the world around him
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PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeMarch 17th 2015, 16:48

The ebony she-wolf's paws quietly crushed the snow underneath them, resulting in a hissing, cracking sound one would name a crunch. With the frost of the night, the snow had hardened into near ice, and animals that weighed too much would break the delicate layer of ice crusting over the powder underneath, and a wolf was one of those beasts. Her weight bent and broke the crystallized flakes, creating very unwanted noise as she padded through the Moor, head low and tail swishing between her hinds absently. She was wide out in the open, and she knew it. The only way she could catch something is if she went hunting somewhere with thick foliage, because her pelt colour did her no favors in hunting. Black clashed against white as she flared her nostrils, inhaling deeply and quickly, making sure she would be seen by any prey without fail. But that didn't matter, because she scented many large things hurdling toward her, and at halting and staying still, she could feel the faint vibrations that resulted. Immediately, she turned to her right slightly, planning to circling past them. She had no intention of facing a herd of what were most likely stampeding deer head on. Her legs stretched out as she trotted forward, hearing and feeling the tell-tale rumbling getting nearer and nearer to the vixen. Her golden eyes flickered to the rapidly moving figures as they  headed in her direction, slightly on an angle to her. Her lobes pressed forward on her cranium,  and she snorted, breath manifesting itself as a cloud of frost from the cold. 'Does a chase suit your fancy?' Her late sister's voice whispered in the back of her head, answered by a simple no and chuff from the obsidian Delta.

She came to a halt once again, watching the hooved animals rumbled past her, her acute sense of hearing getting lost in the roar of dozens of feet driving themselves into the ground, the smell of fear easily detectable. Ariste tipped her head slightly, raising it to the wind as it shifted, sending the smell of freshly spilled blood in her direction. She realized that must be the reason all the herd was attempting to escape, one of them had been felled, presumably by an Erenyx wolf. Continuing on in the same direction, she approached into the breeze, so that her scent did not give away her presence yet. She felt the wind tugging on her silken locks of fur, trying to move them from protecting her body, effectively stopped by the double coat of winter hair she had no choice but to grow in protection of the biting, cruel cold, that strove to get under the skin and to the hot blood beneath it, attempting to freeze it and cause the life it sustained to cease. It tore the colourful life from the trees, accompanying the clouds that smothered the sun in spring and summer, forever existing, destroying, but also preparing and creating. It warned the forest creatures of the oncoming snow, and many other things. The long-legged fae dragged her warm tongue over her cold nose, eyes scanning in front of her, for the telltale form of a wolf.

Following her nose, the female trotted on, banner raised slightly in the air, as she walked through the snow, ear twitching as she listened for any sounds - howling, the scream of a wild cat, anything she would have to tend to. Finding nothing, she looked up, finally spotting the outlined physique of a male wolf, the scent of blood strong on her tongue, as a fallen doe lay beside him. She snorted, slowly approaching him with an unreadable gaze, and posture open to interpretation. "Greetings, brute." She rumbled, voice low as she addressed him, golden gaze falling on him. From his smell, she could tell he was of Erenyx, and was no threat to the pack as of yet. "What might your name and title be?" She inquired curiously, auditories swiveling to face him, each exhale of her warm breath still appearing as a white cloud of crystal frost. She seated herself a respectable distance away from him, for the benefit and comfort of both of them, tail lowering to curl around her paws. She allowed her minds to wander to the last time she had been here, she had stood victorious against a fae named Tundra, but had failed to conquer the Elite Fel. She had been injured, but she now wore the two scars on her muzzle with vague pride, regretting neither of them.
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2015, 16:21

The demonic being was soon interrupted as a dark figure of a female appeared a distance away, approaching him. He assumed she was from Erenyx. As the darker figure made her way towards him, he took a last bite of his kill before he would offer it to her. She sat herself a small distance away to provide them both comfort. She hadn't introduced herself. He automatically lowered his head in respect to the other in order not to offend her if she were of the high ranking. His thoughts raged within his mind of never-ending darkness. Flashes of memories covered his eyes. He growled as they began to overcome him. Shaking his head, he tried to forget his memories. He spoke to the other as she asked for his name and position. "Greetings. I'm known as Warrior Malachai of Erenyx." He nodded as he introduced himself. He stood and looked at the other's face then to the doe. "Help yourself to my kill. For I have filled my stomach." He forced a slight smile. He took a step away from the fallen doe as he offered the meal to her. He looked up to the skies that watched over the lands. He wondered why the sky was blue. It was an odd question to which he had no logical answer to. He shrugged as he turned his attention back to the female. She was a dark female, whom sat smaller than him. Her eyes were a golden-yellow that pierced into the should of another. He had never seen eyes such as hers, but for what he remembered, all eyes he looked into were riddled with fear and expectance of death before their murder. So many colors were hidden with that fear. Souls captured in the grasp of one of the devil's helpers. That helper was Malachai himself. Thoughts began to swirl as the death of his brother's lover arose within his mind.

Rico found out their little secret and sent Malachai's brother to death.The howl of Rico signaled for Malachai to do as he was told. He kept down from the large rock that he stood upon, looking down at the one of the pups that had bullied him. He launched himself at the older wolf, tearing fur and flesh from every angle that he could manage to grasp. Twenty minutes later, with a blood-stained face, there stood Malachai over the mangled body of his brother. He had a dark grin on his face. Rico praised him for his work, then sent him to find the female and slaughter her as well.

Through the dark night, Malachai set out to where the female met his brother for midnight romance. He lurked in the darkness, watching the female as he sat and waited for her love to come, but he never would. She called his name a few times,"Nickola? Nickola, where are you?" The same deadly grin spread over Malachai's face before he spoke from the darkness. "Nickola, will never meet you here again, my love. You shall never see him again." The ghostly wolf sauntered out of the darkness into the moonlight that filled the area. The female looked at him with startled eyes. "Wha? What are you talking about?" Fear filled the words that fell from her mouth. The brute's eyes gleamed with excitement and bloodshed. He spoke a few words before he would act. "I have killed him. He was my brother. He defied his loyalty to our pack, so he perished at my paws and by the canines in my mouth." He flashed his teeth and before she could respond, he lunged himself at her. He gripped her throat and thrashed his head. She gasped for breath and yowled with the pain and sorrow of the news and her soon death. He had taken advantage of her small body before he had set in to kill her. Her body laid mangled and limp in the spot where the two dead lover would meet. He grinned and headed off.

It was a flurry of death and blood that came to his head. He was conflicted to wether or not he regretted their deaths. For his body was still tainted with the drops of evil and death what were implanted into his bloodstream. There had to be someone or something that could cleanse him from the depths of which he came before Erenyx. He knew it would be impossible to completely retain from his old ways that he had lived in for so long. but there had to something, somewhere. And he was determined to find a way to make himself a better soul.
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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeApril 20th 2015, 11:39

The Delta's head would tip ever so slightly, tilting to the left side as she listened to the words that rolled of his tongue, and observe as he, quite wisely for Erenyx, bowed his head in respect, though he not yet knew of her title. Warrior Malachai. He was obviously one newer to the pack, explaining why she had not heard of nor scented him around camp just yet. Her audits, the delicate black tulips danced in the wind, flicking from this direction to that, always alert and listening, picking up the most insignificant noise within earshot. Her fur would ruffle up a bit as a cool prickle settled over her skin from the cold, like the small, unharmful, yet annoying pine needles, especially found in the previous season that would cling to one's pelt, and stick into their flesh. Golden silver eyes would follow his motions, and her gaze moved down to the kill he offered her. She would not refuse it - he had offered it, after all, it could do no harm. But not yet would she approach to feast on it, exposing herself to attack. "Much obliged," She crowed slightly, taking a small pause to swipe her tongue over her jowls. "I am the one called Ariste. You may or may not have heard of me, as I am the Delta here.

I am guessing that you have not resided in these lands for long?"
She asked, just to break the ice and get him talking, before she would continue on with her inquiry. Giving him a moment to answer that question, she raised herself on her paws, padding forward slightly and moving around the doe so she was opposite to him, able to detect his movements. Lowering her head to the fallen prey, her jaws opened, fangs clamping around a generous piece of meat, and with one tug, it was shredded, torn off its home on the female deer's bones. She took her time savouring the sweet flavour of the fresh, plump for winter meat as it slid down her throat, before repeating the process. Her tail would flicker behind her, the wind catching the fur and tugging on it, like an impatient pup would tug on its mother. After she took her own fill, leaving little more than the hard bones and fat, her head would raise to meet the Warrior's again, and her tongue snaked out of its cavern in her hungry jaws, licking the blood off. Paws shifting as she stepped back once again, she sat down, about the same distance from his as afore. "How are you finding your time in the Pack called Erenyx, Warrior?" She asked finally, genuinely curious to see what his answer would be, and how he would choose to take it. Some would take it as she meant the lands, such as if the Hunting grounds were satisfactory. Others could take it as the members, and the Alpha, to test to see if he were loyal or not. She left it vague, letting him fill in the blank, to see where his heart truly lie.
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 19th 2015, 14:55

Malachai moved back to allow the Delta to take her share of the kill. He watched her take a few bites, clearly satisfied with the share of meat. He listened to her speak after she had taken what she was offered. "You are correct, Delta. I haven't been here long and have yet to learn the ways of this...lovely pack." He sat where he stood in order to converse with the darker female. His piercing blue gaze scanned over her body. She was smaller than he was, clearly, but he supposed that she were much faster than he would be compared to her, but these were assumptions. Listening to her ask another question, he gave it a bit of thought before he presented her with an answer. "Well, as I haven't been here long, I'm not positive. Surely the lands that surround us are eye candy for those who really bother to notice, while the members.. as for them, I haven't met many other than the one known as Chiara. Odd one, she is. Not sure what to think of her. Haven't encountered the Alpha quite yet, but I assume as when most do, it'll be interesting. he doesn't seem the nicest of guys, now does he?" He was clearly being sarcastic as he has heard of the vile rules and doings that his Alpha had brought to Erenyx and other packs before them. He was curious to see the history of the so-called tyrant of a leader that he now serves under. Nothing exactly fazed him anymore, but he was sure he would encounter some new events while residing here for now. Though Malachai wasn't one to be swayed by blood and gore, there were some things that churned his stomach into knots. He surely wouldn't ever reveal those to Teren, as from what he hears, the brute will use those against him when he is weak or defies authority. Malachai will defy authority. It's in his nature to challenge those who are above him, and nothing would change. He watched the female with a gaze of sorts that would make some wonder of the nature and being of himself. His eyes gave her nothing. No emotion was inter within the ocean of blue. He sat there, awaiting for her to respond to his answers to the questions she had asked.
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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2015, 22:06

Watching the brute with calculating eyes, the female gauged his reactions with a blank gaze, portraying no particular emotions.  Ebony audits remained riveted in his direction, each and everyone one of his words reaching them effortlessly. As he confirming that he was, indeed, new to the pack, she stored it away in her mind, with the other basic information she had gathered from him - which was not much. Waiting patiently for the chance to delve slightly deeper, the fea rolled her shoulder forward, stretching out the muscles so they didn't bunch up while she was resting, putting to waste the whole process of loosening them to allow quicker, less sluggish and harsh responses from her legs. Such a thing would definitely come in handy should she find herself having to fight, or perhaps run from that stampede circling back around. The snow glittered beneath her paws as she shifted her seat, narrowing her bright orbs. She made no response to his sarcasm when speaking of the Alpha, only fixing him with an unreadable look, not a flat out warning, but a sign of her lack of amusement. "Well, I'm sure you'll meet plenty of wolves in time." The words rolled smoothly off her tongue, effortless, but untainted by an upbeat tone, to support her belief of that.

Her mouth would open to reveal a jaw filled with her knifes of teeth, tongue once again thoughtlessly running over her muzzle, across the scar that sat on it. "Tell me, where do you hail from? Are these lands anything familiar to you? Perhaps like an old pack or old territories, something that reminds you of but memories." She attempted to coax an answer out of the brute, with a question that wasn't too personal, but also gave her more insight on his background, as to where he came from. Her ears perked up further on her head, twitching slightly as she listened to the sound around her, nostrils flaring as she inhaled the frosty air, creating constant wisps of smoke when she exhaled the air from her lungs. In created a beastly look about her, much like the snorting of a bull, pulling back his head and pawing the ground, preparing the charge. But she stood in no position, instead sitting gracefully, as if she were a black wisp of smoke as well, an illusion that would crumble at any moment. Her eyes only added to the appearance, golden tinted by silver, glittering maliciously as the winter sun reflected off them. But, besides this, no facial expression was given at the moment, and nor would it until given reason for one. She stayed like this, as she awaited a response from Malachai, casting her luminaries over the surrounding area, as a routine check, before returning to the Warrior.
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NPC Puma
NPC Puma

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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2015, 19:23

Curious. Thought the male cat, his silver orbs watching his prey. His paws danced across the cold earth, and then his lengthy body flew across the lands, catching the white hare in his claws. His teeth reached down and then he pulled back it's throat. His teeth pulled apart the flesh and he feasted upon the small being. His broad shoulders swayed slightly as he slowly finished his meal. His pink tongue flicked out, brushing against his claws. After cleaning his wide paws, he stretched them over his face and cleaned away any blood. He slowly lifted his body up, paws carrying him across the snow covered lands. His paws padded softly, his silver eyes searching the lands for some way to entertain himself. He prowled across the earth, his eyes wandering around until he spotted two wolves just chatting. He squirmed and crouched, pushing himself forward ever so slowly until he was close enough to hear the darker fae speak. He would listen carefully before purring out a few words to himself. "Deary me, what are these beasts doing?" He whispered just enough to hear his own voice. His ears roved forward as he peered at the wolves with pleasure. He was bored, and the wolves would serve as entertainment. He moved again, closer just enough to be heard by the wolves. "Well well... What have we here, pets?" His silver eyes stared at the brute, and then switched to the fae. A glare that could kill on it's own. "What are you? Lovebirds... sickening." He purred out the words with a bitter taste in his mouth. His tail flicked, paws shifting in the snow as he waited to gain their attention. A deep rumble roared through his chest. His silver eyes glowed with rage and entertainment. He wondered which would react quicker to his assumption on them being lovers, either way, by the time he was done with them, neither would want to be in love again.
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Elite Malachai
Elite Malachai

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Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2015, 22:50

Malachai watched the female closely as she stretched and told him that he would meet many wolves within time. He was slightly glad to hear such a thing, as he had been alone for so long, it would be nice to find multiple possible companions. She had soon asked him from here lived before coming to Erenyx. He was wary to tell her such a thing, but knew that he had to reveal his past at one point or another. "Where I came from is a dark history that I'm unsure if you'd really like to know of, Delta. For it consists of death and slaughter of innocents by the fangs and claws of myself along with the aloha who reigned as a tyrant over us." He nodded, warning her of his dark past and what is consists of before she asked any further questions. "These lands are slightly similar to those of which I used to live, just missing the memories that the trees and rocks hold from the brutality that occurred there." He chuckled slightly as she asked of memories of his home lands. "For, my memories are many to which I would rather forget, my dear. But, they have left everlasting scars on my soul and memory itself. Things that some wolves would never have the balls to do even if their life depended on it." The white brute was dead serious with no hint of emotion in his eyes. He really did think the acts he preformed as a younger brute were dastardly and vicious. Nothing could convince him otherwise, unless he suppose, he heard of another who preformed acts so malevolent that it would bring the strongest of brutes to heartbreak or anger. He couldn't think of any act that could actually be preformed with no note of remorse for what they had done. He was curious to know if the female was aware of anything such as this. "Now, Ariste, may I ask you where you came before Erenyx? Or would you prefer to keep it under locks?" he was genuinely curious to know the whereabouts of the female before the pack in which they currently live. Although he doubted that she would really open up to him about such things, it was worth a shot to ask and become more curious of the mysterious ebony fae. As he awaited her responses, his ears picked up a sound fairly close the the duo. A voice came from the bushes, and he could see the large cat peering out at them. "Pets? He looked back at the mountain cat with a confused look. "What are these... pets, you speak of, sir Puma?" Although it was utterly foolish to speak to such a predator, he was wondering about these pet things the large cat spoke of. "Lovebirds? Ha. You are humorous, sir Puma. For we are not lovebirds, as you state. Frankly, we just now met."He chuckled through his words as the Puma assumed of the wolves as lovers. They were no such thing, and highly doubted of such. Neither of them were looking for love specifically at the moment, or possibly ever. He waiting for a reply from either of the creatures, keeping an eye on the mountain cat to make sure he didn't pull anything funny on them.
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PostSubject: Re: Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Cleaning Out My Closet (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 1st 2015, 11:32

The fae listened, her head cocking to the side slightly as Malachai warned her of his past. An amused smirk ghosted across her black lips, but she did nothing other than give a short nod, refraining rolling her eyes. She doubted his past could be so gory and dysfunctional that even she would cringe at it, and be hesitant of hearing it. Listening to the Warrior brute's story, she did not find herself appalled, but then again, it was likely he was withholding information and certain details. She didn't expect his whole life story. Gold, silver-threaded luminaries studied the male, trying to read him, his emotions and thoughts. That was a skill she had had to develop for survival, the ability to observe. And it was just that - nothing supernatural about it, just observing one's demeanor. However, Erenyx was a place in which that was a difficult thing to do, what with most ever wolf that inhabited the lands equally skilled at masking emotions. She knew some wolves masked their emotions because they didn't want to seem weak. Other simply didn't have much emotion. She, on the other hand, didn't do it because of either of those reasons.  As Malachai inquired about her own past, her gaze narrowed slightly. True, she 'owed' him to tell him that, but that didn't mean she would. She considered for a moment, running her salmon-coloured tongue across her front teeth, she inhaled slowly, before opening her mouth. She picked each word carefully, fashioning it so that not too much was revealed, but enough.

"I come from the life of a Loner, born without a pack with several brothers and sisters. I lived as a loner for four months, before I was.. taken into a pack, not much unlike this one, perhaps worse." She paused to take a breath, when her audits swiveled to the side, to face the large cat before she turned to look at it. Her orbs narrowed at the look the puma gave her, but she didn't react much, instead rising to her paws and turning to face it. A look of mixed surprised and distaste crossed her eyes at the mention of loving Malachai. "Well, I can assure you that we are no more than Packmates, nevermind lovebirds." The words rolled off her tongue easily, with cool professionalism as she corrected the feline before he could try to develop that idea any further. Rolling her shoulders, she stretched out her muscles and continued watching the cat to make sure he didn't try to bolt towards her, prepared to dodge and counter attack, if necessary. "Now, pussycat, have you come to do nothing more than attempt to cause trouble?" She still spoke with an uncaring tone, but it was beginning to fade, as a sharp prick of hostility was slithered into it. She quite hated pumas, she quite hated them a lot. And she didn't fancy them hunting on their grounds, when the wolves could use the food after winter when pray was just returning, and hungry wolves constantly needed the food pile restocked.
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