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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open)

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2015, 18:11

It was a morning which found Chiara with little to do. The pups were off doing their own thing, the borders had been patrolled and Magnus was watching Teren for the day. With these rare days Chiara would normally train both for herself and for others. However, she had found herself now lacking pupils for her training methods that some found.....different. The fae liked to improve her body by means normal wolves weren't accustom to, that way in normal circumstances they would thrive. Racing the surf, climbing trees, cliff jumping and tree leaping were only some of her methods in her arsenal of fun she had for today. Chiara had gone far from the peering eyes of Erenyx wolves who weren't worth her time. Far into the neutral lands she had gone, finally coming to the lake that was surrounded by prickly pine trees. The wheels in her head started to turn as to what she could do today.

After some time of dwelling the idea of a skill she had yet to perfect came to her mind. Back when her mate was a hunter and she had joined him on hunts she had noticed her steps were always heavier than his, full of less grace. She felt that as a warrior she had the disadvantage of not having silence to her walk, that she never treaded as lightly as the hunters who did so everyday. Walking over to the pine forest her neck craned back to gaze up at the trees. They grew fairly close together and the size of them made their height almost disappear against the sky. Among the branches were pine cones that littered the green and brown bows. They were weak and fragile from weeks of the squirrels raiding them for seeds. Walking close to one medium tree Chiara thrusted her hip against the trunk to test her theory. Smirking she dodged an onslaught of falling pine cones and chuckled. Today would be glorious for improving her hind leg strength and her gracefulness. Walking back a few steps she looked back towards the Erenyx lands, now she just needed some worthy of her training to torture. Throwing her maw back she called out to the wind, calling for any who thought themselves strong enough to come to her.
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PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2015, 20:31

The daylight streamed through the bare branches of the trees, making different patterns and shapes as Azura walked. There was no path that Azura was walking on, it was just aimless walking. The morning light was less annoying, now that the sun had fully risen and was high in the cloudless sky. For once it didn’t look stark grey and dark out, which is what Azura prefered. The sun was a nice touch for her fur how ever, it made her fur warm and smooth looking as she walked. This, was a lazy morning and lazy mornings only instilled Azura to do something. She had not been asked to go on the patrol with the other wolves, since she wasn’t in the rotation yet, so it left her schedule open and free. At the moment, Azura was secretly enjoying the sun and thinking about a long hard run. A run would do her body some good, stretch her cramped muscles and get her blood pumping. What she really wanted was a challenge, something that interested her. Something that caught her juices (no pun intended) flowing, something that put the P in pain. She wanted to push some wolf to their limits, and show them what a real wolf was made of. The unnaturally large fae moved with the grace of a hunter, but held the sturdy look of a warrior. There was a reason why she had been nicknamed the “tank”. She was a large fae, with as much bulk as the next male. There was something about her that just made her have purpose, and well maybe today would prove it.

The wind picked up, bringing scents of drooping pines. As the wind picked up, it not only brought delicious smells but also the rumble of a howl. An Erenyx wolf she had not yet met, and from the sound of it the howl was female. Oh, this would be interesting indeed. Azura had not met any females of Erenyx yet, and if she was lucky..she would be meeting one of at least some stature. She didn’t have time to meet the pathetic ones...unless they wished for training. Training was something that Azura had picked up on while traveling and assassinating. It was something that Azura enjoyed, she also enjoyed picking up new things. She either found them on her own, or watched from a distance. Turning towards where the howl had emanated from, Azura trotted forward. She moved with swift speed, it wasn’t a trot but it was a fast walk. Something that most wolves would pick up on about Azura is that she didn’t enjoy waiting around. Azura went up into a full trot and coming face to face with the fae who had called. Azura wasn’t at all surprised to see the female sitting, looking calmly. Azura felt calm as she stepped into the area, her lips peeling upwards into a slight smile. Her silver eyes were a strange color to see, but they were inviting and open. She wanted to see what this female had to offer. “My name is Azura." "I have not yet learned your name. Who are you?” Azura asked, taking a seat in a small nest of pine needles. As she sat her heavy body down, the scent of pine drifted up, perfuming her pelt.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 16th 2015, 18:17

Flicking her ears in the direction of the one who had joined her Chiara spoke before her amber eyes lay on the Erenyx fae. One could tell a lot from their ears and nose even before sight was unveiled to them. By her scent she could tell her gender and that she was of Erenyx. This out her at ease, but Chiara didn't release her stoic tension just yet. Ears gave way to a competent wolf who could tread carefully, but still needed work. Her paw steps had been loud and she had let her scent deceive her, alerting the guardian to her presence early. A true warrior acted as if they were hunting at all times and that they were being hunted as well. They must move with all the grace and softness of a spring breeze, yet still hold strength and stature of a boulder. Finally moving her gaze to look over the fae her maw parted from it's straight line into a half smirk. The girl's ignorance was most amusing to Chiara and she would have fun putting her through her paces.

Gazing at the silver eyed Fae Chiara stood and curled her tail over her spine. "You have surprised me fae, which isn't something others do easily. I am one of the highest ranking females in Erenyx and it amuses me that you have been absent long enough to have never seen nor hear of me. I am Guardian Chiara." Her voice boomed in a tone that didn't sound stern, but instead informative. "I have called for any who think themselves worthy of the training I have to offer. I hear the Lead Warrior pair is also holding a training at this time, did they not interest you?" She questioned, her one eyebrow raising. "I must warn you that my training is difficult and will put you to the test, but when I am finished with you your mind will be open to new ideas, tactics and strategies." She explained, running her eyes over the fae. From her build she looked like a warrior, but there were husky hunters as well so the question remained in Chiara's mind, "I take it you're no caretaker?"
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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2015, 07:19

Azura was heavy in form at least, and she did have a hard time getting herself to tread quietly. Although she was very graceful upon her large paws, she could use work. It was not her intention to sneak up on Chiara, no, Chiara had howled for a wolf and Azura just happened to be one. Her silver gaze looked over Chiara, she wasn’t the most impressive wolf she had met. As she had said before, she hadn’t met many. Azura was alert, as always, but never had she let her guard down. Chiara may have been of Erenyx, but Azura wasn’t about to let the female see her relax. If she called for training, well this is what she would get. Azura had been purposeful in her ways, there was always a reason for something. She stood now, before the female in silence. She wasn’t tense, but she was quiet. She looked relaxed, but her ears flicked from time to time catching sounds of noise around her. She could see that Chiara was amused, and it made Azura tilt her head a bit. Hmm...not judging...but looking over me. I guess if she wanted a grand opening...she didn’t get what she wanted. Azura gave a soft snort to her own thought and looked back to Chiara as she spoke.

A laugh escaped Azura’s mouth at Chiara’s words. She was surprised that Azura had not known her name? Chiara was one of the names she had heard in the camp, but of course she would not know what the fae looked like. “Well, I have not been absent. I have been apart of the pack for a few weeks. I have heard of your name, but of course, I never knew who you were.” “You surely would of known that I was new if you had never seen me before.” She added in, closing her eyes and then reopening them her silver eyes flaring. Her words were not meant to be harsh, but informing. Swishing her tail against the pine, the scent came forth again dusting her pelt with the sweet scent. She tipped her muzzle down a bit looking at Chiara before nodding. “It wasn’t that it interested me, I just happened to come to your call first.” She said, her tone matter of fact. She would go to the training later on, and meet the lead warriors. “That is fine. I am always up for a challenge, and I am always open to learning new ways.” she said and then her ears pricked up at Chiara and her silver eyes narrowed a fraction. “No, I am a warrior. I was not bred or built like this to be a caretaker.” she said quietly.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 25th 2015, 20:15

Chiara's eyes danced over the thick boned fae and her smirk rose in amusement. With a quick retort from her fast tongue Chiara knew she had bested her in snarky comments. "Tu che Azura I stand bested by your silver tongue." She commented, relaxing a bit from her stiff position. Her eyes then traveled slightly to the horizon behind the fae and grew heavy. A male she had met of the border yesterday she had hoped to see crest the sky line. Malfurion show promise and she had extended the training offer to him directly, yet he failed to show when she called. Furrowing her brow her gaze went back to the fae who she didn't know yet appeared just the same. Her answer to her next question neither angered nor shocked her. The fae seemed sensible and since she didn't know her well couldn't fault her for not playing favoritism towards who trained her. "Well it was smart that you chose to train with me today. However, I must ask you of your integrity Azura for our Alpha Teren knows nothing of what or how I teach. How much do his views affect you?" She asked, rising her brow further. It was a subtle question, but one that held to meanings. If the fae was smart she would pick up on both, neither of which she would reveal outright.

Looking over her shoulder to the trees behind her "Well if you want a challenge you came to the right place. It's my philosophy that all wolves have something to teach another, that no one method out shines another. In my old pack lands the healers taught me how to gather special lichens that grew high in the trees. With this knowledge I combined it with knowledge of hunting to be stealthy enough not to disturb the sensitive pine cones that are now seeded. By climbing the trees we can strengthen our muscles and endurance, but also improve our agility. As warriors we must be well rounded and ready to be four steps ahead of our opponents at all times." She explained walking over to the base of a tree. Bunching her muscles the fae suddenly sprang up, bouncing to a low branch then to another. Her feet barely settled on each branch as she floated to another just as quick. The branches sank with her weight, but never cracked or bowed under her weight. Within a minute she crested the top of the tree, the only sign of her journey were three pine needles that fell at the warriors feet. "I want you to try this, but I warn you it won't be easy. The pine cones must not be dropped or else you must start over from the bottom. You can't alert your enemies or your presence up here, nor can you fall and come crashing down." She said as she hopped down just as lightly and landed near the fae. "Such a thing would be unwise. So, I will stay down here and help direct you at first and once you get the hang of it we'll work on speed and stealth, for now focus on making it to my branch without falling or losing too many pine cones, perfection comes from practice." She said, easing into a sitting position and waiting for Azura to begin.
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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2015, 10:02

Azura had always enjoyed sarcasm, she enjoyed delivering it rather than receiving it. Flicking her sensitive ears, her silver eyes shimmering quietly, as she watched Chiara. A slight smirk came to her face at Chiara’s words. “Quick and witty does not always save your life.” She replied to her, and relaxed more. She was no longer tense around Chiara, she was actually comfortable around her. Which was different for her, she had never really been comfortable around other females, but Chiara was different. She was wise, at least in Azura point of view she was. Even from where Azura sat she could tell the wolf trained for many days, her muscles were compact. Azura was wondering just who exactly Chiara was waiting for, or if she had actually called somebody to this training session. Glancing in the direction Chiara watched, she waited to see another figure appear but none did. Perhaps who she waited for was not going to come. Curious, Azura was but she did not ask. It was a little rude to ask just who she was waiting for, but Azura felt she made a good decision to follow the howl. Chiara’s next question made Azura quirk her head a bit, and actually put her thoughts into action. Azura had a feeling there was an undertone to this question, a statement in the question. She had a feeling this was important, to at least answer correctly. There was something more to Chiara, something stronger, and Azura felt that. “What Teren does not know, will not harm his ego much will it?” She asked smirking slightly before continuing. “I believe that your training will do me good, and I will not speak about this to anyone. I came to your call for a reason, and I trust you to not do me wrong.”

Putting trust into Chiara wasn’t easy for Azura, but once she said it, she felt a bit better. She tilted her head at the female as she spoke about climbing trees. That was something very interesting to hear. “That sounds quite interesting. The healers you were trained by were very talented.” She said with a nod. You being taught how to climb trees by them without giving up is talented. She thought, and glanced towards one of the pine trees. The needles around them gave off a pine like scent which made the area sweet. “You are very right about Warriors needing to be well rounded, it’s good thing to learn while you are young.” She said and watched as Chiara stood up. As she walked over to the base of one of the larger pine trees, she leaped up her small body nimble as she landed on the branch. It bent under her weight and in only a few seconds she had climbed the tree, only a few pine needles falling down. It was certainly quite a talent to see as Azura watched her speak from above before hopping down. Now it was her turn, and Azura was up for the challenge she was actually excited. “In all honesty Chiara, the only thing i worry about is my body weight, but I am up for this challenge.” She said before flicking her black tail and lowering her ears a bit looking at each branch. They were all different, but the one closest was thicker. She crouched bunching up her muscles and springing up. Her heavy body made her jump a bit hard, but she was able to reach the branch. She had to use her claws to dig into the trunk of the tree, but she was able to stand on the branch. No pine cones fell, but this was the hard part. She had to pick and choose which branch to scale before actually going up them. She chose the next branch but it was weaker than intended, it snapped under her weight and she fell back down to the ground. She landed on her side, and only a small yelp escaped her opened maw. She laid there for only a few seconds before standing back up and turning to Chiara. “A challenge is never complete until it’s fully met.” She said with a slight grin. She turned back to the tree but waited to see if Chiara had any pointers to help her.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2015, 14:58

Content in the security of imagination, wrapped in its pull on the fragments of her intellectual mind as the line separating fantasy from reality grew thin, the Lead Hunter rested in an unfamiliar peace inside the chamber she had claimed as her own. Stocked up with furs from the animals she had feasted upon, the soft fabric layer in the far corner served as a cushioned foundation for her body when she slept, keeping her warm along with the double coat she was born with during the cold season. As autumn left the area, the colorful leaves that left the trees to cover the ground were now dabbed in the faint snow that had fallen on the territory during the night.

Winter was approaching, it was just around the corner to turn everything in its path a pure color of white, a blinding color but it still held a spotless beauty. The cold season was a favorite for the fae, the blanket of snow would offer a substance to clean her fur without getting into the freezing water that was most likely solid; The annoying bugs of the air, including ants and flies would be gone to escape the bitter atmosphere along with the blood sucking mosquitoes. Each one would be gone, leaving Braelyn able to roam with no irritation. Softly rolling over onto her side, the Lead Hunter would rest her limbs down with a short sigh finding its way between her lips, the moment being a blissful time until a ringing sound caught the attention of the fae.

Auds flickering, the noise broke the hunters trance awakening her out of the dream state back to the world she lived in causing the hues that held so many things behind them to open. Jaws parting, a heavy yawn was all that came out as Braelyn lifted herself to stand on all fours before letting her vicious canines clamp shut. The howl still rang for a few more seconds, cutting itself off short in its power but the time given was enough for Braelyn to know of its source. Chiara... Abandoning the warmth and safety of her home, the female wandered out into the dense forest, tracking her way towards the wolf who had been the one to give her access into to the pack lands.

The Lead Hunter hadn't seen much of her since that day, and like she had planned, the fae hadn't seen much of anyone in the pack. Braelyn was keen on staying out of sight when she wanted to be, it let her be with herself in solitude without the tag along of others holding her back. It was for this that she had been so obedient in her duties on keeping the kill pile stocked, with the help from others doing their own hunts of course. Tail swaying behind her as she walked, Braelyn followed her nose to the ebony female though by scent as she got closer it was clear another wolf was with her.

Hmm, looks like I'm meeting someone new.. Paws dancing lightly across the ground as she stepped, the Lead Hunter soon found herself coming near the two wolves. In the fae's line of sight was the other female, crumbling to the floor in a flash from the tree branches above. From the sounds of a short, muffled yelp coming out, the fae could only hear how much that fall had hurt the other. "Hello Guardian and.. stranger" Braelyn acknowledged, wasting no time after she stopped to lower her haunches onto the floor, taking a seat nearby where she could watch but stay out of the duo's way.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2015, 19:28

Knowing she would fail to some extent first go around it surprised her none to see the warrior crash to the ground. She had made a fair climb, but lacked points on her abrupt descent. "Use your larger size to stretch out and cover more ground. Try to paw each paw on a different branch or at least two to distribute your weight better. Then try to visualize your path three branches before you move." She offered, walking over to Azura on the ground. This was not an easy challenge, even the nimble Guardian remembered many weeks of falling from trees until she got the hang of it. "Keep trying. If it's easier try only going up ten or so feet and just work on circling the tree and a certain amount of jumps. This way while you practice you won't fall as far. Work on that then we can attend to your grace for not shaking the whole forest." She joked, nudging the larger fae in a friendly manner.

Soon the pair were joined by another, one fae she did know. Drawing up a small smile Chiara dipped her maw slightly to the Lead Hunter, "Greetings Braelyn, shall you be joining us for some training?" She questioned, a shred of hope clinging to the idea that her skills could be passed on to more trust worthy wolves. Braelyn had been met by herself at the border a few months back. Her wit and skills quickly earned her rank and Chiara was eager to see how the fae could further surprise her. Would this sport be up her ally?
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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeApril 15th 2015, 13:20

(I really do apologize for the slowness. :/ Lots of stuff have been going on lately...)

“Ah i see!” Azura said, a smile showing on her black lips. By distributing her weight evenly, even for her large size, she should be able to climb and be safe. She took in a breath and let it out softly. “I can do this.” She said and stretched out her long legs, and her large body. She loosened her muscles and sighed softly. “I will do so. I will not shake the whole forest i promise.” She said with a soft laugh and moved forward to the tree. She was about to take a short leap up when a scent came to her sensitive nose. She turned her large head her ears flicking forward.

“Greetings.” She said as Braelyn came forth. “I am Azura.” She said in answer to the strange wolf greeting. She turned back to the tree and leaped up. She got to the bottom branch, and distributed her weight, and began to climb up. She closed her eyes, and took a breath moving forward the branches bowing under but she moved her weight so the trees wouldn’t break under her weight. She felt a weaker branch snap and her left paw was snapped and she was on air. She quickly moved so she wasn’t falling. She let out a breath of relief and kept moving.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2015, 01:55

(ooc- Got my internet back ^~^ It's short, sorry..)

A small smile was offered in greeting to the faes appearance and the hunter let her muzzle fall slightly, dipping it in return to the guardian. Remembering how the female felt about respect and how it was given, which Braelyn still didn't agree with but would act accordingly out of courtesy. Auds positioning themselves to catch the words of the stranger near, the hunter would give a short glance into her direction glad a name was received. Azura... The ebony female was large, having a bulky build for a fae with brought another to mind as Fel was the same with brute attributes.

"I didn't plan on it, but a few lessons learned by a Guardian wouldn't hurt." Answering in a casual tone, not thinking much of the current task the other fae was trying to accomplish. Leaping up onto the tree and climbing it with a few mistakes and unbalanced coordination, Braelyn watched the dark female for a few minutes until turning to Chiara. "So, what shall you have me do?" Interested in how the Guardian would train her, the Lead Hunter was more interested in building up her combat skills but wouldn't mind learning new skills that might come in handy for other things.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2015, 15:48

~Bump ^^
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Detention is now in Session (Malfurion and Open) Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2015, 20:07

Chiara neither smiled nor frowned at either fae's words. Sitting silently she eyed Azura as she went higher, becoming more and more graceful and comfortable up there. "Only climb as high as you're willing to fall. In time you shall touch the clouds, but for nor stick to shorter climbs." She called up, her eyes peering through the branches trying to see her. "Braelyn I want you to start small and work on climbing like Azura. Try to spread your weight out among the branches so all four feet are in different places. Stake your course and move up. Once both of you master this the real fun begins." She instructed, motioning towards the tree Azura was already up.

Chiara then sat back and would watch the playings out of the two faes. Both had real potential to benefit from her training if they focused on it. It wasn't easy, but it would make them more well-rounded in the long run. Growing up without a trainer Chiara had to make up exercises for herself and sought the expertise of the animals of the forest. She learned to swim by watching fish, to climb by watching squirrels and to run and evade by watching deer. The forest had a lot to offer a wolf if they took the time to listen.
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