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A Sight to See (Open)

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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2015, 18:48

The sea, such an extrodinairy sight to see for one who had spent her life amone the dense foliage of woods. Never had the grey pelted fae ever seen such a wonderful beauty as this. Mere words escaped her mind to describe it with the sun high over head shining brightly, so she just sat in the sand and let her mind go blank as she took in the blue ocean. Waves curled into miniature tunnels, their speed carrying them to the shore only to break upon the damp sand. Dark amber eyes lifted to the sky as the cries of gulls trilled over the loud roaring of the surf. More sea birds were making their way over the damp sand, picking up small crabs and clams. A pink tongue lazily creeped out from between her dark lips to moisten them. The huntress' maw opened and a small whine escaped as she yawned.

She stood to her feet, sand clinging to her grey fur but she didn't mind. It was a new experience for the young girl. Nyda's paws sunk a little in the soft sand, leaving a trail of paw prints as she made her own way to the water. She turned to walk next to the water as it surged up the beach and over greyish white paws. The temperature was warm, pleasant even as the fae strolled lazily upon a new place she never thought she would be. The sea birds made way for the predator, eyeing her suspiciously as she passed. A small movement caught her eye, a queer looking creature it was. It was round with points on the edges of it and had many legs. Eyes were on stalks that rose above its shiny body and to things held close to its body. Curious of the new creature, but also wary, Nyda lifted a paw to nudge it. Like lightening, the creature sped off sideways and Nyda jumped back a bit as the creature escaped into the sea. She gave a soft laugh at the way it moved for it was the funniest thing she had ever seen.

Continuing with her adventure, Nyda walk calmly upon the shore, her body relaxed with with movements, she was free to be herself, no need to be tense and serious all the time. Soon she came to a formation of rock that was wuite curious. It had a hole in it. More wonders of this new land, she mused. What a strange place this is, she thought as she made her way closer. She walked through the sand, peering up at the rock formation curiously. Soon she was in the cool shadow of it and the colors were dazzling to her optics. The ocean rushed around the rock formation that arched into the water, breaking around the study stone to wash upon her clawed feet. Nyda sat there again, her dark amber eyes gazing back out to the open sea with fascination.
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Finnick Of Agavos
Finnick Of Agavos

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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2015, 21:09

The young male limped along, his leg still in the process of healing from the spring pack hunt that caused him an injury. It soon would be healed enough to where he could use it. He was unsure if he would have a limp or not once he could completely walk in that leg again. He carried himself with pride, despite his leg holding him back from moving any faster when he was on the clock for hunting within the pack lands. It was made difficult for him to handle, but he continued on with no worries. The day was pleasant, and all was well within the rising back in which they called home. Although Finnick had been there for some time now, he hadn't really developed any friendships since he arrived. Only the one called Ariste would be named as a friend to Finnick. he was alone in this world. Not a close friend to depend on when his life gets rough. Nobody to comfort him nor relax him when he's scared. Absolutely nobody there for him. As he knew that Desmond would be more than happy to have him dead and away from the pack, even if it did cost him a pack member. It was something that Finnick began to think about constantly. How he could escape this nightmare of a life. He was hated by his Alpha and most likely all of his pack members, he had no friends in his life, he had nowhere to run. He was stuck. The only option was... death. The brute shook his head, moving along his way through the sandy shores of Poseidon's Ring. It still dwelled on his mind. He didn't want to die, or at lead he didn't think he wanted to. He wasn't sure. If he did die, then he wouldn't lose anything. He had nobody to mourn for him. Nobody would care if he lived or died outside of these borders of the Agavos lands. He knew Desmond and Fel wouldn't give a rat's ass about him if they found his body washed up on this shore, drowned or killed by an unknown force.

Shrugging at his thoughts, the brute moved on his way just to come across a female ahead of him. He slowly moved forward towards her, introducing himself. "Hello there, I am Lead hunter Finnick, who might you be?" He looked over the female who was smaller than he, but was still sizable compared to most females that he had encountered. He looked up to the sky, just to see seagulls circling over the skies above them. He wondered what it was like to fly, but the thought quickly faded as the water washed up against his legs, cold and smooth. The salty waters took sand from beneath his paws as it retreated back into the vast body of water. What was the purpose of salt water? You couldn't drink it, and only certain creatures could live in it. So what's it's purpose? He questioned himself as he looked out over the water, awaiting any sort of response from the female who stood a good distance away.
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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 07:26

So peaceful it was, there under the rockformation, the roaring of the surf as it sped its way to the beach only to break upon the shore in white foam. The sound of the water ebbing and surging was different, hypnotic in a way. Nyda closed her eyes for a moment, letting the sea breeze dance playfully through her fur, letting the ocean sounds drown out everything around her. But there was a scent upon the air currant that wafted to her nose, making her eyes snap open quickly and gaze around. The moment shattered, she now had company. Male. She didn't move a muscle, but kept gazing out at the sea with its constant motion. Only until she hear a voice did she turn her head in the direction of its owner. Calm settled over over her features, the remnants of pleasure still lighting her eyes, escaping her control.

The owner of the voice did indeed belong to a male, and much larger than herself. His coloring too, was the same as hers but darker. By the look in his eyes, he seemed to be wrestling with something. But first, her mind needed to process what he had just said to her. Lead hunter Finnick! So this was to be her second leader. Not bad. Nyda stood up to face him. Her amber eyes still shined with pleasure as she gave Finnick a small dip of her head in respect. "Hello Lead Hunter Finnick, my name is Nyda. I was given the title of hunter at the boarder by Alpha Desmond." She only gave out the information about herself because she could smell the pack's scent on his fur when the sea breeze was just right. Another reason was that she didn't think that an encroaching wolf wouldn't be stupid enough to come this far into a pack's land. "It is a pleasure to meet another of my pack mates." She said, calmly.

Last edited by Hunter Nyda on August 10th 2015, 10:53; edited 1 time in total
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Finnick Of Agavos
Finnick Of Agavos

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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 08:46

The brute dipped his head to the fae as she spoke out towards him. He hand;t met any of his own pack mates, really. Other than those he briefly knew at the pack hunt. He looked to her, with his eyes still clouded, and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hunter Nyda. How are you fairing within Agavos, might I ask? It's a very deserve group and was curious to how you're taking life here." He looked at her with a little curiosity sparking in his voice. he wanted to have friends a friend. Someone, anyone. It may not be this particular female, but he was determined to be friendly and to make a name for himself before something terrible happened to him. It was a feeling that he just could not escape from. Wether it was just paranoia or the foreshadowing of something happening to the brute, it was constantly lingering around him. Noting could really make him fathom a difference scenario in his life now, other than pain. He was still utterly alone in this sorrowful life, and began to wonder what the purpose of living was. He had nothing to live for. Nobody to care about him. He growled in frustration as these thoughts continued to chase one another in his mind, unable to fight back the inner demons that were slowly tearing him apart. It was suicide. He was slowly killing himself in his own mind, with these thoughts that had never left his mind since the day he came into this retched pack that he somehow calls home.

Looking back to the female before him, he smiled, still unsure if he should stay with the young fae as she seemed to prefer to be alone. He shook himself free of whatever had been clinging to his pelt the entire walk through the sands on the beach. The salty water spray his his face like a brick wall. It was so strong and pungent, his nose scrunched up in confusion to wether the enjoyed the scent or despised it.
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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 10:39

For some reason unbeknownst her, Nyda stepped forward towards the male, drawn by something. It was not usually her nature to voluntarily move closer first, she would usually stay still and let others come to her first. She was cautious though, as she moved closer, even though he was a higher rank than her he was big, and new. But she looked him in the eyes with softness, and saw that his own were indeed troubled, clouded over with his inner thoughts that couldn't be good. "I fair well in this new place but I haven't met very many of our pack mates. I have met with Alpha Desmond, Autay Newt, Delta Breeze and now I have met you sir. I will admit, I am in awe of these pack lands. What is this water called?" she asked with breathless curiosity, looking back out to the ocean. The curious note in his handsome voice was not lost on her but she stiffened slightly when she heard a growl. She swung her dark head back to face him, judging his mood and body language. He had a look in his eyes as if thinking and she wondered what thought had him upset.

Then he looked at her, a smile smoothing his features to show friendliness and she relaxed once more. Perhaps he just needs to vent to someone. She though to herself as she settled her bottom on the damp sand away from the water's reach. Suddenly a wave came in, crashing into Finnick and spraying water into his face. He scrunched up his face, confusion written all over it. Nyda smiled and then giggled. She had tasted the water when she had first arrived and found the tasted extremely unsatisfactory. She knew what he was tasting and couldn't help but giggle a little. Good god what was wrong with her!? She thought to herself. This wasn't her at all. She was more reserved than this. She didn't act like a..a yearling pup. But when she looked back at Finnick, she couldn't help but open herself a tiny bit. If he needed to talk she would be a good listener, sometimes it was easier to talk to a stranger than someone they know.

She would give him an opening, to see if he would share his troubles with her or not, but she wouldn't push it. "And you Finnick? How long have you been in Agavos? How do you fair in this place we call home.?" She asked soothingly. Her auds perched themselves forward, curious to hear him speak. Was the opening to subtle for him to open up? Again, Nyda looked out at the rolling waves and spied something spout a plume of water into the air. Then the dark shape was gone, back down to the depths from which it came.
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Finnick Of Agavos
Finnick Of Agavos

Posts : 34
Join date : 2015-05-19

A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2015, 08:32

Finnick nodded as he heard the female speak in who she had met upon entering Agavos lands. He remembered seeing the Delta and Autay at the moose him, but didn't talk to them as often as he would've liked. The Delta female seemed brash and full of herself. Almost acting like a pup in most ways. And they Autay, he thought he was a gentle soul with no worries other than to do his job right. he was sure that if he lived long enough to meet him, they would turn out to be fairly good friends. "This is Poseidon's Ring. One of the few places in the Agavos lands to find a beach with this retched salt water." He chuckled a little but, trying to about his own thoughts. He understood why the female was in awe of most of the areas Agavos had to offer. They were all magnificent in beauty of earth's creation and wondered how they got so lucky to have such a place in their home. Looking back at the smaller female, she had asked about him. He was a little hesitant to speak in the beginning, but figured to what harm could she possibly do to him? "I do decent in here, I suppose. Not my ideal place, but it's a home. I've been here for a little one, one of the first wolves to arrive, other than those who came from the nearby packs first. Desmond isn't a fan of me for my idiocy at the border when I arrived, so therefore I highly doubt anything good will happen to me while I'm here. And especially if Desmond has ay say about it." He spoke a little more openly than he intended. He wasn't sure what had made him speak out to the female in such a way, especially one he barely knew. It was a curious thing that had begun to develop in the young brute's head. Was he beginning to like this female? Or was it his mind tricking him into thinking he was to mask that pain he was in? He did not know, but desperately wanted to find out for himself as the feelings sand thoughts continued to swirl in his body, overcoming every inch of his being. Soon, his eyes cleared from the thoughts of death and despair that had held on to him since he arrived and the thoughts were pushed aside momentarily as he spoke to the female. He couldn't help this. It was out of his control. Shaking his head slightly, he looked back at Nyda and couldn't help but smile. Waiting for her responses to his speaking of his own life within their home.
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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2015, 11:52

his voice was not long in coming, his head nodding with acknowledgement as she named their pack mates that she had come upon. He didn't add anything about them, but the look of recognition was there. Instead he answered her question,

"This is Poseidon's Ring. One of the few places in the Agavos lands to find a beach with this retched salt water."

He chuckled as he described the land, Nyda herself couldn't help but chuckle as well. But she sat there, patiently waiting for him to open up to a complete stranger. When he did, she turned to look at him. His eyes had a that far away look in them; seeing the past. The opening was enough for the dark male to begin talking about his experiences within Agavos and Nyda wasn't surprised to find out that the pack was started by members of different packs. It happend sometimes, others just deciding that one pack wasn't good enough for them so they moved on to find a better home. After all, wasn't that why she was here? He spoke of his boarder acceptance, hinting that the alpha didn't think much of him.

Nyda shook her head at this statement, disbelief written all over her face. "Do you honestly believe that Finnick?" she ask curiously, "What alpha, whom did not think highly of anyone would allow them to have a lead rank? You must have done something for him to think you have the potential to be a leader. Nyda's voice rang with certainty, not one shred of doubt hindering her. She looked deep into Finnick's eyes, honesty shining brightly along with support for him. His confidence was down and that had to be the reason he would say that their alpha did not like him. "Desmond probably isn't happy about your antics at the boarder that is true, but he gave you the rank of lead hunter for a reason. Probably so that even though you acted badly at first meeting, he is giving you another chance to prove yourself."

Nyda sat there with Finnick, listening to him and giving her own opinions to his situation. Her belief was that everything happened for a reason, one had to look at it from all angles and see where it lead. He was the lead hunter of their pack but if he needed help, Nyda felt that she would willingly help him in almost anyway possible. "I noticed your limp, will it be ok?" She asked, gently inquiring.

A bad limp would not be good for a hunter let alone a lead hunter. If it was very bad then he could possible be demoted and his underlying fear would come to pass. Such a blow would lower his confidence even more and for some reason, Nyda didn't want to see that happen to him. He looked so proud and strong, and she could see that if his rank position was secure, the dark handsome male would shine brightly.
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Finnick Of Agavos
Finnick Of Agavos

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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2015, 17:26

He listened as the female began to speak to him about his rank and resigning for Desmond to give it to him. He still did not think Desmond took a liking to him, nor thought of him highly. He shook his head at her words, waiting for her to finished so he could explain himself. He looked at her, his eyes nothing but honestly and guilt. "No.. He does not think highly of me. He only gave me the rank because I was one of the few Hunters at our pack hunt. One of the few who cooperated and did what they were told." He growled. Trying to get her to understand that Desmond did not like him in the slightest way possible. He knew it. No matter how hard he tried to get the brute to like him, everything failed. This is where Finnick had realized how important first impressions were in their world. They were the basis around everything within the pack. If you came to an Alpha's borders, giving all respect and honor to them as they would like, they would be more willing to trust you in their pack. But now he knew, if you made one foolish mistake in front of them, you may lose their trust forever and not be able to gain it from them again. He had done such a thing. Saying that he could assist in repopulating the pack? How stupid! He still could not believe those words slipped from his lips to the male at the border. He was foolish and ignorant to say such things, but trying to explain himself had no use now. He was part of the pack with a lead rank. He needed to uphold it for now. He had to. Just for what little time remained for him here. He knew it wouldn't be long before something happened to him.

He looked back at the female as she spoke once more, acknowledging his limp. "I'm quite alright. An injury from the pack hunt for a moose. He went into the waters of the area and leaned all his weight onto me, supposed attempt to kill one more of us before he died. He had obviously not succeeded. Just broke my leg. I have been working with the healers for physical therapy to get it working properly again. Nothing to worry about. I should be back to my normal self in weeks time." He nodded, looking at the hunter with a different kind of gaze. He wondered what secrets she held in her mind. What things did she wish to reveal but held her tongue?
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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2015, 13:29

Eye of the most curious blue filled with honesty and guilt looked at her. Finn's darker head swayed back and forth with denial at her words. Then, with conviction he explained the only reason for their alpha giving him his position. A smile graced her lips as she heard his explanation. Nyda got up and moved closer to the strikingly handsome male, her amber eyes shining with hope. He gave a growl of frustration. It seemed that she wasn't listening to him at all, but she really was. "Don't you see Finn? There is your answer! He granted you the position of lead hunter because you listened. He may not realize it but I do. There is still a chance for you to get him to see that you can do good."

The lighter colored fae spoke gently to the male, trying to get him to see that he had a chance to make amends with their alpha. It was true that first meetings were important but there was always a second chance to make things right. "Apologize to Desmond, Finn. Let him see that you are serious in your role as lead hunter and will do everything in your power to do better." They had just met but she could see the good in him. It would be a shame if he couldn't see it as well but she knew that everyone had to find it within themselves.

He spoke once more, telling her a summary of what had happened to him on a hunt. It was the same hunt that had earned him the rank of lead hunter. Nyda nodded her head in acknowledgement of the great beasts. Moose were very short tempered and very dangerous. She was a bit surprised that that was all he got away with. "More of you? How many where killed?" Nyda asked with a horrified gasp.
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Finnick Of Agavos
Finnick Of Agavos

Posts : 34
Join date : 2015-05-19

A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2015, 14:18

He nodded, understanding the words that came from her jaws. He had no emotions upon his face. He was completely unable to read for any more of emotion. He had nothing. It jaws just.. blank. He looked up her her, tried to give a small smile and looked at her with a promise gaze of that he will be okay for now. He listened to her speak before she fell silently, thinking that she was trying to pull words together to complete her next sentences. He looked up at her, wondering what her thoughts at that moment were. He did not wait long for these to come along and devour his mind. They had already consumed every inch of his being. He had nothing but curiosity anymore. He looked at her, his eyes a little sad, and he spoke. "I won't be able to survive here much longer. I don;t think I was made for pack life nor the life of a rogue. Im not sure how long my stay will be here, but when that time is up, I will be leaving for good. Death is coming upon me. I just don't know when." He shrugged, not knowing what else to say until she began to speak about his leg and the hunt for the moose. He nodded as she asked if there were more. "Only one died. A Healer by the name of Ashlen. She was kicked in h=the head as she made a weak attack for him. Another was severely injured and knocked unconscious for a little while. An Omega that goes by Emily. Nobody else was left severely injured or dead, luckily." He nodded, awaiting her response to the death and accident with two of their pack mates.
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A Sight to See (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sight to See (Open) A Sight to See (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2015, 20:02

The grey fae looked at the darker male sitting so close to her yet emotionally and mentally he was far away. Only his body remained to let her hear it speak. Black lips moved as words swept out to try and convaye simple meaning and reasoning into them. Muscles moved under furred skin, washing everything from the male's face to show nothing. She knew that look. She herself wore it constantly to hide her own emotions and yet her she was. Her own emotions out for all the world to see and this male hiding his. How did that happen? Why was he the one whom her emotions had come out and shown themselves too? But as her amber eyes looked on at the mask he had pulled over his face, his head nodded in understanding. A hint of kite sparked there in his startling blue eyes. A sad look, but his maw opened and from its black depths a voice devoaded of all emotion came out to continue.

A very unladylike snort erupted from the fae when he finished speaking a moment. Now he was just giving a self pity party and that was something that Nyda wouldn't abide. Her eyes turned hard, her tongue sharp as she lashed out her words for him to hear and take head. "Finnick! What words are those that you speak so uncaringly? That sounds like a harty soul giving up. Someone with strength just wasting it away. If you talk like that, believe in things like that then what good are they? What good would come of it by just laying there and letting yourself float away into nothingness. One such as yourself has the strength to get up and brush themselves off. So what that Desmond wasn't jumping for joy at your first meeting, you get up and do it right, not lay there like a coward who has been beaten like a nuisance omega. I don't see a coward before me I see a male that would surprise even the alpha if you kept following his rule." Nyda took a breath after she finished her reprimand. It was one thing if he had been weak and on the verge of death she wouldn't have been harsh. She would have simply let him go to a place without pain and suffering, but this. This made her upset that one with such strength would give up so easily instead of fighting on to make something of himself. Her eyes burned with passion as she stared him straight in the eye, letting him see her honesty in what she had spoken. There was hope in everything and she would not give up on that.

Gulls cried as they flew closer to inspect the two wolves, hoping to get a free meal but when they saw nothing, the seabirds flew on. Nyda sighed, letting the passion in her eyes flicker to embers as she lowered her eyes once more to the lead hunter's paws in the sand. Her ears laid back and her tail curled to her side. Never had she looked one of high ranking in the eyes before, not like that when her passion had burned so fiercely. Her voice came out softer, contrite, [color=yellow]"Forgive me, I apologize for my harshness, it wasn't my place."[/color her head lifted as he spoke of the pack mates she had yet to meet and of the one she never would. Sadness filled her for the death of any pack member was a blow to any pack, no matter how many or how few. And a healer at that., she thought to herself. "I'm sorry for your loss, Finn. I hope the omega will be ok, even an omega has their place in a pack." Another sigh escaped the fae, her emotions running wild within her and she had no way to deal with them with Finn here. She would just have to wait and deal with them later.
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