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Feel the Freedom in the Air (open)

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Empty
PostSubject: Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 21:06

Early morning and dew still clung to the blades of brown grass that surrounded of mountains. The moisture made the fae's feet grow wet, but she knew with the climb and heat they would dry quickly. Looking up at her opponent of rock she smiled, pleased that she finally had time to climb to the peak again. After her demotion CHiara no longer accepted wolves at the border. Heck even if she hadn't been demoted the last thing she would do is increase pack numbers for Teren, no instead she'd chase loners off to Helidos or the rogue pack. Yes, one of these days Erenyx would be overthrown and a true leader would emerge, one who didn't resemble a walking corpse covered in tar nor smelled as bad. Smirking at the mental insult in her mind Chiara started the climb, taking this opportunity to work out a new training method she had heard about.

During her time as a loner she passed through a territory that held a pack that lived on the side of a steep rocky ledge. As a pass time one wolf would stand at the top as the "leader" and others would try to climb up. The "leader" would send gravel and rocks down at the wolves, trying to knock them down and keep them from reaching the peak. As a sort of keep away game Chiara over heard from a pack wolf how agile it made them and how it roughed up their pads enough to have better grip from running in grass. Taking a second to glance at her own paws she saw them to be soft, unscathed and worn. Not rough and broken like the mountain packs. She began to wonder how much better she could be if her grip improve as did her agility. Teren always had focused on the strength and brawn of a wolf to win, but Chiara knew even the smallest wolf could win a fight if the opponent never caught them. Glancing back to the mountain Chiara started up, ignoring the scratches and pricks from the slate below. Once she had her brings she started to kick small rocks up ahead of her, causing a small avalanche to head at her. The fae dodged the rocks, improving by the minute and learned how to interpret where they would roll and bounce. Almost enjoying herself Chiara let herself become engrossed in her activity, slowly making her way up and leaving the pack lands behind.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2015, 21:55

Slender but muscular legs would act as power, propelling the fae forward in long strides as she moved from the safety and security of her chamber. It was an unusual occurrence, but the Delta would not complain. It was an opportunity which she would take with no hesitation. Banner streaming behind her, the long furry form would act accordingly to her orders as the Delta would sharply turn and move between the forest vegetation, helping to keep her balance upright. Dull claws would contribute as well to her motions, the curved nail hitting the ground and bringing traction for stability as the fae raced. The time of day was still early though being the new Delta, this was normal for the female and already wide awake, it was during this time when she would do patrols. The circular cast of the yellow and heated sun still not even reaching its peak in the Earth's atmosphere it caused the temperature of the territory and most likely its surroundings to still be cooled with the Fahrenheit of the large pouring of night.

It was fresh outside, the feeling soothing on the body of resting souls but with the morning sun creeping fast upon the horizon as it always did each day after being replaced by the moon, the usual dry heat would come back and torture the inhabitants of the area. Spring was just about over, the time of birthing and mating now gone again as the surviving new lives where growing and becoming much more aware of their surroundings. Their guardians teaching them how to survive for the time when they would go off on their own during the Summer, which was only a few days away. Too bad someone would never get to experience it. Lips curled, the Delta would express a deep growl from her throat, the sound having been contained in her lungs for a period of time before it could not wait in containment any more. Weaving between trees and trampling over everything else in her path, Braelyn was determined in her goal, green orbs narrowed and full of concentration as she locked them onto her target. Never taking her eyes if the brown being so she would not loose it.

Dew would collect on her coat as she ran, the tiny drops of liquid falling from the leaves of the tree tops and with her scraping the edges of bushes, the female was soon covered in it. Watching her prey turn towards the left, the fae would steer herself in that direction as well, making sure even with her speed to keep some in holding for the final rush. It had been the end of her border runs when the earthy colored fae made it back to her den, and not even halfway inside, her keen orbs had spotted a sight of brown. It was a young boar, probably born later in the season than its others and with Erenyx low on food, her primal instincts kicked in. Now here the Delta was, racing through the forest for what could be her meal. It was odd for the young one had been alone, usually they were with their mother but her carelessness was the faes gain. Making a sharp right, the hunt was beginning to tire and while the boar was young, it was fast for its size though that made it exhausted more than the Delta.

Heart beating rapidly inside of her chest, her breath intake would only match the rhythm as she inhaled and exhaled the cool air. Finding her striking opportunity, Braelyn threw herself to go forward faster, her legs complaining but she would not stop now. Left paw hitting down on the herbivores rear, she would throw the being off balance as she forced one leg down with the action. The being tripping head first, there was no time to escape the collision and still moving, the Delta could not stop herself from running the creature over. Turning around quickly though, the fae would lock her jaws around the beings throat, paws holding the adolescent down, its squeals and cries blasting into her ears as it whined for its mother to come and save it. Snapping down, its life was soon gone and its soul now in her claim. With no hesitation, Braelyn quickly let go, her breathing uneven as she tries to catch her breath. It was then the Delta realized how far she had gone from the territory.

Shrugging it off, the earthy toned female would lay down near her kill, her head dropping across its stomach as she calmed herself down, taking the moment to look around. The area was much like Isle De Muerto, the land filled with steep climbs and mountains though much dried out and sandy. Smelling something familiar, her nose would direct itself to the sky. It was a faint scent but Braelyn felt as if she knew it. Taking her kill by the neck, she would stand and walk with it, her paws scraping across the rocks and harsh terrain as she climbed up quickly. Reaching the nearest point, the Delta would set her kill down at the site below her. "I would say I'm surprised to see you here, however it would be a lie..." Green orbs watching the now Warrior make her own way up, Braelyn would exchange her greeting. "Hello Chiara."

(ooc- How did I not see this thread before? ^^ Also, sorry it's a bit rushed towards the end, I was racing to finish this before 12.)
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Feel the Freedom in the Air (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 31st 2015, 08:12

Pushing forward and feeling her leg muscles start to complain Chiara continued her "game" of dodging the rocks to reach the top. A few times a medium sized rock would catch a foot and cause her to slip, but as she continued the task started to grow easier. It was similar to her training game of branch jumping that she had taught two of her pack members some time ago. Back then she had been a guardian of the pack, one those looked up to. As a Beta she had more respect and admiration and could contribute to the pack that at that time she was loyal to. Now as a mere warrior with no ties to greetings loners, training others or patrolling she took to training and occasionally hunting. Mainly she stayed low within the pack as talk between her and Magnus leaving grew. She had yet to catch her daughter and speak to her of such things for she figured it would be better once the plans were final. Her mate and herself longed for a pack of their own, one built of mutual respect and strong loyal wolves. The few patrons Teren had that pledged themselves to him she knew did it under fear, not true loyalty. No, she wanted those devoted to her because she had earned it, for that was the only respect she wanted.

Making it up to a small ledge the scent of another Erenyx wolf came to her. Tensing a bit at the thought of who it could be she relaxed slightly when she saw it was the Delta, but only slightly. Braelyn along with Ariste had been ordered by their "king" to be her babysitters, keep her in line and report back to the black menace himself. Luckily for her Braelyn couldn't read her thoughts of treason or she'd be in hot water. Dipping her head in a greeting Chiara glanced up at the fae before hoping up to the flat area she was on. Before her was a boar carcass she must have killed and blood still clung to her mouth, giving her a sadistic look. Yet Chiara wasn't that intimidated by her. "Hello Delta, I could say the same as you, being surprised. I am merely training my body here on this hill, nothing more or less that you'll have to tell Alpha when you report back to him." She said, feeling a bad taste in her mouth as she spoke of Teren. Unsure of how Braelyn saw Teren since the pup fights Chiara assumed she was now devoted to him and would happily dog her around the rest of the day.

Keeping her eyes low from the Delta Chiara flicked her ears back. She wanted no reports in insubordination coming from her, not yet anyway. Soon the plans would be final and the pair would be gone, hopefully with Piper and any others who wished for a better life. Malachai already seemed interested and he seemed like a wolf worth trusting. The lead Warrior pair also seemed minor keen on the idea, but perhaps they would need more convincing. However she wanted to leave without Irrationality and Teren hot on their trail. This would be impossible if she took half the pack with them. Yes, no matter how far they went Teren would stalk, even if just to kill them all. Perhaps it would be best to just leave as the pair, live as loners and gather a new following that were heading towards the Erenyx border. Yes by doing that they could increase their force and decrease his. Mentally chuckling at her scheme Chiara's focus turned back to Braelyn, glad again for no mind reading to be happening.
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