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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste)

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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 15:47

Dreary, that was one word that could describe the look of the afternoon clouds that seemed to be rolling in at a fast pace. Soon the dreary rain filled clouds would be completely overhead blocking out the sun's harsh rays and bringing some rain. He wasn’t sure if it would actually rain or not, the air had a slight scent of rain but it wasn’t heavy like most storms. While he could, he would enjoy the slight sunlight and continue on his walk. He had already finished his duties for the day and Desmond had nothing else for him to do so he walked out to the neutral lands, deciding to see if he could get a little hunting done with. Just because he was a warrior didn’t mean he couldn’t do another wolf’s task. He had noticed they were getting low on prey, and he had decided to finish his tasks early to hunt. Hunting was something the muscular male had been good at while in a group. Alone, the task was a bit challenging considering his large tank like size and his will to fight. He had been successful in finding a few rabbits and had been able to crush one under his large paws and kill the other with his sharp canines. He had ripped through the large rabbit’s flesh as if it were butter, and the blood that splashed upon his tongue was heaven. He felt powerful, killing that rabbit, claiming it’s life had made him feel like he was a loner again. Those times had been dark, but they had their perks. His black muzzle was still stained with blood, but he didn’t bother cleaning it, he would only get messy again. He hoped to find larger prey, he wanted to sink his teeth farther into the flesh of a young helpless animal. Perhaps being alone for so long had twisted him in some way, that he actually enjoyed the sound and feel of flesh ripping under his claws. Toying with a life in his jaws was something he secretly enjoyed, and watching the life drain from their eyes was a treat none the less. The two rabbits he had killed were stored away until he looped back to them and take them to camp. He knew that in order to at least fill a few wolves stomachs he would have to get more than just two plump rabbits. In the distance he could hear a water trickling into a larger base of water. He wondered if perhaps he could catch some fish or even some night animals because it was starting to get dark.

The clouds continued to move at a swift pace, and as Altair walked he noticed he was coming closer and closer to stepping over into the ‘dark’ side. There were shadows covering the ground, slithering forward from the oncoming clouds. The farther he walked in the closer he came to the slithering darkness. He stepped over the line of darkness, immediately feeling the chill of the shadows, knowing that it would be colder among them than away from them. He came upon a huge rock wall that had falls flowing out from different heights and places among the rock wall. Below, only a few feet away sat a large pool of clear water, fresh and cold looking. He saw no animals lurking near, so he figured that it wasn’t late enough yet for any of them to come out. Damn...I was hoping to capture something larger than these rabbits, but I may have to find more. He thought and moved towards the pool, watching the water continuously drop into it and filter out anything that could have fallen in. He was sure that other wolves would come and go here, he was after all, in the neutral lands. To him, it didn’t seem like any wolves had been here recently, there wasn’t any strong scents for him to pick up on. There was however, a strong scent of deer and that made his stomach growl. He turned his nose to the scent wondering just how far it went. If it had gone into another pack’s territory, he would be pissed. Moving away from the crystal pool he walked forward through the brush, following the deer trail. A sharp bawl of a deer caused Altair to stop in mid movement and turned his head sharply to the left. He moved through the brush, and what luck, he had come up on a young deer with a broken leg. Looking around he tried to decide what had caused its fall and found a hole only a few meters from where it had ended up. He figured the young fawn’s leg slipped right in perhaps in a frightened run and it’s thin leg had snapped like a twig.

The young fawn had not noticed him yet, and it would call for it’s mother ever so often. If luck had it, the mother would have left the fawn for dead, seeing as it couldn’t walk. Moving out of the brush, the fawn’s soft brown nostrils flared up as it scented wolf and began bawling again for it’s mother frantically trying to get up on it’s ruined leg. It had fallen on it’s bad side and couldn’t roll over to stand up and run away. The creature was food, and this was perfect for his home. He could use the pelt for his den if he wanted too. It was a young fawn, but it had some very nice meat on it’s body, considering it was close to becoming an adult it would. He moved forward his large body overshadowing the fawn’s. It cried out again, and the sound was like music to his black ears. He would enjoy killing this prize, and he knew that perhaps he would get some banter from the others that he didn’t chase it down and kill it by himself, he had still come upon a good catch. He had gone in for the kill, his large jaws wrapping around the deer’s slender throat. He bit down, blood squirting upwards on his muzzle and the taste filled his mouth. It was better than rabbit, and it made him feel alive again. He could hear it bleating as he bit, and he bit down harder crushing it’s windpipe. It’s sharp hooves had dug into some parts of his large chest, and it had caused him to bleed. He had barely felt it considering he had adreline coursing through his veins during the kill. The young fawn was dead, and he gave a small thanks to the animal. “You will feed my pack for a few days in the least.” He said quietly watching it’s eyes glaze over, and finally all life was gone. Hauling the deer was no problem for the large brute. Instead of letting it drag on the ground, he was able to get his head under the belly and up onto his shoulders so it was slightly draped over him. He would grab his rabbits on the way out and continue on his way. Now the only problem would be getting out of the neutrals and on his way back home before any wolves found him. It would be a fight if any wolf caught the scent of blood and follow the trail to him carrying his prize back home. He hoped none would find him.
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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2015, 22:43

Pitter patter, pitter patter. That was all the Elite female focused on as she lay in her den, cuddled soundly in her various pelts of rabbits and voles, in a state between light slumber and awareness. She was at rest, comfortable in her dark cave, resting from a day of patrolling the territories. Metallic eyes shone dully as little light reached them, ears settled back against her cranium. Rain fell to the ground, creating a relaxing drumbeat, that lulled her into a false sense of security. She did not care much for having her defenses down, but for the moment, she was succumbed to the control of the soft raindrops falling steadily. But as the noise steadily increased in tempo and speed, the dusky female was slowly roused, her state of consciousness being gradually increased, instead of jerked back into reality. At with that, she became aware of her hunger. Shifting, with not a second thought, Ariste left her resting place with not a second thought. Her paws moved forward as far as possible, rump raising in the air as she allowed all of her torso, leg, and neck muscles to stretch out, jaw popping with a large yawn at the same time. She inhaled the crisp, fresh air into her lungs, before sighing it out. Straightening up again, she minded her leg, which was still hurt, and strode forward, up and out of Erenyx lands. She strayed across the Neutral lands, thoughts running through her head. 'Dear sister, do get your mind together before you fall prey to a rabbit, or other vicious beast." Came the mockingly sarcastic words that echoed between her audits, and so rudely interrupted her pattern of thinking. Her face contorted into annoyance at that which no other could hear, a soft snort of indignance blowing from her nostrils. Now, most of the time she would proceed on with whatever task she was trying to accomplish, shove her sister's voice in the back of her mind were it belonged, silently. But this time she indulged, allowed herself to consciously hear her and give her the attention she so craved, feeding her madness. The replies rolled softly off her tongue, though she knew she need not speak it aloud. "Alas, I will be of no use if I don't organize my thoughts. I am paying enough attention to my surroundings." The moment the words fell from her blackened lips, she regretted feeding the flames. "Already you're useless, I don't see what difference it makes if you're mad and useless. A low growl settled in the onyx fae's chest, but did not rise to her throat, instead pressing on in sullen silence. As she proceeded further away from her own territory, she took note that the rain had stopped. Surely, she had left it behind as it continued to hang over Erenyx, quickly following at her heels to catch up. She paused a moment, giving herself a firm shake as water flew off of her pelt, easing the weight it had gathered from the rain accumulating in her silky strands of fur. Once again she began moving forward, hind braces propelling her forward.

It was not long that a scent drew her attention, her snout liftng higher into the air with short breaths, testing the air as her tongue rolled out, the odor very clear on her taste buds, so that she could almost imagine it already in her mandibles. The scent of spilt blood, and freshly slaughtered meat. The smell was as sweet as honey to her, and drew her in. But where there was a kill, there was a predator, and she did not fancy meeting another wolf, puma, or worse, bear. Shifting her weight, she silenced her steps further, traversing across the ground as quietly as she could possibly manage. In time, she came across two rabbits, stowed away in a semi-hidden place, clearly there for another to pick up when they returned. She knew they had not simply fallen over and died - there were puncture marks in their neck, and they reeked of another wolf. She was contemplating on whether she would simply take it and leave, and what could happen if she did so, before in the distance, she heard another approaching. Slipping away agilely, still minding her leg, she settled herself in a position far enough to not immediately be noticed, but close enough that her focused luminaries could detect the male's form. He was carrying a young deer on his back, with likely considerable ease, considering its age. She had just situated herself when he moved to pick up the rabbits, and proceeded to move off. Her gaze continued to follow after him, staying stock still, before deciding to go after him. She did not recognize him, and while she had not personally met him, she neither recalled his scent from the edge of the territory. No, his scent reminded her of two wolves she had met - Twelve and Finnick. He stunk of the same pack they originated from - Avagos. A new pack, led by who she had heard was Desmond, the one Fel had abandoned Erenyx for. Lifting herself up from the ground, the High-ranking fae slithered slyly after the Brute, mostly following him by smell, not wanting to risk being to close. They walked for some time, and she hoped she had gone unnoticed, but at this point of time, and a few branches snapped under paw, she knew it was unlikely, if her scent didn't already give it away. Now, she dared to move closer, until the obsidian brujo was back in her sighs, and she could track his motions. But not yet did she attack. With her disadvantage, perhaps she could find another way to steal his meal. All this plotting of capturing the prey another had caught reminded her of her loner days, when she was more of a thief than a hunter. She had long since approved, but her instincts stayed with her. Having him give it up would be much better, no worrying that he would follow her back to packlands to try to take back what they had rightfully earned, and was stolen. Anyone to cross over territories, especially that of the most fierce pack, would have to be an idiot. But that was still something she did not wish to deal with. So, silence remained her only company, as the sun lowered down into the horizon, casting a bright orangy-red glow over the ground, bathing everything in a unique light. In irony, the light cast a golden halo of light around the demoness' head, her intense silver-gold stare glaring into him.
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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2015, 10:15

In the distance he could hear the rain, as it had began to fall over the southern lands, he had a feeling it would be moving swiftly this way. The rain was both a good and bad thing for him. It would sodden the deer, but it would also wash away any scent of the blood and his own away from this entire area. The shadowed line he had crossed earlier to come into this area was much farther away now, any strip of sunlight that had been here before was now washed away in a dull grey nothing. It made the area seem lifeless and unappealing to him, but then again he had come here for a purpose and that purpose had been successful. His crimson stained fur would be a reminder to him about this kill for a little while, and he was glad he came upon it when he did. He had a feeling that if he had not another wolf would have. The kill on his back was still warm and fresh, and he knew that Agavos would enjoy his kill. It was a plump fawn, very meaty and it would be very tasty for all the wolves. He was ranked as a hunter, and since having finished his duties he had wanted to do something more. I think this is perfect. He thought making his way towards his rabbits, his pace slightly slower but still quick enough that if he tried he could beat the rain before it came down from the heavens. Despite having his thoughts wander a bit he was still on high alert, waiting for any type of movement or scent to come towards him. He wouldn’t let any wolf take his deer, and when it came to his prey he wasn’t a kind wolf. Different wolves would bring out different emotions out of him, kind of like how he was kinder towards Breeze and Sieglinde than he would be with Desoto or another wolf. He would always be respectful towards all the wolves in his pack, unless they rubbed him the wrong way, like the pup Striker had. Some wolves just irked him, and he hoped he didn’t meet any today that would make him angry. He honestly wasn’t in the mood to feel anger, hunting had released a freedom inside of him, an excitement and anger would ruin it. A sigh escaped his parted jaws as he hauled on towards his rabbits, wanting to grab those to add to his kills. His pace picked up as he moved on, hearing the rain grow louder behind him, knowing it was closing in on this washed out area.

A scent stopped him in his tracks, it was the scent of another wolf, the area near his rabbits reeked of the pungent scent. His muzzle wrinkled into unfair lines as he tried to figure out what this smell was. He looked around his ears forward, and his whole body on pins and needles alert and ready. Nothing jumped out at him, but the scent was still very strong. Who ever the wolf was, it was still around, what he wanted to know was why it hadn’t taken it’s rabbits. Unless this wolf saw my deer… he thought and narrowed his eyes before picking up his rabbits and continuing on. His jaws were filled with the succulent rabbit but his senses were still open to the heavy scent of the other wolf. It seemed familiar to him, and he wondered if the scent was of another pack. He had been told about the pack Striker had come from. What was it...Erenyx? Yes that was it, Erenyx. It certainly reeked of male, and from what he gathered from Striker’s story it was a male driven pack. The wolf that carried the Erenyx scent, however, was female. His ears flicked at each sound, and after only a few moments of walking he knew that the wolf was following him. He didn’t turn around however, or stop, the wolf was following him and why confront the fae when he was busy? He had a feeling if she got any closer he would turn around. The feeling of being watched had gotten stronger the longer he walked, and he was getting closer to his pack’s territory but he stopped when he heard twigs crack under paw behind him. He had avoided those sticks to see if his assumption was true, and it was. He bent his head down and let the rabbits drop from his jaws onto the forest floor next to a large oak tree, and turned around with ease. The young deer hanging from his body could have seemed odd but he was a pack wolf bringing home a kill. He light blue gaze was captured by the fae’s soft silver ones. The sun had been setting behind Altair, causing the fae’s eyes to look an even brighter silver than they naturally could be. She was slender but muscular, and beautiful in the eyes of the male, but he knew that he had to be careful. “Who are you?” He asked, his voice deep and sharp. He wasn’t about to let his guard down around this beautiful fae, he had noticed that while looking her over, she seemed to hold herself higher. Perhaps a high rank of her pack? He thought watching her in silence, his eyes narrowed still. He didn’t trust her, and didn’t trust the way she had been following him. “I would ask why you are following me, but I think i know the answer to that.” He said his voice still sharp, yet it was slightly softer. He didn’t feel like arguing, his patience slightly thin this day. He wanted to get this deer back home before it started to rain, and before more wolves decided to appear from the underbrush to try and take his deer. He would fight to the death if he had to, he wasn’t about to lose his deer.
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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeAugust 15th 2015, 11:16

Agile paws stepped softly, on their own not making much of a noise. Only when she had mistakenly stepped on the branch did she make a notable amount of sound, and cursed herself for being so careless. Still, she continued pursuing him regardless. She definitely knew she was here now, she was not a coward and would not run off because her plan was foiled. When he turned around, her stance became a bit more hostile, chin tilting down and gaze narrowing intimidatingly. Her eyes stared into his icy blue ones, no fear shining in them. Had she been in Erenyx territories, this would immediately be seen as a sign of disrespect if done to a higher rank, and challenge to a lower one. But in the neutral territories, neither of these were her goal, as ranks mattered not. Only to show that she would not be intimidated by him. As he posed a question, asking who she was, she contemplated for a moment, about whether she should tell him or not. After a moment, she decided speaking her name would do no harm, as he was not of Helidos, and she doubted those panseys would do anything to her anyhow. "My name is Ariste. And who are you, brute?" She said, voice sounding mysteriously amused, even though nothing remotely funny was said. At his next phrase, a low, quiet chuckle pushed from her maw, and she gave her head a small, almost imperceptible shake. "If you did not, I would call you an fool... I was, of course, following you to give you a nuzzle and tell you a story." She responded, sarcasm almost tangibly dripping from her words. Her tail lashed side to side for a moment, nose wrinkling. The air was damp, almost able to taste it on her tongue when she inhaled through her mouth, and was tempted to allow herself to pant, if only to strive uselessly for some of the cool dampness to whet her thirst. Ear flicking, she felt the air pushing against her, coming from the East, where Erenyx lay. Silence overtook them as she noted the setting sun out of the corner of her eye, as the halo around her head slowly dissolved away, soon to leave them only in darkness, stars blinking back into existence one by one. She said nothing further, instead staring at the male expectantly.

((I apologize for the shortness))
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PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2015, 09:28

It wasn’t to much of a surprise that the fae stared deep into his blue eyes, it didn’t bother him but he had a feeling the fae wouldn’t have cared if he was an alpha. Seeing as they were in neutral lands he could have been anyone, but it didn’t matter here. What you caught and killed was your own unless stolen, and he had a feeling that this fae could easily steal or talk her way into many things. It was a trait that he had learned over the years, although he wasn’t as good as others were. He snorted at the look in her eyes, seeing as she held no fear but there was something more in her pretty gold silver eyes. He ignored her guarded look and sat the deer still warm against him, since he was facing her, he could plainly see the clouds forming in the distance bringing forth rain. They weren’t moving as fast as they had been earlier that afternoon but they were still on their way. Trails of lightning could be seen forking through the sky as they both sat the darkening sky above them wistfully moving on to block any source of light in the lands. When she spoke her name, it was one he did not recognize by ear. It was a unique name, and different from the names he normally heard. “Ariste huh? Interesting name.” He said and flicked his tail it brushing against his deer. He was glad to feel it’s temperature had not dropped to much. He didn’t want to sit here and waste his time with the fae if she was going to play games. “Altair. I am called Altair.” He said, giving his name wasn’t going to harm him. Giving away where he lived, despite the fact that she probably knew, well he didn’t want to do that. He didn’t feel as if she needed to know, he didn’t care in all honesty. He knew what pack she was from, he didn’t know her rank or what her back story was but why learn all that? A waste of time, and perhaps pity. He cocked his head at her snarky reply and could not help answering with his own. “Oh a nuzzle and a story? How sweet of you, I would have never guessed. Perhaps we could both sit and talk about our feelings too, perhaps give each other a lick on the cheek and tell each other how much we are worth.” He shook his head, his voice full of sarcasm. He looked her up and down once more, assessing her and the situation. If he left now, she would probably follow him, or even attack him for the deer. If that happened..well..it wouldn’t be a good outcome. “I would say the fool in this situation is you, for I don’t intend on giving up, or sharing kill unless it’s to my own pack members.” He paused for a moment, a cold glint in his eyes. “Killing another trying to take my kill will be the highlight of my day...not so much for the other.” He smirked, wondering if she would step up and become even more snide with her comments. He did call her fool, and he was right. She was following him, perhaps innocently, but he knew that was not the cause. The erenyx wolf that stood before him probably didn’t have an innocent bone in her body, if pushed that way or raised that way he didn’t give two flying tails. He looked at the clouds once more, knowing he would be leaving soon.
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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2015, 13:42

Ariste watched the brute unflinchingly, not giving much reaction to the first few things he said. She allowed a silence to hang over them when he commented on her name, and spoke his own. No reason to repeat it, surely, and it was not the first time her name had been called something along the lines of "unique". However, when he returned her sarcasm, she was crossed between amused and annoyed.  Her eyes flickered to looking down on him somewhat condescendingly, but didn't betray what she was truly thinking. The sarcasm once again returned to her voice, accompanied by a slight roll of her eyes. "Yes, surely - And then we can tell each other all about how our childhoods were, and then be forbidden mates, whispering sweet nothings in each others' ears." She snorted at the wholly ridiculous notion, fur smoothing back. She shifted as the trees shivered in the wind, and the distant growl of the rushing falls gracing her ears, but not distracting her. Her sarcasm and amusement soon dropped though, golden and silver hued eyes narrowing a fraction at the threat, unfazed by the look in Altair's eyes.

"I would enjoy seeing you attempt to kill me. I know not of your skill, but I am confident in my own. If I were not, I wouldn't be talking to you." She replied, rolling her shoulders, joints popping as she planted her paws further into the ground. Her tail rose slightly, lashing intimidatingly, as her bright orbs reflected that look. It was, on the surface, like the calm before a storm. But if one looked deep enough, they would see the vague bloodthirsty insanity, along with a hungry lion trapping its latest target under its gaze. She didn't truly expect him to shrink back, but still she attempted. However, he seemed just as stubborn as she was, and Ariste couldn't see him giving up his kill to her any time soon. Her tongue swiped along her jowls, the mere ghost of a smirk flitting across her lips, a challenging smirk, as her head remained tilted slightly to the left.
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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2015, 10:33

The air was becoming thick with chargin, the air was starting to become more electrified from the storm just off to the west of them. It was rolling in at an increasing speed, cracks of lighting spiking through the air. The air was heavy with the smell of rain, making the large male glance up for a moment to watch the oncoming storm. It's going to pour on us, I really don't want to be stuck in this damn storm with her. He thought his blue eyes narrowing as he glanced back down at the black fae opposite of him. He was interested in her still, her beauty was captivating but she was different. There was a darker lust for something in her eyes, and Altair knew it wasn't for his (sexy) body. Altair wasn't to surprised when the black fae gave him more sarcasm to feign his own. Giving her a slightly surprised look at her words, he gave a short sharp laugh and shook his head. "How long have you been planing that? Years? Pathetic." He snapped the last word to her, before narrowing his sharpened blue eyes at her. Although the idea of having a mate had gotten stuck in his head for a couple of days, he had a feeling even if he were to come back and face Ariste again, it wouldn't be on good terms. He had a feeling that she wouldn't want to see him either, although Altair felt attracted to her, he wouldn't ever admit that to her face. What was it about her? Well, he had a feeling it was her attitude, her boldness, something he didn't see in many. His thoughts, however, drifted to the young fae he had met a few days before Sieglinde. She was a sweety, opposite of Ariste. Shaking the thoughts away from his head, he looked at Ariste straight in her golden silver eyes a smirk curling his black lips.

"Attempt? Oh I wouldn't attempt, I would finish. There is no way around it. I am sure you are confident in your skills, but I am confident in my own as well. I didn't live on my own for years to have a mesley fae take my prey." He growled out the words, his blue eyes cold. His eyes followed her movements as she spaced out her legs, and placed her paws outwards. He saw her tail rise and lash out, and he burst out laughing at her attempt to make him back down. Instead he rolled his shoulders and spaced out his paws, his head high and his tail lashing back. He growled low, it building from his chest and rising up as it went. "I don't think you really want to do this...." He trailed off, his voice deeper now, as he prepared for the attack. His deer was safe under the brush, he knew that much. His rabbits were off to the side as well. Fighting in the rain, the thunder rolling around them, it would be an interesting fight. His eyes narrowed more as he stood, another growl escaping his maw.
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Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2015, 12:07

The fae  stared down the male, gaze all but friendly.  Her fur slowly began to stand on end, her scruff spiking up as her mood soured steadily.  As the wind picked up, she couldn't help but feel as unknown forces were coming to back one of them, awakened by the increasing tension and hatred between them.  Her ears flattened against her head in anger, before pushing forward once again, a challenging chuff blowing out of her lungs as the electricity crackled.  She could feel it in her thin, short whiskers, and it was not a kind storm, but she still didn't back down. She'd experienced a similar storm not long ago, in Erenyx's highest peak, battling a Bighorn sheep.  She studied the male's attitude, and his motions, if only to pick up a slight clue of how he would fight. Her anger stayed simmering, not rising anymore, even as he called her pathetic, nor as he insulted the fact she was just a 'fae'.  As a high rank in a pack run by a tyrannical Leader who looked down upon and hated faes, his insult had no real effect on her.  She cared not if he diminished her worth as a fae, she knew she could fight as well as most males.  That, however, didn't ensure she would win.  Her paws shifted, digging deeper into the ground, claws flexing and trapping dirt under her nails.  "What, a simple Avagos expects to automatically beat me? And believe me, many have attempted to kill me, more than your feeble mind could process... But I'm still here, with the scars to prove it."  As if to prove her point, or perhaps as a subconscious act, her tongue slipped over her two scars, side by side on her maw - the first from her childhood, and the second from only recently, when she had gained the title of Delta.

She readjusted her stance. He clearly wasn't going to make the first move, so she straightened her head, nose wrinkling, and jowls quivering, curling up to reveal sharp rows of teeth for a moment, black lips curling up in a cruel, humourless smile. "Are you scared of fighting me, hurting me? Because I'm just a measly fae?" She taunted, repeating the words she'd heard her sister, peculiarly named Quinn, say in her head.  She felt the first drops of rain fall on her pelt, splashing at her paws and wetting the fur there.  She bared her ivories, tongue weaseling through her teeth, and scraping along them as a growl broke free from her chest.  She looked as if she were going to take a step forward, before freezing, right paw raised as her shoulders rolled forward.  She stayed like that a few moments, constant, low and quiet growls coming from her chest, before suddenly darting forward.  She twisted so her weight was off her hind paw, even though it should have been healed enough to at least run on.  She twisted, skidding to a stop on an angel from Altair, close enough that she only had to spring a short distance, attempting to rock him off balance, or cause him to fall.  Her paws reached out, ears flattened as she tried to shove against his shoulder, her own muscles tightening and bracing for, hopefully, impact.  Her mouth opened wide, jaws searching for their target - his neck.  Whether she caught his scruff and pinned him, or his throat, and immediately killed him, she didn't care. She simply cared about meeting her mark.

Attack: Trying to tackle Altair from the side, and pin him down
Defense: Ears pinned
Injuries: None, not counting her hind leg.
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PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2015, 08:04

(OOC- Sorry in advanced, for this post. I hope I will do this correctly.)

It was clear in Altair's blue eyes that he was no longer joking, anger clouded the crystal blue making them darker than before. He was observing everything about Ariste, her movements and the way she reacted to his words. The first thing he noticed was her fur stood on end, a warning to him that she was beginning to grow upset. The next thing he picked up on was that her ears began to flatten against her skull. He felt another growl escape his throat, but it was softer than the last. The wind was stronger now, the breeze picking up bits of debris and grass swirling it around them like an invisible ring. Long stems of pert grass swayed around them, the tree branches shaking with the powerful force. His large ears swiveled forward with the sound of her challenging chuff, and it made him bare his teeth. His long ivory fangs appearing under his black lips. A snarl escaped him in response to her challenge, returning the favor. He was no high rank, simply a warrior, but he had been granted that title for a reason. He was big, in muscle mass and size, he didn't come this far to get things taken from him in life. His reaction to her words was null, only his tail twitched at her words. He knew this would be a fight, automatically beating her would be a prize. No, he would fight for his precious things in life, even if they were only little. He could almost hear the boastful manner of her words, which only made his anger simmer. He had been exiled, almost killed as a pack member and a loner several times, he didn't care. He eyes followed her small pink tongue swipe over two scars on her muzzle, as if proving a point about 'almost' being killed. "Perhaps that makes you an old hen. You have been through many battles, but how many have you actually won? All of them would be a lie. You have escaped with your life several times but when will it be for the last time?" He asked, tilting his head to the side watching her with cold sharp blue eyes. As if to power his words a large flash of lighting light up the sky, reminding them both that the storm was now upon them. He had noticed the darkness (haha) coming in and now it was upon them, making their onyx coats all the darker.

It was clear her attempt at mockery was strong, but it fell on deaf ears. It had been in a rule in his family, if the fae fought first you attack. If she did not you would not attack unless your life depended on it. So in a way, he was waiting, waiting to see if she would actually attack. At the moment, then, she was not threatening his life in such a way that he needed to attack. Her taunts did not cause the anger to strike inside of him, it was the fact that he was to polite to attack first. The sky above finally began to release the rain, Altair felt the first drop on his ear and back. It began to spot the dirt around them, and the grass began to wave in the wind and rain. The first clap of thunder was loud, almost unbearably so. It was almost signifying the fight, for it to start and for them to begin. Of course he didn't have to wait long, his eyes followed Ariste's every movement. He felt a growl build in his chest and continue through his throat as she raised her right paw, as if to take a step forward to froze. A good distraction, preparing herself for the first attack. His growls continued, as he heard her own. His ears flattened against his skull, and his tail lashed back and forth. His head lowered slightly as he waited. He resembled a 'tank' at this stage, which is why he was normally nicknamed that.  When she came at him, he first noticed that she twisted so hind paw so the weight was off of it. A weakness he settled on, as she came at him. He saw what she was trying to do, and he only had moments to react. He twisted his body so the blow from her jump would be softer, as she connected with his shoulder. He, however, had thrust his weight forward making sure to avoid getting pinned under her. While he had the chance, it was only seconds before she would figure out what he was doing. He opened his muzzle and attempted to clamp down onto her scruff, knowing he would be able to pin her if he could get his powerful jaws around it.

Attack: Attempting to capture her scruff in his jaws.
Defense: Leaning weight forward to counter her weight.
Injuries: Bruising to the shoulder and flank.
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PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2015, 09:40

The fae's golden ones stared defiantly into Altair's, gold clashing noisily with blue each one's aggression reflecting in the other's.  She didn't imagine he knew anything about her at all, or her past.  Though his words had virtually no effect on her, they elicited another growl from her. When he moved, she slammed against him hard, and unsteadily dropped back onto all fours.  She was fairly surprised by how quickly he moved, but not too surprised.  She didn't allow herself to be surprised for long, it took up too much focus.  The moment of thought distracted her, and she mentally snarled at herself, eyes raising to see the oncoming attack.  Her shoulders squared as she reared up on her hind legs slightly, as a perturbed horse might, jerking away. She felt teeth connect with the joint that connected her shoulder and neck, and reaching around, she jostled the hold loose, backing off slightly, circling around the male, lips peeled back once again, the low rumbling erupting from deep in her chest, rising to her throat and vibrating there. She felt crimson blood trickling down her shoulder, slithering through her black hairs and turning them a scarlet red. "How many have I won? All of them but one, brujo, and all but the one I lost a matter of true life and death. If I had lost, I wouldn't be here today, likely even my bones would have been ground up or washed away. And yet here I stand, strong as ever, with scars from battle I hold proudly as a token of my survival." She snarled, a mental shiver running through her mind, but giving no physical response.  By then, she had begun slowly circling him, preparing fora attack, eyes coldly fixated on him. Her paws rose high with each step, before planting back down, silent as a lynx kitten.

The rain, which only pounded down on the ground harder with each passing moment drenched her coat, weighting her down slightly.  Her fur clung to her skin, as the long, silky fur matted down. "And what about you, weakling?" She questioned, voice hardly more than  a taunting whisper, as thunder rolled overhead.  "What makes you so confident in your abilities?"  She questioned, tone vaguely mocking, as if she didn't believe he would truly have a good reason that he would believe that he could best her in a spar.  Her eyes would spark, as she didn't pause motion for a second, once again charging at him, feigning to be snapping for his neck, before diving for his front ankle, aiming to slash it and give him a hard time walking, and at the same time jerk her head and jerk his paw out from under him with force.  At the same time, she positioned her shoulder so that she could use it to press up against his chest, using her momentum to shove him over onto the ground.  It could be considered risky, as he could grab her scruff from this angle with overwhelming ease, but she relied on her speed and strength. Planting her three uninjured paws she braced them for exactly what she expected, him to try and throw her down by her scruff, jaws slack as they searched for contact. Her ears flattened and her tail tucked for protection, shoulders rolling forward in front of her neck.

Attack: Attempting to pull Altair's leg out from under him, while using her shoulder to push him down.
Defense: Ears pinned, tail tucked, shoulders rolled forward, legs braced
Injuries: A bite mark on her shoulder.
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PostSubject: Re: Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Blood Is Sweeter Than Water (Ariste) Icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2015, 09:17

Altair had been able to keep steady on his feet, he had made her unsteady on her feet. His was sure his shoulder would be sore, but he paid no attention to it. He noticed the surprise on her face, which was perfect for him. as his teeth connected with her scruff. He bit down, as she jerked back rising up on her hind legs and pulled herself loose. When she backed off, he snarled at her his pale ivory fangs showed at her in warning. As the rain began to come down a little faster, it began to stain the ground darker, and with the scent of rain came the scent of blood. He had injured her, not as much as he wanted but enough to cause her to bleed. He heard the rumbling growl erupt from her lips, he growled in return, his tongue swiping over his fangs. As Ariste began to circle him, he could feel his muscles beginning to tense up. He drew in a breath to relax them, his tail lashing back and forth as he watched her circle. "All battles are of life or death, it does not matter if you say that are not. You think you are strong, but you lie to yourself." He said his voice rough, and was thick with anger. He noticed her slowing down, getting ready for the next attack, and he was ready. His body was not tense, it was relaxed. He would move better with fluid motion if not tense, so he waited, his black fur at the nape of his neck standing up, and his ears pinned. The lighting flashed over head, bringing forth a loud rumble of thunder.

The rain which had been coming down at a tepid rate was now crashing down on them and around them. He could feel the rain sodden his fur, molding it with his skin clinging to him. He could feel it run down his legs and pool under his feet as he stood still, waiting for the right moment to strike. He knew that Ariste would strike first, and that did not bother him. He had taken note of her weakened paw as the fight started, and that was his main objective. He heard her over the wind, and the rumbling thunder. Her words sharp, but he did not feel their sting. "Years of being on my own has taught me that not everything is what it seems. Not everyone can win each battle. I have grown confident in my skills over many days of being on my own. Your confidence makes you arrogant, which in the end will make you loose." He said, his voice rising above the howling wind and rain, everything whipping around them intensifying the fight. He saw her eyes spark, and for a moment he saw the true beauty in her eyes. When she charged at him, he braced for the impact, seeing her go for his neck. He didn't jerk back, instead he saw that she dove for his front paw. As her jaws closed around his paw, he felt her jerk her head back trying to knock him off balance. He had a talent for balance, and he quickly pushed his head down and bit down on her paw, hoping she would try to let go of his own. He felt her shoulder against his chest, as he tried to snap at her weak paw. He pushed his chest down, trying to knock her off balance while trying to wound her the best he could.
(OOC- I hope I did it right. ;-; )
Attack: Pressing his chest to her shoulder, and attempting to re sprain her injured paw.
Defense: Ears pinned, tail lashing, chest pressed against her shoulder.
Injuries: Front paw slashed and wounded. Will make it hard to walk before healed.
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