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Finding the Time to Talk (open)

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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Finding the Time to Talk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 20:48

It was mid afternoon and the sun was just starting to peak over the trees near the pack clearing. Tall shadows stretched across the land making everything look elongated and distorted. While he walked Marrok took great lengths to hopping over the long shadows, enjoying a sudden spurt of energy after a restful night sleep. He hoped about in the clearing before a sharp pain in his paw made him halt and wince. Sitting down he craned his neck to look under his paw and saw a large splinter wedged in the pad. Growling curses to himself he bit at the splinter, trying to remove it before it buried deeper. Soon tasting blood and no sooner removing it Marrok looked around to see if a healer was about. Lately the pack had been growing after a rather long dry spell. Wolves seemed to be flocking to Helidos and he knew there was at least one new healer to replace the sudden loss of all of theirs. Unsure of the wolf's name or it's gender the Beta sat pathetically in the clearing, occasionally licking at his pad. Not feeling sorry for himself he instead found humor in the situation. Here he was a big strong Beta only to be brought down by a tiny chunk of wood, how ironic.

Sighing at his situation Marrok ignored the pain in his foot, instead starting to work on his clumped fur on his back. With Juno not around as much Marrok had let himself go a bit and was soon starting to be disgusted with his appearance. Looking more like a rapid badger then a proud Beta his fur lay in clumps and was sticky from tree sap and grit. Perhaps he would go for a swim what with the weather improving now, or he could just bask in the sun and groom himself. Deciding on the latter Marrok plopped down and set to work at his fur, not caring who disturbed him.

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PostSubject: Re: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2015, 09:07

As the warm mass of fur next to the small pup shifted, Aleu would feel her form roll over onto the padded floor of the den, her eye cracking open just in time to see her adopted father exiting the den. Wiggling herself slightly the apprentice would work herself into a comfortable position on the furs of the den and close her eyes once more to go back to sleep, planning to thoroughly enjoy her one day off from the early morning training she did with Rose. And that plan started with sleeping in, a proposition that was much more exciting to the pup than it really should be. Just as the multi-colored fae began to feel the gentle embrace of sleep pulling her back to the land of dreams a beaming bright light would pierce through the den as the rising sun broke through the trees, just in time to ruin the fae's plans of a peaceful morning.

With a loud huff Aleu would crack her eye again, knowing there was no chance of going back to sleep now and being forced to admit the first defeat of the day. Reluctantly she would roll onto her stomach, blinking the sleep from her eyes to look around the now empty den, sighing as the familiar feeling of loneliness came over her. It seemed like as she grew older Aleu was left alone more and more. And while it was true she herself was busy more often, it also seemed as if Marrok and Juno were off doing who knows what more often too. Reluctantly Aleu would force herself to stand, begrudgingly dragging herself to the entrance of the den and looking out around the clearing of the pack through mostly closed eyes. Noticing the Beta male laying in the sun not far from the den Aleu decided some company would be pleasant enough as she attempted to find a nice warm spot for a nap. Stepping forward the Apprentice would appear as a zombie, her usual never ending supply of energy and excitement not yet turned on for the day as she half asleep Apprentice made her way across the clearing to Marrok.

As she neared she wouldn't say a word, the tortured look on her face making it appear Marrok had set her on fire, not simply woken her up with his movement. As she reached the resting Beta, Aleu wouldn't bother to greet him, or ask what he was doing, she would simply flop down at his side, resting her head against his gently moving and closing her eyes, making it appear the effort to get up and walk all the way to him was simply all she could handle. With her new resting spot acquired, only muttered sentence would leave the pup "You woke me up..." she said, not sounding angry or annoyed as she simply explained her walk of the dead to the warm, sunsoaked spot she now rested in with the Beta.
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 16:26

Mid-day brought out the full warm of the sun's rays as the cream colored Hunter made his way towards camp. A smile curled the very corners of his lips, although it was hidden behind his catch. The brute had done pretty well with hunting for the past few hours, having caught four hares in total. Two early that morning, and now two again. Thunder enjoyed his job, both for the thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of feeding his packmates. A muffled sigh of contentment escaped his maw, barely audible. The creamy male padded into the sunlit clearing. Perhaps there would be a wolf who wanted his catch. The brute's brilliant blue orbs scanned the area and quickly locked onto a pair of wolves resting in the warm afternoon rays. The first was an older brute of earthen tones of gold and brown, who quietly groomed his pelt. The second was a younger, very drowsy looking female. Her cream, grey, and white fur contrasted with his. One ear flicking back uncertainly, Thunder slowly made his way towards them and his head slowly in greeting. After taking a seat, he placed the prey between him and his packmates. "Good afternoon. I thought you two might like to have something to eat? I just caught these. I'm Hunter Thunder." The brute rumbled. Despite his tendency to be distant, the creamy wolf decided to be more outgoing today. It was a lovely day to be a bit more social, and his mood was a rather good one too. The dark shadow of his past seemed far away, and it lifted his spirits unusually high. The Hunter kept his head at a respectful height, unsure of what rank the elder wolf held. He wanted to make a good first impression for his packmates.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Finding the Time to Talk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2015, 10:40

While trying to work at the mats of fur on his back he was suddenly greeted by his adopted daughter who looked very groggy. Smiling to her he spat the fur from his mouth out and stood to greet her. Walking over the large male bent down to nuzzle her cheek affectionately. "Good morning Aleu, you know the sun was up over half a day ago, rising with the sun makes for a productive day don't you know?" He said standing back up from nuzzling her. "I know it's your day off from training with Rose, but you still should awaken to be productive. I'm sorry I woke you, but a I got up to do some patrolling and got a nice splinter in my paws. These large jaws can't get it out, would you mind?" He asked, sitting down and placing his paw in her face.

Just then another wolf came into view, a new male he hadn't met before. He spoke and seemed quite respectful to them. He greeted them and showed respect, so Marrok gave it right back to him, dipping his own head. "Greetings Thunder I am Beta Marrok and this is Aleu my adopted daughter." He said, eying the food before them. "I may take you up on your generous offer of food Thunder once Aleu removes a splinter from my foot. Got a bit ahead of myself going for a patrol and my pads haven't toughened enough from the winter to deter these evil splinters. In your travels to hunt have you seen any good fallen pine trees? The sap on those in wonderful to rough pads." He asked, not having the time to find any himself. Thunder seemed nice from his first impression and he could tell by his scent he was new. "So I can tell you are new to these lands, how are you liking it here?"
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 31st 2015, 18:01

Eclipse was well-fed and content, having spent the day doing something productive. He had been for a run around the beautiful area near Amor Glade, and also been improving his strength with finding a log and shifting it all the way up one of the hills. He felt pumped and with his training he could feel the added strength to his build and improved muscle. With the tremendous weather of that day he could feel the rays of light almost soaking through his pelt and radiating warmth and happiness from within him. It had been a while since he had really felt this much joy and self-worth, that it felt like an achievement. The Elite carried himself with pride as he trotted along, chest pushed forward and tail swaying behind him just faster than it would naturally with his movement. Just a few months ago, he would have felt undeserving of this happiness, with the depressed and guilty state he was in and he would probably still have bad days. But it seemed, there was only so long a wolf's brain could be in that frame of mind until it came to realise life was too short and there was no more time for those thoughts in the wild world. There was so much to be done and Eclipse was slowly feeling ready for the next chapter in his life. He wanted to be back to serving his pack completely and being active amongst the ranks. Perhaps some would disapprove of him for taking so long to recover from that bad period of his life, but sometimes that was necessary to let one know that they had once had something very special and it deserved to be missed and remembered. But it did not do to dwell in the past and not live for the present. Now his strong willpower surfaced again, and he would push through and persevere like he always had. Like he had when he was forced from his parents, when he lost his sister; he would bounce back again because if he had made something good of his life before he could possibly make something good of it again.

With his positive feelings he approached the pack clearing for something of a mid-afternoon break. He could take a nap or perhaps take a bite to eat from any kills that had been brought in, or while he felt like it, get out and about among his packmates again and let some of them know his name. He was their Elite after all, it was quite important for others to know him though he had hidden his face from meetings for some time. Striding in, he scanned around and saw what he recognised to be the Beta male, together with a not-so-familiar young fae. He could not quite recall the Beta's name, but he did know that the young fae was not his own offspring, who had long since not been on the scene. So then, who was she? He was curious. At first he did not know whether to approach, especially since the young one seemed to not be too well, but then he spotted another pale coloured brute carry himself to them and seem to be offering them his catch of hares. That could give him a reason for the conversation, so it didn't seem awkward. He licked his muzzle as he thought over that for a moment. Some wolves had forgotten about him no doubt, and maybe they would not want to talk to him. But asking for food which was already on offer couldn't disturb them too much. He padded lightly on his paws, long legs carrying him quite quickly to them. Their pelts were so fair and looked so handsome in that trio, yet Eclipse's dark coat would definitely stick out. His body was only slightly tense, his expression unassuming as he stopped at a suitable spot before them. Here the sun shone through and lit up his eyes in an even more brilliant gold than usual. He turned his gaze to the sable male first of all. "Hello Beta, sir." He bowed his head before looking to the other brute. "Good day to you as well, I assume you are a hunter? That is a decent catch there, I must admit they were what drew my attention." A small smile followed and then he looked to the female. "And to you, I must also apologise for not knowing your name or anything, but may I ask what it is? I have not met many of the new wolves, but I would enjoy finding out more about yourself and the others I have yet to learn of." The brute's tone was softer to the fae, mainly because of her seeming displeased rather than her age. He hoped his clear dispay of trying to get to know the others would show him in a good light. Staying quiet, he lowered his rump to the ground since standing in front of them was odd and he gazed towards the dead creatures near them, fancying one to eat but waiting to be offered it. He would also wait for any to speak to him, as he knew they had been talking between themselves before he had arrived and did not want to barge in.
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Marrok of Helidos
Marrok of Helidos

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Finding the Time to Talk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 11:03

ooc-Since this is being locked due to the season changing Marrok talked for a bit then excused himself to do a patrol. Before, however, he visited the healers to have the splinter removed.

Lets do another thread again, just let me know.
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Thunder of Helidos
Thunder of Helidos

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Finding the Time to Talk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding the Time to Talk (open) Finding the Time to Talk (open) Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 11:23

OOC: I shall say that Thunder introduced himself to all wolves present, then gave the hares to Aleu and Eclipse if they wanted them before moving off to see if he could find Rose. If any of you would like to create another thread with Thunder soon, you can just send me a PM.
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