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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!]

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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 2nd 2015, 19:25

The gray wolf stalked quietly through the frowning vegetation. Prey was quickly returning to the lands, so Breeze took advantage of her precious spare time to replenish the kill pile. She had been promoted, so her spare time was quite limited. The lack of snow helped the dusky furred she-wolf go unnoticed. Now her paws wouldn't make crunching noises with every step. The large fae paused to look around. Her dark ears perked forward as she let her senses absorb the woods in the slanting late afternoon sunlight. She had been busy tracking a deer, but now she noticed how far apart the trees were spaced in this area. Today, she longed to see her only friend, Newt. They had been exploring the lands together awhile ago. The she-wolf let out a soft sigh. A few paces ahead of her, the forest gave way to a lush field. It was smack dab in the middle of the valley and surrounded by the rugged beauty of majestic mountains. Breeze stepped out from between the trees and gazed around with wide eyes. The new spring grass cloaked the uneven ground in various shades of vivid green. The colors stood out against the grays and browns of the mountain slopes beyond. This is wonderful! Breeze thought. It's almost exactly what comes to mind when I think of late spring. The prey must be plentiful here...but first, I shall enjoy a peaceful moment before I continue that hunt. She decided. A small smile danced upon the Delta's lips as she settled in the shadow of an oak tree along the edge of the field. Perhaps she would meet more of her packmates here.

[Sorry for the short length...I have low muse and not much to say until wolves show up.]

Last edited by Delta Breeze on July 12th 2015, 12:15; edited 1 time in total
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 2nd 2015, 22:40

Large paws thumped along the grounds of the Agavos lands creating a not so steady rythm, the large brute known as Newt was taking some time to familiarize himself with the territory for the third time he had been in the pack lands also hoping to relax a little and take some time to quiet possibly hunt. The walk with his friend Breeze was marvelous though that had occurred awhile ago, the tri-colored male did his best to talk to her when he had time off from training with the raven colored Elite Fel. But it was rare the routine was the same wake up earlier, start training, finish late, go to sleep this had repeated itself for a few days now and it was great to have some time to explore some more. Newt stalked through the flowers and grass his objective was to try and track down a rabbit as he did needed to hunt and wasn't content with eating from the kill pile, he wanted to do something rather than just sitting around eating the rabbits and other small dead animals that were not so neatly stacked on top of one another. Though the brute had gotten quiet fed up with the stubborn rabbit that he had tracked down several times in attempt to catch though he failed, fleet footed animals were always hard for him to catch but he was determined to catch a rabbit but not now, he had already wasted some of his precious time running down the smart creature and didn't need to waste anymore time. Instead the large male lifted his head and began to look around cocking his head to side as he spotted the silhouette of the dusty grey warrior he had been wishing to see and talk to.

Newt began to make his way towards the warrior hoping that he wouldn't startle her, the brute was tired but did his best to keep his moving forward. As he got closer he noticed that she was settled beneath a large oak tree providing much shade, the tree was settled in quiet a secluded area of the field the edge to be exact, Breeze obviously had came a from a different way possibly the pack clearing though he was not sure. The tall lanky brute had finally approached the dusty grey warrior letting out some pants "Greetings...Miss...Breeze" he managed to say through the pants that slipped past his maw. Hunting was definitely not his thing but he had forced himself to go out and try and catch something which he had failed the small rabbit he was tracking and chasing a few moments before had certainly out ran him and all he wished to do right now was to rest. When Newt finally caught his breath he decided to speak up once again "Quiet a lovely day today, don't you think love?" he gave the warrior a sheepish smile trying to start up a conversation with her, he hadn't met many others well except for the Healer,Elite,Omega, and of course his lovely friend Breeze, so he was in hope that others would show up wanting to meet some of his other pack mates.The brute was particularly interested in meeting there Alpha Desmond, Breeze had stated back when they had first met that he pretty much expected respect and submission. Newt didn't want to get off on the wrong paw with there alpha if he did have a chance to meet him and definitely remembered to give this brute respect and at least some submission. As for the other wolves that lived here he wondered what they were like.
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2015, 21:39

A flicker of movement nearby soon caught Breeze's attention and snapped her out of her thoughts. The dusky she-wolf smiled warmly as the form of Caretaker Newt appeared. He seemed very tired, as if he had been running around quite a bit. The large fae's smile morphed into a playful grin as he greeted her and caught his breath. "Well hey there Newt! It's good to see you. What have you been up to? You look like you just sprinted from a puma!" The grey female joked. Not that it's a bad look for him...HA! I amuse myself. Didn't mean that like...yeah whatever. The fae nearly laughed out loud at herself. "It is a lovely day...and a lovely little view here too. Make yourself comfortable! I was tracking a deer, but I think it has evaded me." She said. The she-wolf smiled again as he did and patted the grass with a paw invitingly. Breeze wasn't the type with a large space bubble. Her golden eyes gleamed with happiness at seeing her friend here. Maybe if he was here, there would be others who would show up too.

Last edited by Delta Breeze on July 12th 2015, 12:17; edited 1 time in total
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Erabus of Agavos
Erabus of Agavos

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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2015, 00:44

(ooc- hope your happy Breeze ^^ )

Everything was different. Everything so foreign and unexplored it made the moment unpleasant yet exciting as it resumed to be filled with endless possibilities of what was around every corner. Agavos was certainly an interesting territory, and from what the large brute had seen it appeared to be large, the land numerous with different locations for the area still being quite new with a pack atop of it. One of the factors for the region's lush environment being the season of Spring. Spring was sneaky, and like a stealthy creature it would roam the land, implanting its presence everywhere unnoticed until it was finally too obvious to ignore. The soil, which had once been coated across the earth with white, pulpy snow and harsh, bitter frost had gradually softened until it became vibrant, rich moss and grass beneath his paws.

It was a nice touch, and because of the slight scrapes to his pads, the flooring made it much more comfortable to walk. Since the hunt against the aggressive herbivore, Erabus hadn’t take much time or opportunity like he should have to visit one of the healers Agavos had in it’s ranks. The brute thought it to be a waste, the injury having been small and with minor bleeding it carried in every step it would feel like a stupid thing to bring to notice. It would heal on its own in time. Hopefully, and without infection. The region taking a drastic turn as it changed from woodland to an open field, the male would let his ears twitch to their own amusement, his bi-colored orbs however following his command as they turned and glanced to scan the area as he traveled.

The land was stretched, nothing but a vast array of colored petals stemming from the ground and a few rocks placed every so often. In the distance, were mountains and hills, the valley traveling for what could be seen as miles. Steps heavy in their descent, the brute’s paws would press the terrain down, pushing the grass and flowers beneath him to an awkward bend in almost every direction as Erabus ventured across the plain. It was nice to explore the territory, to get a feel of the land and it’s inhabitants as well as scope the area for danger all at the same time. With the season being what it was, the bears would be coming out of their winter dens to feast and stock up once again on their weight. This made them more aggressive, specifically the males as it was also the time for birthing for probably all animals.

The brute had only seen it happen once, and even then it was a while back in his past but the emotion was overwhelming to watch two beasts fight for the right to mate. One having been a female, trying to protect her cubs from the furry male. Erabus’ had been young then, and the entire purpose he had even gotten a privilege to watch something so vicious unfold was because his mentor had wanted to teach him the risks of not being prepared or alert. Banner motioning swiftly and at ease behind him, the brute would walk for a moment until the faint sound of voices came into range. Halting in step, the bronze male would look around to only find two figures in the area.

They were wolves, and from what he could gather it appeared to be Warrior Breeze and Newt, the Caretaker. Erabus wouldn’t know until he got closer and so, picking up his pace again the male would walk towards the figures. As he had suspected, it indeed was the two. “Hello.” The brute would speak, alerting the pair of his presence though with the sun up and his scent being similar to theirs it was unlikely the didn’t see or notice him coming. “I’m Erabus, in case it had slipped your minds. Might I ask what brings you both out here on this day?” He would ask casually, lowering his hips to seat himself upon the grass and rest his paws for a little bit; the brute would take the opportunity to get to know his pack mates and should they not want him there, he would simply leave.
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2015, 13:17

The large canine let a small chuckle bubble from his maw before shaking his head "I haven't been sprinting from a puma, I was actually trying to hunt down a rabbit. The little bugger was too fast for me, Hunting is not really my thing,fleet-footed animals such as the hare are always hard for me to catch." he said reciting what he had said when they first met giving the warrior a teasing grin before settling himself down onto his haunches. The brute's ear flickered at the sound of movement not so far away from the two canines though the movement seemed large it couldn't have been the deer that Breeze had stated she was tracking, the animal emerged from the fields and the lanky Caretaker recognized the wolf that stood before the two of them speaking. "Greeting's Sir Erabus" Newt said as the male settled himself down on the grass, Erabus was the one that had come up with the brilliant plan at the hunt though they never got a chance to use any of them. Newt had finished the hunt with a few cuts and bruises but nothing quiet serious unlike the Omega named Emily that had fallen unconscious or the Healer who Fel had called out to be Ashlen who had died during the whole thing. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about the hunt it was time to relax and put his mind at ease from everything that had been going on these past few days "Just coming out for a stroll, trying to put my mind at ease and relax a little" he stated before searching his mind for a question to ask or at least a topic starter"How have you two been?" the large caretaker finally asked the two.

OOC: Didn't have much muse for this post but hopefully I'll have some for the next
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2015, 16:45

Breeze couldn't suppress a grin at the Caretaker's explanation. Of course he was hunting. He had said the same thing about hunting fast prey when they first met. Her bright eyes shone with laughter while he complained about the "little bugger" and sat down. The grey female was about to comment when another packmate appeared. The approaching wolf, was cloaked in bronze and earthen tones. His scent had verified that he was a male who had been present during the moose hunt since she recognized the his smell. When he had got closer, the dusky she-wolf identified him as Erabus, who had done well to try to lead the group. The brute's bi-colored orbs fixed on the two friends  before them.

Breeze smiled and dipped her head respectfully in response to his greeting. She let Newt speak first, glancing at the lanky brute before turning to Erabus. "Good to see you Erabus. I remember you, although perhaps you don't remember me. The last time we met wasn't exactly the typical meet and greet session... I'm Breeze." The fae said. She was surprised at how laid back and open she was with her packmates. Normally she was more reserved until she got to know the wolves she was with. Still, she hid her surprise from her current company and cheerfully answered his question. "Well, I had been tracking a deer earlier and it's scent trail led me here. I decided to take a break and enjoy this wonderful place for awhile when Newt showed up. I've never been to this part of Agavos." Breeze explained. Her ears perked with curiosity as she waited for his response. Had he just wandered? Or was he here for a reason? The female would be content with either answer. She was pleasantly surprised to have more company since that was exactly what she had been hoping for.
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Erabus of Agavos
Erabus of Agavos

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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2015, 19:23

(occ- sorry it's so short .-. I am low on muse)

Already placed upon his rear, the male’s thighs would be bunched up at his side and flickering his tail across the ground, the form would find it’s way to curl around the warrior’s legs. Auds perked and attentive, the brute would listen, eyes watching the two at the same time as they would speak. Erabus had to admit, he was slightly relieved and pleased these wolves knew of his name and remembered him from the time they had all come together to take down a bull. That day had been hectic, yes, but it was full of energy and adrenaline. It was exciting at it’s core but also tragic as a life was lost that day. While the brute didn't know her name or feel any sorrow, it was clear the others were in shock or saddened by the sight of her on the ground lifeless. Images of Fel dragging the body out of the scene came to mind and with them, the black figures of rogue’s pulling bodies out of his native pack’s fire, the cannibals feasting on his friends and family as he ran from the scene. "I remember your name and yes, while we didn't meet under normal circumstances I am glad that it wasn't normal at all." Forgetting his recent thought’s, Erabus would curving the side of his lips in a slight smile. The male was generally a friendly wolf and with the wolves he had met, Erabus knew most of the pack were the same and would give him to hassle. The last thing he wanted was to have an enemy in his new start. The brute shuffled a bit, getting himself comfortable. Breeze and Newt were okay, and he was glad the two had been friendly enough to let him into the conversation. It gave him a chance at making friends in Agavos. As a warrior, you needed allies. On the battlefield, one might just save your life if you get in a tough situation as well the other way around. "I have been well, just traveling around to get use to the land. How about you?" Erabus would counter, listening to their reasons for being in the area. Like Breeze, he had never been to this part of the territory before but he was determined to get a glance at least all of the lands Agavos had.
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PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2015, 14:24

The terrain had turned from soft forest dirt, to slender green grass and an almost powder like dirt. Altair lifted up a paw, seeing the shape of his pad in the light brown dirt and set it back down. The terrain didn’t change drastically but it was still a difference. With the forest behind him and the pasture before him he moved on wanting to explore some more before heading off in the direction of the camp. His paws sunk into the soft dirt as he walked, but he didn’t feel any difference in the pressure of the ground. His shoulders moved up and down, barely touching as he walked and he paused something capturing his attention. He assumed it was more Agavos wolves since it smelled like Desoto, and it interested him.

Altair walked on, the scent getting stronger as he walked it was more than one wolf and it was strong. He stopped able to see down at the wolves atop of a small hill, and was curious as to why they were down there. Taking a step down would mean being social, and it delighted him but also made him fear at the same time. Swallowing back the feelings, his composure calm he walked down the hill. His feelings were jumbled, and it made him confused in a lot of ways. He, however didn’t want that ruining what ever encouter he could have. He took in a breath and let it out slowly.

Little balls of dirt came rolling down the small hill as Altair walked down the hill, the grass brush against his fur as he walked. He stopped at the bottom looking at the wolves and moved a bit farther into the group. They all smelled of Agavos, so he was sure they were all apart of the pack, if they weren’t they would be in trouble. He took a seat, his paws felt silky against the soft dirt. He looked at each wolf, these being the first wolves he had seen of Agavos besides Desoto. “It seems i’ve missed the introductions, but I am Altair.”

He spoke, his voice soft and deep as he took a seat. He wasn’t abnormally close to any wolf, but he didn’t want to make any of them uncomfortable either. “Desoto accepted me into Agavos, I haven’t been to camp yet, but I decided to look at the territories before going. That’s when I stumbled upon all of you.” He said, trying his best to make the conversation friendly. It was harder than it seemed, at least for Altair, he was out of practice from making conversations with larger groups. His light silver blue eyes were observant as he looked over each wolf once more. One was smaller, and the other two were slightly larger. He wondered if the smaller wolf was female, he of course wasn't sure. He looked to the other two and tried to give a slight smile.
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PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2015, 17:46

The tri-colored brutes ears flickered as another wolf approached he dipped his head a little towards the male in a greeting "Greetings Sir Altair, I am Caretaker Newt. These are my friends Delta Breeze and Lead Warrior Erabus." the canine said motioning towards his friends as he introduced them to the new wolf. Newt listended as his two friends chattered back and forth just having a normal conversation, deciding to ingage in his own conversation with the male Altair that had showed up "How are you finding Agavos so far sir Altair?" he asked his british accent coming out smoothly before tilting his head to the side slightly. The brute knee that the dark grey and black male was new to the lands though he was curious to know if he had been exploring any yet, the lands were large and filled with nee things to discover some beatiful but deadly and some beatiful and completly safe. The brute shifted a little in his place letting his eyes glance towards the dusty grey delta a few times and then fall to the ground but return to there original postion where he was looking at Altair. This went on for a few seconds the routine the same before he felt a twing of guilt flood his senses he shouodnt have been looking at his friend, he wasnt shy and she had stated thst it was completly fine to look at her but he was afraid if he did so he wouldn't be able to stop looking at her.

((Short sorry needed to get my reply up! Also sorry for the long wait and typos I am posting this from my dads tablet))
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2015, 16:22

The large grey female dipped her head to Erabus as he spoke up. Friendly contentment bubbled up within her as she sat with her packmates. "Oh, I'm good, thanks. Enjoying my day so far with you two." She said with a grin. Her newly appointed rank allowed her to be more dominant if she felt the need, and yet she considered these wolves to be just as respectable as she was. Due to her respect for others, the fae tended to be nuetral and casual in her posture in front of her packmates. Breeze was also terrible at acting submissive. It was nice that she didn't have to worry too much about it at the moment. The she-wolf smiled as a new male approached. The brute seemed unsure of what to think of the gathering as he moved down the hill. Breeze met his gaze steadily, unafraid of offending anyone except Fel and Desmond since she was Delta now. It was not a challenge, but more a friendly acknowledgement if his presence. He was a dark pelted male, much like Desoto. This wolf had stunning blue orbs though, almost the opposite of her own golden gaze. He seemed quite muscular, so she guessed he was a warrior or hunter.

The dusk pelted fae listened attentively as the brute spoke. A glimmer of surprise shone in her molten orbs at the mention her fellow Delta. Desoto has already accepted a wolf? Ah...how interesting. The Deltess thought. She had yet to meet anyone on her rounds about the territories. It had only just become her responsibility, and it was Desoto's shift anyway. Breeze let Newt introduce everyone and nodded to Altair as her name was mentioned. The small smile danced upon her lips once more as she relaxed in the shade. "Nice to meet you Altair. Good to hear Desoto is accepting wolves. I'm not sure whether he wanted you to call him 'Delta' or not, but you don't have to address me by my title if you don't want to." She said cheerfully. There was no need to repeat Newt's question, so she simply glanced at the lanky brute for a moment before turning back to Altair. "I can help you find your way back to camp later if you would like." The she-wolf offered.

The glances from her tall friend didn't go unnoticed, and she rolled over onto her side casually with her back to the forest and smiled at Newt. She would tell him again later that she didn't mind eye contact...but perhaps he had remembered that from their first encounter. Who knows why he keeps looking down...is he nervous about my new rank? Oh, I hope he doesn't treat me differently because of it. I don't want others to act all submissive! I'll ask him about it later...not here. She decided. The thought was quickly pushed aside as the slight wind am ruffled her fur. Her smile widened into one of contentment as she relaxed and glanced at Erabus. Her pelt was fluffed up against the mountain wind with her tail laid across her side. "I'm glad you are doing well Erabus. We all are still getting acquainted with these lands." She responded with an understanding nod. There was lots to see here in Agavos, and even Breeze hadn't explored every part of the territories. She needed to though. A Delta needed to know the land by heart and patrol it regularly. She would continue exploring tomorrow. Right now she would get to know her packmates.

(Sorry this is a bit late...I made this as quick as possible. Might be a few typos but that's cause I'm on my phone!)

Last edited by Delta Breeze on July 23rd 2015, 05:27; edited 1 time in total
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 03:14

Smooth black fur ruffled slightly as the dark female shifted with each of her steps, elegant paws hitting the ground at a steady tempo. Her gait had a cheerful bounce to it, as she made her way deeper into the territories. After following her Alpha from the borders, Sieglinde was ecstatic to have finally found a home, a place where she would feel safe and content. Coming a fair distance into the pack with the Alpha, she had parted ways with him, deciding that instead of bombarding him with questions, she would find the answers herself. Moving off, she marvelled at the beauty of the land, its scenery something she had never seen before and revelled at how free she felt. The area she was currently in was simply gorgeous; a valley, vibrant with the essence of Spring. The scent of flowers was heavy in the air but not unpleasant and it brought tingles to her nose, tickling it. Fresh grass brushed against her legs as she continued forward, her steps becoming more cautious as the terrain dipped.

It was getting increasingly steeper as she fully entered the area. Stopping somewhere where she considered the middle of the slope, Sieglinde admired the view with an appreciative smile, enthralled at how well it had been preserved. She was snapped out of her stupor when the tiniest of rustles in the grass reached her ears. Her jade eyes narrowed slightly as she tilted her head to have a better angle at what lay within the green blades. A shade of brown and grey immediately hinted her to what it was. A little rabbit. Her smile turning mischievous, she approached the small thing, successfully scaring it, watching it leap to its feet and fleeing, with amusement. She wasn't particularly hungry and thus wasn't in a mood for a meal. For now, she just wanted to have a little fun. Teasing the rabbit with prancing leaps and soft growls, she let it run, chasing after it with enthusiastic vigour. Although she wasn't going to eat it, it was still funny to watch it race away in fear.

Flitting about, she slowed her pace, beginning to end her short period of fun, when suddenly she felt her paw catch on what she definitely knew to be a rock. An uncontrollable yelp flew out of her throat as she fell forward. Rolling down a couple of metres, she stopped with a soft grunt at the back of her throat, eyes closed and fur a mess. Embarrassed with herself, she quickly pushed herself to her paws, shaking her fur to rid it of the dirt and grass, along with the poor flowers she had rolled over. In her attempt to straighten herself, she only just registered that she had probably just interrupted something when she saw the sudden amount of wolves in her vicinity. Face burning with humiliation, she lowered her head and stuttered out an apology. "M-my apologies for intruding on your conversation. I didn't mean to disrupt anyone." She continued staring at her paws, before realising that she was still being incredibly rude. 'Oh for the love of-, Sieglinde! Get a hold of yourself!' In another attempt to redeem herself, she burst out, her voice timid but firm, "My-my name is Sieglinde. I-I'm a newly made Hunter. I'm sorry for any inconveniences I've caused!" This was most definitely not how she wanted to introduce herself to anyone.

(I got second hand embarrassment from this post.)
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Erabus of Agavos
Erabus of Agavos

Posts : 24
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Age : 27

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Age: 3 Years
Purchases: Bi-colored eyes

Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 23rd 2015, 18:56

(ooc- it's my turn correct? xD )

The brute would eye the two he had joined for company, his auds flickering as their voices would pipe up. The first was to be Breeze as after the Lead Warrior would ask how the others were doing, she was the first to speak up. Voice hinted with slight excitement, the reasons unknown but all the positivity made the large male smile slightly. It was nice to know everyone was doing okay, as with their new lives starting in Agavos, it would suck to not full lively or hopeful of the future brings. As high ranked wolves, it would seem so as well for them all to be thrilled for what could happen next. Erabus surely was. As a Lead Warrior, it excited him that one day his skills and training that had been past down to the other warriors he had to train would be greatly served in the time of a war or battle.

That time would not come for a while, but with the way Agavos was growing everyday, it would make sense for whatever packs around to be getting envious at their success. The faint noise of paws caught his attention and with the brute having his back turned towards the source, his muscles slightly tensed at the uncertainty of what was behind him and coming. Erabus would only watch and study the look and gaze of the Delta and Caretaker, asserting through their expressions if the being was a threat or not. With the sound of Newt and the other getting close, Erabus would finally turn his head over his shoulder, catching the appearance of a black wolf. Adjusting his position as the other came, the Lead Warrior would move over slightly to allow the other room, his head dipping towards the brute in acknowledgment as Newt spoke his title and name.

"Greetings." The large male would add, watching the wolf as he spoke and mentioned his name as well. Altair.. It was an unusual name, one Erabus had not heard before though he could guess for the others, his name was uncommon as well. As the bronze male would listen and observe the others as they conversed, he would take notice of the glances the Caretaker gave to the Delta. A small smirk would form on his lips at the sight. Maybe the Lead Warrior was reading the signs wrong but the sight of new love was always an interesting thing to see. The Lead Warrior had never experienced such love as none had ever caught his eye but watching others was enough to fill him in on how it might be. As Breeze would make a comment to the brute, it was only then when the loud rumble of something came into range, his auds picking up on the commotion quickly and perking, Erabus would tense ready for an attack, sharply peeling his lips back at the same time the brute swung his body around to come face to face with whatever had been the source.

At the sight of a wolf, he would hold back from any attack, his expression changing instantly from anger to steady observation. Her voice as she finally realized the group, was shaken and stuttering over words, it was clear the wolf was not a threat but just stupid to not watch where she had been going. Settling down onto his rear once more, Erabus would calm his nerves and address the fae as she spoke her name. "I am Lead Warrior Erabus, nice to meet you Sieglinde." He would state, needing nothing more as surely the others would by now do the same in speaking of their name and rank along with greeting the new wolf to join the conversation.
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2015, 20:42

The first to speak to the large black brute, was a slightly smaller brown mixed wolf by the name of Newt. He seemed like a friendly male, he took notice that the male had a slightly thicker accent than most wolves he had met. It made him curious of just where this wolf had come from, but just as he was about to open his maw to speak, Newt asked about how his findings of Agavos. A slight laugh escaped the black brute's dark muzzle as he answered the tri-colored male's question. "So far I have visited only a few smaller places, the lands that my paws have touched have been beautiful. It has been a long time since i've stepped upon such a cherished soil." He said his clawed toes flexing against the loose soil as he spoke. His gaze turned from Newt onto the smaller wolf named Breeze. Since Newt had introduced him to her and Erabus, it was easier to place names with the muzzles of the two wolves before him. It would be locked in his mind for the rest of eternity, or life, which ever came first.

(OOC- sorry if Newt is bigger than him. ;-; )

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well Breeze." He said letting his voice soften a bit. He had always felt a different type of kindness towards female than he did males, but he figured it was because of the way he was raised and what happened to his mother. "I am not sure, he would probably prefer it if I spoke his title before his name." He said and then took a moment to  think about what Breeze had meant. Didn't any wolf with a type of title want their title spoken before the name? It was quite strange for him to hear how cheerful she was without it. Most wolves he met with a high rank normally didn't seem as cheery. It was a nice change, at least he thought so. The large male dipped his head to the Delta and smiled at her. "I'm sure I will need to take up on that offer, unless we all leave together." His thoughts were clouded with doubt when he said that, for most wolves liked to go on their own after a group. Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't, he wasn't sure which this group would do.

Turning his gaze back to Newt, he wanted to open his mouth to ask a question when he heard something behind him. Turning his light silver blue gaze to the space behind him, he saw a pretty fae fall down the hill and slip right into their small little group. She had quickly sat up and seemed embarrassed for falling. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her, and nodded his head to her, his ears flicking. "You didn't disrupt anything, the more the merrier." He said hoping she wasn't hurt, he took in her scent noticing that she seemed fresh to Agavos territory. "It is a pleasure to meet you Sieglinde, are you alright?" He asked, noticing Erabus speaking to her as well. He had let the male speak first before he did, not wanting to distrupt him. He took in Erabus at this time, oh this male would be hard to forget. He nodded his head to him, now finally able to speak to him. "Greetings Erabus." He said and then looking at Sieglinde again and then back to the others wondering what their reaction would be.
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 23:38

((OOC: This would've been up sooner but I had to put my little cousin to bed and ended up watching Robin Hood with her as for Newt's size Altair he is taller. Newt is 82 cm tall as where Altair is 78 cm, it's all good :D))

The tall brute nodded towards Altair, the territory was big and he had only set his paws on some of the lands here but they where breath taking. Newt opened his maw to say something but was interrupted by another wolf that had appeared to be quiet clumsy and ended up rolling down the hill, a small chuckle bubbled from the british brutes maw "You're fine Miss Sieglinde, It's a pleasure to meet you I'm known as Caretaker Newt" a small smile danced across the males maw as he said this. Concern filled his topaz colored orbs for the small female though there was no need to repeat Altair's question to the fae, she seemed to have tumbled quiet a long ways and he was sure she had some cuts and bruises though he hoped that it was nothing to serious. Newt kept glancing towards his friend and letting his eyes trail to the ground and then back to the others but tensed once he noticed that she had indeed caught him, he gave a sheepish grin to the Deltess. The tall brute shifted in his spot trying to tune into the conversation but was now totally lost giving small nods every now and then to indicate that he was indeed listen though he was lost, this soon resulted to the tri-colored male looking back towards the dusty grey Deltess that he called his friend. Nervous ear flicks came every now and then along with his tail occasionally sweeping across the forest floor, he shifted a few more times but this was not the best choice as it resulted into shooting pains up and down his back right leg that made him wince. The pains came regularly but only when he moved around to much, the large male would always push them past as most thought that he had arthritis but he knew exactly where the pain came from, but didn't really like to talk about it even though it was very noticeable. Newt was tired, hurting, and needed some time to himself he frowned slightly at the thought of getting up and rudely leaving everyone here but he needed to rest, shifting some more to put small amounts of pressure onto the leg in hope of at least helping it some though it didn't work. Standing up once again looking around at the cluster of wolves that had now gathered he waited for the moment to speak  "I don't mean to be rude and just up and leave all of you, but I should get going. It was nice meeting you Sir Altair and Miss Sieglinde, as for Sir Erabus I'm glad we could have a proper introduction." Newt paused a moment grinning slightly through the immense pain that he was feeling before glancing over to his friend Breeze  "And Miss Breeze, perhaps we could talk later on? At the Caretaker's Den, that is if you are not busy" he said before giving a small flick of his tail before turning on his heels giving all of the others a slight nod and bounding off in the direction that he had came  heading for the caretaker's den limping slightly.

~Exit Newt~

((OOC: This was so bad, I'm sorry it's really late and I'm very low on muse))
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Elite Breeze
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 11:26

(Ooc: Lol Altair...Breeze is taller than him, as she is 79vm and Altair is 78cm...just letting you know. That's ok though. Most people don't realize that Breeze is slightly large for a fae.)

The grey she-wolf didn't quite understand why the Lead Warrior smirked, but she assumed it was perhaps about Newt. Her attention was soon diverted back to Altair, who had chimed in again. A smile danced upon her lips as she listened attentively. "Indeed, I am glad to have joined Agavos, both for the land and for the company. I'm sure there will be plenty time for you to explore." She replied. The sun had sunk lower, casting golden stripes across her pelt as the conversation continued. After another moment or two, the large Delta nodded agreeably. "Oh sure, whichever works." She would be happy to help, with or without the others present. That was perhaps the best part of her job: she felt as if she could help her packmates even more now that she was a Delta. Before, she would have felt as if some things simply weren't her place to help with. She felt more....free, despite her many new responsibilities.

From her spot in the shaded grass, Breeze noticed the approaching female. The smaller fae seemed to be enjoying herself...until she tripped. The Delta watched with concern as the stranger tumbled to where the group was gathered. She seemed rather flustered and embarrassed as she looked around. Erabus had reacted immediately to the sudden chaos, just as a warrior should. He had his back to her, so naturally the bronze brute had assumed the wolf to be a threat. The dusk colored female dipped her head reassuringly to both of them as the others greeted the newcomer. "Good evening, Sieglinde. I'm Delta Breeze. Welcome to Agavos." She said. The she-wolf flashed a friendly smile at the hunter. She didn't want to simply repeat the greetings which her packmates had given, although she was quite pleased to meet another wolf. Breeze wanted to know all her packmates, and befriend as many of them as she could.

The grey pelted fae glanced at Newt, who gave her a sheepish grin. It took a fair amount of self control to withhold the laughter bubbling up inside her. Instead, her lips curled upwards slightly before she turned her attention back to the others, still listening attentively. The caretaker seemed to loose track of the topic. Breeze noticed her friend was in pain, undoubtedly because of his leg. Concern sparked in her golden gaze as she watched his expression become a wince. He should go rest...the nights are colder and cold probably makes him more sore. The dusky wolf thought. Soon enough, the tri-colored brute rose to his paws. With a sincere apology and polite farewell, he bid them all a good night. His amber eyes locked on her golden ones and she nodded, faintly surprised at his words. "Of course Newt. As soon as Altair and Sieglinde find their dens I will go straight to the Caretaker's Den." She replied. Curiosity and confusion swirled in her mind, but both were quickly stifled in the presence of other wolves. The Delta watched as her friend disappeared into the tall grass of the field. I hope he is alright. He seemed...self-conscious. The fae thought. She flicked an ear, as if to shoo her concerns and curiosity away, and waited for the conversation to resume.
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2015, 03:42

((OOC: Sieglinde is tiny compared to all of you. omg.))

From all of the reactions that she had imagined, Sieglinde was taken aback from how friendly and polite they all were. She had assumed that perhaps at least one would react in a hostile manner and keep their greetings to themselves, but no! They had all replied and so kindly too. Her embarrassment subsided as she felt a tad more comfortable within their presence. It was obvious that they were much larger than she was and though that was slightly intimidating, she was able to look past it fairly quickly. 'A Lead, a Caretaker, a Delta and... what might he be?' She gazed at the one male who didn't introduce himself with interest, hoping that she would learn his name some time soon. Sieglinde's tail swayed with an air of pleasant content as she smiled at all of them, pleased that her packmates were amiable. She bowed her head in respect towards Erabus, ears folding back slightly, smile still present. Her grin dropped abruptly as she was drawn back to a mild tinge of pain that blossomed in her side. From how it affected her pain sensors, it was hardly serious and it wasn't a pain that would hinder her in any way. She figured that it was just a small bruise that would heal in no time.

Her attention was taken away from her minor injury when the dark male who had chuckled addressed her, assuring that she hadn't interrupted anything. Pale viridian eyes softened at his words of concern. Lightly shaking her head, her smile tender, she replied, "I am quite alright. It'll take more than a small tumble down a hill to hurt me. But I truly appreciate your consideration, Sir...." She broke off as she recalled him not giving his name. Giving a slight laugh at the silence that followed, she grinned up at him sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I don't know your name, sir."

She wasn't able to hear his reply as the larger male introduced himself as Caretaker Newt. Nodding her head towards him, she too gave a small bow in respect. As he turned to leave, she murmured softly, "It was very nice to meet you too, Sir Newt. After Newt had left, she was finally able to reply to Breeze, giving the higher-ranked female a deeper bow than usual, her posture polite. "I'm glad to be here, Miss." The bright-eyed fae smiled once before she gave a small grimace. Perhaps, bowing wasn't the best in testing how well her bruise would hold up against the stretch of her muscles. Turning her head, she nudged at her size, trying to locate where it was hurting. Once her snout nudged over her obliques, she felt the tell-tale twinge of pain and sighed. It wasn't too bad so she shouldn't worry over it. Perhaps, later, she'll get someone more efficient to look at it. She was sure she hadn't broken anything.

'Dens?' They had their own dens? A look of confusion and surprise appeared on her face; the former more prominent. Where were they going to find dens? Where could they find dens? Keeping her gaze on the female Delta, she piped up in a demure tone, "Do pardon my interjection, but what do you mean, 'find our own dens'? I'm not really familiar with this process, I apologise." Exhaling softly, she thought to herself, 'You still have a lot to learn, Sieglinde. You had best start listening.'
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Erabus of Agavos
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Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitimeAugust 1st 2015, 12:39

(ooc- Due to the thread locks for Spring, I'm just gonna say Erabus would have listened to the conversation before finally departing. Sorry we didn't finish this thread, perhaps all of us could do another sometime :3 )
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PostSubject: Re: Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Find Me In The Fields Of Spring [OPEN!!] Icon_minitime

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