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Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open)

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PostSubject: Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 12:40

Dark clouds formed above, bringing on the threat of yet another layer of snow. The snow had fallen over night, briskly covering everything in a thin sheet of snow. While the day had been granted with weak sunlight, it did nothing to keep the cold away. The sunlight had disappeared, along with any comfort or warmth, as the clouds covered the sky. The clouds had lazily crept forth, slowly covering each area in a subtle darkness. The wind had picked up once the darkness had come, and it made the dark brute shiver. He was limping through the snow covered terrain, his eyes wandering over the white objects as he walked. He was still recovering from his spar with Desoto, and had earned himself a title because of it. Not only did he earn a title, but Desoto himself earned an even higher title. Whether or not the dark brute held hard feelings for him, he was happy that the other wolf had earned a higher title. Desoto had earned even more respect from him than most, because he did not take the challenge as a sign of weakness. No, the brute had taken it as one should, a challenge. They had both fought quite hard, and had earned their titles in a fair manor.

Limping along, his dark audes flicking at the noises around him, he was trapped in his own thoughts. Aimlessly wandering the lands, while mulling over the new duties he was about to begin. Pushing through a drift of snow that came up to his ankles, he trotted on head low against the wind. The fresh scent of nature had cleared any and all urges that held him prisoner back at camp. Many males were beginning to feel the effects of being around so many females at all once. He had grown used to the musky odor, however he still had many urges. Most of which he had long forgotten since being a loner for so long. He remembered the tingling and the excitement when the first winter came back in his old pack. So long ago had he been a wolf who was excited for many things. Did he miss being apart of his old pack? Of course, did he regret how things played out? No. Being exiled had done him no good, but he learned more being alone than he did inside the pack. Most had expected him to die, just for the sheer fact he was younger than most. He had found his place among the dead and forgotten, until coming upon the lands of Agavos. The first wolf he had met in almost a year was Desoto, and the brute had trusted him, despite his past. It had brought hope to his life.

Wandering through the slopes and dips of the terrain, he paused to lift his head. A scent had caught his attention, and as he breathed in his belly growled in hunger. The scent was of buck, but inside the scent was fear. The fear was strong in the wind, and while curious of what had caused it to run, his hunger drove him forward. Ears forward, and light on his toes, the brute moved silently through the snow keeping to the side of the rocky cliff. If he were to sneak up on prey this high off the ground, he would have to be careful. The pack would need more food soon, and while the stock pile was full another animal would not hurt. He would feast upon the warm flesh as well but once he was back home. Body taunt, and his mind finally clear he focused on the land before him and where exactly he could pinpoint where this creature was. He had no doubt that others caught the scent as well, be it another wolf or something far more dangerous. It could be a race to see who would get to it first, but only time would tell. Perhaps he would have a fancy meeting with a rogue, or a puma. Perhaps his death would be on this day. Shaking his head clear of these thought, he continued forward his steps light and his shoulders down. He was creeping along the edge, being sure to stay downwind of his little buck. If he could be successful the pack would have plenty to eat. If not, wasted energy and even a fall. The cliff had sharp jagged points, and while they seemed dull up close a falling body could easily be tore open. Clearing his mind again, he continued forwards focusing completely upon the buck's scent.
A never ending story...it seems to be apart of a pack. Perhaps this day things change...I could be dead...
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Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 21st 2015, 09:55

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Rogue Evalynn
Rogue Evalynn

Posts : 29
Join date : 2015-05-29
Age : 24

Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2015, 15:01

Soft brown paws marched across the snow covered land, her brown eyes matched the coldness with a look of adventure. She pressed forward away from her home with quick steps that brought her to the neutrals in which most of the pack wolves gathered and talked, or fought. She shifted and smirked, her brothers had mostly abandoned her so she was merely left wandering and lost in her paranoid thoughts. She sighed and peered over her shoulder, catching sight of a shadow that made her think someone was following her. "Leave me alone!" She snarled out and began running once more. She forgot to look where she was going, instead her mind was filled with the fact she had to get away. After a bit of running, she slowed down to realize she was at the bottom of a mountain. She took that opportunity to make her way up in hopes of escaping the thing following her. It was all in her mind, and she was somewhat aware of it, though she couldn't quite shake herself into believing that it was her imagination. Her paws pounding against the ground in an attempt to escape was proof of that. She slowed her pace as she made her way up carefully, now following a strong scent. She had gotten good at hunting and tracking as her mother had been a very good teacher. Soon, she was on the ledge and watching an ebony brute hunt down some prey. She decided to creep up beside the brute, her honey brown eyes searching his figure. "Want some help?" She said quietly, as to not disturb the prey he may be hunting. She could vaguely scent the buck, but she knew the brute would need help in hunting, and though she be young, she was rather skilled and looked forward to hunting. She grew quiet, her eyes dancing as she awaited an answer. "Evalynn, by the way. You?" She spoke quietly, but bravely. She wasn't scared of a pack wolf, because she knew her mother would kill any whom dare harm her.
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PostSubject: Re: Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Hunt Or Be Hunted (Open) Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2015, 10:53

Silence, it was in the very air pressing against the confines of his ears. He was stalking, following the scent and keeping his eyes open. His prey was not far, just nimbly eating grass by its lonesome. This would be an easy kill as long as it stayed distracted. Ears erect, and paws moving over one another with ease he slowly crept at a downward slope towards his prey. His dark pelt blended in with the shadows, making him hard to spot. His breathing was slow, his heart rate calmed now as he was able to focus on the hunt before him. He was ready to go in for the kill...except for one thing. The pounding of feet alerted him that someone or thing, was coming up the mountain side. The buck also heard this and lifted its head. Altair had to duck down a bit so it would not see him, the buck had become wary of its surroundings. Just as he thought the buck would run off everything quieted down and a scent wrapped around him. A fae, but by the scent she was not apart of any pack. Feeling only slightly annoyed Altair continued to eye the buck as it moved down the slop to find fresh things to eat. As he moved to continue stalking, he heard a soft voice speak to him. 'Want some help?' Blinking his often cold and dark gaze he glanced to her as she crawled up next to him. When he got a good look at her, he took note that she was just a pup. She was also...familiar looking. Ignoring her for a few moments as he crept along, knowing she would follow his ears twitched at her name. "Altair." He said before glancing to her, his blue eyes burning bright. "Help is something I do not normally need. But if you wish to stick around, then you do what I say and don't charge. He would have you dead in a matter of minutes." He hissed to her, before turning back to the buck seeing its elegant form. He knew that the buck knew danger was afoot, but it continued to nibble on the few sparse areas of grass, as if nothing was around. It was a smart buck, and he had a feeling it would try to run when they tried to attack. If they played their cards right, they would be able to capture it without to much damage to themselves.
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