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Looking for Hell

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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 10:28

Worn out and sick of travelling, Warg decided it was time to give up. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew what he was running from, and he couldn't escape it. Nobody could outrun their pasts, or themselves. Upon letting himself sink to the ground, the scent of a pack nearby sparked Warg's interest. He stood up once again and slunk to the packs' borders. I've been running forever, I think it's time for this. Warg thought to himself. He scanned the territory around him, flicking his ears back and forth, trying to catch any noises from close by. He eagerly waited, until he discovered there was nobody around. He curled his muzzle in frustration. Warg threw his head back and let out a booming howl, hoping to draw attention to himself. His muscles rippled uneasily, and he hoped he had made the right choice. He looked behind him, knowing this was his one and only opportunity to run. He shook his head and stared straight ahead of him, excitedly waiting for a wolf to respond to him. An evil grin spread across Warg's face. It was time to raise some hell.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 11:22

Tundra stepped delicately over the swaying heads of a few rare Autumn flowers. However they gained little attention from the Guardian as she continued forward at a swift pace, frown present on her features. Her creamy paws almost seemed to drift over the darkened grass and her deep hazel gaze flicked from side to side cautiously. She was exhausted, mentally and physically yet that didn't stop her. She continued to push herself forward to keep her mind off more troubling things. She missed Samael so much, craved his presence. Whoever thought the brute would have such an effect on her? His absence was as prominent as the absence of a limb and she hated it! Why must love be such a weakness? However during such troubling times for Erenyx it was just too much of a risk to visit the Exile. Gritting her pearly white fangs, a soft growl floated from her as she lashed out at a small shrub, shredding the few leaves that clung on bravely. She hated being Teren's Guardian, she wanted to slay that beast so badly. Huffing, the creamy fae forced her eyes shut and took a deep steadying breath. Emotions were too controlling, she had to regain her control over them and lock them back up. They had been reigning over her much too often these days, her control weakening. Love came with a price, if she was to open up to pleasant emotions such as that than her negative emotions that were concealed behind the pretty emotionless mask would escape and reveal something ugly.

A sound reached her perked ears and the Guardian reopened her eyes, body tense and alert. It had been a while since she'd heard the familiar call of a new wolf at the border. Did they know the hell they were submitting themselves to? She almost considered leaving and letting someone else deal with it but she needed to keep Teren's trust if Sam's plan would ever work so with a heavy sigh, she turned her direction towards the source of the howl and moved forward. Brisk winds tugged at her pelt as she moved forward quickly until finally reaching her destination. A large dark pelted brute stood awaiting her and she shuddered mentally, so similar to both Fell and Teren. One she loved and missed, the other she despised and wanted rid of. Holding her head high, the smaller Guardian stepped forward, eyes narrowed at the brute. She didn't want new wolves for Teren, but if Samael was to take over than he would need strong wolves to lead, and if Sam became Alpha she had began to realize that it was quite possible that she would be his alphess. Imagine her as a leader? She would've laughed except for the fact that she had company and insanity had to be kept to a minimum in the presence of others. "Let's make this quick rather than wasting time for either of us. Who are you and what do you want? I am Guardian of this pack, Erenyx which is led by Alpha Teren." She would give this brute a chance to show some submission himself before making a note on that for although she did not care much for him rolling to show his stomach, she demanded respect and would not be taken advantage of by this large brute. Her eye's glittered dangerously as she awaited a reply, just itching to be finished so she could return to being by herself.
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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2015, 14:54

Warg heard the sounds of light footsteps approaching and he whipped around, only to come face-to-face with a pretty white fae. An old memory of Cora flashed briefly in his mind, and he shook his head vigorously. "Let's make this quick rather than wasting time for either of us. Who are you and what do you want? I am Guardian of this pack, Erenyx which is led by Alpha Teren." Warg cringed at the sharp prick of dominance in her voice. His anger welled in his throat, but he swallowed it down hastily, knowing that if he showed aggression she could choose not to allow him into the pack. He dipped his head respectfully and laid his ears back, making sure he maintained some of his dignity. He wasn't one to throw himself on the ground and roll all around to suck up to a wolf.
He picked up his head and looked into her burning hazel eyes. "I am Warg, rogue wolf. I'm interested in joining your pack." He mused and looked away from her gaze. He could feel vibes of impatience and annoyance prickling off of her fur. He flicked his ears towards her, dipping his head again. Although he didn't want to come off as rude or menacing, he refused to submit completely. He would maintain calm and respectful, but not be humiliated trying to please another wolf, even if his fate was up to her. He sat waiting for a response, nervousness brewing in his cold heart.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2015, 12:49

[I am very sorry for the wait, it has been a busy week for me.]

She watched him closely, searching for any sign of aggression that would result in a fight. She didn't need any rogue's looking for a bit of trouble thinking it was acceptable to cause a stir at the border. However this brute seemed genuine enough, she did catch a faint flash of frustration burn in his gaze but it was controlled and pushed back and she accepted it as the natural annoyance of having to follow one higher than you that most loners were not used to. He dipped his head to her and lowered his ears and her gaze narrowed slightly but she made no comment. That was good enough for her, if it was the alpha than that might be a different story after all but he'd find that out himself if that's the only amount of respect he would give that dark brute. Teren didn't just demand respect, he was the type that would make one grovel at his paws and beg for acceptance. Tundra had no time for those foolish games, she did not need to force those beneath her into doing things such as that for enjoyment, there was much more important things that could be got done instead. She tilted her head to the side as he spoke, tongue running over pearly white fangs thoughtfully. "Well Warg, Rogue wolf. If you want to change your Rogue status to Pack wolf then you have to tell me something. You know what time of the month it is? Winter is literally around the corner, a few days only. We do not take kindly to extra mouths to feed that give nothing to the pack in return, especially during this time of the year. What can you offer us? And if you don't think it's worthy of a pack as brutal as here I suggest you leave before suffering dire consequences" Her voice remained completely calm as she spoke, for all she was doing was stating a fact. She was not trying to scare him, daunt him. No, she was being perfectly honest. She had learnt herself that you had to be extremely independent when it came to your needs and having a strong will was just as important as being physically strong in Erenyx. The Guardian shifted from paw to paw as the chilling breeze cut through her thick pelt. Her hazel gaze travelled over the large brute in an assessing manner, he was a good strong brute. Wether this would be a good or bad thing in the future all depended on which side he would choose when things began to shift in Erenyx.
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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2015, 22:27

Warg shook the chill out of his heavy pelt. He shifted his attention back to the pretty white fae. He looked deep into his hazel eyes and searched for emotion. He saw she was a bit conflicted about something, but he knew it was beyond him to ask. He lowered his gaze and exhaled deeply. "I know it's winter and it seems inconvenient, but I can be more than a burden to you. Living on my own means I have learned to survive on my own and fend for myself. I can hunt and fight, and good enough to survive by myself, might I add." He hoped he didn't sound to arrogant. He swooped his tail low to the ground to clear any confusion. He didn't want to come off arrogant and too independent to the fae.

Although he was relatively young and emotionless, but he felt a wave of affection for the she-wolf. He respected her deeply because she wasn't being cocky or teasing him even though she had to opportunity. He found that wolves who had control of his fate often liked to taunt him and play with him, but she remained calm and collective. He shook this away quickly and tensed his muscles. "I mean I've survived a winter before and I could feed myself as well as other wolves. I'll earn my keep." A frigid breeze blew through Warg's thick fur. He clenched his jaw and flicked his ears back again.
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Alpha Teren
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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2015, 22:47

Warg, the season is NOT winter. It is Autumn still. Please pay attention to the right of the screen in the modules that states the season. On December 1st, the season will change to winter, but if this thread is not completed, it will still be in Autumn.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 26th 2015, 07:57

[I'll just presume that Warg said it was almost Winter rather than, 'it's Winter' when replying.]

His gaze clashed with hers and her hazel eyes narrowed slightly however he was quick to lower it again and she blinked calmly as he spoke in response to what she had just said. She nodded slowly as he gave the answer she was expecting to hear, it was the same thing that came form most joining this pack. Something similar had come from her own maw that Winter a long while back now when she'd been trying to join this pack. Beta Irrationality, Delta at the time, had accepted her into the pack and on that chilly night she'd come across Samael and Katyusha. Both had still been a part of this pack, Katyusha an Elite and Samael a Warrior but they were both gone now. Funny how things changed. She gave a small nod of approval to show that he'd given a satisfactory answer as she watched him let his tail lower further. Good, it was clever to remind your superior of your respect during the conversation rather than just once at the start, that would help him in the future.

As she watched him think for a few moments of silence, holding back any words until she was certain he was finished himself, she felt an unusual pang of pity for the male. He seemed quite pure compared to most joining these lands- this was a place that most came when they were finished with trying to get that perfect life and accepted that you belonged only with fellow demons in the pits of hell. Such a young wolf shouldn't be giving themselves up to this fate- but had she not done that herself? She had been only three years of age when joining. She was now 4, nearing the 5 mark. Did he know the fate he was giving himself up to? She gave a brisk nod as he spoke again, collecting herself and making sure any emotions trying to be felt were carefully kept concealed behind a calm and collected mask. "Well here like any pack has a rank system. You will need to choose between Healer, Autay, Warrior and Hunter although from what you've told me I can see you fitting the Warrior or Hunter rank best. If you prove to be exceptionally good at your rank and respectful you might get promoted in the future however if you show any disrespect our alpha will not hesitate to demote you to an omega or in severe cases, Exile or even kill you." She watched him closely, he had to get that this pack was dangerous. If he thought he was up for it than she wasn't going to stop him but if he chose to leave, if he thought this was too much than she'd allow that too. She wasn't going to force him to stay here. She leaned back on her haunches, the soft grass brushing against her legs as the breeze picked up.
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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2015, 06:50

Warg nodded again, hoping he was doing alright. Flashes of his past danced back and forth in his mind, but he squeezed his eyes shut and thought them away. He knew he was most fit to be a warrior, and it would make the most sense. "I suppose I'd like to be a warrior, then." He mused, tensing him muscles from the chilly breeze. His dark fur rippled in the wind, and he looked at the light wolf again. He knew in his empty heart that this was absolutely the right thing to do. Once again the image of himself lunging for the old wolf played in front of his eyes. He felt his lip twitch as he suppressed a smirk. He brought his gaze down again and flicked his ears.

His amber eyes darted around, scanning the area surrounding the two wolves. He breathed in the frigid air and exhaled deeply. He wasn't nervous anymore, but he still had the slightest twinge of doubt. He shook it away hastily. He knew if he was to taste another wolves blood, this was the place to be. Warg swung his tail low over the ground again, because he did in fact respect the fae. It wasn't a fake respect, he truly did respect her for her honesty and calmness. He closed his burning eyes and breathed.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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Looking for Hell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Hell Looking for Hell Icon_minitimeNovember 28th 2015, 07:45

[This is going to be short and sweet.]

Tundra let her long tail sweep along the lush grasses- eyes calm and thoughtful as she observed the brute standing before her. A small nod was given as he accepted the rank of warrior, good. Knowing Teren, there was always the risk of a battle either within the pack or against the other groups in these lands. The more fighters they had the better. She stood briskly, tail lifting slightly as the tip twitched. Her ears twitched as she gave another firmer nod. "Okay Warg, I am going to take your word alone when you say that you think you're worthy of being a Warrior but be prepared, others might not take your word and you'll be forced to prove yourself." She sniffed at the sharp breeze, thick fur being tugged by the oncoming wind and she could feel the bite of Winter on them as the harsh season prepared to land its icy claws and push Autumn out of the way. She shifted her weight and turned back to the brute, eye's calm and steady as they bore unwaveringly into his. "Well Warg it looks like you've been accepted into the lands of Erenyx, once you step over this border your loyalty is to us and us only. Do not let us catch you giving your loyalty in places it does not belong. It will not be tolerated." It was almost amusing her saying this for she had broken this rule and still continued to. Her love for the Exiled Samael would not die and she would help him takeover. But she was telling Warg to be loyal to Erenyx, not Teren. And as Samael was rightful heir to the throne, that sentence had it's loopholes. She offered the brute a very rare ghost of a smile. "Welcome to Erenyx Warg, you can find the main camp by simply wandering forward for a bit and you should come across it or you can explore other parts of the territory. If you need help with anything do ask." And with one final nod, the Guardian turned and left without a word- a retreating figure that seemed to be swallowed by the thick vegetation on the other side of the border until she was out of sight of the brute. What he did next was now up to him.

-Congratulations you are accepted! Please change your name to 'Warrior Warg' and request to join the Erenyx Group under the 'Ranks' tab at the top of the page. Once you've done this feel free to post anywhere within Erenyx, you may reply to this but it is not necessary.-
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