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Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory]

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Delta Xerentis
Delta Xerentis

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PostSubject: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2015, 11:43

In just a few moments as all the wolves had gathered like expected of, he'd collect the names and faces of those which were easier to decipher. The amount of ivory wolves was quite the trait in this pack, though seemingly there were more bi-colored wolves around than he had predicted. This made him feel a relief of acceptance wash over his shoulders - it was quite rare to see such a sight for sore eyes come up through the shores of the unknown in today's pack society. The white wolf gathered him neatly as the Alphess rose above the others, the Alpha pairing at her side elegantly. As the Alphess would speak, Xerentis would lean slightly forwards in his seat to focus his attention completely on her words as he'd observe the male in charge here. He was far more used to a male in reign, being that he was born into a male's power before his friend took control of his natal pack. However, he saw royalty in this brute's eyes, as well as complete adoration for his mate, a trait which every mated pair of Alphas should contain if they are to share the throne. He'd do anything to protect her, and her too in return. His shoulders relaxed at such a revelation, ears turning to whom he'd be partnered with. Being that he had collected the names, his attention then served to find the female among them - the census between warrior females and male hunters made him chuckle. With that, he'd nod affirmatively and move into position, finding his partner among the crowd as he'd smile to greet her, "Shall we walk together, miss?" He'd ask politely of her, having seen she was one of the few whom did not co-exist alongside the other white wolves here. She was beautiful in her own way, and he saw potential in what she may teach him that evening.

Side by side, or so the hunter would hope, the two walked to the valley were they were ordered. He took a bit of lead in finding a spot closed off from the center of the territory, granting them the luxury of space needed for both combat, hunt and a bit of small talk between those main activities. His paws crunched quietly against the frozen ground as they neared into the designated area, his head raised to his fullest height as he'd turn to face her now that they were reasonably isolated. Instinctively, he bowed before her in gratitude to what she'd offer him, however he knew a great ordeal of combat training as it was, it was the thought that count here. "Ladies first." He said kindly, slowly backing up to give her whatever room needed, she was a fae after all, it only seemed proper of him to give her her personal space. Standing firmly, he leveled his chin to be equal to hers, as they were in rank. His aqua cold and amber fiery eyes looked to her with a smile, his light masculine features showing through int he boldness of his face and movement of his body. Tail swaying calmly, he'd wait there patiently and listen.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2015, 12:29

Like the others, Tatsu watched as Chiara spoke. Her piercing yellow oculars shifting between the Alphess and Alpha. They spoke with the confidence she'd expect from an Alpha pair, yet they lacked the tone suggesting they considered themselves above the rest. No the pair seemed genuine, like everything Tatsu had hoped for in the wolves she pledged her loyalty to. Her mind at ease, she listens with curious ears to Chiara's speech. When she finished, Tatsu quickly rose to her sturdy paws in search of the snowy brute called Xerentis. She did not have to wait long, for he suddenly appeared before her. Typical hunter, she thought having always marveled at their ability to glide on their paws. Sure she could stalk on silent paws but it took great effort. She was big, even burly for a fae; all of which made silence difficult. That was one of the many reasons she preferred battle to hunting. Ears swiveling to catch the hunter's words she inclines her skull, " Why of course." She  murmurs, pleased to have received a polite partner.

As the pair set off, Tatsu fell in behind the slightly larger brute. His snowy fur, seeming to mesh with the snow before her very eyes, as they trod along. She kept quiet, her mind drifting to thoughts of what she would teach this brute. He seemed large enough to be capable of handling himself, but size was never a true tell of skill. Their journey was short and before she had much time to mull over plans they'd arrived in the heart of the valley. Before her, the brute bowed before speaking and then proceeded to back away. " Fair enough." She murmurs, waiting until the brute was out of range to begin. " You are neither huge for a brute, nor terribly small. Being a hunter however your fast, light on your paws and patient. All things that can give you an advantage in the battle field as long as he know how to utilize them." She says, keeping her voice just loud enough for him to hear. Her sharp yellow oculars never leaving his bi-colored ones. Whether he valued her advice or not Tatsu would give it. Having trained for years mostly in the art of fighting she knew a great deal. She however, knew that fighting techniques varied from place to place. Here in Pyrvanthros was most likely far different than back home in the northern valley. So perhaps he'd learn something new, she mused. Shifting her paws, Tatsu evened her posture so her weight was spread equally to all four sturdy appendages. Her tail tucked against her rump, so short it barely curled around her right hind thigh. Her thick fur shifted as she rolled her shoulders forward, tucking her chin in to protect her throat. Her thick ears laying flat over her broad skull, her muscles preparing for action. She eye's him thoughtfully, there was no way of teaching him if she didn't have an idea of what he already knew. " I think it would be best to start with what you already know. Or at least a little example. Then I will see what I can add to help you improve." She remarks, her voice calm. " So if your ready?" She challenges, awaiting his move. Excitement was starting to build into her chest, rising through her body, till blood pounded in her ears. How she loved a good spar!
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Delta Xerentis
Delta Xerentis

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2015, 13:59

Surely did the wolf believe the other to be drenched with a regal aura to surround her by a small observation - he seemed to notice a lot of that around here the more he got a feel of others nearest to him in a sense. It reminded him much of home, to be quite frank with his new haven, which made him feel all the more accepted in such a pack. Back home, everything relied on mass respect and accompanied manners of thankfulness to those which were superior, or inferior. All ranks had their powers, but as a whole, it never mattered who took the throne - they were all created equal and were so when dead. As offered, the female took the initiative in making it her objective to teach him first, which he was obliged to do when instructed. He watched her actions, taking in all there was to see as well as taking a closer examination of her form now that they were out in the open, for she had taken notice of his own. There was not a huge difference in height, which worked well in their favor to teach as well as respond to evenly among one another. He'd nod quietly before having to do the same, taking note that size did not matter unless able to properly perform to its benefits. Larger meant strength, smaller meant speed, but to their average weight and height, they had a medium advantage to a spar and or in combat if push comes to shove.

With experience underneath his fur, he remained attentive to her in responding almost instantly when asked to, taking position as he was taught at home. A former soldier had its advantages, which he was thankful for, but the price was unbearable. Narrowing his bi-colored eyes, the wolf lowered his chest slightly while positioning his large back legs apart and front legs bent. Tail raised against his hind quarters and ears pressed firmly at the sides of his ivory cranium, he patiently awaited her go. A breath of air soothed off his obsidian lips as he'd exhale, the cloud becoming visible through the cold air to which surrounded the two. He had killed many, but he was suited well with the occupation of hiding his sins through a hunt. Combat was something he specialized highly with when he was important to his natal pack, but that had been long forgotten when he had finished and moved into journeying for a new start. He wanted to leave that all behind where he had left it, but it seemed to always come back to haunt him in ways to which he'd kill to provide. With murderous bi-colored eyes, he'd assure her he was ready with silent confidence, "Always." he smirked before echoing a mighty growl through a clenched, sharp jaw. Pivoting forwards on his paws, the agile hunter pushed off the frozen ground and went to her with a steady speed. Being it was a spar, this was not a fight of sorts which could result in death, and was meant to be a free, happy short training session the two could come to enjoy and learn more of each other. So he started with the basics of going for the ear to give a quick nip before rounding off and fending to keep his stance clear and open apart from hers. The attempt was small, but would come in better need when she'd give him a run down of more to learn. He was always willing to learn new techniques, and the fae certainly had her ways with such. His tail wagged happily with the motives, the objective of the training becoming far more enjoyable than expected of to the male.

Attack: Lung forwards, nip for the ear.
Defense: Patient, slow steps; ears pinned, widened stance.
Injuries: None
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 10th 2015, 11:51

[ OOC: Apologies for taking forever to get back to this! If this post doesn't make sense to you please inform me and I will edit it^^]

Tatsu had watched intently as Xerentis prepared himself for their spar. Noting how he pulled himself into a fighting stance as if it came naturally to him. It suggested he knew more about fighting than the average hunter. No matter, it only made their spar that much more exciting. Sharp yellow oculars flickering, Tatsu watched as Xerentis pivoted from his spot shooting forward on agile paws. Remaining where she was Tatsu didn't flinch as the brute let out a rumbling growl. Instead, she allowed her hackles to rise up along her spine, the greyish fur tipped with black making her look much like some ludicrous porcupine. Once he reached her, the ivory hunter lunged for her ear in a quick jabbing sort of motion. Feeling the pressure from his jaws, as his maw made contact, Tatsu responded by quickly turning her broad skull downwards and thrusting it up towards him. Her thickly furred ears still pinned flat against her skull, her stance shifting forward slightly as she attempted to slam her skull into his nose. If he wasn't fast enough to back off, her thick boned head would smash into his nose. It would cause a good deal of pain, for any who had been smashed in the nose knew it didn't feel so swell. Quick as he'd come however, Xerentis backed off just out of Tatsu's reach, those intelligent bi-colored eyes staring her down. " I know you've got more in you than that." She huffs, breath swirling away into the cold winter air. " Come at me again, but this time give it your all. I'm not here to teach you what you already know." She states bluntly. She wasn't trying to be harsh just matter of fact. Chiara had given her a job to do, and she was going to do it. That meant getting Xerentis to reveal his true colors, without them she'd most likely be white noise to his ears. Shifting her paws, some Tatsu kept her head following Xerentis. Never letting him out of her sight, meanwhile her own tail flickered some against her thigh. It had been a long time since she'd enjoyed a good natured spar. Back home, most fights she'd been in hadn't been pleasant.

Attack: -Swings skull down and thrusts it up at Xerentis's nose-
Defense: -Ears pinned against skull, weight shifting forward slightly to keep her balanced.-  
Injuries: -Nipped ear-
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Delta Xerentis
Delta Xerentis

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 07:17

Her form made him grin internally, though no emotion other than the typical standard, flat expression shown through to his features. His lips twitched with a snarl, but it never made contact with the air around them, the numbness in his paws slowly setting in the longer he'd stand there before making the first move. And within this, it was effective, yet subtle, an easy first attack for a simple training session, to which luckily pulled through in doing as it was meant before she received the upper-hand. As he'd latch onto her ear in the attempt to tug at it rather harshly, he had released too late, and the top of her snout had already swung beneath his chin, knocking him off her instantly as well as leaving his nose rather sore. If it weren't for him releasing in the first place, he would've bitten his tongue, but all was assured as he'd round back and place his fighting stance once more. Thankfully, the impact had not broken anything within his nose enough to bother his breathing, especially since the cold air around them made it more difficult to retain oxygen in and out enough as it already was. The ivory male growled quietly amongst himself, ears pinned as he'd take a threatening stance which could only mean he'd make an attack at any moment. Her words assured the fact that she was not impressed, or was, he wasn't so sure in the moment shared through her regal, ready stare into his bi-colored eyes. She wanted more, and so he'd give her just that. For a wolf of little words, he made up those sentences with proper actions and ran forwards full sprint, though holding in to straining himself too much to make up for that lost energy. Xerentis went for her shoulder, leaping towards it with no intention of landing onto it to make a blow - his mind was on her balance. They were both equally fast, and perhaps strong, he wouldn't be surprised if they were just as equally intelligent as each other too. He could only guess that the Alphas saw this in both of them as the ideal pair, to which he was glad to be apart of that morning. The hunter met the ground just before reaching her, and darted right as quickly as he could muster before reaching slightly away into her peripheral vision until ramming into her side. Met with his left shoulder, he used whatever equal strength against her in pressing hard into her flank before attempting to grab her hind leg nearest to him. If fortunate, he'd pull it out from underneath her, the pressure of the push and the sweeping of her paws causing her to tumble. Though his actions were not always sure, so he prepared a retreat if needed, and remained further aware of any attacks she could make in the process.
Attack: Fake lung for her shoulder; Ram into her side and take out her hind leg to unbalance her.
Defense: Lowered stance, teeth bared. Prepared retreat if needed.
Injuries: Bruised snout.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 09:01

Tatsu had fallen back into her stance of before. Her thick ears pressed tightly to her cranium, her shoulders rolled upwards so the flaps of fur and skin would protect her neck and throat. Her legs splayed evenly for balance, tail tucked out of harms way. Her piercing yellow oculars gleaming some as she watched Xerentis recover from the blow to his nose. It hadn't been intended to do any serious damage, it had however put the brute on alert. She could here him growling softly to himself, and his posture went from defensive to threatening in a blink of an eye. Pleased by his reaction, she knew he'd gotten the message before she even spoke. This may of been a spar, but she was taking it seriously. She was no delicate daisy, she didn't need handling. She wanted him to show her all he had, now it seemed he was ready to give it. On nimble paws she saw the ghostly brute shoot forward. He came on light paws straight towards her shoulder, bracing for impact Tatsu's eyes flashed when none was made. Instead the brute feinted and lunged forward to slam into her rear. Now knowing what he was up to, Tatsu prepared herself to be rolled. Giving no attempt to fight back she allowed the brute to grab a hold of her hind limb, feeling her weight shift as he thrust his own weight at her. Prepared, Tatsu gave into the roll instead of fighting it. Allowing herself to fall to the ground, she tucked in her limbs and head. Braced for impact she hit the ground with a thump before rolling away, feeling Xerentis's teeth release her limb. Quickly, Tatsu got her sturdy limbs beneath her and leapt back to her paws, spinning to face him with a growl of satisfaction. " That's more like it!" She huffs, a grin slipping across her thick maw. His move giving her an idea, nodding to him she flickers her tail. " Now this time I'll come at you. I'll attempt to mirror what you did. I want you to mirror my move. Instead of wasting my energy to fight you, I gave in to the tumble. My body motion enough to rip your teeth away from my limb even if you'd of tried to hang on. If I hadn't stopped to speak I would of sprung back at you, after returning to my paws. " She explains. " Ready?" She inquires, preparing to charge the brute as he'd done her moments ago. Not waiting for a response, Tatsu launched herself forward. She wasn't as agile as her ivory colored counter part but she did her best to mirror his actions. Running forward Tatsu feinted an attack towards his his shoulder, pulling back just before she would of collided she instead thrust her thickly muscled shoulder into his flank. Quick as she could, she ducked down and grabbed a hold of his hind limb, pulling at it and pushing her weight at him at the same time in the hopes to mimic his actions and send him rolling.

Attack: -Mirrors Xerentis's attack; feinting at his shoulder, then slamming into his flank, proceeding to grab his hind limb and pulling it to send him tumbling -
Defense: -Ears back, tail tucked, shoulders rolled forward, limbs splayed evenly to keep her balance, then limbs tucked in head tucked braced for impact with the ground. -
Injuries: -Nipped ear, slight bruising from slam to flank-
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Delta Xerentis
Delta Xerentis

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 22:55

He'd never admit to having expected her reaction as justifying as those which she put forth for him to take in as he'd make his attack. She had managed to roll right through his grasp, a bit of tearing he'd assume left behind, but no real damage that would lead to severe irritation - a simple bite, at the least, he'd think if rougher situations. Xerentis noticed how she would fall into place with the attack, allowing herself to brace the pressure as well as slyly escape his advantage. Before he could get an even closer chance to observe, he had already retreated back into his stalking stance, ready for what she'd make of this in return, but instead he was met with pure satisfaction. A smirk at the corner of his lips lay prominent upon his face in return to her words, huffing at him with pride to see he was beginning to shed former sides to him. He could even say he was impressed with himself on this, but he had known prior to what his abilities contained, and later realized how gruesome they could be if not handled properly. That was over now for the Hunter, he was happier in this simpler state and didn't need the power he once had in killing those who invaded his pack. Was he proud of what all he accomplished was another question, but he remained present with her attention and nodded to her words as to switching perspectives. Now he was on defense, a form of fighting he was more familiar with when the Titans would attack his pack district long ago - the memories did not phase him as they'd flow back to the present, it was unable to be avoided so he simply accepted the outcomes of it following him. He was a mad man in his own personal way, obsessive and greedy within the dark, but a simple brute with tedious needs in the light. But the Hunter knew he could not simply serve two masters.

At her mark, he crouched low and remained prepared even despite the instructions given. He obeyed quietly and would observe as she'd pivot forwards, his body tensing beneath his fur as he had almost been convinced she would lie and go for his shoulder to take advantage of his state. But it was merely a fake, like he had done, and she rammed into his blindside, causing him to face the consequences of then being swept out from underneath. As this scene would play out, Xerentis would remember her defense to this tactic and begin to spin out of the way, allowing the attack to pull through before he got the upperhand of escape. His body hit the ground much like her and continued the process until fully committed to the open air before reaching quickly back to his four paws. The Hunter chuckled and tiptoed his paws happily, filled with pride to his beneficial efforts from her teachings and actions. "That was liberating, you have a gift, m'lady," He spoke finally, having only been returning her words with subtle nods and growls, for he was a wolf of little words to begin with. Already set to move on with the training in combat, being that it was by far his favorite over hunting - it was quite the ironic dilemma, but he'd never share that through to anyone, or at least, not any time soon. Before letting the idea to settle too much into his thoughts, he realized their session should perhaps move on to where he was the individual in charge here.

Clearing his throat, he stiffened back into his elegant, quiet form and flicked his head to steer straight at her, "Ah, yes, well, I suppose we should move on," He began, slowly searching the area they had chosen to look upon the others and their progress. Everything seemed all and well, but it was too soon to tell if the pack was truly bonding over this - he could only imagine what Malachai was up to with the healers out yonder. But there was no time to dilly dally on the Delta's whereabouts, he had his own matters, and so peered with an open mind over the territory. "You're quick on your paws, almost equal to me in weight which makes you just as capable as I to remain quiet while stalking your prey. Use your senses, what do you hear nearest to you other than the pack, what do you feel in the ground, what smells come to mind when targeting a potential prey?" His questions were almost rhetorical in a sense, making it clear to which she had the right to answer if felt it was the need. She was capable of feeding herself, that was true, but how well was she in succeeding at her meals? They had to survive to get here somehow, but he was sure to make that ability less difficult for her by the end of this, even in the slightest would he hope he'd shed some benefiting light upon her. If not, there was always a future. Xerentis was quiet to allow her to concentrate on her surroundings, as well as focusing on his own in the process. His ears flickered as his eyes gazed forwards, the end of his bruised snout smelling for any signs of life near to their designated area. And to his luck, he smelt an abundance of hare, as well as a healthy buck not far out from where they stood sipping water from an unnamed source to what he assumed. It was up to her to decide what they'd be bringing home to share with the pack, he'd be fortunate to have the chance of taking it down with her.
Attack: Repeats attack as requested of.
Defense: Alert and prepared for impact, mirroring defenses by tolling through her grasp.
Injuries: Bruised snout and small bruise to the flank.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 17:16

Like asked, Xerentis readied himself for Tatsu's attack. So as she came in at him, sweeping his hind limb out from beneath him, he was prepared to tumble. Watching as the brute executed the move nearly the same as she had, Tatsu nodded approvingly. Perhaps others would of taught Xerentis an attack over a defensive move. But in Tatsu's mind, a defensive move made far more sense for a hunter. They were not Pyrvanthros first line of defense, they were however crucial to feeding the pack. So why not teach the brute a move that could save him from being pinned down by a larger more powerful foe? Hoping her choice would be approved of by her leaders, Tatsu watched as Xerentis sprung back to his nimble paws. Her thick ears catching his chuckle, piercing yellow oculars taking in the light footed movement of his paws. She chuffs softly, bowing her skull some. " I'm glad you think so." She murmurs, meaning her words. Tatsu respected the ivory hunter, in the short time they'd spent together he'd shown her nothing but respect. He was polite and from what she could see intelligent. Despite having obvious training as a fighter, the brute had not dismissed her teachings but accepted them. In fact he had embraced them, pulling off the move she'd done impeccably.

At his suggestion of moving on Tatsu nods her broad skull. Truth be told she would far rather continue their spar. Not because she doubted Xerentis's ability to teach her, but because she hadn't enjoyed herself this much in a long while. For the first time in as long as Tatsu could remember, her bad memories had been kept at bay. No room for them had been left while teaching the ivory brute. Now however they would move onto a quieter skill, hunting. A skill that would give her memories a chance to sneak up on her, distracting her from the task at hand. Shoving her misgivings aside Tatsu relaxed her form. Her hackles smoothed themselves out, her shoulders dropped, tail swinging loosely from her thigh. At Xerentis's words Tatsu tilted her skull thoughtfully. " Right." She says, closing her pale oculars she takes a soft breath. Attempting to clear her head of all current thoughts, Tatsu focused on her surroundings. Her thick ears swiveling around to catch sounds. At first all she could hear was her own breathing, pushing that away she caught the gentle breaths of the brute beside her. That wasn't what she needed however, so she shoved that away aswell, listening harder. Finally she heard the crunch of snow under paws as wolves moved about the valley. Some hunting while others practiced their fighting moves. Ignoring them Tatsu pushed her senses downwards, where she knew small critters would be holed up for the winter. Here she found the subtle rustling of tiny paws, the rapid heart beat of a hare. Blinking her eyes open, Tatsu flicked her tail. " I can hear movement under ground." She remarks, eying the snow at her paws. " As far as smells, there are many but the most prominent around here are the hares." She says licking her chops at the idea of a savory hare. The last hare she'd enjoyed had been a gift from the massive hunter Zephyr. That seemed like forever ago at the moment though.
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Delta Xerentis
Delta Xerentis

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 20:25

As Tatsu would recognize her surroundings, he'd patiently wait and watch to what progress she'd made - hopeful to if she'd find the same which he had discovered through mere observation and analyzing of the territory. The wolf had not expected her to be as keen as he was used to upon survival to hunt - they were bred and raised differently perhaps, Xerentis was made to know all skills, harnessing them before joining fighting ranks so that he could fend for himself during the worst of times. He could not always depend on his comrades to care for him, he had to be selfish when food was small, and brave for those which would fall. Lives were spared and reborn like new, it was a way of life back where he came from, and it was apparent in Tatsu that she was more skilled in her warrior position than hunting above all. It was not perfect, nor had he wished for her to be - that was what this session was made for, after all. Peering to the open land, he nodded once and faced her quietly before reassuring his next move, "Use the vibrations to your advantage, the stronger they are, the closer you are to claiming your prize. I believe it's wise to make the best out of the provided land and catch enough for us to hold." He said through a soft tone, hesitant and keeping a low profile around the prey that could be lurking nearest to them. He wouldn't want to scare them off too soon, or they'd be wasting enough energy as is from their small spar demonstration. "As a warrior, you are expected to defend the pack at all costs, you're heavy on your paws naturally for you distribute your given power within them when you move. Be light on your paws, try taking softer steps when you move, put more of your weight into your joints and stay low to the ground to resist making more noise." Xerentis took the honors in going first to show her, if she hadn't already known, and crept low to the ground with his eyes settled on the ground, nose pointed downwards with ears perked for sound. There was a small difference in weight, which had been collected at first meeting one another and realized during their spar, so her case would be simple to obey. The hunter remained still, his tail low but clear from dragging or touching his hind legs to distract him.

As she would choose to follow, he'd spot the amount of hares which he'd claim as their designated hunting space for the time being. The deer could wait for another to win over. They'd start small, for now. Peering to his side, Xerentis would nod into the direction of one of the hares and keep steady on his paws before officially moving forwards into position. He huffed silently over to her to stay halted, taking the reign of being the first to fetch one as an example of his weight being distributed evenly among his body. At the ready, his eyes locked with a hare, his senses then coming alive as he'd feel its tiny pulse within his ears, noticing the holes it could reach in time if he were not quick or strategic enough with his projected experiences. The bi-colored wolf moved stealthily towards the creature, shifting between paws to knead the pads of his feet into the ground to create traction. His large, broad shoulders moved along with each step, jutting out from under his mass of fur slowly. Without further warning, the hunter quickened his pace and shot abruptly forwards, using the force in his hind legs to pick up the speed and spring him into place before the hare. It noticed Xerentis' movement and took off - giving him a run for his money, but this was not new to the male. He liked a challenge. The compulsiveness in which he owned made him charge for the hare, keeping light on his paws by taking larger strides that would slice the distance into half. With jaws opened wide, allowing his position to lower, he snatched the hare magnificently off the ground and threw it in the air, slowing carefully down so that he could catch it between his teeth again. This time, he ended its suffering with one final bite and retreated to the female with little word or noises to discuss further than that. He lowered his haunches and dropped the meal at his paws, making a pile for them to put together. "Your turn."
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2015, 11:36

[ OOC: Thank you for your patience X. Sorry for making you wait so long!]

Tatsu blinked her pale gaze, trying to shove the savory thought of rabbit meat from her mind. Focus! She scolds herself. But as she attempted to listen to Xerentis she couldn't help but want to fidget. Feeling the urge to scratch an itch behind or ear or a tickle on her nose. It was the same when she'd been a pup, she could remember her mother scolding her. Telling her to stop her fidgeting and focus! But unlike fighting Tatsu just couldn't quite learn to quiet her mind and senses when it came to hunting. It had never been her forte and it seemed it never would be. Ignoring this Tatsu forced herself to give Xerentis her full attention. She didn't want the brute to think she was being disrespectful or that she didn't appreciate his help. Listening to his words, she nods her head some. Right...vibrations. She thought focusing on the ground at her paws, feeling for any sign of life below them. There! she could feel it! A small smile on her maw, Tatsu realizes Xerentis was moving away from her. Titling her head she remained frozen in place. She wasn't going to move and screw up the snowy brute's hunt. Careful to keep as still as she could, Tatsu nods to him. Storing his advice about stalking away she, focused on the brute's movements. Hearing how to do something was far different than seeing it. Knowing Xerentis would be  master of such movements Tatsu's oculars followed his every move. He seemed to glide over the ground instead of walk, his movements fluent and easy. Watching as he neared his prey, Tatsu's eyes spent much of their time on his limbs. Noting their placement and how he walked on his paws, no sound escaping them as he stalked the unsuspecting hare. Then suddenly in a blink of an eye Xerentis took off after his quarry like a bullet. Eager to see if the hare would escape or not Tatsu's eyes followed the pair. Then suddenly it was over, Xerentis's powerful jaws clutching the hare only to toss it into the air and catch it, killing it instantly. Releasing a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding Tatsu's lips twitched. " Impressive." She murmurs as the ivory canine returned to her side, dropping down his catch. At his words Tatsu inclines her skull, " Apologies if my catch is not quite as grand." She remarks lips pulling back in a wry smile.

Slipping past Xerentis, Tatsu lowered her body down. Attempting to mirror what Xerentis had done she lowered herself closer to the ground. Meanwhile she also lowered her rather short tail so it wouldn't be a red flag to her quarry. Closing her eyes a moment Tatsu took a soft breath and shoved her thoughts away. Ignoring the itch that begged to be scratched and the thoughts that wanted to drift into her consciousness. She didn't want to disappoint her pack mate. With this resolve Tatsu listened intently for the sound of hares around her. After a brief moment she could hear the rapid heart beat of one nearby. Her nose twitching it didn't take long for the creature's alluring scent to waft into her nostrils. Flaring them she starts forward trying to keep her weight balanced and more on her joints as Xerentis had suggested. Tatsu moved forward quietly, her paw steps bringing her closer and closer to her quarry till she spotted the creature ahead. It sat in the snow, digging for food beneath it. Pausing Tatsu replayed what Xerentis had done her mind, wondering if she'd be fast enough. Inching closer she allowed herself to get as close as she felt she could without spooking the rabbit. Then with a shove from her powerful haunches Tatsu launched herself forward. Immediately the hare realized something was wrong as all ninety pounds of Tatsu came flying at him. Fast as a flash the hare attempted to escape causing Tatsu to pursue him. Her sturdy limbs stretching wide, she knew she had to grab a hold of the hare before he got into a stride. Lowering her head and parting her jaws Tatsu pushed harder and harder against the ground paws kicking up snow. Until at last her ivory fangs grasped at the hind limb of the hare just snagging it. The creature was stopped mid run and quick as she could Tatsu dragged it back towards her and shoving her paws down on its back killed it with a loud snap of the spine. Heart racing, blood pounding in her ears Tatsu lifted the hare into the air, catching its limp body and trotting back to Xerentis. Her breath swirling around the creature as she wagged her short tail. Sure she hadn't accomplished her kill in the exact same manner but she had caught the pesky critter. For her that was all that really mattered. Fighting the urge to devour the hare, Tatsu dropped it beside Xerentis's.
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Delta Xerentis
Delta Xerentis

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Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2016, 00:23

- No, thank you for waiting on my lazy bones to reply.

He nodded at her apology, but didn't think much of it after doing so in accepting it, for he had faith in her. As a warrior should, or at least how he was taught, learn the basics of observation before harnessing a strong skill. Memorizing techniques plays a strong role in such a process of learning, but it eases the interest of the mind and a wolf's natural, young ability to mimic. It is something all offspring develop from their parents, passing down upon generation, to generation - this was no different other than they were equals, that is, equal in age and level of experience in their own departments. Xerentis still had little clue about the wolven female, but he was interested in uncovering more to what lies beyond the twinkle in her dazzling orbs. He had no use for another as of yet, being the winter did strike up a bit of extra courage in males to court a potential mate, the hunter thought his presence to lack in the socializing era of it all. Rushing into something could lead to nasty measures, he did not wish to risk a relationship in the future because of his ignorance to be patient. She was impressed with his display, which he took some pride in, after all, it was the season to perform such acts, even if he truly was not trying. He couldn't help but feel a bit boastful as he'd smirk before she'd slip from his reach. Quiet, and completely collected as the female copied the motions and went along, never missing a moment to hesitate like he had performed as well. The hunter remained steady on his paws, creepy off in distancing himself more from her form as she'd turn away and stalk for her kill. He was impatient, noted, for he took advantage of the silence and her concentration to feed for their own pile in the meantime. However, Xerentis kept a steady eye on the other in case of a fault in her procedure, but she seemed well off on her own as she'd spot her target in the mists of being captured. On silent paws, he was able to master in snatching another hare as she'd pick off her own and drag it off to their pile. He used his own method in luring the rabbits out by thumbing his front paws nearest a burrow hole to cause a rumbling sensation to stir the hares out of their homes. It was like a game of chance, facing several entrances and exits for the rabbits to peer out of, but he was fortunate in finding one in the given time.

Returning to their center, the hunter crept up and observed her kill with hungry eyes as he'd drop the plump hare atop the other two. Their beady eyes stared into his soul while the blood dripping from their mouths and neck wounds only made his stomach churn with delight. He faced his attention to Tatsu to keep him from salivating all over the pile, nodding affirmatively as he'd raise his head with pride now that she had lived up to his expectations, "Your actions were praiseworthy," His voice was mellow, subtle yet dashing as he'd declare the finesse she used from his beneficial teachings. "-I expect you to return with two more to add while I am off fetching another so that we have three total each to add to the pack. This time, I would like you to stir them out of their holes and then chase after them. Once you are finished, we'll take our share and return to where the Alpha is waiting." The white wolf instructed, his tone almost demanding though he hadn't meant it to be stern or too controlling - he naturally was like that after sometime from the past. One couldn't teach an old dog new tricks, that was for sure, he was still beginning to reach out from his commanding lead and settle with such a rank as of in the present. Eventually, or so he'd hope, he'd come to getting used to not being in charge anymore. He sighed quietly and gave her an apologetic look for if he came off too strong, but he didn't wish for her to feel as though he thought she was inferior to him. If anything, he found most females to be empowering - much like his adopted sister had been to him, as well as his own mother. Dismissing the both of them, Xerentis parted ways and lowered his snout close to the ground like before, swaying his weight into his legs instead of his paws to grant a quieter pace. Nearing two holes, he lifted his back leg and pounded it into the valley floor, his ears turning to the sound of scatters before a large grey hare would poke out and dart off at the appearance of a wolf in the mists. Hungrily the hunter chased after the fellow meal, bi-colored eyes of a strange mix filled with the want to feed and kill - the obsessive disorder in which he was phased with taking him inside to go faster before it was much too late. Within a minute or two, he had claimed his prize by snatching it off the ground between his jaws while in mid-sprint, clenching down on the creature with no mercy to its dying wish while he savored the blood dripping onto his tongue and down his throat. While this time he didn't drop it onto the pile, he fixed room around his mouth and took his two more hares to sway from his jaws. Standing quietly, he waited for the female's return so that they may walk back together. His eyes watched her diligently, but some of his attention began to turn towards the other packmates.

Was he selfish to wonder what they all were thinking?
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Tatsu & Xerentis | Training [Mandatory] Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2016, 08:47

For a moment Tatsu was back in her old home, Xerentis wasn't himself but her father. His words of praise echoing in her ears. Blinking the feeling is gone and her father did not stand before her but the ivory brute. Blinking the odd sensation away Tatsu accepted the praise though her belly writhed uncomfortably. Even here it seemed her father would haunt her. Shaking the thought off Tatsu listens to Xerentis's words, attempting to smile. " Alright...sounds like a plan." She murmurs hoping her voice hadn't changed. Her father's words echoing in her ears, Tatsu wished to rip her ears off just to escape them. At one point in her life her father's praise had been something she cherished. That had all changed when he had murdered her beloved Maseo. Her whole life had changed, huffing under her breath Tatsu realized Xerentis had already left her. Your suppose to be hunting, a voice said in her head. Annoyed with herself for allowing her father's memory to bother her so much, Tatsu gathers her thoughts. Right...two more hares, she told herself firmly. Refusing to give her father another thought, Tatsu scented the air. At first all she could smell was her recent kill, its blood still clinging to her canines. Licking her teeth clean, Tatsu swallows the savory tasting blood. It makes her belly rumble hungrily and her pale eyes turn to her surroundings. Watching Xerentis's white form disappear, Tatsu starts off in her own direction. Walking a short ways away she pauses, feeling for vibrations as Xerentis had suggested. Sure she'd done it in the past, but usually her main sense used for hunting was her nose. Often forgetting the finer techniques that could aid her in a hunt. Now however she was prepared and at least trying to be focused. Suddenly beneath her, Tatsu felt the quiver of a hare. It seemed the creature could sense her presence, its fear scent drowning her senses. Eager to pin point the hare, Tatsu inhaled deeply. The cold air biting her nose sharply and making her want to sneeze. Resisting the urge, Tasu moves forward on silent paws. Nearing the fear riddled creature below, Tatsu quickly thrusts her front limbs down against the ground and up into the air, when she landed her front paws punched through the snow. As she suspected this hare was using the snow as a means of hiding. Her sturdy forelimbs broke through the snow's protective covering and crushed down upon the hare. It squealed with utter surprise as it's hiding spot was destroyed and Tatsu dug her thick maw into the snow. Teeth gripping writhing flesh Tatsu hauls the creature free of the snow and snaps its neck with a crunch of her jaws. Blood running down her jowls onto her neck and chest, Tatsu wags her sturdy tail. Again refraining from eating her prize, Tatsu buried it for the time being. Then set off after at least one more hare. The second creature she came upon however escaped her in a burst of speed. The third wasn't so lucky. Carrying two limp bodies in her jaws, Tatsu finally made her way back to the pile. Here she found Xerentis awaiting her arrival patiently. Dropping her catch, she inclines her skull to him. " I don't know about you but I found today to be quite enlightening. Thank you. I look forward to working with you in the future." She murmurs, her normally creamy tan maw stained ruby red. " Well I suppose our Alphess and Alpha await." She adds scooping her kills up into her jaws. She nods towards the direction of camp before setting off, satisfied with the days work.

[ Exit Warrior Tatsu ]

[OOC: It's alright :3 No worries]
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