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The Lonley Omega [Open]

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Omega Twist
Omega Twist

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PostSubject: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2015, 01:11

The scent of the soothing lavender pricked at the lass' nares. Her eyes looked up to the beautiful blanket of snow, untouched, undisturbed, before her in the field. The damsel was still in awe at this new world around her, it was so different from her last, yet it was just a month's worth of traveling from where she had been.

The tree's are what interested her the most. Even with the ice enclosed around the blossoms, their color shined brightly through, causing a beautiful color in the pale moonlight. Twist longed to be like the blossom, to shine through even though this tugging pain at her heart, that bothered her. Her memories are what enclosed her, they would nag at her causing her to feel weak for the choices she had made in the time of distress.

Healer Natasha, Warrior Tasi... Warrior Eden, Hunter Zasha... Father... And Danahi, he left me... And I left the others that day with him...
The dame's chest filled once more with sorrow, but she simply blinked the feeling away and carried on into the field.

She took in the simple beauty of the crystal covered area, it beamed with a radiant glow from the moon above. She forced a smile to her face at the elegance of it all. It was nothing like she'd ever seen before. Coming from a place damned of any life or what it seemed like, to a rich a life-filled world like this one, it was a pleasant feeling that settled inside the damsel, but the pain still taunted her.

The dame had come to rest at a clear spot underneath a rather larger blossoming tree and tucked herself neatly against it. Her body filled with sorrow and an aching pain that was none other than a tug of loneliness. What is a wolf to do?

Twist looked to the rising moon and her eyes glowed with anguish... She lifted her head to the stars, and let out a low and distinct mournful howl. She was not howling to the moon, nor to any wolves for attention, she was simply howling for those of her pack that had gone on to be among the stars, and to those whom she'd left and were hopefully living a better life.
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Apprentice Achak
Apprentice Achak

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The Lonley Omega [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2015, 23:19

So very alone.
Frozen and tired, Achak trekked on through the snow that reached almost up to his belly. The night sky was beautiful, and the bright moon above lit his way through the terrain - however, the young pup noticed not for his head was as low as his spirits. Pained from the results of the war and loss of his family, the prince felt it too hard to bear staying confined within the walls of home. Around every corner and in each nook was the comforting scent of his mother, and yet each day her presence faded further away from him. He missed her. He missed all of his family. Father slipped away into himself further each day, and, while he wished he could do anything to save his father, the pup had no thought how. Mother would have known what to do. Shivering, Achak lifted his head and looked to the night sky above. The wind teased his fur, and the cold bit at his nose. He wondered if she could see him now. 'Forgive me, mother. I should have spent more time with you. I should have spent more time with everyone. Paige, Chase, mother.. I hope you found each other and are happy. Perhaps one day we will all be together again.' A small smile crossed his lips, but it faded quickly. Achak's bright amber eyes were solemn now, and his head fell downwards again. 'I should have tried harder to sway Julian to love us. I'm sorry for everything that has happened.. I wish you could tell me everything would be ok. It's so very hard trying to stay strong.' He wanted his mother back. He wanted her to cuddle up with him on the cold nights and tell silly stories, and to play with him in the snow and teach him how to hunt. He'd even be willing to listen to her punish him if only she would be here. The breeze blew his fur once more, and the pup continued walking along. The only family he knowingly had left was father Fenris and Julian. Whether his newly banished brother yet lived or not hung in the air, but a deep feeling within Achak cared not. Julian was vile and had danced upon the death of their alphess and mother. Should the two ever meet again, there would be no blood that bonded them together. The feeling of rage and hate was new to the whelp, and it made his stomach turn in disgust of himself, but nothing yet could quell the feeling he had for his only remaining sibling. The day the warriors had returned, beaten from the Erenyx scum, and Alphess Rose rose into the crown his mother had left replayed over and over in his head each day. He wanted to get away. Never would the apprentice had thought that he would break the rules that had been set for his safety, but at this point he wanted to get away from everything he had known.

Fields and woods slowly turned into a pasture with glittering ice blossoms. The snow beneath his paws began to grow easier to walk in, but his pace still remained slow as the apprentice gazed at the beauty around him. For a moment the memories lifted and were replaced with awe at what winter could bring. Only knowing the hardships the season had brought, Achak had started to resent the white powder that fell from the sky and feel the loneliness that it kept frozen around him. He had been excited long ago when snow had been described to him, eager to discover it for himself, and now he could start to feel that eagerness well up inside him again. Trotting forward, he began to peer around every trunk and gaze up at each branch to look at what had become of this pasture. It was when a clump of snow dripped off of a frozen branch and landed on his snout that a melody began to dance along the moonlit land. It rang forth a sad tone, but its beauty was as beautiful as the stars above irregardless. The male closed his eyes to listen, his ears flicking and tail slowly waving to the song, before letting his amber gaze open and search the pasture for the source. It took only a moment before he noticed the bright tri-colored wolf. He timidly began to encroach closer to the stranger, alert and ready to run, while sniffing the air. It was a she-wolf, but he could not place her scent. It did not seen to hold the Erenyx taint that the Helidos warriors had upon them, but nor was it of his own pack. The prince waited and listened to her song before finding a bout of courage well up within him. He could almost feel the sadness that filled her heart just as it did his. He did not have a fleeting thought that she would hurt him. "You have a very beautiful howl, miss. On what note do you sing such a melancholy tone?" He spoke to her, walking forward but stopping at a comfortable distance for both of them.
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Omega Twist
Omega Twist

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PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 19th 2015, 00:11

OCC: That was so beautifully written! I teared up a bit to be honest.

The fae lowered her head from it's position of gazing towards the infinity above. Her ears caught the sound of paws approaching, soft and light against the snow. Then a young voice range out into the silenced clearing. "You have a very beautiful voice, miss. On what note do you sing such a melancholy tone?" Twist's ears lowered and her tail tucked tighter around her body. She was scared at first, but the tone was small and clearly held no threat. Her eyes focused to the figure before her. She looked the young brute over, his eyes wide and glowing with bright amber hues. She found a light smile making it's way to her face.

"I sing the song for ones that have passed." She replied, and brought herself into a sitting state. Her posture straight and her ears poised to the male, showing she gave him, her full attention. He was quite the handsome little fellow, the way his fur was ruffled up and his glowing eyes full of curiosity. He reminded her of the pups she had dreamed about growing up with by her side, earlier in the year. But now wasn't the time for sorrow anymore. She chuckled silently in her mind, and continued. "I sing because my heart holds a deep sorrow, that a young soul as you does not need to be burdened with." She stopped, and realized a glint of something in the eye of the stranger, but she did not question it. Instead she asked a simple question to start a converstaion. Her heart yearned for conversation, and she prayed silently that this pup was sent unto her for a reason. "Who are you?" She asked, tone sweet and light, and not pushing if he wished not to answer.  

((Sorry if I control/don't describe your charie right.. Also so many typos but it was early and blah... Sorry for them. But thank you for responding. Hope you enjoy.))
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Apprentice Achak
Apprentice Achak

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The Lonley Omega [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 19th 2015, 02:53

Worry struck him as the she-wolf reacted in visible fear to the sound of his voice, and his mouth parted - ready to soothe the stranger in assurance that he was no threat. A misty cloud came from his warm breath against the chilly air as the apprentice watched the fae turn towards him with her bright blue eyes glistening in the dark. As she gazed upon him her form relaxed, and he could almost see a smile spread on her lips against the dark of the night as she realized that he could and would not harm her. She spoke to him, then, and calmly took a seat on the snowy ground. Comfortable now with her new company, the she-wolf seemed willing to give him her utmost attention. Achak's ears flicked towards the sound of her sweet voice and he calmly listened to her. 'Those that have passed.' The words seemed to echo within the chambers of his mind. The Elder Azul had asked for the pack to howl for the crowning of Alphess Rose, but he had not said that howling could be used for mourning. A slight wonder peaked into the young one's mind about who this she-wolf had lost. She spoke of sorrow, and a sadness that they both shared felt as if it were linked. Turning his head slowly upwards to the sky above, Achak looked at all of the glimmering stars above and wondered which ones could be his family. "That's the thing about sorrow. It doesn't care where you are from or who you are - Sorrow tugs at the heart and it inserts itself into every thought that you have. Sorrow makes you feel for the ones that are past, and it makes sure that you never forget them. It seems bad.. but it makes you realize just how much you care." He closed his amber eyes for a moment, thinking, before looking back down to the she-wolf. After the day Helidos had lost the war, he had closed himself shut and drifted away from the others. He had kept his thoughts to himself, and dealt with all of the emotions that threatened to explode. A smile crept upon his lips, realizing that this she-wolf was the first he had spoken so much to in a while. Although, her question puzzled him for a moment. Who was he? The prince wasn't so sure himself. "I'm no one special. Perhaps just a lost soul seeking refuge from the winter that has brought itself unto my home." Quietly he approached her closer, slowly, so that he may not have to speak so loudly to communicate. Content with his new spot, Achak brushed aside some snow with his paw and set his rump down upon the soil facing her. "My name is Achak. Please do not be sad, miss. What is your name?"

[I'm really glad you liked it~. Don't worry about any of that, by the way, your post was good! Just have fun C: ]
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Omega Twist
Omega Twist

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PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 19th 2015, 17:34

"Sorrow tugs at the heart and inserts itself into every thought that you have." The words stung the damsel with utter curiosity. This pup was wise beyond his age. Twist's face held a rested look, not a smile nor a frown... She looked to the brute and nodded. "You share sensible words, like you know of the sorrow I hold as well." She wasn't asking for the pups to opening up to her, for they had only met moments ago... But his reaction to her question 'Who are you' seemed to scrape at something in his mind.

"I'm no one special, perhaps just a lost soul seeking refuge from the winter that has brought itself upon my home." Twist nodded her head a bit, and then looked to the snow that had started falling once more... The light from the moon bore down on them. It was just now nearing where the moon was highest in the sky. The younger fae watched as the tyke moved himself closer, for what she assumed, an easier way to communicate. He pawed at the snow concealed ground until the majority was gone. He then sat, satisfied with his spot and answered; "I'm Achak. Please do not be sad, miss. What is your name?"

Twist's eyes gleamed brightly and she couldn't help but smile at the   lad. "I'm not sad, dear. Just a bit overwhelmed." She lowered her ears and couldn't stop a chuckle when his eyes danced with a bit of wonder. "But I go by Twist." The damsel brought her vivid blue eyes to meet his. She didn't know how to take this being. He was wise beyond his years, yet his face was so full of youth and something about him seemed to yearn to learn more... Even it was just moments that they had been acquainted, Twist was already blown away by him. She held a light smile and perked her audits once more to listen.
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Apprentice Achak
Apprentice Achak

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PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2015, 20:31

He felt different as his words seemed to hang on the winter air, almost freezing, and then warming as they struck the she-wolf's ears. With so much change in such little time, it had forced his mind into maturity while his physical being stayed behind. There was just so much to think and consider now, and it felt like no one to answer everything that tugged at his mind. It made him realize just how unpredictable life truly was. Achak's soft autumn colored ears twitched as the stranger replied to his words - comparing that they both knew what sorrow held. His amber gaze softened looking at the damsel. Perhaps they were different souls, with different backgrounds and different lives, but that did not change the similarities that had brought them together on this very night. Somehow it brought him peace to be in her company, and that neither of them were truly alone. He breathed in deeply before exhaling. As their conversation continued, she looked away off into the sky, perhaps thinking, while he adjusted himself, before turning back to him and smiling.

"Twist," the prince tried it out on his tongue, softly speaking, before realizing that she was meeting his eyes with her own blue ones. A little embarrassed he cleared his throat before speaking. "Miss Twist.. do you think that those that are gone from this world are looking down at us? That they, perhaps, are up there now trying and willing us to survive?" He looked up at the bright sky, wondering if his mother and siblings were up there watching him struggle and, if they were, which stars that they were. He closed his eyes for a moment before turning his head back to Twist and continuing. "Or do you think they are somewhere else and that only when we get there will we be reunited?" It was a question that he had never considered or even thought to ask before Quinn's death, and it turned in his mind like an overrun clock. Achak really didn't know the answer, and perhaps no one did - he partially didn't expect an answer from the she-wolf for his ramblings, but any that she gave him would sate his appetite for knowing. Any comfort that another wolf thought and wondered where the others had gone. He shyly looked down at his paws, wondering if he was bothering her. "Sorry. If I may ask, from which pack to you hail, miss Twist? I.. I do not know what scent your coat carries. While you are not from my home, neither do you seem to be from the only other that I know." 'Erenyx' he cussed in his mind. Surely Twist was too kind-hearted of a spirit to reside there, but he was unsure if or what other packs existed beyond the borders. Was she a rogue? Uncertain, Achak listened attentively.
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Omega Twist
Omega Twist

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PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2015, 21:19

Twist's heart ached for the young being. Oh how he enlightened her, his questions so deep and mysterious... She watched him fidget under her gaze and so she decided to look out into the field. Crystals, upon crystals danced in the air. She wanted nothing more than to run away into it, and hope that it would suck her up and take her back to the better times.

But a low voice rung her out of her thoughts and she listened to him;
"Do you think that those that are gone from this world are looking down at us? That they are perhaps, are up there trying and willing us to survive?" The fae's heart reached out to the pup, oh how she had questioned that same question many of times to herself.

Should I share my answer now with this pup?" She thought, and watched as he thought this over himself, and then turned back to her, asking again; "Or do you think they are somewhere else and that only when we get there, will we be reunited?"

Twist took a moment to think this over, but she noticed the unsettling awaiting of the tyke. She smiled and began her own thoughts. "I myself, believe that somewhere in another world of some sorts, there is a better place for us old souls that pass on. I believe that our loved-ones, young or old, who have gone on, are watching us right now. Mine are watching me, and whoever you've lost Achak, they are watching over you. Willing you, wanting you, to go on. I bet they wish nothing more than for you to keep going, and stop mourning, for they are in a better place, awaiting the day that you go to join them. Their little tails wagging, and eyes watching in wonder--" Twist stopped herself there, her breath now a bit ragged and she realized she had started sharing her more deeper personal thoughts. She blew it off with a smile, and poised her ears towards the pup as she awaited his response.

Moments passed after he answered, and he asked another question. Oh how she enjoyed this deeply. "Sorry. If I may ask, from which pack to you hail, miss Twist? I.. I do not know what scent your coat carries. While you are not from my home, neither do you seem to be from the only other that I know." The lass chuckled again and shook her head.

"Don't call me 'Miss Twist', you're making me feel old. I am simply Twist, your new found friend." She laughed, and gave a light playful swat to his flank with her tail, before continuing.

"But I'm a recently new member of the Avagos pack... I came to this land seeking a new life.. So I may not smell of them quite yet... I may still carry my old pack aroma."
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Apprentice Achak
Apprentice Achak

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The Lonley Omega [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2015, 01:28

Amber eyes peacefully closing shut as the she-wolf began to speak what she believed, Achak could feel his heart beating faster and faster. So, she believed that those that were gone were watching them now - even Quinn, Paige, and Chase. They wanted him to be happy. Yes. 'I will stay strong and happy for all of you, and if you are watching i'll make you proud. I won't let my spirit die.' As her sweet voice lulled his questions to bed, the young wolf could suddenly feel how tired he was. After wandering so far from home, and in the cold, he could feel it set it on him. However, as Achak listened Twist's words began to confuse him. 'Their little tails wagging..?' His eyes opened slowly to look at the female. Her breathed seemed harsher, and yet she brushed it off so quickly that the prince might have just assumed that it was just his tired mind playing tricks on him. He watched her quietly, considering, before nodding. The ones that she had lost seemed very dear to her, and perhaps even young. Achak could feel his heart reach out for Twist. He had lost his mother, and it seemed as though she had lost young ones. So very different wolves, and yet the things that placed a marker on their hearts made them so similar. Perhaps it was fate that drew them close.

"Sorry, Mi-, I mean Twist." He shuffled his paws in embarrassment making little trails in the snow as she lightly swished her tail at him. Her words struck a large bolt of curiosity within him though. Agavos? He had never heard that name before. His whole world had been the boundaries of the pack clearing, and the only other beings that he knew had been from the scourge that dwelled upon the land called 'Erenyx.' What was this Agavos? If they were anything like Twist then he had nothing to fear for his home. She was kind and so understanding. Yet, it was still surprising to hear of another pack so suddenly and not from his packmates. "I'm sure you will find a new life. It's good to remember the past though, and to breath in the familiar while the new still hasn't marked it yet." He spoke quietly, giving a little yawn at the end of his words. It felt so cold out, and his little pads were freezing. Little clumps of snow were stuck in between the crevices of his paws. He shivered for a moment, before his eyes flicked over to his new friend. She looked so warm, and it had been so long since he had cuddled with someone. While he was growing up quickly, he was still a young wolf - he wanted affection and love. A little shy, Achak shuffled closer towards the she-wolf until he pressed against her fur. Nuzzling his muzzle against her side, he felt much warmer closer to her. Perhaps he was acting like a pup, but all he wanted was a wolf to be there for comfort. "Twist, even though you're in Agavos, we can still be friends and see each other, right? I don't really have any friends at home.. My.. my two siblings died.. I didn't understand at first, but.. but then Teren killed my mom's sister, and then there was a war.. he killed my mother.. father hasn't been the same since. I only had one brother left, and he was banished for having no heart. I know that there are others that have lost more than I, but it still hurts and I want to be strong for dad and mom and everyone at home, but I don't know how to talk to the others." He didn't know why, but it all just came flowing out of his mouth and he couldn't stop or even think about what was happening until his words stopped. He was quiet for a moment, just letting himself breath and calm down, before he looked up to Twist. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so upset."
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Omega Twist
Omega Twist

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The Lonley Omega [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Lonley Omega [Open] The Lonley Omega [Open] Icon_minitimeJanuary 3rd 2016, 17:01

Twist smiled lightly at the young brute... His eyes glowed and she wanted nothing more than for the other amber pair she knew to appear in her presences.

Closing her eyes and listening to the pup talk about the past, she jolted a bit when she felt his body press against hers. She was startled to say the least, but she soon found herself smiling as he began going on about his past.

Mother killed, and siblings? Oh this poor soul. Twist heart called out to the tyke. She nuzzled his ear in a comforting manner and listened to him as he talked about still seeing her. She had no idea the rules that abides in these lands, but she couldn't just leave this poor lad all alone...

He apologized and Twist chuckled, "Do not apologize, it's alright... But of course we can still meet. I'd like that a lot, you remind me a lot of a past friend I had, he was spunky, yet thoughtful like you." She placed her muzzle atop the lad's head and smiled. "For now, I think it's best though, if we both rest." She stated and moved herself from his touch and looked to him.

Her gaze softened, and she began to think of the past... But the youngster's words fell into her mind and she pushed the thoughts away and thought of the new land before her, and the open life she had to start with. New and fresh...

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