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Peace at Last [Drogo]

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Healer Xora
Healer Xora

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PostSubject: Peace at Last [Drogo] Peace at Last [Drogo] Icon_minitimeJanuary 5th 2016, 17:26

Xora trekked through the snow, thoughts of her last pack still fresh even though she had been away from it for months. She shivered as she walked, she had no where to go to stay warm and she had nobody she knew that cared about her or would offer her shelter. She wasn't that skilled in hunting, so she was very hungry. The dark fae wasn't used to this weather and the cold wind stung at her face. She didn't know if she could make it through another night in this weather, although she was determined to make it and hopefully find a pack. With a pack she would have warmth and safety, even maybe food. If she found a bad pack she would only hold out until the end of Winter, although if it was a good pack she would stay until she passed away. She couldn't be in another bad pack, what she needed was a place to stay happy and make a life. Before she knew it she caught scent of a pack. She slowed her pace to a complete stop, making sure she didn't cross the border then lifted her head and released a howl. She would summon a wolf to accept her and hopefully they accepted her. She hoped it was fast though, because she was freezing and it was starting to snow lightly, although she felt like it would get worse.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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PostSubject: Re: Peace at Last [Drogo] Peace at Last [Drogo] Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2016, 12:14

Night gathers, and now my watch begins
      Another sleepless night spent wondering the whereabouts of his son. He had risen before the crack of dawn, slipping from the den though not without gentle departing nuzzles for each sleeping form, careful as not to wake them. He had been torn between his duty to stay and protect the family that he still had, and between the search for the Thane. Hope was dwindling faster and faster each day, and he dreaded the inevitability of the solemn words he would have to impart on Kira and Levi about the fate of their brother. Reaching the openness of the clearing, he stretched out his limbs and gave his pelt a good shake to ruffle any fur that stuck down from what little rest he had gotten. He could feel a yawn building, and let his maw open to release the dastardly symbol of tiredness. Grunting, he moved out towards the borders to do an early morning patrol. He would finish it as quickly as fate would let him so that the rest of his day could be spent scouring the neutral lands for his son.

     Finally along the border, he adjusted his course, and pushed on through the newly fallen snow, packing it down behind him. Things seemed relatively uneventful into a howl cracked through the crisp winter air. His ears flickered at the sound, zoning in on where it had come from, and muscles sprang into action, pushing the agile Guardian forward in a steady lope. It had been some time since he had welcomed another into their home, but this time would be different. Hairs were still on edge after the war, so he would have to be diligent in his interrogation. A well conditioned body, and lungs made easy work of the distance between him and the stranger, and he soon found himself looking upon a rather pitiful site of a lone wolf who looked to be near frozen solid. "I shall make this quick as it would appear you are nearly frozen to death. You have found yourself at the borders of Helidos, ruled by Alphess Rose. Speak now. What purpose have you in coming here." he questioned bluntly, his tail hung high over his back and his head held high as he examined the shivering she wolf with fiery copper eyes.

For this night, and all nights to come.
template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0
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Healer Xora
Healer Xora

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PostSubject: Re: Peace at Last [Drogo] Peace at Last [Drogo] Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2016, 13:14

Xora sat for not long before a male appeared in her line of sights. She lowered herself to the ground and allowed her ears to lay back against her head and tucked her tail. She could tell that he was of high ranks in the pack due to the way he carried himself and his scent told her he was definitely a part of this pack. She sighed with relief and let him speak first. He didn't mention his name but she didn't mind. She replied to him quickly, not wanting to be out in the weather much longer. "I apologize, I am not used to this weather. Where I came from we got very little to no snow. I am Xora, I have come in search of a new home. I can offer my skills in healing although I am not very strong or fast for hunting and fighting so I may need some help or training with that. I have had training my whole life in healing, and I love to experiment with new herbs. If you are accepting or will even accept me, I can offer you my skills." She told him all that she figured he would need to know before accepting her and hoped that he didn't need much more. She couldn't wait to find a den and get away from the cold. He seemed a bit tense though so she hoped that he didn't turn her down or take anything she said wrong. Not that she said anything that could be taken wrong.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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PostSubject: Re: Peace at Last [Drogo] Peace at Last [Drogo] Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2016, 17:35

Night gathers, and now my watch begins
     He had to admit he was pleased with the straight forward nature with which she spoke. She told him essentially all he needed to know right off the get go which saved him the pain stakingly length process of drawing out the answers he sought one by one. So she was a healer hm? Well, he had to admit that in itself was enough to sway him in his decision. They were in desperate need of healers. There were still wolves suffering from their injuries from the war, and with so few skilled in the art of healing left, they were not fairing well. "Your skills as a healer will greatly aid us in these tough times, or at least they will should we manage to warm the chill from your bones before you become a wolfcicle. But, Im afraid Xora that I must ask one more thing of you.. or rather two." he began, eyeing her carefully for any signs that she may try anything foolish though the violence with which she shivered did not leave much room for sneak attacks at the current moment.

"My name is Drogo. Guardian to Alphess Rose. It is my sworn duty to ensure her protection and for that Im afraid I must enquire as to your past. What is it that has pushed you from your precious pack in search of anew?" he enquired, knowing that it was not the easiest to talk about for some, but hoped that she understood his need to know of her past for the protection and safety of Helidos.

For this night, and all nights to come.
template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0

ps: I am SOO Sorry this took forever. I had a lot of issues come up from me being sick, to my horse becoming very sick, and some issues between my bf and I that I will not get into detail about.
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Healer Xora
Healer Xora

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Join date : 2016-01-02

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PostSubject: Re: Peace at Last [Drogo] Peace at Last [Drogo] Icon_minitimeJanuary 27th 2016, 13:28

[It's alright, I have been a bit busy lately too, RL is more important]

Xora was slightly embarrassed at not being used to the weather, but she shrugged it off and listened to the male, Drogo. Xora nodded when he finished and she began speaking right away. "Well, Guardian Drogo, I am not pleased to say I had to leave for the better of me. I have belonged to four packs in my past. I didn't leave for bad reasons though, my first pack. I held no importance and nobody gave me a reason to stay. It was plain torture in that pack so I had to leave. I would have gone insane. Then my second pack was plain evil, focused on the death of others and they expected me to be the same way, but I couldn't. My third, I had to leave because they were starving to death. I was not skilled in Hunting at all so I left for the better of the pack. Then lastly, my last pack they used females for their bodies. They didn't care how old you were, if you were female and could bear young then they would use you. It was terrifying, I don't know how I always ended up with bad packs. But just by meeting you I can tell if you accept me, I can call this place home. I wish to stick with this pack until I pass on. So hopefully I did not waste your time."  Xora lowered her head ashamed of how much packs she went through. What if he denied her entrance just because she could never keep a pack in her past. She sighed and looked at him, hoping he would accept her. She may not be the best hunter or fighter, but she was a great healer with skills that they might never see again.
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: Peace at Last [Drogo] Peace at Last [Drogo] Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2016, 11:36

- Due to the wait, please change your name to Healer Xora and click on the Ranks tab to join Helidos. Sorry for the delay. Welcome home! -
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