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The way it wasn't (Teren)

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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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PostSubject: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMarch 2nd 2016, 22:25

though you may walk alone

Nnlya was a desperate mother. Winter had passed and still there was no sign of her son. Still desperate for even the tiniest shred of hope she refused to give up. Sometimes she caught a scent on the wind that reminded her of him and she would surge forth, certain she would find him just around the bend. Other times a rustling in the underbrush nearby had her convinced he would bound out at her like he used to, laughing and teasing that he'd scared her. She wanted to believe he could be found. It ate away at her mind. She barely ate and hardly slept anymore. The only thing that could soothe her heart was to find her child.

More often of late she had been feeling the effects of loss. Her friends, her son, they were all leaving her. Most days she could hide it from those around her, but it was blackening her soul. The lives she had taken had unleashed a darker side she believed to be long buried, only fuelled by her anger and loss. The Elite was easily provoked into a fight, her temper quick to flare. A particular point of nuisance was submission at the borders. Wolves had become far more daring, crossing borders callously, hunting in claimed territories, even sleeping inside Helidos lands. So many would not apologise nor beg her forgiveness, respect was nonexistent. Some went so far as to dare challenge her. Not outright, but their body language suggested dominance over her, something she could not abide.

The Elite rolled out her shoulders as she stalked through the neutral territories, her stressful thoughts manifesting as tension in her muscles. She had to find Thane before she hurt someone out of frustration, although perhaps that might actually kick them into gear. Her son was missing and no one else seemed to care, only she was out here searching for him, for clues.


She plays. "She laughs." She wonders.

you're worth more than you know


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Alpha Teren
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PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMarch 15th 2016, 06:24

only the strong are worthy to live

439 Words
Elite Nnlya
Finally winter had passed and spring was in full bloom. Teren had not cared much for such a season in the past. But this year, his young would be born, and they would live to take his place on the throne. None of his brothers were worthy of such a reward, but his own young, they really deserved all his hard efforts. The brothers didn't understand Teren at all, didn't understand the hard work he had accomplished to be where he was. They took him for granted and spoke ill about him behind his back. The only wolf he trusted was Irrationality, possibly Reaper. But he would need to speak to his closest brother at some point. For now, Teren would leave the safety of his den, the den which was used to harbor the Captive, and the breeding grounds of his lineage. He walked from the lands, moving for the borders. He crossed the line, the musk smell which held his authority over the lands was thick and strong. He did not worry about what he would find in the outside realm, nothing scared him. He had no reason to go outside the lands, but only wished to do so for the sake of nothing. Erenyx was his home, but it was nice to get out and see other things every now and then. There was one particular place that was in the neutral lands, and he liked it a lot. It was probably one of his favorite neutral lands of them all. Isle De Muerto. It was the first place he had really made a connection with another wolf, and it was where he learned more about the wolf he had slain.

When he arrived, he could smell a wolf of Helidos here. It was strong and he knew it was female. The perfect opportunity for him. The female would pay for choosing such a side to be on. Helidos was for the weak and weary wolves. They were useless in battle and held no real reason to like. To Teren, they were just future prey. Would he ever consider eating a wolf? Possibly, possibly not. He approached the wolf, looking over her form. He had seen her in the war. He could not recall her name or her title, but he knew that she had killed at least two of his pack members. The midnight brute was much taller than she, which was normal, but he was slightly intrigued by her. "It is not every day that I get to see a wolf from your lands, all alone, searching for something that will never be found."

To commit crimes | To think of evils | "Speak only evil"
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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The way it wasn't (Teren) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMarch 17th 2016, 19:39

though you may walk alone

Already it was spring and hope was slim that her son would be found. But she still searched. She needed to know his fate one way or the other. Already her pups were a year old and in another year they would be fully grown, able to take on their ranks as an adult. Kida was studying her best to become a Healer, Levi seemed set on becoming a Warrior like his father had been. Thane had been becoming an accomplished hunter and was planing on taking the rank when he reached the age of maturity.

This place, Isle de Muerto she'd heard it called, seemed a harsh place. It was a large mountain that separated this place from the rest of the world, on one side at least. As she'd approached she'd noticed snow still clung to the top. Surely Thane wouldn't have gone up there. But she wandered on. The search was entirely uneventful, until another approached. Of all wolves it was only one she'd seen from afar. The most villainous of creatures, the demon Alpha Teren. "What do you know of me and my quest, Teren?" She said sharply. She was not a fan of the beast who had killed her friend and set his pack upon her own.


She plays. "She laughs." She wonders.

you're worth more than you know


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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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The way it wasn't (Teren) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2016, 21:28

only the strong are worthy to live

271 Words
Elite Nnlya
Game. Set. Match. He had started exactly what he wanted. He did not smile, he did not laugh. No matter how much he wanted to do both, he stopped himself. He listened to her snarly hiss. Her words hinted that she was searching for something, but what was it? He could try to pry it from her, but he knew the Helidos wolves were a stubborn group, nothing like he himself and his band of misfits, but still stubborn. He would have to play the game right, pull the mouse from her hiding place to expose her own secrets. "I know what all wolves seek... Power. You will not find it living within the scent that so awkwardly wraps itself around you. You pack is ruined, finished. I can tell from the scars you show, the way you confront me... you are a strong fae. I could use a wolf like you, a wolf in a strong position. Normally I do not allow faes to hold such positions, but I can offer you the rank of Beta. Come to Erenyx, learn how our ways are better and you will seek exactly what you wish for. Don't be a fool and stay where you are not appreciated or wanted..." He stood his ground, looking down at her as he waited for her words. He hoped she would slip, that she would give in to his words. Oh if he could take another wolf of Helidos home with him. His sons would be proud of him. A trophy, he could call her... just like the other. It was only a matter of time.

To commit crimes | To think of evils | "Speak only evil"
would it really be so bad to die?
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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The way it wasn't (Teren) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2016, 03:26

though you may walk alone

Though her eyes so desperately wanted to role at his assertion of her lust for power. Perhaps when she was younger she might have taken his offer. When she was a mere warrior with ambitions of authority and power. But he can make us Beta, here you are only an Elite. And that's all you'll ever be. Azul said it himself, he wants us to stay as Elite. You don't have the ambition to take what is rightfully yours. We deserve better. Nnlya was thinking and her thoughts were right. She had given so much of herself to this pack, only for her advancement to have come to a grinding halt. But Teren could offer her more. He could make her his Beta. He does not value faes. More likely I would become his concubine. No, Drogo is my love and it is with him I shall stay.

Foolish fae. Do you not see the opportunity before you? Teren is not one to grant faes such high ranking. In time you could be his Alphess, the Queen of all the Demons. The beast within her sat tall and strong and proud, her head held high. A vision of the Alphess she might have once become back home. How she longed for that life. "And what if I were to take you up on that offer? Would you stand by your word?" She asked seductively, taking a step forward. But no! This was not what she truly wanted. These were the words of the beast within. If i wanted to be an Alphess, I could do it here, with Drogo by my side. But- Yeeeesssssss preciousssss. That IS the better option. Dispose of the grieving Alpha Sitka and plant yourself upon the throne. Rebuild Helidos, train them, mould them into your own army and we can destroy Teren for his crimes!

That was a tempting thought. If only in this one thing, Teren was right. Helidos was weak. Two Alphess' had died, weaklings, unwilling to fight for their right to live. Though their loss pained her, the more vile part of her wondered if perhaps the pack was better off without their soft leadership. If she were to lead Helidos, they would become glorious, none would dare challenge them. But this was not what Nnlya wanted. Nnlya wanted only to serve her friend and Alpha, to help him lead as his Elite. Power was not her ploy. She laughed, fighting back against the twisted beast that threatened to overcome her. "No! You do not know of me. I am the Helidos Elite, that is my rightful place. I do not seek power, but take authority where authority is given to me. Now unless you have news of the whereabouts of my son I suggest you move on."


She plays. "She laughs." She wonders. The maniac.

you're worth more than you know

TAG: Teren WORDS: NOTES: Preciouusssssss

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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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The way it wasn't (Teren) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2016, 10:55

only the strong are worthy to live

481 Words
Elite Nnlya
His plan seemed to be working. They fae was enjoying the lies he was spewing from his maw. Yes, she would be granted a rank, but not that of Beta. He was not so foolish to see that she was a fae. Only two wolves held those positions, and it was those positions they would keep. The large brute stared at her, waiting and watching as her body language changed. At first she had been stand-offish. But not she was coming closer, trying to seduce him with her body. But it was the wrong season. Sure, next winter he could see himself nestled beside her in his den, forcing his ways upon her, just as he did with the first Helidos Captive. It was enjoyable because she hated it so much. It was lovely because the feelings of the act itself, could compare to killing another wolf. Teren cared little for the wolves who lived in his lands, and even less for those who did not. They were just beings. Easily disposable with little regard for their families. Teren watched as the change in Nnlya's behavior seemed to do a three hundred and sixty turn around. This wolf was crazy. Immediately everything changed as if it had all happened in a blur. But it was in this change, that Teren found himself with some very useful information. She had given him everything he needed to destroy her life - all without moving a hair out of place on her whole body. "Your loss, fae... Well, I should say one of your many losses. The other.." he released a deep set chuckle. It rumbled through his chest like a bunch of drums. It was true and real, something Teren did not do often. Just as he had lied to Fenris, he was going to lie to her. "You might as well stop your searching. I was wondering who this pup belonged to... perhaps another whelp from Azul, no doubt... But now that you have told me who it is, I guess I should tell you what happened to him. A while ago, a young wolf came to my borders, and he claimed he wanted to be stronger than his parents... how they had grown soft and weak. I allowed him entrance and acceptance... but it did not last long. As a test for my pack - their devotion to me... I commanded them to kill the wolf pup. To rip his body limb from limb until there was nothing left. His heart, however, was reserved for me so that I may consume it. His pelt is now laying beside Steele and few other wolves who have crossed me. Do you wish to come see it?" His malicious smile gleamed at her, the blood-stained glistening fangs shone brightly as he smiled to her. Oh this was a rather enjoyable time Teren was having, yes indeed.

To commit crimes | To think of evils | "Speak only evil"
would it really be so bad to die?
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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The way it wasn't (Teren) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2016, 22:34

though you may walk alone

Stupid! Stupid precious! He would have given us eeeeeeverything! Nnlya struggled to force the maddening thoughts from her mind and maintain her sanity. Teren was no saviour, he would not grant her rank. He despised faes, especially strong ones. Did he see them as a threat? Were they emasculating to the brute? Good. I'll teach him what it means to anger a bitch.

The cruel creature dared speak to her once more and bring up her losses at his paws. Her friends, her Alphess. So many dead because of his war. But he claimed to have taken another from her. No, no, no no no no no no, on and on the word repeated in her mind as the demon, the shadow continued to torture her with his words. No no no no no no no no no, "No!" She lunged forward a step, snapping and growling, teeth bared as she barely contained herself from attacking him. "You sick and twisted bastard! How dare you take my child from me! I will rip your throat out and your heart I will feed to the coyotes!" She snarled and swore some more, hackles raised, tail stiff and strong as a banner of war. Though the brute was much larger than she, the Elite would fight him if she had to. Her son deserved a proper burial.


She plays. "She laughs." She wonders. The maniac.

you're worth more than you know


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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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The way it wasn't (Teren) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way it wasn't (Teren) The way it wasn't (Teren) Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2016, 10:16

only the strong are worthy to live

319 Words
Elite Nnlya
As she discovered the lie, she completely changed once more. Her body was rigid and angered. He could see a fire behind her eyes. He laughed. It was a true and thick laugh, one filled with a boisterous cackle. Did he kill the young wolf? No, he did not get such a pleasure, nor did his pack. But she didn't need to know that. "Don't say I never offered you anything.. If you want a chance to say goodbye to your son, I was giving you one. But now you have angered me. You Helidos wolves are all the same, rude and foolish. Do you seriously think I would allow a wolf like you to hold any sort of power in my pack? You couldn't protect another wolf and that is what Erenyx is about. We are a unit, and we all kill for one another. You not only failed your family, you fail whatever rank the Alphas gave you, and you fail as a wolf. You are nothing, but if you wish to die today, they so be it. Allow me to put you out of your misery, to end your horrible life and to finally get a chance to see the ones you miss oh so much. I can try to make it not so painful for you, but if you wish it, I can really make you feel it as my teeth rip into your flesh and force the blood from your weak and pathetic form. The choice is yours. Fight me, and die, or leave and live to breathe another day." Teren snarled at her, but his form did not change. He did not feel endangered by this fae. If she wanted a fight, she would get one. He was ready for another Helidos wolf to be lost by his jaws alone. Her pelt looked rather ravishing and would be very comfortable laying beside Steele's.

To commit crimes | To think of evils | "Speak only evil"
would it really be so bad to die?
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