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Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private]

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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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PostSubject: Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Icon_minitimeJanuary 26th 2016, 15:23

The silence was unforgivable, it hurt to listen to it, let alone tolerate it as she laid there, all in her round glory as a darkness churned from within. I'm pathetic, she spat among her several winding, considerable thoughts, glaring at the empty spot among the den where the great wolf would tend to lay, feeding onto her misery at each passing day wasted of her life. Cutting her mind off of any other unfiltered phrases, she climbed out of the den and huffed, carrying the change in weight along with her and into the open air. She filled her lungs with the oxygen that came from the same wolves she saw as her enemy before lowering her head and moving forwards. Shoulders hunched, chin hovering over the ground, she may of seemed lowly, but it was rather the carelessness in her rank now to why she held herself as such. As she made her way towards the clearing, she glanced over it once and sniffed the air before finding the scent whom she smelled formerly on Teren and the den. A worthy volunteer, she assumed. Nevertheless, Juno sought to find the fae among the mess of Erenyx loyalists and gathered the enough courage to confront the other in that they may spent time with one another - being they were carrying the same gene pool now. The least she could do was get a bit of fresh air with the proper chaperon, as allowed of. "Delta Braelyn." She stated, never questioning the other's presence, lifting her head a tad higher to reveal her true height, "Accompany me on a stroll as my guardian, will you?" Peeling her eyes away from the clearing for a small moment, she began to walk off into the neutrals. If the Delta were not to follow, perhaps that'd only go on her shoulders. She wasn't sure what the punishments were, but she had a feeling it always came back on her somehow, one way or another in the end.

Shrugging it off, she knew to cater to herself unless accompanied. Meeting amends with the scent of the neutrals, she shuddered and withdrew a small, measly little smile at the reassurance of being out of Erenyx land. It wasn't home, but it was not Hell either, she thought, basking in the given sunlight the mountains had to offer her as she continued forwards. Further into the hills she'd set out, though carefully treading with the knowledge she carried offspring, and a greater amount at that to no surprise. Juno was un-phased to the wait, but only by that in the sense she noticed it slowed her down, like she expected of. Turning her head back once, she wondered if the Delta had already caught up, and spoke into the wind anyway as if someone were to listen in, "Why of you, a beautiful fae, submit to him, of all males?" Perhaps it was stupid to ask such a thing, personal in that sense, but she was curious to know and the only way to know the truth was by asking. Erenyx had always been cruel, but the other's pregnancy did not seem so much as forced as hers, she thought internally, but could be wrong. What reason would Teren have to rape his loyal members?
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Delta Braelyn
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Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Icon_minitimeFebruary 15th 2016, 04:16

A deep green flashing to the barren sky, a clear array of light blue and white puffs of mist forming above to delude images upon the stranger's mind and sight. Taking all this in, in a quick set of opening lids, the soul would no sooner than she had awoken be stung with a furious and vicious set of waves, the invisible force shooting pain through the vixens figure to ache her bones and muscles, making it more than impossible to get up and practically unbearable to feel any more. Numb. That was what her body would become after only a few moments of this continuous torture, the female unable to fight back as there was nothing to do but lay on her back and take it. Lungs growing and decreasing as the crisp air she breathed would be released and gained each time agony would fill her, a sudden burst of it nearly took her breath, the force enough to shake the fae to her side where jaws would part slightly, enough of the female to cough up a sickening taste of her own liquids. It took a gruesome minute or so before Braelyn would stop with the ability to finally catch her breath and open her eyes again. But what she was met with was no longer the sight of the sky but a pool of blood beneath her.

Confused. Why was she so confused? It was no doubt to her this was her own as she had just coughed up the dark substance but why she had was the part the female questioned. The part she wished to find out. Tongue slipping out of her muzzle to lick the stains from her face, Braelyn would slowly come to find all of her footing, hoisting herself up steadily with the complaint from her body. She would need to find water. To clean herself off would be the start to finding out why she was bleeding so much or if she was bleeding at all. Green hues lifting to see the surrounding area, nothing to her was familiar. Trees taller than anything she could remember would tower over her and continue on for what seemed like miles. The sky that was once blue now danced with color of midnight, the rumblings of earth fighting as the darkened sky danced with electricity. How long had she been on the ground? It did not feel like longer than a few minutes. Auds rising to listen to the surrounding sounds to get a sense of what was here, nothing but a silence rang. It's tuneless tone comforting than it would be frightening as she continued to scan the area, looking for anything to tell her which direction to go or at least to give Braelyn a clue to where she was exactly.

Taking a step forward, then again, one after the other the fae would start her journey but that had been short lived as her eyes caught sight of someone she never thought she would see again. Her mother. Lightened in the darkness around, Braelyn would begin to let curiosity take over and as the figure of her creator slowly backed away, the Delta would follow, picking up her pace more and more to keep up with the increasing speed of the damn fae before her. Wanting to know what the hell she was doing here and why she was not dead like Braelyn had thought. Sure enough, the female was in a run, her muscles and bones loudly complaining to the rushed movement but swallowing the pain, Braelyn would run with the intent on catching up and figuring out all the answers to her now mind-bombarding questions. Dodging the foliage and woodland plants, in a matter of moments a surge of victory came upon her as she would almost catch the figure before plummeting down. Body crashing into the sharp edges of rocks and spikes of bushes and thorns that scattered about the sloped ground, for what seemed like an endless amount of pain was cut off as her figure hit the flat terrain with a large impact, enough to once more put her body back to it's current, motionless state she had started out with.

The bastard she called mother was now gone, and as her green orbs searched around where they could to see where it she could have gone, a streak of color was all Braelyn saw before once more her body was filled with pain, the burning sensation too much for her to handle as the fae went cold, numbing down to feel only nothing. The world was torn away from her sight, the once illuminated forest from the night's slaves disappearing as everything vanished into utter darkness...

As if all the pain had been real, the Delta awoke from her slumber with a burning pain in her legs though it was quickly replaced by the numbed adrenaline that coursed her figure that had originated from the rapid beating of her heart. The sound enough to be heard in her own auds as it vibrated her body. Orbs scanning her surroundings, it was not hard to tell that were she laid had been in the clearing. Foolishly, yes but in her own den it was too stiff and uncomfortable to lay down in. There was never a comfortable position but with the soft snow substance, it just was more relaxing. As if she had suffered enough, this torture was by far the most unpleasant she had ever had to encounter. No border runs, no hunting, not being able to do all her usual things. It sucked. The Delta would have never thought of herself becoming a mother, one being she would be unable to rightfully provide for them like a true one should. Like her mother never did for her or taught her. What was done was done however and there was nothing that could be changed now.

Hoisting herself up after finding the proper footing, her dark fur was drenched with melted water, the remaining mount falling off her coat with the help gravity as she stood. Though not a moment too soon as an individual would find herself coming closer. So this must be our dear captive... Braelyn had not seen much of the fae around camp, most likely drowning in her sorrows or self pity inside Teren's death as she planned an escape or whatever. Anything the ebony fae did, was not her concern. Auds rotating as the other addressed her and stated her business, the Delta yawned faintly before giving a nod in agreement. I can't do borders but I can play baby-sitter for a grown adult... Huffing inaudibly, Braelyn chose to think no more on the matter of her limited activity and instead followed after the other. A few paces behind to give the fae some space.

Where the other took her was someplace that warmed her, a memory replaying as perhaps her new favorite. Isle De Muerto was where she had meet Desoto, a brute from Agavos that had undoubtedly captured her heart between a moment on these very cliffs to just that day in Lavender Grace just a few weeks ago. Green orbs gazing around, scanning the familiar scenery, the Delta caught near the corner of her eyes the sight of the other glancing at her but only for a minute before asking whatever was on her mind. Slightly rolling her eyes, Braelyn found no need to speak of her actions in reason to why she carried offspring now but instead would weave around the subject. This captive had no need to know her business as the Delta had no need to know of hers. "Whether you're asking why I follow Teren or why I would let myself carry any ounce of his genes, there is no solidified answer to give."

"The brute has done me no wrong, has not done anything specifically to me that would stir such pointless anger like others come to feel from just hearing stories-rumors. I do not follow Teren because I am some naive loyal subordinate, nor do I live under his rule because I am forced. I only do so as I have found no reason to leave, to start over in an unfamiliar environment."
Pausing for a moment, Braelyn would gaze around until continuing. Finishing off on both points to either one the captive had been referring too. "As for why I would let myself carry any of his pups... I didn't do it for him or myself." Going silent after, the Delta came upon realization she did not know this faes name and if the captive was to be living in Erenyx until Teren got tired of her, she might as well learn it. "What is your name? I'm afraid I have not gotten a chance to learn it other than what others gossip."

"speech" | mind... | actions
| Maybe One Day We Can All Be Bullet-Proof |    
@Juno | 1484 | No Notes c:  

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Beta Fel
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Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2016, 20:22

Sniffing about, it was clear that no one was here. Fel strode with purpose over the terrain, looking for potential training sites for her favourite creature. Those little paws needed a firmer grasp on risky ground, but the beta never wanted to endanger her ever again. How easy it would be to say that she didn’t care if she lived or died. Words are meaningless productions of the vocal box, but true meaning was something much more difficult. But Fel was a generally honest wolf, and therefore found this enunciation of meaning came easily. Yet that particular statement, so true in the months prior, was now a lie. And therefore Fel avoided the idea. Narla mattered, and that was that.

It was a while before the brutish fae caught the scent of others. Finding the stench of multiple wolves a peculiar occurrence at this time and place, she diverted her route to investigate. Ears erect, tail snaking behind her, and frame tall, the raven wolf approached with a neutral caution. Lifeless orbs fixated on the forms, which cleared into distinct and recognizable wolves with time. One was an Erenyx fae, unimportant to her memory. The other was Beta Juno of Helidos. But something was off. Why was Juno with an Erenyx wolf? Why were both of their stomachs swelling with young? Why was it that they both smelled of Teren’s pack? Fel approached at a swifter rate now, her packed fur bouncing in rhythm with her stride until she finally came to a complete stop before them. Gaze flickering between the two, she rumbled, “Why is it that a Beta of Helidos is strolling about with an Erenyx fae?” She glanced to Juno, partly in recognition and partly in realization. The scent of Erenyx was coming too strongly from her, and from what she knew of Juno, she would never amble around with the likes of this other. She knew of the war and its most obvious consequence, but not of the rest. But now, she had suspicions. Quirking a brow, she queried, “Marrok?” Her gaze kept floating between them, not entirely trusting either. To the other… less significant one, she commented bluntly, “Strange. I don’t recall you. Or perhaps that is not so strange at all.”
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Juno of Helidos
Juno of Helidos

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Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Icon_minitimeFebruary 26th 2016, 22:55

The captive looked upon the other with mutual respect, her green eyes timid yet full of awe when taking in the surrounding view. She inhaled slowly, allowing the new air to refresh her lungs before letting it all out through her mouth. It could most easily be mistaken for a sigh, though she seemed less fearful of the other's reaction towards it. What more could the Delta female do to her that Teren hadn't already after all? However, Juno held her composure and flitted her eyes gracefully over the fae's form and nodded with understanding. Perhaps it wasn't the time to discuss such topics, but she felt relieved to know it was for a greater good. She didn't know the extent of the other's time outside of Erenyx, and chose not to go into depth about it with questions that would more than likely be kept unanswered. Far away from comfort in her pack-lands, the onyx fae continued to move forwards when seeing the fae catch up. She didn't have to look at the other now to answer, "So there's another.. I wish you both the best. They're very fortunate to have a brave she-wolf, such as you, in their life." At this point, the former Beta no longer cared whether or not she were right, what good was it to argue anymore. Rolling back her shoulders, she took a whiff of the air and squinted out into the later light curiously. The wind took a different route, taking the scent she had thought to of caught in time in another direction, and far from what she could specifically identify from. It was familiar, but she said no word of it, perhaps someone was there to save her, or better yet, kill her and the genes she carried.

Turning her head back to Braelyn, she half-expected the fae to not be interested in her at all, though perhaps the pack-word about her did leave most questioning Teren's authority over her. She could only imagine what they wanted to know out of her, and she was fortunate to say she'd never said anything of Helidos and the way they worked. Home was far, as was she, they could take any advantage at any given moment upon her. It was like knowing the time of one's death, but not knowing how they'd die. She found it a bit interesting to know that, even despite all the word being spread, the delta female had little knowledge of her own name. "Juno." She stated rather quietly, her eyes finding themselves fixated on a shadow that drew closer to them. A small breathe sucked into her mouth as she lightly gasped, noticing the wolf and their fiery blue hues from a far. The captive let out a small laugh. Never had she ever been particularly excited to see Fel, for there was a long line of indifference between their perspectives, but the fact someone she knew was still alive was very satisfying and assuring. She couldn't help but allow the end of her tail to flicker impatiently as the other climbed over to them, "Looks like we've got company." Juno said to the Delta, ignoring the chance to look to see if she were paying attention. Just as expected, she watched as Fel neared them and questioned her position, which made her ears subtly pin against her head.

"I'm not the Beta anymore.." She trailed, finding the strength to peer to Fel without dropping her head in absolute shame for herself. Helidos certainly wasn't the strongest, she had begun to question whether it truly ever was before the great divide. Juno grew quite certain that since Teren's reign, the atmosphere over all the packs made it clear who was the stronger among them. She noticed the glances made between both her and the Delta, sensing the lack of comfort in the Beta as two mutuals towards the lesser known figure. "Marrok..," The name made her chest hurt as she stared into the larger fae's eyes, her hues expressing pain while she could hardly find the words, "Marrok perished in the war and I've become a capture to Erenyx.." She averted her gaze for a small second before forcing herself to turn back, she held her ground firmly and raised her head a tad higher. "I'm held responsible in carrying Teren's young.. though I assure you, it was not my decision."
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Beta Fel
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Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Icon_minitimeFebruary 29th 2016, 21:48

OOC Summary: Fel gave the proposition to Juno and Braelyn that their pups could be taken to Agavos for their safety, after making a case about the pup fights while knowing that Juno would be protective of her pups. They agreed to the operation at a designated time and place, and Fel left with a smile on her face, intending to discuss the plan with Desmond upon his earliest convenience.
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PostSubject: Re: Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Alternative Endings [Beta Fel, Delta Braelyn, Private] Icon_minitime

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