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Lead Warrior Claudia
Lead Warrior Claudia

Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-10-15
Location : Èire

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PostSubject: Layers |Open| Layers |Open| Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2016, 15:05

We are the poisonedyouth
She had been wandering around rather aimlessly for the past hours. Her paws were weary but her step was light and determined. She had been feeling quite claustrophobic back in the pack clearing, surrounded by groups of wolves whom she knew none of but all seemed to know each other. She didn't mind her own company she just preferred being completely alone when that was the company she relied on. Not that she'd turn down the opportunity to make a few acquaintances, definitely wouldn't hurt to know a few other than Magnus and Chiara. She only semi-knew Killian due to being paired with him. Her large and muscular form continued forward at a brisk pace- single green eye flicking from side to side and ears twitching, alert for the sound of another.  The lands that surrounded her held an almost surprising beauty to them. Little things made her feel awe at the way they looked but this was definitely a strong contester. She walked through the trees, feeling their delicate petals of dusty pink softly drifting down to land in her grey pelt. She lifted her nose and exhaled sharply through her nostrils as one of the petals landed on the black leathery skin. Amused, a small chuckle escaped her as a small smile curled at the corners of her maw before her expression once again became guarded save the sly mischievous glint in her eye and silence would follow. She continued on.

Maybe an hour later or maybe more or even less she was not sure, the large muscular fae found herself sitting by one of the pretty trees. Her back rested on its rough bark and she stared out at the moonlit forest. When she'd set out it had been evening and the sun had been sinking from a sky of magnificent colours but now the only light provided was silver and came from the moon hanging high overhead. At least it was a cloudless night and the moon was bright. She gazed up at the stars that twinkled high overhead feeling an odd sadness opening up in her chest. She was not sure where exactly it came from but it confused her slightly. She'd never been one to really give into emotions, sure they were there but she avoided them through sniggers and jokes but now with nothing to distract her the reality of things caught up with her. Lashing her tail across the grass until it hit the base of the tree, she watched quietly as some petals jumped into the crisp air as they were disturbed by her movements. Shutting her eyes, she reopened them again and grit her teeth. She was okay, hey things may have sucked before but now she was okay. Now she was an equal and even more at that, a Lead Warrior! She was no longer a slave for brutes, an annoyance because of her eye. She was a Lead Warrior that deserved damn respect! Growling softly, a noise caught her attention as she focused her weaker gaze on the spot it came from. However before she even saw it her other sharper senses picked up the sound and scents. A large rat was scurrying along the roots of the other trees. Instantly dropping into what seemed like a surprisingly stealthy crouch considering her large size, she began to slowly move across the swaying grass silently. She was careful to avoid any twigs that could snap or bright pools of moonlight that would illuminate her as she continued forward, pausing to scent its direction when her sight failed her. Finally it was within distance and she could pretty much feel its fear upon the realization of what was following it.

It turned to run but it was already too late, strong hind legs flung the wolves body forward as her forepaws landed on the rodent's squirming body. She bent down swiftly and crunched her fangs through the neck, killing. Standing proudly with the large rat still dangling from her jaws, she finally opened her mouth and let it fall onto the stained grass. "I'm as good as any bloody wolf in these lands, and if not equal than better due to what I've been through." She whispered to herself quietly and with a strange ferocity. Finally the her that others got to see seemed to return as a sly and slightly cocky smile fell into place and she bent down to feast. Her insecurities had returned down deep where they belonged out of sight.

I'd be really happy if someone could join this, I really need to get Claudia to interact more with wolves from any pack so I can develop her personality.
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Warrior Rook
Warrior Rook

Posts : 19
Join date : 2016-03-16

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PostSubject: Re: Layers |Open| Layers |Open| Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2016, 23:19

The black femme had little to no idea where she was going and nor was she seeking out anyplace. A calm slid over her, she wasn't rattled and she didn't even think that the time leading up to now had been stressful - at least more than usual. Still she found herself slipping away from the territory to go wander around elsewhere. Agavos' lands were plenty large but she felt trapped within the scents and the wolves. She didn't want solitude but she didn't want company either indecision will get you killed she thought almost instantly before relaxing again. She doubted that it was true, sometimes indecision was a tool to use to make others think that you cared or were contemplating, sometimes it was simply there.

Rook sighed, taking a moment to glance up at the stars. She didn't want to be away from her newfound pack too long but she needed to wander - feel the sky stretch out above her as she breathed in the open space. No pack wolves, no borders, no warriors, she let her stride lengthen comfortably. No responsibilities snipped a sarcastic voice in her head that she ignored. She didn't care anyways, it would be work to seek out another pack if she chose to do so she wouldn't let this pack control her this much. Liar she had no idea where the thought had come from, frowning she shook it off. She let her paws find their own way around, she would only slip away for the night and return to her borders the next morning. This is nice the female thought contentedly. Sometimes she wondered what more a wolf could ask for, but she knew there was more to being a wolf than causing trouble on borders and looking for the next meal when one had pack. At least that is what some seem to think she finished bitterly.

The moon is out her thoughts shifted and she tried to relax again. Her gait had become more tense and she lengthed it again before moving on. It was gorgeous, she admitted to herself, but she wasn't here to enjoy the beauty - well in a way she was. If it was internal. How deep I'm getting she attempted a smile but failed. Moving on she tried not to go deeper. Everyone had something, if not regrets, and this female was no exception. Even if she did pretend to be.

Not wanting to sour her mood further she flicked her ears as the petals descended and inhaled and exhaled. She was vaguely paying attention to her surroundings but wasn't looking for anything. Her ears whirled towards the direction of sound. It appeared that a female wolf was tearing into a rodent. Rook was prepared to move on, she hadn't been able to distinguish the words of the female and the morsel was hardly worth the trouble of attempting to fight for it. She wasn't even hungry. Still she didn't move, and instead found herself picking her way towards the female. It can't hurt too much she mused before the thought twisted unless this female bites her canines almost flashed a grin but she tempered her expression. After further inspection it appeared the female was from another pack in this area, she supposed she ought to be civil at least. She had little idea of the politics between the packs. If this wolf decided to be hostile though then she would play that game gladly.
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