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More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu)

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Hunter Cocum
Hunter Cocum

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PostSubject: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 20th 2016, 02:51

Cocum had yet to explore the land that belonged to the pack, but the smell of the salty water had called upon him. The sun was high and despite it being spring with winter close by the temperature was lovely. Cocum stepped out from the trees and the sight of the beach and the salty water had a calming effect on him. Sure he was more relaxed now that he was welcomed into this pack, but the nerves were still there. He walked out to the water and watched how the small waves rolled against his paws. He hung his head down relaxing his neck and shoulders before he rolled around in the water, it was a thing he had enjoyed to do with his sister and it have always made him happy. So why shouldn’t he make himself more happy with a memory from when he was a pup. To him it seemed like a perfect way to start his new life in the pack. He had yet to meet the other wolves beside Alpha Magnus, but he was sure that he would soon meet the others, if not by accident or when he walked around the pack areas. He got up and shook some of the sand out of his fur before he walked a bit further up the shore. He found a nice spot where the sun shined bright. He laid down there for a moment before he could feel his eyes close and he drifted to a relaxing slumber…

He woke up to the sound of birdsong and he looked around for a moment before he decided that it would be better if he got up now that his fur was dry again. He got up and stretched his legs before he walked out to the water before he sat down and looked at the birds that flew over his head, for a moment he was lost in the memory of him and his sister playing by a beach when they were nothing more than pups who didn’t knew about the cruelty of their father.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 20th 2016, 17:01

The tips of Tatsu's grey, black guard hairs billowed in the wind. The fresh ocean air whipping it around, dragging cool air through her pelt. Inhaling deeply, Tatsu enjoyed the cooling sensation. Pyrvanthros was far warmer in temperatures than her Northern Valley pack. Making her thick furred pelt more than a little bit of a nuisance as the weather started heating up. This is what brought the fae to the seafoam shore. Wishing to cool off in the chilly salt water, Tatsu had found herself making her way in that direction. She'd just finished up another fruitless patrol of the borders, finding nothing more than a few chattering squirrels. A let down for Tatsu, who was eager to take up that portion of her new duties as Delta.

Despite this, Tatsu's mood was still serene. Her large sturdy looking paws moving at a steady pace towards the shore line. It wasn't until she was closer that Tatsu noticed the form of another. Shoulders rolling forward some, the Delta raised her broad face to the wind. Her nose twitching to catch the scent of the stranger. His scent wasn't as strong as some of the older members of Pyrvanthros. Suggesting the brute was on the newer side. Shoulders relaxing back down, Tatsu raised her tail to the proper height for her rank within the pack. Her pale oculars fixed upon the stranger whom, she discovered was a brute from his musk. Curious about the newcomer, Tatsu strode up until her paws were being lapped by the water. " Enjoying the view?" She remarks, her voice soft but as always it held a fierce undertone. Her pale yellow oculars fixed upon the onyx colored male, taking in his body condition. Trying to decide what she thought he might be. It was sometimes hard to tell in Pyrvanthros. They had a hunter one would swear to be a warrior, an Alphess who was pint sized. The unexpected seemed to be a theme for those in the miss matched pack.
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Hunter Cocum
Hunter Cocum

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 21st 2016, 01:07

Cocum turned his head when he heard a voice, he bowed his head a bit in a greeting “ The view is beautiful, so yes it is easy to get lost in such a beautiful and calm view. But this time it was my memory who stole my concentration. " he admitted in a gentle voice. He got up and turned around to look at the fae, the scent of the pack were strong on her suggesting that she had been here a long time. He was pretty sure that the scent of the pack yet had to be strong on him. Perhaps it wasn’t even noticeable unless you tried hard to find a scent. “ A pleasure to meet a pack mate. My name is Cocum and who are you if it isn’t too rude to ask for a name." he said happiness as he once more were surprised on how his words just seemed to roll off his tongue with such ease. He looked closer at the fae without staring at her directly, her fur was thick and he could imagine how hot she must feel in the summer that was soon to come. One of his friends have had a thick fur like that and could often be found swimming around in the water or staying in the shadow during the summer, but once the winter came he would be running around in the snow when others would stick together in their dens. The memory caused a joy to light up his eyes and he did not try to hide it. He looked down at his paws when he felt the water wash over them.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2016, 11:19

Whether or not the brute had heard her approach, Tatsu was unsure. She was however pleased that her presence hadn't startled him. When he turned to face her, she found a pair of bluish grey oculars looking back at her. Noting his lack of direct eye contact and the incline of his skull, Tatsu relaxed her posture. The male's gentle tone was respectful enough she felt it unnecessary to up keep her dominant stance. Her thick ears coming forward at the sound of his voice, Tatsu watched as the brute turn around completely to look at her. He was slightly taller than her at the shoulder blades, though his fur was shorter he made up for it in muscle. Head cocking sideways Tatsu's lips twitched at he mentioned his mind getting the better of him. A feeling Tatsu was quite accustomed to herself she nods. " It's a good place for that too..." She murmurs, thinking of the many days she'd spent out by the water upon her arrival in Pyrvanthros.

At the dark furred brute's introduction Tatsu's thoughts snapped back to their conversation. " Cocum you say?" She repeats trying the name out on her tongue. " Well Cocum it's nice to meet a newcomer to Pyrvanthros. Our borders have been slow of late. Welcome, I am Delta Tatsu. " She says, her pale oculars flashing proudly. She enjoyed her title as Delta, proud to serve Pyrvanthros to the best of her ability. " May I ask what rank you now hold here? and where you come from?" She inquires, wanting to know what to expect from the male. Curious as to what individual had accepted him at the borders, she felt a bit disappointed it hadn't been herself. Despite her pleasant tone, Tatsu's eyes were more difficult to read. She'd spent most of her life trying to hide her emotions, now days she was trying to be more open. This however was a slow process, one the newly appointed Delta was still coming to grips with. Awaiting Cocum's response, Tatsu turned her face into a gust of salty air. Her pale oculars closing momentarily, lungs filling to their max before she exhaled. Her eyes opening again, keeping careful watch of her present company. He may of been accepted into Pyrvanthros as a member, but that didn't mean he automatically gained her trust. Though from what she had discovered about him so far, he wouldn't be terribly hard to get along with.
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Hunter Cocum
Hunter Cocum

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2016, 11:54

Cocum chuckled a bit “ Indeed it is. ” he said in a neutral tone as he watched how Tatsu changed her stance. He relaxed himself; he didn’t need to be on the bad side of any of his pack mates at the first couple of days.” A pleasure to meet you Delta Tats ” he said and bowed his head slightly before he looked out into the water and sat down again “ I’m a Hunter, I was accepted into the pack by your Alpha Magnus. He made me decide whether my skills were used best as a hunter or as a warrior. ” he said as he inhaled the fresh air. Spending so long, time alone made him really enjoy the company he had gotten. “ Well of my past it can be cut short. I came from a pack known as Calym, my father went mad and I had enough of it so I left after I had brought my sister to another pack. ” he said shortly not going into any details and making sure that he didn’t mention that he was born to be alpha. He knew that some would see it as an offense and he did not want that. “ If it isn’t too rude to ask, but where did you come from before this pack, or were you born in it? ” he asked her curiously trying to sound friendly not wanting to offend her in any way. He looked up at the seagulls as they flew above his head how nice it must be to be able to fly around as you want he thought. He had often envied the birds their ability to fly everywhere they wanted, but after the death of his mother he had found it more important to stay where he was and take care of his siblings.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2016, 11:39

Tatsu allowed her well muscled haunches to sink into the wet sand beneath her. Her thick ears slanted forward in order to listen to the brute as he spoke. Her pale oculars fixed upon him steadily, trying to get a better feel for the male. Was he a good fit for the pack? Would he abide by the rules? Follow herself and the Alphas accordingly? She couldn't help but wonder these things as the male spoke. It was her job to assure that respect was given to her Alphess and Alpha. A job she took very seriously, but as the male continued she felt he held promise. His tone remained polite, his eyes averted. He relaxed in her presence and seemed comfortable just chatting with her. Though his words about his past were short, Tatsu couldn't blame him. She despised speaking of her own past, it hurt, no matter how much time had passed.

Realizing the brute had finished speaking, Tatsu blinks. Collecting her thoughts she nods some. " We can always used skilled hunters in Pyrvanthros. Be sure to acquaint yourself with our Lead Hunter Zephyr. He can answer any questions you may have." She remarks her tone formal. Her eyes sliding over him, before back to the calming waves before them. " As for your past, my condolences. May I ask why you did not bring your sister here to our lands? " Her voice had softened slightly. She knew what it was like to lose a father to such a thing. Her father had also in a way gone mad. Or at least that was the only explanation that made sense in Tatsu's mind. Curious to hear why Cocum hadn't brought his sister along, Tatsu wasn't quite prepared to answer about her own past. Swallowing some, she kept her eyes on the waves. " It wasn't long ago I would of refused to answer such inquires." She admits, more to herself than to him. " I came here to Pyrvanthros for a second chance. I was born in the North Valley pack, a large pack that lives at the base of a distant mountain. My father also caused me to leave. He killed someone I loved..." Her voice though still strong hesitated, as if it wished to crack. She continued on however, her pale oculars flashing with unreadable emotions. " I admit, I am still coping with the consequences of my departure from home. It was complicated to say the least..." She huffs slightly, one of her large paws scuffing the wet sand below. " Never the less, I am here now. Trying to put all that behind me, as I am sure you are aswell." She finishes, her head turning to look at him once more.

[ Please be careful to double check your posts for spelling errors. ^^]
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Hunter Cocum
Hunter Cocum

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2016, 02:12

Cocum listened to her story and the question about why he didn’t bring his sister with him troubled him a bit. Why didn’t he bring his sister with him? He could easily convince her mate to come, then why didn’t he? “ My sister fell in love with a male from another pack. My father didn’t like the male but I could see how much my sister loved him. So when she told me about her plan to leave our birth pack to join her mate’s pack. I agreed to help her cross the border. Our father had gone made and was paranoid, waiting for an attack that only he knew was coming. He made some of the strongest males guard our border. I followed my sister to our border where we were met by two males that had been looking at my sister the wrong way for far too long. I asked them to let us past them at first, they refused. In the end I killed one of them, the first time I ever killed a wolf, after that the second male fled. I followed my sister to the border of her mate’s pack and left her there. I was confident that he would take good care of her. Of course I could have convinced him to come with me, but I saw how well my sister were felling in his presence and their territory were well guarded and prey could often be found. I walked back to my father and our pack. I told him that I had enough of his madness and I left. The last thing I heard my father say was when he disowned me. After that I walked around alone before I stumbled across this border I liked the territory and the feeling that I had around the land. So I decided that I might as well see if I could get accepted. ” he finished his story, it was the first time he had ever told most of the story, of course he had told Alpha Magnus when that he had killed one wolf, and why he did it.” I’m sorry for asking about your past ” he apologized before he looked at Tatsu “ I’m sorry for your loss. I know how it is when those you love turn mad. It’s like the wolf you knew they were died, but you could still see their eyes, their fur and their voice would still be the same. But they are different. ”. He sat down and looked at the water “ My father killed my mother after she had given birth to my younger siblings. It was made public. He called the pack together, and then he made sure that I and my siblings were in front. He killed her himself. I pushed my siblings away before they saw him kill her. After that I admit that I hated my father, the only thing that kept me in the pack were my siblings. After I had followed my sister to her love and seen that my father’s madness had also taken my other siblings I left. ” he said and turned his head to look at her.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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PostSubject: Re: More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) More to see and more to know (Delta Tatsu) Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2016, 15:09

[ My apologies this is late and not very good. Trying to get back into the swing of things! ]

Sitting in silence Tatsu listened as Cocum spoke. Once again she was half surprised when the hunter answered her question. She'd half expected him to push it off or avoid it. It's what she would of done. Yet here he was, sitting before her his voice filling her ears. Inclining her skull as he finished Tatsu cast her mind around for words. " I'm sure your sister appreciates what you did for her." She comments, pale oculars sincere. " As for your father... it was his loss and Pyrvanthros gain." He words are soft but firm. She wanted Cocum to know that he was valued in the pack. All the wolves were, even the newest members.

Blinking as the dark furred hunter continued, Tatsu looked down. It felt odd to hear others apologize for her past. Probably because she felt so guilty about it. Nodding some, she gives a solemn smile in his direction. Her eyes however remained on the shimmering waves ahead as he finished up his story. How was it that some could be so cruel? She wondered, looking to Cocum as a brief silence lapsed between them. " The world is unsually cruel... at least sometimes it seems that way to me." She admits, her pale oculars watching him. " I hope we can help you heal, here. If there is anything I've learned its that the pain we've felt never fully goes away. But with some effort we can learn to handle it, harness it in a way that allows us to move on with our lives."
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