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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread]

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Alpha Teren
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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2016, 09:43

only the strong are worthy to live

600 Words
All Of Erenyx
At the early rise of morning, Teren was standing in the center of his pack clearing. His paws pressed tight to the soil, and his head was held high. His tail hung lifelessly behind his form. Ears ever so alert and ready rested atop the very peak of his dome. Emerald eyes peered over the lands. He watched as the sun slowly started to rise and cast long shadows over the lands. It was then that he had decided it was time. He raised his chin high into the sky, calling out for his pack as his voice echoed off the trees. Birds fled from their nests, disturbed by his mighty sound. As he lowered his head, he stared out at the approaching wolves. He made eye contact with none. When they had all gathered, brutes and faes alike, he spoke out to them. His voice was deep, but loud enough for all to hear. "Judgement day has come for all of you. Everyone will follow me to the lands of my choosing and there you will be told what I expect out of you." He walked without another word, heading through the Erenyx lands, seeking the best place for his challenge. Yes, Erenyx had won the war, but he did not want his pack to become weak or complacent. That was one of the many things that could ruin an entire pack... complacency.

Holding his head in his dominant manner, he knew exactly where he wanted to go now. The sun was rising even more than before as time passed them by. He watched more shadows shrinking with each passing moment. When he made it to the Moor, he stopped. He turned around to face his pack and waited for the others to stop behind him. When all the wolves had gathered, he stared out to them. "Behind me, lies the Moor, as you all know by now. Here will be the battlegrounds for my own plans. We have defeated Helidos, but we are nowhere near completed with them. There is still much more to do. Surely by this time, they have gathered up a new Alpha. But this is not the only pack I am concerned with. There have sprung up two other packs within these lands. Agavos has taken much from us, from wolves to even food. They are ran by a fool, a Rogue who believes him to be their savior. Another pack has been started by Magnus and Chiara, the traitors of our own lands. They seem to have started quite the gathering now. Who knows what they will try to do, but since their pack is young and fresh, I doubt any wolves will be able to stop us, should we attack their lands and take what is rightfully ours!" It was obvious that Teren was angered by these growing packs. Why did they deserve to live and thrive while Erenyx was doing nothing? "The only wolves who will not participate today are offspring and the Captives... All others will be forced to fight. The objective of today - defeat your opponent. I will pair you up against another wolf and when the pairs are formed, you will have just five rounds to prove your worth to me. To my high ranking wolves, I suggest you give it your all, for we all know what Erenyx wolves love... Power. For all you others, if I feel you are not doing your very best, I will defeat you myself, in front of everyone. Need I remind you all what has happened to those who oppose me?"

Once everyone posts one time, I will pair all the wolves with one another. Each pair will be give 5 rounds to complete their fight, at the end, ranks will be given out and all that jazz. Good luck and have fun with it!

To commit crimes | To think of evils | "Speak only evil"
would it really be so bad to die?
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Lead Healer Cliché
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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2016, 10:09

The morning was raw with the fresh, dew scent coating the millions of blades of greenery across the sacred land. Erenyx was a lot of things to her, home as one, but certainly far from normal, she liked to personally clarify. Sometimes she'd wake up to one of the most peaceful views, but nothing seemed particularly peaceful about it. An object of such menace may appear innocent, though any intelligent being would know that wasn't the case. There was always mystery. The prickling of hairs on the back of her neck made her feel as though the spring morning was not one of the norm. Her maw formed a flat line as she heard the call of the alpha overwhelm her ears, the twitch of her triangular shaped ears rising to the attention. The sound was almost foreign to her, for it had been quite a while since the pack has gathered, at least since the war. The lead healer shuddered to her dismay and slowly raised up from the den floor to lightly shake out her honey gold pelt. Without a minute left to spare tidying her coat, she moved out into the clearing with haste and kept a steady trained eye for those which she had recalled in her time here - looking for a certain someone above all the heads as she neared the source of the call. Wherever the Elder stood, she'd eventually find him and huff once before turning her attention towards the one in control. His dark, peppered pelt made her squint, curious to know how much time he had left within his reign and suspicious to see how he'd die in the end. She couldn't quite say she hated him, she understood his ways and thus followed them, but if there were a rebellion, she'd be one of the many to stand up against the brute in the end, truly. Loyalty was just a game. As he spoke, she resisted the urge to bite the inside of her cheek as a way from keeping her quiet, and sat with poise until he guided them elsewhere.

It had been long since she had returned to the Moor, it was that just of a blur, but the memory was still there at the back of her mind. Her eyes gazed over the jutting rocks and mounds of grassland that wait before the crowd of wolves, quietly observing the grounds while the alpha male spoke among them. As he discussed the war, her mind would tune out, she didn't care who won in the end, but the casualties that followed. Numbers were crucial, she understood that well enough, but the fact one could carry on so effortlessly knowing another that used to be by their side was dead, was something more to her than anyone else. Cliché swallowed the guilt bubbling inside and kept her eyes trained on the surroundings to hold her down until Teren was through with his petty speech. It was obvious enough by his first few sentences as to why he has brought them here, why waste more time speaking, she thought a tad bitterly to herself while her paws pressed back and forth against the ground. The mention of Magnus and Chiara made her head turn, however. She had heard rumors of them rebelling to create a pack, but she couldn't help but wonder how they were over there with their daughter here. Of course, she was of age now and could cater alone, but didn't they miss her, or at least, worry for her? Cliché dropped the subject and paid more attention to the matter with silence. As soon as the alpha male was done, her eyes darted back to the Elder and nodded quietly in her place before edging a bit closer to him with the attempt to leave no suspicion. She'd be damned if the alpha knew what slight interests she may have in the other, but she had yet to uncover that much just as well.
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Captive Yuki
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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2016, 16:02

Yuki was disturbed from her exasperatedly restless sleep by the vociferous cacophony of a baritone howl, and she wearily shoved herself to her paws, her flint gray gaze narrowed in patent resentment. What the hell is going on…? The brash thought crossed her mind almost immediately, and she swiftly attempted to jerk the exhaustion from her demeanor. She had no idea why she was having so much trouble getting to sleep as of late, but loud mouthed morons howling at the crack of dawn were certainly not making the task of staving off insomnia any easier. A passing inhale of the morning air drew a pungent odor to her attention, however, and her irritated scowl deepened somewhat in spite of her latent curiosity.

She emerged from her den with the rest of her pack mates, her disposition alert and wary as she sat herself along the outskirts of the crowd. Before them stood their oh so lovable alpha, as she’d suspected, his tone low and threatening as he barked out his commands. Though the lithe she-wolf usually displayed little more than apathy for her leader’s demands, glimpsing the green eyed behemoth now actually sent a diminutive tremor of trepidation crinkling down her spine in spite of fierce enmity. The last time he’d addressed them all at once like this, he’d been dragging the mutilated cadaver of lark behind him, forcefully shoving his underlings into a chaotic, completely useless war. She narrowed her eyes slightly at his use of the phrase ‘judgement day,’ her austere expression tainted somewhat with pensive curiosity. She wasn’t exactly certain what it was he had planned for them, but she knew it likely wouldn’t be any leisurely stroll along the beach. A minuscule smirk of challenge tugged at the edge of her maw at the thought, her resolve for triumph temporarily dousing her displeasure. Whatever it is, I will weather it.

She padded along behind her pack mates as they followed their demagogue to the hunting moor, the pungent aroma of stale rabbit and deer writhing through the crisp morning air. She halted upon noticing his pause, and she lifted her snout somewhat as he began to address them, her former unease returning and intensifying with every fear mongered, rage powered word he spat. They weren’t finished with Helidos? Why? What more did he want? To watch countless more of his own warriors be slaughtered for an unclear cause? Oh, she remembered the glories of that fruitless war: copious lifeless eyes beading up at her, darkness descending over her cognizance as she collapsed from blood loss. Boy, wasn’t that just a fun day?

The next pack he mentioned in his droning speech was, as it so happened, the scout’s next target for investigation. She knew very little about Agavos, save for what Teren had mentioned: that their leader was a former rogue and a few of his followers had defected from Erenyx. At any other point in her life she would have viewed their abandonment with disdain, but now, after she had witnessed a few of Teren’s atrocities first hand, she was beginning to understand their motives.

A terrible pain grasped her chest like a perpetual vice at his mention of supposedly assaulting Pyrvanthros, a debilitating feeling she couldn’t remember experiencing for quite a while now. He… he wants to… attack them… She wasn’t certain why she was so stunned. It was Teren, the power hungry despot, the murderous slug, and the ruling pair of that pack were two of his former subordinates. Their success with the territory they own was undoubtedly a serious blow to his already well inflated ego. Of course he wanted to wage war against them. She just couldn’t help but think of Malachai, what could happen to him if he followed through with his asinine desires. Would he be maimed by one of her packmates? Would she or Tundra or Piper be pressed to harm him? Malachai thought of that pack as his family; could she really compel herself to attack any of the wolves he held dear? What would happen to her if she refused, what would happen to her goal…? Could he forgive her that? Could she forgive herself?

She expelled her quietly frantic concern with a quick huff, shoving the terrible feeling off into the pit of her gut. What’s the matter with you? Calm down. It’s just talk, not a promise. She scolded herself harshly, and she sunk her claws into the dirt as she released another low breath, silently forcing herself to look at the situation pragmatically, like she usually did. He was only making incredibly vague threats; it wasn’t as if he was divulging a battle plan to be imposed. Still, she resolved to keep the notion in the back of her mind. She would likely at least attempt to warn her friend of her alpha’s notions the next time she saw him.

Her ears pricked with patent alertness as their ruler explained the purpose of their early gathering, a keen glint of interest shining in the depths of her silver gaze as she returned her focus to him. So, this is a spar. It was exactly the kind of opportunity she needed. Indeed, the battle with Helidos had been beyond stupid, but… but she had been incapable of defeating the ginger brute. She hadn’t been able to secure victory over Banshee. She lost, horrifically, against her brother, and the various scars arching along her chest, shoulder, and eye burned intensively as she was reminded of her failures. If she wasn’t able to beat her opponents here, how could she expect to kill Hasoka? If she didn’t improve, then the same goddamn skirmish from before would just play out all over again. She would attack her sibling, and he would escape unharmed, except, the next time she saw him, she may not be so lucky as to walk away with her life. An intense determination burned like a wildfire within her at the thought, and she bared her teeth slightly, the force of her resolve filling her with the indomitable desire for success. Alright, Teren. Give me a challenge. She thought, her paws tensing with the unconquerable force of her will. I will not fail. Not this time.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2016, 17:55

Let's set fire to our insides, for fun.

She'd been leaning against the rough bark of a tree- eye's fluttering closed momentarily before snapping open again every few moments. She was tired but whenever she tried to sleep she was plagued by terrible nightmares, always ending with Samael lying dead at her paws and she'd wake not having any memory of the events that let up to that result. She hated not remembering parts of her dreams and that was quite a big chunk. She had pulled herself forward from the tree, mild interest crossing her hazel gaze as the powerful and commanding howl rung out through the trees. A few birds took panicked flight and she watched with near amusement for a few moments before shaking herself and moving silently in the direction of the call. It had been a while since there had been a mandatory pack meeting, actually the last time they'd all gathered together was just before the war and that was a couple of seasons ago now. She wondered what Teren had in mind and couldn't help but hope it was some kind of physical test like others he'd held. She had so much stress and pent up energy cooped within her and without any way to get unleashed it had been writhing in the pit of her stomach for days. Working her body physically with a reason for doing it even if it was just to please her sick, twisted alpha that she felt no loyalty towards, would help distract her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about Samael and figure out what he'd meant by saying they needed time alone. It definitely had not been the reaction she'd been expecting after admitting her whole past to him. Somehow he'd gotten the idea into his mind that she didn't know if she loved him. And she did, she did so much but somehow he'd deciphered her doubting she deserved him into her not thinking she loved him. She sighed heavily, face creased into a troubled frown.

Life had been so much easier when it had just been her.

Shaking her head, the blank mask would return and all visible emotions were expertly pushed to the very back of her mind as the Guardian strolled into the area where her packmates were beginning to gather. Her eyes darted around the clearing lazily as she took in who was here. She was one of the first to arrive it seemed as siding Teren, there were only two others here yet. But then again, Erenyx had been seeming a lot smaller recently. She hoped that would change under Samael's rule, he deserved a large strong pack to rule. She'd blink a number of times, trying to force the Exiled brute from her mind and focus on what was going on. She glanced at the others, recognizing them vaguely. She'd never met one but she'd heard enough about her to know she was Cliché, the pack's lead healer. The other was Yuki, the scout whom she'd met once before. She'd had a fiery temper and Tundra smirked inwardly at the memory, she'd liked the fae's attitude.

She dipped her head politely in greeting to her alpha before using the same gesture in the direction of her gathered packmates before turning her attention back to Teren as he began to speak once everyone was gathered. She only half listened to what Teren spoke of the other packs. She already had her own knowledge on them and knew Teren well enough to know he just wanted power from them. However she hoped if things got rough with pyrvanthros that Malachai would keep safe. She'd hate to be forced to have to fight him, Chiara or Magnus and the thought made her stomach twist uneasily and her attention fixed more fully on the brute. Tundra let an eager mask fall over her as Teren finished his speech about taking back what was theres and blah blah blah, it seemed to be what he was looking for anyway and as his Guardian she supposed she should provide him with some sort of reaction. Her creamy tail lashed over the short grass with a real eagerness as he spoke of what they were going to do. Sparring, perfect! She sprang to her paws easily, stretching out her muscles before focusing on him again. She didn't really care that much about actually impressing him, this was more a personal thing. She needed to vent out her frustration and stress and a spar was the perfect way. She was sick of sitting on her hind and wallowing in confused and depressing thoughts. Her banner waved from side to side as the breeze ran through her pelt refreshingly, stronger here due to the lack of cover.

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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2016, 04:46

It was the first time that Julianne saw the alpha of this pack. She had to admit that he looked like a ruler, but there were something with his eyes. Never had she seen a wolf with eyes quite like his. She looked around the other wolves in her pack fighting he says. This is going to be fun she thought as she walked with the rest of the pack to the location where he stopped, she had never been here and the unfamiliar place would be an exciting battlefield. Paired up? Now that sounds fun for sure she could not help but smirk as she looked on the other wolves. Sure, they looked strong and many of them surely had been in the battle with Helidos, her thoughts wandered to her sister before they returned to the present, she could think about her sister later. The names of the two wolves that had left this pack to create their own did not ring a bell since she never met them. She stretched her body ready for a fight; she could feel the warm feeling spreading through her body as she looked forward to the battle even though she had never fought any of those wolves, she was sure to give it her best shot and prove her worth to this pack.
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Guardian Caspian
Guardian Caspian

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2016, 04:57

The brute had been surprised upon hearing the commanding howl of his brother rattle the trees around him. Birds took flight and small animals scurried into the shadows upon hearing the call of the predator. Pathetic... Lifting himself onto all four paws, the Delta stretched out and yawned hugely- jaw widening to reveal rows of yellowed teeth before snapping shut once again as he shook his pelt. Small pieces of grass and leaves detached themselves from his body and fluttered to the grassy earth beneath him. He'd been dozing in a patch of Spring sunshine and was feeling refreshed and ready for what Teren had in mind today. He took off at a trot in the direction of the howl. He wondered when would be the best time to strike this demon, at least today would help him see exactly who was currently in Erenyx. The pack had seemed smaller lately and that would probably help in dethroning Teren but it wouldn't be much fun to take over a dead pack. Hopefully it was just the story of Teren that scared others and once he was gone maybe there would be more wolves daring to join this pack. However another problem had been Banshee, he'd been trying to contact her for days now but with little success and he was beginning to wonder if something had happened to her. He wasn't a loyal wolf and didn't exactly 'care' for this little demoness but she was a partner in crime of sorts and he had actually been honest when saying he'd allow her some of the fun with Teren but he was always going to be the one to deliver the killing bite wether she liked it or not. But now she seemed to have disappeared and it bothered him immensely. He knew Helidos had been through hell with the war and then supposedly the new leader they'd appointed a while ago had been killed too, he wasn't sure who was leading now but maybe she actually did care about her pack and was staying to help.

He sighed heavily and continued on, that was the lamest excuse yet. Banshee wouldn't care what was going on in her pack so either she was staying back there for personal reasons or something had happened. The thought of her gone made him feel a weird sense of uneasiness so he pushed it back and continued on determinedly. Soon he arrived and glanced around to see who else was here yet. Not many. Siding him and Teren the others gathered so far were all females, he had to fight down a smirk at this as his silver gaze swung around to rest on his brother. Was Erenyx beginning to lack brutes? That would be amusing to see, it would definitely not make his brother happy anyway. He kept a keen eye out for any other siblings of his. He had yet to actually meet them despite him being the first of them to arrive here but then again, he didn't hang around the pack territories all that often. His tongue ran over yellowed fangs as he strolled forward calmly- silver gaze taking in the others around him. There was the Omega he'd accepted, the other fae he'd accepted once as..hunter was it? but she'd then left only to return as Omega and then become Scout, the one he'd grown to know was Teren's Guardian after killing Samael and another whom he was pretty sure was the Lead Healer. See? He did keep up to date with some things in this pack. He'd dip his large head in the direction of his brother before glancing around. Still no sign of any of the other brothers. Teren proceeded to begin speaking and Caspian forced himself to listen despite not really caring about what Teren had to say about these other packs. He did smile to himself though as Teren gave out about Agavos, little did he know that Caspian currently gave his wavering loyalty to the alpha he'd just called a fool. Silly, silly brother... he thought to himself with amusement.

Finally he moved on to what he'd actually called him for because Caspian knew Teren well enough to know that he hadn't just gathered them all to rant without actually doing anything. Spars, sounded fine to him. The sharp breeze ruffled his dark fur as he stood and stretched out, eager to get started. Nothing like a good spar to wake you up.

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Autay Tulie
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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2016, 12:23

Sleep had come quickly and left just as fast for the young enthusiastic fae. A place to call her own in a pack that was brand new to her and so far she liked it as she inspected her new den for the hundredth time. She still had yet to meet the others of her pack and so far had only been in the presence of the guardian named Tundra. That girl had some issues that needed to be worked out and Tulie hoped that with time she could help her to lighten her load. Tulie also wondered when she would get her first lesson in sparing with the guardian. Tundra wasn't a guardian for nothing, she had to fight her way to the top just like any other high ranking wolf, but, as an autay and a soft hearted fae at that, Tulie chose to avoid bloodshed. Tundra had offered her services to help the earthy girl get a start in that area and she had to admit, being in this pack you had better learn quick or the demon would get you. The demon being the Alpha of this pack, Teren. Stories and rumors whispered about in far away lands of the great brute and how he ruled. His eyes of emeral fires laughing as he slayed the Alphess of a rival pack, the pups and how he had made them fight to the death. It was horrible to contemplate and Tulie wondered how a vicious insane beast could still be allowed to breath.She was surprised that someone hadn't killed him already. But she had yet to meet him and so didn't know quite what to think of the stories and whispers.

A deep demanding call sounded out into the forest taking her by surprise. Small animals scurried for cover, birds squawked in fright as they took wing and Tulie herself coward down in her den at the sound, ears laid back and tail tucked as she quivered with fear. She didn't know who that was but it was a damanding summons that she quickly took head to. When the sound died there was absolute silence, no squirrels chattered amongst themselves, no birds calling to their mate. Complete silence. Oh, this can't be good. she thought to herself. Quickly she sprinted towards the pack clearing where the call had come. She stopped at the edge of the clearing, looking over the others that had shown up. The most impressive brute ever, stood in the center, his head raised and banner fly. His coat was a dark as night but shot through with white. He was an old grizzled looking brute that still commanded power and she laid her ears down. This had to be him. The demon king. He demanded they walk with him and so they all did, following him deep into the pack lands until he stopped.

Tulie hung back but she lifted her ears to so that she could catch his speech, body trembling as the giant demon started to speak once more. He talked about the other packs in the area, anger firing his eyes so that they smoldered. His need to defeat any who opposed him could clearly be seen and Tulie felt bad for the other packs. This monster would bathe the land in red if he could and he would, she just knew it. Then he told them that everyone would be forced to fight. Tulie coward down again, her ears pinned to her skull as her tail glued itself between her legs. This was not how she had hoped her first lesson would go. She had wanted Tundra to give her her first lesson where non would watch. But here, now Tulie would get paired up with someone that most likely wasn't Tundra. Tulie's eyes widened and a small whimper escaped her as his next words drifted towards her. If the blood could have, it would have dropped straight through the ground. He would fight them himself if they didn't give it their all????!! She was so screwed.
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Alpha Teren
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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 08:25

Come on Erenyx! Faster we get everyone in here, we can get on with it. Also, pups are allowed to join this thread. Literally everyone can be here. Captives included.
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Juno of Helidos
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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 19:26

WORDS: 1,093

Her bones ached, more so than what her age required, nothing close in comparison to when the cougar attacked her years ago and threw her into a boulder. It had only been a roller coaster of events after that, all to of led up to here. The offspring scampered elsewhere beyond her watch, or care. She felt nothing for them, well, most of them, there were two among the four she favored enough to save for later. They all deserved peace, to grow somewhere safe, out of harm's way, away from this brutal atmosphere. It was not a place to raise a family, and nor was it her position to raise one if she could not give each child the love that they truly deserved from a mother. The raven black female began to wonder what more she could really do from here other than to sit, watch and breathe until someone is to save her. It has been two seasons, and no one has come - she has begun to feel doubt that it'll never come. With no hope left to keep her going, she would heal and carry on as if this destined. As Teren would rise early that morning, she'd ignore him before setting out on her own ventures around the pack lands. Now free of the dead weight and the pups were far beyond her knowledge, she was allowed some space. She now knew the pack like the end of her long, black tail, and then-some, as well as some neutrals she hadn't known quite as well, either, under significant amount of assigned chaperons. The former Beta became used to the attention following her every move, it reminded her a lot of her natal pack, when she had a proper role as the heir to the throne. Eyes were constantly on her - every time she'd leave the den for a simple stroll, there was someone watching in either awe, shock or envy. The past only seemed to be replaying for her - perhaps that meant death was around the corner, either for her, or someone less fortunate. She secretly hoped it was the Alpha, suspicious to how much sand he had left within the hourglass of life.

Stopping dead in her tracks, her lips twitched into that of a snarl as the brute confining her to these lands began to voice over the trees. Her ears turned backwards to the sound as it roared, silence then swallowing her whole as the forest remained at peace again. Juno looked behind her and up towards the canopy of the trees before sighing with irritation. Of course, just when she was free to herself, there was business to attend instead. What do you possibly want now from your followers? What business does a Captive have for a pathetic talk with the pack they don't belong to? She questioned, her thoughts bitter and reluctant to join the current of wolves moving throughout the clearing. Remaining still, her eyes drifted over the individuals until finding comfort in the back of the movement, weaving through trees and keeping at close distance with the last row so that she could stand without complaint. As captive, she was simply a trophy to the Alpha, and thus was suited to sit at the front for him to show off, but she refused and remained quiet towards the back where she could not be found. He acted mighty and proud for little to no reason, and thus did not deserve her presence to be glorified with. She made a noise of disgust before the male began to speak, the crowd silencing to listen as loyal subjects to the vile creature. The angrier and more annoyed she got, the more her fur began to rise and the temperature underneath upon her flesh. Like stalking a prey, the pack moved behind and in sync with one another to the Alpha's orders - to which only annoyed her more. She felt almost sad for those that followed such a brute, though held her tongue to the amount of pathetic leaders she too has had to bow to. At this time, she was at her most vulnerable, and thus was ordered to follow, too. Like a bird in a cage, she was trapped easily with no escape. She sighed, following suit with her head held low until she realized she had no reason to let her lack of pride get the best of her. Standing royally tall with her chin slightly tilted up, she relaxed her shoulders and moved up with the center of the pack. The fae could not help but be glad that the weight from carrying young had begun to burn, and thus her toned body would soon return to her as well as complete health. Truthfully, she was exhausted beyond repair, but she left it as no excuse in front of watchful eyes.

As Teren would announce change among the other packs, her ears turned forwards, how odd for him to allow a captive hear such things and think they'd keep it a secret if anything were to happen. She tilted her head at an odd angle, green orbs slightly closed as she began to imagine her sight strong enough to burn holes into the Alpha male's form. Just when she had thought to of been a joke, her stomach suddenly weigh over a hundred tons inside her. If it weren't for her elegant black coat to cover her, her flesh would've been as white as a ghost. The mentioning of Chiara and a pack made her throat grow dry as the alpha would only further explain that they wish to threaten them for treason. Stiffened by this information, the Beta instantly forces the pressure down and relaxes so that those around her do not notice the tension in her muscles. The less they knew the better, especially coming from Teren. The idea alone of him hurting the only person she has left made her furious, however karma would come to him sooner or later, she hoped. With birthing four of his damned young, there was a side to the precious fae that made her want to force such pain of birthing onto him, to allow it to engulf him in agony like she was put under, along with the former two litters as well.Until roles were made, Juno would keep still and stare at the Alpha with the exterior of a calm, beautiful maiden, though internally her eyes were aflame with rage and the goal of spilling blood.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 20:56

Petra perked her alert brown ears in keen interest at the bellow of the gradually familiar howl, her stomach twisting with a conglomeration of apprehension and curiosity. It did not take her long to deduce it was her father calling the pack together; she noticed his underlings filing out into the clearing within moments of awaking to his summons as she peeked her diminutive snout out of the autay den. It seemed that Tulie had experienced the same gut wrenching feeling writhing through Petra's own insides upon hearing the massive ruler's call. She had cowered somewhat at the vociferous clamor, her eyes wide with trepidation and her tail tucked in submissive terror. The diminutive juvenile cocked her head slightly in quiet interest at the Fae as she clambored out of the autay den, her vibrant yellow gaze calm and observant in spite of the sporadic jump of her heart.

She thought she knew Tulie well enough, or as much as she thought she needed to. She was the pack's autay, and she'd been tasked with caring for her and her brothers along with the other pups born alongside them. She was fairly demure and subdued compared to the other wolves Petra had observed, and merely for that quality the young pup had gradually branded her a bit of an enigma. Still, in spite of her meek difference in demeanor, even she did not appear to be immune to the encouragement of fear, an entity the minuscule Fae was duly curious to understand. She felt it a lot, even when she didn't want to. She felt it at the sight of her father, around her brothers sometimes, often for her mother. It confounded her persistently, that she felt it so often around the wolves she loved the most. She was supposed to love her parents and brothers, right? Wasn't that the significance of their filial relation? But then... Why was her heart always siezing up in her chest, her mouth filling with bile and her paws sifting into numbness around them? It wasn't pleasant, but it certainly was powerful. Was that merely her means of loving them? If that was the case, she must have adored her father and siblings a great deal.

There were copious pack members filing up to her father's paws, and by now her intrigue was impossible to suppress. Indifferent to whatever scolding or beating she may potentially receive, the diminutive pup crept slowly out of the den to examine the burdgeoning crowd, a minuscule grin of excitement brimming at her maw as her father commanded them to follow him outside of the encampment. The idea of exploring was too tantilizing to ignore, though she wasn't quite as enthusiastic to glimpse the territory as she was to analyze the actions of her pack mates. She trotted elatedly after the little crowd, silently awed by their willingness to do whatever another commanded of them. Is it... The fear that makes them do that? It seemed fairly plausible to her; that compulsive emotion was undoubtedly the most poignant thing she'd ever felt. She wished she could weild such authority, often times. It would be easier then to convince her brothers to spend time with her.

The pup soon found herself in the midst of a vast expanse of barren land, and she gazed up for a quizzical moment at the endless cyan firmament. How far does the sky go on for, I wonder? It only ever looked that blue during the day. When the sun set it dissolved into a glassy obsidian and became peppered with countless stars, scintillating lights far out of her reach and yet just outside the realm of her comprehension. She wanted to know what they were exactly, but she couldn't quite determine a method through which she could do so.

She shifted her keen focus over the various pelts of her gathered pack mates then, curious as to their complete identities. She knew Tulie because she spent a great deal of time in the autay's presence, but the remaining members of the group were relatively unknown to her. There was one male nearby nearly as colossal as her father, and his pelt was the same onyx color, though the silver interrupting its uniformity seemed more pronounced. The female nearest the front had a kind of flowery aroma about her, as if she spent a significant portion of time around plants. One Fae had a pelt redder than a fox's, and the front of her body appeared heavily scarred. The she-wolf who nodded in her father's direction was a creamy white color, and the diminutive pup wondered silently what her place in the pack was,why she didn't seem quite as afraid. The last she-wolf was a tall brown pelted Fae who seemed somewhat isolated from the others, though her expression appeared relatively ecstatic in spite of the fact. The composition of her pack appeared far more variable than she had previously imagined, and a tiny grin settled over her maw at the discovery; things tended to be boring when everything was the same.

She listened intently as her father spoke, her expression taking on such an attentive eagerness to learn that one could have mistaken her focused stare for vacant awe. From his speech, she became aware of several new facts, namely that her father didn't like the other packs, that he believed them weak enough for him to take what he wanted. It did make her wonder, however, how to test the conclusion. It would be interesting to witness how far the power of her father's terror stretched, what it could do.

She glanced back at the abrupt sound of a scoff, and her stomach dropped with a nauseating weight as she noticed the presence of her mother. She did not appear to be happy, but then again, she wasn't certain she had ever glimpsed her mother in an amicable state. She had heard enough gossip to merely barely understand why, though she couldn't possibly grasp the full implications. Her mother wasn't from Erenyx, and she didn't appear to want to be there. She didn't seem to care for the pack, and she seemed somewhat apathetic around her and her brothers as well. The look she afforded her father, however, was terrifying, and the pup abruptly found herself overtaken with an unprecedented loneliness. Everybody looked at each other like that, it seemed, and yet more often they merely just didn't look at her at all. The notion filled her with a pitiful kind of longing, and she felt the inexplicable impulse to run to her mother's side, to lap at her muzzle, to have her recognize that she existed, to have everyone look at her like she was there, like she meant something. She wanted to be able to look her father in the eye without being suffocated by fear, to speak to him like she was supposed to be able to without the potential threat of being snapped at or beaten. Do they love me? She adored her family immensely, but she was starting to become less and less certain of the answer to that.

She was pulled from her thoughts when her father declared that her pack mates would be sparring, and though she was excluded from the matter, she was still eagerly intrigued to observe. She had long wondered what the specific differences between real combat and play were, and it appeared that this glorious display would be her first example. She watched in a nearly electrified stupor, fascinated with the concept of the yet to be explored activity and eager to learn of its applications and outcomes.
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Elder Lyonitus
Elder Lyonitus

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Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2016, 15:53

L y o n i t u s . . .
The elder had awoken early that day; the sky dark and black. He lay, contemplating, on the earth floor of his den, staring straight ahead into the dirt and rock walls. The space was cozy, enough to fit himself and another body if he so wished, but he still had to duck his head down when standing. The brute wasn't necessarily pleased with his life here. He hated the restrictions it held him on, and how the actions of his brother reflected heavily onto his own image. Lyonitus knew he wasn't exactly the same brute as before, he was a bit better. So to have others simply avoid him because they didn't want to risk the wrath of the brothers was unsettling and disappointing. Insignificance was the word that came to his mind when he thought what Teren might think of him. He knew he was given the rank of Elite because of his blood relations; there was no way that Teren actually believed in him. And yet, he wanted to prove his worth. Not just to the Alpha of Erenyx, but to everyone else. And mostly, to himself. The wolf may be bid and cocky, but beneath that exterior was just a normal wolf. Insecurities and all. He was simply just a wolf who happened to hate many things. And those he seemed to love? They never wanted anything to do with him.

Flexing the muscle of his paw he closed his eyes tightly, wondering what the next move he should make was. Teren wasn't going to last much longer, he could feel it. THe life and rule of his brother was in its final acts, it was only a matter of time before someone's revolt succeeded. Whatever would happen to him, Baritos, and Reaper was the difficult thing. Exiled, killed, demoted to a pesky omega... Tch, I can be no such thing! And what was the point of even staying in these lands his brother "owned" anymore? The Alpha accused him of disloyalty, and was surely seen as just another wolf; brother or not. Baritos. Baritos is keeping you here for now. .....And so is the lead healer. He winced at that last thought, it was the truth. No matter how much he so wished it wasn't. Cliché was... different from the rest of the wolves here. And although she held a burning negative emotion for him (probably), he felt a need, a drive, to look out for her. He was still stuck on figuring out what this feeling was, and she wasn't helping. He sighed again, but it quickly turned into a groan. Dearest brother calls, Lyo. Time to get your arse up and face the day!

Mumbling incoherent and undecipherable words he god up and stalked out of his den. Stretching his limbs and body as he walked he made his way to the hunting more. He took his sweet time, not really caring what was required of the wolves of Erenyx. As he made his way into the group of wolves gathered he sat simply where he wished to. Not paying attention to those around him. Lifting a paw he inspected each of his nails, a clear sign he wished to be left alone and was uninterested. And then the scent of the healer drifted into his notriles. Looking up he caught her scanning the area, her eyes then slowly coming to a rest on him. He smirked and winked at her before she huffed and turned away. Letting out a meer chuckle he would then glance up at his brother as he spoke of things he couldn't care less about. Whatever he was spurting out of those jaws were just words, he didn't really find a need to accept or register them unless his name was mentioned.
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Delta Braelyn
Delta Braelyn

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2016, 17:41

A soft, delicate array of translucent strings of light would flutter about; offering a dance as they filtered around and through the towering trees. Falling upon the blossomed terrain to shine a pathway for all the dark souls that resided beneath. Erenyx had plenty of such things, most who come along the borders just damaged or broken fragments of what they use to be. All wishing for refugee and a place to serve as they called it home. The fae could see many of the wolves like that, as none were as dark as they tried to appear. It was a facade however, in the same there were some that just truly enjoyed malicious and criminal things. The Delta had each of everything as she had recently accepted, a dark and good heart but lost as she was experiencing situations completely new to her. In the few months that had come and gone Braelyn has found herself in love, birthing pups of two fathers, and in mix of it all conspiring to send the two youngest to another pack to be with the second and hopefully true father of the bunch. Much has happened, her life turning upside down as all this excitement and drama was forced into it. Half of which she would have never expected or even believed to come true in her short years of life. The Delta could wonder what would have become of her life if she had never met the Agavos brute although the fae had a good guess. She should have been how she was just a year ago, serving the pack in a normal routine until she became either bored and left or got too old to go anywhere. Only one of those sounding like a dead wish should she ever wish for it.

Weighted did it come out, the sigh parting from her lips just barely audible should any be near to hear it. Cut off from her drowning thoughts, was a bellowing call beckoning the Delta and everyone in the territory to its source. Only one could make such a howl, demanding every soul to listen and follow. Braelyn recalled the last time her Alpha did so was when the pack was being sent into a war with the neighbors in the west. They had won the battle and since then Erenyx has been a relatively quiet sanction excluding the pack drama from within between wolves. Footing beneath her, the Delta would hoist herself up and continue forth to answer Teren's unspoken orders. It had been early in the morning when the fae awoken and done her border patrols, something she would have never expected to miss in her month of pregnancy. Braelyn's figure had found itself to be almost completely back to normal with the absence of the litter, her speed and stamina regained as well. In just a few more weeks, the fae would be her old self but with new responsibilities. The Delta would not make the same mistakes her mother made and she would not follow any of her parent's examples in raising her pups. Braelyn had first hand experience what loss a adolescent could feel if they thought their mother didn't love them and the fae would strive to be better than what she was given. But she wouldn't smother them. This was all still new to the fae and in some things she had no idea to go about raising three pups. All the Delta could do is hope that she did this right.

Arriving, Braelyn would hear the last of her Alpha's words and at the end travel behind the others to the destination of Teren's choice. The Delta was slightly intrigued on what he had in store for the pack and as they took down through the woods, the familiar scenery gave the fae a sense of what would be happening as she knew where they were going. The Moor. Hunting Moor was one of the first territories the fae had been exposed too as a few days after her arrival to the pack, the large brute called them all here to fight. It was there Braelyn won her fight with a midnight fae named Pandora and earned a title of Lead Hunter shortly after. Since then, the fae has been serving Teren as a 'loyal' high-ranked wolf. Creamed paws stepping upon the soft, green and rocky terrain Braelyn stopped short and in habit, sat in the outskirts of the forming circle. The soft soil brushing against her fur, and staining it faintly though that could not be told for her coat matched the substance anyways. Alpha's head held high as he waited for everyone, the Delta awaited patiently for him to speak about today's task and at the same time kept her spring green orbs peeled for the boys and Xymesina. They had been gone from the den when she got back from patrols and she expected they would listen to their father and come here as ordered. Hopefully.

Banner curling around her thigh to reside its tip near her paws, the fae's auds would rise as Teren finally began his speech. The Alpha spoke of all the neighbors, firstly the win over Helidos, then the pack Desoto called home, Agavos and lastly the newest pack a former member Chiara had created after she could not bear the sadness Teren brought upon her family. The dark king gave many words to her ears and it had been only one word that would cease her suspicions of being here. They were going to fight one another. It had been a while since she had been hunting or even in a fight and with no pups to hold her down, Braelyn was internally excited to do something active. Being in a den all day with a stomach full all the time constantly left her bored but bored would she no longer be today. Gazing over the others in the pack, the Delta could recall seeing some from before though a good majority of the wolves the fae had seen either died or left. Only few natal wolves remained, among them the only healer Cliché who the fae would have expected to leave with Chiara and her mate. With the Alpha finishing his lecture, Braelyn only continued to watch calmly as always as the last wolves gathered in time to hear the task given to all.

"speech" | mind... | actions
| Maybe One Day We Can All Be Bullet-Proof |    
       ERENYX | 1,071 | NONE         

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Apprentice Ambrose
Apprentice Ambrose

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2016, 13:03

Ambrose had heard the call from the Alpha, his father. He stirred from within the den he shared with his mother. Mother was not inside the den, she had been forced to follow the pack. It was strange to see her treated so differently. She was not a member of the pack, but her scent was covered in Erenyx. It was the only thing he knew. She had been kind enough to the young, caring for them and loving them. Ambrose walked out to see the rest of the pack following the Alpha wolf. The pup followed them, searching for his mother or any wolf he knew. The Autay was no longer in the area either, she had been following. Ambrose quickened his pace to follow the adults. He wanted to be there when everything happened. Perhaps they were going on a pack hunt? He was unsure, but he wanted to be in the action. As he moved, he finally found himself with the others. The male moved to sit by his mother. He did not care what his father would say. He found the comfort in her aura and sat there. Ambrose looked up to his father, listening to the words as he spoke of the other packs. There were more? One day, Ambrose would discover these new lands on his own, he would travel them all.
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Apprentice Ragnaar
Apprentice Ragnaar

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2016, 20:28

A mighty call rang through the forest, forcing its sound to ring through the den walls. Ragnaar did not rise to the occasion, he knew who it was. He knew who was calling for him. But spite forced the young wolf to stay tucked away. His mother followed like an obedient wolf she was, but he stayed still. Why should he have to follow a wolf that possibly was not his own father? Why would he have to listen to a beast who only wished to hurt others? Ragnaar only stirred from his den when the light began to pour in like a violent wave. He growled to himself and arose on all four paws. He made his way out of the den and out to the pack clearing. The others were leaving, following their mindless master. He had decided he would stay in the clearing, but curiosity got the best of him. They moved and he wished to follow. He wanted to know what they would be doing, he wanted to see what they would get in exchange for obeying the master. Slowly he moved through the pack lands, walking ever so carefully. He lurked in the shadows until the tree line was no more use of cover for him. He walked out into the daylight, and waited to hear from the others. Teren spoke, his words went through one ear and out the other. Worthless rambling, this was what he heard. But he did not speak. He did not care. He sat to the back of the pack, away from all the others, watching and listening.
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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2016, 09:39

Tempest had been digging a small den for himself near the others when he heard the Alpha's call. The voice was familiar to him, the same huge wolf that had greeted him at the borders. Looking around, Tempest noted that the howl was of sufficient volume to even scare away some of the nearby fauna. Quite impressive.

Shaking out his white fur for a moment, Tempest began to pad towards the gathering wolves, as they stood before their alpha, whom was now his alpha as well. He did not converse with any of the others or look at them for that matter, they were unimportant in the current circumstances, as it were. No, the only being of importance as of now was Alpha Teren, and what he had to say.

Following the orders given to him, Tempest would follow the rest of the wolves to the hunting moor, waiting patiently as he began to elaborate on why he brought them there.

All of the things Teren spoke of were completely irrelevant to Tempest, as he had not been in these lands for very long at all, and the names he mentioned were foreign. The prospect of combat however, was something Tempest was familiar with. Perhaps it was fortunate that such a test would be presented to him so soon after joining, it was a way to prove his skills.

The prospect of proving his skills was not something that personally excited Tempest however. In fact, he was quite apathetic about the entire thing, he would have to fight an opponent in an attempt to defeat them, those were his orders. Showing what he could do as far as fighting was concerned was only an effect of carrying out these orders. Now, he would just need to determine who he was fighting to devise a strategy.
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2016, 16:30

Piper had cept to herself most days in the pack. Since the battle with Helidos much had changed, but mostly everyone had the same gruff exterior that she was used to. Her parents had fled the lands with a few others and she hadn't summed up the nerve to seek them out just yet. She had cept up her training by herself and occasionally seeking out Tundra for guidance with certain sparring moves. She had grown into a fine young adult, inheriting the speed from her mother and her father's fine sense of hearing and bulky shoulders for fighting. Most importantly she had gotten both of their wills to keep going forward, no matter what her past pains had been.

Teren called the pack forward and explained what was to happen. She listened quietly, letting her gaze scan the new faces in the crowd. Several of the new pups had joined as well and she it her lower lip wondering if Teren would kill them off as her generation had been forced to. If so should she not warn them? Teren continued to speak and she fought back the urge to growl at the mention of her parents. Perhaps the Alpha had forgotten she was their daughter and would spare her his wrath at their treachery. Piper held her own distaste for the pair, but not as much as some. Her's was for different reasons entirely. Pushing the thought from her mind she continued to listen and wait to be paired up with another.
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Apprentice Corruption
Apprentice Corruption

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2016, 17:45


So far in the pup's short span of life, things have been going great. He had a mother who loved him and his two siblings; Ragnaar and Xymesina. And although he hadn't met him, nor was he in the sole litter of his that winter, he was the son of Alpha Teren. That filled him with a sense of pride. Pride that would soon disintegrate once he learned the true nature of is father. But that nature wasn't the only thing that would fault his life, his own existence was a fault on its own. He knew only half of whom he really was, the half that everyone else knew. It was his mother that held the secrets and the sin, his mother and her lover who lived not in Erenyx. And all this was not known to the youth, but it would come slowly into place. Each little fact and addition coming together in a timely orderly manner to mix up a few things in his life. Change behaviors as well as supposed fates. Corruption could not stay innocent for eternity.

There was a loud howl that rang throughout the lands of Erenyx, it's owner their ruler. It made the pup's ears perk and head jerk up and away from the hole he'd previously been digging. The call summoned all to the Alpha's location, a call that he couldn't deny. And so, without hesitation, Corruption had bounded off in the direction it had come. Using his nose to find the scent of older pack members that he could follow to ensure he was going the correct way. He came first to the camp clearing, just as everyone was taking off after Teren. His head tilted slightly, golden orbs wondering why they were all leaving off like that. He spotted a few pups within the mix, so it must be alright to follow. Moving at a gentle trot on the right of the herd, the wolf looked for his family. He'd spotted Ragnaar at the back, but he seemed to be in a foul mood. Spotting his mother he weaved his way between the bodies to stand beside her own as the walked. His head rubbing affectionately agains her leg in a greeting before holding itself normally.

They came to the Hunting Moor, where Teren would turn and once again address everyone. Lowering his rump to the ground, the youth would listen silently. He still stayed beside his own mother, giving his upmost respect and attention to the large wolf who spoke so negatively. He was ordering all of the adults to fight, and out of curiosity he glanced at the delta female to his left. He wanted to know if this was a good or bad thing, and she seemed delighted. Now all that lay to cease his hunger to know what the pups would be doing, was to be told exactly that. His tail thumped twice in anticipation, eye flicking back to the old brute before scanning about the crowd. Some looked scared, others bored, the rest excited. It was quite strange to see such an array of opinions within the group of wolves. However it also appeared almost natural. Assignments had yet to be passed out, as well as any further information for the youths, but Teren had moved onto other topics. The words coming out from his jaws so negative and full of hatred. His jaws opened to ask his mother of something, wether it was wrong or right of Teren to hate the wolves he mentioned with passion, but quickly shut back closed. It was un-right to question his father in his presence before all the pack members. And the last thin the apprentice wished to be seen as was rude.

Teren, Braelyn, Ragnaar | WORDS | Mood: Curious

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Apprentice Xymesina
Apprentice Xymesina

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2016, 22:40

Sucked between the pearled teeth, barely half the size of an adults, a light breath of oxygen would travel and once it had reached its destination. Ending its journey by the extend and inflation of two lungs, the sudden inhale would awake the vixen and with her, the other who was nearby. Of course this other was just a fragmentation of the little shards inside her head not correctly in place, but her friend was perfectly fine with her. Startled, orbs would stare blankly into the space that occupied their sight, and while so shaken, the fae did not move from her still posture. Dead, was she seemed and as Xymesina continued to let seconds turn to minutes, all the adolescent could find herself doing was to just lay there. Still and eyes-wide besides the exemption of her auds, which disregarded her orders and moved frequently as they gathered intel. Or should she say, she gathered. There was a howl.. a deep one though the fae could recall that not being her mother's. Mother never howled.

Finally released, a blink came and simultaneously did her knowledge of this mysterious noise. It was father! Jerking upwards, the symptoms of a uneasy slumber was present as she found her footing light-headed and was momentarily blind. Luckily for her, it had been short lived before Xymesina could react the way any pup would to this beckoning demand- she walked. Leisurely, in fact as the fae knew very well, or at least she thought, that her father did not find her as pleasing to be around as one of her brother's. Why? The adolescent could only presume it was for her gender as the mighty brute acted the same around her sister. Well, half-sister. Petra was a pup from another litter, though why her father would have two mothers to his children was something beyond her knowledge. In all honesty, she had no idea how she came to be alive. Perhaps every pup was given to the Alpha as his and he decides who is worthy enough to take care of them! How nice! "Or you're just not wanted and mother took pity." Baffled and shortly angered, the pup would snap at thin air to express her emotions to her friend. "Shut up. I was a 'joyous' gift." To another the adolescent would seem mad, conversing in only herself but Xymesina felt as if she was having a conversation with someone as real as her.

Lips elevated into a slight sarcasmic grin, the pup would ponder on why her father was calling everyone and anyone in the land. The only reason she knew it was directed towards everyone was the fact that she could see figures in the distance moving from one place to another in order. A line that flowed over a path to where ever. Refraining from taking the time to find her brother's or mother in such a cluster of large bodies, once close did Xymesina just follow the random strangers to the location. The pup felt small, compared to all the fat and bulky brutes and faes that surrounded her. Hopefully that was not her fate. Like the swiftness of a hunter taking the life of a feeble doe, from what she observed, in a matter of seconds everyone began dispersing and disappearing. Sitting themselves apart and in some sort of formation. Still, Xymesina found herself in awe at the orderly fashion they presented and the chill the atmosphere suddenly took. The grim haven she lived in now a merciless cold that possessed every soul that sat before her. All but one.

All eyes up on a dark mass, green orbs peered back in utter silence as the figures words spoke for them. The brute spoke of packs, other mysterious lands that she had not even knew existed but from what the adolescent could gather from their mention that it was important to remember their names. Helidos, Agavos, ... the last seemed no have no name, so instead the pup took their alphas. Magnus, Chiara. Traitors. Like an echo, the words would be spoken once more, this time by someone different. "Helidos, Agavos, Magnus, Chiara. Traitors." Attentive to both, the young one took her attention off the older male to find one much younger and around her age. Striding up next to her older brother Ragnaar, the fae brushed against his shoulder faintly before taking her place beside him. Whether he liked it or not. Father spoke of, finally, the objective and unfortunately did he reject the participation of the pups. Absinthe would give a slight frown and this came to present through Xymesina's inaudible sigh. Oh well. At least she could gain something from this. Experience. One of these days the fae would grow of age and have to fight these older folks. It would be best to watch and learn their patterns, style of fighting and incorporate it into her own to use against them and find her own.

She would surpass them all and make father finally proud or at least notice her.

"speech" | "absinthe" | mind... | actions

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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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PostSubject: Re: Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Comparing Skills [Pack Thread] Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2016, 07:17

The following wolves will be paired together to fight:

- Cliché VS Lyonitus
- Yuki VS Piper
- Tundra VS Ragnaar
- Julianne VS Xymesina
- Caspian VS Tempest
- Tulie VS Petra
- Braelyn VS Juno
- Ambrose VS Corruption
- Elder Baritos VS Scout Marona

Please make your own thread for each fight. You can have as many rounds as you wish. This is meant to draw blood from one another. Treat this as if you are fighting your worst enemy. The best pair who have the most exciting spar will both win 500 Bones. To make it fair, winners will be voted on by Azul, Chiara, and Nnlya. Thread titles shall be stated as such:

Lead Healer Cliché VS Elder Lyonitus

Also, don't forget your spar/fight code:

[color=#ffffff][b]Attack:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Defense:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Injuries:[/b][/color] -text- [/center]

Good luck everyone!
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