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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2016, 11:07

The diminutive pup crouched low beneath the tall, limp grass, her vibrant yellow gaze narrowed in calm observation. The contorted, spindling root of a tree stood almost like a canyon wall in front of her- or at least, that's what she preferred to imagine it was. She would have liked to entertain herself with the real thing; actually traversing along some treacherous mountainside hunting down real intruders likely would have made a far more enticing game. But no, all she had for the moment was a little white moth fluttering languidly around the ground in front of her, the erratic motion of its flight melding into stillness as it landed carefully upon the root, apparently oblivious to her presence. A minuscule smile fell over her maw as she watched it periodically open and close its powdery white wings, silently curious as to its motivations. Was flying tiresome for the pitiful little creature? If so, why did it still feel the need to pump its wings, and while it was grounded, no less? That would be a fairly stupid decision to make. Are you... Capable of making decisions, even? It was a valid inquiry. After all, it wasn't like the inanimate rocks and dirt could think like she could. Water moved of its own volition, like the moth, but that entity wasn't really alive either. Was the moth thinking then, or was it merely emptily following the whimless machinations of its body?

Now far more intrigued than before, the little juvenile grinned brightly, duly curious to answer her own question. She was gradually reminded of how the little black birds that littered the trees would scurry up in a flapping panic at the sound of her father's bellowing howl, how the other wolves of the pack, when she glimpsed them, bowed in his presence and scampered out of his way. Those were all, she quietly decided, cognitive reactions. Something scared them and they ran away. She couldn't help but wonder if her tiny little moth friend would respond similarly to such a stimulus.

A mischevious smile fell over her snout as she expelled a quiet breath, inexpertly attempting to mimic what she thought passed for a hunter's crouch. She tensed her muscles beneath her before springing forward, diligently attempting to snag the diminutive insect in her jaws. To her severe dismay, it easily eluded her, fluttering casually out of her reach within moments of her paws slamming into the rough bark of the tree. Not good enough. The thought was her usual response to failure, and she gazed up in pensive wonder at the miraculous creature, her formerly playful resolve to catch it intensifying into a near desperate need. I couldn't reach you from the side, how about below? She grit her teeth in concentration before leaping up ward, her teeth clicking on empty air as her target carelessly evaded her attack.

She released a quiet huff as her paws hit the ground once more, and she narrowed her eyes in silent pondering, quietly working to discover what she was doing wrong. Oddly enough the moth took to resting upon the petals of a dandelion not a foot away, as if it really was indifferent to her existence, or had immediately forgotten her two prior attempts to capture it. She was directly behind it now, and a fierce longing slowly eeked into her pulsing veins as she examined her reluctant play thing. Without making a sound, she slowly raised a paw up behind it before slamming it down over the flower as quickly as she could, a soft smile of jubilant success brimming at her maw.

She could feel her subject writhing frantically in the space between her pads and her claws, and she watched its feverish struggle in awed fascination, her head tilted slightly in curious bewilderment. Are you afraid of me? She wondered, inexplicably awed by the futility of its flight. Was this how prey acted when it was caught? Did some horrible parasite writhe through its stomach and constrict its heart? She was familiar with that sensation at least; she knew it every time she glimpsed her the towering stature of her father, the rigid, bitter glint of his emerald gaze when he regarded her. That look was likely the same one she afforded the moth now inevitably trapped beneath her paw.

A gleeful grin appeared on her snout as she swiftly raked her claws downwards, effectively tearing the tiny creature apart, the tattered remnants of its dusty white wings scattering over her paw. "Pretty." She remarked in patent satisfaction as she elatedly examined the scraps of white smattering her fur, pleased by the minute destruction she had wrought. She jubilantly concluded then that her diminutive little friend could not have been so mindless to escape the tumult of fear. She would not have loved its company so much otherwise.
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Autay Tulie
Autay Tulie

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2016, 14:13

Tulie watched as the little pup played by herself. Wonder still lightened her heart to see the pups as they grew day by day. Who would imagine that those helpless, squirming newborns could grow into adult wolves that could strike fear in the hearts of their prey. She had watched over all the pups with care as they grew and tried to teach them about love, but she wasn't sure that her lessons had taken hold. Too many of her pack mates were cruel, cold and distant and approved of destruction and pain. Autay Tulie had tried to show them that kindness and compassion were a better path to walk down but in the back of her mind she wondered how many of these babes would grow up to be like their father or uncles.

The little fae stalked a moth, it's wings fluttering in the light breeze as it effectively evaded its doom for the moment. Petra was a special little girl in Tulie's mind. She was strong, she was capable and some day she would be a very pretty adult. The autay just hoped that she would temper her actions with compassion. Fascination lit the dusky girl's face as she concentrated on her quarry. She captured it when it landed lightly upon a dandelion, her paw coming down to smash it and a look of bewilderment graced her features only to give way with a gleeful expression. The pup dragged her paw, killing the moth and smearing the goo on her fur. Tulie sighed, her ears slumping in defeat. Maybe it's because she is a pup. She will learn in time...I hope. She lifted her head and spoke, "Very good Petra, well done." She encouraged. Hopefully there was still time.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2016, 10:56

The diminutive pup glanced up from her miniature conquest of decimation at the sound of a fairly familiar voice, and she observed the autay who supervised her and the other pups of the pack with wide, still vibrant yellow eyes. Tulie was an interesting Fae, at times. She was demure and gentle with her and her siblings, though the young juvenile sometimes found it difficult to give the she-wolf her full attention. The world was filled with so many interesting notions, after all, and she quite enjoyed discovering them and their methods of operation on her own. While she patently basked in the older wolf's praise for a moment, the thrill of her triumph gradually dissipated as she recalled how many failed attempts her victory required. "It would have been better if I caught him the first time. Then I never would have felt disappointed." She remarked casually as she pensively examined the tattered scraps of moth smattering her fur, noting for future reference to always approach her target from where she could not be seen.

She wondered if her father succeeded in hunting on his first try. The killing really hadn't been all that complicated, but cornering her subject was a difficult endeavor. Did he know how to do it right away? She supposed she was somewhat fortunate he did not care to watch her, and yet... A grand part of her longed that he had. A part of her desired for him to regard her as he did Ambrose and Memphis. A part of her would have even been content if he had snapped and snarled at her for failing so many times. She wished her mother would come by to see her; maybe she'd be willing to teach her how to hunt properly, maybe she'd congratulate her on making her kill. Even a passing glance was something she would have preferred to the awful, dejected oblivion of her mediocrity.

She gaped down at the mutilated moth for a brief moment more before turning her attention towards the autay with a jubilant smile, her demeanor oddly exalted. "Did you know that moths can think? I just discovered it." She commented before lifting her paw up slightly on display for the she-wolf, the broken white wings translucent in the spring sunlight. "Is prey afraid when you catch it, Tulie? Does it know what's going to happen?" Her tone did not reflect any kind of empathy, but more of a disturbed kind of fascination. If fear could grant the knowledge of one's imminent demise, than the diminutive pup reckoned it was far more powerful entity than she had previously imagined. She tried to imagine a perfects hunter's crouch in her mind, attempted to conjure up a workable method through which a group of wolves could conquer an animal as vast as what she sometimes glimpsed on the kill pile. The strategy would likely be far more meticulous than her undertaking of moth slaughter.
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Autay Tulie
Autay Tulie

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Age : 35

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Age: 3

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2016, 20:39

The young pup's eyes shine with pride at the praise Tulie gave her, then dimmed as she thought about her attempts before her success. She spoke casually, her tone slightly disappointed which made the autay give her a smile of understanding. "Ah, now that is something everyone feels from time to time young one. Not all hunts are successful dear Petra. But it is a lesson that you must learn; a small one now, but a lesson all the same. Tell me, what did you learn just now when you stalked that moth?" The autay cocked her head at the pup, emerald eyes expectant as she waited for the young fae to think the lesson through and come up with her own answer.

A smirk graced the soon to be warrior's earthen face, eyes lighting up with pride at her discovery. She asked the older fae a question, "Did you know that moths can think? I just discovered it!" She said with excitement, lifting her paw to show the remains of the moth to the autay. She continued with another question, then another. Tulie felt that the young pup's fascination with the fear of prey and its imminent death was a little disturbing. It lacked the compassion to end a creature's life quickly so as not to make it suffer needlessly. But she would answer the pup's questions. "I had a hunch that moths and butterflies could think and you just confirmed my suspicions." Her eyes squinted but her lips smiled as if letting her in on a secret.

When Petra asked her next questions Tulie rose to her paws and walked over to the young fae. She lowered her haunches to the ground and looked at her paws thoughtfully. She didn't speak right away, instead she was choosing her words carefully. When she did speak, she did so solemnly. "Yes, Petra. Our prey is scared when we catch it, because it doesn't want to die. I believe they do know what will happen and so that is why they run away from us. They are trying to survive, to stay alive that extra moment at all costs. When we catch it, we are supposed to end its life as quickly as possible so that it can't escape and we go hungry, but also so that it doesn't suffer needlessly. There should be no joy in ending the life of another creature, only duty of survival. You may enjoy the chase, the stalk, but it is unwise to enjoy the killing." There she went again, lecturing the young fae on compassion. Tulie would never give up on trying to push the pup down the path of light, while at the same time, steer her clear from the path of darkness that her father ruled over. She didn't want to see the young girl grow up to idolize her father. Maybe she could talk to Juno, to try and get her to spend time with her daughter.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2016, 18:08

The diminutive pup gazed up at the autay in pensive silence as she offered her knowledge, her vibrant yellow gaze steady and calm. So she was right then; prey did fear the terrible, lonely end of death. She supposed that was fairly fitting then. Terror could span across the enigmatic barrier between species. It could convince even the most oblivious life forms of the desperate longing for life, for existence, and for that... Well, any individual under a pressure such as that would be willing to do anything. And wasn't that power? Wasn't that what her father weilded so effectively over every member of the pack, over her? Could... Could I get him and mother to notice me, that way? Would Ambrose and Memphis and Thaddeus want to play with me, then? It was a stirring notion, yet... How could she cause fear when her own life was so often ruled by it?

She narrowed her eyes in abrupt confusion at the older she-wolf's latter statement, however, her attentive focus drifting off towards the dandelion she decimated in her murderous quest. "I don't understand." She stated in simple reply, her savant bewilderment evident on her quizzical expression. "I'm usually very happy when I do something perfectly, really excitedly, actually. It's not often that I get something right, especially not on my first try. My brothers have more talent than me." she made the remark not out of enmity, but merely as a candid statement of fact. Her father never seemed disappointed to see her brothers; the way he looked at them was a near polar opposite to what she received. She envied her beloved siblings that. "And if killing your prey means you perfected the hunt, shouldn't I be proud of that? If I killed an opponent in a fight, wouldn't that be a perfect victory? Aren't I supposed to be proud of my accomplishments?"

A gleeful smile fell over her maw at the concept, of emerging triumphant over a powerful combatant. If there was one rank she truly admired aside from her father's, it was that of a warrior. The strength they exhibited, the control... It was everything she wished she could display. If she possessed a truly flawless skill in battle, if she could defeat any adversary she faced no matter their stature, if she could make others feel as small as she often did... They would have to admire her then, surely. She'd be noticed, revered, loved, like her more burly brothers. "Have you ever killed another wolf, Tulie? I heard my father killed the alpha of another pack. Is that not an achievement?" She'd heard the story a few times around camp, but she had yet to connect it to her mother's current circumstance and her own existence. She'd heard the story described as an incredible victory; she knew not what it meant beyond that, but she was, as always, eager to learn.
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Autay Tulie
Autay Tulie

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2016, 08:08

(OOC: If Tulie's perception of her brothers is not right I will make adjustments to her speech, just let me know.)

Her heart swelled with sadness that the pup would not listen to her fully. Confusion marred her pretty yellow eyes and she gave voice to it. Tulie gave the pup a sharp look, her face grim. What was she to do with this pup? The one who shone brighter than her brothers. She would only listen to what she wanted to hear and nothing more. "Petra," The autay said sharply, "You are a very talented little fae, but you must understand that taking a life of prey is different than taking the life of a rival wolf. Taking the life of prey may bring you happiness that you have been successful to feed your pack, while taking the life of a rival wolf will change you. You will not be the same as you are now. You must temper your actions with mercy and compassion as well has wisdom and action. To know when to give ground in a situation  and when to push forward. To know when to yeild and when to stand firm. Your brothers do not listen to reason yet as you must. They are too full of pride as your father watches on and encourages them to be cruel. Cruelty is not they way to handle anything."

Tulie finished her stern lecture and closed her eyes, breathing deep so that her patience would endure and she could go on. "No i have never killed another wolf, though I did hurt one once but I'm not sure how bad it was." She looked at the little fae sharply again, trying to instill in her that is was wrong to enjoy killing another wolf just because she could. "If you got into a fight with a rival wolf and he tried to kill you for protecting his pack you would of course defend yourself. For if you don't kill him he would kill you. But you must close yourself off to it. It is just another task you must do when you grow older. A duty." Tulie didn't think that she was getting through to the little pup, and gave a sigh. She got up turning to walk along a path so they could continue their conversation if the little fae wished. Her tail swished from side to side, paws pressing into the soft earth to leave her prints behind. Green grass bounced gently in the warm spring breeze as birds tweeted and twittered back and forth to each other. I will have to speak to Juno and quickly. She is starting to sound like her father. She is much too bright a fae to become like him.

"How can one not enjoy the sound of life that is all around them. The sound of birds calling to each other. The sound of water bubbling over the rocks in their own song. To feel the warm sun in your fur and revel in the earthy fragrance of growth. It is much better than pain and suffering, my dear young fae. Better than tormenting a life that which has a right to live by the rules of nature." She said taking a deep breath of the fresh spring air.
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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2016, 10:12

(ooc: hope you don't mind me coming in^^ )

Julianne had been laying in her den, unable to close her eyes and relax. Her body needed her to move, to do something. She shook her skull before she made her way out of the den. She saw a fae and a pup standing there talking, she caught some of the words and a sly smirk grew on her face. “ It isn’t everybody who like the birds song. It can be rather annoyingly ” Julianne said as she walked closer to the two of them “ I’m sure that you have heard of those misunderstood creatures called monsters, right? Yeah well, they like to kill. The feeling of their teeth going through the skin of their opponent. The taste of blood in their mouth and the feeling in their paws when they attack. To attack is for them like a dance or a song where all the moves you make are the sweetest sound in the world ” she said as she looked over at the pup with more life in her eyes that she have had for a while “ I am one of those monsters. But of course not everybody is like that” she said looking over at the fae and showed just a bit of her fangs in a second before she hid them again, she was sure that this would be an interesting conversations. She stood straightened up and proud of her words and for once she felt like this was where she was supposed to be, debating about killing for fun or for the need of it.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2016, 20:11

The little Fae tilted her head slightly to the right, her expression an awed amalgam of intrigue and bewilderment. Was killing prey and killing wolves all that different? She supposed taking the life of another member of her species was one thing; they were of a higher order than most. But, was that sentiment really true? She hadn't questioned it before, but now her curiosity had been pricked. Perhaps... Perhaps she and her other fellow canids were not truly superior. Maybe she just couldn't understand the methods through which other organisms communicated with each other, how they thought, why they acted. Maybe they were not lower, only different. That would make the slaughter of a wolf and the murder of a moth nearly one in the same then. The situation would always play out the same way. Whoever was weaker, was defeated. Power is what earned success. Power earned love.

She smiled sanguinely in spite of Tulie's patent distaste when she mentioned her father and brothers, her tail wagging slightly as she pushed herself up to her paws. "Dad and my brothers aren't cruel. I love them, a lot. I love mom a lot too." It was all she knew, what she was born and had developed to perceive. She loved her family, because that was all the little pup had in the world. Even if they neglected her, avoided her, mistrusted her, despised her; if that was their affection for her, that was what she had. And she wanted more, desperately.

She narrowed her eyes slightly in keen interest as the autay mentioned harming another wolf, and she noticed immediately the morose distress winding along her snout. She was upset with herself for what she'd done, and she may have been losing her patience with the juvenile's various inquiries. Still, she pressed forth; she wanted to understand what Tulie was going on about, wanted to dissect the power of compassion and mercy. "Why did you hurt the wolf? Why do you feel so bad about it?"

She padded fleetly after the autay as she began walking, her legs working twice as hard to keep pace with the larger fae's more extensive strides. She glanced around their buzzing milieu as Tulie described the pleasantries of the Earth and birdsong, and for a long moment the little pup attempted to simply feel and listen and appreciate, but her mind thundered on in its indomitable curiosity, her expansively inquisitive nature ultimately winning out over her aesthetic observation. Why do the birds sing at all? Is that how they speak to each other? Where does all the water go? How do the plants grow if they don't eat anything? Why does-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of another she-wolf, this one a brown pelted Fae she felt as if she may have seen before but never met. She offered her an exuberant grin. She supposed she understood what she described; she had enjoyed ripping the moth apart, oddly enough. It made her feel... Different, for a moment, as if she wasn't quite as small and meaningless as usual. She'd felt... Powerful, a victor, the individual in control as opposed to the victim she often was. That emotion swiftly dissipated, however; after all, anyone could kill a moth. Defeating an equal, or a superior, that was an achievement. She wasn't certain about the fun of violence for Violence's sake, but she was certainly willing to do anything to feel that way again. She wanted to feel big.
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Autay Tulie
Autay Tulie

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2016, 22:38

Try as she might, the earthy fae kept rambling on about compassion and mercy. Still trying to teach the young pup about right and wrong. Tulie glanced at the pup, noticing that she was once again zoning off into her own little world. So she let her be for the moment, letting the little fae think her own thoughts. Tulie closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air, breathed in the calm and peaceful and breathed out the negative and corruption. Her ears tuned into the the sounds of the earth; the rushing water, the wind soughing through the green leaves in the trees, the birds calling to one another. She let out a sigh; peace filling her until it was broken by the pup speaking. She was confident in her love for her siblings and parents, defending them, even that demonic father of hers. She was too young to understand what her father really was; a tyrant, evil. An evil so bad that needed to be snuffed out long ago.

The apprentice asked about her confrontation with the wolf, why she had attacked and if she felt bad about it. At first she was silent, her memory replaying in her mind and the feeling that had overcome her in that moment. She had foolishly challenged her wannabe lover to a playful spar, only it hadn't ended playfully. Shame had consumed her for letting herself get out of control. Tulie had prided herself in remaining in control of her emotions but it had been too much and came to a head one moonlit night. Tulie gave a sigh, and decided to tell the youth about jealousy.

"I was younger and very much in love with this male. I was an autay, just as I am now and he was a magnificent warrior that all the faes wanted, but he chose someone else as well as I. He couldn't decide who to pick but he spent more time with her than me. As the months passed I became...not myself. This feeling inside me consumed me. A dark and ugly thing called jealousy. I was not one for confrontations, barely sparing because I do not like to fight. But one night when the moon was full and high overhead, a group of friends and I went down to a lake. There I watched as the male and the others have a good natured challenge. But I, so full of anger and jealousy foolishly challenged him when I barely knew how to fight. I let myself get out of control and when he had me in a position where he would surely win I snapped." Here the older fae stopped a moment, trying to get her breath back under control so that it wouldn't show the pain she felt. When she did gain her breath she continued. "The pain, anger and everything I felt for him and the one he chose let loose a damn that I could not stop. I lost myself in a red haze, my body was not my own. I leaped up to get him to release me, lunging for his throat to sink my teeth into his flesh and taste his blood. But the momentum caused by my leap spared his life. I only got a mouthful of fur that I know of and then we both fell backwards. I leaped up again to continue my fight but I stopped when I realized what I had done. I shamed myself for my behavior. It was supposed to be a friendly competition not a fight to the death. So I fled, fearing what would happen if I had stayed." Tulie looked at the pup, not sure if she listened to her whole story or not. If she didn't then she would be just as glad not to repeat it. It was not something she was proud of. "Do not let jealousy and hate consume you Petra. It is an ugly thing to let inside you. That is why you must use your head and be wise. Jealousy will make you fall hard and you will regret it." The fae warned the growing pup.

Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of another pack member, another fae who was almost the same color as the autay. She talked about misunderstood monsters and Tulie was not happy. Her own emeralds narrowed at her. Now she was sure that the little pup would not learn about mercy and love. In one fell swoop this other fae would ruin it, entice the pup down the darker path and out of her reach. The fae admitted to being one of the monsters who revel in blood, tearing apart their adversaries and the like. She lifted her lips to bare her fangs at Tulie for the briefest of moments and Tulie could not help but return the gesture as a warning as she stepped in front of her charge to protect her. "Who are you, fae that you would say such things to this pup. The world is full of cruelty enough without you tempting her down that path." Tulie had yet to meet the omega that wanted to be an autay, but when she was with her charges everything went out the window. No longer was she the docile, cowardly fae seen among higher ranked wolves, she was an autay and was supposed to protect the pups, even from other members of the same pack. Tulie's maternal instincts came out in full force, lips pulled back in a snarl and hair lifting along her shoulders. Her tail straightened itself stiffly, ears laid against her skull as she stood blocking the pup. She stared hard at the new fae before her not sure of her intentions.
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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2016, 08:19

" Me? I am a simple wolf. Why I would tell her all that? Very simple " Julianne said sweetly as she watched the reaction from the other fae with an amused expression before she sat down looking all relaxed " Why not tell her all of that? She has to learn at some point that some wolves are like that, without remorse, compassion or mercy. If she one day finds herself fighting against another wolf and not just out on a simple hunt, it would be in her interest to know that such wolves exists. Some of those monsters do know remorse, compassion and even mercy should she ever find herself against one of those she should count herself lucky. " Julianne continued her speech, this time she looked over at the pup before she spoke " Hunting is one thing, killing other species so that you and your pack can survive is one of life’s things. Fighting and killing another wolf is another, having fun while killing other wolves are looked down upon, and as you can hear some call it a dark path. Some see it as a way of survival. Some are born on those paths others are forced to go there, but all of them are frowned upon as you can hear. " she took a deep breath before she this time looked at the fae "I’m not tempting her down that path, I’m telling her about it, so that she know that it exists just like any other path in this life. It’s her choice alone which path she wants to take, and let’s hope that she choose herself and isn’t forced on any path " the last thing she snarled, she wouldn’t have chosen a path as a monster if she haven’t been forced that way, her mother was the one to force her down that path. Yet Julianne could not deny the pleasure she felt when she fought and the memories of fighting her pack came back to her. She closed her eyes for a moment reliving all of it feeling how her body tensed up and the familiar taste of blood was close, but she shook it off and opened her eyes again. " Not all of them that are known as monsters chose the path themselves, some were forced " she stated in a serious tone as her eyes were fire when she thought of her mother.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Lovely World [Open] Lovely World [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2016, 04:39

Petra sat down beside the autay as she recounted her tale, her sanguine yellow gaze focused with a notable intrigue. She liked hearing stories about fights, stories of bravery and wit and power, but as she listened she realized there was something extraordinarily different about Tulie's manner of telling. She examined the sudden dip in her tone, the discomfort and solemnity settling over her maw, and it was then that she found herself first exposed to the odd entity of shame. Tulie had done something she believed was wrong, but the mistake she'd made wasn't so much a failure, like the young pup's attempts at hunting the moth, but something of a different kind of significance. She wasn't upset because she couldn't do something, but because she had done something, something she regretted and wished she could change. The diminutive juvenile wasn't certain if she could accurately extend the concept to herself, but... She supposed she felt most like that whenever she thought of the repulsed resentment and disappointment commanding her father's demeanor when he saw her. She must have done something to upset him, and the new found notion tore apart inside like the ravenous claws of an enemy. She wanted to know what it was, fix her mistake; she would give anything if only for him to regard her with pride. It would be some time yet before she realized her great crime was merely the fact of her existence itself.

"I see. Alright, Tulie; I'll use my head." She stated simply with a short, affirmative nod of her head, an enthusiastic smile lying softly on her snout and her eyes alight with an ominously skewed understanding. She would be wise; she wouldn't allow herself to fall behind and let hatred control her actions. She would work hard and become strong and powerful, like her father, and then she wouldn't ever have to worry about being jealous, or vulnerable, or hurt. Everyone would love her then.

She turned her attention immediately to the brown pelted she-wolf as she defended her words against the autay's reprimandation, and she stood up on tiny paws as she listened to her justification, an intense curiosity belying her congenial disposition. She hadn't ever considered such a thing, a wolf being forced to live a certain way. Of course she was relatively ignorant of the conditions of her own mother's stay in Erenyx; based on what she had garnered, wolves pretty much did what they wanted, but there were other elements of influence, like fear, that compelled individuals to do and feel certain things. That was, fundamentally, a form of control. "How does a wolf become forced down a path? Are they afraid?" She asked merely to confirm what she had already deduced, but she was somewhat curious as to what else could affect someone's behavior.
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