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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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PostSubject: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2016, 21:31

the rogue king

I never expected to find myself here, but now that I am... I can't see myself being anywhere else.

Summer was here and it was hotter than it had been any other year he had been in these lands. It was drier, and almost no humidity. Desmond had awoken with the sun. The heat was already seeping into his den and he could feel discomfort by it. Luckily his coat was completely thinned out. This would help, but he would need to do something. He walked out of his den and rested beneath the shade of a tree. He laid his body to the ground and allowed the dirt to cling to his fur. He didn't care. In the pack center, there was peace and a calm to the pack. It was enriching. For the first time, Desmond seemed to be completely happy. He allowed his body to completely relax when an idea came to his mind. This was the first time the pack had ever seen a lot of pups. It was a time to be joyous. Desmond stood up and shook out his body. The dirt flung from his form to the ground. He called to the pack with a welcoming howl. It was not commanding, but one could tell he wished to see the pack. "Come with me, I have something I wish to be completed." Desmond moved from the pack center and headed deeper into the territory.

He wandered towards the Woven Knoll. It was heavily shaded here and he knew that the summer sun would not be too hot for any of them. There would be little to no water here, but hopefully the extra shade would counter balance that. Desmond moved util he was right at the base of the tree. His eyes looked up to the branches and he stood up on hind legs. His forepaws searched for the perfect place to hoist himself up on a few limbs of the tree. His hinds legs pushed up from the ground as he moved to rest on the branches. It was a strange place to rest, but he wanted the pack to be able to see him. When those who chose to join him did, he smiled and spoke out to them. "Thank you for joining me here. I wanted to let you all know the latest news of our pack. As you can tell, there is some new life in our lands. They were found not far from these lands, and abandoned. I want you all to welcome them into our home. This is their home now. Please step forward and announce yourselves to the pack. This goes for pups, Apprentices, and adults alike."

with great responsibility comes a lot of bullshit...
template by revo. <3

All of Agavos can join this. Mostly mandatory for pups and high ranked wolves. If you wish for an Apprentice or Mentor, please please please join!
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2016, 23:18

Fel slithered from the depths of her cold den into the summer’s heat upon Desmond’s call. It was her break, and the year-round thickness of her coat required certain precautions. Even the dense undercoat had not yet shed, and would need a bit of grooming. Once it gave way, her long guard-hairs would be free to swish with every motion. She probably drank and bathed more than any member of the pack - although these things were rather healthy to do for an aging wolf anyway. Her alpha led them to the Woven Knoll, where he proceeded to jump onto a tree limb and perch there. She sat appropriately under him and a little to the right so that he may have center stage but still find her right beside him. Her icy orbs glared out over the pack in a far less welcoming tone than the brute above her.

Once he opened the floor to the rest of the pack for a reintroduction, Fel rumbled softly and rose to address them first. It was only right to start the chain, she supposed, and no one else was speaking. “Many of you know me, while some do not. My name is Fel, and I serve as the Beta of this pack, under Desmond. I currently have two apprentices, Blaire and Narla. Narla shall be graduating my tutoring soon, however. You will see me around the pack frequently, as I have many responsibilities. If you have any questions or need help, you may approach me upon finding me, or seek me at my den.” and the tiniest glimmer of pride at Narla. Fel then let her gaze sweep the assembled wolves and rest upon the new pups in particular. “I encourage the youth here to look upon your superiors and see in whose pawsteps you wish to follow. You will be looking for mentors soon enough.” With that, she sat her rear back down in the cool, shaded roots. She cast a curious glance towards Desoto before turning her attention to the next speaker, still wondering in the back of her mind who the sulky brute would take under his wing.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag  | ###  | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.

Last edited by Beta Fel on June 1st 2016, 23:57; edited 1 time in total
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2016, 23:54

3 years old

Lyrics or something about Breeze goes here.

NOTES: Omg apprentices! ^^

She walks. "She talks." She thinks.

The hot sun beat down on Breeze's back as the day wore on. It didn't help that her pelt was dark either, but that didn't deter her from her duties, nor her effort to be out and about. The borders has been quiet, and the fae had made her rounds that morning. A soft sigh escaped her as she settled in her den for a quick snack. Prey was more plentiful, and it gave her great satisfaction to see the pack well stocked on food. Soon after she finished, she heard Desmond howl outside. The Delta emerged from her den and waited to hear what he had to say, her expression one of mild curiosity. As soon as the large brute headed out of the clearing, she followed at an easy trot. Was this perhaps another training excercise? No...his call would surely have conveyed more urgency or at least would have had a more commanding tone. The grey female pondered what could be the purpose of this gathering, her mind wandering to various possibilities like the bees that flitted between flowers. Snapping out of her thoughts, the she-wolf smiled slightly with joyful relief to see the magnificent tree. They were in the Woven Knoll, perfect to shield them from the harsh rays of the summer sun. For a moment Breeze paused and waited for her leader to leap into the grandly arching boughs overhead, then sat among the roots slightly to the side so she could see both her Alpha and the other wolves that had assembled. She would nod or smile at her packmates as they approached, regardless of whether she knew them or not. Once everyone was settled, she turned her attention back to Desmond and listened attentively.

Fel was first to introduce herself, and Breeze found herself nodding to the raven colored she-wolf. Her amber eyes, however, would search for the Apprentices in the crowd and rest momentarily on each of them before returning to the Beta. Once the black wolf had finished speaking, she would step forward with a smile and nod to everyone. "Greetings packmates. My name is Breeze and I am your Delta. For those of you who I have not met, welcome to Agavos. I'm always around, so don't be shy. Although my specialty is fighting, I can always help with training for both hunters and warriors." She said, her voice clear. The grey pelted she-wolf stepped back and sat down. She hoped each Apprentice would not feel shy to approach her or other high ranks. She wanted to help them become the best they could be in whatever field of expertise they so desired. The apprentices had been abandoned, so she felt it was her duty to make each and every one of them feel welcome in their new home.

Delta Breeze
ty sophia @ shine

Last edited by Delta Breeze on June 2nd 2016, 13:43; edited 1 time in total
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Apprentice Ragnaar
Apprentice Ragnaar

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2016, 07:47


The young male was getting acclimated to the new pack. It was strange. None of the wolves he really knew were here. Sure, his one sister was here, but not his brother. It was strange. Ragnaar stayed close to the pack clearing. He did not wish to wander off and get captured by another pack or anything like that. He looked around the area and saw other wolves doing their own things, sleeping in dens and what not. But not him. He did not trust getting into a small enclosure and pinning yourself for another creature to get you. Instead, he laid there, curled up into a small little ball, and waited for the sunlight to come. He watched the Alpha from a distance, blocked by a few small shrubs. His emerald stare looked over him. Of course, he wanted to speak to him, to figure out why they had come. When the howl came across the lands, Ragnaar sat up and watched. He didn't have a deep howl - well not like his father had. It was almost a warm welcome to him and the others. But he tried not to pay too much attention to it.

Aside from the Alpha, there were three wolves who stood out before all the rest. One black fae, one less black fae, and one black brute. The male looked almost just like Ragnaar, only his eyes were a golden amber color, not the forest green color he had. As instructed, he stepped forward and spoke for himself.
"My name is Ragnaar. I come from the east.. uhh south east. I want to grow up and be a fighter, like my father before me. I am here with my sister, but she can speak for herself."
ooc: trying out the new table
Table and Image by Sieglinde
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Healer Crow
Healer Crow

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2016, 13:12

Crow snoozed peacefully down in the cooler depths of the healer's den. However even the dark, dank dirt couldn't keep the summer heat from creeping in on the scruffy brute. Waking feeling rather uncomfortable, the dark furred brute, slunk from his den. Once outside, he stretched and yawned, his beady gaze darting around the camp. Bristle like tail swooshing lazily against his hocks, as he finally finished his stretch and sat. Licking a bit of dirt from his nose, the healer grinned. What would today bring? He wondered, his mind wandering to all the herbs that he could seek. But before the healer could set off in search of these herbs, a voice called out. Do my ears deceive me or is that the mighty Desmond himself? He thought, a glitter in his green gaze. Happy to follow the rest of the pack behind their Alpha, Crow joined the fray.

Arriving in the Wolven Knoll, Crow took a seat further from the others. His beady gaze darting around, his teeth flashing as he panted. Glad to be undercover of the trees, he focused his attention on their Alpha. It was the first time he had glimpsed the illusive brute. Curious, Crow tilted his skull as he listened. So that's what was with all the new smells... He thought chortling softly to himself. Yearlings, oh boy! He thought delightedly. His green eyes casting around for the newcomers. He hadn't set eyes on a youngster since he had been one himself. It was exciting to see new life, welcomed into the pack. Listening as each wolf rose to introduce themselves, Crow took each in. Storing away their distinct scent, vocal sounds and look in his mind. When a brief bit of silence lapsed over the group, he took his chance. Rising to his nimble paws, he inclined his head to his packmates. " Greetings! Healer Crow at your service. Pleasure to meet you all. Eh?" He says, in his ever gleeful tone. His beady green eyes flashing as he looked about at all the new faces. " I may be fairly new to this pack life. But I know my way around herbs. If your ever in need of healing, don't be afraid to visit my den. Or if you wish to learn them of course!" He purrs, before settling back down, in the shadows.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2016, 15:16


   ~Hunter Arrelys~
   Action Think Words

   | Arrelys' Bio|

~Arrelys had settled down near her designated den entrance after picking a rabbit out to eat. She finished her hunting duties not too long ago. Prey was very abundant that season which made it much easier for her to come back to camp with food for the Agavos pack. The hunter was on her last bite when she heard the howl from Alpha Desmond. Knowing that his call meant a pack meeting, the she wolf swallowed her last bit before hurrying toward the meeting area. Her tail was low to the ground and her eyes were pricked upward. They twitched every now and then as she listened for any familiar sounds so attentively. The soundless steps of the fae increased when the saw wolves gathering at the Woven Knoll. Arrelys barely happened to get the gist of what her alpha was saying. She silently cussed at herself for being behind. Being one of the last to arrive was always embarrassing on her behalf.

The hunter planted herself behind the wolves who were apparently there before her. She observed the higher ranking wolves and the pups up front. The she wolf walked around to get a better look at them. Looking from the pups to the wolves speaking at the time, she learned what was going on. It looks as if they're introducing themselves, she thought. Everyone is involved. This should be easy... Arrelys sat at down and waited for Healer Crow to finish speaking. She noted his gleeful attitude which immediately took her back to when she first saw him. His weird noises were vividly tucked into her mind. For some reason, they happened to get into effect whenever he appeared. The fae shook her head to push it at the very back end of her mind. By the time she did that it was time for her to introduce herself. The cream hunter stood up and took a step forward. "Hello there, I'm Arrelys. I'm a relatively new hunter here--I've been part of this pack for a few months now. Though I am quite capable of fighting, hunting is the best skill I have. I'm usually out on the hunt dawn 'till early afternoon. Feel free to join as many hunts you like. I'm always there whenever you would like a hunting session or just to socialize forever and always." The wolf dipped her head in respect before stepping back to her original spot.  


       Made by @Arrelys or @Chassity

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Warrior Rook
Warrior Rook

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2016, 18:10

Rook hadn't yet found a place that suited her to rest, and being a loner before it was a hard idea to get used to - having a den. She didn't like that idea that anyone would have a place to go that they could find her. While she, as a general rule, knew that packmates didn't usually maul each other and kill each other off in the middle of the night it still resonated as dangerous to her. That night she had wandered around and enjoyed the moonlight, carefully finding her way across the ice. She didn't have any love of the summer and the heat that it brang her so she was glad that this territory had a place that was perpetually cool. She wasn't going to be drinking the frigid water there just yet, she wanted to keep her lungs and stomach alive and not a chunk of ice, but she knew that there was always a place to cool off. She had slept there, but she didn't plan on making a habit of it, any habits could be exploited. Her sleep had been light but restful and she woke up easily at the first touches of light shimmering across the still white world.

Getting up she stretched before surveying her surroundings - she had recently joined the pack although it wasn't exactly yesterday, but towards the end of the last season which was still fairly new and she still had to get a better feel of the territory beneath her paws as well as the wolves that resided within it. She had only a few wolves as of now and she knew that there were still many higher ranks that she would have to meet if she wanted to be more socially integrated into the pack and its duties.

A wolf howled in the distance, and she paused. It could be a call to gather as it sounded...welcoming, or was it a loner. She could pinpoint the sound within the territory. The female contemplated doing a check on some sections of the border but quickly dismissed the idea as she realized how quickly the sun seemed to be rising. She could put it off until dusk and try to stay in the shade for the day. She pushed the howl out of her mind, there hadn't been an overwhelming sense of urgency within it anyways. With that in mind she could check out one of the shadier areas she had come across with a network of trees with a large one at the myriad's epicenter. She didn't need to reach the center but as she neared the fringes she began to scent a gathering of wolves, all Agavos, she sighed. Then remembered the howl, well at least she now knew what the alpha, she presumed it was who called the meeting, sounded like and would be able to be more punctual next time. It looked as if there was some sort of meeting, she had been planning on picking a tree to rest in as somewhere relatively safe from view so that no one would sneak up on her but now it looked like this was what was on her schedule. There were worse things and this would give her a chance to make an appearance and meet some new faces. She picked up her pace, once she was in the shade, to a trot and finally reached the center. There was beginning to be quite a large gathering of wolves. The alpha, as well as a beta, delta, and elite were all present; mentally she stored their names, faces, and scents away so that she would recognize them and give them the proper address should she ever require something that involved their control in the pack or needed to know who they were in conversation and such. The beta looked rather severe and had already taken on multiple apprentices, something that both impressed and intrigued her. The other wolves sounded alright enough even if the way that the healer introduced himself almost made her cringe as she suppressed the urge, she really hoped that there were more healers or that she was never hurt enough to need to go to one. Glancing over she recognized a hunter from before, there was an apprentice here, and a healer. Again she put away all of their names and mannerisms that she could detect for further use at a later date if she wanted to examine them.

Then the introductions seemed to pause, she weighed the pros and cons of introducing herself. She didn't want to appear rude and unwilling in front of superiors she hadn't yet gauged, but she also didn't really want to show all of her cards yet. She thought about it only a moment more before realizing that her name and rank weren't really that big of a deal, this was her pack and she should act like it. Moving so that she could be seen but wasn't exactly front and center she dipped her head towards all of the wolves she said evenly with a measure of respect in her tone "Hello, I'm Rook" taking a breath she continued, "And I'm pretty new here, and serve as a warrior." Thinking back to the other's speeches she said "If you're looking for help then feel free to seek me out, or if you're looking for someone to spar with then I'm available as well and am always looking for ways to improve." Glancing over the wolves assembled there she avoided eye contanct before stepping back and letting someone else take center stage.
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Apprentice Petra
Apprentice Petra

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2016, 20:14

The diminutive pup gazed about her surroundings in gleeful curiosity, the treacherous terrain of isle de Muerto stretching on endlessly before her. An eerie stillness had settled over the area, a lack of motion the pup didn't find particularly alarming, but notable nonetheless. There was no summer breeze to shift the boughs of green leaves, no flutter of bird's wings, no minute insects scattering through the underbrush. All was frozen and silent, and concealed in the placid shadows of the nearby tree line she could glimpse four figures, black furred wolves two tall and two little, like herself. A broad, ecstatic smile bloomed on her maw in spite of the ominous flash of terror that inexplicably rippled down her spine; she recognized each of them instantly, as she always would. Mom! Dad! Ambrose! Thaddeus! She sprinted as fast as she could towards them on her clumsy, juvenile paws, a trail of happy yips and semi howls rising from her petite jaws. She abruptly halted, however, when one by one, each of her family members turned away in patent apathy, receding aloofly into the imperceivable darkness of the spanning forest. W-wait! I... I can't catch up! Wait for me! She called out incessantly for her rapidly fading loved ones, plodding after them in a sudden burst of frantic concern. She pushed herself as hard as she could, but it almost appeared as though she wasn't moving at all, and she watched in hopeless despair as the wolves she treasured most in the world vanished from her sight. Wait! Please! Please don't leave me alone! I'm sorry! Whatever I did! I-I can fix it! Please don't leave me behind! What did I do?

Petra's eyes fluttered open in tranquil silence, the weariness of her slumber gradually dissipating. She cast her dejected focused around the walls of the unfamiliar den, an abysmal emptiness yawning like a cavity deep within her. She could recall with unfathomable clarity all that had transpired to plant her here, in enemy terrain, isolated from all that was known and familiar and loved. She and the other pups had been immersed in their game when they were suddenly surrounded by foreign assailants, looming figures whose presence invoked in her an entirely new kind of terror, one that was inextricably melded to her awed fascination when they demanded they follow them. She knew she should have retaliated, snarled and torn their throats from their bodies like her father would have, but she had been paralyzed. They were all so big compared to her, their threats unavoidably real and distressing. What could she have done against their strength? What could someone as irrevocably powerless as her do against anyone? So she relented, subdued, allowed the will of larger entities to dictate her life as they always had, like a cycle she couldn't reason the way out of, no matter how much she tried.

She rested her chin haplessly on her paws, a grim, hollow solemnity constricting her chest like a determined serpent. She despised that feeling, how miserable her very existence was. She was tired of being swept along with the flow, living under the paw of anyone who called themselves superior. She loathed living that way, constantly bowed to the debilitating power of fear, mediocre, unwanted. She missed her mother, her father, her brothers. She missed Erenyx's familiar pack clearing, the peaceable mornings she spent in play and exploration. She missed Tulie and the autay den, and the diminutive pup did the best she could to remember what she'd told her. Be wise, and use my head, and... Comp... Compassion. She still had a great deal of difficulty implementing the last term; she didn't understand these wolves, why they had taken her away. She didn't know what she had done to them, but she wanted to. It was a fierce desire of hers to remediate mistakes, because the kind of wolf she wanted to be didn't make them. She'd always envisioned her future as a matter of becoming Erenyx's most terrifying warrior, a wolf whose prowess everyone revered, a person who was feared, loved. That's all she wanted; to be the one in control as opposed to the subject being squashed.

Her downcast attention was drawn outwards by the abrupt flicker of movement in front of her, and she watched in silent curiosity as a minuscule black and yellow lizard darted out of the stone cracks, pausing a few feet ahead of her. She was subsequently overwhelmed by an unfathomably intense longing of a near vindictive kind; the pitiful little creature had its back to her. She sprang in an instant, though the lizard's whip like blue tail just barely slithered out of her grasp. In a flash of indomitable indignance she struck out a paw where she presumed it was heading, trapping the squirming black body beneath her pads. She watched it writhe in evident trepidation for several long moments before grasping its long blue tail in her jaws, ripping the appendage free with a messy thrash of her head. The taste wasn't particularly appetizing, and she carelessly allowed the severed limb to fall back down to the den floor; this wasn't about consumption, anyways. She ducked her gaping jaws down four more times in prolonged, focused periods, ripping each appendage free until the tortured animal was limbless and there was virtually no reason for her to hold it down any longer. A dark, red black stain had formed beneath its contorting form, and she tilted her head slightly in demure admiration, subconsciously imagining the slaughtered cadaver of a towering candid foe. "You're more beautiful, this way." She noted frankly as she gazed down decidedly at the now faintly struggling creature, her voice entirely casual. "Die." After awhile its petrified, excruciating wriggling ceased into stillness, and her command had been dully heeded.

A vociferous howl pulled her attention towards the clearing with a start, and a foreboding weight dropped in her stomach like a boulder. She warily peeked her head out of the den to glimpse the owner of the call, a brown male she presumed was likely the alpha; she remembered when her father had called the pack together the very same way. A drove of wolves gradually followed him out of the encampment, and she took a few steps forward in cautious hesitation, her chest constricting with uncertainty. She had clung desperately to Memphis since the four peers had arrived in the foreign place, anxious to lose her only brother here, but he was currently nowhere to be found, and she didn't want to be punished for noncompliance. Subsequently she found herself padding warily after the horde, silently wishing her brother would turn up at where ever the large male was leading them.

The group soon arrived in a strange kind of forest dominated by a intricate web of woven vines, and as she cast her wide yellow gaze about the new milieu her naturally inquisitive demeanor began to surface from the bog of her fear. Are the vines a part of the trees, or are they something different? Do the same little animals in Erenyx live here, too? What do these wolves use this place for?

She swiveled her snout towards the alpha as he began his address, and it was then that she afforded herself the chance to truly observe him. He was actually quite massive, not as tall as her father, but he still towered over the majority of his underlings. His pelt was composed of tans and browns, and his eyes were a dark green hue, somewhat reminiscent of pine. She was actually bewildered by his apparently cordial demeanor; her father was always austere and harsh when he faced his subordinates, severe, strong. Her confusion was exacerbated by his subsequent statements, a dark, muddled feeling pricking like a thorn at her heart. They weren't abandoned; his servants had stolen them away in the middle of their game. She had assumed her mother was worried by their disappearance, that she would come looking for them. That... That is what happened... Right? How... How could she... a horrifying premonition quaked through her body in malicious tremors, the gravitas of which crushed her like an arching wave. Would her mother really look for her? Would her father? Was any of this as random as it had initially seemed? The notions appeared to be more wishful thinking than fact, and the truth she was rapidly piecing together in her mind hurt her deeper than anything had ever before; it was, undoubtedly, the worst pain she had ever felt.

A slew of wolves introduced themselves after, one of which she recognized as an initial captor. Ragnaar was among them, though her counterpart did not seem near as perturbed as she. A physically aching agony had gripped her bones, and she took a few slow, shaking steps forward of some subconscious volition, her gaze nailed to the bleary ground beneath her. She stopped directly in front of the towering form of the Agavos alpha; Desmond was the name his beta had supplied. "Sir..." Her voice was nearly inaudible, and she had to swallow the jagged lump choking her throat to keep her voice from devolving into a slew of despairing cries. "My... My name is... Petra..." She took a deep breath, her chest hitching somewhat as her body shuddered with a barely restrained sorrow. She hadn't the courage to lift her her snout to look at him, and she didn't want anyone to see how hard she was trying not to whimper. "Is... Is that true... Did my mom really abandon me?" Her voice quivered and cracked as she hung her head in excruciating despair, no longer attempting to contain her saturnine disposition. She was well aware of how weak she looked, how shameful her demeanor was, but she couldn't find the capacity to care. "Does she really not want me anymore?"
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Elite Desoto
Elite Desoto

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2016, 23:28

@Agavos. words. notes.
thx »

i would kill to be a
mile away
or feel the
breath you'll take
but fate

Things had been pretty quiet around Agavos, that is, if one counts out the organized pup steal. He had yet to address the two that he believed strongly were his own, but he needed to be sure. The Elite had promised and told Braelyn that he would take in their children if need be, however he no idea if she made that decision or not. It was frustrating to say the least, he wanted desperately to know. Soon, he told himself, I will know soon enough. He nodded once to himself, letting a slightly cold gust of wind rush through his fur. It was hot and dry, the absolute worst combination he could think of. And his gift of black fur didn't do him any good in the hotter seasons. Opening his jaws, his tongue took the opportunity to hang out freely as he began to pant. Even though he sat beneath one of the many trees in the pack lands, he still felt as if it were scorching into his body.

Suddenly then, there was a howl. Loud, long, and summoning; A call from the Alpha Desmond himself. Rising to his paws with a slight groan and shake of his pelt, Desoto mumbled "Of all days, it has to be today, eh? Course, there are many things that need to be addressed this season." Flicking his tail, began to head to Woven Knoll at a light lope. He knew fairly well how this might work out. Introductions, brief explanations, questions, assignments, etcetera etcetera. He'd do and say what he needed too, nothing more and nothing less. Everyone who'd met or heard of him in the pack knew he wasn't very sociable. He'd however earned his respect within the pack. Coming up with a plan to take down the moose, and winning, he supposed, the spar against Altair. He may be mute at times, but he knew what he was doing and talking about. Not one word left his jaws, usually, without careful observation and thought.

Approaching the wolves that had already gathered, Fel beginning her own introduction as he sat a few feet away from her and Desmond. He made no noise or apology as he did so, simply sat in silence and gave a curt nod to his Alpha. He made no gesture to look at him, but giving his attention to the one who currently spoke. Wolves introduced themselves before one of the stolen from Erenyx slowly walked forward. Her voice was soft, almost scared, and caused a sense of sympathy to shoot through his chest. His golden eyes softened a tad, listening to her question about her mother. Looking to Desmond almost as in permission to speak, he slowly began to reply. "Petra, I would not say that your mother did not want you anymore. She had her reasons, I'm sure. All we know, from having wolves like myself and Fel as previous members of Erenyx, is that bad things happen to pups there. If anything, I would strongly agree that your mother wanted to keep you safe from that. Don't give up on her so easily, or yourself for that matter."

He offered a tight, almost awkward smile. Then turning his head to the rest of the crowd his voice raised slightly. "For those of you I have not met, which is many, I am Desoto. I am the Elite of this pack. To give a fair warning, I am not the most sociable or talkative brute here, often coming off as cross and unfeeling. I currently hold no apprentices, but I am willing to train those who desire to learn from me. I give the same words that Fel gave to those who are young. Us higher ranks are here to guide, help, and protect you. We may seem like your enemy now or at times, but harming you is beyond our farthest wish. We want for you to succeed and earn your place among us rightfully. If you work and train hard, you might find yourselves in one of our positions." Nodding once he signaled the end of his tiny speech, casting a glance to Fel like she had done to him. Cocking up an eyebrow he slightly murmured to her, "Before you say anything, yes I can see the trees Ms. Sassy."

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Apprentice Xymesina
Apprentice Xymesina

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2016, 04:03

Apologies, she's stubborn cx

In a pit of vigorous foam, the hued sea green that resided inside did not match what had been there the moment they first opened - rather than alive as seemed, the spark was dulled. Flame no more brighter than the little light that crept through on dark spring nights. It had been corrupted, misguided since the recent change of scenery as well as authority that now had claimed possession over the adolescent and her siblings. They had just been sent out to play a game, harmless and possibly helpful as it taught them to welcome the independence of being without supervision.

Amidst the fun in the new land meant for all and not one, such simple pleasures had been interrupted by none other than cowards. Traitors, possibly who sought to eradicate her father’s growing dominance as his offspring would one day pass on his legacy or who would try to use the pups for their own numbers. To think captivating and making her prisoner would somehow gain her loyalty to whatever this place was besides her home was a delusional thought and the young pup could only hope that the other’s would see through the wolves that had apprehended them as well. In the very least, her own brother as surely he was not so easily persuaded.

From then until the present, the time in said duration was nothing but an uneasy still. In regions unfamiliar to her and unknowing of the empty slots wolves gave as they woke and slept, Xymesina had since been planning her escape. Although the fae gathered something like that would take days, maybe weeks as she would need to come up with some solid plan before letting the other’s know. If things didn’t go as planned, she could see father coming to save them or at least a group he sent to steal them back. They were his children after all and he wouldn’t leave them to rot, right? … Certainly not mother.

Scrutiny was her weapon at the moment as the adolescent would simply watch. To observe and exploit, and then hopefully, leave with knowledge about these strangers and the place they called home. Per-usual, as if she was back in her own, Xymesina had taken to being on her own without company, which wasn’t all that hard considering the fact that wolves here seemed to not notice the new bodies they’d have to feed. Either that or they were avoiding them like a plague, something the fae wouldn’t mind at all should that be true. She wasn’t that fond of others anyways, especially a crowd.

Perched on stone that embedded one half of it’s size in the wave of a small hill, this was where Xymesina had claimed as her own to contemplate and examine. Wolves passed and came, though each day collided with the last as time here seemed gone. Banner curled to place itself at her side, the fae had a collection of empty and thorough thoughts, all of which seemed to be cleared as her auds picked up the sound of a bellowing howl. But this was not father. The source was a brute as massive as they come, not as large as the dark king who she was related but still large enough to seem colossal. Were all souls of masculine genes intimidating giants? So far, that has been all she has seen of the opposite gender and a few faes as well that borderline on surpassing those in height.

The brutes call was long, and as she silently watched the male, no sooner did he stop had the young one began to notice a hoard of strangers flocking to his demand and following as he led them somewhere. For a group of souls to be led anywhere, the male would have had to be undoubtedly the leader of this place and her reason for being here. While part of her was curious, another found it foolish to even step off the rock she claimed temporarily. This place was not where she belonged, not where any of them belonged and to take part in the mob after a false figure was like letting him win. Whatever her thoughts were, neither mattered as she needed information, to who this brute was and why the four had been abducted. Questions would be answered, that she would make sure.

Xymesina idly stood and at a cautiously slow pace took after behind the group down the trail. It had not been long until the mass came to assemble in a web of bark and wood. A knit of branches and trunks stemming to provide a protective-like bubble around the large bulked tree that stood in the center. As the leader made his ascent upon the structure, Xymesina took the moment to seclude herself in the shadows of the shade, momentarily lost from the conversation as she began to lower her figure and rest against the cool ground. Taking it as her mission to get comfortable before even regarding what the brute addressed, though she did hear parts of the beginning introduction.

Chin landing upon her forepaws, the adolescent gazed her seafoam green in a hard glare as this pack alpha gave nothing but petty lies. They were not abandoned, they were taken! Stolen against their will and denied the freedom of making the choice of whether they wanted to come. Lips faintly curling upon her muzzle in a start of a snarl, no audible sound came but the threat she presented with such actions. As the male commanded, wolves began presenting themselves and it was the first male..female, to do so that gave a clue as to who these folk were. Desmond... Xymesina took note of the alpha’s name as she would probably need to remember it. The second fae proved more useful in facts as she gave a name to the lands, though it was her now awake counterpart that made the connection. "Agavos". It had been the name her father had given the day of the pack fights, as he spoke about the neighboring packs that were announced enemies to Erenyx.

Next was one face she was happy to see, Ragnaar. The sight of her brother well and still alive made her heart beat rapidly, a small smile parting on her once faint grimaced expression. Having one full connection to her life before made the misery of missing the rest of their family all the more bearable. As long as she had him here with her. As more began to present themselves, as far as she knew the rest were irrelevant, that is until another familiar face crept into the center. Petra. Xymesina had not seen her since their arrival, but she was glad to see her physically well. It was clear from the start of her words, the other was not so good emotionally and it was clear the lies this Desmond spoke had gotten to her.

Immediately rising from her position, the adolescent perked her auds forward as a dark brute attended to her half sibling. The male recognizably the one who had taken her, she remembered such golden orbs. As he began to comfort the other fae, Xymesina rolled her eyes as he too told more lies. Had her reasons? Keep her safe? This had nothing to do with their parents and the adolescent once more had faith that this was not a plan or abandonment. It was thievery. Coming up beside the other, the pup would speak close to her so Petra could hear clearly underneath the brutes words.

“Don’t listen to him, we were not abandoned nor given up. This is a ploy to turn us from home.” Offering a nod of credence whether or not Petra saw, her banner soon whipped in a graceful motion as the faes attention turned to the large male in a tree. It would have been easy to follow along in this act, not care but she did and it was this stubbornness that led to the next sentence. A sentence she may regret with a tone that if used at home would get her tongue bitten right off.

“Father was right, you are a fool.”

"speech" | "absinthe" | mind... | actions

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Warrior Azrael
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Warrior Azrael

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2016, 09:36

you won't know my reasons
and I will never begin to explain them to you
The midnight brute had been awoken from a tiresome night by the call of the Alpha. He knew the sound well, having been an Alpha before coming to these lands. His body ached from the hard ground he had chosen to make a den upon. It would need a little work to make it better, and yet, Azrael could never find the time to get it done. Too many things harbored his brain, forced him to forget the necessities of life. Comfort and warmth were good, and still, he did not try to accomplish them. He slowly followed behind the others. He watched as they pooled to one single tree, resting beneath the Alpha himself. What a strange fellow, getting into a tree like that.. But Azrael kept his comments to himself. He heard the Alpha speaking of new life, though there had been no pregnant faes here. He would have been able to smell them throughout the pack lands. So these were wolves who came to pack of their own accord? Azrael spoke not a word, but allowed the other wolves to speak first. Beside the Alpha, was the Beta. She was strong and seemed to have a matter-of-fact point of view. It was good to see such dedication to the king. Other wolves filled in beneath the tree closest to the Alpha. They must have been the ones he had seen before. Desoto, he recalled personally, from their little meeting.

As the other wolves introduced themselves, Azrael could see the pups speaking. It seemed the Alpha had struck the wrong cord with the young ones, which he had to admit was very easy to do. Their little hearts were sensitive and frail. They could not take such words, well, one seemed to be alright with the news. He was dark, almost black with brown patches. If these wolves did come from Erenyx, and the rumors were true.. Were these the spawn of Teren? He kept a snarl to himself. Nobody needed to see more of the devil in the world. These litle wolves would hopefully fail at life and die off, not allowing any more suffering to begrudge the earth. The last fae to speak seemed to be disappointed in leaving their home.. Why? Was Teren a good father? Did he show care and consideration to them? Doubtful. She was blinded by his malice, thinking that she was better than the wolves who lived here. Azrael thought to stand up for the Alpha, to defend him, but all Alpha's should be able to defend their own selves. It was not his position as a Warrior to do such things. "My name is Azrael. I am a Warrior of these lands. I have trained many to become highly skilled and disciplined Warriors and I do plan to continue my legacy. If you wish to learn to fight, to maim and kill, I can teach you all of these things. You need only ask of me." Azrael made no moves to the head of the pack, instead he stood at the back. Once he finished speaking, he sat down and rested in the shade of the large tree. It was rather hot and he knew with his dark pelt, that he would need to stay in as much shade as possible.

Tag: Agavos Wolves | Words: 551

template by eliza @ tb & adoxography
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Apprentice Achak
Apprentice Achak

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2016, 23:33

Death doesn’t discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints

The brutal heat had left his mouth panting, tongue rolling against his teeth, and his paws to grow uncomfortable. Even the once pleasantly comfortable shade had left him unsatisfied and craving relief. Certainly it wouldn't always be this hot.. right? Grumbling to his feet, Achak shook the dirt from his coat and trotted along the shaded path through the Agavos forest purposefully going around any sun blaring through the trees and away from the pack's camp. His thoughts were upon his list of things he had to accomplish soon, but his paws dragged him away from the responsibilities and closer to a spot he frequented often. Ah, the pond closest to his den. Bending his head down and pricking his ears up, the apprentice scooped the water up into his mouth with his tongue. Not bad, of course, but surely it was not the ice cool water he had been hoping for. One paw stepping forward while the others followed suit, the adolescent slowly transcended into the water's grace and felt his body temperature lower. As his colored fur floated in streams amid the water, Achak kept his head above the surface while his amber eyes closed peacefully. Claws clutching the soft soil beneath the water's surface, the unbelievable heat seemed to be vanquished. Things were quiet for a moment, peaceful, before a howl rose above the land; it was from their alpha, Desmond, but it was not a warning howl, and nor was it a commanding tone. However, Achak knew it would be one to obey. Releasing his grip from the bottom of the pond the apprentice found his way back to the shore. His pelt felt heavy under the weight of the liquid and he could hear the drips of water falling off of his body, but he did not wish to dry so quickly, so, without even shaking his fur, the male took off into the territory to find the spot Desmond had called them to.

It was a welcome sight to see so much shade. While his pelt had mostly dried on the swift run here, there was still a vague dampness to his coat that kept him happy and comfortable. Curious at Desmond's position in the tall tree, though not questioning, Achak found a seat with the others and listened quietly as words were exchanged. There had been a curious inflation of pups recently to the pack - three, to be exact, and it had sent Achak's interest to become peaked. As he listened, Desmond began to explain that they had been abandoned and Agavos had allowed them into its home. A frown threatened to tug on his face as his heart reached out for the whelps. Abandoned? They were younger than he when he had lost most of his family. Were they alright? Had they been given affection since their arrival here? Certainly there was a loss that they felt. However, the meeting had begun to start and Achak quickly paid attention to what the others were saying. Already a black she-wolf had called her name and rank as beta, and a delta promptly followed her words. 'Fel and Breeze' he thought to himself, trying to remember the names before he could forget or get confused as others began to introduce themselves as well. Next was one of the whelps - he introduced himself mildly to the others as Ragnaar. Achak put the name in the back of his mind for later.

Other wolves spoke up now such as Healer Crow, Hunter Arrelys, and Warrior Rook before something began to stir up at the front near Desmond; it was one of the pups. She was shaking. Instantly Achak could feel his claws clench into the ground as he arose to look upon the situation better and strained to hear the timid voice of the she-wolf. Had anyone spoken to the young ones yet? Certainly they had been shown some sort of love, or affection, or a simple word that it would be ok. Thoughts were cut off by the sudden interception from a black male that had not introduced himself yet. Pricking his ears to hear the dialogue to the pup, a sudden word fell out of the brute's mouth that closed Achak away. 'Erenyx' he almost spat. Taking in a deep breath, the apprentice forced himself to stay calm and smoothed out the fur that had bristled at the mention. 'Do not allow yourself to show anger. Do not allow yourself to judge. Do not allow yourself to disrespect the pack that brought you in.' He repeated the words in his mind trying to grip his patience. It was possible not all of Erenyx wolves were horrible. Perhaps there was a reason these pups had been brought here. Perhaps in Agavos they would be allowed to grow up to be apart from the murderer Teren. Desmond had his reasons to bring them here.. didn't he? So involved within his mind Achak barely caught the name of the brute that intervened and spoken the name of the foul pack. Desoto.

Not a moment passed before another one of the pups arose and took to the front of the crowd. She spoke not her name, but to the other she-wolf near her, before turning her attention to Desmond himself. The very words from her tongue erased any hope that he had for the Erenyx pups and sent his mouth agape. To call the leader of a pack a fool.. she must be mad. Instantly he knew who the she-wolf reminded him of - Julian. Blatantly and publicly defiling the name of someone looked upon with respect had landed him in exile. Looking to the face of Desmond Achak tried to see what the leader was thinking, but he could not tell. A tightening feeling rose in his chest. One of the other wolves in the back mentioned his name and rank, not touching on the subject that just occurred, but Achak could not hear him over the thumping in his ears. Once again an Erenyx had proven themselves to be nothing but trouble. Still standing from the event earlier, the apprentice felt his mouth open without thinking. "My name is Achak," he spoke, the words sounding louder than he was used to. "I am an apprentice here of Agavos although this is not my native home. I found the place I was born with strife for I had lost my siblings and mother to death. I turned to Agavos for help, and it was Desmond that welcomed me to his lands to continue my life free from the wounds of the past. I now serve Agavos to train and become a useful member of this society." Quieter now, he finished his sentence before sitting back among the others. How he so strongly wished to defend his alpha from the Erenyx brat, but he did not wish to cross any boundaries for what he had to say would be disrespectful in itself. Instead he would build upon the image of Agavos as another adolescent upon Agavos lands.

Actions. Thoughts. "Speech."

Original table by Jess - thank you!
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Apprentice Blaire
Apprentice Blaire

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2016, 21:54

Keen, steel-blue eyes had been ever watchful, though from a safe distance since the arrival of the new pups. Blaire was still relatively unsure of how they had come to be here. She had heard whispers of them being abandoned by their mothers, which she found quite easy to believe. She herself had been abandoned, or so her trauma twisted mind would have her believe. But, she supposed the reason for their being here didn't really matter. They were here, and they were part of Agavos now. Unsure of how to approach them, Blaire remained a shadow in the distance, keeping a watchful eye on them. They too were Erenyx born, and in that she could not help but feel the need to protect them and help them adjust to life in Agavos. Such a feat was easier conjured in her mind than executed however. Blaire's social skills were... shoddy at best, so she needed to find something to bridge the gap between them. Perhaps if she could offer them something, they would be more inclined to speak with her. A gift. That would have to suffice, and so she set out in the early morning, determined to catch a rabbit, as a token of.. well.. she wasn't sure, but who could turn down food?

The rusted cream stained furs of her pelt bounced with each meeting of her large paws upon the hard soil beneath her. Gangly legs carried her a fair distance with each stride in her mission for a rabbit. Triangular ears swivelled back and forth as the sounds of the forest filled the air around her. Her eyes stayed glued to the path ahead, while her twitching ebony nose pointed her in the right direction. She could smell the little beast around here somewhere, she just needed to track it down. The rhythmic trotting of her paws slowed to a crawls as the scent became stronger even still. She had to be close now. Now far more delicate, and deliberate steps carried her forward, her eyes scanning the forest floor for her target. All was still, unmoving and stoic until a howl bellowed through the air. A blur of fluff darted from it's hiding place beneath a gnarled mess of roots, taking off into the distance. Hackles raised and her mouth salivating, she watched in distain as her bargaining chip faded into the scenery.  Pushing air through her nose in an irritated snort, she hung her tail between her legs and let her head fall from it's poised position high upon her shoulders. She would not ignore Desmond's call, but that didn't mean she had to be happy about doing so.

Kicking her legs into a maintainable gallop beneath her frame, she made her way back to the clearing where the call had originated. She was greeted by a almost complete emptiness, though the trail of those who had just left was still potent. Grumbling to herself once more, she shifted direction, and tore off towards the others. If I'm the last one there, Fel will make me run until I collapse she thought to herself begrudgingly. The thought alone was enough to push her faster, determined not to be the last face there. Spotting figures up ahead, she forced her desperate legs to slow their pace as not to draw attention to her less than punctual arrival. If she was lucky, she would be able to sneak in behind the others, and pretend she had been there all along, but things never seemed to go the way the lanky apprentice truly planned.

Though she certainly did not catch the first words given by several wolves, she did however overhear one of the new pups brash little outburst. Hearing her disrespect for those who had saved her from a miserable life in Erenyx, Blaire's fur bristled along her back and her eerie stone cold eyes narrowed. Others spoke after, seeming to ignore what had been said, but Blaire was certainly not about to let such a statement go unanswered. Striding forward to meet the emerald eyed fae straight on, Blaire glared with unyielding distaste, her ears flattening against her skull and her tail assuming a tryingly high position. "How dare you speak to them like that, to those who saved your ungrateful hide from the likes of Erenyx" she snapped, letting the last word hiss out of her mouth as she held her ground before the pup. She dared not let her gaze break free of the female before her out of fear for the searing glare that she was undoubtedly getting from Fel.
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Lead Warrior Narla
Lead Warrior Narla

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Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2016, 22:26

She walks. "She talks." She thinks.

Narla heard her Alpha's call and she responded immediately, trotting off in the direction of the sound. It lead her to a territory she'd seldom explored called the Woven Knoll. Looking around it appeared wonderful and cool in the summertime, owing to the shade the large tree in the centre provided. Seated at the base was her familiar Alpha, large and regal as ever. At his side was the even larger Beta. Beautiful brutish Fel flanked her Alpha and gazed out upon the gathering of misfits. Narla took a seat amongst those gathered, directly in the view of the dark Beta, offering her a smile. The dingo strained not to roll her eyes. Yet another introduction meeting. Narla waited for a few others to make themselves known before standing herself and beginning her own introduction in her trademark accent. "G'day everyone. A few of you know me, most don't. I'm Narla. I wnat you pups to know, no matter how you came to be here, you'll always have a place here in Agavos, this lot seem like decent folk to a foreigner like me. You guys can come chat with me any time you like. I'm always happy to go on an adventure." She gave them a cheeky grin before settling down once more, this time to lie on her belly, hind legs splayed out to one side in a more comfortable manner.

code by nnlya
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2016, 03:38

Hunter Sieglinde

A pretty face. = 'Hides her deadly nature.' = "Do not tempt her with danger."
Hearing her Alpha's howl after a lengthy period of time sent dark ears swivelling with mild curiosity. Emerald eyes contemplated for a second, questioning whether or not she should answer Desmond's call. From its tone, she could tell that it wasn't a compulsory meeting and in a spur of laziness, she felt that perhaps staying back and sleeping would be much better. But unsurprisingly she felt obligation to attend. Maybe it'd even be worthwhile.

Already within close range of where she suspected the Alpha to be, she swiftly made her way towards Desmond's call. She had little hesitation in her stride and she arrived in a short amount of time with barely a huff in her breath. There were already a considerable amount of wolves present, although such a sight was to be expected; after all, she did respond rather tardily. Blinking at the crowd, she easily slid her smaller body in an empty spot and gave a small smile at whoever was looking.

Waiting patiently for the others who came before her to introduce themselves, she took the time to observe the ones around her. She knew some with a vague sense of recognition, however she did not recall seeing any of the younger ones before. There hadn't been any pregnant faes in Agavos, had there? She pondered whether or not she had just not seen them. That was a possibility, considering her rather uncharacteristic aloofness with the pack. But they did not look like anyone she knew, so maybe she was thinking too much and they were just new.

After her rather lengthy contemplation, Sieglinde realised that it was probably her turn to say something. Blinking slowly, she allowed a small albeit reserved smile to grace her lips before saying, "Um, hi, everyone. I am Sieglinde and I'm a hunter. I've never trained anyone before, since I've never had the opportunity to, so let's hope any burgeoning hunters here can make this a learning experience for both of us." Finishing, she gave a small bow before falling silent.

She was sure that she was the last one to arrive, although she'd hoped that Altair would be here. Her heart sank a little bit at that but she did not dwell on it for long. Her thoughts were broken momentarily by a growl from a young female who she did not recognise. Erenyx. There were wolves from Erenyx? The name of the pack wasn't unfamiliar to her but she did not know enough about it, for she stayed out of pack politics and she hadn't met a single wolf from said pack yet. Lips pulled back in a frown, she stared at the Apprentice for a few seconds, before deciding to drop it and leave the situation for someone else. 'Alrighty, Sieglinde, speak when you are spoken to. You're better at listening, anyway.'
ooc: Weee...
Table and Image by Sieglinde; do not touch

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Warrior Striker
Warrior Striker

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2016, 11:59

i'll see you in the future when we're older
and we are full of stories to be told, cross my heart and i hope to die, i'll see you then with that fragile smile and those beautiful eyes.


A favorable amount of daisies began to sprout nearest to his sleeping quarters, providing the young lad with some beauty to awaken to, as well as a soft aroma to take in at first morning breath before a beneficial run through the terrain. Though he never saw the exercise as just that, but rather more in depth reasons that led to his safety here which had been going on a year strong thus far. He couldn't help but to fall into patterned habits along the way into the rabbit hole to Hell, he had carelessly forgotten who he could've been or was back home just a year ago. Perhaps he had changed some - no, he had known that much, but his behavior was more reserved now, watchful and full of taste as he saw the world from a brighter light than that of darkness and fog like the ruthless who lived back yonder. After the whole scenario with capturing the youth and bringing them here, where they would be less of an issue and burden back in his natal pack, the wolf had been keeping a keen eye out for the group which his legion returned with. He'd certainly gained a better of respects for those he traveled with that evening, though he couldn't say the same for the rest of the pack. Dark ears soon were distracted by a familiar call, to which the rest of it's body responded to in unison with the other beings around the camp in following the sound to its destined source.

Coruscant glimmers of light shown through the evergreen canopy resting above their heads, delicately shining on every invidual whom was not shaded by the knoll. His attention soon found itself watching the pups, as if instinct told him they would find discomfort in what the crowd was about to be anounced with. He could almost simpathize with them, but it was partially because of him why they were here with the thought it was better for everyone, as well as a bit of revenge towards Teren as a whole. The male wolf wondered hesitantly as to what it would lead to if the truth was later revealed as to the pups' real whereabouts and what it could become as a whole later down the path of foreign affairs. The thought alone made his stomach uneasy, but he showed no trace of change on the outside, carefully listening whilst doing an internal headcount as to who all was present. Everyone else's voices were a mere whisper in the back of his head as he barely paid attention to those he had already known and heard from prior to the meeting, though as the pups would speak, he'd listen well to their tones and examine their postures. Their pelts practically radiated with colors of potential as they'd introduce themselves. But what truly got his attention was the little spitfire apprentice they had which barely corrected a mysterious female among the pod. His lips quivered and struggled to stay sealed, but his snout betrayed him with a humoured snort of laughter at the back of his throat. His age was really beginning to show bit by bit as he'd let his guard down, he noticed.

Once the eye-catching ebony hunter was finished, he nodded graciously and stood tall with pride. Whilst opening his mouth to speak, his eyes began to look upon the pups, finding them to be the most relative and closest to in age for some comfort, but to the adults for maturity and understanding, "I am Warrior Striker, originally from Erenyx, but found shelter after tragedy here in the land of Agavos underneath Alpha Desmond, as well as comfort in friends along the way. If any would be of interest, I'd be honored in mentoring any of the pups here today, speak to me as you would to a friend or someone to trust. Look to me as yourself, and I will do my best to make you strong and brave. Do not think of your place here as a trap,-" He said, being as assuring as he possibly could with such a hard exterior, his dark sapphire eyes gleaming a soft light as he'd peer to the young offspring with the ghost of a smile, "-you're home now. Welcome to Agavos." With how long he had been here, he truly thought it to be a prison, but learned it was much more. And as if his heart were truly beaten to be covered with tar, he soon found himself warm and delighted inside to say this place would be home deep down.
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Alpha Desmond
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Alpha Desmond

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Join date : 2014-12-19

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Age: 5 Years Old
Purchases: Large Wolf | Rogue

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJuly 2nd 2016, 12:25

the rogue king

I never expected to find myself here, but now that I am... I can't see myself being anywhere else.

The wolves came as he had called them. They seemed to be mostly happy to be there, in Agavos, under his reign. But there were some who were troubled. Perhaps he had used the wrong term? He was not sure, but he knew that he had to do something. He could not allow a pup to speak to anyone in such a way, let alone, speak to any of the other high ranked wolves. This was something he had faced before, but from an older wolf and not in front of the rest of the pack. He had handled it his way before, as an Alpha should.. This time he needed to be delicate. Or maybe blunt? He was so confused within himself how he was going to answer such a statement. This little fae knew nothing of the wolves she called family. She knew nothing of the other wolves around her. He looked down from his perch, making sure the area he was jumping down to would not be atop another wolf. Pushing his body off the branches, he landed on all fours carefully. He looked to the young wolves, seeing their expressions as he made his way closer to them than any other wolves. He cleared his throat gently as he looked to the pups. "I may have used the wrong wording and I do apologize.." His eyes moved to Xymesina. "Actually, I was very wrong... Your mother did not have you broguth her because she didn't want you any longer. She did it because she wanted you to have a happy life. She wanted you to feel safe, even if she is not there to be with you. All of your mothers do love you," he said as he looked to the pups.

"Erenyx is a bad place for young wolves. Prior to your birth, there were young pups before you. They stayed in their home, unaware of the pressing danger they were in. Alpha Teren forced the young wolves to attack and kill one another. One survived from this, and he is now my Warrior. Striker is his name. He came to my pack and asked for my help, to keep him safe. Over the last year or more, I have done just that. Agavos is a family, whether you came here on your own or were forced to.. We will watch over you and help you grow." He lifted his eyes to look at the rest of his pack. "Please do not be so rough towards the younger ones, they do not understand. Be kind to one another, and help them to understand. I have, if not more than, three members who were once members of the Erenyx pack... Yet here they are, serving under my justly and honorably. This is their home now, and has been for a very long time. Fel herself was Teren's right paw at one point in time." He directed his attention to Xymesina once again. "If you feel I am a fool, because of the words your father told you, then I am sorry for you. Hopefully in time, you will learn that you can think for yourself, not forced to think things that were forced on you. What is your name?" His body was relaxed and his voice was calm. He was not acting angered, though deep down he was feeling a little cross with the pup. He didn't wish for them to be scared, but he couldn't think about what more damage his words could make.

with great responsibility comes a lot of bullshit...
template by revo. <3

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Apprentice Ragnaar
Apprentice Ragnaar

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Join date : 2016-03-22

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2016, 11:02


Of all the pups, of course his sister was the wildfire. She spouted off her words, proving how pissed she was about their situation. Ragnaar was not too sure just how he felt about things, but he did know he was not going to allow some punk to try and be mean to her. He moved to stand by his sister, careful not to bump into anyone. He waited for the Alpha to speak and then he stood in front of Blaire.  "If I ever see you speak to my sister like that again, I will hurt you far more than some words seemed to bother your feelings. You are a weakling if you think words hurt more that what I can do to you." The wolf looked to her, snarling as he stared. He did not like this wolf, no matter what she was going to say or do. The Alpha was respectful, at the very least, but this wolf was going to be trouble. If she wanted it, she found it. Ragnaar would continue to keep a close eye on her. He stayed close to Xymesina. Nobody was going to bother her. They didn't have a family here. They were put into a situation that was entirely out of their control. He was going to roll with it, but it was far more apparent that she needed help. He would always be there for her.

ooc: trying out the new table
Table and Image by Sieglinde
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Location : Alabama

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Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Welcome Home [Pups/Agavos] Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2016, 17:13

Fel watched the events unfold from her pleasantly seated position as more wolves filed in. The beta listened to each wolf speak, even catching the soft murmur in her ear. Without missing a beat, she tipped her maw down and towards him, rumbling softly for only Desoto to hear, “Good. I’d hate for you to have to shiver at such high frequencies in the open.” The meeting continued, and more wolves spoke up. New names and the faces and behaviours attached to them were noted. One new pup, Xymensia, was rather vocally in revolt of their sanctuary here. Fel did not mind though, as even she would likely recover from that brainwashing they did in Erenyx. Blaire spat back at the other female, and Fel was troubled with conflicting thoughts: should she silence her or be proud? Instead, she just watched the scene with complete absence of emotion, as she had been doing. Blaire was out of place, but slightly justified. The situation rolled away, the meeting continued, and there was nothing that required her interruption.

Narla was the next to speak, and Fel listened to her thick accent roll around in the air. She gave a warm smirk when the creature got into a more comfortable position, though it lasted for no more than a moment. More wolves spoke, though Fel wasn’t particularly interested in their words of reassurance to the pups. Desmond gave a fine speech, to which she nodded in accordance with and support of while looking to the pups. He spoke the truth: their mothers wanted their safety. She also blinked slowly, acknowledging the facts: she was, at one point, the beta of Erenyx. Desmond was trying to help things go smoothly, but as it turned out, one young brute didn’t want to go the easy route.

Now, had his words been something more along the lines of a snarky response or otherwise, she would have left him alone. She knew very well that they were having a difficult transition, even if she did not sympathize with them. But a threat of violence against another member of the pack, especially another pup, would not be tolerated. It had nothing to do with Blaire being her apprentice; in fact, she was almost tempted to let them be, convinced that Blaire could manage this young hooligan. But pack order was partly her responsibility, and such a situation needed to be diffused before it escalated. Fel stood up, leaving Desmond’s side with her tail rising in the authoritative way that it did. She strode over to the three of them, stopping directly between them all. Fel first swung her head to Blaire, growling in a deeper tone, “Hold your tongue, apprentice. These pups are adjusting, and everyone deals with their pain differently. Xymensia just needs time.” The glare was sharp, and while blocking her view of the other two, the beta finished in a slight snarl that didn’t leave room for argument, “Run along now.”

But when Fel turned around to Ragnaar and his sister, she turned to face him fully. She ever took a step towards him, craning her neck to cast her icy gaze onto his green orbs. He had the looks of his father, but she was the one who resembled his size and age. Fel spoke in an eerily neutral tone that assured each word. “As for you… If I ever see you threaten a member of this pack with violence, you will answer directly to myself or the alpha, because your juvenile delinquency will not be tolerated in Agavos…” She lowered her maw just a bit, allowing the gravel on rocks that was her voice to fill his ears, “...and for your sake, I hope it’s Desmond.” Fel lifted her head back up and turned to walk back to her seat while casting a calm glance to Desmond with a hint of a shrug. Her speech had only been directed at the little brute, for the rest had done no harm. In fact, she hoped that Petra, the one who was so scared, did not take her reprimanding of one as hostility towards all. The beta sat down in her statuesque posture and resumed watching the meeting with an almost unblinking gaze that closely monitored all apprentices - including the newly relocated Blaire.

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag | ### | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.

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