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Seek and you shall find

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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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Age: 7

Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2013, 07:36

The male cantered cheerily through the meadow, his paws making a quiet da-da-dum beat on the soft, cool earth. Spring was giving birth to new life in the world, and Eclipse could smell it, hear it, feel it. The scent of the newly blossoming orchid nectar invaded his damp nostrils, and he could hear the young nestling birds high in the treetops trying to chirp the loudest for the grubs held tight in their father's beak. The sun rays caressed his pelt, and he was sure that, like every other Spring, his fur would transform to a lighter brown if he stayed in the light for too long, which he didn't mind too much. Inwardly, he wondered if he too would ever get a new life.
Despite all the distractions though, he kept going, heading towards the source of that intriguing smell. He didn't know what it was, but his instincts spurred him to keep heading towards it. His heart leapt with excitement, though something made him feel as though he could get into danger for this leisurely expedition.
As he entered the forest, he slowed to a trot to cool off in the shadows. Kuh-kuh went his pads on a fallen oak leaf. He headed down a well worn wolf trail, and as he took a deep breath in he realised he was on the border of a wolf territory. Here, he went and curiously inspected all the scent markings on the trees. It sure was a large pack, over 20 members he guessed. How strange, he thought, that intriguing scent seems to be coming from the packs faes!
Knowing it was Spring, when the pack would be on high alert defending its border from wolves trying to invade when following prey, he knew he would be scented soon and maybe attacked, unless he ran off right away. He turned to leave. He paused. Eclipse so wanted to discover why the faes smelt like so, and deep down, he wanted a pack; a family who he could love and trust and they too to him in return.
So, not wanting to be found here and seen as an intruder, he stood under the shade of an oak tree, flattened his rather large ears to his head and tilted his dark muzzle up slightly. He emitted a long, low pitch howl, the kind that would be heard over the vast territory this pack no doubt had and the kind that said he was seeking someone. He made sure the howl never varied pitch or volume, or else the pack may think there were more than one wolf and think they were claiming the territory!
Afterwards, he felt rather proud of that howl, it would show the pack they could trust him. He stayed stood under the oak, ears slightly back, tail hanging low and slightly tucked, but he stood up straight. He wanted to show he was a respectful, calm wolf, but not a completely submissive pushover.
Then, he just waited patiently, and listened intently for a responding wolf howl...

Last edited by Eclipse on May 20th 2013, 08:01; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Won't let me add paragraphs!)
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Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2013, 21:23

*Acceptance. Isnt that what everyone wants?* Her thoughts were loud, slightly distracting her from her work as border patrol. Keeping the pack safe was what she cared about, but meeting strangers gave her a thrill. It was then that she heard the steady howl, deep in pitch but certainly not far away. Taking off into a gentle gait she would make it to the newcomer in time. By the sounds of it, the stranger seemed to be male, and by his lingering scent she could assume it to be true. For her it was easier to distinguish who was what sex.

Drawing in on the male, she came to a hault a few fert before her, her hody on high alert. Males would always make her nervous but it was getting easier with each new recruit. Her stance read loudly that she wasnt up for games and was a brute just like him. Aurora wasnt ashamed any more to show off her manish styles. Staring at the wolf she raised her tail to a slight curl, she deemed this an apropriate heigh for her newly accuired abilities from the Alpha. It was then her voice called out to the male.

"I am Warrior Auora, faithful and humble member of the Helidos pack under the great ruler Azul. You are dangerously close to pack lines stranger and I have crossed your scent on many of our border markings. What do you hope to accomplish brute?" Aurora hated when wolves snooped to the borders, when the failed to read or pick up on subtle warning signs. However, maybe this male wasnt accustomed to the ways of pack life. Either way she was a little irritated by his actions, but she stayed calm and assertive to the seeking male.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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Age : 27
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Gender: Male
Age: 7

Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2013, 04:20

Eclipse was rather taken aback by her, partly because he had expected a howl in reply and not such a sudden appearance of a wolf. She stood not like a fragile fae, but more like a quietly confident brute. Warrior Aurora. She sure seemed determined and a not messing around sort of wolf; perfect for that role. From that, she already had his respect. Eclipse could not imagine being a Warrior for he was not very brutal and stern enough with himself.

He remembered his mother telling him of the Aurora Borealis. The beautiful bright lights that danced in the sky and you could only see them on a clear, cold night. Eclipse concluded that Aurora was a good name for her, for she was equally as beautiful. Her fur, white as snow, reminded him of the days he had sat deep in snow as a pup, desperately looking for the lights above, to no avail.

Eventually he snapped back to the present and hoped the wolf had not noticed his dreaming and staring at her. Lowering his head, his nostrils flared as he took in the scent of the fae. He could sense she was nervous. Her hackles were slightly raised. To try and calm the tension, Eclipse dropped slowly to the floor and laid there in a Sphinx position, his muscles relaxed and he occasionally gave eye contact with a gentle expression in his eyes. He so wanted her to trust him.

In the heat, his ears had started to droop a little, making him seem quite innocent and pup-like, all rather embarrassing but at least it may be humorous. He had heard a tone in her voice, of annoyance. She must believe that I am here for no good reason, his mind said. So he replied, "Hello Warrior Aurora, I am Eclipse. I am here because I tracked an unknown scent that seems to come from the faes. I am aware I have lurked close to your pack lines and of my scent around here, but I was curious. I did not purposefully ignore the markings, I swear on the abundance of prey. I would like to apologize if I caused any concern. I am no longer interested in the scent, but I would like to establish information on your ruler Azul and his Helidos pack, for I would like to join a pack, but I need to know their customs first..."

He would not say any more about himself. Not until he felt he could trust her and had a chance of being accepted.
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Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2013, 10:37

If there was one thing she hated more than trespassers, it was males who lingered upon the sight of her. Aurora was on edge as she intensely watched him daze off and stare at her. For what seemed to be the longest time of her life, she waited for him to snap back reality to only lie foolishly upon the ground. Annoyance only boiled in her blood as she sat back upon her haunches and relaxed completely before him, her stare blank but still assertive. *Scent? What scent?* Confusion marked her brow as she listened to him speak, her mind traveling to other thoughts as his voice trailed off. In the silence she returned to his gaze from the surrounding scenery where she lost her train of thought and nearly laughed at the expression on his face. Taking a deep breath she sighed heavily then began her response.

"Eclipse you say, well those markings you mindlessly passed by were to tell you that of which you seek. Id like to continue a conversation with you, however, I am still stuck on which you said previously. A scent? Which scent do you speak of, please tell me. And, while you're at it, you can tell me a bit about yourself and why you feel i should tell you the customs of our pack to you when I know nothing of you. Please, place yourself in my position, but what you seek if far beyond your control and you could be killed for your absent mindedness, but you're lucky i am not of that breed . Aurora didn't move, her voice was steady and calm the whole time, never once fluctuating or changing pitch. The whole time she studied the male, he was smart and cunning with his words but not built to back his words unless he needed to. He would serve better as a hunter, he planned his words much like a pack planned an attack.

A slight breeze cast over them and the scent of him traveled into her nose, a scent that would never leave the memory of her mind. Finally, there was someone who would give her a run for her money. A smile crossed her face and she continued to watch him lie like a pup on the floor.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

Posts : 255
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Age : 27
Location : United Kingdom

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Gender: Male
Age: 7

Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2013, 12:39

Eclipse's lips turned up slightly as he smiled back, looking up at his floppy ears knowing that was what she smiled at. But it was very embarrassing and if he was able to blush he would have. He rose quickly from the floor, deciding he should start to show he meant business to join the pack, and also slightly worried that killing may have crossed her mind. Is the fae capable of killing me?, he wondered. She was a Warrior and he wasn't in his best condition from his nomadic life. He puffed out his chest, revealing the white blaze, and stood with a relaxed tail.

He sighed with relief as he saw that thankfully this more confident stance made his ears perk up to their normal position. He listened to what the fae had to say. He saw an uncertainty in her eyes and he felt hot and uncomfortable realising he had probably stared at her for longer than it had felt like and given a false impression. Whatever he tried to do to make a better impression to her, the more it seems she read his messages wrong.

Eclipse began to feel frustrated at having to tell more of himself to this female that he did not know much of, except her name was Aurora, she was a Warrior and she was interrogating him rather well.

"The scent, I am still unsure but it comes from the faes within your pack. My instincts drove me towards it. I presume it was just hormones now that I have just recently matured. I understand it is your duty to make sure any accepted wolf is worthy and will suit a role you can give. Although, I do not wish to tell you so much information when I hardly know anything about you, as it would be foolish, I will tell you what you probably want to know."

"I am a very resourceful wolf, and although I am not very fast, I have quite immense endurance. I can easily travel at a fast trot for three days and nights without rest. I do not befriend wolves quickly and without hesitation, but any wolf I live with I will respect. I have had no formal training as far as fighting since I left my pack when I was a yearling, so I have only been able to hunt smaller prey mostly. But, I have acquired many techniques that I am sure will apply when on a group hunt on larger game and you would be surprised how much small game I will collect in a short time. And as you can hopefully see, I am very honest and I will fulfill any role to the best of my ability."

"I am sorry for this babbling on. I am also very glad you are not of the type to attack."
He smiled and shifted his position.

Eclipse was glad that he could read her body language so well, which he had learnt from having to closely watch the movements of his prey and his sister when hunting. And being young, he was always eager to improve and add to his skills.

"And now I hope you appreciate that I have told you some about me, perhaps you could explain a bit more about yourself and the Helidos pack?"

He sat down perpendicular to Aurora, so not to seem so head on and further worry her and yawned, trying to relieve his tension whilst waiting for her reply.

Last edited by Hunter Eclipse on July 28th 2013, 09:07; edited 1 time in total
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Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2013, 16:50

Explain more about herself, how was she to flat out say whom she was, she didn't even know who she was. Aurora knew her past, what was going on now, and her hopes for the future. However, she didn't know this stranger, and she wasn't the one seeking entrance into the pack. He was. Maybe it was better to keep her mouth shut about herself, that way, the stranger wouldnt be able to have a leg up against her. Aurora liked it this way. Shifting her hips she stood up from her place of rest and walked a few steps closer to the male, lowering her head in a slight nod as if to say she respected him for his bravery in speaking out. It showed her, that he was noble and brave enough to become a park of Azul's pack.

"Like I stated before Eclipse, my name is Aurora. I hail from the mountains, far from where we stand, and I too left my pack seeking a brighter future. I was once like you, stubborn and quick with my words, and I found Azul's pack. They took me in, much like I am going to take you in. We're not so different you and I, however, I don't find the same enjoyment as you do at staring impolitely at the other gender. I'd rather prefer to stare at the same gender." A sigh of relief escaped her jaws as she stood dangerously close to the male. Turning her head, she gazed back towards where the camp clearing would be.

"These lands are precious to me, I have found that all the acceptance I have wanted, I have received under the pack mates of the humble ruler Azul. All that you seek, you will find. Many wolves have come here in search of their own enlightenment and what they found was so much more. The wolves here are not like that of normal packs, here without the same blood flowing through our veins, we are more of a family then any pack before you or I. Azul prides himself on us, being us. So, I don't blame you for being you, but I can not tell you as much as you would like to know. The answers you seek, lie within the pack borders."

"I suggest that the next time you find yourself traveling after a scent, make sure your hormones are in check. There are a few females here, who don't take kindly to males, never the less a male who has just matured. Eclipse, I must ask you for your word that if you are to cross this border you stay faithful and true to Alpha Azul and the Helidos pack, or you will be banished or worse killed for your betrayal. If you can follow simple rules that are set in place, then you will surely find all you desire. I leave it up to you."

Aurora's long legs found their way back onto the pack lands as she began her way down the path in which she came. "Eclipse, Welcome to the pack." It was as if she already knew he would follow pursuit.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

Posts : 255
Join date : 2013-05-19
Age : 27
Location : United Kingdom

Wolf Information
Gender: Male
Age: 7

Seek and you shall find Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seek and you shall find Seek and you shall find Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2013, 04:38

The male briefly lost focus and concentration as he listened to the female speak, realising she was saying that he would be accepted. And although he had given a totally wrong impression of himself he still felt proud. He had seemed to her stubborn and quick with his words, not to mention enjoying staring impolitely at faes, when actually he was just so shy and distrustful of others that he did not like giving information away unless they did too, and the staring was him daydreaming stupidly. Eclipse tilted his head confused when she said she preferred to stare at other females. But, he didn't press it further for she did not like talking of herself, he could tell.

Internally, he promised to never let his paws be controlled by his nose and hormones ever ever again. He understood that females may not take kindly to males, it was up to them, but Eclipse was not the flirtatious sort and he would not be hounding them.

However, she did seem to be more comfortable with him, even moving closer. Eclipse stood tall, trying to show himself worthy of being accepted.

When she entered her and his pack territory again, he hesitated thinking he was trespassing, but he reminded himself he was one of them now.

He sprinted up to the Warrior, not wanting to be left behind by the only wolf he knew. He padded by her side, did not look at her, just stared around and took in the scents. Still observing he said boldly to Aurora,"I promise to be faithful and true to our Alpha and the pack". He somehow knew she would not reply, just let him travel with her. He wanted to befriend her.

He was unsure of this, joining a pack he knew very little of; but he was trusting Warrior Aurora. Already he could hear the gushing of waterfalls, rich smells of meadows and most importantly prey was abundant. He was so happy to have had the confidence to seek a pack and to have found such a great place. He wanted desperately to explore and see others.

Things were seeming promising. At last.
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Seek and you shall find Empty
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