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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open]

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Elite Nnlya
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2016, 04:04

This thread is open to anyone who wants to witness the madness. I would appreciate as many of those who know Nnlya be present, especially Azul and Sitka. Posting order will be placed here once established.


You could never feel my story; It's all you know

The world was a different place now. In her eyes it was corrupt and loveless, in need of cleansing. First the Alpha Sitka would be deposed, though perhaps not killed. His claim was illegitimate. He had never been mated to Rose and he was appointed by a former Alpha. She would fight him and surely win, but she would not kill him. Not yet at least. Then She would have to decide what to do with Azul, would he remain or be cast out. Perhaps sending them both off as exiles would be for the best. But precioussssss, if they live they could oppose us. We cannot have any threats so early in the game. The mad voice in her head was right of course. If she was to solidify her position as a leader she could have none who opposed her or threatened that rule. She needed strong allies in her new pack. She could not appear weak before her enemies. She would train them, mould them into a true fighting force that would sweep across the land and take what was theirs. They would destroy Agavos and that pitiful rogue who called himself an Alpha. Fel would suffer the most and lose all she held dear, if it were possible there were any who could hold her heart. Then they would take on Erenyx, lead by the demon bastard. He would be deposed and his demonic little followers would be given a choice, to join her or be put down.

Nnlya ran and ran, the clouded sky above an echo of the flames behind. Those flames burned in her eyes and her mind as she ran, enraged by how she had been betrayed my so many. Either way, this day she knew she would get her wish. She would remove the worst from this world. Either the weak Alpha and all those who had brought so much hurt into this world would die, or she would die. She opened her heart to death, greeting it calmly as she might an old friend. It will be time soon enough, she promised. Though her heart raced with adrenaline she was not afraid. If she died she would leave this world and her pain behind. This place would be set free of the evil she carried. She held no illusions of her own perfection, that she was worthy of anything. No, when she left this world it would be better for it. No one would grieve, no one would suffer. She would simply disappear. To half her family she already was dead, to the rest she soon would be.

Table and Image by Sieglinde; do not touch

Last edited by Elite Nnlya on August 16th 2016, 20:14; edited 2 times in total
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Elder Azul
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2016, 11:00

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

Resting beneath a tree in the pack center, he closed his eyes. The shade was a great help from the heat of the day, and this month had been the worst of all summer. He had been laying in this same place pretty much all day, and now it was night. He looked to his paws and started to lick in between his pads. He cleaned the dirt and grime from the bottom of his paws. He did this every now and then, but now it was really needed to help to cool him down some. Luckily the fur that wrapped itself around his pads was thinned out from the summer. When his pads were completed, he moved to clean his fur. He ran his tongue through the ivory coat as he tried to fix everything. It was not until Nnlya came running into the pack clearing, did he finally stop cleaning. His golden eyes lifted up to see her form. She was tired, and crazed it had seemed. He recalled seeing this in other wolves before, but never her. He sat up slowly, allowing his old bones to shift gently. "Why hello Nnlya... where are you off to in such a rush? Did you find a herd of deer or something?"

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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Elite Nnlya
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2016, 03:21

You could never feel my story; It's all you know

As she charged onwards through the night, Nnlya her fury and determination only grew. She went from being frightened and shaking to being self-assured; a dangerous thing when paired with one so damaged. In her mind she believed she was doing the right thing in challenging Sitka. If by some miracle she won, she would take over Helidos and bring it into a better, stronger future, but if she lost, she would lose her life and her pain. How she relished the thought of escaping this inescapable pain. She was terrified, but not of death. She was terrified of living. She could see no future for herself, looking ahead she saw only black. Where she could imagine seeing her children grown and her life with Drogo now she saw nothing. None of it seemed possible anymore, she could never be happy again. Her chest was painful and her breathing became difficult as she ran.

She ignored the greeting of the fallen Alpha, Azul. He would be dealt with later. Ahead she saw a more delightful prize. A healer. This young brute, in her mind, could have saved Rose, could have saved Quinn, could have saved all of them. But he didn't. He was part of the reason she was hurting so much. She wanted him to feel the same pain she was feeling, though of course she was not really in her right mind and would never have considered such a thing ordinarily. Nnlya ran harder, despite the pain in her chest, and charged straight into the young brute, toppling him quickly."You can't!" She roared, standing over him menacingly. She pressed her paw over his throat, suffocating him slowly. "You didn't save them," she growled at him, "You didn't save any of them." She pressed a little more roughly, torturing him. She snapped at his ankles as he struggled, watching the blood flow with glee. Then she let him up, not wanting to kill him so easily. She attacked again, raking her claws down his back and ribs. She bit at his right ear, savouring the crunch of cartilage between her jaws. When she pulled away she made what she estimated to be her final blow, aiming for the throat. Her canines were bared in a feral manner, all trace of love and goodness gone from her eyes. This weakling would die.

Table and Image by Sieglinde; do not touch

Attack: Tackled Ciro. Suffocated him. Raked her claws down his back and sides. Bit his ear. Bite aimed for his throat.
Defense: None
Injuries: None
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Elder Eclipse
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 13th 2016, 17:25

The day's work had begun with the usual business of exercise and patrols, but it did not end up a usual day. On his rounds, he had seen dark plumes moving through the sky. Initially he'd thought they were sinister-looking storm clouds, and was concerned about what kind of horrendous weather was to come. But the reality was potentially worse, and was something he had not encountered before. As he'd continued, a foreign scent reached him. He travelled out into the unclaimed lands in pursuit of it, where he eventually saw the truth so vividly on the horizon. The dark grey and black marks tainting the sky were what he now realised had to be ash and smoke, products of the forest fire which was devouring Blossom Pasture in the distance. Fire was something he'd only heard of from stories about other wolves. Eclipse could never imagine what the hot element was truly like despite the descriptions that had been given to him. The burning smell, the passionate orange and red light, the way it flickered and grew and damaged without even being a solid or living thing. And now it was all before him; the scent of scorched earth and beings that were once alive, the sense of panic in the forest. It flooded his nostrils and instinct told him to flee. From the safe distance where he'd stood however, he found the dancing flames quite captivating against the charcoal coloured backdrop of the ashy fumes and silhouettes of the dying blossom trees.

Eclipse hadn't actually turned around until he'd investigated the extent of the fire and was confident that due to the features of the land, such as the lake, the fire was restricted to an area that wouldn't pose a direct threat to Helidos. Trotting swiftly back to alert his pack to the danger so they could avoid any casualties, it was not until evening that he made it back. His pace slowed after passing the border, his legs weary as being out in the heat all day seemed to catch up with him. He wondered how his packmates' days had been. Were all of them alright? Had any of them been caught in the chaos the fire left in its wake? Spurred on by the thought and needing to ensure everyone knew about his discovery and was accounted for so that search parties could be sent out if anyone had been missing too long, he picked up speed again. He was close to the pack clearing when suddenly a cry rang out. The elder froze, body tall and ears swivelling forwards. It was Ciro. Not only that, but he called for Eclipse himself. It was immediately apparent from the terror in Ciro's voice and the yelp that followed that the brute was in trouble. Without hesitation nor paying any mind to his tiredness, the brown brute bolted toward where he pinpointed the young healer, which was the clearing. His pulse quickened as he was anxious to get to Ciro and let him know that he was coming to help, but he knew better than to call out and give himself away without knowing what was waiting for him.

Breaking out into the open, he took a moment to analyse what was going on as best as he could in the darkness. He saw the figures of two wolves, one the underweight male and another he couldn't distinguish yet. He didn't even notice the white old male resting further away. Watching his son trying to limp away from the other wolf, he quickly realised there was no other creatures that he could see or smell, so the wolf must have caused the injury. He curled his lip to display his aged teeth, ready to put this wolf in its place as he ran to the aid of his son. Just then, the unknown wolf lunged for Ciro's throat, which he dodged but ended up down on his back and more vulnerable. Eclipse was now utterly bewildered by the sight before him, one packmate attempting to fatally harm another. He knew that Ciro didn't have a single bad bone in his body and couldn't have done anything intentionally to justify being attacked in this way. A matter of moments from Ciro's side, he now saw the herbs strewn around, and knew that Ciro must have been on his way to drop them off at the den. Eclipse's rage grew at the thought of his innocent adopted son being treated so cruelly. The mahogany elder reached the skinny canine seconds after he'd called out the second time, instantly assuming a low protective stance over the young one and placing a paw on him to tell him to stop crawling, while he faced the attacker. A low snarl resonated from him as he was about to yell at the wolf and charge at it if it made any move towards them, but then he became aware of who it was. "Nnlya?" He stared in disbelief, his face and voice softening briefly. For a while he'd had an inkling she wasn't well, but he'd not known she was crazed and unstable. He could see it in her eyes, no emotion. It wasn't wise to treat her as his sister right now, and getting her away from Ciro was his priority. "What on earth has gotten into you? You will regret it if you keep hurting him. Ciro is important to me and to our pack." His voice was gruff and blunt. "If you come any closer to Ciro, you're going to get hurt. Move away." A growl laced his words, still outraged by her behaviour but his confusion and shock that Nnlya was doing this quashed some of his fury.

Attack: None
Defense: Low, wide stance over Ciro. Ears folded
Injuries: None
*just sticking the fighting code in since he jumped into the middle of one*
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Elite Nnlya
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2016, 16:53

You could never feel my story; It's all you know

It was a terrifying sight to she the fae so enraged and uncaring. Truly in her mind she believed herself to be doing the right thing in punishing the brute who could have saved her friends. She believed that in some twisted way all this pain and hurt she was going through was somehow his fault. In truth she was also largely at fault. Had she not killed so viciously in the war she might still hold the respect of her children and peers. Had she kept a better handle on her emotions she might have gotten better, might not have lost Drogo. But all of this started with the war, and who was responsible for the war? Teren. The demon Alpha with no care for the lives he ruined. How he'd claimed to have killed her son and kept his pelt in his den. Thane deserved a proper burial. But it took two sides to start a war. Quinn, one of her closest friends, was also at fault here. She devised her own demise and thus Nnlya's hurt and suffering. The fae could not see all of this logic in her pained and enraged state. She only wanted someone to hurt and feel the way she did, for someone to understand her. She was begging for help, begging to be released from this prison of her own design. Sometimes she wished she'd died back in that avalanche, or in the rock slide. So many times where her life might have been ended and so much pain spared. How she hated the tortured creature she'd become.

As such she had attacked the healer brute mercilessly, inflicting as much damage as possible without killing him quickly. Already in her minds eye she had seen her next attacks. First to break his leg, a foreleg to give him some fighting chance at warding her off, a feeble false hope. If she felt particularly greedy then perhaps she might damage one of his hind legs too. Then she would tear at his shoulder, shred it and bloody it until it was a gruesome, matted mess. Oh to taste the blood as it dripped down her throat, just as it did when she tore open the carcass of that Erenyx freak in the war. How pain can do such terrible things to good wolves. But her pain also made her stronger, she could see that now, with the help of the deranged voice whispering in her ear.

But the brute managed to crawl away like the weakling he was, aided by the one she had foolishly called brother. "Eclipse! You old brute, stand aside and let me punish this weakling for all the hurt he's caused us! So many lives he chose not to save! He's still got Erenyx blood in him! He's one of them! Can't you see that?" She lowered her head into a hunting stance, hackled raised and muscles tensed to pounce. She stalked closer, growling threateningly at her old friend. "Oh no brother, if you do not move away from Ciro, you will regret it." She crouched even lower, rolling her shoulder as she laughed, a low and evil sound of one lost to love. "But you're right, why waste my time on this weakling when I have bigger challenges to make." She stood up straight and proud, raising her voice for all to hear her call. "Where is Sitka, who calls himself our Alpha? Let him come before me and see if he is worthy!" She wondered if he might dare answer her or if he would slink away and relinquish his position. She was hoping for a good fight.

Table and Image by Sieglinde; do not touch

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Elder Azul
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2016, 19:43

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

Ignored. Azul was ignored by a close friend of his. It was strange to see, even to be apart of in Helidos. Everyone was rather close to one another. Everyone was family. But when the young wolf entered the clearing, it was only a matter of time before the Elite erupted on him. It all seemed to play out in slow motion, the slowest he had ever seen. Even slower than the war itself. Paralyzed by shock, his golden eyes watched as the Elite went after the sickly little wolf. For one his age, he should have been nearly full grown and at least plump. He didn't know the story behind this pup, but he knew that any who had come from Erenyx seeking shelter were going to receive it, and the safety that was to come along with that. Elder bones rubbed against one another as the burly wolf came to stand on all four paws. Before he could get a chance to get between Ciro and Nnlya, Eclipse arrived. Azul could see what time and loss had done to that poor soul, but he did not speak of it. A snarl rippled from his throat, low and dull. He listened to the mad rantings of Nnlya, very confused and shocked by her words. How could she justify this action? As he stared over the form of the earthen fae, he was pulled back into his past. To the ground, he saw Ciro - but it was not the dark pelt or the facial features, instead it was Athena in his place. And Nnlya had changed as well. As she laughed, Azul blinked and saw Fel standing where she stood. Overcome by anger, he rushed between the Elder and the Elite. His back was facing the males, while he held his tail high in the air with pride. He may not have been the Alpha male currently, but he started this pack from nothing. He was not going to allow any of this to continue any longer. Azul snapped his jaws before Nnlya's face, showing her that he was not afraid to fight. In the past, he should have fought Fel. He should have avenged his beloved daughter. Instead, he allowed the newly appointed Alphess to exile her. It was a foolish decision. If Nnlya was going to continue this little charade, Azul would have to be the one to take her out. It would be for the better of the pack. "Enough!" he snarled as he allowed a deep and angry growl to escape from clenched teeth. "No member of this pack is to ever attack one another. Nnlya, I don't know what has gotten into you, but if you want to fight someone, fight me. This is foolish. Do you really wish to act this way for your remaining pups to see? For your mate to see you this way? I know you. Together, we buried Rose and I do not wish to put another one of my friends into the ground." His tail stayed high as ever before. His head was low, protecting his own neck should she be insane enough to attack him. As he glared at her, flashbacks of Fel and current Nnlya flashed before his eyes. He had to be careful, for he might make a mistake of his own, should he see the wrong figure standing before him.

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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Apprentice Kida
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2016, 20:03

Having returned from Amor Glade with some herbs, she was carefully walking back to the pack clearing. By now, everyone knew that Thane was never coming back. There were rumors about what happened, but Kida had denied all of them. Thane was alive in her heart, out and living a life he always wanted to. Her father had been very distant lately, no doubt submerged into his duties. Even Levi had disappeared from Kida's radar as of late. He was of training and other things of course. Kida had not seen very much of her mother either. She did not know what was wrong with her. She seemed so distant and out there. Like even when they were in the den, Nnlya's mind was not present. Carefully she held the herbs in her maw, and she tried her hardest not to crush them. She had also picked a few flowers as well, which had mixed with the herbs in her jaws. She could smell the sweet nectar from the flower and knew that this may be something that could possibly cheer her mother up. Or in the very least, give Kida some much needed attention and love. The little wolf silently hummed to herself as she entered the clearing. When she arrived to the scene before her, she stopped mid stride. Her jaw opened and the herbal flower mix fell to the ground. Why was Azul acting so aggressively towards her mother? Why was an Elder standing over Ciro? What happened? Whatever the reasoning, it angered Kida to see a respected member of the pack choose to treat an equally respected pack member like that. She heard the last of what he spoke, something about putting a friend in the ground. But that was enough. The fur along her spine stood up like it had never before. Snarls escaped from her blackened lips and her brown eyes stared at the white beast. He was much larger than she, but he was old. He did not have the right to speak to anyone that way, especially not her mother. "Hey! You leave my mother alone!" She shouted as she forced her paws to race to their little gathering. She took the side of Nnlya, on the left. She was close, but not close enough to touch pelts with one another. "This is unfair treatment, and Alpha Sitka will hear about this!"
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Elder Azul
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 24th 2016, 08:33

- bump -
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Elder Eclipse
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Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2016, 18:43

((Apologies for holding up the thread >.> I forgot about thread locking for a while.))

Eclipse moved over slightly when he heard the shuffling of Ciro getting out from beneath him, allowing the youngster to get out more easily since he had an injury. He was not offended that the healer had kicked off the paw he'd put there for reassurance, as he knew in the quick pace of everything it must have been intimidating for someone to suddenly be looming over him and his instincts had reacted. As the young brute got up on his paws, Eclipse braced himself squarely beside him, partly to act as a physical support should Ciro need something to lean on for ease of standing, partly for protection should the delirious Elite go after him again. His eyes locked on Nnlya the whole time, not trusting her at that moment with her unstable mind but hoping that deep down she knew better than to intend to kill an innocent packmate, and defy the wishes of her brother in the process. However, she was worser than he thought, as complete nonsense and lies which she seemed to believe spewed from her maw. The brown male bared his teeth silently and engaged his muscles as she crept closer, something he had just told her not to do, as he thought she was going to try and inflict damage on either himself or his son. But he would not harm her unless she made a deliberate move to attack again, though he was ready to defend as he crouched slightly. He was about to reply to her, try to make her see sense, when to his surprise the healer he was defending opened his mouth before he could, responding to Nnlya's allegations in a manner that expressed he was deeply offended and angered. What the young brute said was entirely true and Eclipse watched him as he started speaking, then shooting a pointed look to his 'sister' which showed clearly that she had been mistaken and he supported Ciro, who was right.

Ciro had done well to still be quite civil and not use foul language despite his rage, but his final sentence was very out of character indeed. Eclipse's eyes widened briefly, and perhaps in any other context he would've laughed, but there was more to worry about than insults in the given situation. "Ciro has caused nobody any harm, Nnlya. He's served Helidos to the best of his ability. Nobody has died under his care, every life he has chosen to save. He can't bring wolves back from the dead, be it those who died on the battlefield, or your son. Quinn was never coming back to this clearing alive from the moment she ran for Teren with nobody backing her. Surely you know these things, you are just kidding yourself to put the blame of these misfortunes onto an innocent healer. Ciro is a Helidos wolf, we can't lose him too. The only wolf I see behaving like an Erenyx mutt here in fact, is you." Her demeanour and threatening growls meant little to him, he would not back away. He had no will to fight, all he wanted was to get Ciro out of there once it was all dealt with and retire to the coolness of his den after a hot day, only after he informed someone of the fire. When he'd told Nnlya that she would have regrets should she push any further, he hadn't meant he would hurt her, but that she would lose her brother and close friend, for he couldn't love her if she was so mad to truly want Ciro dead. Out of nowhere, Azul appeared not a moment too soon, dividing the brutes from the fae as she began to laugh strangely. He appeared to know what had happened as he was also angry and trying to reason with her, but from where he'd been watching Eclipse was unsure. He was just glad that someone else was there to deal with it and keep her away, and instead he focused on the skinny wolf under his care, helping to finish gathering the spilled herbs once Ciro had fallen down and was tending to his wounds.

Azul was clearly just trying to diffuse the situation and talk her down, even if he was furious. As if on cue, Nnlya's daughter charged in just after Nnlya's family had been mentioned in the ex-Alpha's persuasion. Eclipse froze and stared to the pup who had gotten the wrong end of the stick and was trying to help her mother, wondering if it was safe for the youngster to be so close to the emotionless ash and cream female, even if it was her own mother. Azul seemed to have subtly threatened the Elite, and he didn't want Kida to get caught up in a fight. But if one did break out, should he first dive in to get Kida and take her away with Ciro, or jump straight in to back up Azul? What a mess it all was.
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PostSubject: Re: Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Broken [Ciro, Eclipse, Drogo - open] Icon_minitime

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