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It's Just a Scratch (open)

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Age : 35

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Age: 5
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It's Just a Scratch (open) Empty
PostSubject: It's Just a Scratch (open) It's Just a Scratch (open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 19:13

ooc-This is set right after the coyote fight. Chiara, Cocum and Zephyr managed to fight off the band, but tragically Zephyr lost his life to defend the pair. He was shot down by three coyotes at once. Dying with honor Chiara brought his body back to be buried after honoring his spirt.

Coming back the the main clearing Chiara was panting. Her fight with her pack mates had taken most of her strength and she was greatly saddened by the loss of her lead hunter. Zephyr was a fine wolf and she knew that had he lived he would have excelled in rank and perhaps had been her beta. Spitting dirt from her mouth she walked closer to the healer den, smelling to see if any healer was near by. The graze on her shoulder was minor, but she had a gash to her back and flank that reaked of the mad dogs and she wanted it looked at. Something hadn't been right about them, and it concerned her.

Pearing into the cavern of herbs and plants she cleared her throat for any who were there. So many wolves had come and gone she had forgotten who the healers were in her pack. It made her discouraged and she thought about having another training session with them or least a current meeting where everyone could meet each other again. Magnus too had been vacant recently, most likely hunting, but she still missed his presence. For right now her thoughts were on getting her wounds looked at and trying to move past Zephyr's death.
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Healer Samoset
Healer Samoset

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PostSubject: Re: It's Just a Scratch (open) It's Just a Scratch (open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2016, 12:50

The male sifted slowly through his now withering stock of herbs, his maw set in a vacantly grim line. Outside, the easy chill of autumn stung and whispered along the thin breeze, malevolently promising what the pessimistic male could only surmise would be a brutal winter. It seemed likely; could anything truly mild follow such a monstrous blight as the recent summer? He hummed in quiet discontent, the sheer absence of feeling leaving an inexplicable weight in the pit of his stomach. Even his usually nimble paws felt heavy and slow, burdened by the onerous task of motion.

It was nearly impossible to comprehend, how the season that had blossomed so sweetly had burned and withered into such an egregious ash. He remembered Tastu's comely smile, the somber despair of her tone as she recounted her past. He had only gradually realized how much she must trust him to share such information, and the notion terrified him in spite of himself. She should not put her faith in me. No one should. After all, why should any wolf confide in a male who abandoned his family in their hour of need, who failed to save his mentor, his uncle, who failed to protect his colleague? Eirwen, sweet, gentle Eirwen, had passed of an ailment he had not anticipated and could not deduce how to treat. Healing was his sole talent, that methodology in which he never should have failed, and yet her life slipped from his grasp anyways, like water through rock. The only wolf he had succeeded in protecting was himself, the life he found the most worthless and yet simultaneously the most difficult to part with. He escaped the torturous flames that had consumed the blossom pasture, as he had once evaded the fire that devoured Raven. He was a survivor, as it seemed, though the great disadvantage of that elucidated title was that, he who stepped unhurt from the ashes emerged completely alone.

A dream had visited him infrequently since the horrendous incident, a petrifying nightmare in which he opened his eyes to the haze of onyx smoke and wavering flames, the whole of the pack clearing smoldering around him. The alpha den would crumble and collapse before him, brittle in comparison to the daunting wave of scarlet. beyond the shaking, scathing tongues he glimpsed the shadows of two figures, and he never once moved nor spoke as the structure crushed them both beneath it. He'd hear a desperate voice crying his name, but locating the source of the call was an indomitable endeavor when faced with the unconquerable cacophony of the roaring din. Finally he'd notice them, Tatsu and the quivering pictures of a small group of pups, caged in by a rapidly condensing wall of snarling flame. He persistently awoke to find he had destroyed his bedding in his struggled slumber, and he did not dare imagine the conclusion of that wandering illusion.

The gray male started at the abrupt sound of someone clearing their throat at the entrance behind him, and he fleetly backed out of his stores, turning to acknowledge his patently injured alphess. "Chiara?" His usually soft brown gaze widened in abject horror as he noticed the mutilated scarring along her back and flank, blood streaming in glistening rivulets down her dark hide. "What on Earth has happened? Were... were you attacked?" He hurried hastily forward to examine her wounds, sniffing gingerly at the long lacerations before recoiling slightly at the rotting smell that wafted from them. What? They can't be infected already... What did she run into?
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

Posts : 472
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 35

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Gender: Female
Age: 5
Purchases: Small Wolf

It's Just a Scratch (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Just a Scratch (open) It's Just a Scratch (open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 17th 2016, 19:37

Chiara had just sat down when she heard the approach of the male healer. Through a winced expression she managed a weak smile at him and a dip of her head. Though sadness played as plainly on her face as the blood she spoke not a word of the horrors that consumed her thoughts just yet. "Samoset," she coughed out "good to see you." Straining a bit for the pulling on her side she rose to her feet to let the healer have a better view of her injuries. She was glad that he had come. She liked the male healer for he reminded her somewhat of herself. Though she hadn't confirmed it she guessed he was plagued by unknown demons from his past. She hoped in time they would give him the same strength that she was given some years back. Though the horrors her sire placed upon her were stacked she couldn't forget the strength she was blessed with when she slain him both mentally and physically. In a way she had him to thank, for his death ignited her and led to the events that helped her form this pack. In a way Teren was also to thank, but she would never admit it. The tyrant may have murdered her brood, but she knew one day he would pay for all the pain he caused. Her daughter Piper still remained in Erenyx and she thought of her often, perhaps a visit was in order?

"There was a large group of these coyotes in the forest," she finally spoke, "Zephyr and Cocum helped me fight them off and we drove them out. We killed all but two, but Zephyr lost his life to save us." She choked out, the sadness still raw on her just as her wounds were. "These aren't very deep, but the animals weren't right somehow. They reeked and were odd in their minds. I wanted to make sure they weren't infected or anything." She said, knowing full well they probably were, she didn't need to be a healer to know something was wrong. She had just finished burying her lead hunter so dirt still clung to her dirt. She hadn't even dunked her body in the stream to cleanse her fur for she thought Samoset needed to identify the wound by sight and smell. "I'm worried Samoset, our numbers are going down, what if they come back?" She blurted out, pushing aside the strong alphess persona for a moment. Her anxiety was increasing and her eyes widened as a random wolf broke a twig under their feet walking by. "I must speak to my deltas and Magnus about this. I have to warn the pack!" she said for pronounced, trying to walk now out of the den. Blood trickled from her wounds and made a small trail as she stumbled. Her pulse was increasing as was her panting. She swore she could feel her heart beat in her ear. What was happening?
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