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We're Following The Leader (Open)

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We're Following The Leader (Open) Empty
PostSubject: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2013, 17:45

((This is a continuation of a previous thread titled Following Instincts. The following members are included: Aurora, Eclipse, Khane, Irina, and Fel. This thread is OPEN for ALL. Thank You- Warrior Aurora))

The way the open sky illuminated over the open field made Aurora fill with glee. Somehow the night sky and the moon sent a shock through her body, exciting her to a highest degree possible, and most of all made her feel like a pup once again. That seemed to be how everyone had been acting, a relaxed notion that all parties involved were comfortable with one another. Aurora finding solace in Eclipse through this difficult time in her life, Khane being a guardian of sorts while maintain a boyish attitude, and Irina who seemed more like Aurora in aspects that neither could deny nor describe. Turning her head behind her she glanced at the various colors of pelts traveling behind her. The mahogany pelt of Eclipse and the cream of Irina, their eyes glowing like the field below them. Everything seemed to take on that dark hues of blue and purple, blending in with the glow of white from the constellations above. It was as if the small pack of their own stepped into another realm.

It was all too familiar to her, this field, the pack, the commodore: Aurora had something like this once before with her pack mates when she was younger. With the new pups being born into Helidos, it made memories that had been long gone, resurface. Nearly choking Aurora on her thoughts, she managed to collect herself before Eclipse drew near. Aurora imagined having a privilege as such, to bear pups with someone so deserving of that title, but he heart ached at how she was feeling for one and how she felt for another. Focusing on Eclipse a smile crossed her face and she turned her body around to face him, her paws lying softly in the dirt, her prints making trails and clouds of dust particles. Her white pelt standing out so sharply under the moons rays Aurora was hypnotized herself staring at her own two paws. 

At the others drew near she looked to the forest again for she didn't see Khane for a moment and figured that he was in tow behind Irina was halfway across the field at this time, surely Khane would be coming from the fir at any moment. At this time Aurora's legs decided to move and she found herself mindlessly moving closer to Eclipse, standing beside him but behind him, giving him the front this time. Letting him talk for himself and not her for him, showing him the respect he deserved, and most of all showing him that she cared for him on a level that most others wouldn't. For Aurora, this ultimate sign of respect would be the breaking decision of her life. At this time, Aurora was choosing new love instead of rebelled love and only hoped for the best in her life and in others, especially her newest recruit Eclipse. Aurora nuzzled Eclipse's shoulder and softly rested her head upon his shoulders, still facing the woods. "Well, at least I know you guys can keep up with me Eclipse." Her voice was soft and masked her laughter lightly. Contentment filled her. The night was still young and they had ground to cover.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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We're Following The Leader (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2013, 19:57

Blood, crimson red liquid covered the fae, but not from wounds. Her fathers blood and the blood of Damon stuck to her pelt despite her feeble attempts to lick it off. Hell why even lick it off, it was hers as a mark of the triumph she had just had and of the pain she now faced. Almost numb to the realization that Damon was dead Chiara let her mind go blank and her heart scar over. Things would never be the same now, everything that had built her up over the last few months had just been torn down to the ground. Damon had died protecting her and in return Chiara had slain the very essence of evil in her mind, how fitting. Now on the verge of a mental breakdown the dark fae's paws led her to a field filled with flowers.

In the past Chiara would have marveled in the beauty of the blooms and colors, but that wasn't the case now. Looking down at a emerging butter cup the fae's front foot came out and smashed it into the dirt, reveling in how easy it was to crush. "I must train more, become more powerful." She thought to herself. "It's my fault Damon died, if I had more nerve and training he'd still be alive." She cursed at herself, grinding the smashed flower in more. Gone was the old Chiara with her shyness, naievness and easy going nature. No, that Chiara died with Damon, now here was a warrior who wouldn't take any shit anymore.

Still looking at the crushed flower a sinister smile grew on her maw. "It's my fault, it's always been my fault. Now with training I can finally change that." Chiara started to laugh, her hackles growing more disturbing by the moment. Looking around the she wolf started the leap from flower to flower, crushing them under her weight and enjoying the destruction for a moment. Throwing her head back in a loud cackle Chiara threw herself onto her back, trampling several flowers under her. How nice it was to be on the delivering end of pain for once.

Suddenly a noise not too far off disturbed her from her disturbed activity. Growling under her breath she crouched down, hidden by weeds to see a group of five enter the field. "Well that's just wonderful" she said under her breath. Pulling her lip bck in  snarl Chiara stretched up to full height and rolled her shoulders back. Not hiding from the group the fae's tail stretched up and curled over her back in an dominant manner, she wouldn't be pushed around anymore. Mentally Chiara thought that she must find Esmerelda after this next encounter, there was much to discuss, but for now she would wait to see what would unfold.
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Elder Eclipse
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2013, 07:01

After a while of travelling, they emerged from the forest and Eclipse blinked a couple of times, not believing where the journey had ended up at. Was his exhausted mind giving him illusions? The meadow was amazingly different and more glamorous than any field he had ever passed by before. The extent of which how far it spanned over and how many jewels of wild flowers and plants it contained was huge and unimaginable to any soul he could try and describe it to in the future. As he stood there trying to understand how this place existed and how he'd exactly got here, a tingling sensation coursed through him and his shoulder muscles flinched when something gently landed upon him. Eclipse was quite bewildered by this and his ears flicked back, but it felt nice, the feeling of being secure and wanted. The midnight face turned so slowly round so as to not disturb whatever it was as he looked over his back.

The whole aura of the place was serene, calm and beautiful and everything under the sky's gaze seemed to be accentuated in their features, including the form of Aurora, whom had her head resting on him. Words from her muzzle were spoken softly, caressing his ears. It was one of them moments where the listener is about to ask what the other has said, until the words play again inside his head. Something between a grin and a smirk grew on his lips:"What ever made you think I could not keep up with you?", though it was a rhetorical question. A bigger smile formed as he saw shadows cast over himself and her face from his big ears.

For the first time he realised how truly stunning his friend was under the celestial rays. She was his friend and he did not so wish to see her as he did in that moment, he respected her too much. He could tell that such a determined fae was destined for greater things. Swivelling his head back forwards he realised that Aurora had seemed a little distant and insecure, perhaps explaining why she had moved to him and placed her head on him, for reassurance.

He cleared his throat and began speaking as his vision fell to the ground."Thank you for answering for me back there with Khane, I appreciate it. And for considering me a dear friend, which I have not been to anywolf before. However, I can not allow you to carry my problems with you, as I'm sure you have enough of your own". He paused and took a breath."You seem a little distracted. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I just want you to know you can trust me and I'm more than willing to help you with anything that troubles you. Don't feel as though you must keep your thoughts and feelings locked away."

Awaiting her reply he slowly moved his body forward, inching out from beneath the weight of her fine head. Glancing back a second to invite her to go forward with him and to search for Irina and Khane, he paced slowly through the tall flora, trying not to quash any of them and their delicate charm. He could only hear the rustle of his fur between the plants and the sighs of his breathing. Taking in small breaths, a hackle-raising, spine-tingling scent smashed into the canvas of his nose. The smell of wolf blood. Was somebody hurt? His paws quickened towards the origin despite his instinct to flee, until he saw a wolf stood defensively, drenched in the crimson stuff. It seemed the wolf was relatively unharmed, but why so much blood? He didn't go close with the fae being in the state she was in, so he called to her fom afar: "What has gone on?" There was a look of concern and fear within his eyes and his ears hung back, though he forced himself to keep calm.

Last edited by Lead Hunter Eclipse on August 15th 2013, 08:36; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 19th 2013, 11:14

The wind blew against Khane's pelt, rippling through the top of his cranium to the tip of his tail. Muscles working hard to get Khane moving as he maneuvers around bushes and trees. With a quick look to the side, he could see Irina moving through with just as much ease. He smiled with the thought that he will lose this race, but he feels that there will be more to come, especially with her. As Khane focused back on the race, he couldn't help but get distracted by the beautiful forest around him, it awed him to the point of tripping over a root sticking out of the ground by a tree.

A spark shoots through his mind, memories of his plans, ideas that Khane believed were possible but never performed. As if instantly, Khane curled his frame inward, his paws brought to his chest and hind legs curling as well off the ground. Khane had performed a roll, his back touching the ground for a moment as he rolled, eventually coming to the front and unfolding to the forest before him. His paws and hinds touching the soft earth, pushing once more without losing momentum. As the brute kept moving through the dark forest, his yellow eyes look to Irina for a moment, a grin on his features before looking back in focus of the trees as they both near Amor Glade.

Soon the brute and Irina, both arrive at Amor Glade with Khane feeling a bit winded that seem to leave Irina just barely making it ahead of him. A sigh comes out of his maw but a smile soon follows. "That was really fun! You run much faster then I thought, I hope we can do it again some time, perhaps after I train a bit more." Khane looked around for a brief moment, his ears perked toward Irina as his eyes scan for Eclipse and Aurora. With easy sight of Aurora, it took Khane a moment to see Eclipse with her. Khane wags his tail, happy to see that both are enjoying company but brute for some reason felt jealous to see them together. "Forget those feelings and catch up to them." The brute's brain told him, he almost wanted to snarl for it but kept his features clean of his annoyance and decided to trod forth, still listening to Irina if she had to say anything.
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 19th 2013, 15:35

[[ I am sorry it is rather rushing things in it and really I just wanted to make a post so you guys can normally rp without me while I am gone.]]

Wind was wistling through the forest and with a cool breeze it flew by and through her cream pelt making the feeling evermore amazing. Green colored hues looked to the male who ran with the wind by her side. For a moment she caught his golden gaze before it was lost in the aw of the night shaded forest. Quickly the lost of focus caused the brute to trip on a root which was sticking out of the ground like it perpously meant to ruin his step. Irina even meant to stop and check up on Khane in concern, but quickly, in an amazing roll, he already picked up his pace and raced on, speeding up his step as they approached amor glade. she glanced him a smile, kindly laughing to his akward fall and also expressing her joy in knowing that there was no injurie to the fall.

The trees slowly moved a part creating a gorgeus view to what stood before the newcomer. A patch of flowers, beautifuly colored in all different shades and spreading life through the tall gtass. And on top of all, the moon shining it's glory down to the little mortal world, iluminating the field and creatimg a stunning mix of several colors. And with the wind's silent song it was breathtaking. Irina's eyes stared in aw and her smile was soft and gentle just enough to reflect the amasement she felt. For her, her eyes had not witnesed a place so beautiful before, in her entire life. Mixed emotions curled around her head like she had not known how to feel. She didn't try to fight all the memories of him. It was like a neverending dream.

She had not cared who won the race, she loved to have run along Khane, through the life of the land, the forest which truly was worthy of such an aw. Happily she smiled at him. "You really are a fast runner Khane."
She felt like pup, running through the patch, causing the flower pedals to spread in the air.
Aurora and Eclipse were already there and Khane was coming to join the merry duo. She rushed towards the group, but suddenly... a tourterus pain hit her front paw and a smell of blood alert her nose. Suddenly, walking became heavier, the pain was tearing her every step. She had stopped and twisted her paw. Causing the spikey flower to cut the paw again, before badly forcing Irina to limp. She had cut and now sprained her paw and had to visit medical intension which was requested. Strongly she tried to walk as much as she could, before gently tilting her head in a friendly goodbye, but wished to remain in there's company. "I apologize..... I never meant for this to end here..... I am sorry." In words she begged to apologize her leave, before barely limping down, hiding in the night's shade. With slight disaopointment in her eyes she looked upon all the beauty and left the bright patch to darkness.

Last edited by Hunter Irina on June 20th 2013, 16:46; edited 1 time in total
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We're Following The Leader (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 19th 2013, 20:50

This post has been removed by Warrior Aurora.

Last edited by Warrior Aurora on June 20th 2013, 20:40; edited 1 time in total
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 18:09

Tiny shafts of moonlight illuminated the forest floor as Fel made her way out of the clearing to explore. She had spent one day resting from many weeks of travel and the other with another newcomer, the caretaker Maria. The fae seemed to have a very bubbly personality, unlike the onyx warrior’s own which more resembled a cold Siberian lake than a warm natural spring. Regardless of this, the two females had gotten along well and perhaps Fel had even made a friend in the pack. Her black pads grazed the grass as she picked up to a gallop, racing through the darkened emerald foliage.

Ignoring the used trails, Fel veered off into the undisturbed paths of the forest, skillfully leaping and sliding to maneuver around ravines and fallen trees. Being off alone was true peace. But it was also true loneliness . Fel knew that she couldn’t have invited anyone to run with her, the only two wolves she knew were Maria and Marrock, and neither would have time for such a fruitless adventure. Without any particular interest as to where she was headed, the fae simply continued to push farther into the looming, dark pillars around her.

Unexpectedly the bright light of the moon was unveiled and before her lay an enchanting expanse of clear field filled with rich-scented flowers. Out of the corner of her optics, Fel spotted four wolves racing through the glade so joyfully that it made her wonder why, that is until she picked out a matching number of faes and brutes. Of course. The scene was quite romantic indeed, making the hollow space inside the fae’s soul chill her body. She had never known love in all of her years, and was quite certain that it would stay that way.

The onyx wolf turned to leave with a short sigh when the reek of blood pummeled her throat. Swerving her cranium back around, she noticed a new wolf, her pelt not highlighted by the moonlight because of it being smeared in the crimson fluid. Fel silently ran towards the fae, who was now facing an assembling group, one of the faes having limped off in the direction of the camp. She did not notice it, but the moon had bathed her in a glistening silver tint. Arriving beside her pack mates, Fel faced the blood-bathed fae with a surprisingly calm expression on her face, her thick pelt hiding the tensed muscles that were ready to react to any offensive move. Her pale eyes, which almost seemed bioluminescent under the strange light, flickered with question as she eyed her seemingly deranged packmate.
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2013, 18:25

Aurora gazed around at those whom had followed pursuit to the field. Amazed that all whom were interested were still there awaiting her next order, or so it seemed. Eclipse's body was firm beneath her head as she saw Irina and Khane enter and the white female suddenly leave, walking away with a limp. Aurora assumed she was hurt bad and was not concerned and knew that the wolf was smart enough to seek medical help. As she listened to Eclipse, her heart began to skip beats for she had never developed feelings for a male like this before. It was as if she hung on his every word, the way he spoke, the way he cared about her. It was relieving. Yet, when she was about to answer she could hear another in the distance. Aurora's head perked up fast and was instantly on alert, it wasn't as though she needed to worry, they would most likely be a pack member. Listening once again to Eclipse address the female in the near distance, Aurora looked back at Khane who was closer than before. A troubled look upon his face made Aurora's heart pang. 

"Who are you and what has happened? Whom is dead?" Aurora could smell the blood off the other's muzzle. The familiar scent of wolf blood, a memory she would never return too. Fear rose up in her throat, trying to decided if the other was good or bad, or whether disease had overcome it's body. The bravery, Aurora began to walk forward, closer to the other female. For Aurora, it was more curiosity and protection over Eclipse and Khane. New recruits to the pack, that Aurora had brought in. These were her friends, and this wolf was not going to ruin their fun. Aurora let out a soft growl, as a warning and a precautionary tail to the other that if she should try something, a battle would end up on her hands. It was her duty to protect the pack members and the pack lands, Aurora was not about fighting and more so using her words. It was just out of caution, for Aurora was not ready to attack on such a beautiful night. "Why do you smell of blood from a pack member and why are you alone with blood caked onto your pelt? You give me suspicion and you make me worry that we are not safe in your presence  I am not here to cause you harm, I am here as a guide to the newest recruit for our Alpha." Aurora knew that when she said this, the wolf would have something to say. "What is your name if you shall not decide to answer me, just answer me that." Again she spoke to the stranger.

Aurora's eyes glanced back to Khane and Eclipse, a suggested bad move to turn her back to the enemy but she knew her boys were watching. It was only then that she noticed the black female coming through the woods at a quick speed. "Fel, come quick!" A recent female that Aurora had accepted to the borders was approaching fast to the small pack that Aurora called family. Turning her eyes to Eclipse, she gave him a look of fear and animosity but returned to the other. "You are out numbered should you decided to attack, but I hope that we are able to talk. I am Aurora, behind be are Eclipse and Khane, and coming up to us is Fel. All of them new recruits, and I a member of a long time. If I am not mistaken, you are of our pack, no?" Aurora hesitated, this time, an anger was brewing in the pit of her stomach. Something was going on, something bad had happened, and something was brewing and it was over their heads. This wolf was no longer a part of the family and place that Aurora called home.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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We're Following The Leader (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2013, 20:10

More wolves encircled her as she stood in the open field. Chiara's pulse rose slightly as her ways of escape grew less and less, but her new found courage helped her keep her composure. A male addressed her first making her hard gaze glance at him. Scoffing under her breath she ignored him and turned her attention to the rest of the group. Another male and a pale fae were further away and had yet to catch up to her yet, now only two other faes blocked her path out of these lands. The darker fae stood defensively, but a quick glance over her didn't put Chiara at ill ease. No first move would be taken by her, but defensive moves would be given if needed. Fel was a tad larger then Chiara, but she wasn't concerned with defending herself during her exit.

Now this new pale fae annoyed her. A lengthy speal about who she was and why she was covered in blood, blah blah blah. Smirking slightly Chiara raised a paw to smear some of the blood off of her left eye, exposing the large scar over it, bald down to her grey skin. "Be at ease fae, that goes for all of you. I'm not here to start a war, only to leave these lands. As for my condition that is my own business." She said, a soft growl hanging on her words. "As for my name I am Chiara a now former warrior of this pack. I am seeking out someone and will leave now, do not follow me or I won't be as gracious." She said, her gaze now fixated on Aurora. With that Chiara turned towards the setting sun and snaked her way past Fel and Eclipse. Her tail hung high and stiff in a display of dominance almost in a silent bet for anyone to try and stop her.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJune 30th 2013, 15:22

Analysing the mystery female, he saw her give him a harsh look, like she wished him to melt beneath the stare of her scorching eyes. At this, his ears flattened against his head and his pupils shrunk, angered by her arrogance. His tail flicked up and down, threatening to rise above his back, the only thing preventing it was that he was too submissive to dare and he did not want a fight. He had shown nothing but a concern for her, and this is what she showed to him.

The chocolate Hunter listened with mild interest to the white wolf's words, more intent on hearing the strange fae's response. The way Aurora spoke was not particularly threatening, just undertones of caution and warning to the dark female to not try and start a commotion. When a slight growl was picked up by his ears, his eyes darted from watching Khane approaching, turning back to the conversation, wondering who it had come from. If it was the unknown fae he would have tensed, but when he found it was a Helidos member, he supported it by grumbling along and pricking his ears.

Full attention was given to her when she eventually did speak. Immediately, he disliked her tone. How she commanded, threatened and most of all glared at them all made him lose his normally patient nature. Just as she had passed him and Fel, whom he had not yet fully acknowledged, he raised his voice: "Chiara, I believe you have us all wrong. We left our conversation and travel to see if you were alright. You need not be defensive to us or try to prove you are fine alone.  We also don't want a war or to follow you so you may relax" He paused to turn around properly to her, "If you wish not to speak about what happened, that is fine. I pity that you must have been through something traumatic. But know this, I wish you the best for your future outside the pack".

Last edited by Hunter Eclipse on August 11th 2013, 10:38; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 2nd 2013, 13:48

A beautiful night with friends, blood, and a touch of drama that always amused Khane, never seeming to get enough of the variables. Khane already felt like the night was going to get interesting and even after his run withe fae through the forest, it seems to get better and better. The wolf slinking pass Fel and Eclipse who stated to everyone as Chiara, soon bumps into Khane's large frame that stands in her way. Khane hadn't realize the size difference between the other wolves,but his heritage makes him larger then most that the brute never seemed to notice. Yellow orbs glare down at her, a smirk on his features. His expression was full of intimidation and determination, however, the male decided to let her pass by him without questioning even though his mind was telling him to question her. The brute seemed to smile to himself as his eyes watched Chiara closely. His tail still, his muscles rather relaxed. Why so relaxed? Khane thought before simply thinking that if Chiara were to kill a comrade of theirs then she would have chosen a more safer route that would hide her.

The brute's smile was almost wicked for a moment but reformed back to a smirk and spoke as the fae passed him. "Protect those you love, and they will protect you. Good luck Chiara." Khane then sat himself to the side, awaiting for Chiara to leave the fields, and for Khane to return back to his friends. Friends, the brute almost can't believe he has a connection with those that are here with him; it seemed like yesterday that he wasn't a part of anything till now and it felt good how much he felt at peace no matter the situation. Although, with such peace, Khane can't help but try and envision scenarios of an attack, of what to do if the Alpha were to be attacked right now and perish. It almost frighten Khane, but he only found it natural to be thinking these horrible things. Perhaps it will help in the feature, and perhaps it will bring him tot he edge of destruction. For now, Khane can only watch Chiara and be ready for something unexpected in his calculations.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2013, 10:47

‘Oh great, another superstar,’ Fel thought sarcastically, ‘ ‘Do not follow me or I won’t be as gracious.’ Hah! Don’t show your filthy pelt again or I won’t be as gracious.’ She watched the fae stride forward, her pale eyes giving a contemptuous stare. Chiara could parade her bloody hide all around them for all she cared, but Fel would answer to any direct hostility to her pack mates without hesitation. The warrior watched every movement of the wolf’s muscles as she came nearer, ready for an attack at any moment.

When Chiara slid between her and Eclipse, Fel stood on firm paws, not budging. Her lengthy tail arched over her back in a defensive response to the mysterious wolf’s overconfident manner. She reminded Fel of an old pack mate of hers, a young brute who had been punished for going about like Chiara was now. Fel had tackled him while her father, the alpha, broke the male’s tailbone. For the rest of his life, the poor boy’s prized banner would hang, limp and crooked. Right now though, it took the onyx fae a commendable amount of self-control not to do the same to Chiara. However, she did not make a move to stop her.

Fel turned her head as the bloody mess of a fae moved away, then sat on her haunches when Chiara was well out of range. She looked at her companions, shooting them a confused look. She had never seen them before, and was still not quite sure what was going on. All she knew was that they were her packmates, even though she heard theire names for the first time today. And if they were her packmates, then it was Fel's responsibility as a warrior to protect them.
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 12:32

Aurora was furious at Chiara, at how she felt that she was able to say and do as she pleased. To disgrace the Helidos pack.A snort came from her nose, moisture flying from her nostrils. Aurora was angry and upset that another wolf dared to speak to her like that, an angry expression held on her face as she looked to Eclipse and the others before her words found their way to her mouth. "How dare she!" The brute like female stood her ground, never moving, as she watched Chiara leave the clearing. Once Chiara was gone, Aurora settled. Looking at Eclipse once more, then to Khane, and the spitfire of a female Fel. It was only recently that she had met Fel, after the new wolf has crossed the borders, Aurora had stumbled upon her briefly. Nearly running into her while crossing paths, their conversation was dry and rather fast, a measly hello and an apologetic murmur, with the exchanging of their names. Aurora was making a round and was not able to engage in conversation any longer. They bounded off in separate directions. As Fel drew closer, Aurora calmed a bit more. There was something about her that was ruthless, but still kind and playful. Surely, Aurora would find the time to sit with her like she had with others and make proper conversation.

The tension in the air seemed to dissipate from the premises, and leaving the other a bit on edge. Not knowing if more would come or go, Aurora knew that something vicious was going on, something evil was coming this way. Aurora felt like the pack was ready, but they would be, good always overcomes evil. "Is everyone okay? I hope that whatever has happened, doesn't not affect us directly, I hope that whomever is dead finds peace in the next life and revenges their death upon that wicked female." Aurora spit upon the ground, in a cursing manor in the name of Chaira. Sitting back upon her haunches, Aurora stopped talking, give the others to find conversation amongst themselves, to enjoy the beautiful night, and the pale light of the moon. Khane was handsome in his own way, then Fel was quiet and reserved, then Eclipse. They made up a lovely pack, four individuals that would have killed that female if given the chance, but Aurora was glad she didn't have to ruin her freshly cleaned pelt. Locking her eyes upon Eclipse, she waited for someone to speak.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2013, 05:43

The Hunter stood still, watching in the direction Chiara had left from until he felt sure she had left for certain and wasn't going to return. Almost instantly, the atmosphere changed back to friendly and relaxed, the fog of fear and anger had been swept away by the breeze that stirred around the group. Eclipse yawned and stretched to calm himself down and slip back into his normal self. He plodded slowly towards Aurora as she spoke so he could better hear her words. The fae being the untitled leader of this miniature pack, he expected the others would approach her also and wait for her say on what they would do next. His dark head nodded as he positioned himself to sit beside her, "I am fine, Aurora, thank you. But where is she going? She headed out of pack lands". The relatively new male was unaware of the other pack being formed, lead by the sinister male who had once served here as the Beta, except for hearing words here and there as he moved about the pack on his duties.

Eclipse licked his nose then looked about the terrain, his eyes and ears on alert for anything moving or peculiar and his nostrils flared to scoop in the smells effectively. When he realised what he was doing, that he was still on edge, he smiled a little and shook his pelt in the hope that it would also shake off his nerves. Just as he had convinced himself that everything was safe and he could let down his guard, he detected something very much unwanted over the other side of the meadow. He shuffled his seating slightly and kept his nose and ears concentrated on that side, his eyes occasionally flicking over. Though he stayed calm as he was by the packmates and awaiting an answer to his question. Eclipse could only hope that it would stay over there and that none of the wolves noticed it. For he didn't want the atmosphere to tense up once more.

Last edited by Lead Hunter Eclipse on August 22nd 2013, 04:03; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 14th 2013, 15:41

The air was still, our bodies tense as we watched Chiara walk to the horizon and disappear from our line of sight. Khane took a deep breath and exhaled that relaxed him and his mind. The male began to smile as he looked to the others in the small group of wolves with characteristics and personalities that Khane liked in his friends. Friend, something Khane doesn't usually call another comrade of the pack, but these three wolves are worth protecting and risking his life for just to see another day of them smiling. "Silly brute" he thought as he brings himself to a smile, hearing Eclipse yawn, good to see he is relaxed as well. Soon the male felt the atmosphere has changed and a gust of wind breezed around his pelt, making him feel more at ease around his...friends.

Before long, Khane looked to Aurora, who seemed to still be disgusted with Chiara, her words scarred his mind with " I hope that whomever is dead finds peace in the next life and revenges their death upon that wicked female". Those words only interested Khane because it gave him several ideas, ideas that the whole pack might not agree with, but who would know except a "ghost". The brute removed his thoughts and focused on Eclipse who began to speak first, asking about Chiara's whereabouts. The answer is simple to Khane, she would clearly leave the pack lands, perhaps to join the other group of wolves Khane saw leave the lands. Something is happening among that group that Khane doesn't like at all, although the brute just can't help but smile for possible bloodshed.

Khane decided to stay quite for now and only to listen for the time being, his thoughts clearly distracting him as his eyes look at the horizon in which Chiara disappeared from.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2013, 10:17

After a good, long moment since Chiara’s leave, Fel finally relaxed a little bit. Her pale gaze looked over the other wolves who all seemed to be settling down from the potential fight that was barely avoided. A pleased look crossed her features when she saw three wolves she had come to consider as her friends, though she knew little to nothing about them. She only knew what mattered: that they would all protect each other and stand shoulder to shoulder with their pack mates when it was needed. Feelings like this made her proud to bear the title of Warrior.

And then a pang hit her stomach in realization that she knew not how to take part in their conversation. Seeing Aurora and Eclipse occupied, she made her way over to Khane, who seemed a little distracted. With a long glance towards the horizon line, she commented solemnly as she approached, “We can just hope they don’t come back, but I personally find that inevitable. They will return one day, I’m sure of it, with teeth that howl for flesh and blood…” She drifted off forebodingly as she stared out into the distance before her attention snapped back to Khane. The fae shook her head with a sigh, “Forget I said that. I get carried away sometimes.”

The Warrior sat down beside the other, looking around the glade. Beautiful as it was, it seemed useless to her. Fel needed no herbs or bouquets, nay she only needed her pack- the one thing that gave her purpose.
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 21st 2013, 20:26

Aurora was absent minded from the small pack for a few moments. In her head she envisioned the life she wish she had, how each member here was an important piece of the puzzle. Each one longing to fit in, waiting for their turn to shine and connect with another member. Each a link to the next piece, until the picture is complete. Aurora couldn't help but think of what that picture was, what the whole purpose was. It was confusing for her, the way Chiara had acted, how each wolf stood up for the leader she was proud to be a servant of. Faithful and loyal to him, sharing not only pelt colors, but the general idea for the pack and how she spoke for him while accepting member's at the border. A mixture of emotions was present in her body, fear, excitement, pride, and even disgust. How she felt about this pack was something that may never be explained.

Aurora could see it before her eyes, the friends she would have for a lifetime each finding their own niche in the pack. Eclipse using his skills with hunting and how his sweet personality would find him nearly being the center to her own puzzle, Khane being the one she could trust with her life and a personal shoulder to cry on, and Fel being the only one worth of complete respect for Aurora could see great things with her. Although it was unexplainable to her, Aurora knew that one day she would be able to say that her own puzzle was complete. Knowing that what she sought out would soon be around the corner.

Coming too, Aurora smiled at Eclipse, the friend she had always hoped for and then to the other wolves. Finding her voice she addressed them, "Let us not worry about Chiara now, we all came seeking fun, and I promise I shall deliver. How about a game of chase, no?" Aurora said as her body tensed up, each paw jumping from the ground in spreading out in every direction, her body suspenseful and playful as if she was ready to run. Then without notice, Aurora bolted from her spot, a howl escaping her body in a longingly playful manner. Tossing her worries and cares a side she ran, the way it felt upon her body, the way her fur bristled in the breeze. Aurora howled again, this time to the wolves scattering every which way. Light tufts of grass flew up from her paws embracing with the dirt. The earth and her were one, and love filled every nerve in her soul.
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Elder Eclipse
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeAugust 27th 2013, 09:54

It was disappointing that none of them had answered his question and it bothered him, though not as much as he was bothered by the beast lingering somewhere on the border of the field. He felt sure that at least one of the other wolves knew where Chiara was headed, but he couldn't understand why none were saying anything. Was it a secret? Or something too shameful or embarrassing to speak of? Eclipse was overly confused as he stared down at a poppy to his left side, lost in his thoughts. Batting at it lightly with his left paw and leaning back into his haunches so as to not lose balance, he sat doing that repetitively for a few moments whilst listening to the white fae's response. Then he stopped his little activity suddenly and looked up at his friend as she swiftly changed the topic of conversation.

Just as he was about to say something, she sprang forwards and then raced off, howling gleefully as she went. His golden eyes widened as he observed her, since he considered her actions rather out of character. Aurora was just a glistening pale movement to his eyes, illuminated solely by the feeble light of the moon which made it difficult for a wolf to see. A game of chase was usually fun, despite Eclipse knew for certain that speed was not something that he was best at and he often lost races. The Hunter relied on other tactics, including team work and stealthy silence when he hunted. He continued to watch his closest friend until he could no longer distinguish her form from the flowers.

A smirk crossed his face and he shook his head, getting back up to his paws and loping after her at a carefree pace. He was unaware of how Fel or Khane would react to her sudden burst of playful energy. But if one of them gave chase then he might consider playing along too. For the moment he decided he would just follow Aurora's scent trail and make sure she was okay. As his pelt rolled up and down his body with his movement, a feeling of contentment engulfed him with the freedom of just moving with no dutiful purpose. It was nice for everyone to have some free time from their roles within the pack. The thoughts of the recently exited bloody fae and the predator retreated from his main focus as the wolf allowed himself to declare his celebration of joy, "WOOOOOH!"

Here is to hoping that nothing can disturb their peace now...
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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2013, 15:49

Khane's mind was concentrated on the fae that walked past him blood-covered, his eyes focused on the ground while his perked ears barely caught the words that were being said. In his thoughts, he could only think of who was the victim, why did she harm him/her, was it in self-defense? There was just too much hypothesis and not enough clues or evidence to conclude the events that could have happened days ago. Anger began to rise in him, he was a warrior and he was suppose to protect all his pack members, and if a member was hurt because he wasn't there... Khane sighed, he needed to know what happened and why. The males concentration was broken when he saw at the corner of his eye, Aurora bolt off, and then Eclipse showing off his playful energy in his vocals. Khane was a little confused, his head tilted slightly before he realized what the Delta was doing and the words that he can remember. He simply smiled, unsure what to do with the anger and desire that was built to want to investigate on Chiara's doing. After some thought, Khane opened his maw and spoke, his tone was a little more serious then what he wanted it to be. "You guys have fun, I'm going to go on a run of my own. I'll see you all later."

With those words, Khane began to walk away from the group, heading into the dark forest that Chiara had come from. He took a deep breath, ears perked as he entered.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: We're Following The Leader (Open) We're Following The Leader (Open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2013, 13:23

A slight frown curled her lips when her fellow warrior made no note of her, but it quickly faded into an indifferent mask. She cared not for social encounters, especially ones that didn’t involve anything productive. This was chiefly because of her inability to hold an interesting conversation and the way her mind worked. She tended to immediately analyze the situation and jump to several conclusions, not focusing too much on the nature of light-aired conversations and frivolous games suited only for pups. Her indifferent blue eyes watched the fae run away and Eclipse bound after her while the warrior beside her, Khane, took his leave. Fel simply sighed dryly and gazed off into the distance for a moment before getting up as if by an unspoken command. On onyx paws as silent as death, she moved through the herbs and flowers out of the moonlight where the shadows of the forest welcomed and encompassed her. The dark shrouded her under its cape as if she were its beloved offspring of the night. But if she was indeed such, why was her heart pulled to Helidos and not towards the steadily increasing Erenyx like she guessed the murderous female’s was? Simply because she knew what a strong, loyal and righteous pack was, and would gladly die protecting one. In eerie but peaceful silence, Fel made her way home.
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