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PostSubject: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2013, 14:16

Shadow padded along not knowing where her paws where taking her she let them lead on. Soon she heard the thundering of water from afar. Looking up and pricking her ears she started to trot. Soon she came to a huge waterfall. It was glorious. She was memorized by it. Its like the water was calling her name. She slowly walked towards the water, being on the look out for any other wolves. She wanted to be alone for a while.

Thoughts of her mother were plaguing her thoughts now. Finally she reached the waters edges and looked at her reflection. She laid  down with a thud and closed her eyes tightly. For back at her old home sadness was weakness. She didn't want to be viewed as weak to her new pack mates.

She wished she could remember her father. What he looked like. "Why couldn't he just showed his face just once", she said aloud. She sat up and let out a long, sad howl. On the outside she hoped no one heard her, but in the darkest corner of her heart she just wanted to have someone beside her. She just wanted to hear the words, "you'll be ok". She wanted to belong somewhere. What she really wanted, was her mother. But she knew no amount of midnight howls or longing for her would bring her back.

So she stood up and shook, hoping it would shake the grip that sadness held on her. Taking a deep breath she lunged and dived into the water. She swam a little and then got out. Shaking her fur free of the cold water. Little droplets still clung to the ends of her fur, but she didn't mind. The water was refreshing. In more ways then one. "Don't let the past control you, for you can't control or change it", she thought as she smiled to her reflection.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2013, 04:58

The male had decided it was time to get busy with his duty. There would be more time for relaxing and exploring when he had provided the pack with more meat to sustain some members for a few more days. With more pack members being accepted day by day and pups soon to be born, Eclipse feared the numbers would soon exceed the prey available, but for now it wasn't a problem to consider. At this moment in time, he was just going to make sure the pack always had food available when they needed it.

He had made a kill with Aurora a few days ago; the carcass would most likely have been eaten by now. Eclipse had wandered around wondering what he could bring down by himself, when he discovered a late born fawn lying low in the grass about ten feet away. It remained so still that if he had nosed it he was sure the thing wouldn't resist at all and just fall stiffly over like a log. It's mother wasn't around so her offspring was unprotected and it's way of staying safe was to not move, therefore it shouldn't be spotted. But once it had been spotted it was fairly useless and the odds weren't exactly in the young deer's favour.

*Easy picking*, thought Eclipse as he stalked carefully over from behind it, with his eyes focused on the prize. His paws placed silently and purposefully on the soft, cool earth. Just as he sprung over to catch his prey it huffed and flew through the air and bounded through the forest of Eden's Hollow. Eclipse was quick to react, his legs pumping hard on the ground and stretching out as wide as possible in pursuit. The fawn was just a few days old yet it could run so fast! The shadowy bronzed brute had great respect and awe for how his prey developed much quicker than those of his own kind.

After some time of chasing, all that the male had managed to do was to nip the animals tail. He could not keep up running fast so he had gone into a jog, knowing that although he was not built for speed, he had much more stamina than this fawn and he would tire it eventually. The fawn was huffing a little and groaning as it ran this way and that, desperately trying to lose the wolf following it.

Eventually, the pair had reached the waterfall where Eclipse had visited once before. The loud thunders spooked it, and the Hunter just wished he could catch it and stop it already. As they emerged out the forest and in the open area, his eyes caught the form of another wolf, but there was no time for greetings. Surely the wolf would have more energy than him, he needed her help.

Dark paws carried on after the prey as he barked for the wolf to join him.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2013, 06:11

Having been in the pack for a little bit now, Fel had heard of the magnificent waterfall and tried to find some time to go explore the area. Today seemed to be the right day to go exploring and the onyx fae headed out to the Falls of Serenity in hopes of finding peace. Much to her dismay, all she found there was roaring liquid thunder and a wet pelt. Grumbling in frustration, her senses almost blinded, the wolf raced clumsily down the slippery rocks to the softer earth, trotting into the tree line without recognizing the dark fae by the falls a little ways off.

The foliage around, though spaced, her seemed to restore her senses. Fel’s ears swiveled from side to side, analyzing her surroundings as her nostrils flared, searching for scents. The faint thrumming of young hooves on the ground reached her, quickly increasing in volume and later joined by a set of paws. A bark echoed through the sparse trees.

Fel understood the request for help, and, not thinking that it wasn’t meant for her, hid herself in ambush. She bunched her hindquarters in preparation for a masterful leap. The warrior was fairly skilled in her lunges and surprise attacks, and the fact that her scent was slightly masked by water and peat made this plan perfectly logical. As the prey came into view, the raven warrior jumped out of the large bush she was using for cover with a ferocious snarl, barreling over the fawn. Both animals were dazed for a moment, but Fel hoped that the hunter would have enough of an advantage to kill the beast before it regained its surroundings. Being obviously older and heavier than the fawn, Fel swiveled around with bared teeth after a few heart beats of recovery from the impact. It was only then that she remembered that this was a hunt, not a fight.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2013, 09:46

Shadow sat by the beautiful falls. She admired them, soon she caught the faint scent of another wolf. She began to look around to find who it was, but she didn't before she heard aloud bark and the sound of hooves thundering over the land. Her head swiveled around to find a black male chasing after a fawn.

She bounded away from the waters and easily caught up with the male that she soon recognized to be of Helidos pack. She came to a complete stop once she found out there were two wolves around. The fawn that the male had been chasing was down now, for the female had shot out of the bushes and tackled it. Shadow saw it all, but recoiled after the female turned and growled. So they both relaxed and Shadow went in for the kill strike. She looked at the other two wolves how she hadn't even bothered to give them her name. "Hi I'm Shadow. Sorry I didn't respond to your call as fast, but I think she had this one covered", Shadow sat down by the dead fawn and scratched behind her ear. She soon sat up, her ears were pricked and her tail was slightly waving from side to side.
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2013, 08:03

The dusky head of the wolf stayed facing his prey as his golden eyes glanced around slightly, wondering if the she-wolf had heard his call or not. What was taking so long? Just as he figured he would have to keep going alone, a rustle came from the brush beside the fawn ahead and a dark figure leaped out and tackled it. The wolf looked similar to the fae from before but she couldn't have appeared here so fast. So who was this and what was she doing with his meal?

Just as he travelled forward with a quickened, worried pace, another female came along beside the brute. At this, the previous fae seemed to be threatened. She turned and growled at them. His ears shot back in surprise and his legs weakened, the wolf beside him was similar. If this aggressive fae thought she was keeping the fawn, she thought wrong.

He settled and controlled himself and as he went forward to reclaim the creature, the fae alongside him confidently strolled forward and killed it. She brightened up and relaxed and gave her name. The male nodded his head at her and stalked forward to grab the dead animal by the neck and drag it further away from the wolves, a safe distance away so they knew the kill was his and so he felt comfortable.

Laying down with a paw atop the animals flank, he began eating from the young deer's rump. Soon the entire rear legs and behind of the animal had disappeared into the depths of his stomach. Deciding that he had eaten enough and that the pack would need it, he licked his muzzle and turned his attention back to the faes. "Hello both of you. My name is Eclipse, a Hunter of Helidos. Don't worry about it Shadow, it's dead now and that's what matters"

He stayed laid down and half shut his eyes in contentment, cleaning his paws and muzzle.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2013, 11:42

It took a moment for Fel to realize that she had snarled at the wolves, not the beast, and immediately backed off once she regained her paws. She noted that another female had finished off the deer, and the hunt was over. An apology and explanation to the others was in order now.

The warrior opened her jaws about to speak, but shut them with a click at the sound of the other fae’s voice. Her ears flicked towards the male as he introduced himself only after eating a hefty amount of meat. Her attention focused onto him even further when he mentioned he was from Helidos. Fel had not met this wolf, and her first impression, she could tell, was bound to be pretty horrible. She couldn’t blame this Eclipse for hauling away the fawn protectively, but she did begin to wonder if she would get her share of the tender flesh. She usually preferred the shoulders, but would settle for anything on an empty stomach.

Fel sat down neatly, addressing both wolves at once, “I am sorry that I growled like that. It was an instinctive thing, forgive me. As it happens to be, I am also of the Helidos pack, but I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, Eclipse, nor you, Shadow. I just heard your bark requesting backup and decided to ambush the fawn, instead of try to chase it alongside you. My name is Fel, by the way, warrior of Helidos.”

The raven fae had said what she wanted and kept her pale azure gaze steady, waiting for the others to respond.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2013, 17:01

Shadow watched as the male, known as Eclipse ate his share of the meat off the small fawn. She soon turned her attention to the fae that introduced herself as Fel. The fae had the same color pelt as her, but pale blue eyes. They could have probably been mistakes as sister of the same litter. The only difference was that Shadows eyes were sapphire.

She listened to the other fae's apology, she nodded showing that she understood. Once she knew the two other wolves were from Helidos, she wondered why she had never seen them before. "I am also from Helidos, and I am also a hunter", she looked at the both of them. They seemed okay, but Shadow knew you only know as much as they tell you. She was silently om her guard with the other around. She might not have alot of fighting skills, but she knew how to run and she knew that she could run fast.

But she didn't really see any threat here, she relaxed just a little. And listened to the other talk.

(Sorry for not coloring the speaking. My colors are acting up.)
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2013, 05:16

Eclipse was satisfied with the fuller feeling in his stomach, though he hadn't eaten much since the deer was only small. After licking himself clean, he stood up fom the carcass and slowly dragged it with him as he approached the two. It was very confusing with who was Shadow and who Fel; they both looked so similar. He figured it was probably best not to address them with their names in case he gave the wrong one.

Carefully he lowered his haunches to the cool grass, which was also lightly damp from the settling mist of the falls. Listening to one fae speak, he looked around the trees and swivelled his ears, intrigued as always by the life of the forest. All the greens and browns waltzed around high above, dancing to the music of the wind. As he took soft breaths he could smell the snail trails and the decaying of dead organisms. Through his ears he could detect the steps of the squirrels as they ran up the oak bark. The forest was an intricate weaving of life, beautiful to look at shallowly, but in greater depth one would see that there is a constant competition for survival and balance.

Snapping away from these thoughts, the brute caught the end of the speech. He tried to think of a general thing he could say so he wouldn't have to say their names, "It is nice to meet more pack members, since I only know a few. How long have you both been here? I myself have only been here a few weeks. And thank you both for helping me with my hunt. If either of you are hungry, please do eat what you like from it". He gestured the remains of the fawn which he had dragged to them with a flick of his muzzle. Although he had meant to take it back for the pack, these females were part of Helidos so if they ate it he guessed he had still done his duty.

((Don't rush to reply because you will be waiting on me for a while. I'm going on holiday/vacation and I return on 9th July :P))

Last edited by Hunter Eclipse on July 6th 2013, 00:41; edited 1 time in total
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2013, 15:13

Fel’s ears pricked as the brute named Eclipse dragged the fawn towards the two faes, but she restrained herself until further permission was given. After all, she was not the hunter, and it was not her call to make. The warrior glanced at each of the wolves as Shadow spoke. Under further observation, she found that the fae was tense but soon relaxed while the male seemed to barely pay attention to them, glancing around the foliage that surrounded him and flaring his nostrils as if he was smelling for something… or perhaps everything. Fel took the chance to smile a warm and disarming grin to Shadow while Eclipse studied the forest.

The raven fae turned back to Eclipse when he jerked back to reality. As soon as the words were spoken, she moved forward and swiftly ate the shoulder meat, not about to waste time. The fawn was so tender and soft, yet solid muscle that was not ruined by fat. Satisfied, she moved back and resumed her sitting position. Fel licked her chops clean of blood before speaking, “I am fairly new here too. I came from the mountains, many seasons of travels north of here, hence my thick coat. And thank you for your kill, Eclipse. If you ever need my help again, just call.” She turned to the obsidian fae next to her, “And where do you come from, Shadow?” Fel was truly interested in these two wolves, considering she still knew fairly few members of Helidos. Her stomach pleasingly full, she flicked her ears free of an insect while waiting for the response.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2013, 15:20

As she sat waiting for the black pelted male eat his share, she listened to the male. But shook her head no. For she wasn't hungry. But out of the corner of her eyes she seen the other fae smile at her. Shadow smiled back and completely relaxed as she drew up the conclusion she would be alright. The black male know as Eclipse seemed more interested in their surroundings then anything. But she didn't mind. Shadow sat and listened to both of them speak, slightly day dreaming as well until she heard the last question directed to her.

She pricked her hers up and listened. As the other fae spoke to her. "I am from the plains down south", she shakes her thin coat for a hint. She looks back at the other hunter,"And of course I will help you if you wish for me to come along with you", she scratches behind her ear and then settles down once more. "So what bring you two here on this fine summer day", she asked in a casual tone.

(sorry its short guys :/)
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Elder Eclipse
Elder Eclipse

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2013, 05:00

The brute was content as the larger fae ate from the carcass, it was a proud thing for him to provide food for others in his pack. Now that he was comfortable with the surroundings he focused on the two. It did not bother him that the other wolf did not wish to eat, others  would eat what was left. His ears pricked up to their great height once the fae who had been eating had finished and spoke. "You're welcome, miss Warrior"and he nodded at her offer of helping him again in future.

Silently, he observed the other wolf, the fellow Hunter, as herself talked and the ends of his lips turned up a little as she too said she would be glad to help him with a kill in future "Thank you also. You being a Hunter too, I'm sure we will hunt together often". Getting to his paws, he stretched out his limbs and flicked up his tail momentarily. His eyes glanced between the females,"Well, I was just hunting the fawn from Eden's Hollow and I ended up here. But, I have my duty to do, so now I shall leave you both. I hope you enjoy yourselves, Fel and Shadow, and that I may meet you soon". And with that he opened his maw around the neck of the dead young fawn, clamped down with his teeth and padded casually away to drag the carcass back to the Camp Clearing.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 06:34

Fel watched and listened to the other fae. After Eclipse’s reply, she also spoke an answer. “I’m not due for any patrols until later on in the evening, so I figured I’d explore…” ‘These wolves aren’t too bad at all. Happy and distracted, but nice,’ she concluded. It was completely by chance that she had come across their paths, but it was good that fate had willed for it. She didn’t know that many of her own pack mates and every new face in Helidos was another comrade. Another wolf that Fel could depend on and stand side-by-side with in the event of a pack war.

It seemed like they had just ran into each other, and yet the brute was already leaving. The warrior dipped her head with a little fare-well and watched Eclipse walk off. As soon as his obsidian pelt disappeared through the foliage, she rose to her paws and turned to go back to the water, waving her tail for Shadow to follow her. “And yourself? Why did you come here today?” Fel asked casually. They might as well get to know each other while time allowed.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 07:20

She watched as the brute known as Eclipse walked away with the dead fawns in his jaws. Smiling to herself at the thought of a fellow hunter to hunt with. The new pack would eat well with them two on the hunting grounds. More kill will be brought in, plus it would be bigger as well.

Soon she began to day dream once more, but snapped back to reality as Fel began to walk back towards the water. Shadow trotted to caught up with her, soon she fell instep with the older fae. Her ears were pricked towards the other wolf as she spoke, asking Shadow why she was here. "Well, I was just wondering around and I just happen to find this place. Its really beautiful, plus I just like water", She chuckled to herself as her tail slightly swayed from side to side. Happy that she just might have a new friend in the pack. Or well the only friend she has as of right now. As they walked she listened to the thundering falls and stopped as the reached the waters edge.

She sat down beside the small waves rolling in. "I was wondering around because I wanted to be alone for a while. But in all honesty, I'm glad you guys showed when you did," she looked at her reflection in the water and pawed at it, accidently splashing herself in the face. She rubbing the water off of her muzzle and then finished her sentence,"It was getting kind of lonely out here." She turned to the onyx fae that looked almost twin like to her. The only difference being the color of their eyes. Shadows was of a deep sapphire, sometimes even looking as a deep purple. But Fel's were a lighter blue, pale but not dull. Her eyes were very bright and looked full of wisdom about the land and others. On the inside Shadow hoped for the start of a beautiful friendship between the faes.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 08:32

A little smile came across Fel’s muzzle as she saw the fae walk next to her. They both sat down by the water and gazed at the surface. The warrior’s nose twitched as a couple of drops of water landed on her muzzle from Shadow’s paws splashing at the reflection before her. Fel listened to Shadow and nodded understandingly, “I too wanted to have some alone time, but am rather relieved I got to meet more members of my new pack. As for the view, its nice and all, but I could do without the thunder of the waterfall. The water itself is beautiful though. Where I grew up, we only had a vast supply of water for a season. The rest of the year it was frozen over. It still gave a mirroring image, but it’s not quite the same. Liquid water holds the true image of a wolf better than ice.”

As if to prove the point, she moved forward a little more so that the small waves lapped at the tips on her onyx claws. What she saw on the moving surface perplexed her. There were two obsidian faes sitting side by side, almost identical except for Fel being a larger, fluffier figure with much paler eyes, but still as vibrant as the azure ones of Shadow. It was as if they were kin, but this was obviously not possible. The warrior’s eyes studied the images carefully. In a thoughtful tone, she said to herself, “How peculiar…” She studied herself: a female with a large, muscular build and calm, almost indifferent eyes. When she looked over to Shadow, a leaner fae was there, with warm, deep blue orbs. Fel gave a sigh, hoping her new companion would not see her as she saw herself: a cold-hearted warrior. She gave a little half-hearted smile, trying to warm up.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2013, 13:12

Nodding to agree to Fel's statement and then realizing she got the wolf wet she apologized,"Oops, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you wet as well." Then she watched as the fae looked at her and Shadow's reflection. Hearing her words she tilted her head to the left a little. "What is it", she asked as she got to her paws and stood nexted to the larger fae. Looking down into the water with Fel. She lightly chuckled to herself. "Funny isn't it? How to wolves so far from each other could look almost exactly the same", she spoke to Fel as she stared at their reflection in the wavy waters.

"I've never seen a waterfall like this before. So to me this is really beautiful. In my old home we have streams and creeks. But nothing of this sort", she proclaimed as she dipped her head for a drink, and twisted her ears in a circle to check for any others approaching them. Content with her surroundings, she relaxed all the way. Feeling comfortable in the faes company.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 13th 2013, 02:20

((Sorry its short))

Fel gave a forced smile, even relaxing slightly as she realized that the fae had not noticed what she had. “Indeed. We look like kin, although that is impossible. My kin would never be as warm and light-hearted.” With a sigh she padded a bit away from the water’s edge and eased herself to the rocky ground. Her tail curled around to the side as the warrior spoke, “They are heartless, all of them. Well, all of us, as we are of the same blood. A single mistake, a little miscalculation, can be the end of your membership in the pack or even the end of you. My father never did care for anything except for success…” She drifted off, checking the surroundings before turning back to the fae, “And what of your family?” Fel phrased this question very gently, not wanting to cause any pain for the fae but simply curious. She could tell that Shadow was content at the moment, and didn’t want to ruin that. After a moment of thought, she added, “You need not answer if you do not wish.” There was no use in excavating any harsh memories.

Last edited by Warrior Fel on July 27th 2013, 05:03; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2013, 01:10

Shadow sat and listened as Fel talked about her family. She said them to be heartless and cold wolves. At her words about her family her ears went back and she looked into the water again, still listening. As the dark warrior moved her attention was brought back to the other fae. She watched as Fel laid on the rocks and curled her tail about her side. Shadow moved a little closer as her ears perked up at the question she had been asked. Soon she sat a foot or two away from the other dark fae. Her ears laid back a little as her gaze fell to the ground. "Well, my mother was a very light-hearted and warm spirited kind of wolf", she looked back up to Fel,"as for my father, he was a ruthless killer. His pack was born to cause the fall of others." She paused for a moment," or atleast that is what my mother told me from what she knew of him. And then just like that she died, by hunters." As she sat there she curled her tail over her large paws and silently thought of her mother, but quickly returns to reality.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2013, 05:03

As the fae spoke, Fel gazed at her with wise, pale eyes. ‘The poor dear. She must’ve been young, considering her age now.’ Not quite sure what to say, she simply smacked her tail against the ground beside her, inviting Shadow to lay down. After a moment, she began, “Well at least you were loved, and have those memories, Shadow. In my pack… haha. I always think now: Nothing says ‘I love you’ like ‘Then Exile it shall be, Felwolf!’ Anyways, enough of that.” The warrior finished in a smile, still finding it hard to keep up such a cheery tone when referring to her exile. Unfortunately, it was just something she had to live with.

Her onyx head turned around and examined the view once more, and her nose wrinkled in disgust momentarily. Still, it wasn’t all that bad, in fact it was actually nice and cool. She could do without the roaring waterfall though. Without glancing back to her new friend, she asked, “Well, how did you stumble upon this pack?” The warrior was running out of general questions, not being a great conversationalist herself. She secretly hoped that the fae would begin to take the reins in the conversation.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2013, 11:51

Noticing the motion for her to move next to her pack mate she did so. Laying next to Fel made her feel accepted and, in an odd, but good way, loved. Shadow laid facing the fae as her ears flicked, listening to the sounds of the surrounding area and waterfall. She listened as the older fae spoke of her old home and pack. "I'm sorry Fel, I wish things would have been different for you. But yes, enough of remembering the past. So now we can focus on the future", she gave a light hearted smile to her new found friend.

Shadow looked up to the clear, blue sky. She liked the weather, but rain was her favorite time. It helped her sleep and it was peaceful to listen to on the top of her den. But as Fel spoke her attention was brought back down to her and the onyx fae. She took a deep breath as she spoke her reply,"Well, i started to travel from my home. Farther and farther. Running from my past, and my father, if he would have known that I still live and roam. he just might come back for a visit.. and not a friendly one either." She looked down at the ground,"And honestly, I'm not that great a fighter." She looked up at Fel shyly as she half sighed and half chuckled. Shadow returned the question towards her,"So how did you come along a pack such as Helidos?" Laying her head on her black paws as she perked her ears forwards to show she was interested in her reply to the question as she waited.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2013, 06:29

Fel gave a soft chuckle at the answer before giving a set of what she thought was comforting words, “Well you needn’t worry about your fighting. I’ll always be here to protect you.” The warrior had rumbled those words soothingly, almost like a mother to her growing pup. It was strange for her, but she was a wolf who lived in the present, and this was what she felt was right at the moment.

Fel pricked her onyx ears at the question. With a slight smile, she began, “Fair enough. Ever since my exile and change of name, I became a loner and rouge for two years. I travelled from pack to pack as a mercenary, or one who stays for a while for some purpose and then leaves. I learned and honed many skills this way, but lacked friends and relations. All the while, I had been following in one direction, and eventually the stars had led me to Helidos. When I reached the pack lands, I began to understand that this was to be my new home, my new chapter.” With a little chuckle, the raven fae rolled onto her side and relaxed her body fully. “So, what else do you want to talk about?” Fel’s pale gaze looked at her new friend gently, wondering what was in store regarding their future.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2013, 13:05

Shadow grinned as she took in the words of comfort. She yawned and then stretched out. Rolling onto her back to scratch it as she moved from side to side. Then she stopped rolled back to her side as the warrior began to speak of her travels and promises of protection. She listened with the attention of a pup as the older wolves told them about the old times and battles. She was interested in what Fel had to tell her. Her ears were perked to full attention, her eyes were bright and watching.

Shadow felt fully comfortable around her friend as Fel flopped over to her side. Rolling on her back again she looked to the fae with a goofy smile on her muzzle as she laid on her back. But rolling to close to the edge she rolled off. Then popped back up in that moment, and looks to Fel with a shy smile,"I ment to do that. Maybe..", she chuclkes and climbs back onto the flat rock. "I know i'm clumsy at times. But honestly I'm good on my paws. Swift and fast, but not when I'm not on my paws. I tend to be clumsy",Shadow lays beside Fel once again, now a little embarrassed. But its soon passes as she looks around the surrounding area.
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2013, 13:59

Fel gave an amused little laugh at the smile, not stopping when the fae in front of her rolled off of the edge. She quickly quieted herself when Shadow returned and gave a short explanation, not wanting to embarrass her friend further. With a sarcastic tone, she replied, “Oh yes, of course.” The raven warrior gave a big smile before continuing with a very warm voice, “No really, its fine. We’re all clumsy sometimes. I once fell off of a cliff and into a lake. The current there was dreadful. It’s actually how I learned to move in the water, really. Talk about sink or swim! And all because of what? I had been clumsy and slipped on some loose gravel. Ever since that incident, I have learned to always be aware of my movements and surroundings. It helped.”

“My problem was just that I underestimated my surroundings. What are a few little grains of rock when you are used to leaping between snow-covered boulders? I tend to not make that mistake again though.” Fel finished off, realizing that she had begun to ramble. With her usual calmness, she rested her head back on the grass as she lay on her side. Something about Shadow made Fel feel at ease, like the presence of an old and dear friend. This was fairly surprising since they had only just met, but perhaps there was a good reason for it.
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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2013, 16:10

Shadow laughed as Fel spoke, it was funny that she rolled off like a care free pup on a play day with her mother. Honestly this situation reminded her of the day before her mother was killed. They were running and playing in a field of flowers, and Shadow tripped over her own paws. She popped back up and giggled as her mother had licked her ears to make sure she was alright. Soon she snapped out of her flashback and listened to Fel as she spoke of the time she had fallen into a lake wit strong currents. She tried to imagine what it would have felt like falling into a whirling current with no mercy to let you go. Shadow looked to Fel,"That must have been awful, and yeah. I could see where you would have thought it was nothing." Shadow moved laid her head down on her paws as she smiled. It felt as if her and the warrior had known each other in pass lives as they laid on the rock together. She smiled as she spoke,"I don't know if it is just me or not, but I feel as if we have known each other for years. And that we are just now rejoining once again. I feel as if I have met you once before." She lifted her head and tilted it a little, still smiling as she went deeper into thought about it.

((Sorry its short >.<))
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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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PostSubject: Re: Memories (open) Memories (open) Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2013, 10:50

Fel smiled at the thought. Met her once before? That was ridiculous! But then, why did it feel like she had indeed known this fae forever, despite their entire interaction lasting barely more than a few hours. It seemed impossible, but there was simply no denying it. The warrior raised her head and rolled to her stomach. “I know what you mean. It’s as if I had a life before my birth pack and met you then, as funny as it seems. And, although I can’t explain this phenomenon, I’m glad to have met you. There are few wolves I can feel so relaxed around.”

She began to stretch her forepaws out in front of her, her toes separating at the strain. Fel raised her head in a full yawn, showing all of her incisors before shutting her maw with a short whine. Something about relaxation always made her want to doze. The fae looked to her new friend with warm, pale eyes as the huntress smiled thoughtfully. Or perhaps she should call her an old friend. A smile curled her lips up as she thought of the paradox. Was there anything wrong with having an old, new friend? Fel decided that, as long as they were friends at all, it didn’t quite matter.
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