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Catching Wind (Open)

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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2013, 02:11

Why...? The question that haunted the brute's mind for several weeks as it picked through his emotions to suit the question and recent events into one feeling. But what were the events, what had brought the Lead Warrior down to the snow that was covered in blood and what made his vision go blurry. It was a mystery to Khane. The male traveled for weeks in search of something, excited to tell someone of his experience in Helidos. But who? Who made him smile wide at the simple imagination of telling the wolf his "fantastic news"?

Khane shook his head with his eyes closed. Trying his hardest to remember what happened two weeks ago on his leave. However, nothing appeared in his mind besides his horrific moment in the snow. Khane grunted and took a deep breath as he looked around his new environment. Tall trees, glistening snow covering the grasses and small bushes of various berries or wildlife. The wind blew ever so gently against his thick brown pelt. It was peaceful and calm to Khane. A land that Khane doesn't remember visiting. Although slight sounds emitted from the trees around him. His mind continued to go back to the haunting subject of his "trip". The brute shook his head once more to help clear his thoughts for another moment. Until an idea shined in his head. "Run." Khane thought. "That should keep me busy and clear my head." With a quick look up ahead to the path, the brute began to run through the bright forest. Has he ran, memories appeared before him of running with his group of friends. His first day in the pack. A happy moment to always remember the brute thought. Aurora, Fel, Eclipse and Irina. The four members of his pack he would be willing to sacrifice for because he knew they would do the same for him. It gave Khane a warm feeling. But then something came to mind...Chiara.

Chiara was something else. A clear image of the blood covered fae was fresh in his head along with the words he said to her as she passed by. "I hope that whomever is dead finds peace in the next life and revenges their death upon that wicked female". The words flowed out of his maw as smoothly and soundly as the day he said it. But there was something more to that vile wolf that Khane could not figure out. Nevertheless she should be ignored. It was clear that the business he once had was gone and there was nothing he could do about that.

After running for several minutes, Khane came to a stop. Breathing in and out as he looked around the new area. Nothing the brute could see was dangerous. The brute relaxed, lowering his body to the snow with his head resting on his paws. "A quick rest and then I'll head back." Khane thought. His eyes closing gently as he heads into a slumber.

(Long post but I think it sums up a couple of things. Would like to get a bear NPC to join in as an attacker.)
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2013, 18:23

Weeks in the snow covered lands of Erenyx had been hard on the fae. She had been promoted to Lead Warrior and had welcomed a new male to the pack. Welcomed wasn't exactly the right word, but hey he survived her encounter. ON this day however the fae had traveled far, following a deer that had strayed across the border into her old pack. Not feeling very concerned about trespassing she continued to follow her prey when a storm fell upon her. Racked by falling snow the fae got lost and ended up deeper into the territory than she wanted. Chiara slowly started to think it would be wise if she turned back when a scent caught her nose, a familiar one. Perking slightly and trying to put a face to the scent she rounded a bend to find a resting brute in the snow.

It was Khane from her last encounter on these lands when she left a few weeks back. It wasn't a happy time for the fae, but something about how the male here had reacted to her intrigued her. Everyone else in that little band had shunned or been aggressive to her, whereas he was almost interested. Interesting, such a feeling made Chiara loose her focus and step on a twig absent mindedly. Cursing under her breath she waited for him to awaken and probably drive her from this territory. If he decided to fight her however she wasn't concerned, he didn't scare her.
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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2013, 01:24

Bliss was all that filled his mind. The brute was tired. Tired of fighting with his own head on something he doesn't understand. All that came to his mind were dreams. Dreams of his past family and friends that he used to enjoy being with. His brothers and sisters were happy, especially one sibling named Jynx. Jynx was always proud of herself on how she handled certain situations like breaking up an argument. It made the brute smile in his dreams when he thought of her, tail slowly wagging in delight to his thoughts.

So far the dreams were peaceful and full of good memories with nothing sour to spoil it. Until a distinct sound that Khane heard turned those dreams into nightmares. His siblings screamed in horror as the brute himself began to slaughter them. Blood stained the area with the dead bodies of his family and there lying behind a bush that Khane could barely see was Jynx's body. The shock and fear of his dream made Khane open his eyes to the real world and jump in surprise. The male breathed heavily, his eyes looking around frantically for a moment before he began to calm himself. After some time his breaths became easier, muscles began to relax and so did his mind. Khane closed his eyes as he sat back down and shook his head back and forth. He took a moment to think. "What caused the nightmare?" Khane questioned as he then remembered the snapping sound. The brute looked around the area once more before speaking out loud. "Show yourself, if I am going to be attacked I would like to at least see your face." Khane waited for a response, continuing to listen and look around with his gold colored eyes.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2013, 15:12

Standing her ground, Chiara flicked her ears back as he barked at her. Peering out from around her bush the light caught her eyes, making them gleam in his direction. Knowing full well it was against the rules for her to be here, she pushed them aside. Something made her want to stay and speak with him, at least find out why he hadn't shown hostility towards her back in the field. "I'm not here to attack you unless you give me reason too, so settle down." She scoffed as she stepped out into full view. "I remember you from the flower field a few weeks back, though I was red at that time." She said, watching his every move.

Her dark pelt now was far from blood covered. Shiny and full from her winter coat she almost looked blue in the light, yet her yellow eyes pierced through that solid color. Full of muscle from training she had filled out into an impressive form, though her scarred eye still took away from the flow of her features. Heightened now by the second scar she had self inflicted, her one slash now had a pair, forming an X over her left eye. Chiara had done that as a final release from her father's grasp, making him loose the last hold of control he had over her, by flawing his scar. Though it seemed gory, the warrior felt it was needed, and didn't mind. Focusing more on the brute she tried to relax a bit, to show she wasn't being aggressive, this was his land after all. "Name's Chiara in case you forgot me. Lead Warrior Chiara of Erenyx to be exact."
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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2013, 20:09

Khane's eyes widen a little in surprise to his guest. Chiara. A slight smile came to his maw that almost became a snicker but Khane wanted to be respectful to the fae. He lowered his haunches to sit and looked to his visitor, it has been a while since he has seen her face. This time without it being covered in blood along with her pelt that seemed to glow in his eyes. Khane wondered in his mind what had happened to the young female. He has been gone for a while and wasn't aware of the strange things going on within the pack.

Chiara spoke in the same tone as she did when they first met and that reminded Khane how stern she was. Nonetheless he was amused by her command for him to settle down. However the brute realized his sudden hostile awakening. Chiara continued with her recent memories of us at the Amor Glade and when she was covered in that stench-ed crimson liquid. The look and smell made Khane smile for some reason but quietly wanted that smile to disappear from thought. However, something new came to his head, it was full of questions and an unknown fear. Chiara had announced her name and position but she was of a pack called Erenxy. This raised a brow and Khane began to speak his words in question.

"I remember you well Chiara, however I do not remember you being of another pack. Especially one called Erenxy. Who are Erenxy?"

Khane thought for a moment that they should be enemies but then again they could be allies. The brute had no idea which but he will soon find out.

(Sorry for the late reply ^^)

Last edited by Lead Warrior Khane on October 28th 2013, 21:46; edited 1 time in total
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2013, 17:59

As Khane sat Chiara eased up a bit. Not comfortable sitting in his presence, she instead shifted her weight from foot to foot, allowing one to rest at a time. Her ebony tail behind her swished lightly, not out of annoyance, but more so boredom. Before their encounter in the flower field the lead warrior had seen the male around the pack of Helidos, though had never conversed with him. When had came was when the fae was spending most of her time with Damon, and she had little time for others. The male entered her thoughts, and her tail stopped stiffly. Thoughts of afternoons talking together and walks in the woods filled her head, but were chased off quickly. Pull yourself together Chiara, he's gone and isn't coming back, it's all your fault and you better accept that. She scolded herself, before redirecting her attention to the male. He was a large wolf, bulky yet seemed fit. His winter coat full and thick an indicator of easy pickings in her old pack. Erenyx had its own hardships in this time of year and the fae knew she wasn't as well fed as Khane.

AFter she spoke a questioning look came over him, followed by his questions of her new pack. Inside she fought with herself as to what to tell him of it. What could he use against her if it came to that in the future? "Erenyx is my new home. Founded by Steele and Esmerelda, its a pack where I have use and feel the strength of training." She said simply, giving him a look that said she would say no more of her new home. "Before when we met I was traveling there actually. Though my departure was anything but warm, you in fact were the only one who didn't try and bite my tail off, unlike those two faes." She said indicating Fel and Aurora, remembering how they cursed at her and got protective over the males, as if they needed protecting. "Why was that? You see me covered in blood and smelling of your pack and you raise no question? Do you care so little for your pack that you don't fear that I may have killed a pack mate?" She questioned, purposely trying to push his buttons, though the question did nag at her; why did he not react back then? Why did he instead grin?
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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2013, 21:45

After speaking, Khane noticed she was becoming lost in her thoughts. The first sign was her tail had stopped movement, and her eyes almost seemed distant for a brief moment. Khane then took the chance to look more at the fae's features. She looked much better without being covered in blood, but he noticed that she hasn't eaten for some time. However, it gave Khane a bit of confidence that if she were to attack, he could easily defend himself. Except... he felt rather sorry and maybe even worried for the fae.

His questions were soon answered when she replied about the Erenxy pack. Describing as a pack that allows her to use her strength and actually feel strong. That made Khane's heart and mind pull at the idea of being within a pack, but the brute already showed allegiance to his Alpha. He was very loyal and shouldn't consider moving to another pack, although Khane always favored the strong. Khane shook those thoughts, not wanting to think about such subject now. The brute's attention snapped back to Chiara as she spoke once more about the field and why he didn't try to stop her. "That is a good questioned" Khane thought and the answer was there in almost an instant. But then she said if he cared at all for the pack and who she might of hurt. That made Khane tail stiff for a moment like Chiara's earlier.

"I care for all of my pack mates. I want to protect them from harm and put my life at risk in order to save them. However, I have no right to immediately attack someone for something that I don't understand myself. Even then if I knew, it would be too late and you didn't seem to be hostile. Just someone who wanted to escape."

Khane opened his maw once more but closed it again, unsure if he wanted to question what had happen before they met. Who she hurt or killed. he made the decision and asked.

"So, who was it? Clearly someone I don't know since that day and because i had just joined Helidos." The brute waited once more for answer, his tail slowly moving across the snow.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2013, 17:54

"Fair enough." She said simply as he responded. She still remained standing, though her posture softened even more slightly as his reasons for not attacking her came out. "To understand what happened wouldn't have given you many more answers than you have now Khane, but they might ease your worries about your nice little pack." She said, her eyes going to the ground sharply. Why even care what he thought? Chiara had no idea what force drove her to want to speak to him about what had happened, maybe it would help her heal a little?

"There were three wolves involved in the scuffle. Myself and a Helidos wolf named Damon and a third wolf you wouldn't know. That wolf was an exiled brute from a northern territory that came to find and kill me. Damon and I were somewhat of friends in blunt terms and when the said loner attacked he defended me. Getting revenge for my own pack mate I killed the loner, but couldn't save Damon. Place the blame of his death on me, for if I had been in Erenyx sooner I would have killed the loner before he killed the wolf I lov...." She stopped herself and growled under her breath. Damn it stop spilling everything to him. She yelled at herself, "but your right I did want an escape, and I found it." She finished leaving out that it had been her own father to attack and not some loner. Also neglecting to inform Khane that Damon and her were closer than friends, much closer.

"I got my revenge and left, it was for the better. Any other questions for me?" She questioned, glancing back up at him, her tail still silent to movement.
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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2013, 20:11

Khane had listened intently to her story of the incident. His ears slightly dropped when she mention she couldn't save Damon. A shame that he was lost and that they couldn't meet before his death. He smiled lightly when he noticed Chiara had finished with her words almost ending to what Khane believed was love. But it wasn't Khane's business to ask if she did and besides, Khane had a similar situation. Almost too similar. Before long, Khane was running out of questions. His stomach growled lightly, but there was still one question that gnawed at the brute. What more is there to Erenxy? Are Helidos and Erenxy on hostile terms?

"Chiara, I would like to know more about Erenxy. Their power mostly. Perhaps we can visit there?"

The brute looked around for a moment, his ears flickered ever so slightly to the sound of snow being compressed. A scent of a hare put the brute at ease and his focus went back to Chiara. Khane's tail still moving slowly even though he was excited of what Erenxy is like. The excitement was a little bit surprising to the male as it brought a grin to his features for a moment.

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2013, 20:22

As her voice dropped off and he replied the fae's yellow eyes rose to meet his. Disbelief played on her face at his question but was slowly replaced with amusement. "Want to know more about my pack? I thought you were loyal here Khane? But the power I spoke of them having is nothing that you will find here in fairy land. I'll take you there if you want, but how do I know you aren't using me for information about them? You could be a spy for Azul or something, prove to me you are worthy of my trust." She said, her voice firm. He very well could be speaking truthfully, but she had no way of knowing. Staring at him now in the pale light let her see his features. Muscle rippled on his body as did the nice padding of being well fed. If he were to join her pack he would fair well and he also seemed to have the sense not to get into trouble when Steele was concerned.

"I grow tired of being here, if you wish to talk more I'm going to the mountains of Isle De Muerto. I've heard of goat there and hope to bring some to my pack. Come with me if you think you're up to it." she said before turning and walking away, letting him decide to follow or not. Her tail flicked out behind her, tickling his nose as she stalked off, unsure if he would follow. Not mattering much to her his desire to learn about her pack did intrigue her. Could he want to join her pack?
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Catching Wind (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Catching Wind (Open) Catching Wind (Open) Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2013, 21:38

The curiosity filling Khane was practically killing him as his tail began to wag more quickly. The brute tried to control it as best he could but his mind could only think of Erenxy. Chiara's words were very tempting to the brute. His head was telling him that he had joined the wrong pack int he first place but his heart argued about the friends he made when he had first entered the pack. It was a constant battle that thrashed back an forth. Khane felt a halt when she questioned his loyalty. Loyalty was everything to the male, but perhaps he felt his loyalty was to another pack all along. "Understandable. In fact I thought of you a spy of another pack for a moment because of your leave. But I would be more then happy to prove it to you." He grinned once more. Craving the challenge.

The male wanted to find out for his own sake. Then, opportunity came to Khane as Chiara offered to come with her to Isle De Muerto. A mountain Khane passed by once but never ventured there. He took a deep breath and exhaled as he waged the decision to go with her or stay. Regardless of thinking it over, it was clear to Khane that he wanted to go with her. He arose from his position and began to follow the fae. A bit of doubt was he felt after moving past the Helidos border to the neutral lands.

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