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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open]

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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Join date : 2014-02-23
Age : 26

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Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2014, 19:17

The clearing was welcomed by a new, dazzling addition that smelt strongly of the field he depicted through holding a Healer’s name. The varying fragrances of herbs clung to each tuft of bluish-gray and/or black fur throughout his muscled body; pieces of his oddly hued fur fluffed out in unkempt disarray, his appearance alone likely enough to ease confused stares that he was, in fact, a newbie in the flesh that had come from his travels. Mild curiousity sparked from the most peculiar places in his eyes, allowing his sights to roam at their leisure. Every individual was worth a few short seconds of his time, for he was nothing more than intrigued as to whom shared these grounds that he dare tread upon. He passed easily from one to the next as they failed to return his eye contact, the moments fleeting and his attention diverted rapidly, occasionally lingering upon those that bothered themselves with the task of meeting his eyes, but not long enough to make it presumable that he was interested in getting them to arise from their seats of comfort and greet him. He did not need any greeting surpassed what he had received at the borders in the form of the Great one himself, because he was already welcomed, and thus he felt substantially at home.

He slithered across the open expanse with the grace of an elk, an ominous smile dripping from each uncanny corner of his jaw as he did so. The way he moved, alone, was out of place amongst this dreary kingdom of the darkest souls. It was insane how easily he could slip a pleasant grin on to his face, but perhaps that was precisely the fact - he was not necessarily of the normal variety. A chilling atmosphere draped itself throughout the small space upon this earth that he inhabited. He was far from the gracious and divine Healer that one expected from those that handled soft remedies. He possessed an edge, and it was dark and scary, but thrilling nonetheless- charming too if he was in the mood to brag, which he always was. The male with a Warrior’s build and something remotely close to a Healer’s heart settled comfortably towards the sidelines of the clearing, looking around as though he was in search of some company, although he did not bother with the task of actually meeting somebody’s eyes and gesturing for their presence. After all, he was not without the assumption that his work would not be admired as profoundly as was the noble and heroic duties of those that fought. Most would probably look over his head without second thoughts unless they needed him to tend to their wounds, which he didn’t mind. All it would take was an afternoon in his den - once it came around - for someone to find themselves pleasantly curious of this strange, out-of-the-blue remedial artist. He didn’t like to boast about his having a way with words - but he had an excellent way with words. It helped that his smile bordered creepy, but still somehow leaned towards the side of the spectrum that invited one in return.

Simply, he was nothing more than a refreshing character. He planned to put some spice into the recipe that was Erenyx; they could probably use a few more mysterious, troublesome servants that possessed that sideline tinge of danger that the ladies seemed to adore. After all, what could possibly be better than spending one’s time with a handsome, silver-tongued Healer? There was something so alluring about being able to take charge of a situation when it became too dangerous for the fighters to fathom, until, that is, the Healer became the source of danger. Oh.

What a twist.
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2014, 12:42

Sorting this and that the job was quite regular here among the shrubs. She loved her job and she barely missed the long path she had traveled through groves and valleys. Though the fae didn't really mind the lacking of friends she noticed the lack of wolfs to tend to. All was peaceful it seemed. Maybe a thorn here and there or a aching belly but no spars gone wrong. No battle wounds to show with triumph. Maybe a small bicker would ease the tension that grew with her. Or maybe she should take a small breather and speak to another to shatter the quiet she had created by working non-stop. But than again it seemed her grumbling stomach was the one actually causing her sorting to go amiss. And even now as she padded out of her comb of bushes she was lost in thought, details of herbs and poultice going by.

She blinked in surprise and managed to halt just before bumping into another, a thick muscled and bluish-gray and black furred male. She stood maybe at an uncomfortable close position with blank eyes. How weird. She gave a huff before moving past the unknown wolf. She knew from his scent he was a member, though new most likely since the smell of the wilds still lingered.

She shifted her muzzle over the food pile till she settled with a rabbit, she considered eating next to her bush or maybe in the opening of the healers den but changed her mind. Instead she settled for plopping her rump at a fair distance from where the male was. "Greetings..."
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Age : 26

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Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2014, 14:39

She glided free from the foreboding darkness that was newly his kingdom to roam. His eyes had found her before she had paid him any true mind - it was so like him to see others before they saw him. He enjoyed being one step ahead; it brought him amusement, the kind that slithered across his whole jaw to form a creepily defined smile, as she huffed in surprise and continued to move passed him. He had noticed the blank shock that had registered in her facial expression in the brief moment where they had established eye contact. He had not been surprised. In fact, he had momentarily contemplated whether or not she was hopelessly oblivious as she had strode through the clearing without realizing that he had stood in her path.

His head turned as she continued on her way to the food pile, watching her with a badly concealed interest. He had caught whiff of her familiar scent as she walked by; he would recognize the aroma of a Healer anywhere. He knew, then, that she was one of two that Alpha Steele had mentioned as currently residing within Erenyx's walls. She was either his equal, Cliche, or Aziza who excelled him by a fraction in rank. Cheshire wasn't fond of the ordeal that was competition. He looked to her in wonder, silently hoping that he was meeting with the latter of his thoughts. Naturally stubborn when it came to his work, he doubted that there was anything that his Lead Healer could teach him that he didn't already know. Regardless, he maintained his smile - eerily pleasant; he was not unaware of how he could easily be classified as handsome - as she settled nearby with her rabbit, offering to him a subtle greeting.

"A greeting extended to you as well, Aziza." Mesmerizing, greenish-blue eyes looked to her thoughtfully, grinning, wondering if she would be bothered by the fact that he knew her when she, quite clearly, did not know him. "Or, perhaps, am I to call you Cliche? My sincerest apologies if so, m'lady." A hunger stirred in the unseen pieces of his eyes, scrutinizing, calculating, and reading into every single detail of her exterior greedily. Cheshire was not, to say the least, one's standard Healer. Regardless, few questioned him about it openly. He was sometimes scary, peculiarly so, but precise enough in his field of work that he was valuable enough for that to be overlooked. The again, that was simply the opinion of one self-assured individual. He didn't know how others saw him, and it'd be a lie to say that he was genuinely concerned.
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2014, 13:34

A stare down it seemed like ensued when she had sat, the rabbit left between her paws as she cocked her head to the side. His blue eyes meeting her whitish blue. Some may judge his stature in which he held himself as a warrior or maybe by his strengthened legs a hunter but aziza knew better. For why else would he be already knowing she herself was either of the healers. Not many really bothered themselves with them well unless you held a rank of further importance. She gritted her teeth before allowing her maw to part. "You were right by the first name. And you? Who would you be?"
Growing tired of talking over distance she scuttled closer, his features were easy on the eye, most females would surely be admiring him soon enough. Her tail lay limply on the ground beside her paw, as always never caring for trying to throw her authority over others. If they were to respect her it would be true reason not because she'd strut around like she owned the place.
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Join date : 2014-02-23
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 31st 2014, 15:14

"It is a pleasure to meet you, my Lead." The handsome male dipped his head, and the corners of his mouth tipped upward, but it was hardly a smile. He wondered how many miracles she had happened to perform throughout her time here. He assumed she must have done her part, one way or another, to impress Steele; it did not seem like a simple matter to capture his attention. However, he was not worried that his time would not come as well. He had only just arrived. His legacy had been formulated into quite the tale since his first days on this earth, and he was only just beginning this brand new chapter. This fellow Healer, with pretty eyes and a crystalline detachment from the world, was only the second stop of many.

He continued to eye her in a semblance of genuine intrigue. Despite the sharpness with which he normally carried a conversation - he tended to speak his thoughts, and such thoughts were nothing short of abnormal over half of the time - he wanted to get a feel for those that inhabited his pack lands. It was only through understanding that he would be able to be the best version of himself that he could be. "And me, you ask?" He was intentionally morphing a simple question into something far more complex than necessary. Cerulean eyes looked to her for confirmation, knowing of the answer she sought, but daring to search for it in the depths of her expression regardless. He was tempted by the most peculiar puzzles. He liked to enjoy himself; what was possibly more entertaining than watching how his peers whirled endlessly through his bewildering complications for an explanation?

"Wouldn't you like to know." His grin widened, finally taking on the characteristics of a real smile. It was truly impossible to pinpoint what was occurring within his mind. From an observer's perspective it would likely seem as though he was attempting to be flirtatious, but in all honesty it was the last thing on his mind. He had never had any thoughts in regards to winning the affections of a female. His life was built around science; understanding what made no sense. His charm was not something to be overlooked, however. He knew how to dabble in the fine arts of intertwining himself into the inner feelings of another, but it was rather catastrophic when he never bothered himself to try and reciprocate. Love was not made for the insane. "What you seek from me, I am afraid, is quite costly. I would have to kill you if I told you." There was a sparkle in his eyes, a glisten of something far more sinister than she would likely believe. It was comical at best. Of course he would not kill her for knowing his name, but there was other things in this world, and some could be considered worse than death.
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 09:27

Ah more of the lead stuff, even if he didn't mean the respect in the bow she wasn't sure how she felt about it. Since she first joined she had been immediately bombarded in needing to heal her members. Met the alpha in not the best of ways yet still earned his eyes enough to be named the lead healer and for that she vowed to serve until she could no longer.

Straitening her posture she awaited but found that the male rather play than deem his name. "Oh? I see, than does that mean the one who accepted you into the pack is long dead my dear?" She gave a shrug than a petty little smile before allowing herself to finally eat. She trusted him enough not to clamp his teeth on her neck, for he is a member right? Man she needs to learn to trust...Her eyes flitted up still taking in his image. What could he be thinking? How was this dope the lead? Is she even worth it? Maybe not, but i do the best to my abilitys.
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Age : 26

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Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 19:18

“And who, may I ask, has enlightened you with such knowledge as to assume I have been accepted?” The bluish-gray-and-black male snickered lightly under his breath, meeting the female’s eyes, and daring to stare forth even as she averted her attention towards her meal. He watched as she ate, silent, observational, and alert for any signs that she was uncomfortable beneath the pressure of his analytical gaze. He paid little mind to the feeble thing that others called a “comfort zone”, and thus he tread upon it and treated it as the insignificant matter it was. He stared, and he did so openly. How was one to gather knowledge at the highest, most successful rate if not to use their eyes? He took account for every last detail, down to the colour of each individual strand of fur along her body, and he stored it in his mind as though. somehow, the colour of fur would be of use to him someday. It was rather beautiful how much eyes allowed an individual to see. They were a remarkable part of the body; surely a part that he could not bear to be without. Suddenly taken by the very idea of this new and shiny scientific concept, he momentarily lost his pull to reality and slipped away from the present that he shared with his fellow Healer.

Has one of my kind every taken the appropriate measures to understand the gift that is sight? Perhaps when the time comes that my healing abilities are not able to save a life, they can make do without their eyes. A simple sacrifice to be made by the dead, and of course, for the sake of something as important as enabling a new level of understanding.

Once again, the gears beneath the handsome features of his face churned to the beat of peculiarity. The probability that no other contemplated dissection of their own species at a rate quite like his own was unnaturally high; he had made the choice to give his brain free roam a long time ago, and he could not help but find himself fascinated by the places that it took him. Healing was a magnificent gift, much like a second-sight that only so many were born to possess. However, something of equal magnificence was holding the balance of life-and-death in your paws. It was an uncanny amount of influence to hold over something as precious as life, and his body nearly shuddered by thinking about the thrill of it. At long last, Cheshire brought himself back to where he was meant to be - but it was funny that he didn’t care to look anywhere but into her pale blue eyes. “An assumption is a beautiful disaster in disguise, my dear.”
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2014, 05:27

She looked up with a yawn, he seemed almost maniacal maybe or probably had just been alone for far to long. His eyes hardly strayed from her frame and when his eyes seemingly glazed over she arched a brow. "If so, than im guessing you rubbed yourself all over who met you at the border to take on our scent? Than enlighten me, how would you of ever known my name. And the fact that im lead of my rank hm? Or how did you ever find the clearing of the Erenyx" Her tone could indefinitely be claimed along the borderlines of boredom. "Than again you could've gained trust and gathered information than slain whoever." She didn't know what to make of this wolf, or many other wolfs in this pack that's for sure. "Yeah...you belong here..." She more so muttered to herself as she shook the fur along the contours of her body before returning to her scarce food.

“An assumption is a beautiful disaster in disguise, my dear.”

"A stupid guess or maybe ignorance you mean?" Whatever game he was playing it was intriguing, it made some of that emptiness wade a bit out of reach. How could she go back to her calculated world with such a specimen in front of her.
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Join date : 2014-02-23
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2014, 19:27

She swarmed him with an array of questions, and he looked to her thoughtfully in response. It seemed as though she had a counter-statement for everything that he managed to throw at her, but he had plenty more tucked under his sleeve, and he was nothing short of eager to enlighten her, as she had asked, of precisely what was tucked there. A deep, lingering smile tattooed itself into his expression - seemingly a permanent pull at each edge of his lip. The handsome Healer was almost always found with a smile on his face, be it that he was alone or in the presence of company. Most simply disregarded the factor as something small, something insignificant, as though to say that he was merely always in a pleasant mood. However, he knew as well as any common observer and/or picker of the brain, perhaps even better, that a smile was one of the last things that should be used to determine a mood; it was far too deceiving to be of any use to an accurate interpretation. His, after all, was not entirely pleasant.

"None shall know with certainty how I obtain my knowledge, but all shall know with certainty when they're asking too many questions." Was there a threat buried beneath the charm that laced his words? Or, in her case, was a smile enough to prevent any harm from being dealt? There was innocence inscribed within the way that his beautifully coloured eyes met her own, matching them with explosive intensity, and an emotion that was better left unacknowledged. It was likely only a matter of time before fear took over, unless he happened to be underestimating her. There was undoubtedly something dangerous about the air that Cheshire breathed, but all in the same, it was strangely becoming of him. Despite the unidentifiable meaning behind his words - Aziza could take them as she so pleased - he had no desire, as of yet, to deny her the pleasantry of conversation. He was rather enjoying himself while in her company. She had an ominous way of making him elaborate upon what he voiced aloud, and any that knew a thing about him at all would know that he cherished few things more than the opportunity to revel in the usage of words.

"What I mean is precisely what I say." His eyes did not waver from the she-wolf for even a second, staring at each detail of his subject and scrutinizing her down to her bones, searching for any sign of weakness throughout the duration of these fun little games. Cheshire did not appreciate being outsmarted in his own expertise - be it that he was talking about their current situation, or the field of healing itself, was to remain a mystery - and the determination was reflected, almost in violent quantities, in the brilliant shimmer of his eyes. Nonetheless, the Healer remained poised and contented, grinning and sweet-talking. The slyness of a snake - the creature's poison a mere pawn - was coiled up in a ball, centered directly in the pit of his heart. He was devious, perhaps wholesomely insane. Surely a substantial part of his brain was to be considered rattled, but a talent only the crazed could unlock resided within the horrific curse that it was. "Why should one prefer ignorance or stupidity over being disastrous, as you say? The ignorant are blind, and the stupid are already dead. Perhaps a disaster is rather . . . calamitous. But at least they are still beautiful." His words could be considered poetic; he spoke them with such fluency that it made even the most self-influenced pay him some genuine mind.
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2014, 18:50

A snarky smile spread across her maw, he was far more interesting than the wolves she had met thus far. All jumping straight to the point, either pull your weight or step aside. But this one, he seemed like a thinker. She was quite sure her mother would of been more suited for speaking with him and his seemingly endless bout of...whats the word. Eh who cared. Her smile dropped and she grumbled to herself while shaking her fur. Smiling....that was another thing, usually the one's she ever done were a smirk or none at all. It as well seemed pointless, yet this one held one so effortlessly. Was he indeed happy? Enjoying himself? Probably not because of her unless he found her obnoxious. She could see that as a possible reason to smile, but for her looking on she'd just scoff and walk away. Why would he endear himself with her? Maybe she is over thinking it...Oh wait was that a threat? Now was a time for snorting. Too many questions her paw pad. She had witnessed many who over talked and she, well she hardly ever talks. Than he could still be riling with his game, maybe trying to get her angered or all hopped up.

Oh nice to know, he's up front and his words ring deep.

"Though, stupidity can sometimes be more dangerous than a disaster." She didn't care if her words weren't very well placed, what she did know was being blunt. She was known as a gruff and ragged fae, she was in the healing business because of her knowledge not because of being gentle. The weak can whine all they want, she could poke and jab and carry on. Meh. She chose now to crunch on the bones of what was left of her meal, each snapping like a twig yet with such dramatic sounds. How annoying.
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Join date : 2014-02-23
Age : 26

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Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2014, 19:46

He pondered the she-wolf's response, mulling over in his mind whether or not he could say that he agreed. Stupidity was rather dangerous, given that a number of those that suffered from it found themselves facing the ultimate sacrifice. Perhaps, she wasn't entirely oblivious to the world around her. It was a step in the right direction; but he could not say, quite yet, that he was genuinely fond of her. Relationships took time to construct from naught. And, given the circumstance of his mental health, he rarely busied himself with making friends. Frankly, he often found that he frowned upon such futile bonds when he truly contemplated it. One did not require friends, merely alliances and the occasional acquaintance. In his own personal opinion, the herbs that would soon be stored in the back of his den made for better "friends" than any wolf.

For the time being, he was finished playing mind games with Aziza. She had proven that she could handle his puzzling concepts and inquiries without breaking a fuse, and although he hadn't originally been hoping to arise such a thing from her, it was still good knowledge to hold. However, he remained curious about her healing abilities - what did it take to impress Alpha Steele in the field of healing? He didn't seem like the type that paid much mind to the ranking in particular. For all Cheshire knew, Steele favoured his Warriors. Regardless, Aziza had somehow earned a higher status in their sovereign's eyes, and he wanted to know precisely what kind of skills he was working with. It was uncharted territory having to share his specialty, and although he was not entirely certain that he appreciated others having his ability, he knew that he would need to accustom to the changes that Erenyx posed.

"Tell me," The bluish-gray-and-black male began. "How long have you been specializing in your field of work, Aziza? I'm interested to learn more about how my Lead came to stand in her position." His cerulean eyes faked a common intrigue, a practiced look of his that he had sharpened to perfection, having had to use it for practically every conversation throughout his life that he had ever participated in. Truthfully, he had experienced more than enough talking to last him the rest of the afternoon. He was not known to socialize for the sake of socializing - if he pressed for small-talk, the questions that he asked were not without reason. He wanted to learn everything that he could about his respectable Lead.
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2014, 12:48

The mystery's for now seemed to be past yet now he seemed to seek into hers. She hesitated, a stranger wished to know about her yet not one of her more known pack mates cared to ask...Was he truly interested or was he deducting her? She let a huff past her maw, eyes darting up to the right seemingly looking into the treetops yet they were unseeing. Yes...the past. "Before now? Hm....i guess curiosity of knowledge is what drew me to it. Yes i have claws for blunting and teeth for killing. I could fight and hunting was never an issue. I saw more in healing. Well not just healing i guess...the herbs. They could be your cure...or the death of you. To control a life and make known to them that they on in your paws. Most panic while i scoff." She paused while looking back to the male who she still didn't even know the name of. Did he find it not important? or did he just not trust her. Maybe he felt like she didn't need to know it. Well....it'd stink if she needed to call on the other healers...especially by name. She'd probably be like 'Yeah the one wolf.....the gray male...yeah...'

"I do believe i started when i was one years old, it was hard at first. Living on bare rock and among the snow. It wasn't often that i saw many herbs." Now...she definitely felt like she was talking to much. "And when i turned two i began traveling....mainly learning. I had reached this pack after traveling maybe five or more fully moons ago...the moment i got accepted and to a den i dealt with a severe injury. Hunters...i guess a warrior shouldn't be doing their job ay? Hmm at that time i hadn't even met the other healer, cliche? Patient after patient. And whenever i get the chance i go and just gather herbs...im not much for socializing. I'd rather gather than spend time gossiping truthfully. Theirs work to do and things i could possibly be learning." Taking a minute to let her words be accepted she lavished her tongue over her chest fur, smoothing down the crinkled and tangled fur. "At times, im rather...hot tempered...and i guess i do let my tongue bite back when i feel like im being put in the wrong. Whatever steele saw in me well...it was maybe a couple of moons in of my being here. A warrior had brought back a hunter from the enemy pack. She was in a very rough state, i patched her up and made her good as new. The area is full of herbs, im sure you will find an interesting amounts. Though...i do want to visit the marsh sometime to get some herbs from there."

"I do apologize though....constant talking. I don't blame you if you find it annoying."
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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Join date : 2014-02-23
Age : 26

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Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years Old.

Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 07:28

He listened to every single word that spilled from the red she-wolf's muzzle with an unwavering stare and the occasional quiet tilt of his own. It seemed as though they shared one opinion when it came to the fascinating art that was healing the sickly: holding their life in your paws and making use of your ability to save them or, in some cases, understanding that their condition cannot be helped and thus permitting death to collect them when it sees fit. Plentiful a wolf had died of their injuries under his watchful eyes - among his time in the wilderness as a lone wolf, he still stayed true to his lost (and newly regained) title, aiding others that traveled the earth on their own when they needed a Healer. He was something like a known savior throughout the lands that packs did not claim; but he did not always save you. He was cruelly accepting of various wolves' fates. If you were going to die, then he would not waste his knowledge or his herbs on your body. He knew his limits back then, and now that he had reestablished his position in a pack, he was certain that he would be able to exceed them ever further.

"Annoying? Why, not in the least." The bluish-gray-and-black male reassured her suspicions with that eerie smile of his, rising from his seat and stepping towards the female until their jaws were merely a squirrel's tail in length apart. He titled his head to the side ever so slightly, eyes calculating and mischievous as they traveled deeply into the depths of her own, still smiling. "I have a subtle adoration for knowledge, if you have yet to notice, so you may always feel free to ramble if it is into my ears."

He strode passed her, his movements ominously graceful; the tip of his feathery tail lightly swished against her cheekbone - some would consider it a form of flirting, but it was simply in his nature to attempt and organize something akin to a fan-club. "If it is to your liking, Aziza, please do seek me out upon your endeavors to the marsh. Two can explore and carry herbs far better than just one, don't you agree?" The question was rhetorical, but he left it open to interpretation on her part regardless. The male suddenly stopped in the midst of his retreat, not looking over his shoulders to meet the she-wolf's eyes, simply offering a few last words before he vanished. "If you do plan to request my company . . . my name's Cheshire."

[I was thinking that we could bring this thread to an end. You can respond to it, if you'd like, with her final input, or we can leave it as is!]
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Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2014, 15:03

{Alright fine by me, than this thread be at its ends)
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PostSubject: Re: Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Put On Your Best Smile. [Open] Icon_minitime

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