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Tantilizing Teren

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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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Join date : 2014-05-04
Age : 33

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Gender: Male
Age: 7 Years Old

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PostSubject: Tantilizing Teren Tantilizing Teren Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2014, 13:28

Name: Teren

Gender: Male

Age: 7 Years Old

Pack: Erenyx

Rank Requested: I shall first have to see what the Alpha can offer me.

Dark fur covers most his body. With the years of his life, he now shares whites and greys in his coat. His fur is dark like his soul, empty and deep. His body is built for killing. Years of training have caused this brute to be made of muscle, very little fat. He is as wise as he is strong, able to take on large foes without a problem. Bright green eyes and yellowed fangs are the last attributes a foe will see before it is lights out. His coat is thick, but slowly losing fur with his older age, but he is just as useful as he was in his younger years. His tail is thick, ready for the winter always. His paws are a massive size, along with the rest of his body.


Tantilizing Teren 05um

This wolf's journey begins in the womb. His mother was a beautiful fae, prized by many of the wolves in the pack, coveted and fought over. Many wolves lost fur, blood, and flesh to be with her, to breed her heritage. But only one wolf caught her eye. His name was Vladimir. He was the Beta's first born son and best fighter in the litter. The fae watched their practices, their fighting. She enjoyed every bit of it, watching the excitement of it all. But the male was shy, which was unique for his family. The Beta's young were all feisty, ready to take what was theirs, to kill before asking, and to act as they ran the pack. The fae was the daughter of the Alpha, and her father wished for her to breed and become mates with Vladimir's younger brother, Mordan. Mordan was a great fighter and he was stunning. His coat was not black as night, but a more russet color like his mother before him. Vladimir had an onyx coat. In the dark of night, he would be almost invisible to the eye.

When mating season had come, the fae fought off many males by herself. Vladimir was still very shy, afraid to approach her. It was not until she came to him within the dead of night. She crawled into his chamber, allowing him to have her completely. Weeks passed and the great Alpha of the pack grew ill. Other members of the pack started to die off and so the Beta male became Alpha male. With his first decree, the wolves were forced to move from their lands, in search of something better, running form this illness that was taking lives left and right. When they finally found a suitable home, they made camp. Only now Vladimir was very close and protective of his fae. He was honored and given the rank of Beta, told he would be next rule. Eventually the fae gave birth to four pups. One pup looked exactly like Vladimir. His mother named him Teren, after her father, in remembrance of him.

Time passed and the pups grew fast, learning and working their way to prove themselves to their father. Each wanting to rule once Vladimir had passed. When the time did come, Teren was awarded rank of Alpha male. The night his father passed away, they had a ceremony to honor his life and that was where Teren fell in love with the most beautiful young fae of the pack. Her fur was a mix of browns, tans, and creams. They swirled about her body in the most beautiful way. He could not contain himself while he was near her. His mouth spoke of strange things, while his tail would never hold its place. After months of courting, he finally made her his mate. At the next mating season, the consecrated their commitment to one another. Teren felt true love. He loved her more than any fae he had ever met. When their pups were born, none of them were male. Teren grew angry, unable to understand that was not her fault. When the next mating season came again and passed, the pups she birthed were two females as well.

Angered by her lack of breeding males, he grew very angry with her. He forced her to live amongst the Healers, unable to sleep in their combined chamber. When the next mating season came, Teren went to find his mate. When he approached the Healer's den, he heard strange noises, those he had heard between he and his mate. A sharp snarl escaped from his lips. As he entered the den, he found his mate and another reproducing. Immediately, he felt the break of his heart and the feeling of his soul starting to slip away. Not only had she never given him a son, an heir to his throne, but her she was, lying with another brute, an Omega even! Anger flushed through the brute, flooding his mind and his heart. He lashed out at them both, taking their lives and spilling their blood all over his coat. When he exited the den, wolves had gathered around it. Apparently they had heard the yowls and cries for help. But no help would help the souls who broke his heart. Members of the pack looked to him in horror, while others saw the glory and honesty in his eyes.

He climbed to the top of their calling rock, commanding the others to fall in place. Most of the brutes obeyed their Alpha, while some of the faes went to check on the fae and others stood in horror, scared stiff. "Brutes, we gather to celebrate the birth of a new pack. Mine, which will no longer follow the ways of my 'good' father. From now on, males will do what they want, when they want. Fight for ranks, break bones for food, and kill for someone sleeping with your fae." His hazel eyes moved to the faes, staring at them with a wicked smile. "The first order of business: kill all the young faes less than the age required to breed and then kill their mothers." As he spoke his words to the crowd, faes dashed to save their young, while the brutes obeyed their master. Many lives were lost, blood was shed all over the grounds. Teren watched as his pack did what they wished to the faes. When the killing had stopped, he told his pack of their new way of living.

Death would rush over the lands, dominating more and more terrain as they went about. There would be no more mates, no more life partners. From now on, they would steal faes, rape them and then wait for their young to be born. Males would survive while faes would be slaughtered, just like their mothers. At night the more silent of the males would slip into pack lands, steal their faes and bring them to their leader. Teren would get his way first and then she would be shared among the pack. On one very dark and stormy night, Teren sent his pack to retrieve a prized fae. The males rushed for the nearest pack, finding the first fae which looked to be of rank. They took her from her home, tossing her to Teren. As he walked from his den, he stared at the fae. Her eyes, they stunned him. They were a silver hue, almost clear. It was nothing he had ever seen before. "Please," she begged, "do not kill me. I wish to see my mate and family." Torn away from her eyes, he listened to her pleas, always the same. "Enough!" he snarled as he mounted her before the others. When he was finished he moved from her and stood back near his entrance. "Take her away. You know the drill."

Months later, she birthed a litter of five pups. Only one looked like Teren, fur dark as sin, but those eyes. His eyes were the color of his mother's. That smoldering grey, this pup was special. Teren would tell nobody, but he supposed this brute to be of his seed. While the pups grew up, he watched them closely. The little black male took to the training the best. He was faster, grew larger and stronger than the others. This made Teren very proud, but he would not know this wolf's destiny until his final challenge. Just as he had done with litters before, he forced the wolves to watch their mother be killed by three of his goons. He watched them all, four cried while one just watched. The black male. They were getting closer to their final test and training was becoming more and more intense for the youngest of the pack. The black male was beating all of Teren's expectations, only fueling more adoration for the young pup. Test after test the male was passing and overcoming. He was the perfect young war machine this Alpha was creating. The other wolves of the pack started to notice his adoration, growing angry with his obvious favoritism. They hated the black male, but they dared not interfere or attack him.

When the final test was upon the young wolves, Teren stood upon his stone structure of might and rank. He looked over them as he gave them their rules and objectives. Immediately he noticed the black male, not whining or crying, but instead plotting his moves. The black male seemed to rip apart his siblings with cunning and skill, utilizing their weaknesses to his advantage. The brute was very special. Teren smiled as he looked upon the lone survivor, covered from paw to head in their blood, his own blood. It was on this day that Teren named the young male. "On this day, this wolf will be named Azrael the Sinister!" The wolves in the pack cheered, knowing they had to or face the paw and jaws of their leader. Azrael grew even larger than he imagined, but nowhere near the size of the Alpha male.

"Azrael! Azrael!" he shouted angrily. A loud howl echoes through the trees, waking the sleeping creatures in the dead of night. The voice was full of anger and hatred. "How could he leave us! How could he betray me?" he snarled to the other wolves. "Find him! I want him to pay for his betrayal." The other wolves followed after their Alpha, searching for the traitor, while other wolves decided to follow Azrael's example. They fled the Alpha and his lands, searching for new life in the forest. Teren searched high and low, but Azrael was nowhere to be found. His Beta was gone. Growls and snarls escaped his onyx lips, forcing the male to charge back to his pack. When he arrived, only hatred had followed him. Wolves questioned the Alpha, asking why he cared so much for the one named Azrael. He was nothing more than a litter from a scraggly fae. Teren grew tired of the arguing and the accusations towards him. He did not have to answer to anyone, and that is just what he would do.

Wolves challenged him and they found themselves dead, lying before more members of the pack. Blood splattered, covering the floor and Teren himself. From dark of night to bright of day, the male fought and fought. Each was a challenge in their own way, but he would not lose. He did not fail. Years of training led up to this very moment until very few of his pack remained. Some still wanted the taste of his blood upon their lips, while others just wished for things to go back to how they were. In the end, Teren lost everything. He lost his only son, that he knew of. he was an Alpha to a ghost pack. When the male realized there was nothing more for him here, he cleansed himself of the blood-stained fur and left his lands forever. As he walked from his favorite place, he slowly turned his head to look back. His whole life flashed before his eyes, closing them from the world, he turned back straight and headed for a new life. Starting all over again didn't sound that awful.

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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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PostSubject: Re: Tantilizing Teren Tantilizing Teren Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2014, 13:34

Tantilizing Teren R0it
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