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Through the grass (Drogo)

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Through the grass (Drogo) Empty
PostSubject: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2014, 19:13

Katyusha padded over the still damp ground, paws stained a darker brown from the mud below her as her tail swayed gently with each step. The fae kept herself low, serpentining through the matted grass as a shark would swim through the ocean, both in search of they're next prey. Katyusha was a hunter, and a dedicated one at that. The female was relatively new to the pack, and with her more reserved nature, hadn't exactly made a lot of friends, so she had little reason to hang around the living areas. This left the huntress a lot of time to dedicate to hunting for the pack, many night's spent sleeping next to a tree on the trail of a herd or near other places the fae would hunt, only returning to drop off her catch.

This was a new part of the pack land for the fae, and the mix of scents and tall grass, it appeared fairly promising. With the winter thaw still fresh, and the snow gone, the grass held the thin lanes rabbits and hares would use to travel, meaning Katyusha could easily track her prey. Quickly the fae made her way through the grass, ears back as she followed the trails, head low, nostrils flaring as she sought out any scents. Quickly, the fae's efforts would pay off, her attention turning towards the unmistakable scent of a rabbit, her slender form quickly veering off the split path, paws delicately making they're way through the grass, careful not to make a sound as she followed the scent, letting it lead her to her target.

Quickly the hunter would locate her prey, eyes narrowing as she crouched low, stepping quietly forward until she was several short meters away, before breaking her silent stalk, and as the hare finally noticed it's silent follower, it would be far too late. The hunter would be baring down on it quickly, and just as it turned up to look at her, the fae's fangs would find it's neck, her force and fangs killing it quickly, and without pain. With the prey hanging from her muzzle, the fae would smile proudly, feeling it's weight and turning to head back to the clearing, wanting to deposit her kill on the kill pile.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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Through the grass (Drogo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitimeJanuary 10th 2014, 12:57

Spring had brought with it the return of life. No longer did the white void encompass the land. In it's lifeless stead came the return of the grasses, the blossoming of new flowers, and the unfolding of new leaves. But it was not only the landscape that was teaming with new life. Pups were being born in Helidos. Their arrival brought with it a joy that filled the air and infected even the most hardened wolves, himself included. He would do everything in his power to ensure their protection from Erenyx, and to ensure they were able to enjoy their puphood. An opportunity he had never been blessed with. But the arrival of pups was not the only thing to change as of late. Azul had called a pack meeting and in result of such, he, along side Nnlya, had been promoted to Delta. It had been an honour, one he had graciously accepted. With the title came more responsibility, but an ability to serve and protect better those who depended on him. One such duty included border patrols which was on his agenda for this morning.

Each day he took a different route to get to the border to ensure that he kept an eye on each area of Helidos territory. Today's route would take him through the vast glade. He had yet to truly explore this region, merely passing by its outskirts. But todays expected solidarity would not be granted as the scent of another hung in the air. The scent, though of Helidos origin, held a unique perfume he had yet to become familiar with. This was of no surprise to him as he had yet to meet the majority of his pack mates. Large paws trotted rhythmically across the soft ground that shifted beneath his weight, conforming to the contours of his pads and leaving evidence of his passage in the form of muddied paw prints behind him. It wasn't long before a marbled coat of grey that hung from he lean form of a female came into his view. A hunter most likely, judging by her lithe frame much better suited to the thrill of the chase than delivering deadly blows. His quick paced trot slowed to a brisk walk as he approached. Though he now held a Delta's title, he still held himself like an obedient soldier, his head straight out in front of him, neither lowered nor raised on alert. "Greetings hunter." he said hoarsely, "Forgive me I do not know your name though I trust that if you were in attendance to Azul's meeting that you must know of mine. I am Drogo, newly appointed Delta." He said, offering a polite dip of his maw in greeting. Though holding a higher rank than the hunter, he saw no need to be rude and would offer her the same courtesies as he would have as a warrior.
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Through the grass (Drogo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitimeJanuary 11th 2014, 02:13

Katyusha would smirk proudly at the kill, feeling the heft of the rabbit and actually fairly impressed, the huntress expecting them to be much smaller after the winter, since she wasn't quite adjusted to the warmer climate, and larger game in this land than her home. As the huntress turned she would be staring right at the large delta, the fae dropping the rabbit quickly and snarling before realizing who it was, eyes going wide and ears pinning back as she lowered her head "Forgive me, I wasn't expecting anyone out here sir, you startled me." she admitted, softly, keeping her head down, not really sure what he would do. As he spoke the huntress would lift her head, seeming a little more at ease at his friendly tone, and that he wasn't talking down to her like she had expected from one of his rank.

"Greeting's Delta, my name is Katyusha, a hunter as you guessed. "she said, voice rather flat as she spoke, her tone very official and cold, as if she were hiding behind a mask to only show what she thought the pack wanted, and keeping any real personality to herself. "I was in attendance, congratulations on your promotion...although I must say I don't recall seeing you around before the meeting." she spoke honestly, keeping her low respectful tone "Is there anything I can do for you Delta?" she asked softly.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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Through the grass (Drogo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitimeJanuary 12th 2014, 13:56

As the hunter turned to face him, he was met with a quick snarl followed by the realization of whom it was she had snarled at. Unflinching at her raised hackles, he simply watched, somewhat entertained by the feisty nature of the hunter. Observing her unsure nature and took the liberty of reclining onto his haunches. He knew very well that he did not look to be the most approachable wolf, and so at times such as this needed to find ways of making himself look less formidable. "No need for apologies Katyusha. It is I who should apologize for startling you." he said simply, the hardened contours of his face remaining relatively unmoving. Emotion was something he was not well versed in, and so his features rarely ever took any other form than the rigid one it had held for so long.

Hearing her mention of having not seen him prior to the meeting, he could not deny that she was entirely correct. He had been her not even a full season when granted to new title. He honestly was unsure how word of him had even reached Azul, as he tended to keep to himself, rigorously training and taking it upon himself to patrol the borders though such a task had not been on his list before. It had however been a vital part of his role in Tortall. Old habits die hard he assumed. Though his work with Nnlya to assist in the training of another warrior and a hunter could very well have been what had sparked the interest and hope for him to move up the ranks. "Thank you. Truth be told though, there was hardly time to have seen me before the meeting. I have been here barely a season yet, but I believe my extensive experience in battle prompted the haste with which I was promoted." he explained. While he certainly did not flaunt his experience and knowledge over others, he was aware of his skills and did not attempt to be modest about it. "There is nothing that I require of you Katyusha, I was simply headed for the border to conduct a patrol" he said truthfully. Though he had spent a fair bit of time with Nnlya, there was still a mystery that shrouded the female gender from him. "You may join me if you wish, unless there are other matters you have to attend." he added, motioning to the lifeless rabbit that lay at her paws.
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Through the grass (Drogo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitimeJanuary 14th 2014, 00:43

Katyusha would watch the male as he moved to his haunches, lifting her head slightly as her eyes shifted to scan around them, the fae's expression still flat and rather emotionless as she turned to face him again as he spoke, a soft smirk coming to her muzzle as he did so "There is no need for an apology delta, if I were doing my job correctly, you should not have even known I was there." she said, her eyes examining his form, as she did every wolf she met.

He was not intimidating to her, she had to reason to be intimidated, nor had he done anything that may prompt such a feeling. However she couldn't deny he was a formidable wolf, much larger, and stronger than her own lithe figure. And even if he didn't scare her physically, the huntress showed her respect because of his title, he out ranked her, and whether she liked him or feared him or thought he was a pup, she had to respect him.

As the brute started to speak again Katyusha would lift her head, eyes returning to him as she nodded "I had assumed you were fairly new...not that I am ever in the pack lands to become acquainted with most wolves, I imagine I would have at least seen you around." she spoke honestly, "And you must have quite the reputation to gain such a position so quickly, especially without a true war to prove such skills." she said, hoping not to sound insincere, since she actually was rather interested in these mentioned skills.

As the conversation shifted to where he was going, and his invitation the fae's ears would perk, her expression as if someone had just dropped a bunch of water on her, honestly taken back by such an invitation "Well uhm...I should deliver my kill to the pile, but I'm certain it will be here when I get back if I bury it." she said honestly "But I would hate to intrude if you only offered to be polite." she said honestly, afraid he hadn't been sincere about the invitation.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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Join date : 2013-12-12
Age : 30

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Age: 4

Through the grass (Drogo) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitimeJanuary 19th 2014, 14:13

Hearing the slight unsureness in her words, and the doubt that his inquiry to have her join him had been solely based on a formality of politeness he shook his head. There was a solidarity to her that he knew all to well, and for that he identified with the hunter. Not only that but he respected that she was not afraid to voice the truth of her opinions simply because he was of a higher rank than her. And admirable quality, one that far to many wolves took for granted in his honest opinion.  "Katyusha while I do my best to be polite, it would be of no benefit to me to ask one to join me, were it solely based upon formality. Such actions truthfully would be a waste of time and breath, both of which I cherish, so please. Join me?" he asked her again. Letting his legs push him back up to full stature he waited patiently for her to either accept of deny his request.

He was intrigued to find out more about her as he saw a fair deal in common between the two of them. It only begged the question what had drawn her to Helidos? He sough refuge from a bounty on his head for an act only he knew to be of heroic means, though none affected by it would ever truly see that. To the wolves who had been in the dark about the atrocious acts the King had partaken in, Drogo was nothing but a traitor, just like his father. But with the help of Nnlya's kind words and comforts, he know knew he had done them a kindness and that his actions were not in vain and that he had done what needed to be done in order to protect those he had sworn to protect. So what was the Hunters story?
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PostSubject: Re: Through the grass (Drogo) Through the grass (Drogo) Icon_minitime

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Through the grass (Drogo)

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