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To Relax once More (Magnus/open)

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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Empty
PostSubject: To Relax once More (Magnus/open) To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2014, 21:02

Time had passed by, but still thoughts were trained to one single moment. Together. Such a word had never meant more feeling in Chiara's mind after that night ith her mate. Still the words felt odd on her tongue, like it was a crime to think of Magnus this way. She closed her eyes and thought back to his scent, feel and sound throughout the events of the evening. It was just as she had thought it would be, nothing like her first time and nothing that would ever happen again. Days passed and the couple continued their "fun" ensuring that life would come from her belly in the late spring. Even now being a short time after the mating Chiara could feel a "fullness" in her, though she hadn't begun to show yet. Katyusha showed a fuller stomach everyday, but that was because she had come into heat some two weeks before her. Not envious of the aloof fae, Chiara enjoyed not having the weight to carry just yet. For now she would hunt and collect furs for her and Magnus's den while doing her duties as before. Even in her condition she remained watchful of Teren, even without fully knowing what he wanted of her now. There were rumors of Nyx disappearing some time ago and with Katyusha missing most days Chiara was the highest ranking fae here. Below Irrationality she would come next and took this seriously.

Though she had fully pledged herself to protect Steele when he promoted her she knew deep down he never had her full loyalty as Esmerelda did. She would have easily sacrificed herself for that fae if it had been her beneath Teren instead of Steele. Putting aside their agreement Chiara probably wouldn't have rushed into the frey that day. Steele had mortal wounds, no act of blind bravery or loyalty would save him even if it was her job. Had her interfering prevented his death would have been a different story, one the fae hadn't been faced with, so she didn't think on it. Steele was dead and life would move on. Teren ruled here now and had her loyalty for proving he was stronger than Steele. Also having granted her mateship with Magnus didn't hurt matters, it only strengthened her devotion to him. Would she die for Teren one day? Perhaps. Taking in a deep breath of cold air Chiara's black paws crunched through the thawing snow. A mixture of cold slush and mud coated her feet, leading her to think spring was coming soon. The lake, as she arrived to it, was still frozen over. The edges were breaking slowly, revealing dark blue water beneath them as a dare for anyone to test the frail ice. Across the water the sun hit the ice, making a bright shine that caused Chiara to squint against it. Surveying the ice the fae figured with the coming thaw these low lands would flood a bit, thus it would be better to hunt here now than later. Looking away from the lake the fae started to sniff, searching for signs of deer or rabbit to hunt.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: To Relax once More (Magnus/open) To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2014, 01:10

Nearly a week had passed since the cessation of copulation. Loath as he was to discontinue, a females heat could only last for so long. But that was what made it all the more special; the limited timeframe. It made him cherish every moment they were together. He did not neglect his duties as Lead Hunter, of course. Early each morning, whilst his beloved slept, he would steal away for no more than few hours to check on the kill pile. If it looked a little low, he topped it up with a few hares. But he refused to be away for too long. With his mate so into her heat he dare not leave her unguarded, lest some despicable other male try to take his place. Fortunately, there were no issues. Not long after the sunrise he would creep back into their den with meat in maw, where yet another round of their pleasure would ensue. It was truly the most delightful week. And on his morning travels, Magnus had discovered they were not the only ones. His closest friend, Tye, also began mating with the Healer Cliche during this time. He was glad his brother had found someone to love.

In these two weeks, so much had occurred already. Rumours were abound of the Beta Nyx having disappeared. The thought was no more than an interesting tidbit to him, he did not know the female past perhaps a passing glance or "hello" in the encampment. But even more troubling were the tales - now confirmed - of Irrationality being promoted to the rank of Beta. He had not spoken much to the slimmer male, but Magnus saw him to be quiet and observing, there was every chance that he was Terens new lackey, his informer. The copper male had no real troubles with this for himself, he had nothing to fear from the Alpha, but it did have him wondering about Katyusha. The Elite had become aloof and distant from the pack since her mates death, he supposed it was to protect the pups within her womb. He worried his friend might try something stupid, some act of reeve get that could have dire consequences for her children.

But Magnus had his own pups to worry about now. He had noticed a slight altering in the scent of his mate. It was the scent of pregnancy and of the pups that grew within her. His pups. Their pups. He knew she was scared still, she was afraid she might miscarry again, but he had faith in his beloved. Whether she birthed only one or she birthed eight, he would not care. He would be happy and he would care for them. When he woke one morning with her scent growing steadily staler, he feared the worst. She was not by his side and had not been for some time. He rose, crawling from the den and, not bothering to stretch, set his nose to the ground to track her. He followed her sweet scent through the clearing, out past the borders and into neutral territory. He stopped a moment on huge fringes of the forest, having caught a very strong whiff of her. His moist muzzle found it, a very distinct paw-print. He raised his head slowly to look at it. Already he knew it was hers, he knew her so perfectly he could never mistake it. Raising a large forepaw, he gently placed a print over her own, relishing in the though that his paw now rested where hers had only recently trodden. Catching the scent again he took off at a run, bounding through the snow and slurry of a dying winter. He found he there by the lake just sitting, staring. The closer he came the more she began to stir. Had she scented him? He checked. No, the breeze was still in his favour. So she was searching for something else then. He ran up behind her, rising slightly to tag her on her rump, then bouncing away playfully. He trotted over, poking his nose gently at her belly before nuzzling into her neck. "Hello beautiful." He murmured into her fur.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: To Relax once More (Magnus/open) To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2014, 18:59

Chiara smiled as she scented her mate coming up from behind her. Her spine shivered as his touched graced her pelt, sending ripples down her body and making her melt into the ground. Turning her black head her maw reached up and she licked his ear as her smile grew. "Hello love." Her voice cooed to him as she turned to face him fully. Their week of "fun" made her past memories of pain wash away. This new feeling of connection to another was exhilarating and intoxicating. Drawing her maw closer she breathed in his scent, letting his ear bend under her jaw. She still couldn't get enough of him. Feeling playful Chiara reared up to hook her front legs over his back, her head digging into his neck to surround herself with more of him. Letting her weight fall on him she sighed happily and let herself become fully supported by him. "How's your day going so far?" She questioned, her eyes drifting closed for a moment.

The fae was starting to feel the weight of her litter. Magnus was truly a devil for she had the feeling many pups were within her belly. She couldn't feel their movements yet, but she sensed their lives within her. They made her stomach turn most mornings and lately she had started to crave odd bits of prey, which Magnus got for her. Nearing the time that she lost her first litter Chiara had grown more careful, staying closer to the pack lands and not pushing herself too much.

ooc-Sorry its short

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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: To Relax once More (Magnus/open) To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Icon_minitimeSeptember 17th 2014, 00:13

His ear twitched with the contact of his mates tongue. Mate. He could call her that now. He was hers and she was his. He traipsed about, following her movements rather playfully. When he stopped his beloved drew closer, inhaling him. She wrapped her forepaws around his ribs and rested over his spine. He shifted slightly to accommodate her weight. Then she gave him her full trust, removing her ground support and resting solely on him. He rolled each shoulder individually to settle her more comfortably on his back. His head turned back to view her as best as he could. "My day has been fraught with worry. I woke up alone to the staling scent of my mate. I tracked her, hunted her as I feared the worst." He paused a moment. "Then I found her here and everything was right with the world once more."

He waited with his mate in silence after that. He could feel the worry rolling off her in waves. He knew of her previous miscarriage and surmised that she feared the same for this litter. He had faith in her. She would make an excellent mother. Before, she was too young, not even fully grown. There was no way her body could support any number of growing lives. This time she was ready. He knew. It was her time. His head lowered as he feared the silence dragged on for too long. If her thoughts were allowed to travel enough, he was afraid of what the consequences might be/ "Fear not my love. Our pups, whatever number they may be, will be born healthy and whole when it is their time. And I will be there to raise them with you." It might have appeared that he spoke to the dirt beneath his paws, but she would know the words were meant for her ears.
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PostSubject: Re: To Relax once More (Magnus/open) To Relax once More (Magnus/open) Icon_minitime

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