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Reflections Of The Past [OPEN]

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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

Posts : 259
Join date : 2014-07-03
Location : Éire

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Gender: Female
Age: 5 years

Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Empty
PostSubject: Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2014, 18:30

Wandering was something the young warrior seemed to do on a regular basis these Wintery days. She was not one for lying in a den or being around others for any period of time and constantly moved to more serene areas in seek of solitude. As time had trickled away between her paws as it usually did and her time in the pack grew slightly longer- the territory was not so confusing anymore. Almost a shame it was, the danger of leaving her den at night to wander the treacherous territory with it's many fatal traps ready to claim a victim was becoming less and less entertaining.  A sigh would drift from her creamy maw in the form of an icy cloud of fog as it floated away into the crisp morning air which was probably the best time of the day- well in Tundra's opinion it was. See the thing was, wolves were out at all times of the day- wether it was at the darkest point in the bitter nights or the brightest part of the icy days, there was always a considerable amount of canids out roaming the area nearby however dawn did not seem to hold many of the furred creatures that roamed these lands. Paws would crunch through the thick untouched layer of fresh snow almost carelessly as she trekked across the bright expanse of sparkling, almost blinding, white. Morning was good because most were either settling down for the day or only just peeking there noses out of their little dens. It was perfect for her. Eventually the endless thick ice crusted trunks would become less and less regular until they gave away altogether and she stood at the snowy shore of a large expanse of water. Or what would have been a large expanse of water anyway- shimmering ice had stretched across the water and frozen it in place leaving an eerie silence where usually the calm lapping of water hitting off small stones and pebbles would be heard. All so perfect.

Stepping forward, the fae could be seen stretching out her forepaws to press them tentatively against the ice's surface- her body posture in an unusually almost relaxed-like position, completely unlike her usually permanently tense and stiff self as the warrior highly doubted that any other wolf wether it was Erenyx or Helidos would be here. Flicking her ears, she would continue to move forward slowly until all four paws were pressed firmly on the bitter surface and already her pads were beginning to let out protestant stings at being held against the ice. Gaining more confidence she would move further away from the shore however keeping the distance between her and the solid ground minimal and making sure that she could leap back to shore should anything happen. Deep hazel orbs would pass over the surface of the now frozen lake curiously- the face that looked back up at her was so unfamiliar to what it had once been and for a moment Tundra felt a sharp agony sear through her. Moments would tick by and the fae would continue to stare without even a blink despite the stinging wetness building up in her eyes, blurring her sight however just before she blinked she could almost swear she saw a black shadow by her side before body instincts took over and forced her eyelids to shut and open again just like that, but whatever she'd seen was gone...that was if she'd seen anything at all. Probably not but she was slightly spooked all the same.

Giving the head a sharp shake, the wolf would begin to move back towards the shore now keeping her gaze fixed firmly ahead of her refusing to glance down and see the unfamiliar face that gazed back up at her. Pawsteps slow and careful, her progress towards the shore was slow and steady however this did not bother her- she had no reason to move quickly and being plunged into water as cold as that would most definitely not be a favorite way to start the day.
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Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2014, 22:23

The black female had awoken from her slumber and as it left her crusted eyes she had a beautiful view of nothing. Indeed it was peaceful to wake up to the sounds of silence and the vast emptiness that had become her world. There wasn't much to Eneryx, in fact Pandora felt that it was it's inhabitants that made the place spectacular but she enjoyed the land none the less. As beady eyes scanned around her they began to focus on a creature dumb enough to stand on the ice this late into the season. Wasn't one smarter than that? Pandora watched the scene unfold like a motion picture in its slowest speed. The sound of the ice splitting was deafening to the silence that had overcome the land. It rang through her head like an earthquake disturbing the rocks and roots, shaking the female to her core. Pandora however, didn't flinch. The black female yawned instead as if it were boredom that crossed her face rather than fear that slowly began to make its way up her spine.

Curiosity got the best of her as she rose up and began as a leisurely pace to where the creature had fallen in. There wasn't a lot of sound coming from the body of water and Pandora assumed that it had drown, but when she reached the whole in the frail ice she saw with clear eyes just exactly what had fallen through the glass. It was none other than a wolf, Pandora was shocked from the wolf's stupidity. As she stared upon the white and wet wolf, the chromatic female ask, "Are you of Eneryx?" To Pandora, it wasn't just an answer, it was an ultimatum to whether she would let the stranger live or die.
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Guardian Tundra
Guardian Tundra

Posts : 259
Join date : 2014-07-03
Location : Éire

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 5 years

Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2014, 15:17

The white pelted figure had become distracted as she'd moved slowly across the bitter surface that held her only inches, centimeters even, above the dark swirling water beneath that waited hungrily for its next victim. Getting distracted no matter where you were or if you thought yourself to be alone was an absolute no for Tundra however the mind had wandered and was now keeping hold of her attention and refusing to give it back. Fell, Fell, Fell, Fell.... the word echoed over and over again in her sharp mind and two ears would be pinned flat against the owner's skull. This led her to also thinking of Samael of Katyusha and she could not help but feel interest spark up inside her empty cold self. She wanted to meet this alpha Teren herself. Wanted to be in his presence and see what it was that made this whole pack follow this male without question. Well most of them anyway. A small smile would dance along her lips before it was gone again like it had never been there. To be honest the fae wouldn't mind a whole big something to happen between Samael and Teren, but what side would she pick if it were to happen? Usually she would just not care however she was well bored to be honest.

As she had been thinking, the Warrior had wandered right off trail without noticing and was walking at an angle that had decided to bring her somewhere that the ice did not agree with. And still she had padded on, too deep in thought to notice that she had been on the ice for quite a bit now if she'd just been moving back to the icy shore and that small groans were beginning to float up into the almost eerily still air. Stupid. The crack was deafening and a noise of surprise managed to leave her muzzle before she was plunged into the icy depths of the lake. For a moment body instincts took over causing her to thrash and lash out randomly as the heart bet frantically with the sudden drop in the temperature and the pure panic however after a few moments as her scattered thoughts slowly came back together- the female stopped the frantic movements and for a moment almost enjoyed the painfully numb feeling that was grabbing ahold of her and temptingly trying to drag her down further to where the numbing would turn to peace. Ah peace. Now that was a word she hadn't heard in a long time.

However today was not really the day she planned on dying so with a grunt the female kicked out with her powerful hind legs and scrabbled for a hold on the jagged edges of the ice- the shore was so close- just a tail length away however she could not reach it and could feel the water lapping at her stomach fur hungrily as it tried to pull her under once more. Sharp hazel eyes would scan the area and a curse would leave her when she realized how far she'd moved away from where she'd been and how thin and weak the ice was here, and how that was so obvious to see too. Finally managing to slip a claw into a small crack in the ice, the female just hung on there for a moment. Panting slightly and deciding to try to regain some energy before trying to pull herself completely out of the water despite the agony that was searing through her and the fact that she could not feel her hind legs at all due to being in the icy water for so long. Blinking, the fae would try to keep her sight from going blurry however this was a harder task then it looked and she lay her head down onto the bitter ice for a moment with her hazel orbs hidden by a pair of thick creamy eyelids. Darn this was tiring.

When she would once again open her eyes, a black figure would be seen moving towards her. Of course the first word the popped into her mind was Fell. However as the figure drew nearer, it became obvious that it was not her dead brother but some other wolf who had decided to come see what happened. Just as Tundra had opened her stiff maw to snap something at the dark pelted fae, it spoke and with a huff Tundra snapped her own mouth shut.

"Hmm, am I of Erenyx. No of course not, I'm some loving caring weak little fleabag from that Helidos place obviously" She'd mutter in reply, the words not even holding much sarcasm but merely being bitter and sharp. Usually any words from the female would be brisk, emotionless and to the point but she was irritated and annoyed with herself for being so careless and well, the cold didn't really help much either.

[Sorry for such a late reply! Been extremely busy with school, this is also quite rushed and definitely not the best quality but I didn't want to leave you without a reply and I had a tiny bit of free time so.]
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Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Reflections Of The Past [OPEN] Icon_minitimeOctober 15th 2014, 14:09

Pandora watched as the other pulled herself onto the ice once more, it wasnt an amazing feature, but a surprising one for not all wolves had the inner strength to pull themselves to shore. With a slight nod of her head the black female began to walk on getting off the ice. Spring was nearly hear and she wouldnt be treading over anymore. Not after witnessing this event. Pandora was not fat from the other female and hollered out, "Well, should I see you around, Ill know who to respect. Eneryx or not." Pandora smiled before treading off back into her new home.

{I am so sorry this is so late, I totally forgot about it and I feel bad. I made it so short so I could just do a new thread with you. Make it fresher than that one. I do apologize and Ill make it up to you. I can totally seeing them be allies. :/}
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