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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished)

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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2015, 15:37

Large lanky paws rushed along the grassy floor, Newt had just talked to the healer, Sofiel. The small fae was very nice and had helped him, but as much as he had wanted to stay at the warm healer's den he longed to meet new people. The tri-colored kept his head up scanning the area as he made his way through murmuring tons of British profanities as the snow slowed down his journey along with his leg that had just started hurting him. It was nothing serious just a small ache that would go away soon, it always happened during random times.

Newt kept moving, but coming to a sudden stop as he came to a stream. Finally some water, the brute slowly inched towards the water dipping his head down lapping up as much water as he could without suffocating himself or choking. Once the British canine was finished he raised his head taking a few steps backwards licking the excess water from his muzzle.

The water was cool with a chill; the honey that Sofiel had given him earlier had helped his throat a lot more than he thought it would. Cool winter air nipped at his nose as he began to murmur things that if anyone was around they probably couldn't figure it out 'I wonder how many wolves live here.' this thought kept running through his mind. Maybe Fel,Sofiel, and the Alpha that who had been mentioned as Desmond only lived here a long with him. Or maybe there were other wolves. The brute didn't know whether this was true or not but he sure hoped it wasn't.

Last edited by Caretaker Newt on June 10th 2015, 16:36; edited 1 time in total
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2015, 20:54

Ah, how good it was to have a home again. Hopefully it would be as good as her birth pack. The dusky grey wolf ambled along through the white-frosted lands and explored every inch as she went. Ahead, the woods have way to vast open space. These flatlands would clearly be a sea of green once the harsh winter cold dispersed. Breeze inhaled deeply and enjoyed the crisp air. So much to do. Wolves to meet, lands to explore, prey to hunt...oh it was wonderful to feel useful again! Excitement and joy bubbled up inside the large fae while lyrics flowed through her mind. She trotted over the ground, tail swinging rhythmically behind her as she emerged from the cover of the trees. Orbs of gold sparkled with contentment and determination. Breeze let the music flow from her maw. The words rang loud and clear through the crisp air. "Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone, dancing, you know it  baby! Tell me your troubles and doubts, giving me everything inside and out. Don't you forget about me as you walk on by. Will you call my name as you walk on by? Will you call call my name as you walk on by? Will you call my name? I say: la! Lalalala! lalalala! la la la la la la la, la la!"

A stream meandered through the middle of the clearing, it's sides glittering with ice in the afternoon sun. The wind brought a scent to her nostrils as it swirled through the air. It was a male of Agavos. In the distance, Breeze could make out the brute drinking from the stream. Aha! A packmate. Well then, I'll go meet him! The grey female thought. Snow crunched under her paws as she sauntered closer. The wolf became curious as she inspected the tall figure. He was a large brute, with huge paws and a lanky build. The fae stopped next to him, her gaze sparkling with a friendly light. "Well hey there," Breeze said with a respectful dip of her head. She stood confidently, one ear tilted back so as not to seem dominant. "That water must be super cold! I'm Warrior Breeze." The intense golden gaze remained fixed on his nose, simply so as not to seem to challange him. She already made that mistake once, and that had been quite embarrassing. She certainly wasn't used to being the submissive wolf in a pack. Hopefully this brute didn't mind.
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PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeMay 30th 2015, 22:28

The large males ears flickered as he began to hear the crunching of snow, thinking it was just a fox looking for a quick snack he pushed it past. Newt was caught off guard his body jolting some as a females voice boomed throughout the area, he finally met his visitor. A grey female quiet cheery and happy, he give the fae a crooked smile "Greetings Warrior Breeze, it is quiet nice to meet you." his ears flickered once again as the brute kept the crooked smile glued to his maw "Indeed the water is quiet cold miss Breeze" he returned the small dip of the head that the grey female called Breeze had given him. It was quiet nice acuatlly meeting someone else with a happy and cheery personality like Sofiel.

Newt have a flick of his tail before sitting down to be eye leveled with Breeze, tilting to his head to the side just a little taking in all of her features from her size to her pelt even her personality. It finally occurred  to the tri-colored brute that he hadn't introduced himself "I'm quiet sorry, I never introduced myself. I'm Caretaker Newt but you may call me Newt." he took in his surroundings once more before focusing back on Breeze. She was quiet a nice and lovely lady, hopefully they could be friends or possibly at least communicate more often than he did with the others.

((Never occurred to me how short this was until I logged onto the computer, I'll make the next reply longer XD))
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 14:29

Laughter sparkled within her golden orbs as the wolf jumped at her voice. Indeed she knew he had been aware of her presence, since she had noticed those ears which swiveled at the crunch of snow. Perhaps he assumed I was a prey animal...ah, but one must always be on their toes! Never forget it my packmate, for I could have attacked you without a problem...if I had been so twisted minded. I'm not, of course, but the moment you roam past those borders... Keep a sharp eye. All this went through her head as he turned  to face her. An impish smile danced upon her lips as he spoke. Oho! A gentleman with a British accent! Dark grey ears perked to catch his words with interest. The brute flashed a smile and dipped his head in return. "As I expected...well spring is just starting to warm this place up! Perhaps there is prey lurking about now." The warrior said.

She flicked her tail and bent her own head to take a few laps at the clear water before straightening once more. The cold liquid seeped down her throat and sent a shiver running through her muscles. The brute sat down and watched her, his amber eyes taking her in. Pink tongue swiped over her muzzle as water dripped from her maw. Indeed he seemed to be preoccupied with studying her. Am I truly that interesting? The large dusky fae mused. Paws placed out before her in a long and elegant stretch. Ah she needed to be moving, hunting, patrolling. The male suddenly spoke up, introducing himself as a Caretaker. Breeze tilted her head with surprise. "That's quite alright. A caretaker! Well I'm glad to meet you Newt." The fae replied. Moments passed as she stretched again. The she-wolf paused as a flicker of movement began in the corner of her eye. On the opposite bank, large ears perked up and bobbed through the tall grass cautiously. Prey! Breeze glanced at the other wolf for a moment before gathering her strength on the edge of the stream and leaping at the hare.

All senses were on high alert to pinpoint her target as it dashed away in terror. White flakes sprayed everywhere as she landed and raced away. Paws thumped on the ground rhythmically and energy rushed through her veins as she gave chase, not fooled by it's zigzagging dash before her. She speed up, pushing her very limits until she was panting for breath. For a moment she was within reach. Breeze leapt forward to pin the prey, jaw snapping fiercely. Ah, but claws and teeth missed the mark and soon there was nothing to catch. With a snarl, the large female slowed to a halt. No, she wasn't very surprised. The warrior wasn't built for speed. With a quick glare at the grasslands in front if her, the fae turned on her heel and trotted back to the stream. "Huh. Well, I am not fast enough to catch such fleet-footed animals. Oh well...I tried." She said simply and leapt back to the Caretaker's side. At least she had made the effort.
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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 17:16

A chuckle bubbled from the brute's mouth as he watched Breeze take off towards a hare; he wasn't the kind of wolf that hunted. It wasn't because the thought of killing something sickened him no that was not it. A matter of fact he didn't mind killing the animals, but always made sure to thank the prey and the ones above for his kill and food. It was rather a personal reason that he tended not to talk about and only few knew about it, thinking that those who know would consider him weak and useless for the reason. But he hunted when he needed after all, everyone needs food to survive. Newt's train of thought was suddenly running off track as the warrior spoke, "Spring is indeed upon us dear Breeze; it is one of my favorite seasons rather than the harsh and cold winter." the brute stated adverting his eyes from the Warrior for a split second before focusing them back on her.

Of course he knew what would happen if he had made one wrong move, Breeze was a warrior unlike himself and could probably easily take him down. The lack of training with things like that would have clearly showed also if she did in fact challenge him, she would take him down in seconds and he was sure of it. Newt pushed these thought's past "A caretaker indeed love,we don't do much but I do enjoy the rank. It give's me a chance to meet others. Not to mention we also watch over the pack's pups. That would probably be my favorite thing about my job,"   Newt stopped talking before using his good leg to scratch behind his ear. The truth was the brute was quiet interested in being a father someday, he had seen many families a long his journey, they looked quiet happy and the brute wondered what it would be like to raise one of his own.

Though this would have to wait until later on down the line, he didn't keep his hopes up as it may never happen. It would be fine with him family or no family in the future, he would still take an interest in becoming a father. Maybe even take in an orphan, if there were any in the future. Realizing he had gotten side tracked once again his ears flickered once more "At least you tried, it's never a bad thing to try. If you don't succeed you can always try again." the amber eyed canine said. It was true though, it never hurt to try again, as his father always told him "If You Don't Succeed the first time, it's always a good idea to try again. Otherwise you are simply giving up, and would a warrior give up when fighting? Or a healer when healing?" it had meant a lot to him back then knowing his father had believed in him and always urged him to try again.

Newt looked at the ground for a moment before lifting his head up scanning the surroundings, once he was done doing so he looked back at Breeze "Hunting is not really my thing,fleet-footed animals such as the hare are always hard for me to catch." his eyes flickered from Breeze's down to his paws then back up to the grey warrior a couple of times before he finally fixated his eyes on her.
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2015, 14:24

The warrior liked this wolf. He was strange, yet friendly and social. Breeze liked wolves like that. She smiled and nodded as he spoke of spring. Indeed, it was nice to feel the warmth of the sun more than the chill of the wind. She watched him, noticing how quickly he broke eye contact, as if he was afraid he would upset Breeze if he gazed at her for too long. The grey female tilted her head and sat back as he explained his duties. She was well aware of what the job called for, yet she was curious to know why he chose such a rank. The she-wolf had never really been one to want pups of her own. Sure, Breeze loved pups and she definitely wanted a mate...but become a mother? Ah, she couldn't see it. Let other wolves have the chance. The dusky warrior let her grin fade into a slight curve of her lips. Admiration for his commitment to such a job radiated from her pelt and gleamed in her golden orbs. "I'm sure I could trust you with pups. You seem like the type who would teach the care for pups quite well." The female said.

A laugh escaped her maw as he praised her attempt to hunt. "Yes well...that's why I am a warrior, not a hunter. Call me when there is a deer to catch and I will gladly partake in the hunt, but chasing rabbits is another matter...it's truly not something I am built for." Breeze explained. Again, the brute seemed to be far within his own thoughts. She made no comment, for it was something her brother had often done. The female stood, unable to keep still, despite her efforts, since she loved to always be moving about. When Newt had finally shaken himself from his thoughts, he scanned the field and glanced back at Breeze. He continued to glance at the ground every so often to break eye contact. Surely he knew there was no need to be formal with her? The grey warrior smiled gently at the Caretaker and stepped toward him. "Oh there's no need to worry, Newt. I won't be offended if you look at me. I will not consider myself above you. Consider me a friend." The large fae's smile widened into a grin. "I may be a warrior, but I do not believe that fighting is always necessary. Tell me, have you met many wolves here in Agavos?" It was a simple question, but behind it was a deep pool of curiosity. Breeze knew almost nothing about her new pack, and she wanted to know more. The warrior hadn't been in the pack for more than a few days, and she hadn't really seen any other wolves except Alpha Desmond and Newt.
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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2015, 11:11

The young brute watched the warrior Breeze his maw twitching upward some, reclaiming the bright smile that he had only a few moments earlier. It was nice to have someone to talk with, especially for someone who had been alone for a while. The warrior was such a kind and spunky wolf, it was nice to see that someone was happy. After all seeing others happy made him happy Newt didn't know how though, maybe it was because knowing they were happy meant that they still had hope. Something that the large male hadn't had before he arrived in the lands of agavos, it was nice to hear that someone trusted him with pups as well as teach them things. The brute had only been apart of this job once before in his old pack before it was ambushed but did learn a lot of things and adored the job, it gave him the chance to learn new things as well as be around others. Newt didn't really have anything to say so he just gave the dusty grey warrior a nod as if saying Thank you. Newt's ears flickered as he listened to Breeze sheepishly giving a flick of his tail as she stated that there was no need to worry about looking at her, "I actually have Miss Breeze,I met the Elite under the Alpha she called Desmond her name was Fel. I also met a friendly Healer that went by the name of Sofiel and you of course. That's pretty much it so far." he said.

((Newt didn't have a lot to say here and its short sorry!))
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2015, 17:46

The warrior noticed he seemed a bit embarrassed at her mention of eye contact. The grey female didn't see any reason for him to act like that, for he seemed like a respectable packmate and a gentleman. Her smile faded as he mentioned which wolves he met. I have yet to meet this Healer Sofiel and Elite Fel. I'm glad to hear we have a healer among our ranks. My brother was a healer, and perhaps he still is, but I wouldn't know. I think it would be safe to assume the Elite demanded respect and submission...correct? I was accepted by Alpha Desmond. He definitely expects plenty of respect and a decent amount of submission. I would highly advise you don't look him in the eyes for more than mere seconds." Breeze remarked. She shifted restlessly and scuffed the ground as she paused to think of how to explain how she knew this. The proud fae wasn't used to being a normal warrior. Yet she was ok with it, for she had been the one to choose her fate. No wolf made me  choose this. I did this for my own sake. I can be so much better, but not there. All I want to do is help my pack grow and flourish! She thought.

One dark grey ear flicked backward sheepishly and she glanced at her paws for a moment before returning her attention to Newt. "I must admit that I am not used to being at this rank, so I am not nearly as used to submission as most...simply because high ranks of my birth pack were not so strict as to require formalities among each other. We all established our respect for each other since we were young. I forgot that isn't how it always is in packs. So do excuse me if I ever offend you with lack if formalities." The she-wolf's golden orbs flickered with sudden uncertainty, as formality was the one thing the grey warrior wasn't used to. Breeze smiled slightly. "You are the only other packmate I have met. I also need to explore and memorize our territory, as is my duty to know it. Perhaps I shall meet more wolves as I go along. Would you care to join me?" She offered. Her posture returned to it's normal proud stance, eyes sparkling with determination and eagerness. She couldn't focus on the negatives in life, unless it was to improve herself. Negativity was one thing the warrior didn't need to weigh her down. She would face her mistakes head on, but she would not dwell on them long after they were made. To the dignified dusky female, it was a folly thing to focus on.
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PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2015, 14:47

Newt gave a small yet respectful nod towards Breeze, as she stated that she had yet to meet Sofiel and Fel. The brute understood they were both new here and he could sense it, he gave a small chuckle as she mentioned Fel wanting respect and submission and then concluding her sentence with the statement not to look Alpha Desmond in the eyes "Indeed she did" he said as the memories of his encounter with Fel at the borders came flooding into his mind. "Desmond can't be that dominate, that you shouldn't look him in the eyes for a few seconds. But I do not really wish to know, maybe later on though. As I do not wish to be exiled or torn to pieces." he stated another small boom of laughter rattling his chest for a moment. Newt began to put a little more pressure on his aching leg in attempt to get the pain to go down some. Yes this was a come and go situation but he had one rather larger that wasn't come and go, Newts ears flickered once more bringing him out of his thoughts "Oh no miss Breeze, yo have not offended me in anyway. I wasn't raised in a formal pack either it was just something I picked up from my father, I do not mind." he gave the dusty grey warrior a reassuring smile. He gladly listened to what she had to say as she brought the topic up of exploring the territory popping the question if he wanted to join her "I would love to join you, as I still have some of the territory to explore also." the lanky brute began to head out stopping glancing over his shoulder to see if Breeze wanted to lead the way or insist that he did before turning his attention to the forest in front of him moving forward.

-Newt Exits-

((If you'd like you can reply or you are myself can continue the topic where you would like. It's up to you))
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) A Walk To Remember (Breeze | Finished) Icon_minitimeJune 11th 2015, 14:51

Breeze watched, ears perked with surprise as the large brute laughed. Breeze smiled a bit as he agreed about the Elite. I suppose their meeting was amusing...at least to him. That's better than it being scary or something. The grey she-wolf thought. The fae gave laughed along with him as he joked about staying in one piece. "That sounds like a fantastic idea. It would be awful if the first wolf I met, besides Alpha Desmond, got shredded!" Breeze agreed. Concern bubbled up, undetectable to her new friend, as his expression hinted at discomfort. Perhaps he has a sore shoulder? Oh I hope he is alright...what if he can't keep up with me? Well, he would tell me that, right? It would be obvious. She thought. The dusky female was very relieved to hear his reassurance, although it was hidden by her own determined expression.

A grin graced her features as he happily agreed to explore. She gave herself shake and fluffed up her pelt excitedly. The brute began making his way towards the forest, glancing back at her. "I can lead....if you don't mind. Let me know if I'm going too fast for you!" Breeze called as she trotted past him, tail swinging cheerfully behind her as she went. Her golden gaze sparkled with anticipation at the thought of seeing new places... and maybe new wolves too. She loved adventure! Grey paws moved smoothly over the snow towards the edge of the field. There was a chill held within the shade of the forest, but she welcomed it gladly. The she-wolf wasn't a huge fan of being out in the open. She glanced back to check that Newt was following before continuing to weave her way between the trees.

[center] ~ Exit Warrior Breeze ~ [center]

OOC: so sorry this is late. Had to rewrite...then when I could find time rewrite I had no muse. -_-
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