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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents)

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Alpha Teren
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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeMay 31st 2015, 22:34

Before we begin, I am going to set some ground rules. Any wolf in the pack may join this thread, whether they want to watch or whatever, but if they interfere, they will be attacked by Teren himself. Any wolf pup can attack any other pup, but the following pups have been purchased to keep: Aspen, Piper, Renier, and Striker. If there are any others to be kept, please notify me and make sure they have been purchased in the shopette. There will NOT be a posting order, so once a pup dies, it's dead. Any other questions or comments may be directed towards me.

Spring was finally here. The sun was shining, and the birds had returned to the lands once covered in frost and ice. The great Alpha smiled upon his lands, just before the sun would rise and sit high in the sky. His green gaze stared over the lands and he knew today would be one for the times of change. Something needed to go, they needed some down-sizing. But it had to be done in the best way possible. The midnight brute stood in the entrance of his den, his masculine muscles flexed as he waited patiently for the perfect time to stir the rest of his pack. His tail wagged for the first moment today and back into the past his mind took him, as emerald eyes closed off from the world.

On the first day of spring, the world was so quiet. As the great King approached his throne of rock and slate, he looked over his pack. Their eyes shone in respect and admiration to him, the day of the wakening was beginning. They sat in a circle and soon the voices chanted. The pups entered the arena and with a short speech, filled with honor and wisdom, the battle started. The first pup to attack was a male of black, with silver eyes, just as his mother's eyes. They pierced the soul of every being they stared into. Blood and bone sprawled through the skies, but in the end only one stood standing. On that day, he was dubbed Azrael the Sinister, slayer of his siblings and all those who opposed him.

Green eyes opened once again and the time was neigh. Raising his chin to the sky, he allowed the heavens to hear his mighty call. Oh how the winds wisped it through the air and the tree's branches surrounded it in their grasp. The call was long and it was loud. It was the most direct and happy call he had ever mace in his life. He wanted the whole pack to see this, and wanted them to know that Teren was not a wolf to be messed with. If he could force his pack to do this, there's no telling what else he could or would make them do. They needed to know what he was capable of. As the song ended, he waited for the wolves to come from their dens. His eyes stared at each one as they exited their homes. When all were present, his voice crashed through the air. "Listen up Erenyx, because today is an important day, one which will change all of your lives forever. All of you must go to Satan's Edge, now. I can't tell you exactly what will happen there, but all the pups of this pack must be here." As he finished speaking, he moved from the pack clearing and headed for the territory he had said.

Even in the spring time, the terrain of Satan's Edge was nothing close to it at all. On this bright and early morning, the clouds covered the sun and the fog from the ocean spilled over the edge onto the ground. The moisture clung to the air and filled the lungs with the promise of everlasting doom for some. His wicked smile returned, but once the pack was right on his heels, he stopped and regained his stoic look. His eyes smoldered with their evergreen flare and his heart raced within his chest. The promise of death and massacre forced his adrenaline to rush through his body. He held his head high, his tail curled over his back, and chest pushed forward. "Create a circle and force the pups into the middle. I wish to speak with them directly."
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Lead Healer Cliché
Lead Healer Cliché

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeMay 31st 2015, 22:58

After the run in with Samael, the Lead Healer had managed to find some rest within those few weeks of the harsh winter. Those moments were now over and the ice was beginning to melt - spring was at last here. And it surely was beginning to make a statement on the land, what with its soon array of blooming colors and an abundance of game out in the fields for them to prey on. The season was simply that of a new life, and she could hardly believe that it was of the time where her beloved young would be finally one year aged since their birth. She shuddered with happiness, freeing the debris from her coat with a smile and rendering the urge to wake her mate just yet, perhaps because she trusted him to sleep a few more minutes before waking that morning. He needed all the rest he could achieve after all, spring was going to be busy for new lives, after all. She tended to her duties, following the paw-beaten path as her norm upon daily events, but her ears were over-joyed with her King's rusty song reigning over their little kingdom of darkness.

Something strange made her insides freeze at the sound, but she would simply obey to rules and follow suit. There seemed to be a specific group to what he was calling for, sure it was just the start of the season, but it felt odd for him to be gathering so early. Perhaps there were new rankings given today, either way, Cliche nodded into the direction she was asked and came up short to the empty space, noticing easily she was the first to arrive by default. When the rest of the others arrived, she paid little attention on the others asides a few hellos and greetings until her children were near her. She looked among the pile of heads, noticing the pattern and squinting skeptically into Teren's gaze before he announced that the meeting was being migrated elsewhere from camp. More strange feelings. Motioning her litter in the direction, she allowed them to do as they were told and issued tread towards Satan's Edge. It had been long since she'd been here, and never found fear in it, but the type of atmosphere did not calm her nerves at all. She tried looking into the eyes of the rest, wondering if they could feel the same feelings as her, and oddly feeling out of place if she were the only one. Letting out a long breathe, she attempted to clear her mind and formed a spot nearest to Chiara, her friend and mother of the other litter, whom she trusted and felt at ease in her presence with.
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Warrior Striker
Warrior Striker

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeMay 31st 2015, 23:19

Tossing and turning in his den, the young brute finally rolled over and groaned towards the morning light. His form had grown so largely in the past year, his muscles had toned and his legs had gotten longer within just a short time. He was grateful for them. The training and prepping he'd been performing so harshly with thanks to the paws of Samael have definitely been paying off with the progress it's done to his build. His eyelids refused to open until the sun had become too strong to avoid, shaking his head vigorously as a way of ridding himself awake and stretching out each and every ligament found in his limbs and center. As he moved to the back of his den, he dug up the remains of a hare he fought for yesterday with an angry badger, managing to sweep it away without getting too scratched up before his next training session with his mentor. He ate diligently and savored every last bit before it was gone. Lapping the dried blood clean of his snout, his ears turned back to the opening of his small den to the sound of none other than the Alpha male a few miles away calling for the pack. "What the Hell does he want this early?" He grumbled arrogantly beneath his breath, never one to be a morning wolf unless asked of to meet with Aleu. He tried to think of her as a way of motivating himself to get out of his den, already having seen his mother pass by on her way before he could even reach the end of the tunnel to his home. At least he wasn't leaving on an empty stomach, he thought positively, secretly dreading the sunlight as it nearly blinded him.

Scenting the ground, he caught enough to follow the current of others and weaved passed several in order to bypass his mother's flank. He kept his distance and gradually made his way to where he wished to be with the rest. Sapphire eyes stayed watchful of a certain, new enemy of his, as well as if Samael would be with them this evening. He wasn't quite sure what this was about, but whatever it was, it seemed as if they weren't holding it in just some ordinary clearing - but into an actual territory. Striker's attention sparked at this idea, with hope that this meant a real chance for the apprentices to perform their strongest attributes so early ahead into the game before joining the pack in their official numbers. A grim smile wedged into his lips, a sinister chuckle at the depths of his throat forming but never rising high enough so that it could cause a scene to the others nearing him. Licking his chops, he listened well and moved with the rest to the cliff-side, where they were then informed to move towards the center of a circle of adults. He looked to his parents with furrowed brows, wondering if they would be used as some sort of audience, perhaps to observe their children's first year of training. Shaking it off, he sat with his brothers, keeping himself with at least a pup or two away from Aspen so that there be a wall between his anger and the pup's life. Gritting his teeth to Aleu's words, he held his tongue and eyed his unfavorable, but equally powerful, Alpha with a stern blue gaze. This was it. It was his time to shine, he could feel it.
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Exile Samael
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Exile Samael

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeMay 31st 2015, 23:57

The sun had not even woke up for the day and already the boisterous call of their "holy leader" was wrecking his beauty rest. The silver eye was shut off to the world, but his green eye opened in his surrounding area. His ears were erect upon his head, but they wished to be turned off from the horrible sound of the Alpha's old lungs. A groan escaped his clenched jaws, but that was all. He stood on all fours and wandered from the den. As others gathered with him, he did not look at Teren. After the time that had passed here in this pack, he would never forgive the bastard for what he had done. Instead, he looked towards the direction the Alpha male stood. As the vile creature spewed his serpent tongue through the area, Samael did his best to keep himself quiet. He did not need to attack the Alpha yet, he was not ready. But he had dreamed of the opportunity for far too long. He moved with the pack, and sat to the outer portion of the ring. He did not wish to be tempted with the opportunity to be so close to the Alpha. He would not be so intent on the happenings outside the circle, but the young Warrior was still not ready. As Striker was in the center of the ring, other pups joined and his eyes stayed on his young apprentice. He had taught him all that he knew and he knew that he would do well in whatever task Teren was going to ask of them.
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Aspen Of Erenyx
Aspen Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 00:35

Up and out the entrance of the den, he heard the Alpha's call. He waited for his family to join him, waiting to see his father first. He was always seeking the approval of his dear old dad, but was he ever going to get it? Perhaps not. The Guardian's son was a proud wolf, son of the female Beta, though he always cared for his father's approval. But he never got it. He stood up and watched as the crowd grew with wolves from the pack. Everyone came when the Alpha called. Someday he hoped he would have as much power, if not more, than Teren himself. The Apprentice walked with the others, heading for the area he had spoken of. Satan's Edge had many different stories to tell of the place. The fog was a dangerous thing. It had the ability to hide the cliff edge. Many wolves had found their horrible demise at the bottom of the cliffs, through crashing waves and jagged rocks. He would be careful here. It would be all too tragic if someone fell and died for just a pack meeting. Aspen walked with the others and upon entering the land, he knew everything was going to be very intense. It was hard to see through the thick fog, almost impossible in some areas. As Teren commanded, he walked into the circle and sat a few pups from Striker. He recalled the day they had their hunting trip and Striker had gotten more praise from Magnus than he himself got. He was angered by this, yet he said nothing. Instead, he took a seat and wrapped his tail around his paws. He sat straight up with pride, taller than all the other pups around. He seemed to have been growing like a weed, and he loved this fact. Perhaps in this light, he would easily stick out to his Alpha. There was nothing more than he wanted to get praise form someone, even if it was a complete stranger he never really talked to. Someone had to see his potential.
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Alpha Magnus
Alpha Magnus

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 02:40

Being the Guardian, Magnus had already been about for a few hours. While the morning was still dark he had risen and stretched, crawling from the den to inspect the packs kill pile. The winter had not been particularly lean, but nor had it seen an abundance of prey. Erenyx got by on what it could, holding out for Springs arrival. This morning it looked as though Spring had returned to the land. As he'd sauntered past the pile he'd noted it wasn't quite in dire need of replenishing. He let it be, it was the hunters job to keep the pack fed, he just helped when he had the time - or if they were desperate. He would have stayed Lead Hunter if he could have, but his Alpha had seen something in him worth promoting. The copper male delighted in the thrill of the chase, however, he enjoyed the power and respect he commanded. The borders had been dark and misty, promoting the ominous ambience of their pack. He returned to the clearing, planting his rear to sit guard outside the Alphas den for an hour. Constant vigilance was his only companion as the grey dawn approached. Warm amber eyes saw no movement, an expectation but also a disappointment. The dark Alpha emerged from his domicile, passing by the Guardian. "Alpha," he greeted the male with a curt nod. The Alpha released a howl, commanding the pack to rendezvous at Satans Edge. Magnus knew the place. It was where he and Chiara had very nearly lost their lives. They nearly lost each other. But the event had caused them to finally be together. He fell in step behind his leader, following him silently up the mountain taking a seat to his left, a short distance away. He watched the arrival of Cliche, Striker, Samael and finally his son Aspen. His eyes were hard and emotionless as he watched his child enter the incomplete circle he did nothing but breathe. At least his son was the first to arrive. He looked about, eyes searching for his brother. Tye had been absent for far too long, Magnus needed a boys night with his best friend. All he could do was wait for the others to arrive.
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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 09:01

The Deltess, as had become general for her, was up and about early, before the sun had arisen. She always wished to get the most out of the fleeting, flickering daylight, and it was a rare chance when she slept until the rest of the pack had awoken, so her sleeping in was a foolish notion. She had just returned from stalking the many Erenyx territories, not straying far from camp, but enough to venture to to a small running brook, and catch a hare off its guard. As Spring forced itself upon all of the slumbering, dazed from winter creatures, the wolves were among the first to spring into action, immediately setting to harvesting the fat off the prey's numbers. But Ariste was intelligent, she avoided hunting for sport, or killing too many of the young, or mothering, as there would be much more meat in the Summer, and more importantly, next Autumn and Winter. No, she targeted the Elderly and the failing, but enough to fill a normal sized wolf. Life must be evenly balanced, in her mind, and she would not be greedy, so as to doom her pack in a future that was very near. As her paws rapidly carried her over the ground, gliding along as a demonic shape, she would slow, ears perking up as Teren's call would be heard. Strong and powerful, as always, howling all to come near, if they dared. And she well knew, no wolf dared cower away from the Lead Male's call, unless they were truly and utterly stupid. Picking up pace and striding easily towards the clearing, lean legs and shoulders propelling her forward, Camp, and all the gathered wolves came into sight. Twisting, listening to what the intimidating brute had to say first, she sauntered over to the pile of carcasses, which, due to the harsh winter, very much needed more meat on it, so to speak.

Only when she had fallen in step behind the Alpha, and a respective distance behind the Guardians, did her mind wonder what this meeting could possibly be about. With such an evil King, she didn't put anything past him - An execution due to some guilty soul's disobedience, some nearly unbearable challenge for the wolves, or the like. But still, she played her part as Devil's Advocate, among the few that were truly loyal to the beast. Her steps were purposeful and without falter, tail curled and body held with an air of respect, but still showing that her rank was under those she followed. She knew her place well, and would not attempt to step above it, knowing the consequences of such an action. Rolling her shoulders, she breathed in the chilly, but no longer frosty air, warming with the heat of the sun. Her salmon-coloured tongue would dash out of her mouth, giving a quick lick to her nose, fighting off the tingling sensation of a sneeze. As they neared the territory, she began recognizing her surroundings, even though she was already aware of the name. She'd not truly been here, for more than a moment, just to say that she knew the territories, but around it hung a promise of violence, of death, the grounds still holding the appearance of the winter landscape they were escaping as the hard earth began sloshy mud with melting snow and ice.

Head turning to the Alpha, she paused, before her golden-silver eyes met with the Alpha's forest green, for a time that seemed as less than half a second. It was a brief flicker, but in those small moment, her eyes were not filled with challenge or any uncertainty, but with genuine curiosity, and an acute sense of intelligence. She did not hold such potentially lethal head on eye-contact for long, but in that short period, she made an attempt to read his demeanor, what he had in store. He seemed as dangerous as ever, but this was different, most like when the Ladies of Erenyx had their spars, which in itself gave the ebony fae a reason to have high-expectations. However, the rest was shrouded in a cloud of mystery, unreadable. "G'morning, King." Venturing a respectable, yet not cautious or fearful distance away, she placed herself to the black-as-night Leader's right side, rolling her shoulders and tucking her tale around herself, settling into stillness, the only movement being the motion of her eyes, and the occasional twist of her ears or head. Her gaze roved from member to member, storing their appearances away, before her eyes then moved to the Apprentices, most of which she had no recollection of. She made sure each took their ordered place, watching for any sign of hesitation of disobedience, any sign they should have to be warned or threatened to hurry their pace. As she did so, she would judge their strength afore hand, internally surveying which appeared as if they would grow into strong, driven adults that would do good for this pack. Repeating, bright orbs continued to scan, keeping surveillance on each and every canine present.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 19:18

[I made it so that Irrationality is already knowledgeable of what events are about to take place, assuming that Teren would've informed his second-in-command long ago. If that's an issue, and you would prefer he be unaware of what's about to happen just like everyone else, let me know and I'll revise it!]

Isolation. He craved it like it was his heroine, his sweetness; so little brought joy to the stoic Beta male, but he would always have his loneliness, he would always want his loneliness, and that was something about company he feared he would never be able to say. Alas, it wasn’t he who was meant to be afraid, and as he pursued the great Alpha male’s call, he could only assume what was finally closing in on the unsuspecting adolescents now expected to fight for their lives. Of course, it was only natural that he be one of the most informed members of the pack, and it was a fact that needn’t be question that he would oblige to the will of his one and only superior. His feelings didn’t come into play, truthfully there were none to be considered - he didn’t care about the mothers that would know not of what fates awaited their young at the end of this call, he didn’t care about the lives that would be cut short right before his eyes. If he did, perhaps he could’ve warned someone, anyone, but Teren wouldn’t have wanted that, Teren wouldn’t have tolerated that, and therefore it wasn’t something that Irrationality would even think to do. He was at the Alpha male’s command, and if anyone doubted that, today would solidify his loyalty in their minds.

His rightful position was at the Alpha male’s flank, but upon arrival, and with nothing more than a fleeting sweep of dark gold eyes, he observed the Guardian male and Delta female filling where he would’ve sought to be seated himself; the fixation of his empty eyes upon each of them withheld no hostility, for although it was within his power, he wouldn’t request that either of them make room for him. Unless Teren directly ordered one of them to make way for him, he would be content to seat himself at the unattended flank of the Delta female, and it was precisely that he did. He regarded her with a curt dip of his tawny head, gaze wandering over her shoulders to establish eye contact with his sole leader; the two of them hadn’t spoken in some time, but no matter his tendency for isolation, when the Alpha male called for him he would be there, and that was never to be second guessed.

Irrationality took a moment to analyze Striker and Aspen, the two apprentices first to arrive and to position themselves in the middle of the circle as had been their orders. Both of them seemed strong, capable, adaptable, worthy of their lives, but he knew that anything was possible in a fight, and that it wouldn’t be fair of him to make them out as victors in his eyes before they had even truly won. Slowly, he dipped his head to both of them, a silent acknowledgment, perhaps a prayer, wishing both of them luck in the horrifying fate that would be upon them at any given moment.

Today there would be blood.
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Cheshire Of Erenyx
Cheshire Of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2015, 19:41

That itch. That scratch. That feeling that in one way or another his services were going to be needed. Often, he didn’t offer them without a price - it was the way of supply and demand, after all - but sometimes he liked to play around, to pretend he had a secret angel on his shoulder that nobody else could hear nor see, and that was fun for a while, it proved entertaining enough when everything around him started to get dull, but he always returned to his ways of trickery and deception in the end: old habits seemed to die hard.

He was quick to spot the only other healer in the clearing, his counterpart in authority no less, and he was equally quick to assume his rightful place at her unattended side. Being a healer didn’t give him much standing, there was no reason for his superior to look at him with anything more than a passing glance, but that didn’t matter to him. He wasn’t on the lookout for ally’s, and he certainly didn’t want to make himself out as another one of the Alpha male’s pets - he had his fill of that in the Beta. What he did was more a solo career than anything else, a spotlight that was fixed on him when the sickly and the dying needed help; there were others, like Cliche, that shared his role, but he didn’t tend to include her or any other healers unknown to him in his plans to be the one everyone owed something to, usually their bland existence among other things - something that very well could perish without him.

Today there would be a lot of opportunities for young lives to be owed to him, but with that knowledge yet to be affirmed, he settled for watchful eyes taking in their fill of what was happening. The way he observed the adolescents gathered in the heart of the circle was borderline creepy, almost murderous; it was lost upon him how true of him that would soon become, but of course it would not be him who got to be murderous in the dawn light.
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Raymond of Erenyx
Raymond of Erenyx

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2015, 21:18

Massive paws carried him forth from the camp clearing as he made his way towards the howl and then listened to his Alpha speak. Emerald eyes glistened with evil as he heard that they would be taking the pups along. He wasn't very fond of young brats, but then again... he had never met them. A growl rumbled in his chest as he shook his frame and then followed the strong scent of pack members following their Alpha. He moved forward among the group, picking out a familiar ebony pelt. He moved slightly and sat down beside the ebony she-wolf. "Alpha." He greeted the Alpha with a respectful nod of the head before turning his emotionless face upon the ebony she-wolf. "Greetings, fae." He still didn't like being friendly, so his voice was quite bitter to what he thought was a mere Warrior. He knew her as Warrior Ariste, though he was sure she had lost in the female fights. He figured all the she-wolves should be Omegas, but that was his opinion. His mind drifted to the one she-wolf that wrapped his world in knots, he let out a grumpy growl at the thought of Naomi. He had been sore since she had rejected him, sore that she thought he was nothing. But he would win over her heart, he would find out all her secrets and prove himself to be worthy to the slightly taller fae. Green eyes drifted to the pups that awaited in the circle that was being made. He could only hope that blood would be shed, or perhaps the Alpha was too weak to let pups be killed. His chest rumbled with excitement at the thought of pups dying, blood. He wanted to make sure that there was blood. His eyes turned upon the other wolves and he could only wonder whom were the parents. He matched pelt colors together and he could only guess at which pup belonged to whom. The demonic wolf slowly let his mind fade into the sadistic realm he wished to role as king. He wanted every wolf dead, he wanted slaves and to be command. But it could wait, for now he had to make his part of the world as miserable as possible. His attention lay upon the pups in the center, and then moved to the demon they called 'Alpha'. He was curious but his emotionless face would never give it away. He could only assume that the others were just as curious, or perhaps they knew exactly what was going on.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2015, 09:48

With the coming of spring brought warm weather and also changes to the pack. Recently the black fae had been promoted for some unknown reason. Taking it as a compliment she had started to train a few fae's in the pack. The two she found proved valuable to her and she was eager to see what use they could be to her if she ever put her plan of an uprising in effect. That day the Alpha's call brought her to attention quickly and she ran to his meeting place as members of the pack joined her. Once there she saw her friend Cliché and her mate seated towards the front, hence she made her way towards them. The group was beginning to enlarge and with that a circle was forming in the center where the pups were seated. Unsure of what would happen thoughts of giving the pups rank flashed in her mind, as did worry. Still not trusting Teren completely she feared something horrible might happen, but what? Chiara dipped her head to the Alpha simply then seated herself, looking around for her pups in the crowd. Already Aspen stuck out, seated close to the front of the group, but where were her other three?
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 3rd 2015, 20:14

Piper awoke quickly at the sound of the call. She had been used to awaking early from her past training sessions with the former Beta. Now that she was on her own she continued that trend to rise early most mornings. Training had strengthened the gangly fae into a strong yearling, one who would someday make a strong warrior. Rising to her feet Piper tore from her families cave and towards the meeting place, eager to see what was going on. As she ran more pack scents became stronger and soon the gathering came into view. Most of the pack was here, including her family and the pups of her uncles brood. Seeing Aspen clearly in the center made Piper smirk, for she knew he would once again be seeking attention and approval. The fae didn't understand her brother's insecurities. To her pride in ones own self was all anyone needed, why kill yourself on what others thought of you?

Walking into the clearing Piper seated herself by her brother and smiled at her parents. Her eyes then turned to Teren whom she addressed and dipped her front to in respect. More were filing in and she didn't see Willow as one of them, where was her sister? Words were said and more anxiety flushed Piper. What would happen here? Would they finally get ranks?
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Delta Braelyn
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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2015, 03:10

Caught in the walls of a trance, the dark cloak encompassing the psyche of the fae was the reason she was to some degree oblivious. It went for eternity, unlimited in its pit to keep her thoughts and reality far from the fantasies her subliminal created to turn alive. Anything she wished to confront or face, this was the spot the fae could and it was here the Lead Hunter loved. Anything was conceivable and with no interference's, things always went her way accordingly. If only it would last. Figure pressed upon the hides from the souls she had taken all through-out her time so far in the pack, Braelyn rested nestled peaceful like every other moment the fae let her guard down to fantasize. This was the only time she genuinely was defenseless. Auds jerking at the sound of noise, the female just wished to rest all the more yet knew she was excessively inquisitive, making it impossible to not see why the Alpha had called.

Orbs the shading of recently new grass as it develops, the striking green was demonstrated at once again to let Braelyn see. Jaws separating, a substantial yawn got away from her before she stood on all fours and walked out to meet the day. The season of what was called spring at last landed upon the Erenyx domain and even with it having been uncovered just in a matter of seconds, the confirmation was at that point observable. Where once there had been only the white tone of frost and snow, patches had now been diminished away to uncover the developing vegetation underneath it. Oh, how long the degree of the extent the chilled season had been, for it appeared the earth had not been touched by numerous to stir it until life returned. With the emerge of the occasions beauty, Braelyn knew it would prompt the entry of overlooked animals.

The peril of bigger, more forceful predators would at long last arrive at acknowledgment and with the end of the bears hibernation, any kill the Lead Hunter made would be at danger of getting stolen. Arriving just in the nick of time as Teren addressed the wolves already present, the fae heard only one sentence that tumbled from the titan's mouth before leisurely traveling to the assigned destination. As she suspected the others to be the same, Braelyn was interested concerning what the Alpha had arranged that morning. It wasn't regular the shadow male shouted to the whole pack for their company, there was often a reason and it appeared to always be of significance. Situating herself on the external ring of the circle Teren requested, the fae brought down her rear until it touched the unforgiving ground. Banner gleaming with its own particular personality and will, the Lead Hunter just sat immediately as the pack started to do the same and the pups showed up in the center.

Just two faces were the ones Braelyn had been able to perceive. That being Chiara and the delta, Ariste. The fae was also able to see the Lead Healer, Cliche, among the group however her name was just learned through the spars they endured; not from a real meeting. The rest where obscure, souls that had showed up out of thin air which the female could figure was the same way vise-versa. Why do they greet him? It puzzled Braelyn in the matter of why a percentage of the wolves went to make a hello or morning to their 'lord' of a leader. The fae didn't think it would have any kind of effect on the difference if they did or not, Teren looked as though he couldn't have cared less about any of them or the benevolence some gave him. Guess it's fair courtesy... Watching and waiting, the female slide her fore-paws forwards against the ground until she could go no more once her stomach reached the terrain. Crossing of the paws and laying her head on top, Braelyn turned away her look towards the focal point of the ring for something to happen and for clarification to why they where here.
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Alpha Teren
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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2015, 13:08

We still need to hear from Willow, Renier and Icarus. If any don't post within this week (by next Monday), we will start the fights and all of them will be killed.
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Willow Of Erenyx
Willow Of Erenyx

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2015, 16:50

Willow is Present. Whoever wants her can take her. Just kill her off, she was one of the only two dying anyway.
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Naomi Of Erenyx
Naomi Of Erenyx

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2015, 16:53

Much to her dismay, the sun was starting to rise over the mountains, casting down a bright ray which covered the entrance to her den. Snarling to herself, she shied away from the light and nestled herself deep into her den. The fae closed her eyes and tried her hardest to keep sleeping beneath the safety of her dwelling. But in the time that she had finally been able to snooze, she heard the call of her alpha. A snarl escaped from her lips, low enough for only her and any passerby’s to hear. The large wolf stretched her paws forward, digging them into the dirt which marked the exit into the world. The few furs she had around her den looked in pristine condition. Their beauty reminded her of Raymond, as they had all been gifts from him. Some were small, while others rather large. She did not care what they were or how many there were, Naomi enjoyed them. She moved her form from the den and wandered into the clearing. Apparently the “oh so wonderful” alpha had given some kind of directions and was already on his way out of the pack clearing. She had decided to follow the other wolves and roam into the lands known as Satan’s Edge. Two furred ears rested atop her dome, and peering eyes stared to the crowd before her. With a slight tilt of her head, she watched the young wolves move forward. They had grown so quickly and seemed like just yesterday they were crying like the little pups that they were. She recalled when they could barely open their eyes and were unable to even walk. It was a cute, yet annoying stage. The thought of this made Naomi question if she even wanted to have young of her own. The Lead Warrior looked about the gathering, and immediately her green eyes caught the sight of Raymond. A small smirk danced across her maw and her emerald gaze stuck to him like a mosquito trapped in sap. She sauntered over to him quietly, careful not to disturb their king or the little ones before him. As she crossed behind Raymond, she brushed against him playfully. Perhaps she had been wrong to turn him down instantly? Perhaps she really did need more time? Whatever it was, she was so unsure of herself and when she would want her life to change, but today, she would allow him the simple affections of their coats touching one another. Sitting beside him now, she leaned into his side slightly and stared up at the display before her. Was the alpha finally going to acknowledge that they were members of the pack now? Would they already be granted actual ranks before their second year?
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Alpha Teren
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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 11:29

One by one the wolves had followed him, into the shroud of fog. Their eyes looked upon him and the pups within the circle. Some seemed to be so curious, while others barely cared. But Teren did not care for these issues, these stupid opinions. He had set forth the wolves for a certain task, one that would force change within their pack. Teren was not a wolf to mess around with. In fact, he hated when wolves did not agree with him, or his beliefs. The large male stood tall before the others. His green gaze looked down upon the youngest wolves in the bunch. All the young wolves seemed anxious, curious for what was going to happen. ”Many years ago…” he spoke with a deep and mellow voice. ”I became the leader of a pack. It was a pack that my father had controlled. I killed him and took it for my own. The way he had ran his pack was much like the Alpha before me. He was weak, worthless, and knew not the ways to run something so grand. As part of my changes within the pack, I forced all the young to fight one another. In the past, it had only been one pup to surpass all the others, only one was allowed to live. After consideration with Beta Irrationality, I have decided that one pup from each litter will be allowed to survive. This is merely because we need the numbers right now for a reason I am not at liberty to share with you at this time. So young wolf pups, you will be granted permission to kill your siblings or friends, possibly even enemies, however you see it. If you can make me proud, then you may just find yourself in ranks much higher than those of your peers. Make it as bloody and carnage filled as possible. The more you kill, the higher you will become in this pack. If any of you choose not to fight, then I shall have to kill you myself. Begin!” The wolf looked to the pack, watching the parents’ reactions. Would any revolt? That question would always loom in his mind, but he would never be truly sure until it actually happened.

Other wolves can still post if they want, but I would like to get the pup fights summed up and over with within the next few days. I am sure many of you just want to get it completed for the Activity Check. Pups have no posting order, so please feel free to attack and kill the following wolves right off the bat: Willow, Renier, and Icarus. If you have any questions, please PM me. I am going to Afghanistan today, so I may not be able to reply right away.
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Aspen Of Erenyx
Aspen Of Erenyx

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 13:20

When everything had come to rest and be silent, the Alpha spoke to his pack. As he started to go on about his past life, Aspen tuned him out. He did not care about the old wolf’s past. What was important was the now. The male himself had been larger than the other wolves, and he took note of this as he watched the ones around him. He remembered the day he spent time with all of them, hunting for rabbits and never really getting the praise he rightfully deserved. This angered him, but as the Alpha spoke of the task they had before him. He could not rightfully kill a member of his family, but a member of the opposing family? Why the hell not? The male looked to the other males. He analyzed each of them. In order to make sure he would be safe, he decided he would go after the strongest of the bunch. Or whom he believed to be the strongest. As the call was made for them to begin, Aspen lunged his body towards Icarus. His teeth made contact, though they did not get the best hold on him. Aspen wondered if the other wolves would start attacking him, or even any others in the circle. He hoped that by killing a wolf that Magnus had praised before, that he too would be getting some much needed praise in. The young male used his weight to force the other to the ground. While there, the two of them had a scuffle. Teeth and paws moved rapidly, trying to secure their hold on one another. Snarls and growls escaped through clenched teeth, tufts of fur and flesh. The young brute shook his head furiously, trying his hardest to beat his opponent. Taking several bites to his legs, face, and chest – he could feel the blood beginning to run down his form. His white coat was turning pink from the blood stains. But finally he was the victor. He stood tall over the body of his opponent, smiling to the crowd as he looked to his father for approval. He had never thought to look at the other wolves around him, and he had no choice if a wolf was planning to attack him. His rear was left wide open with zero traces of defense in sight.

Attack: Killed Icarus
Defense: None
Injuries: cuts and scratches all over his body. He has a wounded leg. Also, bleeding pretty badly

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Warrior Striker
Warrior Striker

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 16:01

His eyes grew cloudy, painted and marbled with oceanic blues and waves of shadows darkening it's seas. One could assume they saw storms in his orbs if they looked rather closely, but they'd be smarter to not move an inch into his personal aura alone. Tid bits of information wafted his mind, but none which held the value and strength to keep anchored in the necessities of life lessons. He mustered an unamused yawn, silent so that the others were hard of hearing and so that not even himself could pleasure his ears wit a whistled yowl slithering passed his teeth. Towards the center of the conference, Striker found some joy in the thought of death, curious to where such feelings resided and where they'd been all along within him. He looked to his brothers, leaning slight back on his forelegs that were hunched down upon the ground, noticing their whereabouts had gone unnoticed since they were one of the few to arrive the latest. How pathetic of them, he'd mumble amongst his thoughts, his claws slowly retracting from their sockets to graze the ground beneath him as a possible floor to keep himself somewhat still. When the circle had neared the end of the cruel brute's requests, Striker had already reached to his paws as a head start, his body chilled with a fresh registered amount of adrenaline to prepare him for the race. His eyes had already found its first victim, choosing that of the most vulnerable that had somehow captured his brother's heart. The apprentice saw something fragile and too grossly thin to pay the expense of in this pack - she was the least of their numbers, her life would be the most uncared for if she were taken out now. After all, might as well start from the bottom if it's a battle, a pack was only as strong as its weakest number. How dare she consider them so lowly with her pathetic efforts, his mind hissed.

Without any hesitation, the apprentice was on the move at the moment of acceptance, tearing through the small crowd of pups with his sapphire eyes trained on Willow. She appeared like a white daisy, sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the mixed colored and few dark wolves around them. "Prepare to die, runt." As he leaped, the air divided evenly, aiding him a path straight in her field of view, his large paws outstretched and prepared to land roughly upon her small figure. If she would try to run, he'd attempt to outrun her, but seeing as she wasn't very strong nor coordinated as he, her chances of survival beneath his intentions were far from existence. His weight plummeted down upon her in seconds, trapping her instantly with a death-grip on her neck, consisting of both his jaws and feet planted on her windpipe. The grip tightened at the contact of her efforts, her squeals hurting his eardrums and her claws thrashing helplessly into his face and upper body beneath him. All of is body strength and weight pressed firmly down on her now, lying soully on her lack of air to keep her from fighting him. Striker could've even sworn that she went for his ear, but her attempts ceased slowly as he took the wind out of her, he allowed a silent death to wave upon her corpse before tearing into her throat. It was unnecessary for him to do this, but he liked to put on a show for himself, and blood was always a wonderful accessory for his coat. However, as he looked up to the sight of his eldest brother's corpse beneath a larger pup, his pupils dilated with rage. That was to be his job. But as he clearly identified the other by its form and color, Striker made a grim smile to the memory of how he'd claimed this one an enemy, to whom he'd avenge Aleu for.

"You son of a bitch.."

His voice was neutral, though by the expression on his bloodied face, one could assume he was related to the Wicked one. Samael had thought much upon appearance, how to appear intimidating, perhaps even a major threat despite the age to someone similar to him. The ashen wolf made no clear indications as to what he'd do, but he stalked quietly towards the other from behind until furthermore being noticed. Oh, how he couldn't wait for that, which broke his patience level as he got even closer to Aspen's flank. Before another minute passed of making an attack on the male, Striker ran forwards and attempted to ram the male with full force, using most of the momentum to knock the other from his shoulder, followed by a large amount of mass he had earned during his private training lessons with the heir. This would disrupt the male's inner peace, to what he seemed to of been doing in order to get a reaction from someone in the crowd. He had no care in the world for such pride, he only had the care to steal it for his own use and bury it where it stood for this male's life. If Aspen had fallen or perhaps tripped trying to find his footing, Striker would stay clear of any attacks, but if not, he'd back up quickly at moments notice. The work was beginning to very much pay off in his favor. But boy was he going to regret his next words. "You know.. I ran into that little bitch you failed to kill around two weeks ago. Oh.. what was her name..."" His eyes pretended to care in going elsewhere for a quick second before falling back on him, "Aleu was it? Hmm.. such a shame. At least I had the courage to kill her for you. Without an Alpha's order." He sincerely hoped Samael knew he was lying to get emotion out of his opponent, it was an easy tactic to see one's weakness, he learned. Striker's blue eyes glared down at the mutt and he made a noise of distaste, lip curled for dramatic fashion, "Pathetic piece of shit.. no wonder your father praised my own blood before flicking his gaze to your lowly ass." The apprentice laughed and spat at the male.

Attack: Slayed Apprentice Willow; lunged for Apprentice Aspen.
Defense: Stalking quietly; provoking opponent with insults.
Injuries: Scratches to the face & chest; minor dripping of blood.
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Aspen Of Erenyx
Aspen Of Erenyx

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 17:12

Before Aspen could get the affirmation he was looking for, he felt a blunt force to his shoulder. Snarling he jerked his head back, but it was too late. His form had toppled to the ground. Working his paws quickly against the ground, he was up once more. He was shocked with his speed for his size made it very hard for the male to do such things. Growls directed their noise into the ears of the wolf named Striker. He had hated this little turd since he first laid his eyes on him. He had wanted to try and be “friends”, but Aspen had no time for such bullshit. He needed to train for his life to be better, he had to train for this. Although he never knew he was going to be doing this particular task. Instead, he shook the thoughts from his mind, just in time to hear the words of the brat before him. He spoke of the time Aleu and Aspen had met since she deserted their pack. A snarl escaped through his lips and his eyes narrowed. Why on earth would the fae tell Striker of such things before being killed by him? Erenyx was entirely the enemy to her. Foolish fae. He had saved her life, not wishing to harm her truly, for some snot-nosed brat to come along and kill her. The wolves all seemed to be interested in the blood which had already been shed. The brute growled louder than the ashen male spoke. ”Enough! The only reason I did not kill the bitch was because she had kicked dirt into my eyes and slid down the face of the mountain before I had the chance to react to her and her treachery. She was lucky she got away from me. I bet you gave her a quick and painless death, if she really even is dead. You could be lying… I know these tricks, son of the Healer whore.” Before anymore words would come out of his mouth, Aspen snarled and bared his teeth. In an attempt to move the fight a little towards his own win, he lunged towards Striker. The two wolves collided from the weight and sent them both between wolves, closer to the edge of the cliff. Both had landed on the ground, but neither were ready to give up on the fight. Aspen circled around his “prey”, eyes stuck on the wolf before him as his tail hung in the air. In this situation he knew he was going to come out on top. His pride, his training, and his sheer ability would not allow him to falter. He was going to kick some major tail, force this little brat off the cliff and turn back to finish off the rest of his competition. As he had gotten a taste for the blood of the first son, Aspen grew crazed with a frenzy for pain and anguish on the wolf before him. ”I hope you are prepared to die Striker. Not that I really care if you kissed your mommy goodbye, but more that you are ready to part this forest and greet the bastard Alpha on the other side.” With a final huff of his breath, he allowed a bark to ripple from his throat and fill the area with the sound. His four paws pressed hard to the rock floor and launched himself once more towards the wolf with his back to the cliff. No other wolf would be dumb enough to attack when they were both so close to the edge now. If Magnus would not approve of his efforts, then he hoped the Alpha himself would award him a worthy rank and possibly even show him he was proud of the young wolf. No wolf really mattered more than their worthy leader. Aspen could see himself in such a position, resting above the other wolves in the pack, directing and commanding them to do as he pleased. Deep in his thoughts, he was unaware of the events that were to unfold before his very eyes.

Attack: Pushes Striker towards the cliff
Defense: None once again
Injuries: Same injuries from before - bleeding is a little more from the adrenaline
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Warrior Striker
Warrior Striker

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 17:51

- Still love you, J. *kiss kiss* ^^

The scene was so comical, to each drop of blood spilled across the damned ground to the stench of rage filling the air, it all raised humor to him, in more ways than one. As he neared slowly closer to the arrogant male, he couldn't help but laugh at his own words, having been able to get the reaction he wanted, to what satisfied him greatly, "Excuses.. excuses." He would say, he would bellow for all to hear, perhaps training their own leader's attention and some from the crowd to key in on their conversation before driving the one to death. Striker's rage-filled eyes made a murderous statement as they stared into the other's deliberately irritating soul. "Your entire existence is a sorry excuse!" His fight was entirely fueled with the idea of murder and vengeance. Not a single living organism, or even nature's voice could halt the beast's intentions of slaughtering this male piece by piece and serving it on a platter to the rogues that manifested in the barren lands. Though he shared no strong bonds with his mother, the insult was more to what his patience could bare to hear. It was his last straw, that one button he thought no one would have the nerve to press within him that'd cause him to go over the edge - a new found weakness, one he wasn't ready to keep hearing. "The only whore here I see is your attention seeking ass with your oh-so-pathetic daddy issues. I'm going to put an end to that, once and for all.. Just like your sister." His lips curled back to reveal his bloodied teeth, stained with the sibling of his opponent's blood by selection. The male's were drenched in their own kills, never seeming to notice it long enough themselves for they were too focused on one another. Striker allowed the attempt, having seen it coming towards him soon enough, and shortly after their words were exchanged, did he realize how isolated they were from the commotion.

Paws in reverse, he minded his footing carefully, knowing full where their location and where Aspen's mind was at, just as well as his very own. The muscles beneath his pelt coiled and twitched, the apprentice held a steady stare towards the male's direction, ears erect and tail raised while his teeth still flashed at him. The position did not suit him as fair as he wanted, he knew where this was going, and was not proud of his obliviousness, perhaps he'd die a quick death, or maybe find the advantage of going around him. He wouldn't go without a fair fight, if he did, he'd die a worthless cause like the rest of them here. As Aspen lunged forwards to make his final joyous attempt in taking him down the cliffside to his death, Striker mimicked the action, only having them collide at strong forces. The sound of thunder filled the brute's ears at the two hit, but the opponent had the upper-hand being he was larger, which pushed him back farther than he had thought. His hind foot slipped out from under him, causing his balance to waver and his large dark blue eyes to widen with a tinge of fear. He was prepared for death for months, having sometimes hoped it'd come early - but today was not his day. Narrowing his brows, he growled furiously at the air and opened his jaws full and wide before latching quickly onto the male's scruff. "If I'm going to Hell... I'm taking you down with me." Striker mumbled through the fur, allowing his body to fall back from the edge and tumble below whilst still holding the male in his jaws. The air was then filled with a panicked howl coming from his throat as the ground was so far away, yet nearing faster and faster before him. Fear caused the apprentice to release the fur and tumble on his own. Black filled his eyes as his body hit a hard surface, instantly knocking the wind out of him, as well as all consciousness. He had no knowledge as to what happened minutes before, other than the last he'd felt the male's fur in his mouth and the impact against his side and head. Other than that, it became a huge blur.

Where had all the good people gone?
Attack: Lunges forwards; latches scruff; drags down the cliff with him.
Defense: Showing signs of dominance.
Injuries: Concussion/blacked out; severe internal damage to his side; scratches on face; increase in blood-flow.
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Alpha Teren
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Alpha Teren

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 18:33

Rest In Peace Aspen, Icarus, and Willow. May the wolves of the other forest guide you.
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2015, 18:41

At the words of her Alpha Piper felt her world sink. Time seemed to slow before her while the actions of others sped up. The two families seemed to collide at the call to start the battle and Piper saw her sister Willow right in the middle. Turning to yell out to her she was too late as she saw Striker bring her down. She choked back tears as Aspen jumped at him after finishing Icarus, the pair locked in a duel. She didn't know where Ciro was, but all that was on her mind now was survival. From the other side she saw Renier creep at her. Her gaze swiveled back to Willow's lifeless body then caught Aspen rolling off the cliff by Striker. This was too much for her to take. Blinking once she pushed off hard from her back feet and ran hard at the other male. Tear stained eyes wouldn't let her see much of what she was doing, but her maw soon tasted fur and blood. It was over soon enough as the fae's jaws found the young male's tender throat. He had torn her ear but she felt no pain as her head thrashed his neck. Blood pooled into her mouth and a cracking sound was heard as she knew his neck had snapped. Blind to the goings on around her she continued to thrash the male, well beyond the time he fought back. Her throat felt chocked up and her mind didn't know what to think, only the images of her family laying slain burned into her mind. Finally she stopped shaking the bag of skin and fur and dropped the body. Aspen and Striker were no where in sight, where was her remaining brother Ciro? Would he suddenly turn on her and go down that dark path? Piper felt so alone now even though almost the entire pack was watching the ordeal, what would happen now?

Attack: Killed Renier
Defense: Braced legs, tucked tail and ears back.
Injuries: Torn right ear, scratches and bleeding flank.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2015, 10:06

Finally after much of the pack gathered near the cliff edge Teren spoke out. At first his words of nobility and honor hit home for her, but as the conversation turned darker her heart started to sink. Pups kill each other? Surely this was some sort of joke, he really couldn't expect the yearling to fight to the death. Her fears were answered when the Alpha called out and suddenly her pups and Cliche's were thrown into a blur of snarling, blood and cries. She only saw bits and pieces, between Willow being attacked and Aspen going after Cliche's eldest. She cried out, her mouth dry from shock for this to stop. Willow was now in the teeth of Striker and Aspen held Icarus down. She couldn't stop herself fro lunging out towards the field, she would stop this somehow. Piper and Ciro weren't in her line of sight, but she must protect all of her young from this insanity. She had worked too long and hard to have some idea from a pompous over rated old brute to ruin her family over.

Chiara tried to lunge towards the fray, she would place herself in the middle if she could, try and protect as many of the young as possible. Why was he doing this? Did he really want so many against his rulings that he would throw away innocent lives for it? "Stop!" She yelled, "Alpha please stop this, I beg of you!" She continued to yell, trying to get to her pups. Jut then she saw Willow fall and her mouth gaped open in shock. She couldn't speak nor breath, it was too much for her. I'll make you pay for this Teren, mark my words you will feel my wrath from this.
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Beta Irrationality
Beta Irrationality

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The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2015, 11:02

His eyes shut, but it was not in horror. The Alpha male’s call for the battle to begin silenced the crowd, parents utterly helpless, young utterly shocked, but for only a moment, because there was no time for fear to take over before the weak would be targeted, lifeless before even having the chance to register what kind of threat had been forced upon them. He could hear ravenous jaws clamping, snarling, and there was no reason to open his eyes because he could see just as clearly in the dark what the massacre would look like. There was only one way for death to look, and when finally he opened his eyes, assuming his superior wouldn’t approve of his failure to observe, the blood that littered the ground, encircled the corpses that had already fallen, was exactly what he had pictured behind eyelids.

He realized then that he hadn’t known many of their names. He couldn’t identify with the deceased; examining them, he found himself unaware of who it was that had died and who of the litters still breathed. He had been so captivated by the scene unraveling before him, the brawl between creatures far too young to be murderers, that he hadn’t noticed his fellow Beta take action until her words pierced the air. If she aimed to bring a stop to this, to save her offspring from their untimely fate, then it was her who would be stopped - she was a good mother, she had proven that just now, but her nobility would be costly. Teren’s warning was still clear and fresh in the forefront of the Beta male’s mind: anyone who interfered would be directly attacked by the Alpha male himself. The last part of the thought appeared momentarily lost upon Irrationality, for through the corner of his eye he willed himself to peer at his leader, the slightest sign that he was prepared for orders - watchful, should they be issued. If it was requested of him, he wouldn’t hesitate to attack her.

He had never been a violent wolf, but he had always held an uncanny capacity for loyalty inside of him. He was obedient thorough and thorough, had very well devoted each intake of breath into his lungs to his sovereign, and because of that, he could never think to disagree with something that Teren believed necessary for Erenyx’s triumph. There was no place for the weakest of the young in Erenyx, and for that they would be eliminated by those among them that were stronger. It had been expected that a few mothers and fathers that were a touch more… attached would put up a fight, desperate to save their young, so Irrationality had prepared himself to turn against one of his own at so much as the flick of the Alpha male’s ear. He was at his superior’s beckon and call, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for him and, ultimately, his vision for Erenyx’s future. The young were dying, but that didn’t mean the old were exempt.
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PostSubject: Re: The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) The Time Has Come (Mandatory For All Pups/Parents) Icon_minitime

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