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Little Flowers [Percy/Open]

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Apprentice Kida
Apprentice Kida

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PostSubject: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2015, 23:20

Rolling in the grass, Kida could feel herself growing increasingly bored. So many times she had sen this are. She knew this place like the back of her paw. It was boring now. She had ran around each den ten times already, and all the plants that grew her were the same ones as always. All the dandelions had been ruined and the honeysuckles dried out. She wanted to see new plants and discover new things. If she could slip away from the pack clearing, she had heard a a field filled with flowers and herbs of all kinds. Her little mind could explore and discover new things finally. The small fae was quick to roll onto her belly. In order to keep out of sight, she decided to stay close to the ground. Using her front paws to pull her own body, her hind paws pushed her form across the forest floor. She could feel every branch and rock beneath her belly, rubbing against her. The feeling was kind of nice, much better than when she had to try and scratch herself. She was still at the point in life where she tried to scratch standing up, which resulted in her falling down often. This was much easier and way more fun. The little wolf scooted across the floor, making her way towards an unknown location.

When she finally broke free from the treeline, she looked out and saw what she was not looking for. This field was bare, for the most part. Around the edges were some bushes, but the middle was vast and huge. She could have sworn these lands were larger than the ones she had ever seen before. Eyes wide open, he maw slid open as well. She stared across the plain, looking left to right. At the right side of the area was a small flying creature. Kida could see it flying ad landing, then flying once more. Tilting her head to the side, she dashed after it. She ran so hard, she started to breathe heavily, panting as the small winged-creature fluttered on by. She pounced and missed, not having the strength in her legs to make such a leap. With an umph, dirt flew into the air and the butterfly disappeared. Not too shortly after the disappearing bug, something else caught her tiny eyes. A white jumpy thing was hopping a few feet from her. Slowly getting up on her paws, her belly touched the floor. Her ears pinned to her head, and her tail ducked as well. Her butt wiggled as she watched it for a few moments. "Hey friend wait for me!" she yelled as she bounded off after the rabbit. The white rabbit lifted it's head and turned to see Kida running towards it. Immediately, it hopped away, running faster than the pup. But Kida still chased it through the middle of the grass. She panted as she exerted all her energy running after her new friend. "Don't go! I want to bring you home to meet my daddy!"
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Percy of Helidos
Percy of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2015, 00:04

Walking nonchalantly along the paw-beaten path, he approached carefully and quietly whilst treading passed several things to remind him of where he was, and how he'd get back to camp. The grey wolf knew his tendencies to get lost in such a vast world, and unfortunately had a poor talent in finding himself out of things as small as avoiding getting lost by his lonesome self. He was rather fortunate to of made it this far without dying, or coming close to a terrible state, for there was no real destination he had set in mind as a loner. There were trees, landmarks, and a plentiful amount of areas to what he could remember, but none signified his location other than where he stood or wherever he had been going. There was no destination, there was no certain, specific place he so wished to go, but only that it may be a home for him. Thankfully, he had found that place, and was glad to be able to have the opportunity in exploring its finest depths that evening when the sun was high above the trees. With no real duties as of lately, he gave this time to only himself to enjoy, relaxing in the very walls of the pack he had joined and flourished gradually among his peers. He had yet to actually earn a friend other than the Beta female here, hopefully that would change soon enough, he thought to himself quietly as he neared light passed a few line of timber ahead of him.

Percy squinted slightly as the light got brighter the closer he came in distance of it, adjusting to the brightness slowly until being able to see that it was a wide open plain. Perhaps used for hunting, for the air was thick of fresh game out to play for the summer sunny day. His soft colored, blue tinted coat was no match for the heat, for he was content, whilst others he'd seen around the pack struggle with such an amount of dark coats wandering. Due to the season just having begun, the grass was rather high and green from the previous months, not as well kept or dried out yet to be as flat as promised. However, that did not stop the wolf one bit from breaking away from the shade to meet ends with the tall grasses against his arrayed fur. As Percy dove into the location, he lifted his gaze to observe the wildlife that accompanied him, seeing a buck's antlers stand tall and mighty while sharing a portion of the field with his doe. The healer chose not to disrupt the pair, but to keep watching them as far as he could without causing a nuisance to their time well spent among another. Despite the difference in species, it made him internally lonely to see such others be able to strive with the idea of love on their shoulders so easily. He sighed and kept moving, keeping his nose straight the further he walked into the land and further into the open. Before he could do much else, the ground beneath him vibrated to indicate another was close, and moving quickly towards him. Flickering his ears forwards, his eyes could not catch but only a white flash of color race beneath him, making him react in shock, "What the-..?" Percy yelled, causing some birds nearby to fly up and squawk in their escape from the disrupted brute. As he looked beneath him, it had seemed the rabbit was long gone, but what had been chasing it? He wondered, looking up in front of him carefully.
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Apprentice Kida
Apprentice Kida

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2015, 21:59

Far behind the white rabbit, little Kida forced her body to the fastest speed she could handle. But during this time, she found herself with tunnel vision. She could no longer use her peripherals as she raced to catch her new best friend. The litle guy was so fast, she could barely keep up. Eventually he was lost, but she kept on straight anyways, right into a large form. As she collided with the mass, she fell onto her rump. Her tail tucked beneath her and her ears pressed tight against her scalp. She closed her eyes as she tried to recall what had just happened. Shaking her head gently from side to side, she opened her eyes to see the figure she had ran into. It was a wolf. Immediately, her jaw dropped and she scooted her form away from him, giving the larger wolf enough space. "Oh my fox..." she whispered as she stared to the wolf before her. She could have sworn she felt a few droplets of pee land on her tail, but she wasn't quite sure. The little pup stared in amazement. Was he going to eat her? Was he going to punish her? Best thing to do would be to let the other creature know she was a somewhat intelligent life form, even if she had just ran full bore into this brute. "H...hh....iiii.... I'm.... ummm.... my name...... it's Kida..." She finally was able to choke the words from her maw. Her eyes never took away from him, even as she crumbled to an even smaller size. She did anything she could to be the least amount of threat for him, and to look the least appetizing.
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Percy of Helidos
Percy of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2015, 21:03

Like he had expected, the sound of quick paws charged towards him, which abruptly ended in bumping into him. If he hadn't of been paying attention, he may of fallen forwards due to the pressue put on his front legs, but instead he remained still and observant of the creature whom bumped him. He peered to the pup with a rather concerned gaze, his eyes protraying curiosity while a stingy brow arched above one of his pale hues out of annoyance. Her submissive reaction made his nose wrinkle before he politely backed up a bit for her to no longer be hidden in his shadow. The wolf narrowed his eyes at her, as if wondering why she had not been looking where she had been going in the first place, until he reminded himself she was young and foolish. It had been so long since he had dealt with someone of such a youth, he had forgotten what it was like to be young and dumb sometimes. However, at least he knew what was in front of him when he ran places, he thought before nodding his head once, "Evening." said Percy. Collecting himself from making a disgusted noise from the scent of urine wafting before him from the useless child, he forced a hinted smile, "-Percy." He said once she had taken her time in saying her own name and hellos. The healer was certainly not impressed. "What're you doing?" His voice was stern, a bit irritated, but smooth as he asked her, as if ordering her to for he intended to reach an answer.
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Apprentice Kida
Apprentice Kida

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2015, 21:31

The large wolf almost seemed to be waiting for her to collide with him. It was rather intimidating, even when he stepped away from her. "Umm..." she gulped as she swallowed the large wad of saliva down her throat. She stared up to him with wide harvest hues. She could hardly believe she had pissed on her own self. This had to be a wolf in her pack, because how else could he be here? She gazed upon him, trying to force the words out. "I was... umm... trying to get my new friend to come home with me. I wanted him to meet my daddy, my mommy, and my brothers. I have a couple friends he could ave met too, and then he would have been able to sleep over in our den. And we would do all the cool stuff together... And since he's a grass-eater, he could probably tell me all the secrets of grass. Other plants too, but mostly other grass. But what had happened first was I got lost. I was going to this huge field that has all these flowers, herbs, and things growing in it to collect for my... umm... collection. When I get big, I want to be a wolf who fixes all the broken wolves. I will have remedies and cures to every single thing and then I will be able to close my eyes, sniff something and tell you exactly what it does. I think it would be so cool to be able to do that.." Kida didn't even realize she had been rambling, not until she felt completely out of breath. But during her little speech, she found herself relaxing fully. She was calm and at peace. "Don't you think that would be cool, Mister Percy?"
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2015, 03:32

The Elite had more recently allowed her young some freedom of their own. The freedom to wander the pack lands - provided they stuck together as siblings should, were with the Alphess' litter or were escorted by a trusted adult member of the pack. She knew they wanted more - children always wanted more than they had - but she just wasn't sure they were ready for the Neutral Lands yet. There was so much out there that could kill them - heck, there were plenty of dangers even here in the pack borders. She was afraid to loose them. Loosing a sibling had been a brutal stepping stone in her life, she couldn't imagine how her parents must have felt, having lost two children. She'd been through far too much to simply trust fate or destiny or the chance of the wilderness. She wanted nothing more than to protect her children from the evils of the world. Especially her little daughter. Her sons she adored and trusted the somewhat more than her daughter, she raised them to be better than the brutes she'd met on her travels as an adolescent. She refused to let her daughter suffer the same fate she had. It would break her heart to see her own lovely child broken like that.

The mother had worked extremely hard to pull her body back into place over the spring. She'd trained daily, running mile after mile like a bat out of hell, every step taking her further away from the pudgy body that was the side effect of pregnancy. She owed it to her Alphess to be in peak condition to protect their borders from their enemies. Some days she ran all around the borders in a daring challenge. Some days she ran as far out at Brimstone grove, weaving about the trees. Today she jogged to the grazing plains, in search of a kill to bring to the kill pile. Perhaps not a deer - it would be foolish of her to think she could take one down alone - but possibly a hare or two. But she spied the pair. A bunch and his chosen doe, in the middle of courting. The face stopped a moment to consider them. It had been almost two years since Drogo had been lost to her, and almost a year and a half since his return. She still woke with fear that it had all been a dream of madness. But the Bucks antlers were sublime, they might make a nice adornment to their den. Or perhaps a nice little something for the pups to gnaw on on those days their growing bones caused an ache. Yes, a treat would be nice for them.

She dropped into a crouch, surveying the area, the males health. He seemed extremely virile, this would be tough. Although perhaps she could run him into the trees and break his antlers off on a low-hanging branch. She wanted that prize. Her tail twitched in anticipation, a smirk rising on her lips. Paws outstretched, two bounds forward before a she stopped short. She came upon her sweetling daughter discussing a new friend she'd made and her dreams of becoming a healer. Nnlya stopped short, forgetting about her idea of a gift for her children, wishing to spend time with her daughter. She stood straight and proud as she approached. "My darling daughter, how humble your dreams. You are truly a gem." She looked upon the other male for the first time, nodding politely. "Elite Nnlya. And you are?"
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Percy of Helidos
Percy of Helidos

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2015, 20:10

- Sorry these are short guys, I'm doing them on mobile. :c

With pale silvery blue eyes, the grey wolf's gaze softened as the little one spoke so passionately, recovering quickly as the male had made it known he did not apply to these submissive mannerisms, neither in pups, nor elders. A part of him grew weakened and warm through the sheer thought of seeing a bit of his own flesh and blood connect with the smaller wolf's words - the purest feeling of his sister shining in the compassion and potential she had beneath such a soft exterior. Surely, this could all change with the right about of teachings, for he no longer was irritated with the fae, and instead grew a mild interest in taking her as an apprentice, if she so wished. Though, at the rate with Helidos' number of only one healer such as he, he expected himself to be her teacher anyways, if not her parents would have some clue in a bit of healing as a substitute until a healer has been officially earned. He didn't give much thought into commenting towards her ability to hunt, and the strange idea of keeping the prey as something to cherish as a living creature; but all wolves were different and had their own lights - he could only hope she grows used to the idea of eating rabbits someday instead of befriending them as pets. "A wolf who heals the broken is a wolf I am today." Percy said rather proudly as he gazed upon the pup until a wolf similar to her appeared casually to her aid. Instantly, he had a feeling this beautiful fae was the littlest one's mother, and so was clarified through only a word before he bowed his head lower than hers in greetings. Had he known the pup was of Elite descent, he would've respected her more, but quite honestly, there was no evidence to show whether he would or not after such a submissive display. "Healer Percy. Your daughter seems to take a liking into what I do best.." He had heard of her, though only a rank, and not much of whom she truly was; so far, Percy depicted her as a gentle person of words, and a strong warrior of a fair fight.
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Apprentice Kida
Apprentice Kida

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2015, 21:57

Kida was proud of her reply to the wolf standing before her. But even before he had the chance to speak, Nnlya appeared. "Mother!" she shouted as she shuffled her little paws to rest beside her mom. She licked the fur around Nnlya's shoulder in a loving and nurturing way. She had always been a daddy's girl and she would always be one, but she also loved her mother. She admired the way her mother was, so professional and brave. Kida even believed her mother to be the bravest fae in all of Helidos, even more so than Alphess Quinn. The smallest wolf looked up to her mother and spoke with a smile. "Mommy, this is my new friend, Mister Percy. He's really really big.. Like not as big as my daddy though, but still very big. We were just talking about what I want to do when I get really really big. And from what Mister Percy just said.... I think he does what I want to do..." It took a moment for the thought to hit her. Healer Percy. Percy was a healer. If she wanted to learn anything, she was going to need to learn it from him. "Mister Percy!" she shouted with excitement. "I mean Healer Percy, will you please please please please be my mentor. I want to be just like you, big and strong and healing all the wolves in the forest that need my help. I could even try to heal my new friend... who recently ran away. But I can get more of those.. I think I can.." She muttered to herself, growing deep in thought as she tried to think of the right words to say. "Do you know all the plants and grasses Mister Percy?"
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Elite Nnlya
Elite Nnlya

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PostSubject: Re: Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Little Flowers [Percy/Open] Icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2015, 20:58

(ooc - sorry it's crappy)

The Elite offered the male a kind smile. "We're always in need of good healers. And since we haven't had the pleasure of meeting before I'd like to welcome you to our pack." She chuckled, revelling in the affection her pup showed her. The mother lowered her head to nuzzle her sweet little daughter, pulling away with a lick to her cheek affectionately. Seeing her daughter so excited about her apprenticeship made her proud. It was a sign that Kida was meant to be a healer. But Nnlya would be convinced once her child had spent some time under her chosen master, had begun to learn the basics and could still come home to the den excited to be a Healer. That was the sign of ones true calling. When her daughter paused for breath, Nnlya popped in a few words. "Well dear, if it's what you really want to do, don't you think you should ask Mister Percy here if he'll teach you?" She looked up, smiling at the healer. "If he's not too busy that is." She was well aware of just how few healers they had. Her daughter's choice would be one they could rejoice in. Nnlya had always hoped that if she had a daughter she would follow in her footsteps and become a warrior. But they needed healers more than warriors. She wondered what the boys were up to and whether they'd made up their minds on what they wanted to do. She looked down at her daughter with a raised brow? "Who's your new friend?" She asked softly.
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