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PostSubject: Deadly Memories [Closed] Deadly Memories [Closed] Icon_minitimeAugust 8th 2015, 10:46

"Drake, where are you?" the male watched from the shadows as his friend looked around, a worried look on her face. Her green eyes luminous in the light of the moon. The stream behind her glistened in the night as she spun around looking for her friend. The brute looked to the sky and realized that he didn't have much time before the moons light would break through the tree's revealing Drake's hiding place. He started moving to another spot slowly, as he moved he kicked a branch over to where he once stood. He peered through the leaves of the bushes and watched as his friend spun around to face the direction of the branch. "This isn't funny Drake." she growled. This was his chance. Drake jumped out of the tree's right at her. She turned and without missing a beat ran around Drake landing a bite on his hind end. When Drake turned around he watched as his loving friend transformed in a large bear. Just like the one that ended her life. "What's going on?" Drake mumbled as he fell backwards baffled by the large creature. "You could have saved me and now I am dead! Now it is your turn." the bear spoke in the same voice as his friend as it lifted it's large paw to the sky. The claws flashed in the moonlight before everything went black.

Drake jumped up with his ears pinned against his head and his teeth bared. He spun around with an angered feeling that he could feel to his core. He calmed once he realized that nothing else was with him. The only scent in the den was the stale scent of a badger. Drake let himself relax before he stepped out of his den. He needed to run, and get that evil nightmare off of his mind. He noticed that the sun had just set a little while ago and he sighed with relief. That meant that it would be cooler then during the day. The male started jogging towards the border and soon passed over it into the neutral territories. Once he crossed the border Drake took off at full speed. His ears were lay back against his head and his eyes were set on what was in front of him. He felt free as he dodged tree's and felt the wind in his fur. Drake didn't slow down until he noticed a break in the tree's up ahead. The moon reflected off of the ground making it obvious that water was up ahead. Drake trotted that direction silently while listening to the sounds of the night. He could hear the distant hoot of an owl and the sounds of crickets were all around him.

The brute stopped in front of the lake, his dark gaze swept over the area. Once Drake established that no other wolves were here he stepped up to the water. He looked down at it and looked at his reflection for a second then drank some water. His mind was cleared as he sat down by the lake. He only focused on what was around him. He looked straight ahead and watched the life around him. Bats would fly over the water without a worry as other critters like raccoon, opossum or even mice scurried about behind him. His gaze slowly moved to the mountains off in the distance. They were way to far away to go to at the moment, so Drake just watched. It reminded him of his first pack. Memories of coming back to the pack crushed by rocks flashed through his mind as a dark grin danced across his maw. He was glad that happened to the idiotic pack. They never trained to know how to avoid rocks like that. But from the look of it, they could of dodged one rock but be crushed by the next. He looked away from the mountain and cleared his mind once again. He had to be alert in case he was attacked by a rogue or another wolf. He listened closely for any footsteps that could belong to a predator or another wolf. He heard nothing as he listened but didn't stop listening. He couldn't drop his guard or it could be deadly.

Last edited by Hunter Drake on August 18th 2015, 20:53; edited 1 time in total
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Captive Yuki
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Deadly Memories [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadly Memories [Closed] Deadly Memories [Closed] Icon_minitimeAugust 8th 2015, 21:15

The russet furred omega padded quietly through the underbrush of the neutral territory, the tranquil night air still and quiet save for the persistent chirping of crickets and the rustle her paws made as she walked across the fallen leaves and various other detritus littering the forest floor. She wasn't particularly tired; she had taken a nap earlier that afternoon, having exhausted herself from her various attempts to swim in the lake, and though she had tried copious times to fall into a proper slumber, she was currently gripped by an unusual bout of insomnia. She was restless, obviously, and she figured that if there was no use trying to sleep, she might as well take a walk. She wasn't certain why her paws had carried her here, however; she assumed it was likely a result of her frivolously wandering mind.

It was peaceful at night, quiet and calm, and she supposed she somewhat preferred it to sauntering about aimlessly during the day. There was barely a cloud in the star strewn sky, and the lack of cover did wonders in regards to alleviating some of the season's intolerable heat. The breeze was cool and the air was far less humid, and she was pleased on some level that the climate wasn't as annoyingly uncomfortable as it had been while the sun was out. That was about as far as her appreciation for the night went, however; she was simply grateful that it was quiet and cool and she could move about in relative solitude. She admired it for its practical application to her, that's all. She didn't really care for the supposed beauty of the midnight sky, or the comeliness of the forest in the dim light, or any other aesthetic her peers may have uselessly gushed over.

It was on this walk that she was somehow reminded of her sister, how Usagi used to beg for her to stay up with her and look for shooting stars, even though the rational likelihood of seeing one was slim to none. She recalled how they were often forced to sleep out in the open if they couldn't find any sufficient shelter before nightfall, because their brother and their peers had a habit of chasing them away any time they neared the den. Her sister had never minded though; even when Yuki's lips were drawn back in indignant snarls and she was muttering slews of curses beneath her breath, her sister always remained optimistic. "It's alright, really!" She'd insist as she hopped about in ecstatic positivity, the humiliation of being turned away from the den by the entire pack never once tainting her happy expression. "I like sleeping under the stars. It's comforting." She remembered her blabbering on for hours about the most ridiculous things; how she'd almost caught a mouse that morning, how pretty the pond looked when it was frozen over, how she planned on moving away from the pack someday and that Big Sister should go with her. A pang of agony sliced through her chest with the precision of a mountain lion's claw at the memory of her sibling's elated voice murmuring on and on until it faded off into a soft, inaudible mumble as she drifted into sleep. She would never hear her voice again, ever. And yet the memory that stuck out the most was the simple image of the two sleeping back to back, finding comfort and security in each other's warmth. They were all alone in the world, two sisters abandoned by their kin, stranded in the ever expanding emptiness of the reality that was their lives. Back then, they were alone together. Now she was just... Alone.

She huffed sharply as she violently forced her somber thoughts away, and she vehemently swallowed the jagged lump clogging her throat. Aimlessly reminiscing would never cure her pain. There was only one thing she was confident that would. Stop mourning, idiot. She reprimanded herself harshly as she pushed her way through a particularly dense patch of bracken, soon arriving unintentionally at the shore of the lake. You're just making things worse for yourself.

She halted a few feet away from the water then, her steel grey gaze widening slightly in surprise to see another figure seated there. His scent was enough to tell her that he was from Erenyx as well, though he wasn't necessarily familiar to her. She scoffed quietly in apathetic annoyance. Can't I ever just be by myself? For once? She was tempted to turn back around immediately and vanish back into the worthless complacency of the forest, but she knew the male had most likely already heard her approach. Not to mention the fact that she was actually quite parched, and on a slightly deeper level she was somewhat curious as to why anyone else would bother staying up this late. She narrowed her eyes in cautious examination as she observed the brute, her usually lax, indifferent demeanor subtly guarded as she padded astutely up to the lake's edge. "What do we have here? A pack mate of mine?" her bold voice was unnaturally loud compared to the relative quiet of the night, her tone carrying its usually easy, almost instinctive sarcasm. "The hell are you doing up so late? Fishing for a midnight snack?"
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Deadly Memories [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadly Memories [Closed] Deadly Memories [Closed] Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2015, 22:16

Drake liked the peacefulness of the night. It was way better then the day, with the constant chirps of happy birds and how no matter where you went there was a wolf. Drake didn't mind another coming around every once in awhile but constant run-ins with others just got annoying. Drake looked to the sky for a slight second and looked at each speck in the sky, scattered everywhere. He never put any thought into stars or anything like that. They were just there and that was that. Drake looked back to the other side of the lake. The sound of paw steps coming his direction was what he now focused on. He already knew it wasn't prey by the sound of it, he inhaled the scent and quit focusing on it. It was another wolf from Erenyx, he did't acknowledge the presence of the wolf until she spoke. Her voice was loud compared to the other noises of the night. He let a small chuckle escape from his maw before he spoke, "Does it look like I am fishing?" he shifted the way he sat slightly and looked into the lake. "But no. If you must know, I am out here because I went for a run and enjoy how cool it is at night. I would ask you the same thing, but I do not care." After he spoke he decided to look at who he now was speaking with. She was a new wolf to him, one he has not met yet. Her fur was a mix of a few different colors and her eyes were a dull grey. She looked like she was at the same height as him yet she was not the same size completely. He shrugged and looked back into the night deciding that she would be no problem for him. "I am Drake by the way. Who are you?" he didn't bother saying his rank, at this moment it didn't really matter.

Drake started thinking once again, while listening for anything that the female might say. His thoughts wandered to everything around him. Some wolves would think how everything worked and how the tree grows and the colors of the rainbow are all beautiful and amazing but Drake just saw it as life. The thing he found most beauty in was the crimon blood of a successful kill. Drake enjoyed hunting and with all of the practice in his past he was great at it. His thoughts started drifting to the pack and the alpha. Someday he would make it his priority to meet the Alpha of this pack. He wanted to learn something valuable that the great king himself would be interested in and get on his good side, if there was one. Drake wondered what rank this female held even though it didn't really matter right now. He remembered how Naomi had told him that it was not easy for females in this pack, that they were thought to be physically weaker. Drake had taken note of everything the fae had told him. He needed to learn what others thoughts on Teren were and he needed to learn about everything he needed to do to make it in this pack. Although one thing he knew was that he would not be disobeying his leader or anything like that. He was loyal to one main wolf and that was the wolf in charge. Whether the others thought that was foolish, he didn't care. He had lived his life ready to kill at the command of the Alpha's of his past packs, and that hasn't killed him so he will continue to go by what he believed in.

[You get to see a little bit of the sassy side of Drakey but later on when I really get into his character (not in this thread) he will get worse and he will show his actual mean side]
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Captive Yuki
Captive Yuki

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Deadly Memories [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadly Memories [Closed] Deadly Memories [Closed] Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2015, 16:27

The russet furred she-wolf narrowed her eyes slightly at his explanation, and she scoffed at his proclamation of indifference to her own motives. "Aw, come on, that hurts my feelings." She sneered, her exaggeratedly lilting voice dripping with a venomous sarcasm. She hadn't expected him to care, and she didn't intend to share her reasons with anyone anyways. It wasn't some significantly dark secret, but she didn't want to divulge what had happened to her sister to anyone. She didn't want to talk about the gnawing source of her insomnia, the relentless memories of the sibling she loved and her almost destructive desire to slaughter the wolf who had killed her. There would never be a day that she didn't think about it, but she could never speak of it, not ever.

She padded forward slowly then until she reached the lake's edge, and she dipped her head down to lap up a few mouthfuls, the deluge of cold water a refreshing change to what she was often forced to drink from in Erenyx. She lifted her head slightly when he spoke again, introducing himself as Drake and asking for her name. "Yuki." She responded simply as she leisurely took a seat, her expression lax. She crunched in slightly on her right side to reach an itch behind her ear with her back leg before settling back into her relaxed position, her posture slouched with an almost aggravating exhaustion. "As nice as it is out here, most wolves, you know, sleep at night." She stated bluntly, her steel grey focus drifting out over the calm placidity of the lake's surface. "Don't you have some sort of useless responsibility to perform tomorrow? I doubt your superiors would be very happy to have a sluggish, half-awake wolf on their paws."

She couldn't really say the same for herself. She had no specified duties to perform, and as far as she knew, she was the only omega currently residing within the pack. He had offered no rank with his name, but there was certainly something he was expected to do during the day. She turned her snout to observe him then, her sharp grey gaze narrowed with analytical thought in spite of her aloof expression. His coat was mostly black on top, though there were several other colors like tan and cream mixed in. He seemed to match her in height, but his build was heavier than her relatively lithe figure. Ultimately he was merely average looking; it was difficult to assign a rank to him based on his appearance alone, though, it wasn't difficult to tell that he was not an authority figure. There was no way he would have greeted her so simply if he had belonged to that frivolously pompous group, no, he would have whined about how she had not tucked her tail between her legs and exposed her belly and snarled about how she should have known to show respect even though she had no idea who he was. She snorted inwardly at the thought, easily recalling her former encounters with the deltas Caspian and Braelyn. Rank is such a stupid concept.
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Deadly Memories [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadly Memories [Closed] Deadly Memories [Closed] Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2015, 10:25

Yuki, you are in violation of one of our rules. You may have multiple threads with a character, BUT they must not be in the same place, unless one is a MANDATORY thread. Please have your character leave at once. Posts made in this thread will not count towards your Activity Check.

From the rules:
Here on Age Of The Wolves we play with Liquid Time. Your wolf or wolves are allowed to be in FOUR threads at once. The only rule to this, however, is that they cannot be in the same place for two threads. Liquid time means that you can have multiple threads, with your wolf in multiple places. Be caught in violation of the rule and a thread may be deleted.
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Captive Yuki

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Deadly Memories [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadly Memories [Closed] Deadly Memories [Closed] Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2015, 11:31

(I'm sorry; I wasn't aware. I'm moving her out)
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