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Extending My Footsteps [Open]

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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2016, 23:01


~Chassity stood by the shore. Her body was tense and the wolf's magnificent blue eyes met the water. She had been accepted into the Pyrvanthros pack not to long ago, but she wasn't at ease. Though she no longer had to take a brutal journey south, she couldn't help but wonder what her new pack might think of her if she had to describe herself. Up to now, she still didn't know herself fully. Her past did shape her into the wolf she was now: emotionless. During her puppyhood, she barely felt apart of the family. Her father never gave her attention and her two step-sisters were intolerable. Despite Vanice's effort to make her feel welcome, she knew deep down in her heart that it was impossible to create a connection that wasn't ever there in the first place. During her promotion ceremony, it was revealed at Vanice wasn't her mother, which wasn't a surprise. The fact that they lied to her so long is what impacted her the most. Years later, she was forced to kill her father in order to save her life. A wolf that kills her blood without a feeling is indeed heartless. That was what she always used to hearing at the Barbain Tribe.

The warrior had no clue of the wolves she joined with. The only wolf she'd spoken to was Killian, but even that wasn't enough for her to judge. In order to feel comfortable in staying in the pack, she had to communicate to someone else. She would usually keep conversations short and straight-forward. With the new pack, that would have to change. Chassity had already dealt with a rough tribe--that was not going to happen again. It was wise to get to know the pack first to avoid terrible mistakes. Behind her, she heard cracking noise. The she wolf swung her body around towards the sound, now alert of someone's presence.~

~Warrior Chassity~
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Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 10:59

The White Knight

"Speech" + 'Thoughts' + Actions

Zephyr stood up and stretched, after a relaxing nap in the sun. His amber orbs searching the land around him. He was glad that it was finally Spring. Hunting would be much more easier and he would be much warmer. This was his favorite time of the year, the land was beautiful, pups are born and prey was returning. Zephyr decided that he would start the Spring off with a visit to a new land that he had never visited yet. So he headed for a place he had heard of, called Seafoam Shore. His large form moved through the lands as he remembered where he heard that it was. And soon enough he could see the light at the end of the forest and the scent of salt started to fill the air. He slowed down a bit as he got closer to the land. The crashing of waves against the shore sounded calming as he arrived in the new place. And right in front of him, a female from Pyrvanthros. She turned, alert of his presence and Zephyr spoke softly so she knew that he was not a threat. "Hello Miss, I don't believe I have seen you around camp before. I am Zephyr, appointed Lead Hunter of this pack. Who may you be?" He looked over this newer female, she had mainly gray fur with darker points and some brown throughout it. She seemed to be strong, but not too bulky and she had piercing blue eyes. She was a bit large for most females but not close to how large Zephyr was. Even with his new rank and his large size though, Zephyr did not try to make himself seem better then her. He knew he was a larger rank now although he still gave the respect to others, like they deserved. He looked down at her and smiled politely.  

Table by Sieglinde; image credit to this person

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PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 12:04


~It took a while for the warrior to respond. She was examining his looks and his body language. The lead hunter was the largest wolf she had ever seen. Though despite his size, she could tell that he wasn't aggressive--at least at the moment. Chassity approached the higher ranking wolf and faced him without looking directly into his eyes. "My name is Chassity," she wolf said. "I'm new here. I've been accepted by Killian not too long ago. Nice to meet you, Zephyr." The gray wolf looked to the side as if she had forgotten to cover something else. Name, acknowledgement, and... Her eyes narrowed a little bit, but widened quickly when she finally remembered. "I'm a warrior here." The she wolf dipped her head to him with respect.~

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity' Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 12:24

The White Knight

"Speech" + 'Thoughts' + Actions

Zephyr nodded to the female as she introduced herself. At first he hadn't noticed it, but he realized that she was avoiding looking him in the eyes and she dipped her head to him. He sighed, 'I guess I will have to get used to that' he thought before he spoke, "You don't need to use those formalities with me, Warrior Chassity." his words were kind and respectful. Although one thing she had mentioned caught his attention. 'Hmm, I have never heard of a Hunter accepting wolves at the border, the Alphess and Alpha must have been busy' he smiled and wondered if this wolf would be willing to be friends. So far she seemed a bit distant. Although she had mentioned all she could about her place in the pack, he wondered more about her. He didn't want to question her too much and seem really intrusive, although he would ask more after she would speak more. After he got to learn more about her by how she responded to his informality.

Table by Sieglinde; image credit to this person

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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 12:47


~Chassity tilted her head in surprise. She haven't ever heard of a wolf who was lenient on formalities. Never. For a moment she wondered why. "Interesting," she let out a dry chuckle. "Ripping others to shred wouldn't be a problem for any high ranking wolf in the Barbain tribe. Those wolves were going to demand the showing of respect one way or the other. That is one of the reasons why I left. I knew a wouldn't feel safe in a viscous tribe for long." The large warrior growled lowly at the end of her sentence. "There were literally high ranking duels every day because everyone wanted respect and no subordinates were getting that. I was a lead warrior and soon a guardian. I tried my best to treat my tribe mate as if they were equals, but that never stopped the fighting I had gone through. Good thing I had such a great, devoted mentor to teach me what I needed most at the time. But I can bet my tail that if I died somewhere, nobody would care about my well-being. It's all about rank and fighting in my old tribe." Warrior Chassity paused for a moment to recoup her thoughts. She did leave some parts in purpose. For instance, how she became guardian and more of the reason she left. However, nobody need to know that yet. The wolf looked over at Zephyr. "I think it will be different here. I have a feeling that I will enjoy my stay."  

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 13:27

[sorry this is mobile so no table]

Zephyr looked to the female in wonder as she spoke about her old tribe. "Well Miss, I am quite new to being a higher rank. It is different for me to have wolves think of me as a Lead Hunter, when I once was a Hunter or a Loner and I am still just like any other pack member." he explained. This old pack she spoke of seemed strict, and a bit scary. Something he imagined Erenyx to be like. "Oh yes, you should love it here, Pyrvanthros is all about respect towards all members and all members being equal. The Alpha's are working to train all wolves to be well-rounded. Nothing like what you just described there. In fact, earning ranks here isn't about fighting and overpowering another. I earned mine in a training session, where I must have impressed the Alpha and Alphess with my hunting." he paused and thought back at his words. He felt like he made it seem like Pyrvanthros wolves didn't demand respect. "Oh! But not all wolves will be like me, it is only my wish, to not be treated that way. Although some of our other high ranks might want the respect." He paused and wondered more about this Barbain Tribe. She had mentioned that she was once a Lead Warrior and a Guardian. Yet she didn't mention how she gained either of these ranks. And she didn't tell him to actual reason she left the Tribe. Although he could just assume she gained her ranks from dueling like the others did and that she left because she got sick of the constant fighting.

He put those thoughts aside though as he decided he would inform her of the other packs. "From your description of that pack though, I can warn you of Erenyx. The Eastern pack, they are ruthless and evil. Ruled by the massive demon, Alpha Teren, I just felt I should warn you of them. Since what I heard of them was all bad and I feel like it would be much like your past pack and I would advise you avoid those wolves. Although there is also Agavos and Helidos. They don't seem to be to big of threats though. Agavos is the northern pack and they seem to be very neutral. As for Helidos, they are the Western pack and they are the nicest pack." He stopped and allowed her a chance to respond or take in that information. He wasn't sure if anybody had mentioned the other packs to her. But if they did, he had just repeated it and given her a little insight on them all. He looked to her and tried to read any body language and what her reaction was to the mentioning of the packs. He lowered his hind end to the ground, sitting down and getting more comfortable. "Although if you do run into an Erenyx wolf, I have no doubt that you will be able to handle it, you seem like a strong wolf."
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 15:29


~Chassity simply nodded her head when he defended himself about his rank. "Congratulations, Zephyr. I definitely see you more as a hunter rather than a fighter..." Or a pup caretaker,she thought to herself in case he would get offended. "And please don't call me 'miss'. I know that I'm female," a little smile appeared on her face. "Such words make me feel too feminine. You can call me Chass." She paused and listened to him as he spoke of their pack. The things he mentioned were very good to know. At least she knew that the Pyrvanthros had control. Then he went again about his rank and she nodded in understanding. "So it may just be you," she joked. "But thanks for telling me, I will certainly take that into consideration." Like always, she responded in her head. The wolf sat down and relaxed. That was the most relaxation she received in a long time. Her ears twitched and she shifted her attention back to the lead hunter. Speaking about packs were always interesting to her. She got a sense of how to handle herself with them. The Erenyx pack was so similar to her pack. Such packs like that should be gone. The Agavos was neutral--that she didn't mind. But hopefully, the pack's attitude doesn't go up to the Erenyx's pack scale. And then there were the Helidos--the nicest. The warrior heard the lead hunter's compliment and her smile grew wider. She was liking his presence. "They will actually think before messing with me, right? Thank you, by the way." Her mind went back to Zephyr's description of the packs. "How would you brand this pack? Erenyx is the cruelest and Helidos is the nicest. Agavos is neutral..."

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2016, 21:21

The White Knight

"Speech" + 'Thoughts' + Actions

Zephyr nodded his thanks as she congratulated him. And when she asked for him not to call her Miss he chuckled, "Well, I must apologize for that then. It will be a difficult habit to break, but I will try not to call you that. Chass is pretty, I can settle with that." he spoke with a playful smile. Then when she spoke about Erenyx at least thinking before messing with her he frowned. "Not to worry you, Chass, but they don't care who you are or how strong you look, they like to mess with all wolves. I heard the Alpha thinks females are only for producing pups, but what I meant was that you looked like you could defend yourself from those beast." He thought about her next question, carefully. They weren't mean, yet Pyrvanthros wasn't all rainbows and butterflies either. Then he thought of the perfect answer, "We are not like any of the other packs, we aren't cruel, overly happy and nice, or completely neutral. We are bound on mutual respect and equality. We are our own unique pack, that is what I love about this place." Zephyr hoped that she wasn't upset that he had said that they would probably still mess with her. But it was the truth and he didn't want her to not be ready in case she ran into a really bad Erenyx wolf. Unlike the one he had met, who seemed all to hopeful for the pack. The worst wolf he had met in this land was a brute-like fae who seemed to be quite scary to him. Something about her just rubbed him the wrong way. But at least he knew to be careful of the wolves he met, no matter the pack they came from.    

Table by Sieglinde; image credit to this person

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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 6th 2016, 09:57


~Chassity gave the wolf a nod of understanding. "I can tell. From the way you socialize with me, I can tell you're a 'gentlewolf' (gentleman, but in wolf terms). Just remember, Chass is the only nickname I go by." She gave him one of her playful "you better" looks. At least now he knew what to call her. Her smile went to a straight line when Zephyr told her about how cruel the Erenyx was. But what really made her mad was how the Alpha thought about she wolves. Chassity jumped to her paws. "Well that alpha is certainly wrong. Just because of how our bodies are made differently, that doesn't mean we are not strong. Females are powerful creatures. Males may be physical strong, but we are emotionally strong. It's the mind they say that's powerful. I think wolves should be judged by their character. And from the looks of it, it's what the Erenyx lack indeed. Character. I don't see how that pack manage to exist like that. But for  the wolves in his pack who don't agree with him especially the high ranking ones, I can see trouble long term." She kept it as that. It was cut to the point, but it was meaningful. Chassity gave him a little smile to show that her anger wasn't pointed at him. "Well, that's a good thing. This pack is very unique."~

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 6th 2016, 17:19

He smiled as Chassity called him a gentlewolf and gave him a playful look, like she was telling him 'you better'. Although he looked at her surprised when she jumped to her paws and spoke her mind over how she felt about Erenyx. He completely agreed with her. That pack was a disaster in the making and if they didn't get a new leader soon with a different perspective on life they probably wouldn't last much longer. They were making enemies with each of the packs and if they weren't careful Zephyr saw that it was perfectly possible for a three on one war. But that wasn't his business. That was for the Alpha's to decide, and if it happened then Zephyr would have no trouble with fighting in the war on the side of his pack. He was loyal to his pack and he had no problem following the orders of his leaders. Zephyr looked at Chassity and smiled back to her. He understood that she wasn't mad at him and that she was directing her anger towards Erenyx. And even though she had stood out of anger, he continued to sit there. Facing her and the water, it was a beautiful day and he was glad that he had met another wolf. Especially since he wanted to get to know the rest of the pack, but most of all, the Hunters. It was his job to know the Hunters and to help train them. And if any pups came this season that wished to train and become a Hunter, he would have no problem training them in hunting. He wanted to many friends, but now it was his duty to know more then just friends. But that didn't matter right now, right now he wanted to get to know Chassity. "So, if you don't mind me asking you, how did you find Pyrvanthros? Was there anything that led you to these lands?" he asked. Cautious to not be too nosey but leaving the question open for an answer that could be as simple as she was just traveling in search for a home, or leading all the way back to her Tribe that she spoke of before. But it was fully up to her whether she wanted to tell him what happened at her Tribe. He had no problem sharing what happened with him, although he hoped that if he had to, she wouldn't be afraid of him.
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2016, 19:35

~Chassity sat by Zephyr and faced the ocean in front of her. It was more relaxing to watch the water currents and listen to the birds singing in joy. Her deep blue gaze went to the side as she thought about his question. "Honestly, I used the sun and stars to find my way. The sun sets west, while it rises in the east. I knew for a fact that there were harsher climates west of the tribe's territory. So whenever the sun rises, I follow it until it sets. Then I rely on the south star until it's time for me to rest," the warrior's focus went back to the ocean. She remembered her journey vividly. Not all memories were liked however. "What about you? Do you still remember?"

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2016, 20:01

The White Knight

"Speech" + 'Thoughts' + Actions

He listened as she spoke about how she found her way to Pyrvanthros using the sun. He smiled and nodded as she spoke, then she asked him. She didn't really explain much of why she left her pack so he decided she wouldn't need to know much of the details of his past. "Well it is kind of a long story, so I will make it shorter. I needed a new start from my old pack, I was about to be forced to be Alpha by my father and my family was slowly dying around me. Although I couldn't just leave without leaving my pack with a future. So I helped them all out. It wasn't the way I wanted, but after that I left them with hope and greatness. So after plenty of travel, just following my paws and making friends as I went. I found Pyrvanthros, it was my new start." He told the truth, jumping around a few parts he wished not to share. Like how he had left his pack with a future and how he helped them altogether. The way he rid of the tyrant called his father. He was glad he got a bit of that off his back although he could have said plenty more. If she asked for more, then he would be fine with sharing but he preferred not. So as they looked out at the ocean he smiled, "It's such a beautiful view isn't it?" he spoke softly as the cool wind blew through his fur. He hoped to strike up another conversation with this simple statement. His amber-honey eyes watching the waves roll and gentle lap the land. He wasn't kidding when he said it was beautiful. It was nice to enjoy the simple things, without the worries of his past. That was all behind him and now he was in a happy place. Pyrvanthros was great and better then anywhere else he could imagine.

Table by Sieglinde; image credit to this person

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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 7th 2016, 20:20

~Chassity noticed that he gave her a reason of why he left his pack, and she couldn't help but wonder if he would want her to reciprocate. "I came here to start fresh as well," she said in a low tone. The warrior didn't feel comfortable telling Zephyr the main reason why she decided to leave besides her old tribe's savageness. There was much more to the story than running from a brutal tribe. She had her reasons for her actions, and she could care less about other's opinion. However, she didn't want to share something so deep to someone she had just met. Yes, they were having a good start, but who knows what would happen the next time they happen to meet again. Sharing things like that were reckless in her part. She didn't take the word "friend" likely. Her ears twitched when she heard his voice again. The lead hunter was right--the view was quite nice. Chassity even thought about jumping in the ocean. "I agree. The view is quite nice. I've never seen anything like this before. Not even this," she concluded and began to feel the sand with her paws. "I'm starting to like this place even more," a chuckle escaped her mouth.

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2016, 18:40

Zephyr nodded as she had admitted that she has come to Pyrvanthros for the same reason as him, for a fresh start. He figured everyone had, why else would they have left their homes. He smiled at Chassity as she agreed about the view and he couldn't help but do what he did next. He stood up and ran into the water, cooling his body right away, he looked back to Chassity with a smirk on his face. Honey eyes looking at the female, "Come on in, the water is fine." he spoke with a chuckle before splashing water at her with his paw. Playful as he turned and ran into the salty water. He was glad that she liked it there. That made him glad, if she liked it there then maybe they could be friends. Right now he acted as if he were friends with her, his pup side taking control. He wasn't the Lead Hunter, he was just Zephyr. Plain ol' Zephyr, the fun-loving male who made friends with all he can. He was the nice, large male with nothing but kindness and fun to share. He took his job seriously but his social life was important to him also. He moved through the water, looking over his shoulder to see if Chass was following or still sitting there. If she wasn't, then he would just go for a quick swim and cool down. If she was, then he would just smile and continue. The sun was nice against his back, but on the beach it was a bit to much and it felt better in the water.

[sorry, this is really sucky and rushed]
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2016, 20:33


~Chassity contemplated on whether she should join Zephyr or not. Being in water didn't feel the best to her. Having to cross rivers, the whole travel was grueling. When getting out of the water, she would feel heavy due to her thick coat. Looking over at her companion, she decided to join him. But I'm not going further than leg height, she thought. She gave him a playful stubborn look. "Oh, alright. Just one step," she said quietly. The wolf took a step forward, but quickly took it back when the coldness stung her paw. She shook it off and stared beyond the water. For a moment, she wondered how fish survive there. Taking another step, she closed her eyes and held it longer. The second step instantly felt better than the last time. Taking a deep breath, she jumped in and created a big splash. Instantly, she regretted it. Her body (from haunches and below) were cold. Not wanting to move despite the feeling, she stood there and closed her eyes tightly.~

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 15:41

Zephyr turned and watched as Chassity started moving into the water, whispering something to herself. She seemed to be a bit cautious about it and he didn’t know why. He watched carefully to make sure that she made it in safe, he didn’t want her to get pulled into the ocean or worse. But as he stood there in the water he felt the cold creeping up and he could tell that she could too since she completely froze standing with the water just touching her stomach. Oh no! Zephyr quickly ran through the water and slowed down right before getting to her so that he didn’t splash her. “I’m so sorry Chass, you didn’t have to come in if you didn’t feel comfortable with it, I just thought it would be fun...” His voice was laced with worry as he went to usher her out of the water, “Let’s get you out of here,” Calm yet filled with worry for the fae, did she have a flashback when hitting the water? Or maybe she simply did not enjoy the water. If she had a fear of water then he would feel even more upset with himself, why would he ask a fae to go somewhere that she is scared unless he is training her to get over a fear. That is just rude of him. Luckily the wind outside of the water wasn’t too harsh or else getting out of the water would be even colder. Instead the sun was still shining, giving them a little more warmth then cold. He still felt guilty though, he shouldn’t have had her join him. If she was angry with him then he would understand, although he really hoped she wasn’t.
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 19:42


~Chassity had gotten used to the water rather quickly--much quicker than she expected. Her blue eyes opened slowly and she took a breath. Looking down at her now funny looking paws, she decided to have fun with the water. Now that Zephyr wanted to anyways. She wasn't going to spoil his fun because of her reaction to the water. They were already in and they might was well enjoy it. The warrior jumped a little in surprise when he tried to usher her out of the water. She was about to scold him until she realized that he was a gentlewolf and he rather cared about other's feelings...maybe too much. Trying to change him wouldn't be fair. Instead, she didn't try to budge and she chuckled. "No worries, Zephyr. I'm fine actually. It is not as bad as I thought it would be. It's a little cold yes, but the currents aren't violent. We might as well enjoy it when we can," the gray she wolf splashed water at him with her tail. Carefully, she avoided aiming at his eyes. The warrior then circled around the lead hunter with a bit of mischief in her smile, but her eyes remained stone cold. ~

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 5th 2016, 18:49

The brute calmed when she said that she was fine. At least she wasn't mad at him, "Well, as long as you are okay." his words were genuine as he chuckled and splashed a bit at her, in return to her splashing him, then quickly tried to get away from her so that she would not splash him back. It was a small, yet enjoyable game of tag. His fur was now soaked from splashing around in the water. The water no longer felt cold to him, actually it felt a bit warm, after getting used to it. And it wasn't harsh at all, it was actually calming. The salt was a bit buggy to him, but he could deal with it, he was having a whole lot of fun. The sound of sea gulls above him distracted him for a moment. He paused and looked above him, his tail wagging, splashing water slightly in both directions. He wondered what it was like to fly, to be able to actually touch the sky. But what if wolves could fly? That would be quite strange to see, a wolf with wings... He smiled at the strangeness of this thought and then remembered Chassity and quickly looked around to find her.

[This is really short and late, I didn't realize that you replied sorry]
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Extending My Footsteps [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extending My Footsteps [Open] Extending My Footsteps [Open] Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2016, 17:12

It's okay. ^^


~Chassity continued to playfully splash him until he moved beyond her reach. She didn't bother to give chase because she had something else in her mind. Looking into the water, she began to spin until she made a spiral in the liquid. Next, she reared on her hind legs and went back in the water head first. The warrior gave the lead hunter a side glance to check on him before going deeper. The gray she wolf stopped when she no longer could feel the ground underneath her paws. Her little fear of water was quickly disappearing. It was being replaced by a hunger for traveling deeper. However, she thought of her desire as one that was very foolish. The wolf was no experienced swimmer. The waves were rougher as the depth of the water increased. Traveling far would put her life at risk. Probably even Zephyr's. Would it be worth it? No, Chassity answered in her mind. The warrior padded her feet and swam back over to the male wolf, who seemed to be watching the birds. "Interesting creatures, aren't they?" She said and sat down in the water now that she was able to feel the sand under her paws. ~

~Warrior Chassity~
Action Think Words

| Chassity's Bio |

Made by @Arrelys
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