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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory}

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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2015, 11:40

[OOC: I thought I'd just start it, because you disappeared from chat right before I logged on XD. If there's anything you want me to fix, lemme know ^.- ]

Shivering with excitement, Paislee parted from the meeting to travel to the mountain to meet up with her partner... Zephyr was it? Such an odd name, yet at the meeting he seemed to be an okay wolf at the meeting. Perhaps she could befriend the hunter? Either way, she was excited to simply show off her skills to the watching leaders. Chiara had mentioned possible promotions, and she was eager to begin the training. Thoughts swirled in her head as she traveled through the territories to the valley mentioned by the Alphess. Would she be good enough to be considered for a promotion? Being a high rank was all she ever wanted... and possibly having another family of her own someday. She warred with herself, trying to decide if she was ready to get over her late lover and begin with somebody new... if she could find somebody. Perhaps she could create a sibling like bond with Zephyr and possibly mentor him a bit if he wanted to learn some more of her skills. She could certainly use more hunting tricks for when she was searching for simple meals to eat.

As she entered the valley finally, she began climbing to where Zephyr would surely see her if he came out of the trees somewhere. She sat down to wait for her partner, but she was patient, and was completely happy to meet somebody new for once.

[OOC: It's so tiny... o.e Once we pick it up though, they'll get better, I promise ]
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 6th 2015, 15:03

At the word of his Alphess, Zephyr and everybody else left and headed to the Timeless Valley. Many wolves went with their pair but Paislee left to quick for him to join her on the walk there. He walked alone until the tree's parted and he caught sight of the fae. She was a pretty grey fae with blue eyes. Like most wolves, she was smaller then him. She seemed to be waiting for him and he approached with a smile. "Sorry for the wait miss, you must be Paislee. What a lovely name for a lovely fae." He complimented her without lying. Zephyr turned and looked around getting down to business. It would prove to be a difficult task since it was winter and all wolves were here hunting. He turned back to Paislee and started his short lesson. "When huntingyou must be quick physically and mentally, light on your paws, and patient. It can prove to be difficult at times, especially since sometimes that small rabbit can be the last prey you see for months. Before you even can hunt, you need to know how to be careful and how to track. You don't want to scare the prey and you want to time your attack perfectly. Most or the times, especially in winter, there is no room for mistakes." he spoke carefully trying not to make it seem like she was a pup. He knew that she probably knew a lot of what he said yet he continued on with what he learned as an apprentice to the Lead Hunter. "Now take a deep breath, take in all of the scents around you-if you catch the scent of any prey, follow the scent. Keep in mind at all times, the wind will change and blow your scent different ways. You always want to have the scent of the prey blowing into your face. That guarantee's that it won't smell you. Just keep in mind all of my tips and you should do great." He finished and allowed her to speak and do as she pleased. He looked at her thoughtfully. He was excited that he finally could spread his knowledge and learn from the Warrior. His main goal in this pack wasn't to be the top of the pack, it was to help this pack to rise to greatness. He wanted a family, friends, and to live a life of peace and happiness. He had no plan to leave this pack or lead it to failure. All he wanted was a pack that can be his family and his safety.
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 20:34

[Sorry for the wait, I lost my post three times and I got frustrated XD]

When she finally saw her partner heading toward her, she grinned at him. She dipped her head in greeting, rising to her paws as she waited for him to reach her. Her gaze flickered over the other paired wolves and she felt a bit guilty that she hadn't waited for her own 'training buddy'. She ducked her head at his compliment, and she mumbled just barely loud enough for him to hear, "It's not that great. Zephyr is far more interesting." She glanced back up at him. She listened to his tips, even though she had known them most of her life. It was simply instinct to track and not frighten your prey, plus she had been taught personally by her mother, like every wolf should have been. She nodded at every piece of his information, trying not to look bored or impatient. "I think we should find some bigger prey, it might help get us noticed when we all gather back in the clearing. But, I  don't want it to look like we're trying to beat everybody else by going all out. Maybe a boar or something?" she offered. "It looks like mostly everybody else is sparring first. Let's hunt before we train in fighting, so that we'll get something good before it all gets picked off?"

She smiled at the hunter, excited to finally get started. She could easily see him as an ally or friend in the future. She turned, preparing to leave to go and find their prizes to bring back to the kill pile back at camp. She smiled playfully at the male. "You coming?"
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 21:06

[That's alright Pai-Bae xD I understand my post is short sorry]
Zephyr smirked when she suggested that they should hunt for boar. It wasn't to over the top and it wouldn't go to waste. Not to huge yet not to little. He looked around at the pair's around them. She was right, most of them started with sparring which meant they could get first pick of the prey if they were quick enough. He took in the scent and paw prints of the animals around him; rabbit, deer, raccoon. Then there it was, boar, he looked to her and allowed her the chance to find it. After all he was supposed to be "training" her and it wouldn't look good to give all of the answers to her. When she turned to him playfully and asked him if he was coming Zephyr jumped. He hadn't quite been paying attention yet he just smiled and bowed his head, "of course Miss Paislee," his voice was soft yet it had a joking tone to it. He then fell into step next to her, he would allow her to lead the hunt in getting two pieces of prey yet he would be her back-up. Ready to fix any possible mistakes or help with the kill if she is struggling. He doubted that she would make any mistakes though. And even though he knew healing, hunting and fighting he still was excited to spar with the fae. He would take every tip this lovely warrior had for him. He liked her a lot and hoped they would become good friends. Yet another thought popped into the back of his mind and he just pushed it away. He knew it was to crazy to even think about. He continued on with the fae in lead, he knew the pair would please the Alphess and Alpha.
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2015, 09:36

[I have muse, so I'm just gonna reply now XD Btw, I LOVE THE NAME PAI-BAE <3]

She lifted her nose to the air and she breathed in deeply. She picked up deer, rabbit, and the boar they were searching for. And was that raccoon somewhere far away? As she walked, she let her head dip slightly to find a trail. It would be perfect if they could bring down a small female deer, a medium or even large boar, and a plump rabbit. That wouldn't be too over the top, right? But it would certainly show skill, and it would most likely impress the others. She wasn't looking for attention, she was looking for friends who looked up to her. And if, possible, she would try to gain a higher rank. Oh how she would try to climb up from a mere warrior. She felt so... useless where she stood now. There were many warriors, many hunters, healers... but alas, one Delta, no Leads, Elites, Guardians, or Betas. She believed wholeheartedly that she could someday become a higher rank.

She finally found the trail of the boar. Perfect, the initial prize could be within her jaws in the near future. She began to follow the trail, still aware that Zephyr would be most likely following her. But she understood if he had branched off to get the task done quicker. Without checking, she began to trot along, her snout just a few inches off the snow covered earth. As she the scent began to become fresher and stronger, she knew she was on the right track. She picked up her head slightly, and she found herself on a hill, upwind to a small flat patch of land. Inside, she found a female boar and two of her offspring. She narrowed her eyes, dropping into a crouch. If Zephyr was still there behind her, she would've flicked her tail as a sign for him too to remain undetected. The warrior was close enough, that if she placed her movements just right, she could leap into the bowl shaped landform and be nearly on top of the boar. Hopefully, the babies would scatter, and she could take down the female, while perhaps Zephyr could take the babies if he so wanted to. Paislee had confidence that she could distract the female enough, if the male hunter so chose to take the younger prey. She glanced back at Zephyr. They had to think through this carefully, or else one, or both, of them could end up with a tusk in their pelt before they were finished here.
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 13th 2015, 12:33

[It's short but here you go ]
Zephyr followed her for awhile until she caught sight of the boar and her young. She crouched down and flicked her tail. Zephyr understood what she meant and he too crouched, although he didn't stay behind her. He took his chance to circle almost all the way to the other side. He stayed undetected throughout this all, prepared to chase the boar if she tried to run instead of attack. Although he also was prepared if she was to attack to chase her young away. He didn't want them intercepting in their attack yet he didn't want to kill the young. If he was to kill them then they wouldn't have much meat and they wouldn't have a chance to bring more prey to Pyrvanthros later on when they are grown. He waited for Paislee to attack so that he could join in. But while he waited he started thinking of what their second piece of prey would be. Since they only needed to kill three then train with fighting. Even just a rabbit would work and it wouldn't be reckless hunting. They had to be careful how much prey they killed at once or they could risk all of the prey for later on in the winter. If the boar young ran and the mother attacked then he would go to help her. After all he didn't want his partner to get injured and he definitely didn't want to get injured.

Last edited by Hunter Zephyr on December 17th 2015, 06:31; edited 1 time in total
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2015, 21:01

[So sorry for the wait, but break is coming up, so I'll hopefully have enough time to knock this out And just so you know, we're supposed to get 3 pieces of prey, not 2. Sorry if I sound like a know-it-all, just thought I'd let you know <3]

She watched Zephyr creep around to the other side, opposite of Paislee. She nodded at him from a distance, then she silently leapt over the edge of the small dip in the flat valley. Quickly, she began to sprint toward the target, just hoping Zephyr was doing the same. The prey was of small size, yet still intimidating with the tusks that jutted out of its mouth. The female boar snorted, while her young squealed in fright. Snarling, Paislee launched forward, aiming to land on the prey's back. While temporarily successful, Paislee was promptly thrown off by the wild movements of the boar. Growling, Paislee rolled to her feet and squared her shoulders toward the beast. Hooves scraping against the ground, the hog glared at the warrior. Paislee stared right back, with a fierceness and determination. She would kill this thing. She would impress the alphas.

With that, she lunged again, this time going for the back of the animal's neck. Her jaws locked just above where the shoulder blades sat, and she clung tightly. Pulling angrily and violently, Paislee tried to pull the boar down where she could end its life once and for all. She felt a sharp pain in her side, where one of the animal's tusks had caught on her flesh. Snarling in frustration and pain, she gave everything she had into one last pull. Finally, she was able to throw the beast somewhat over her, flipping it onto it's back. She leapt onto it, and snapped at its face. She couldn't get to its neck, and she silently cursed. The monster's flailing forced her to jump off, if she wanted to save herself from injury. The boar scrambled back to its feet, and Paislee narrowed her eyes, hoping Zephyr was somewhere nearby.

[Feel free to have Zephyr do whatever he wants. If there's anything I need to change, lemme know.]
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2015, 12:11

[Sorry I fixed it :3 I read two for some reason lol, sorry for the wait but I got my laptop now! So I should make quicker replies :)]

Zephyr watched as Paislee ran towards the mother, he watched as the young went to go after her but Zephyr quickly cut them off and attacked them. He pounced at the smaller one and it squealed as he landed a blow on it, it wasn't very strong so it turned and ran. Zephyr didn't plan on killing the other one unless it never gave up. Before Zephyr knew it though, it was charging at him. Zephyr quickly moved to the side and turned to grab ahold of it. He now held the young boar by its back. He used all of his strength to break the skin or even break its back as it struggled in his grip. It eventually squealed again and got loose from his grip. Zephyr bounced back lightly on his paws knowing that it would turn around. He didn't want it to turn and ram right into him. When it turned and went for Zephyr again he noticed it was slower and had a bit of a limp. It must have been in pain which meant it wasn't going to give up. Zephyr would have to kill it, whether it was just a small piece of prey or not. He did exactly what he did last time and the boar once again slid past him. He went and rammed into it, this time grabbing lower where the skin was thinner. It moved just enough for him to get the stomach and it struggled to keep on its feet as it bled out. He knew it would be over soon for it so he ended its life and turned to look at Paislee who was dealing with the more experienced boar. She had it pinned but couldn't seem to get to the neck, Zephyr watched as it jumped back up and he thought of what he could do. Maybe if he could pin it and injure it enough she could get to the neck. It would work better then trying to do both of the jobs by herself. It went to charge her but Zephyr quickly ran into it and pushed it to the ground. "Be ready Miss Paislee, if it goes still even slightly you need to get its neck." he stated as he used all of his strength against the boar. He was larger which meant he was heavier than Paislee so he could get it more still then her. He noticed its flailing was tiring it out a bit and it wasn't as strong and crazy. Soon enough it left an open target at its neck as it tried to lift its head to hit Zephyr. This was her chance, he hoped that she realized that as he avoided the tusk of the creature. The way he was on the creature allowed him no access at all towards the neck so it was all on Paislee.
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2015, 12:53

She watched as Zephyr knocked over the large female boar and pinned it. Out of panic, Paislee dove toward it's throat, latching her teeth onto the animal and roughly shoving her front paw into it's snout to keep it from injuring her or her partner. She felt warm blood ooze into her mouth, coating her teeth and part of her maw in the red liquid. Struggling to keep the animal's head viciously driven into the ground and keep her jaws locked onto his punctured flesh, she clenched her teeth as tight as she could without losing her focus on keeping the boar's face down. She growled roughly, feeling guilty that Zephyr was trying to keep the prey down for her, and that it wasn't just dying already. She began to toss her head back and forth, trying to make the wounds bigger. Finally, she tore out a large chuck of meat, spitting it out and watching the light leave the boar's eyes. She sighed, glancing at her partner. With her sides heaving, she grinned a little. "We make a great team," she breathed. She glanced back at the now lifeless animal. She regained her oxygen, and sat down. "Talk about a fighter, huh?" she joked. "Let's go get a rabbit and take it all back, then we'll spar, okay?" she offered.
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2015, 09:22

Zephyr watched as she tore at the throat of the beast as he said, he could tell she was struggling a bit so he pushed down even harder on the beast trying to make it still. Soon she got its head up and pulled out a large chunk of its throat. The boar slowly went limp below him and he lifted himself off of the beast. "Yes we do make a great team, hopefully we can do that again sometime," he joked. "You can stay right here, you deserve a break, that was a tough kill. I will get the rabbit for us," he smiled and left to search for a nice rabbit. He listened to everything going on around him, as he walked through the hills. Soon enough he caught scent of the rabbit and that gained his full attention. He lowered himself into a crouch once he was in possible sight of the rabbit and inched closer until he was close enough to pounce. The rabbit didn't even notice Zephyr, so he lunged forward and in one quick move he slammed his paw on it and snapped its neck. A quick and easy kill, much easier then trying to get low enough to grab the thing. He picked the rabbit up and started heading back to Paislee and the other prey. Now that she had her chance to rest and now that they had three pieces of prey they could spar. When he got to her, he dropped the rabbit in the prey pile. "Now we can spar," he smiled and allowed her to speak. He already knew quite a bit about fighting since he was trained to be Alpha and later after that trained to defeat his evil father. Although he hadn't fought in a long time, not since his father, so he would need this extra training.
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeDecember 31st 2015, 23:51

[Side note: Words like 'hit' and 'blow' are not used in human means, but as a synonym for 'attack'.]

Paislee smiled at Zephyr once he returned. "Nice catch. It's perfect, with the two boars. Surely this will impress," she grinned. Getting to her paws, she began to come nearer to him. The bowl was a perfect place to practice their fighting skills, hidden from the other trainees, but not from the alphas if they were watching. She squared her shoulders, facing him head on. She smiled a little. "So, let's go over the basics."

She began to circle him, and then spoke once more. "Remember, the best defense is a good offense and vice versa. Fighting will never be just attacking, because you will lose faster than if you barely did nothing at all. You just have to find your happy medium, between landing blows and backing off to block the other's attempts to hit you back. Also, be sure to protect your neck, stomach, tail, and ears... they are weak spots or easy targets for a nasty bite. Rolling your shoulders forward, tucking your tail, and staying on your feet are great ways to make sure that you are safe. So, let's start now, with that introduction. You attack me first, then I will retaliate and correct any mistakes, if there are any. Don't go easy on me, and I'll return the favor. But, please, keep in mind it's a spar, not a fight to the death, fair?" she teased. She came back to face him again, then loaded up her defenses; plastering her ears to her skull, rolling her shoulders, tucking her tail, and crouching slightly to prepare to either evade or pounce.

Attack: Best defense
Defense: Tail tucked, shoulders rolled, ears folded, body squared, muscles tense
Injuries: None

[color=#ffffff][b]Attack:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Defense:[/b][/color] -text-
[color=#ffffff][b]Injuries:[/b][/color] -text- [/center]
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2016, 10:28

[its really short, sorry]

Zephyr looked over her for advantage points as she spoke, he wasn't sure where to go for so he thought very carefully, it was difficult for him since he hadn't had a reason to fight in a long time. He thought back to all of his training and of attacks that he could do without really using his teeth to hurt her. Then it came to him, he tucked his tail and pinned his ears against his head then he quickly swiped his paw at hers in a fake attempt to get her off balance so that he could try and catch her in mid jump and ram his shoulder into he flank. His attack was in attempt to knock her to the ground and he hoped it would work. With his mind set on it, he couldn't mess up. It was a simple yet great attack. As he tried the attack it was as if he was back at his first home sparring with the Beta. She was so nice and kind to him, and she would always win every fight. Until when he got older, then all of his training came in handy. But now he was at Pyrvanthros and sparring with Paislee. She kind of reminded him of the Beta, with her personality and all. Although he could probably remember Paislee better after a year or two then the Beta, he couldn't even remember her name. He shook all of the thoughts from his mind as he looked to see if the attack worked.

Attack: Makes a faint swipe at her paw to make her jump back or lose her balance, then he runs his shoulders into her flank to make her fall over if she was in mid-jump.
Defense: ears pinned, tail tucked.
Injuries: none
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2016, 10:34

They throw rocks at things that shine...
The swipe at her paw was very smart on his part. She dodged out of the way, jumping up slightly. Then she felt his shoulder hit hers in mid-air, knocking her over onto her side. She scrambled back to her paws and smiled at him. "Good! Very good! You thought about it before you just did something. Always be a few steps ahead in your plan. But, you have to remember... what if I didn't jump up? What if I had leapt forwards instead of backwards? Remember that you can't just assume what they will do, you have to have something in mind for every damn possibility they will give you. But it was a good attack," she said, praising and trying to help him. Now it was her turn, and she regathered her defenses as she quickly thought of a way to retaliate. She could go with the good old-fashioned tackle, just take him down and pin him. Then it's over, just like that. Or she could tease him and wear him out as he tried to catch her, then she could just go for the easy "kill". But instead, she tried something different.

She dove towards his front paws, but then tried to reach up with her jaws and gently wrap her teeth around his neck. If she succeeded, in real battle, he would've been dead. If he were to knock her away or somehow push her down so he pinned her, then he would've easily won. Either way, they were both in a bad position to be, both of them at risk.

Attack: Dive toward his front paws, then attempting to twist around and "bite" his neck
Defense: Same as before; braced shoulders for his next attack
Injuries: None

She walks. | She talks. | She thinks.
WORDS: 265 || TAGGED: @Zephy
Just testing out my new table.... Whatdya think? Also, sorry if this is crappy.
template by Margie @ Adoxography
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2016, 12:23

Zephyr was successful, he managed to knock her down but she got right back up. When she did this he knew it was her turn to attack. He rolled his shoulders forward, and repeated his last defense. He was ready to try and avoid any attack she went for. Before he had much time to prepare she went for his paws, he jumped back trying to avoid getting knocked to the ground, but little did he know she was going for his neck. She got him, if it were a real fight he would be dead. She had went for his neck and he wasn't prepared. He sighed and backed away, "That was a good move, I didn't even see it coming." Zephyr spoke softly, a bit defeated. Then he pricked his ears up, and smiled. "At least I have you to help me though, I haven't fought in a long time." He shook off his mistake and prepared to attack, this time he was going to go with an attack to try and overpower her. He kept his last defenses and ran straight at her then curved off to the side right before he reached her. He turned quickly and went for her shoulders planning to grab onto her shoulders but if she moved he bet he could grab something else on her. If he didn't then he was fine with that, after all, this was training. If he got ahold of her, he wouldn't bite hard at all. It would be just like a play bite, without hurting her.

Attack: Runs straight at her then curves away just in time to turn and go for her shoulders, uses agility and speed against her.
Defense: Ears pinned, tail tucked, shoulders rolled forward
Injuries: none
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2016, 12:47

They throw rocks at things that shine...
-Permission to power play was granted by Zephyr -

When he lunged at her, then curved around to her side, she whipped her head around, trying to watch him. Then his jaws closed around her shoulder, but there was no pain. Smirking, she then dropped into a roll, pulling him down with her. Landing on top of him, she pinned his shoulders and grinned at him. "You've done really well, despite not fighting in a while. I think you're on a good path to being able to protect the pack, even as a hunter. If war ever came to our borders, I think you would make a good fighter. Plus, not only did we work together today, but I think it's safe to say we could be great friends in the future, yes?" She smiled once more, then got off of him and waited for him to get back to his feet. She walked back to their prey they had caught, sighing at the massive mother boar. "Well, we better get going if we're gonna get this thing back in time," she said, then grabbed onto it's flesh nearby it's shoulder. Tugging and pulling, she began to drag the beast back toward the camp.

-Paislee Exits-

Attack: Tackled and pinned him, ending the spar
Defense: Ears folded, tail tucked
Injuries: None

She walks. | She talks. | She thinks.
WORDS: 195 || TAGGED: @Zeph
Permission to power play was granted by Hunter Zephyr!
template by Margie @ Adoxography
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Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitimeJanuary 2nd 2016, 13:13

Zephyr smirked when she pinned him to the ground, she was good. She managed to not only stop his attack from success but landed her own attack. "Thanks, Miss Paislee. I would love for us to become great friends," She got off of him and he lifted himself up off of the cold ground. He followed her over to the prey and watched as she grabbed the boar, he chuckled and picked up the young boar and rabbit. It would be a long walk if they didn't work together so he helped her by pushing the back of the boar while she pulled. Hopefully then they would get back in time and not be the last ones back. He liked that she thought they could be great friends. It would be nice to have a strong and fun friend like her by his side. He knew they could go far, maybe even someday be more then just friends. As he looked around he noticed only one pair looked like they were done, at least they wouldn't leave the Alphess waiting forever. He wondered if the Alpha and Alphess would be impressed by their hard work. They both worked hard but they had fun at the same time and they worked great as a team. He was glad she got paired up with him.

[Zephyr Exits]
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PostSubject: Re: Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Zephyr and Paislee Training {Mandatory} Icon_minitime

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