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Autumn Days [Open]

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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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PostSubject: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2015, 11:22

The bright autumn dawn rose over the blooming flowers and growing green foliage. The sky grew light with the soothing colors of reds, oranges, and yellows. The morning dew shimmered and glistened on the cold grass. Through all the brightness of summer flows, a dark figure swept through the brush. The rustic male swerved through the collections of trees and shrubs, following the pathway to the wonderful waters that he spends his mornings at. The change was different from the lands of the Helidos pack territory. It went from the warm lands of trees and forest, to the wet floors and cold winds that surrounded the lake. Despite feeling his body became heavy with his winter coat fulling in, Sitka trotted along cheerfully as always. He always believed that everyone should start the day with a smile and happy attitude. But some were hopeless cases. Apparently some were unable to be happy when nothing was wrong. Soon, the break of water flow filled his ears. The water falling from the rocks into the wide pool. He sensed the woodland creatures beginning to awaken and lurk around him. I wonder what it would be like to be a tiny creature like a squirrel. Although he wasn't starving, he caught a somewhat large vole. He ripped into the small rodent, tearing at the fur and flesh to the fat. Once his little appetite was taken care of, Sitka wandered around the edges of the water. He found a soft patch of grass growing as close as it could get to the water and settled himself down. The new morning sun washed over his light-coated body like a heated blanket. It was a nice change for once. The brute wasn't a huge fan of the heat, but he enjoys it's warming company every now and again. The male wolf rolled to his side, listening closely to the lapping of the water waves against the shore as the summer dawn cradled him into a light state of slumber. His dreams were filled with curious cases and wonder about strange and new places that were beyond the most fascinating lands he could ever see. The ginger male woke with a start as a fish jumped nearly seven feet from him. Only two hours went by, so the summer noon is nearly coming around. The heat became stronger, forcing Sitka to move to a patch of shade under a nearby oak tree. He was curious to if anyone would come across him or bother to watch the beauty of the magnificent lake with the sunshine making the water glisten. It was a fascinating ting, water was. You could touch it, but never hold it. You were not able to grasp it, it just slipped through the jaws of anything that tried to attack it. An invincible force. It could tear a first apart, then sink back into the ground before another attack. It was an odd element of nature.

Sitka's mind began to wanter as the morning went on. He had met Thunder and Faith. His lover's siblings. He thought about how live would be in the next two seasons. He wanted Rose to be his. it was clear that she liked him as much as he did her. He didn't know how much time they would have left together before something happened between the packs, as it was clear that the tensions between Helidos and Erenyx were rising rapidly. He knew that if one of them died in a battle, they would regret not coming to terms before then. He loved her. He knew it. He knew he did, and he wanted to admit it desperately, but did not know how or when he could say such a thing to her. He had to, and soon. Pushing these thoughts a little more to the back of his head, he wondered how long it would take him to gain the trust of Quinn and Fenris. He wished nothing but to serve them the loyalty and respect that they deserved, but he didn't know how. There wasn't aa lot for him to do within the pack these days, as they had not received any new members for weeks now. He wanted to prove his worth and loyalty to the pack and show them how much they mean to him, but he didn't know how. It was only a matter of time before he could figure out how to prove this to them.
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2015, 11:55

Rose strayed from the pack clearing, paws carrying her body deeper into the Helidos lands. Her amber eyes shifted slowly, taking in the view. She had slowly been falling in love with the Delta, and it was something just wonderful. She swished her tail in a wag as she thought of the ginger male. She hadn't seen him since the meeting with her siblings. Leaves scattered the ground now, and that made her long to find comfort. She smiled weakly, eyes flickering with joy as she carried herself with pride. She had finally crossed the Helidos border, making her way to the neutrals. She found herself wandering familiar terrain. Even with the leaves that seemingly stuck to the ground, she was able to navigate through the woods without pause. She knew exactly where she wanted to go, as it was embedded in her mind. Her ebony nose twitched with a scent she had come to enjoy. Autumn dew. It was all over the leaves that she walked upon. She twitched her nose once more, breathing in more scents of traveling wolves and creatures. One scent stuck out to her, clinging to her nose as she slowly recognized it. Her ears perked forward and she bounded forward at a light step. She didn't want to seem too eager, but she was looking forward to seeing a certain brute.

Her tail flicked into a wag as she pushed out of the woods and made her way to the lake. She sniffed lightly, amber eyes searching the area until she spotted the ginger brute. She saw him get startled, a smirk crossing her maw as she moved to be one with the woods until she was somewhat behind him. She shook her body and stepped from the woods once more. She would wait to be noticed. She was standing in the growing shade of a rather pretty tree. She sat down silently, paws shifting only to balance her weight. The Guardian was like a statue at rest, only blinking every so often as she peered at her target. She figured he was lost in thought, and as she watched him, she too seemed to wander within her mind. Her first thought circled around the Delta, he was brave and courageous. He was kind and everything she could ask for in a friend, and then some. She knew him decently well, having spent hours with him. But the only thing she hadn't done was train with him. She was a Guardian, surely she could learn a few things from the ginger male, and surely he could do to learn a bit from her. She had an idea for the wolves of Helidos, but she would need a partner in crime and Sitka could be the answer to that. She smiled weakly as she snapped back to reality, amber eyes still on the brute. She swished her tail against the ground, making a light thud as she did so. Soon, the brute would notice the shadow he had watching him. With the thought of possibly making him smile, she grinned with her heart.

-ooc: Dun mind me, just a tiny shadow popping in :p-
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2015, 17:36

Chiara entered the new land after a two day trek far from Erenyx. With her demoted rank and lack of daily responsibilities she found it easy to slip away from hostile eyes and journey to new lands. Over a day in and she came to the land that her and Magnus had found some three months prior. It was rich and full of life here. Best of all no packs held claim to it. She saw it as the perfect spot to form her own pack, now all she needed was wolves to join her. Confident that Malachai would assist she knew three wasn't enough. Chiara would have counted Piper in the mix, but she feared her daughter would stay here, still having resentment against herself and Magnus instead of Teren. Perhaps in time Piper would see the light to the situation, but for now she was safe in the paws of Ariste.

Trotting on the lake came into view, as did the sight of two wolves unknown to her. Growing cautious Chiara edged towards cover and watched them from a distance. Their scent hit her that they were Helidos and she perked. Her year in the pack hadn't drifted from her mind, neither did memories of her friends there. She was curious as to what Juno was up and of Creek. The pair had been her only friends in the pack, thus her mind wasn't totally tainted from Erenyx's rumors. Also by extending a sort of friendship to the pack she may be able to create an alliance in the future when she had her own pack. Wanting nothing more than for Teren's power to fall, she saw no problem with teaming up with his biggest enemy. For now she sat silently behind a bush, but not hiding completely. More being inconspicuous than anything she let her scent drift to the pair, ready to speak and be civil if they noticed her.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2015, 16:41

The ginger male's silence of the morning was soon broken by two scents that came from nearby. One, he was more than familiar with, while the other was odd and foreign to him. Sitting up from his position, still a little groggy from his morning nap, he twisted his head over his left shoulder to peer at what or who was behind him. A familiar white coat pointed out to him as he saw her standing in the shadows just beyond the trees. He smiled as he saw her, gesturing with his head for her to join him. Looking for the other who's scent was unknown to him, but clearly one of Erenyx, he had a little trouble. Her yellow eyes caught his attention through to cover of a bush along the tree-line. He motioned for this stranger to join them as well, hoping to possibly make an ally or a friend of one of the pack, as he knew they both were important in he survival of this life. His mind wandered slightly, to where he though of a point where Erenyx and Helidos got alone and were allies rather than enemies. As this went thorough his mind, he knew that life would not be as interesting and thrilling if they were allies, but it would make their lived easier rather than fighting all the time. The problem was Teren. He was vicious, according to the rumors Sitka had heard from others in the pack. One that stood out was the fact they he apparently made the apprentices fright to the death. He was never told how many survived, nor did he care all too much. All he knew was that his actions proved Helidos to be the best well-rounded pack within the lands.

His eyes were reverted back to the white wolf who was near to him. "How are you, love? Feeling okay?" He nudged her and questioned her about how she was feeling, as he didn't want her to be in any sort of pain, even if she could take it. It was a habit for him. To make sure the ones he loved were happy and healthy. It was all in hope for them to be happy and he always wanted to ensure that. Rose, Marrok, Nnyla, Quinn, Fenris, and all the others he had met before, he wanted them all happy and healthy. He cared for them all, more than anything. He was one to put others before himself, and he always would. It was just his nature.
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 25th 2015, 09:30

She snickered as the male finally noticed her, motioning her to join him. Her amber eyes danced as she bounced forward, ramming her head against his shoulder in a gentle, yet playful, manner. She lifted her head to watch him motion something else over. She took in the scent a bit late, not having fully realized it was a fresh scent. She smiled weakly, and turned her head to stare at the other fae. She twisted back to meet his nuzzle and give a sigh of relief. "I'm alright, and you my dear?" She let the words fall from her maw and into the air. She leaned her small frame against him, breathing in his scent. Her nose tickled with pleasure as she did so. She shifted to the other fae and smiled warmly. "And whom might you be?" Her voice was fairly gentle, welcoming in any way possible. She flicked her tail to rest against her paws as she sat down. She was still slightly leaning towards Sitka, she enjoyed the touch of their fur mingling together. Her amber eyes danced, a small smile crossing her maw. Her eyes never left the other fae, but she was still friendly all the same. Her body quivered with excitement, amber eyes searching for the male's own silver-blue gaze. She breathed in and out silently, letting her voice and movement seem to become very still, silent. Rose practically glowed sitting there watching the brute and fae, she enjoyed the company even if the fae smelled like Erenyx. Her ears twitched and she slowly realized she didn't like Erenyx, and if they dare find out about Aleu, she'd fight. She nodded her once still head as if to confirm her thoughts. Her eyes danced in both beauty and danger, a glint that said she was not to be pushed. Her tail flicked against the brute and the sudden touch brought her back from her thoughts. She looked down at her tail and then to the brute, a tiny smile daring to grace her maw.

-ooc; it's so tiny <3~ I'm sorry... It'll get better though :3-
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2015, 18:13

The pair noticed her before too long and the fae decided to reveal herself before things got awkward. Emerging from her bush she walked over easily, not showing nervousness or dominance with the pair. In the neutrals ranks held little meaning between the packs, and with her current mindset she didn't hold her old ways of thinking Erenyx had drilled into her. Having been in Helidos before she knew how most of their mannerisms worked and how they differed from Erenyx. However, she didn't now this pair and they could prove trouble if she wasn't careful, so she remained on alert as she walked up to the pair. Dipping her head in mutual respect she addressed the fae first, as she had spoken first. "I am Chiara a fae who resigns in Erenyx currently. However, this will be changing shortly as I shall be leaving the pack to form my own pack with my mate. Thus my rank right now means nothing or else I would include it along with my name. May I ask your names'?" She asked looking between the pair.

Knowing she was taking a huge chance spilling her plan to these two, the possibilities of allies out weighted the negatives in her mind. Not knowing much about the rogue led pack she figured trying to gain allies in her old pack proved more wise. Sitting herself down she relaxed to show she wasn't here for a fight or any trouble. "May I ask if either of you know of Juno or Creek?" She finally asked, her anticipation of their whereabouts proving too great for her to hold in.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2015, 19:19

The ginger male looked down to Rose, huddled up against him. He smiled at her and licked her muzzle before hearing the speaking of the other female who was within close proximity to the couple. He turned his head to look at the female, wondering who exactly she was. "I am Delta Sitka. It's a pleasure to meet you, Chiara. Soon-to-be Alphess." He nodded to her, smiling warmly. It was nice to see some new packs breaking out into the area and wanting to be a part of the community that the packs have now developed over the last few seasons. He had always enjoyed having others around, even if they were from different packs. He would be friendly to one unless they gave him a reason not to be. Looking back to his little Rose, he smiled and spoke back to her. "I'm alright, love. Just a bit tired." He nudged her head with his nose before having his attention being brought back to Chiara. She had asked of two wolves. One he had not met personally, but knew well of due to her mate, the other, he knew was deceased. Sitka paused for a moment, trying to find the words to speak of Creek's death, although he had not known her, he knew she was no longer there within Helidos, or the living world. He nodded and look to Chiara before speaking. "Yes, I know of Juno and her mate, Marrok. I'm afraid that this Creek, who you speak of, is no longer with us." He nodded to her, revealing the fate of her friend. "I'm very sorry." He trie to give a little smile to the female, but knowing that he attempts to cheer her up would not help after that news.

The brute felt a yawn deep in his throat. He released it, making an odd sound as he began to close his jaw. His eyes watered slightly and he shook his head in attempt to wake himself from his sleep. He look down at Rose with tired eyes, smiling goofily. "I suppose I'm still half asleep." Chuckling then sighing from exhaustion. He looked across the water in front of him, hearing the water lap the shores smoothly. leaves covered the shallow waters as the tress shed them from their branches. It was an odd thing, fall was. Everything basically died and froze over in the winter, just to be reborn in the spring. It was a phenomena that could not be explained, but was a beautiful weirdness. Looking in between the two who joined him, he smiled and awaited for a response from either of them.
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2015, 16:41

Rose nodded her head gently and continued to nudge and nuzzle the ginger brute. She let them talk it out, as she really had nothing to say. Her amber eyes danced as she heard that the fae would soon leave Erenyx. She flicked her ears forward and smiled weakly. She was tired, and yet amused. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly with a gentle sigh. "I'm Rose, the Guardian female of Helidos." She finally spoke out, her voice gentle and soothing as she talked. Her words were warm, almost as gentle as the tone she held. "Juno is the Beta, if you didn't know... she accepted me almost two years ago at the border. I will pass it to her that you wish to see her." She chirped happily, eyes dancing with joy. She glanced at Sitka as he spoke, her eyes seeking to meet his gaze at least once. She then turned her attention back to the fae and smiled weakly again. "Of course you are still sleepy... silly." She giggled gently, her smile dancing across her face as she bounced up and moved towards the water. She used her tail to flick some water at the brute once she had waded in. She stayed very still, eyes searching the clear water. She dunked her head in quickly and pulled out a fish. She tossed it to the land near Sitka, watching it flop until it stopped moving. She smirked weakly, growing still once more until fish approached her and swam around her like she was a mere rock. Her face plunged into the water once more and she snagged a fish and threw it towards Chiara. She waited once more, catching another fish and wading out of the water to sit down and tear the scales away gently. "If you've never had fish, it's really good." She nodded to Chiara and Sitka calmly. "If you aren't hungry, you can take it to your pack." She said quietly, returning her attention to the fish she had opened. She tugged at the meat, chewing it slowly and licking her maw cautiously as she peered up at the two wolves.
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Alphess Chiara
Alphess Chiara

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2015, 20:04

Chiara listened and frowned as news of Creek found her. It saddened her that her friend was no longer living, but at least Juno as alive, and a Beta no less. "Thank you for your condolences Delta. She was a dear friend of mine and so was Juno. For the short time I was in Helidos they were always there for me." She explained, pulling back a choke of emotion. The fae then spoke and Chiara dipped her head to her as well. "Nice to meet you Rose, I'd appreciate it." She said before a fish was flung at her. Looking down to it she smiled at the fae. "I have had fish before yes, but was never good at catching them. My daughter seemed to pick it up easier then me. I always managed to soak myself trying." She joked sniffing at the food. "Thank you" she said, biting into it. Its moist flesh feeling good on her tongue.

"Now that formalities are out of the way I must ask how things are in Helidos. I fear my Alpha might go through with his threats of war in the future. You must know I hold no loyalties to that brute and am not a spy for him. As proof of this please know that last winter he forced my young to fight to the death before my eyes. I ask you how would you respect an Alpha if they did that to you?" She said, unsure if they would believe her or not. Only trying to help and perhaps make an ally she sat and waited for their responses.
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Alpha Sitka
Alpha Sitka

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeNovember 15th 2015, 18:00

The Delta nodded as the other female thanked him for being sympathetic for her lost friend. He tilted his head, curious to her plans of leaving with her mate to start a pack of their own. he had not heard of another pack entering the lands since Agavos a few months ago. He nodded when she thanked Rose for the fish, as he nipped at his own with scales sticking to his tongue. An odd expression of disgust and curiosity covered his face. he had fish before, and never favored it because of the scales and the awkward taste of the meat. He had always loved and preferred elk meat over any other. The trio silently ate for a few minutes, and the ginger male found it a little awkward wight he silence between them. It was broken by Chiara, who then asked about Helidos and war with Erenyx. He nodded before speaking, as he knew that tensions were high between the rivaling packs. "I heard of that from others around the lands. Only two remained, was it?" He questioned, remembering Ciro. The young lad had come to Helidos looking for a new home away from Erenyx and he had seen the young wolf wandering through the clearing with other apprentices. He couldn't help but wonder if it were her son. Shrugging it off, he listened to the female speak about her pack. "The answer is simple. You couldn't. No trust and loyalty can be placed upon one who murders and tortures for sport." His voice was thick with his accent as the brute responded to the darker female. "I must say, you are brave for taking a stand against the devil himself and starting somewhere new. I hope the tyrant falls if battle does come. Their structure of a pack is all off. They thrive on murder and death of others. He feeds off of the fear of others. A monster, all he is." Sitka huffed and his rant ended, knowing he had gone on too long about it, but had no reason to apologize for his words. He knew that the three all had the same thoughts about Teren and his ways of controlling everyone who serves under him. He had heard that the Beta of the pack was basically a brainwashed soldier, right there to Teren's every beck and call. It was sad, really. But if that Beta truly did not like Teren either, he sure was playing his cards right in the way to his downfall, but he doubted it. Teren, after all, was one of the strongest and meanest wolves in the lands. He sure was not afraid to show anyone who thought otherwise either.

The Delta looked over to his pack's Guardian. She was silent for the time being, which was a little odd for the fact that she loves to talk. He smiled and nudged her, hoping to get her to smile. She seemed a little off that morning, but maybe it was just the cold of winter slowly moving into the valley. He himself had always become a little more down when the winter months arrived. He had his days as well, this one maybe was just one of her own. No matter, he took another bite of the fish, scales still clinging o his tongue and maw. "This is why I dislike fish." The brute grumbled as he tried pawing away the scaled from his face. Nothing but a nuisance, they are. He thought to himself for a moment, thinking that he probably was making himself look like a fool. he sighed and gave up on trying to remove the flacks of fish from his face. They would come off eventually, right?
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Rose Of Helidos
Rose Of Helidos

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Autumn Days [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Days [Open] Autumn Days [Open] Icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2015, 21:34

~ooc - So sorry! Forgot about this thread D:

Rose giggled as Sitka struggled to get fish scales off of his maw. She moved closer to and him gently removed the scales with her teeth, dropping them easily to the ground. She wagged her tail and smiled weakly. "Fish is good for rare occasions, I would think." She spoke gently, her voice full of timid joy. She threw a glance at Chiara and gave comfort with a warming smile. Rose pondered upon the words of Chiara, and she gave a weak smile as she dug into her past. "The Alpha and Alphess that was rivals to my birth pack killed the young for sport. They took my brother and sister, raised them to kill and murder, it was all they knew." She shook her head sadly. "When I came here, The comfort of wolves I knew came to me. Quinn, Fenris, Clare, my brother, Thunder. I am glad for them, but if I had to server an Alpha like Teren, I would rather die then serve a monster... again. She whispered the last word out quietly. Her small body tensed as she dare let her mind venture. "Helidos. Things aren't going as well, we hardly have any healers and our hunters seem absent as of lately. Though we seem to have enough to get by, I worry that if something happens, the knowledge of herbs will not be known to us." She paused shortly, as if to let the words settle. "I know enough about herbs to keep stock and help small injuries, but I fear for my pack, and I fear that something serious will happen and I will be able to do nothing but stand there helplessly." She took a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh, head tilting away from her company and searching the forest they sat near. Trees swayed in a gentle breeze, the leaves fluttered from their branches which they seemingly clung to and towards the ground. Colors of earthy hues and of fire touched the ground and scattered about them in many ways. Her amber hues turned once more, looking at the water that seemed to stir only once in a while. Small waves scattered here and there, a bug, or a leaf that touched and started something that seemed to grow and grasp the attention of beings. Her gaze shifted back to the wolves she found company with. She searched the brown fae, large, well-built and yet looked aged with years of wisdom. Her eyes fell upon the rustic male and she smiled. His pelt was of strange hues, more rustic than anything she had seen, it was of copper mixed with some browns and white that was overcome by the main color that seemed to grasp the idea of Autumn within his pelt. She gazed up to his and compared them to the other she-wolf in silence as she listened to them. His eyes, silver-blue, light and yet danced with something she couldn't quite name. The she-wolf had yellow eyes, dim and yet something about them cried out to grab Rose's attention. She flicked her tail, wrapping it around her body as she leaned for comfort to the rustic brute she so fancied. She closed her eyes, ears flicking forward as she listened.
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