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Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu]

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Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Empty
PostSubject: Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 21:56

No you don't have to keep it under lock and key
Cause I will never let you down
And if you can't escape all your uncertainties
Baby I can show you how...

Warg padded along the shore, glaring at his reflection in the frozen lake. I was so smooth and glassy, it looked like it hadn't frozen at all. He kind of disliked it, because he could see himself. A big, battered, black brute stared at him with an icy gaze from under the ice. He wished he saw a different wolf in his reflection, one that was kind, open, and caring. His paws sunk heavily into the powdery snow, making it a bother to walk. He sighed and jumped out of the snow onto the ice. As his paws made contact with the frozen lake, they scrabbled out from underneath him and he fell onto his side with a gasp. How foolish he was, trying to jump onto ice like a clueless pup. He shook the snow out of his eyelashes and huffed, a slight hint of irritation trailing the end. His breath flowed out of his slightly opened jaws, and he scanned the lake. It was eerily silent, just the way he liked it.

There was no other wolf in sight. He smiled, then frowned again, realizing he no longer wanted to be lonely. He stretched out and attempted to stand up, successfully at first, but as soon as he took a step he was staring at the sky. He was glad nobody was around to see him flopping around on the ice like a fish out of water. He pushed himself onto his haunches and stood up again, being successful once again. He took slow steps at first, maintaining his balance, then taking longer ones. Soon he was running across the lake gleefully, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. He made a sudden stop and let himself freely skid across the ice. He felt his heart beating fast, a sign that he was still alive. He breathed in the cold, crisp air as he came to a halt on the ice and smiled. The lake reminded him of his soul, ice cold, but able to be melted by somebody special. He huffed again, sending snowflakes in assorted directions.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Icon_minitimeDecember 11th 2015, 22:29

Movement ahead caught Tatsu's attention. The flash of black against white, it had only been a flash but enough to spark the fae's curiosity. Treading through the snow on sturdy paws, Tatsu inhaled the cold air deeply. Searching for a scent that might tell her who or what the black figure was. Then there on the wind, she thought she smelled the familiar scent of Erenyx. How could she forget after meeting Erenyx's leader? Death, decay it was the very essence of Erenyx or at least that's what she smelled. However the brute she scented beneath the pack was no savage. Or at least that was what Tatsu had come to believe on first meeting him. Warrior Warg, the oddly friendly Erenyx brute with the goal of changing the dark ruled pack for good. An idea that had nearly gotten him an ass kicking last time she'd seen him. Picking up her pace, Tatsu weaved amongst the pines which littered the forest ground. Moments later her black-grey and tan form breaking the tree line. As she broke though Tatsu remained silent, her piercing yellow oculars on the brute. He stood about twenty feet ahead of her, but he wasn't standing in the snow like herself. No he'd wondered out onto the frozen lake. Watching as he tried to stay standing, Tatsu realized the flash she'd seen earlier, had been him falling. Bemused she watches silently, wondering what on earth the brute was up to. It however didn't take very long for her to find out. Steadying himself again, the dark brute started to slip and slide around the ice. Using it to glide around, seeming to enjoy himself.

Chuffing softly to herself, Tatsu decided she'd spied long enough. Trotting forward she paused when her large paws were at the edge of the lake. " Having fun Warrior?" She calls out questioningly. It was hard to tell but their was a glimmer of amusement in the she-wolf's pale gaze. Warg was different from any wolf she'd ever met. So full of passion yet so seemingly careless. He was difficult for Tatsu to read, a challenge none the less. " I have to say I didn't expect to find a wolf sliding about the ice, when I left my den this morning. Let alone a full grown one, none too graceful." She teased, her tone like always just loud enough to hear with an underlying fierceness to it. Sliding her powerful haunches to the ground, Tatsu tilted her broad boned skull to the side. " How have you been?" She inquires eyes becoming far more serious. Wondering if things had changed for the brute since their last encounter. Having been caught revealing his need for change to her, Tatsu had feared the worse for Warg. Yet here he was slipping about the ice before her, seemingly unharmed. Awaiting his response, Tatsu glanced down at her reflection blinking rapidly. She hadn't looked at her reflection in a long time, and was surprised to find it had changed. Her face was fuller, her fur thicker. Her eyes looked older, more worn as if life was taking its toll. She was no longer the mindless pawn of her parents, she'd once been. Blinking Tatsu returns her attention to Warg, curious to hear what he had to say.  
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Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2015, 17:02

Warg pricked his ears as he heard a familiar voice. He whipped around quickly, only to find Tatsu as his paws slid out from underneath him. He felt his head slam against the hard sheet of ice and he let a grunt escape his lips. He pushed himself back onto his haunches and faced the grey fae. "Greetings Tatsu, yes, I am having fun indeed. I have been doing alright..." He mused, the image of Teren's stare flashing in his mind. "Nothing too terrible." He laughed, his eyes darting to the side. Things in Erenyx were never good, so technically he wasn't lying. "How are you doing all the way in Per-vany-thios?" Was said as he struggled to say the name of the new pack. It was very complicated and he wondered why it was so hard to say. He shook the snow out of his eyes and blinked at Tatsu. He felt a sudden flush of embarrassment, the fae had seem him falling all around the ice. He stepped carefully around the ice trying to prove he was more graceful as he seemed, but as he put his front paw down, he felt the ice give. The brute was suddenly plunged into the freezing water below the blanket of ice. He opened his eyes and he could see nothing but deep blue water all around him. The water burned his skin as he struggled to swim, not knowing where to go.

Warg saw faint beams of light above his head, so he kicked his back legs with all his might. He shot upwards, head above the water. He gasped and coughed for breath, his lungs, nose, and eyes stinging from the icy water. He tried to grasp the ice with his front paws, and he did. As he pulled his back leg out of the water, he lost grip and was sent plunging down into the black water, hitting his muzzle on the way. He felt a sudden jolt of pain as his nose made contact with the water, and he felt warm blood seeping from it. His muscles were getting fatigued from the thrashing, so he made one last attempt to save himself. He kicked his muscular legs against the water and broke the surface for a second time. He clung onto the ice with every ounce of energy he had, and with a final boost, he launched himself onto the surface. Everything in his large body hurt. His muscles ached, his lungs burned, and his nose was bleeding from the impact with the ice. He lay on the side of the hole struggling to regain his breath. He began licking himself frantically, hoping his fur would not freeze. He would surely die if he caught a bout of hypothermia. He slowly scooted away from the break in the ice that had almost killed him, looking at Tatsu once more.
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Delta Tatsu
Delta Tatsu

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Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Icon_minitimeDecember 27th 2015, 12:16

[ OOC: Apologies for taking so long to reply Warg! Thanks so much for your patience!]

No sooner had Tatsu's words left her lips when Warg spun around and fell with a thud on the ice. Tatsu winced at the sickening sound as the brute's head hit the solid ice below. Ouch! She thought blinking at him. He seemed un phased however by his fall and greeted her in his normal friendly manner. " Good to hear." She replies dipping her broad head politely. Her thick ears flickering some as he attempted to pronounce her pack's name. Chuffing slightly she allows a small smile to light her black lips. " Pyr-van-thros." She corrects though her tone wasn't unkind. " And everything has been good considering its winter and all..." She remarks, her eyes glancing to the grey snow clouds overhead. In that brief moment that she took her eyes away from Warg however, things went down hill. A sudden crackling of the ice sent Tatsu's fur on end and before she even knew what was happening Warg had disappeared. Shocked Tatsu leapt to her paws, her pale oculars round as the brute was seemingly swallowed by the lake. " Warg!" She barks attempting to go help him she takes a step towards the ice. But the brute was thrashing around so much Tatsu was left with no means of helping him. Feeling helpless Tatsu watched as Warg fought to stay above the water, launching himself against the ice several times. Finally he managed to get up onto the ice far enough he remained there. Feeling it was now safe for her to approach Tatsu cautiously padded onto the ice. Her sturdy paws splayed far apart for balance as Warg dragged himself across the ice, blood dripping from his fur. " I think you've had enough fun for one day." She remarks bluntly, going to his side, she grabs a hold of his scruff with her maw. Much like she'd done her pups, she drags the brute across the ice and up onto the snowy bank where he would no longer risk falling through the ice. Releasing her grip, Tatsu eyes Warg. " Your lucky you didn't drown." She scoffs suddenly annoyed with the brute. She starts to lap at his fur attempting to help warm him up. His fur was course to the touch, and reeked of Erenyx. Ignoring this Tatsu licked at the brute's shoulder. Trying to calm her heart which had taken to racing from all the unwanted excitement.  
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PostSubject: Re: Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Lay it all on me [Private/Tatsu] Icon_minitime

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