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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys)

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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Empty
PostSubject: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2016, 23:17

Even after accepting the new Hunter, Arrelys, the Delta found herself too restless to stay in the pack clearing for long. After observing the usual bustle, she trotted out towards the best hunting grounds. Prey was scarce, yet there wasn't any less mouths to feed....Except Twelve left. The grey female thought with bitterly. Much to her disappointment she had found his trail days ago on her daily patrol. It had went straight for the border, and there had been no signs of him since. She had searched the neutrals, but there were no signs of him. I swear on my soul...if I find that some bear got him...I'll kill it or die trying. Damn bears are nothing but scum...something better not have happened to him. Breeze thought. Part of her wanted to snarl with rage, another part of her wanted to howl with grief. It never even crossed her mind that such a seemingly decent brute would abandon his pack. She didn't suspect such things, but instead assumed death or something else was the cause of his absence, and it tore at her heart, re opening wounds that were still mending. Only the strong training and hope instilled in her by her old mentor held her together, barely keeping the depression at bay. Survival was what it had become to her...that was all that mattered.

The fae quickly pushed such dark thoughts aside, instead focusing on her trek. A few stale scents of small animals could be detected, but Breeze knew they were much too old to be helpful. The Delta kept moving, only stopping once she reached the edge of the woods. Beyond, the land began to slant, trees and dense vegetation giving way to uneven frost-covered terrain. The last time she had seen it, this field had been alive and covered in the vibrant colors of life. Now the plants slumbered beneath the snow, while the small creatures burrowed underneath. It seemed barren, empty with only the mountains standing guard in the distance. All life is hidden from sight, but it's not out of reach. She thought. Determination and a small bit of hope hid her anger at the world. She still had her duty to her pack, and that was why she was here. The grey she-wolf made no other move than to step out past the last tree. To bound through that field would be to alert every sleeping thing of her presence. Instead, she leaned forward, her ears pricked and nose taking in any scents she could. After a moment, she carefully put one ear to the snow, trying not to move it too much as she listened for movement. She would not return to camp until she had more than a meal's worth of prey. If she could not provide more than her share, the fae would go without her own meal. The pack came first.
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PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeJanuary 9th 2016, 12:04

Arrelys stood there in the shadow of the trees silently. Not a single sound was made from the fae. Her intense amber eyes were planted on the snow filled terrain intently. When quietly moving along the pack territory, she happened to see a tiny hole in view. The she wolf observed that another animal must have tried to kill the prey underground, but was unsuccessful. From her hunting experience, Arrelys knew that many rodents won't travel too far from their previous hole--unless something was chasing them further. The cream wolf sniffed the hole and found little stale scent of a ground squirrel. Remembering the scent, she began to move forward confidently, but quietly forward until she caught a strong scent of a ground squirrel. Her ears began to push forward to pinpoint the exact position of the prey. If she didn't, there would be a great chance that she would miss her catch. It was hard to catch any animal hidden underground when it's not seen. Smell and hearing was most reliable. Shifting her legs upwards, she leaped soundlessly up the air and landed directly above the hibernating ground squirrel. Quickly, she bit the animal's neck and leaped out of the big hole of snow. She used her back legs to bury the snow in its usual spot to keep the area nice and looking undisturbed.

Arrelys began to continue walking along the open path of trees. Her kill was satisfying, but it wouldn't be enough to feed a large pack of wolves. It would barely full a hungry pup awaiting its dinner. A sigh came out of her mouth. She yearned to see larger hooved prey again. However, it wasn't impossible. Ungulates don't hibernate like many rodents and bears, but they do migrate. If they happen to pass by the territory, it would be great for the pack. She knew that snow in ineveitable to elk and it covers their food source and forces them to move down south. The direction of their movement was mostly needed because they travel back and forth the some direction a lot. As the cream wolf moved forward, she spotted something black and familiar. Delta Breeze! Being accepted into the pack by the delta was still fresh on her mind. It was a new beginning for her. She didn't think the pack would be terrible like her birth pack under the current alpha's rule. Quietly noticing the black she wolf's movements, she didn't go towards her. She only sat and waited for her to finish. The way Breeze moved triggered in her mind that the delta was in the middle of catching prey. Knowing how those animals underground work, startling her or making noise could end her hunt.

~Hunter Arrelys~

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Tagged:@Delta Breeze  |Made by @Arrelys
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2016, 02:50

Quiet. The soft muffled movement and noise of the prey, the distant howling of the wind, and her own breathing. For a moment that was all she heard. Then, just as Breeze had pinpointed her target’s exact location, she heard the faint crunch of paws on snow. With a swift glance over her shoulder, she saw the new hunter. Oh good, it seems she caught something already! She thought with satisfaction. The dark grey fae quickly bunched her muscles and leaped, her gaze once more focused on the snow in front of her. Plumes of white powder flew up on either side the of the large grey she-wolf as she broke through the top layers of frozen snow with force. Narrowed eyes tried to focus on her target and for a moment all Breeze could see was white, yet a small flash of pale brown gave her prey away. The hare had been about to emerge and had climbed out of its burrow under the snow, only to be snatched by the female’s powerful jaws. The animal struggled, kicking and squealing in protest and terror as the wolf pulled it from the snow bank. The muffled sound of it’s panic was cut short as the Delta swung her head swiftly to the right, snapping its spine and ending its life. The soft crack faded into relative silence as Breeze stood there, her breath billowing around her. A satisfied smile curled her mouth as she nodded to the female Hunter. Slowly, she made her way over to where the other remained, taking a seat and placing the hare, which wasn’t terribly skinny, next to her dark grey paws. ”I see you have already begun with your hunting. Very nice. I do hope you are liking it here.” The Delta said with a smile. she gestured to her own catch. ”I was trying to do my share while I had the time in between patrols and such.” She explained. “Do you plan on meeting our packmates or exploring the lands right away?”

(I am so very sorry for the delay. School has been hectic the past two weeks and I've barely been online.)
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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2016, 13:34

Arrelys began to drop her ground squirrel on her paws and dipped her head with respect when Delta Breeze came over. "I have. This territory is nice so far. I like it here," she ended the sentence with a smile. The cream she wolf then looked at Breeze's catch by her gray paws. Nice catch, she thought. "I have been hunting for the majority of my time. My goal is hunt enough for everyone to be full... I don't know any hunters in the pack. I don't know if I'm the only one or what..." A sigh left her mouth as she scanned her own prey. Am I working too hard at this? Or am I just overwhelmed because I joined another pack for the first time? Her thoughts were pushed away when the wolf in front of her asked her a question. "Whichever works. We can do both. Perhaps getting to know our pack-mates first? In that way we can all learn about each other while exploring?" Arrelys looked at Breeze and waited for her response.

~Hunter Arrelys~

| Arrelys' Bio |

Tagged:@Delta Breeze-- It's okay! :3  |Made by @Arrelys
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2016, 13:39

It was interesting to hear how the creamy wolf was already so dedicated to her pack, even if that meant she was feeding wolves she did not know. An impressed glint could be detected in the Delta’s golden amber eyes as she smiled. “I’m glad to see you have dedication to help out in this pack immediately. I myself try to contribute more than two meals whenever I can. Now I certainly don’t expect you to feed everyone in this pack by hunting until you collapse, but effort is good.” Her voice dropped it’s slight formal note and more of a friendly and easy going tone. It was only something she would add if needed, and usually during first meetings. The dark fae inclined her head empathetically as Arrelys explained about not knowing the other hunters. It was understandable that she wished to know the others of her rank. Breeze had always been most interested in getting to know high ranks and warriors, for those were the types of wolves she had grown up being comfortable with. She shifted a bit, thinking carefully about the pack members she knew before speaking once more. “I do know another Hunter named Sieglinde. She is a very nice wolf and we both helped Delta Altair find a den back when he had first joined….I also know we have more than that, although i haven’t met the others. There used to be Lead Hunter Finnick, although he is no longer here. Many of the warriors here also hunt though, so I’m sure you would have no trouble with finding others to hunt with if you so wished.” Her gaze drifted out over the field and valley as her mind brought up memories from when she had been new to the pack. The grey pelted she-wolf was just glad Arrelys would meet the other canids of Agavos before being thrown into a large task like the moose hunt they had done. That had been a rather terrifying situation in which to first meet packmates. “Meeting others is always great. I’m not sure you will see them all immediately. Even for me it can take me a bit to get to know some new packmates.” The Delta explained, glancing back at her company. “Still, it is more enjoyable to explore with others rather than by yourself. The best place to start is always the pack clearing.” Breeze paused for a moment, glancing down at her catch before gesturing in a sweeping motion with her tail to the surrounding area. “This is known as the Training Pasture. Its where we find most herbs and large prey. it looks quite lovely in warmer months.” The female said. One grey paw tapped the ground then smoothed over it’s uneven surface. “The uneven slope is good for training, although I personally like to have people know how to hunt and fight in more than just an open space….do you know much about fighting? I know you are more adept to hunting, but it’s good for everyone to know at least basic fighting.” Her golden orbs sparkled as she brought up the topic of training, becoming alight with curiosity to know more about what her packmate knew.

(I’m so sorry for the low muse and delay. I’ll do better next time. I promise I’m not usually like this.)
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PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeFebruary 5th 2016, 18:33

A smile formed on her face when Delta Breeze complimented her. It was unusual of her to receive nice words. "Yes, I feel like it's no point on being a hunter when you don't have the attitude for it. In general terms speaking." The she wolf added the sentence to be safe. Though they were having friendly conversation, she didn't want mess it up with the wrong comments. Her gaze traveled back to the gray she wolf she spoke again. Carefully listening to her words, she noted that the Delta may not know everyone in the pack just yet. But she liked what she heard. Even warriors in the pack could hunt if they wanted to. That was a good thing. What if the wolf was alone and could only fight but not hunt? Or vise-versa? Not a good combination. "I don't expect to know everyone at one time. To be honest, I'm still in the process of getting to know my surroundings and I may still be a little closed. But I'm making effort to get out there. Even if it was just a little step."

Arrelys' gaze went to the place called the Training Pasture. So that's where larger prey are. She gave the delta a little nod as she explained what wolves do there. It didn't take a genius to know that the place was meant for training. Why else would the name include "training" in it? Her gaze shifted when Breeze asked her if she had fighting skills. "Yes, of course. To me, it's like fighting prey in a brutal manner." The cream she wolf kept her reason in knowing how to fight a little vague. Though she did have a talented mentor, she learned how to fight the most when she constantly fight with her tribemates long ago. Arrelys may not look like a fighter, but the truth was that she was a merciless fighter when provoked.

~Hunter Arrelys~

| Arrelys' Bio |

Tagged:@Delta Breeze-- It's alright. :3  |Made by @Arrelys
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2016, 22:41

3 years old

Lyrics or something about Breeze goes here.

NOTES: OMG this seems so long! I was trying to think of how she could go about warning Arrelys without sounding too stern. xD

She walks. She talks. She thinks.

A soft laugh escaped the Delta as her packmate voice her opinion on hunters. It was a bit bold, but true nonetheless. A small nod was given although Breeze wanted to make sure she realized the other high ranks were often less easy-going than her. She remained silent as the creamy wolf commented on the various topics, then started with the subject of rank. "Indeed. Ranks are given, and if a wolf can't fulfill their duty without complaining, then perhaps they don't deserve that rank. I do not complain about having to patrol our borders or hunt for my packmates. The pack must be patrolled and it's inhabitants must be fed. However, I must inform you that it would be best to take formalities into account when speaking to any other high ranking wolf here. Especially Beta Fel and Alpha Desmond. They expect lots of respect and some degree of submission as well. Do not look them in the eye. You need not do so with me, but just be a bit more cautious with the other high ranks." She said, her approving and slightly amused tone became slightly more stern, although still friendly. It was simply a bit of advice. "I only expect such from wolves at the border." She explained. For a moment she just looked out over the valley, then glanced down at the snow thoughtfully. "Things do take time...that's why I try to get to know all of my packmates. What type of leader would I be if I didn't know anyone I lead?" She laughed at the thought, then looked up at the hunter. "It's also good to know who has certain skills. I like to know who the healers are, who the warriors are...it's important to know what each wolf is capable of. That way I know who needs training. Being well rounded in fighting abilities is as important as knowing how to hunt. Especially with Erenyx nearby." The fae added. The response on fighting tecnique perplexed her. Nobody had ever compared it to fighting prey before, although it would be understandable if she was referring to hunting moose. Those creatures were such a bother to take down. She tilted her head with curiosity, intrigued by the light wolf's way of describing fighting. "Well your description of fighting is somewhat true, but that all depends on how you see it. You don't fight a cougar or a crocodile the same way you fight a moose. Crocodiles have their teeth and tail, moose have antlers and hooves, and wolves have teeth and claws." Breeze explained. "Have you had lots of experience with fights? I don't mean to intrude....some of my own experiences have been rather....unfortunate."Her voice was quiet, her expression darkening as the words left her lips. Just because she was cheerful now didn't mean her past had been all rainbows and happiness.

Delta Breeze
ty sophia @ shine
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PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2016, 15:57

Arrelys' ears bent back in shame. Being more formal and cautious was harder than she imagined. "I apologize for my lack of awareness, Delta Breeze." The cream she wolf sighed. "It's just that... Being that way is harder than I thought. I was basically a high ranking wolf all of my life...until well...I left my birth pack--
Arrelys refrained herself from saying anymore. "I have no need for excuses. I'll just learn my mistakes and do better next time and be more thoughtful. I'm sorry." The hunter felt ignorant with excuses, especially when talking to a high ranking wolf. She listened to the delta even though it was hard to meet her gaze. The words from the black wolf seemed to be flowing out the other ear when a question caught her off guard. The hunter quickly looked up and met the Breeze's gaze for the first time. That was the question that she wanted to avoid the most. Fights. Arrelys haven't been at the pack for long. That fact scared her. Nobody knew much about her and if she described her fights, she would look like the bad wolf. Plus she have a temper. "Yes, I have been involved with a lot of fights. I'm surprised I have no scars yet." That was not entirely true. She may not have physical scars, but she did have mental scars. Brutes are what caused them.

~Hunter Arrelys~

| Arrelys' Bio |

Tagged:@Delta Breeze-- Teehee! Her ego went downhill. :3  |Made by @Arrelys
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Elite Breeze
Elite Breeze

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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2016, 02:43

3 years old
Lyrics or something about Breeze goes here.


She walks. She talks. She thinks.

An understanding nod was given at the words from the other wolf. “I don’t mind it myself, I’m simply giving you a bit of advice. I was much the same way when I joined…in fact….i learned the hard way.” Breeze replied, her orbs sparkling with slight amusement as she recalled her own acceptance in to Agavos. “That was when there weren’t many accepted. I made the mistake of making eye contact for a long period of time. My birth pack was quite informal for the most part, and I was always among the high ranks anyway. I had forgotten to take the importance of eye contact into account when I was first greeted at the border of Agavos. Desmond forgave me of course, but at the time it upset him a bit.” The grey female recalled. She smiled empathetically. "Not to freak you out…most high ranking wolves just appreciate visible acknowledgement of their rank. That goes Fel especially, or so I’ve heard from packmates. Anyway, don’t worry about it too much, but I think its better to over react with more submission, at least until you become accustomed to it. They will tell you if it is too much.” Breeze told the Hunter. Her gaze glanced down at the hare thoughtfully. “Funny how I ended up being in the same position as the one I held in my birth pack…” The delta added softly. I wonder if Flint is still alive and healing the sick and wounded somewhere. I hope he had the sense to abandon those flea bags that took over. She mused.

Delta Breeze
ty sophia @ shine
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PostSubject: Re: Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2016, 12:04

As much as Arrelys hated to admit it, she knew that she liked to here advice ever so often. They were helpful in a lot of cases. She looked to the delta. Breeze smoothed the situation a little when she tried to connect with her. The cream wolf appreciated that a lot--not all wolves did the same. "I really like the advice you give to me, Delta Breeze," the wolf said. "They sure are helpful." Arrelys took a breath and looked at her ground squirrel. Suddenly, she felt a bit more energy buzz in her. The cream wolf began to stand up. Her gaze was pinpointed beyond the pasture. "I think there are larger prey around here. They usually travel down south during this time of the season. Perhaps we should catch one if my predication is correct?" The hunter looked over to Delta Breeze with a thoughtful expression.

~Hunter Arrelys~

| Arrelys' Bio |

Tagged:@Delta Breeze  |Made by @Arrelys
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Hunting for the unattainable and unknown (Hunter Arrelys)

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