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Ashes to Ashes (Private)

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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 12:56

Fel stomped along in the rain, not caring that her paws made a splash with every stride. It was dark and there was limited visibility, save for the occasional flashes of lightning that preceded the roars of the sky. It was risky for any wolf to be out here alone, but she knew that any predators large enough to take her would run the same risk. Besides, it was clear that she would not be an easy catch, and therefore, she didn’t worry too much. Ears on guard, she followed the quickly vanishing trail of another wolf. There were few who travelled in such weather, and usually, they were up to no good. Perhaps the intentions of this individual could serve a purpose to her.

After a while though, the rain did its duty and washed away the traces of scent and steps. The beta cursed it silently, but continued a path that seemed to be the most likely to be chosen. She walked with more caution now, paying attention to her sounds as well as her surroundings. Fur plastered against her body, she huffed and continued on, not minding the gravel and clay that tainted her paws. The wind was cold, and her gaze even colder, but a warm ember sparked pulsed inside of her body. She could feel that something was about to happen. That sort of intuition existed in all creatures - the gut feeling when something significant is about to occur, be it bad or exciting. Fel trudged onwards towards fate with open jaws, blinking away the droplets that rained down from the sky.

// Rage against the dying of the light
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credit to kenz.

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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 13:22

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

Falling from the sky was something Azul had been waiting three long months for. This summer could have been the worst in years possibly because it really was, or it was possible that his old age was really taking a toll with the horrible conditions. Either way, Azul was pleased to feel the cold water falling along his back. He strode casually, making his way to the border of his lands. His head was held high and his eyes were set forward. He was looking for anything that might be a danger to him or his pack. But there was nothing there. He wandered forth, looking left and right as he did. Each step was careful and his golden gaze wandered as he approached the neutral lands. He was very careful. He knew this amount of rain could force a landslide to happen and he would not be ready for such a thing. He was too old for something like that to happen and he to survive it.

When he made it to the Isle, his eyes grew wide. The rain was joined by thunder, and lightning. He recalled a time when he was fighting an Erenyx wolf in the rain and thunder. It was an interesting day. It was one that Azul would never forget. He allowed his guard to be down for far too long. He moved through the lands, taking in the views as his golden orbs traced along the form of a wolf before him. It's back was facing him and at first he thought it was the demon king himself, but he was wrong. This wolf was large, but not as big as Teren. For a split second, he imagined it was Juno. His old mind had started to play tricks on him, and he allowed a soft whimper to escape his lips. He moved closer to the fae, but stopped before he was close enough for her to turn on him and attack. He stopped dead in his tracks. The rain had done well enough to shed her scent from the lands, but it did not stop from her scent coming from her body. Fel. "Shouldn't you be home, following your Rogue leader?"

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 6th 2016, 20:41

Black paws halted in a rocky clearing. She had a good vantage point, but there was no one she could see in the rain. What a disappointment. She lost the either Pyrvanthros or Erenyx she-wolf she had been following. Fel sighed softly, but that was when she heard the crunch of pawsteps behind her. She was not alone.

Fel turned her head slowly, only to see the one and only Azul of Helidos standing there and whimpering. He had mistaken her for someone, since the whimper did not last long. She chuckled a deep chuckle. What an irony it was: she had waited for this moment for so long, but now that it was here, she could do nothing. Desmond’s orders were strict, and she had promised to obey them. But, after a moment, an idea sparked in her mind.

This would be a wonderful evening.

“I am free to roam the lands as I see fit. And that Rogue leader you speak of is better than the alpha you were. He, for one, does not step down when his pack needs him.” She smirked softly, staring at him with clear interest. “Tell me, oh failed one, how is your broken pack? Which idiotic replacement leads it now? As weak as you were as a leader, your successors seem to degenerate each time.” It was just a string of words. She knew Sitka led the pack now, though she doubted his success as one if he had to ask for an alliance.

Quietly, she made her slow approach. It was not a direct approach, but more like a circle. Each step was slow, but not tentative. She strode with an air of decision. She was above him. “I was tracking a wolf from another pack, but her scent vanished in the rain. But why are you here, Azul? Come to think of all of the friends you helped kill?” She smiled coldly, taking another step while the lightning flashed and thunder rolled. “The toll keeps rising, you know.”

// Rage against the dying of the light
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credit to kenz.
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2016, 13:15

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

He scoffed at her words. Everyone in Helidos knew that Azul was losing his mind. After Lucy had gotten ill, there was only one logical thing to do. He lost his son. He stepped down in hopes to keep the other two around, but alas, they too were failed by their father. Azul couldn't take care of his family and had no place to take care of a whole pack. He growled lowly towards her. She knew why he stepped down, they all did. Nobody cared. Nobody cared about Lucy, nobody cared about his young. Nobody cared about what was best for their previous leader. Now Helidos was in shambles, and probably would never get that chance to be like it once was. Azul turned his head with her body as it moved. His feet shuffled to keep his body directed towards her, never giving her the opportunity to see his back completely defenseless. His muscles relaxed, though his heart pounded intensely within his chest. "Sitka is a fine wolf, and it was the request of our late Alphess for him to lead. He has done well for our pack, and he will continue to do so." Snarls slipped after his words as his tail raised high above his back. "I came here to find peace, only to find you instead. Yes, I mourn the loss of my friends, my allies... But I am not the reason for their suffering or their lost lives. It is unfair to blame that on anyone. Only you can be blamed for your crimes against Helidos, for you took a life right in front of my eyes." Her words were like poison to his ears. Oh how his stomach turned with disgust. How could she claim he was the reason for other wolves dying? He was no god or savior. He could not save them all. "What is this toll you speak of?"

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Location : Alabama

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Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2016, 10:10

Fel smirked as he moved. This was going as planned, so she continued to make her way around him. In truth, she was heading for the exit. This meeting could not end in death. "The request of an idiot is to be replaced by another idiot. It was your request, and I guess she followed suit. Come on Azul, stop kidding yourself. Your late alphess ruined the pack. As far as I recall, the stories spread across the lands say that she charged at him alone. She was always weak in her body, but the fact that she was weak of mind is one you fail to notice." Azul's tail raised like a pathetic banner. She kept hers snaking behind her. She was not to be aggressive. Desmond said so; she couldn't attack. "I find it rather funny how you still think that. You didn't hear your own daughter's words. You abandoned her, you were never there for her, and you drove her away. Teren did the fatal damage, and yes, I freed her from her suffering. She would have either died slowly or been a cripple for the rest of her life. But you, Azul... You were the reason she was in that position in the first place. You should thank me. I, at least, did what your daughter asked... What she deserved. Athena died honorably." She narrowed her eyes, muscles tensing beneath her wet pelt in a pattern.

At his question, she nearly laughed. "What toll? The one that counts how many have died because of your poor leadership. But you poor dear, has no one told you? Did you think Quinn was the last, and that the ends were tied with that? Your beloved Beta, a fine fae I respect and who respected me, is dead. She jumped off of a cliff, not too long after bearing the young of Teren. I congratulate you Azul. You may think I am a monster, so I congratulate you from one monster to another. If it weren't for you, Juno would be alive..." Her glare hardened in condemnation. Of course, she was saying the words for the sake of ruining him. But her resentment toward him remained valid. Juno was a fine wolf, and it was his fault as well as Quinn's that she ended up in Erenyx. "You were supposed to protect her. You failed your daughter, your beta, and your pack. There is no peace for you to find here," barked Fel as the thunder clashed. "Is there even anyone left in Helidos that is worth an ounce of concern? Or is that the reason Agavos is being called to help defend you?" As stern and truthful as her voice rang, she kept cautious note of her posture.

// Rage against the dying of the light
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credit to kenz.
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2016, 08:38

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

It was only now that Azul realized just how much he hated the onyx fae. Did she know nothing? "You should be thankful for what Quinn did for you. She saved your life. If I had things my way, you would be dead right now and hopefully being tortured by others for the rest of your miserable days in the other forest. I hope you seek no peace when your eyes finally close forever. And it was not my request, foolish Fel. I t was the request of the Alphess, Rose. She had told me that he was to take Sitka as a mate, but she was taken before we could start the mating ceremony." He continued to keep up with her moves. He was not going down without at least a taste of her flesh. He would prefer to kill her now, break any laws that stated he could not. The world needed to be rid of her existence for the better of everyone. Athena was a young pup, too young to understand that there were ways to save her. No parents wants to bury their young. It is a sad fate that Azul had seen not once, but three times. The Elder snarled at her response. "We could have saved her! I at least wanted to try!" He growled loudly at her as he snapped his jaws and some saliva flung forward. He could kill her now, get over with it. It was neutral lands and the rain was helping to hide her scent. It would be perfect. She could fall down the falls, like Kenai... But hopefully, she would perish.

"You don't understand love, Fel. You care for none other than yourself. You were my Guardian, sworn to protect the pack. You failed and instead, took an innocent life. You deserve to die." The more Azul looked to her, it seemed like her body language was laughing at him, taunting him. He was too delusional to see if this was a mind trick or she actually was enjoying herself. A small voice rang in his head. "She killed Athena, who's to say she didn't kill Lucy as well?" Her words and the blend of the ones in his mind spoke over one another. Soon, the words that came from Fel's mouth were being repeated by the voice in his head. He closed his eyes for a second, trying to silence them, but it would not stop. "Juno is dead?" His heart sank and his words were low, almost not even muttered at all. The thunder clashed and rolled behind the clouds. Flashes of light could be seen behind the onyx fae as the water fell harder down from the sky, covering them as if they had been swimming in the river. Azul had not been told of the alliance. Surely if it were true, Sitka would have told him. "Why do you choose to lie so much Fel? You really think Helidos would seek the help of a bunch of fools who follow a wolf who doesn't understand leadership?" Azul stood his ground, stopping his paws in place. His golden eyes stared at her, glaring with years of hate built up behind them. Of all the wolves he had met, it was only two he truly despised - Teren and Fel. They had been scum on the earth, sent to destroy all which was perceived as good and decent. "Enough!" he barked as he full on charged the fae. Azul could take it no longer. He reared up on his hind legs and charged the fae before him. His jaws opened wide as he tried to go for her neck. If he got just a small piece of her flesh or a drop of her blood, he would be proud of himself. He was not going to allow the traitor to speak so ill of the wolves around them.

"Speech" // 'Thoughts' // Actions

Attack: He lunges for her neck
Defense: Ears and tail tucked
Injuries: None

Table by Sieglinde; Image credit to Dawnthieves

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Beta Fel
Beta Fel

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Location : Alabama

Wolf Information
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Purchases: Extra Large Wolf: 93 cm

Ashes to Ashes (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2016, 17:52

Fel continued silently, taking detailed mental notes of his degeneration. Azul was losing himself in his emotions… She would not have to wait long now. Already, she braced herself. This was not a fight - it was the beginning of a chain of events all powered by strategy. He needed only to fall into the red haze of rage, and she needed to stay collected.

The old brute yelled his part, but he showed even more stupidity than she had ever expected. Not only did he scream out an initiative of his attack, but he took the time to rear and show his angle of attack. Pathetic. And this, my dear viewers, considered the she-wolf, is what Helidos calls a leader. All the better for her.

Fel saw that he sought to get her neck - to kill so easily and blindly. In the rain, she jutted forward at the last minute, even shoving her own shoulder into his jaws with enough force for him to feel her giving herself to him. A growl first escaped her jaws, clenched in anticipation for the pain, once his teeth sunk into her shoulder. There was a lot of skin and fur, but the attack did not shred her muscles. That was the only thing Fel had been worried about, really, and it ended up okay. Her neck swung around, fangs out and ready to grab his scruff and toss him away as she had done before.

Once he was off of her, she would laugh and walk away from the scene. Her attention remained on him, and her head was tilted so that she could see him over her now bleeding shoulder. In the darkness, she called out, “I have lit the match of your funeral pyre. Thank you for providing the spark.” And with that, Fel dashed away into the darkness, moving through the pain and allowing her own blood to stain her fur.

Exit Fel

Attack: grab by the scruff and toss away
Defense: same as defense
Injuries: medium injury to shoulder

// Rage against the dying of the light
tag  | ###  | notes: n/a
credit to kenz.
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PostSubject: Re: Ashes to Ashes (Private) Ashes to Ashes (Private) Icon_minitime

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