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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open

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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 4th 2016, 21:56

hat had begun as a meaningless stroll, with no destination in mind nor task at hand, was quick to become something so much more when plumes of smoke began to fill the sky. At first, deep amber eyes caught sight of thin wisps of smoke that could have passed for clouds had he not been paying much attention. But, those thin trails grew exponentially, and a thick fog of white smoke began to billow upwards. With the wind in his face, the smell was quick to follow, and the dense, burning scent assaulted his nose. Wrinkling his face in displeasure at the nasal assault, the Guardian stood still in silent debate with himself as to what to do. Of course instinct would dictate that any sane wolf should run. He should run as far away, as fast as his legs would carry him, but Drogo's instincts were far from that of an average wolf. To a seasoned soldier such as himself, a danger like this, while admitting it's potential, was not something he would run from. He held a title, and that title was Guardian. Though his main objective was to protect the Alpha family, he would gladly give his life for any wolf who called Helidos home. Something in him would not let his legs shift direction towards home. No. There was a feeling in his stomach, one that he could not shake, one that beckoned him towards the flames, that he must ensure that no wolf belonging to Helidos get trapped in the blazing inferno.

decision had been made, and time was of the essence. Muscles sprang to life beneath this rust coloured pelt sending him surging forwards. His sense of smell was all but useless going in, so he would have to stay sharp. For a wolf to be deprived of such a vital sense was cause for concern. He would not be able to smell who, or what was around him. Perhaps it was foolish of him to go charging into a crackling fire, but to him, it was second nature. His life had been given new meaning when he had found Helidos, and he would do anything he had to, to ensure it's survival. With each bounding stride, the smoke around him grew thicker and thicker, the noxious fumes causing his eyes to water in retaliation. A deep growl rumbled in his chest as he shook his head, blinking his eyes vigorously to alleviate them to some extent. The air around him was growing warmer by the second. He had not thought such a thing possible with how blistering the sun had been as of late, but he supposed that was in turn the cause of this unfolding disaster. Too much of a good thing was very quick to become a dangerous thing, and such was the case here.

lames became visible now, their treacherously beautiful tendrils of destruction licking at the bases of the trees. Dried brush and leaves gave life to the greed driven fire, pushing it's reaches further and further. The crackling of trees falling prey to the fire caused his ears to swivel back and fourth, but there was no time for this. He needed to find any who might be lost within the maze of smoke and flames, and guide them to safety before they should fall victim to a death most foul. "Hello! Anyone!" his voice erupted, trying his best to throw it as far as he could. "Anyone! I am here to help! Follow my voice!" he shouted, unsure whether his call would fall upon nothing more than the devastation before him, or if there was someone out there who needed him.

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Omega Faust
Omega Faust

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2016, 08:08

Bright orange and red flames engulfed the tremendous amount of terrain surrounding the Blossom Pastures. Spreading like the plague an abundance of flames singed the once beautiful pasture, fading to dust and ash. It had all seemed as if it were a horrible nightmare, where dragons cast upon there evil firey breath throwing them into a lake of fire. Faust's mind spun vision become heftily blurry as the brute frantically search for a way out, as if the summer heat was bad and singed his lungs this was worse. Doing the best he could the soothing colored mutt raised his head above the smoke gasping for what little piece of air he could grasp a hold to. Blinding winds of smoke and smog filled his vision leaving him with nothing but the mere imagination of death. 'Is this it? Is this how I'm going to die? he questioned himself. Sounds of dying embers and the vicious barks of fire engulfing the area began to fade as he pushed forwards on shaky limbs. The faint call of other voices swirled within his mind making the fearful brute wonder if it was all just an illusion caused by the lack of oxygen. Black smoke clouded the omegas vision causing moisture to suddenly began to form within his eyes in search of some sort of relief from the sting. Up ahead in the distance emerald eyes locked upon a dark figure one the almost exactly resembled his dear brother Mephis. Coughing loudly he trudged forwards calling out from the flames "Brother! Brother, help!" though as he neared the figure became much broader and fuzzy. He was losing his vision and could hardly walk or breath, black smoke filled the sooten brutes lungs as he neared the three canine gasping for air. "Brother Please! Help me!" The words shocked Faust, he had never once in his life asked for help even in the darkest of times. But this was a life or death situation, and he were damned if he was going to die.

Notes: Faust has lost a lot of oxygen due to the fires smoke, therefor his brain is creating the picture that Drogo is his brother Mephis. He is not fully aware of this yet and won't be until he's returned to full health.
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Healer Xora
Healer Xora

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2016, 08:38

It was a nice day for a stroll, Xora decided to head for the place she liked best in the lands of Age. A beautiful pasture of blossoms with beautiful scents. Not too long ago she had brought back the blossoms to the Healers den due to the peace they made her feel. And now the blossoms that were in her den all lost their color and scent. Her green orbs stayed focused on the ground the whole time she walked until a strong scent of smoke filled the air. Her ears pricked up as she heard the yells of some wolves and right away she turned and ran. She looked around the ground frantically as she ran. And soon enough she found one herb that she was in search of, Juniper. If any wolf was inhaled the smoke then she would need to give the leaves to them to ease their cough and any soreness and internal lung problems. But that wouldn't be enough. She had to have something to calm a wolf, the yells seemed frantic. She felt bad for running, but she could do nothing for a wolf unless she had herbs. She searched desperately for a couple of certain plants and once she found them, she spun around and started running back to the voices. Thyme, Vervain roots and Juniper leaves lightly held in her mouth as she approached quickly towards the wolves. Bounding through the flames. When she saw them she noticed Guardian Drogo, he seemed fine, just trying to help any wolves in the fire. But then there was another, he seemed to be hallucinating. Probably from the inhalation of smoke. "Sir, come here quick, I am a Healer I can help you." she said as she tried not to inhale the smoke. She held the herbs lightly and moved forward to help the brute. But at the same time she tried to avoid flames. "We need to get you away from here, I have herbs to help you, I heard your calls for help." she explained as she tried to help the male. Her Healer instincts taking control as she helped guide the brute. "Guardian Drogo, are you alright, you didn't inhale any smoke did you?" she asked with concern obviously laced in her voice.
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Weather Wolf
Weather Wolf

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2016, 10:13

– F O R E C A S T –
There's a crack of thunder and a flash of lighting, but no rain pours from the sky. Fires grow and force the dying trees to fall - right between Drogo and the other two wolves.

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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2016, 12:04

eing surrounded by smoke and flames was disorienting to say the very least. All sense of smell has been stripped from him, his sight was foggy at best, and as the blazing inferno grew with each passing moment, the crackling of wood popping, moaning in distress at the blistering heat, was the bulk of what his ears could detect. Sparks littered the air, drifting in no calculable manner, threatening to send whatever they should happen to land upon up in fire. The air around him continued to rise in temperature, seeming to constrict around ever inch of him. He should turn around. He should go home to the family he knew would be waiting for him, safely in Helidos. Hesitation began to creep over him, but was quickly pushed back when a voice called out in response. It was a cry for help, and as the sound of it hit his ears, it was as if a switch had been flipped. It was a familiar switch for him, for it allowed him to push onward, ignoring all signs of pain, exhaustion, and anything that might slow him down, or impede his performance at the task at hand.

oving towards the voice that called out for help, Drogo was quick to located the ebony form. The wolf looked panicked and desperate. Drogo did not recognize the wolf's voice, or appearance, but there was no time to inquire about names or packs. None deserved to perish in flames, none save for one menace perhaps, but this wolf was not he. Of that much Drogo was certain. "Come quickly now." he barked, leaving no room for discussion in his tone as he approached the frantic beast. All too quickly there was another wolf at their side, a female that he did recognize as Helidos. She was a healer, of this much he knew , but her name escaped him at the moment. He wished to scold her carelessness for dashing into the blazing inferno as healers were a rare commodity in Helidos as of late, but there was no time for that now. She was immediately at the panicked brutes side, coaxing him and explaining that she could help. There was no time for that. They needed to move, and quickly.

urning impatience and authority flickered in his amber eyes as he spoke "This way. Follow me. Make sure he doesn't get left behind." he ordered, as his gaze swept across the fiery landscape, picking out a safe route. Locking on their target, the Guardian set to move past the others, but fate had other plans. A loud crack boomed across the sky, drawing Drogo's attention for but a brief moment, but that moment was all it took for a flaming tree to come crashing down between him and the others. Legs scrambled beneath him as he dodged the falling inferno, but a qucik pivot of his head alerted him that he was trapped, the flames raged in a wall of red death behind him, and this newfound obstacle lay before him. The others still had a chance if they left now, but they would need to move quickly as the path to freedom was growing thinner and thinner by the second. GO! Go now! " he snarled, pointing his maw towards their only hope.

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Lead Warrior Claudia
Lead Warrior Claudia

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 6th 2016, 17:35

We are the poisonedyouth
This hadn't supposed to take such a dramatic turn. She'd only wanted to leave the lands of Pyrvanthros for a little bit, just take a stroll and maybe a nap, nothing too dramatic. It had been one of the hottest days yet and she couldn't stand the thought of just hanging around the territory practically waiting for someone to pester her so she'd slipped away unnoticed in hopes of finding somewhere she could rest until it grew cooler in peace. Was it some sort of twisted karma for being such an irritable prick and wanting to be alone? But it was on that very day that she'd been admiring the beauty of the pink coloured trees around her that she'd caught a weird smell that made her sensitive noes wrinkle and her green eye sting. Thoughts of sleeping suddenly washed away as her body became as alert as ever, she'd let her curiosity win over her instincts and had followed the odd scent. It didn't take long for her to figure out what it was. Smoke. Suddenly realizing why she'd gotten a bad feeling about following the odd smell, Claudia stepped backwards in hopes of reaching the safety she'd had only a moment ago. It was hopeless. With a deadly grace and silence, the choking substance had surrounded her and she stumbled forward blindly, coughing and gagging as it filled her lungs. Her eye stung and she felt panic flare within her. Where was she? The large fae kept moving blindly, only hoping she was moving away from the danger but as crackling sounds began to reach her perked ears she suspected she'd most definitely gone the wrong way. The trunks around her now had a dim orange glow to them and she knew what it had to be. Fire. She was trapped in a forest that was on fire. Damn was she screwed. She shook her head roughly, trying to think straight despite the lack of oxygen in the air around her. Blundering around like a fool wasn't going to do her any good, she had to try and focus. She could see it now, flames licking up the trunks of the poor trees and burning the pink petals she'd only just been admiring to a black crisp. Shuddering at the thought of the harm it could do to her body, Claudia panted as she struggled to hold back the oncoming panic.

She moved in a circle but nowhere looked any better off anymore so all she could do was pick one direction and hope for the best. Blinking several times she took a few unsteady steps forward before setting off at a run, weaving between trunks and dodging the burning vegetation. However soon she was only able to walk, coughing and spluttering as she tried to breathe. She was going to die, she was going to die....It was then that she heard voices, faint but definitely voices. "Hello?!" She called out frantically. However her voice was hoarse and simply ended in a hacking cough. It was pointless, she would never be heard. She heard the voice again and took off moving as quick as she could in the direction of the voices. They were getting further away, obviously moving in the opposite direction but that could mean they knew where they were going? She tried to move quicker, desperate to catch up and scared of losing them and being trapped here forever. Fire singed the tips of her fur and the heat left her panting in the smoke filled air that only left her gagging and coughing even more. Oh what she would do for a drink of water right now...Shaking her head dizzily she suddenly heard a large groan from ahead and saw the top of one of the larger trees sway and fall where the fire seemed to be at its worse. The lead warrior had been about to turn and go in another direction when she heard the voices again, closer now and like the pack animal she was she found herself moving in that direction as she sought the comfort of others. She staggered forward, suddenly spotting the form of another standing right beside the burning tree. Were they mad? She could practically feel the flames trying to lick at her flanks as she used the last of her energy to spring forward where she fell and rolled on the dusty ground. Too flustered to be embarrassed, she sprang back to her paws and glanced at the other beside her. A brute with an earthen coloured pelt, her gaze slipped to the other side of the tree where two other dark furred wolves stood.

The smell of smoke was too thick to smell what packs they came from but she honestly didn't care right now. She turned in a slow circle and saw nothing but flames and more flames. There was no way out. Turning back to the brute she saw him trying to direct the others to a way on the other side of the tree. Claudia coughed quietly and stood forward so that she was beside him. "Hey" she muttered hoarsely, she felt somewhat calmer in the presence of another despite the stress one would still obviously feel if you were trapped in a fire with no visible way out. "Don't suppose you can see a way out for us, no?" She blinked slowly, feeling very tired and let her maw open in a yawn that only ended in her coughing strongly as she inhaled the smoke. "Damn" she muttered, words feeling slow and slurred. "This really sucks" She fell back on her haunches, feeling a little dizzy as the things around her seemed to blur into each other. She was really tired....Shaking her head she tried to remain focused but she was growing more delirious by the second as she fought down the urge to suddenly giggle at it all. Look at them all, trapped by a fire. Fire was just heat....and heat was summer...so were wolves going to be killed by summer? She found this rather amusing as she sat in the ring of deadly flames.
hope you's don't mind me throwing in Claudia!
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Omega Faust
Omega Faust

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 8th 2016, 21:43

Smog filled vision did not aid him within his search for shelter from the burning flames, the further he trudged forwards the more weary he became. Blurred silhouettes of dying embers and thick flames licking at the ground before him clouded Faust's vision, he truly had gotten himself in a load of shit this time. The only thing that seemed to keep the ragged eared mutt going at this point were the voices, faint sounds of those calling out wishing to help him those he could only hope were real and not figments of his own imagination. Swaying side to side the brute's pace faltering hacking loudly as the room spun around him; it was all a blur after that. Total darkness consuming the sooten colored male for a mere moment before a sudden boost of strength and energy urged him to open his eyes and move on wards. Within an instance emerald eyes snapped open, a strange figure appearing aside of him just as he regained consciousness. Voices that weren't familiar filled the bent ear as he turned his head towards the supposive female that stood by him. Blackened smoke seemed to grow, polluting the air leaving almost no oxygen for the trio. Stumbling forwards the omega did his best to follow the voice only to have collapsed on the ground a few steps forwards, was this it? Was he truly going to die like this? Engulfed in the fire's of hell, or so what it seemed like. Being punished for his sultry sins that he committed within his life. If so, he knew one thing for sure. He'd be damned if he made it to the good side of the other forest. Rising on shaking limbs once more Faust shook his head a horse growl escaping his throat as determination filled him. Incoherent sentences were uttered, those of which he could hardly hear of understand. Primal instinct seemed to take in as the stranger moved in front of him, seemingly acting as a guide. Sharp incisors nipped at the fae's tail ever so slightly as he grasped it gently with his teeth; not really giving a damn if she opposed to the action. As his guide moved forwards he did as well stopping a few times to blink back the blackness that clouded the edges of his vision, uttering a few harsh tugs unto the females tail.  

As all seemed to be looking up now as they were finally on the path to freedom, the sky reigned a heavy crack of thunder uttering a loud yelp from the omega. Flinching away from the sound Faust stumbled sideways loosing his balance falling near a raging patch of fire. Orange flames singed the brute's ashen colored pelt startling him further, jumping to his paws the canine swayed back towards his guide the best he could. Light's flashed within his vision as another loud crack of thunder sounded throughout the sky, lightning following in it's path. Unable to clearly see what was going on before him, Faust only caught a glimpse of the electricity striking the ground in front of them. "No. No. No. No, I am not dying today!" the brute slurred turning upon his weakened limbs stumbling towards the clean pathway of no fire. Though he had to admit the action was quiet rude, he didn't give a damn at this point. It twas true non of them deserved to die, but judging by all the voices he were the youngest meaning he had a bigger, longer life to live. It was quiet selfish of him to do such thing and put himself before others, but he knew he wouldn't make it far. Fighting for the last bit of energy he had the male swayed through the pathway having not gotten very far from the group because of his oxygen lossed state. Faust's body was shutting down, eyes threatening to flutter shut and end the battle he were having with himself but he wouldn't allow it. He''d come this far and he wasn't going to give it all up now. He had plans. Big plans for his life, and he was not about to throw them all away for some damn fire. Sneering violently the bastard of a wolf, trudged forwards knees growing weak beginning to tremble harshly. A loud whine escaped his lips, a quiet cowardly one at best. One he was sure to be embarrassed of later for sure, but before the brute had time to think anymore he collapsed to the ground unconscious.   
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Healer Xora
Healer Xora

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 9th 2016, 12:43

Xora felt the smoke sting at her eyes as she blinked repeatedly to lessen the pain. She looked back at the brute as she walked and felt as he grabbed her tail lightly. She allowed it, not caring whether it hurt or not. She was going to save this wolf. That was until a loud crack sounded throughout the land and she saw a tree land right in between Drogo and the pair and the brute released his hold from Xora and fell to the side in fear. She spun around to see him as he jumped up from being burned. "Oh no..." she swore to herself as she turned and listened to Drogo yell above the noise of crackling flames. The path to freedom slowly dwindling. His voice was full of authority as he told her to go. But she felt the need to help. Her eyes scanned the area around her. Fire and death all around, it looked from her view there was no escape. "I can't leave you! You have importance to the pack-" before she could say more though another wolf appeared next to him and her heart swelled with fear and sadness. The wolf she was supposed to help was about to die and she actually had a chance to save him. There was no way she could help Drogo and the other female. She sighed and looked back at the wolf as he stood up and another loud bang sounded. He was off in a second and she looked up to Drogo with a pained look. "I'm sorry..." she said as she spun around and raced after the brute as he tried to escape, he stumbled forward and soon she noticed him fall to the ground. Her eyes watering and blinking a bunch to lessen everything and her throat feeling swelled from the amount of smoke inhaled. She knew that soon she would be weak. Yet how was she going to help him, she wasn't strong. She was a Healer. And she couldn't give him the herbs now, they wouldn't help if she couldn't wake him up. So she did all that she could in the moment. She quickly dropped the herbs and grabbed his scruff and started to pull. Her body starting to become weaker with the extra work she was putting into this. Especially since she had to pay attention to everything and pull at the same time. She felt desperate to get out of this place. Yet she didn't know how far she had to go. She had to at least save one wolf. And that wolf would have to be him, she felt terrible at leaving Drogo and the other, but she had an order and she must follow it. The hope might be already lost for all four wolves. But she would try, and she would not give up. As she pulled she noticed the smoke getting thinner and the heat started getting cooler. She was almost safe, unless she was loosing the feeling in her and her sight. She sighed with relief, to either be gone soon or to be out of this hell.
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Healer Crow
Healer Crow

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2016, 20:18

Smoke filled the sky, copious tendrils of thick grey stuff. It clogged the sky, spread over the land via the wind. Smashing into Crow's sensitive nose, making it wrinkle with disgust and dismay. He'd smelt that smell before many months ago whilst journeying as a loner. It was smoke and where smoke could be smelt fire surely followed. Sneezing the putrid substance from his nose, Crow swiveled his head seeking the fire which the smoke surely came from. It didn't take much searching for the smoke wasn't the only thing invading the land. Rapid red and orange flames lapped the dry vegetation with a hungry desperation. He could just make them out off in the distance, dashing from where he stood Crow charged towards the fire. His only thought was of wolves stuck amongst the flames. They would have no chance of surviving their lungs filled with smoke. He couldn't take the chance that a helpless life would be snuffed out. So against his instincts which told him to run, he pushed forward. Arriving in what was once the Blossom Pasture. Now a blazing hot inferno of deathly flames.

" Hello! Hello is anyone there?" He calls desperately standing at the edge of where the smoke was starting to get heavy and thick. He wasn't eager to enter the area, not unless he knew someone was in there. Blinking at the bitter sting of smoke in his eyes, Crow growls in frustration. Unable to hear anyone around, he almost gives up. However as he coughed and backed from the smoke which threatened to swamp him something caught his attention. The flash of fur amongst flames, two shadowy forms. Wolves! " Hello!?" He barks once more, barreling into the heavy smoke, eyes squinting. He tried not to breath in the smoke. Creeping low to the ground he heads towards the distant figures. Closing in on their position, he can tell he was behind them. They however were surrounded by a ring of fire, that threatened to consume them alive. Opening his maw Crow considers shouting once more. However he is forced to leap to the side as a falling branch nearly lands on his tail. You need to get out fast dearie! A voice said inside his head. Having landed rather hard, Crow's paws kicked up dirt. It was so dry, made even worse by the fire. That's it! Eyes flashing Crow barks, " Hey you two! C'mere!" Hoping they heard him Crow turned around and started kicking up the dirt onto the flames. Looking over his shoulder he nearly cackled when he saw the flames falter. " Hurry! Kick some dirt on the fire!" He commands, not even bothering to check an see if the others heard. Needing to work fast. If they spent much more time there they would become charcoal snacks for the flames.

[ Crow to the rescue! ]
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Warrior Piper
Warrior Piper

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2016, 09:03

Hunting had gone sour for the warrior especially with the hint of smoke in the air that scattered most of the prey. Her paws worked hard as she bolted towards the source of the smoke in the dry field, passing running prey and squawking birds in multitude. Her golden eyes started the sting as she neared its source and soon wisps of flames nipped at her flanks and pressed her forward, urging her to outrun the relentless enemy. Coughing now and running blind Piper soon felt intense heat and her paws slip out from under her. Flames has lapped at her cheek right as she slipped and tumbled down a small hill. Choking of smoke, dirt and dry grass she scrambled to her feet, ignoring the small burn on her face, the sound of others yelling diverted her attention. Looking around fast she spotted a split group towards the center of the field, divided by flames. Recognizing one from her own pack she made a mad dash towards them.

As she neared the group the smoke got thicker and made her cough more. Choking again she dropped to the ground where semi fresh air clung. Gasping her frail voice rang out to the group "Hey you guys is someone trapped in there?" She yelled, running as fast as she could with her head hung low.
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Guardian Drogo
Guardian Drogo

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☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Empty
PostSubject: Re: ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open ☼ Rise From The Ashes ☼ | Open Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2016, 14:21

The adventure continues as the group splits into two smaller ones, Ring Of Fire (Drogo, Claudia, Crow) and Blazing Trails (Faust, Xora, Piper)
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