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Every demon wants his pound of flesh

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Every demon wants his pound of flesh Empty
PostSubject: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2013, 16:45

Life as a loner was unsettling. The fallen princess was picking her way through the rocky terrain, putting as much space between the massacre of her birth-pack and herself. It had been days since she'd eaten a meal and her stomach, when not twisting with anxiety, was growling its indignant response to the lack of food. Eris, truthfully, had been far too busy running to feed herself, but it was to the point she could no longer ignore the craving.

It had been a while since she'd gone hunting alone for anything larger than a rabbit. If she found a very, very sick deer then perhaps she could bring it down - though she might still sustain a few injuries and, living alone, those could prove lethal. She was light and quick, but a well-placed kick by a deer would severely damage her. Her ears remained perked atop her head as she searched, keen for the sounds of prey, nearing the point of desperation when she still hadn't found anything in a few hours.

Eventually she came across a stream and crouched to take a drink. She then sat back on her haunches and, heart aching for some social contact, she tipped her head back and howled long and loud.

((Sorry about that! I'm such a noob. ))
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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Every demon wants his pound of flesh Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 09:43

It had been a long time since Azul had actually decided to patrol his borders. He had allowed the Deltas all the practice they required. Giving them a rather high responsibility, he was proud to give. The two had proven their worth to him and his pack. He hoped to see them become promoted to much higher ranks in the future. But for now he would focus on his duties. As he walked around the invisible boundary, he looked about his land. Lush with the sense of spring, the flowers were blooming and showing all their beauty. As he moved about the land, he noticed a beautiful blue petaled flower. As it stuck out about the others, he moved his gentle paws to its base at the floor. As he slowly lowered his head, he nuzzled his nose in its pollen. As he sniffed the alluring scent of the plant, he smiled gently. It had been a long time since he stopped to smell the flowers. With Lucy pregnant, he tried his best to be by her the whole time, protecting her from anything that tried to attack her. Even doing all he could to keep the stress off her and the pups. He would do anything to keep them safe from harm, so if it meant he doing a border patrol here and there, then so be it.

As he walked from the flower, he lifted his head. Just barely after he started his route once again, he heard a call from a wolf. It was the sound of a fae, and as any good leader, he decided to give her a warm welcome. As he made it to her spot, he curled his tail over his spine. Showing his dignity and honor, he pushed his chest forward. As he made it her, he gave her a slight nod. "I am Alpha Azul and you have wandered to my border. What brings you here?"
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Every demon wants his pound of flesh Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2013, 11:50

It was not long that she had to wait for someone to answer her call. Even still, those moments of uncertainty were painful. Each sound caused her coal-coloured ears to twist and her tail twitched anxiously. Silver eyes roamed the area around her as though she was expecting those wolves, the ones whose paws had brought upon the death of her parents, to come flying out of the brush and attack her. I shouldn't have lived... she thought to herself as she listened to the echoes of her questing howl.

If none answered her call she'd have no choice but to move on. Eris, as dark and twisted as she was becoming, would not last as a lone wolf. She had been raised in a large pack, had been given the training of an alpha wolf, and though she was strong all of her strength depended on the wolves around her - as any leader's did. Living alone would mean constantly looking over her shoulder, always wondering when she'd be attacked. And, injured, a lone wolf could scarcely survive even with summer on its way.

Ah, spring. The season brought the heat to her veins and caused that alluring scent to waft from her. She fretted about it, hoping it wouldn't cause a wolf to not allow her into the pack. A female in heat in a pack could cause problems if not strictly monitored, and even Eris, as well-trained as she was, could fall prey to the instincts that were at such a fever pitch. On the other hand it might persuade a male leader to let her in if he found her alluring, but a female would be threatened, and so Eris desperately hoped to see a male.

When the large white male appeared in front of her it was as if her hopes had been answered. He walked forward with his chest puffed out, tail raised dominantly. With a tip of her head Eris was able to catch his scent, able to determine by the musk that matched that on the borders that this male was obviously a leader. And then he introduced himself - Alpha Azul. All at once Eris' silver eyes dropped to the ground at her paws, her body lowering to a humble crouch before the male. Her ears slicked back and her tail curled around her form, not quite tucking, but submissive all the same.

"Alpha Azul, I am Eris, she began. "I have lost my pack to slaughter and fear those responsible might come for me. I hope you will grant me sanctuary and allow me to join your pack." Her silver eyes lifted, landing on his muzzle and sure not to make direct eye contact. Her training was guiding her here, as she'd been schooled in all the forms of etiquette. Now she was at the bottom, not even Omega, and so she had to act accordingly.

"My parents were alphas and I have been trained well. I can hunt, defend, as well as fight if you've a need for any of those in your pack."
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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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Every demon wants his pound of flesh Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2013, 06:47

Towering over the fae, he looked over her submissive stance. It was impressive how many wolves actually followed this rule. This also made the Alpha rather pleased to find such a cooperating wolf at his border. Azul was never the brute to turn away a wolf, especially not a fae. In these rough times he would have to consider his family now more than ever. In a few weeks time, Lucy would give birth to their first litter of young. The ivory brute would have to worry which wolves he allowed into his lands, analyzing every inch of their fur and knowing exactly what they were here for. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "you may stand, Eris." He listened to her cry for help. Her family had been slaughtered, he knew what that was like, feeling he could relate to her, she was placed in a tender spot in his heart. But even still, he could not simply allow her entrance for the sole purpose of her leaving her natal pack. Would she be loyal in a time of need? "You say you can hunt and defend, but which are you better at? Or is there one you wish to become better at?" he eyed over her, watching her closely. Depending on how she would answer his questions, she would be allowed entrance. "I too lost family to slaughter and I will not allow it to happen ever again. Tell me, where do you come from? How much training have you received?"
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Every demon wants his pound of flesh Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2013, 22:14

Eris straightened her posture as the alpha beckoned, moving to a relaxed stance while still remaining polite. She refrained from making direct eye contact with the male out of respect and her ears, while no longer flattened, were off to the side. This was the first time she'd had to ask something of an alpha other than her parents. They had sent her on diplomatic missions to other packs before but never required anything more of her than to ask how things were going, find out information on how their pack could help, or gain help from the other pack. Now she stood before the ivory male asking to be a part of his family, and it was making her anxious.

"I am better at defending and fighting, sir, but I could also use more practice in hunting," she said truthfully, not wanting to leave anything aside. It seemed that while she was talking to this male she could ignore the darkness creeping inside of her. It was like a spark waiting for oxygen. When she found the right trigger, be that another wolf of a dark persuasion or another traumatic event, it would consume her in a fast-growing flame. "I come from the north, above where the cold keeps the trees from growing," she answered him. Even with her dark pelt she was still of a pack of more arctic wolves than anything else. "My mother was a southerner and it's where I get my dark coat, but the white patches, they are from my father. He looked like you. The two of them lead the pack and trained me, the only surviving pup of their litter, in the hopes that I would one day lead - but they were slaughtered only months ago."

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Elder Azul
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Elder Azul

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Every demon wants his pound of flesh Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2013, 08:42

Azul looked over her, listening to her sad tale. He could feel the pain she felt in her heart. The actions of her past had definitely molded who she was now. Azul was a caring leader, unable to shy wolves away from his lands. He took a deep sigh, looking into her eyes as he spoke gentle words. "Eris, I apologize for the loss of your family. That is something not many wolves can overcome. But here you are, standing at my border in hopes of starting a new life. So, on this day, your name shall now be Warrior Eris. You are welcome to wander the lands or come back to the pack with me. I must check on my mate, as she is carrying our young and I try not to spend too much time away from her." He lowered his head slightly, lowering his tail to hang between his legs. He took a step away from her and moved towards his home.

((Again, I apologize Eris! No need to reply to this anymore! Go post within the pack!!))
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PostSubject: Re: Every demon wants his pound of flesh Every demon wants his pound of flesh Icon_minitime

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